Bikers vs Surfers (M/F)

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Bikers vs Surfers (M/F)

Post by BoundandgaggedN8T »

Homecoming week was a busy time for anyone at Eaglewood High School, especially for an 18-year-old senior who was on the student council and was tasked with helping plan out the entire week. That was what Layla found herself doing for the last couple of days. Luckily, everything had gone smoothly so far, and Layla only had a few more days to stress about.

It was Thursday, just after school had let out for the day, which meant the big football game was tomorrow and the homecoming dance would be on Saturday. Since it was Spirit Week, each day had a different theme. Today was actually Layla’s favorite theme and one in which she had a major influence. Today's theme for spirit week was Bikers vs. Surfers, which was pretty simple to follow, just dress like a biker or a surfer.

Layla, who was very into the look of leather, obviously chose the biker side and came to school dressed up in a fancy outfit that consisted of black high-heeled boots that weren’t super over the top but were enough to get attention throughout the day and give Layla a few inches in height. Layla’s personal favorite and most daring part of her entire outfit was the black leather pants that fit perfectly on her athletic legs.

The rest of the outfit was made up of a sleeveless, tight tan top underneath an oversized light blue denim jacket that was ripped and held together by small white stings in some areas. Of course, Layla also wore a bunch of accessories, including large silver earrings, a cute little leather bag, and an expensive-looking black leather belt with a silver buckle.

It was definitely an outfit that freshman year Layla would have never worn, but Layla was totally confident and comfortable in herself nowadays, plus everyone seemed to love it, and she fit right in with the theme of the day.

Now the sounds of clicking from Layla’s heeled boots sounded throughout the auditorium, where she was doing a checkup to make sure everything was there that the school needed for the dance on Saturday. Since it was just after school, nobody else was around, and Layla figured she would be gone as well once she finished her checkup.

Layla made her way into the back rooms where everything was stored, and after locating everything that they would need to move tomorrow, she went to leave. Before Layla had left the back rooms, she got distracted by a rather large mirror, which caused her to check herself out.

Layla wasn’t the tallest person, only around 5’5" with a couple inches added on because of the heels at the moment. She had light brown skin because her parents were of different races. Layla did have an athletic body from playing softball that was slim while also being curvy in the right places. Layla’s personal favorite features were her super curly black hair that reached barely past her shoulders and her dark brown eyes.

While Layla was busy admiring herself and her choice of clothes, she failed to notice another person walk into the auditorium and into the back area and say, "Hey Layla." A male voice sounded behind her, which scared Layla momentarily before she turned and was greeted by a guy dressed in white Vans slip-ons with khaki shorts and a colorful Hawaiian shirt.

"Wassup Matt!" Layla replied with a smile. "You scared the shit outta me." She explained while giggling a little bit. Matt was an old friend of Layla’s who she had known all the way from elementary school, but they had grown apart in the last couple of years."I could tell." Matt said, remembering Layla’s reaction just a few moments ago, "Well you look stunning today." Matt commented on his old friend’s appearance, which looked especially impressive.

"Oh yeah, thanks..." Layla responded awkwardly, "I tried to look like a biker girl." She laughed once more. "I guess you’re supposed to be a surfer, huh?" Layla changed the subject to Matt’s appearance, which wasn’t as over the top as hers."I suppose so!" Matt replied while still eyeing up his old friend, Layla, who was definitely much more beautiful than he remembered. "So what are you doing here?" Matt asked.

"Making sure everything is here for the dance on Saturday." Layla explained matter-of-factly, "I was about to ask you the same question!" Layla inquired about Matt’s reason for being here after the school day was over."I forgot that you were on the student council." Matt said before quickly adding his reason for being here: "I was helping Mr.Harris with the truck in the auto body shop." Matt explained.

Layla chuckled. "Well, I also forgot that you were basically a genius when it came to anything car-related!" Matt’s father was a mechanic, and his skills were passed down to Matt, who planned to follow in his father's footsteps.

"Maybe not a genius." Matt tried to downplay Layla’s compliment before a little awkward tension filled the air. As cool as it was for Matt to catch up with his old friend, he had to admit that Layla was looking super cute, and he was thinking about her in a totally different way now.

During the few seconds of awkward silence that fell over the two old friends, Layla took that time to check out Matt a little. Matt definitely had a little glow, as he was now over 6 feet tall and his usual lanky frame was replaced by a layer of muscles that weren’t crazy big but enough to notice. His curvy, dirty blonde hair was as beautiful as ever and made a good combo with his blue eyes.

"Alright, cool seeing you again Matt." Layla smiled and hinted at her departure. A part of Layla wanted to stay and ask Matt if he was doing anything later today, but she didn’t feel like it was appropriate for her to ask. So before anything became more awkward, Layla figured she would just leave.

"Yeah, good seeing you." Matt replied sounding a little disappointed. Matt stared at the spot where Layla was standing as she began to walk away from him and towards the exit. After realizing that there were a couple rolls of duct tape hidden behind Layla, an idea instantly formed inside Matt’s head. "Layla wait!" Matt called out a little too loudly and excitedly.

"Whoa, Matt, chill out." Layla replied almost scoldingly before turning around to face Matt and asking, "What’s up?" She asked, wondering what made him react like that. Layla figured that Matt had gained enough courage to ask her if she wanted to hang out with him later.

"Sorry." Matt apologized while blushing at his little outburst "Do you remember back in middle school when we did an escape room for Mrs.Harper’s class project and I had to tie you up to test it out?" Matt asked, trying to sound as casual as possible even though he was super nervous.

"Yeah why?" Layla questioned herself, as she really wasn’t following whatever Matt had in mind. "All I remember was that you were pretty lousy at tying a girl up, and I escaped very easily." Layla commented slyly as she tried to remember the day as best as possible.

Matt couldn’t believe that Layla had basically talked herself straight into his plan. "You really think so?" Let me tie your ass up right now, and I guarantee you’ll be helplessly bound and gagged until whatever I decide to untie you!" Matt declared confidently.

“Where did all that come from?" Layla commented while giggling, "You’re normally such a sweet guy!" Something about Matt’s whole challenge sounded appealing to Layla, especially since she didn’t have anything better to be doing right now. "So what exactly would you tie me up with?" Layla asked, showing that she was interested.

"That." Matt pointed to the multiple rolls of duct tape while doing a victory lap inside of his head as his plan seemed to actually work. "And anything else that I can find in here that would help shut you up would be welcome." Matt added while scanning the room for exactly that.

“Oh wow." Layla replied, acting hurt, "Why would you want to shut me up? I thought you loved talking to me. We used to be besties!" Layla couldn’t help but crack a smile and giggle towards the end of her mini-rant.

“I hear you’re rather talkative at the student council meetings, so that’s all... Nothing personal." Matt grinned as he said his almost perfect response. During the little back and forth with Layla, Matt gathered a few items that may help him, including a box full of zip ties and a pair of long white socks.

"That’s a bunch of shit just to tie me up." Layla commented after checking out the items that Matt had gathered. Layla was starting to get a little excited about the idea of being tied up by a cute surfer boy in her hot biker outfit.

"You probably shouldn’t have teased me about escaping because I’m going to make sure you don’t this time." Matt replied before reaching for a roll of classic gray duct tape and the box filled with black heavy-duty zip ties. Alright, sit down on your butt and put your hands behind your back and your legs together." Matt asked, almost like he was commanding her.

"Yessir." Layla said in a very sarcastic voice, but she did exactly as she was told and sat down with her arms crossed behind her back and with her leather-clad legs pressed tightly together, "Why aren’t you tying me up to a chair this time?" Layla asked, remembering how she was bound by Matt a few years ago, before adding, "And what if someone walks in on us? That would be super awkward and embarrassing."

“A chair would make it easier for you to escape." Matt lied, and it probably would have made it harder for Layla, but Matt wanted to watch Layla wiggle around the floor all helplessly. "If somebody walks in on us, we’re probably screwed." Matt thought for a moment: "I’ll clamp my hand over your mouth and pick you up and carry you behind the curtains if we hear them walk in." Matt explained with a grin on his face, "If not, then I’ll probably get arrested!" Matt joked.

Layla giggled at Matt’s jokes and the thought of any of that actually happening. "If we do get caught, then I’m throwing you under the bus!" Layla replied with her own joke.

"You’re so bad, Layla." Matt shook his head before finally figuring out how to use the zip tie and placing it around Layla’s ankles before tightening it snugly. "Feels good?" Matt asked, looking up at his friend while placing a hand on her thigh.

"It feels like I’m being kidnapped!" Layla exclaimed while smiling as politely as she could at Matt touching her legs. "Matt, could you please take off my jean jacket?" Layla asked nicely, and Matt obliged with a nod of his head and carefully removed Layla’s jacket to fully reveal her tight, sleeveless tan shirt. "Thank you." Layla thanked Matt as she watched him place her jacket down on a table near by.

“That’s the nicest that you have been to me in a while Layla." Matt stated that he was genuinely surprised by the kindness shown by his old friend, especially in the situation in which they found themselves. Matt was expecting Layla to act like a brat the whole time. Despite Layla’s kindness, Matt preceded by tying her up and securely tightening a zip tie just above her shins but still below her knee.

"Well, that was also the first time that you have acted like a gentleman around me for a long time." Layla replied smartly with a cheeky smile on her face. Matt didn’t seem amused by Layla’s joke as he reacted by expertly wrapping duct tape around the zip ties on her ankle and below her knees that he had previously bonded her with. "Is that really necessary?"

After grinning at Layla’s taunting response, Matt decided to accelerate his progress at binding and especially gagging Layla, so he began wrapping tape over the zip ties for some extra security. "I’ve told you a hundred times Layla... I’m making sure that you don’t escape again." Matt explained that he was acting like he was frustrated by her.

"I bet you are doing your best." Layla replied bluntly while checking out her tight leather pants, which were now tightly wrapped in a couple layers of duct tape around her ankles and below her knees. Layla was starting to feel as though it might be a little bit more difficult to escape than the last time.

"What’s that even supposed to mean?" Matt exclaimed before deciding to push his luck to see just how far up Layla’s legs she would allow him to go. Without tightening a zip tie in place as Matt had done previously, since Layla’s upper legs were too wide for the zip tie to reach around effectively, Matt just began wrapping the classic gray duct tape around the area just above Layla’s knees and then in the area of her upper thigh just below her butt, which Layla surprisingly had no objection to.

Layla couldn’t help but get a little excited and nervous when Matt began wrapping her legs together just underneath her butt. Layla was watching Matt like a hawk until he looked up and smiled as he patted her down and smoothed out the tape over her leather pants. The look that Matt had given her and just the whole situation made Layla blush and giggle as she looked away.

“What’s wrong?" Matt was pretty confused by Layla’s reaction. He had thought that he had done a pretty good job on Layla’s legs so that she wouldn’t be walking away anytime soon, and plus, she definitely looked super cute with her legs taped up in those pants.

“Nothing Matt!" Layla replied, trying to control herself before looking back and making eye contact with Matt again. "You should probably go back to tying me up." She suggested.

“Alright, I guess." Matt said, shrugging his shoulders, that he had never really understood girls like most guys. Matt went behind Layla so that he could get a good angle at her hands behind her back by crossing them tightly together and using two zip ties to keep them that way. "Feels nice?" Matt asked once again.

Layla grunted "It feels like I’m being arrested now!" She exclaimed, now questioning her chances at actually escaping from her binds, as it seemed as though Matt had taken this far more seriously than before. Layla was surprised that she was enjoying being tied up by Matt far more than she would have expected.

“Well, you’re definitely the cutest criminal I’ve ever seen!" Matt replied in a joking tone, but in reality, he really wasn’t joking. Then, just as Matt had done with Layla’s lower legs, he began binding duct tape around her wrist to make sure that she wasn’t breaking out anytime soon. "I know you’re trying to look like a biker, but you could also pass as a cat burglar with those pants!" Matt joked after thinking for a second, "That would explain why you were being arrested."

Layla rolled her eyes but couldn’t help but crack a smile. "So I take it you really love my outfit today?" Layla raised her eyebrows, interested to see what Matt’s response would be. By this point, Layla was also fully convinced that Matt was right about having her ass helplessly bound and gagged until he wanted to untie her.

Now that it was Matt’s turn to blush, he decided to be completely honest and just hope that Layla would take it as hyperbole. "Of course I do!" Matt exclaimed, happy that he was behind Layla so that she didn’t see his expression on his face: "It’s the cutest that you’ve ever looked, and I especially love those pants... They fit you perfectly!" Matt complimented Layla while continuing to tie her up by wrapping duct tape around her slim waist and around her wrist behind her back to keep them in place.

"Awww, thanks, you’re too nice!" Layla showed Matt just how much that meant to her and how it was really sweet of him to say, "I’m feeling pretty helpless right now, so when exactly are you going to finish tying me up?" Layla asked, as she felt like a good amount of time had passed since she first entered the auditorium.

“Just a few more important things to deal with, and then you’ll be completely helpless, and I’ll be satisfied." Matt responded, making sure to hurry up on the last couple of things he wanted to do to Layla so that she wouldn’t grow frustrated with him. Similar to what Matt had done with Layla’s waist earlier, he wrapped tape underneath her chest that connected with her shoulders behind her back before hastily doing the same thing above Layla’s chest and to her shoulders.

Matt made sure to smooth out the silver duct tape onto Layla’s tan sleeveless top, which fit tightly onto her body. Of course, during the process, Matt accidentally brushed his fingers onto Layla’s boobs that were enlarged by the duct tape, which pressed against them from above and below, making her chest pop out, which Matt thought was particularly sexy. By this point, Matt was super glad that he was still behind Layla, as he was growing too excited and could barely control himself.

"Wow!" Layla said with a small grin after looking down and noticing how enlarged her chest now looked after Matt had finished wrapping duct tape on both sides of her chest, "I owe you an apology, Matt, as I’m pretty certain you know how to tie up a lady." Layla recalled her earlier insult that basically started the whole thing, or so she thought.

Matt laughed before turning Layla’s body around so that they were face to face, and he sat carefully on top of Layla’s bound-together thighs so that he was basically right up against her, facing each other. Matt placed one hand on each of Layla’s shoulders momentarily while they locked eyes, then Matt started speaking, "Forget what I said earlier, but you’re actually super sexy right now tied up like this in that outfit!"

Layla was definitely caught off guard by Matt’s little outburst, and it took her a second to think up a good response: "If you weren’t my old bestie and decently cute, I would call you a pervert." Layla replied jokingly, giggling once again.

"Oh, shut up Layla." Matt finally let the thoughts inside his head get the better of him, and he clamped his hand sternly over Layla’s lovely lips. Matt had been dreaming about this very moment since he first tied up Layla all those years ago, and for it to finally actually happen was amazing.

"Mmmmpppphhhhh!" Layla let out a muffled protest at Matt, but she figured it would be useless as Matt seemed to be hell-bent on doing whatever he wanted to do. Layla actually got a little turned on by the fact that she was so helpless now since she couldn’t speak or move.

“You look and sound so adorable!" Matt exclaimed to his now helpless friend. He was happy to see that Layla was smiling from underneath his hand that was muffling her voice, so that meant he wasn’t the only one who was enjoying this. With one hand still firmly held on Layla’s mouth, Matt reached over and grabbed a long white sock, which he had brought earlier.

"When I remove my hand from over your mouth, I expect you to open your mouth as wide as possible, like you’re at a dentist appointment, okay?" Matt explained that he was hoping that Layla would compile with him. Layla nodded her head obediently, so Matt took that as a yes and removed his hand.

Without even saying a word, Layla did exactly as she was told and opened her mouth as wide as possible, even adding the "Ahhhhhhhhh!" sound effect just to mess around.

“You’re an expert at this, huh, Layla?" Matt joked after being taken aback by how seductively she had opened her mouth and, of course, how elegant she looked with it open. Matt was starting to think he should probably be doing something else rather than gagging her with a sock.

Layla giggled and blushed at Matt’s joke but still managed to keep her mouth open in the desired position, and after a couple awkward seconds, Matt finally made his move. Layla grunted as Matt forced the long white sock into her mouth, and it quickly filled her mouth from the back of her throat to both sides of her cheeks. "Hhhhmmmmpppp!" Layla grunted.

"Oh wow, you’re a natural!" Matt continued teasing Layla as he filled her entire mouth with the sock. He originally thought that the whole sock wouldn’t fit inside Layla’s mouth, but that was quickly disproven. "Guess you really do have a big mouth, and I bet a pretty girl like you is used to having things shoved in your mouth, right Layla?" Matt loved taunting his friend now that she couldn’t respond.

“Mmmmmhhhhpppp!" Layla mumbled out her response, but it was hardly understandable. Layla shook her head and rolled her eyes to show that she didn’t agree with Matt, but the blushing on her cheeks and little grin told a different story.

Matt playfully patted Layla on her cheeks and said, "You’re such a cutie! I can’t believe I’m actually doing this to you." Matt spilled his real feelings out for a second before realizing that he still had work to do. Matt picked up the roll of classic silver duct tape, ripped off a piece, and placed it securely on Layla’s lips before smoothing it out. "This is amazing." Matt commented.

"mmhhpp." Layla grunted softly as Matt continued to place duct tape on her mouth very gently and slowly. He had to have placed at least five by the time that he was done with her, and now Layla could confidently say that she couldn’t say anything at all.

Matt caressed Layla’s cheeks as he admired how hot she looked with her mouth fully shut by a couple strips of duct tape and a whole sock stuffed inside of her mouth. It also made it a whole lot better that Layla was still clearly smiling underneath her gag. "What to do with you now, Layla?" Matt pondered.

"Mmmfffhhhppp." Layla moaned her response while tilting her head to an angle to show that she was also wondering the exact same thing. She figured that it was Matt’s decision since she was the one bound and gagged, plus, as he said earlier, he was going to do anything that he wanted.

Looking at Layla’s cute, helpless, bound, and gagged self in her sexy outfit, it was pretty hard for Matt to control himself, but he knew that he had to or else he might lose a friend and possibly even get into more trouble. So Matt just decided to joke around for now: "Maybe I could carry your ass to my car and stuff you in the trunk?" Matt suggested it playfully.

"Hhhhmmmppp!" Layla replied with a more aggressive moan than before and shook her head a few times to get her point across. She knew that Matt was joking, but if he actually did that, they would be totally spotted by the cameras, and the police would be called.

“Layla chill! I’m just joking." Matt laughed at his captive’s reaction: "At least you could give me a few minutes of you struggling to escape, then I’ll untie you." Matt asked being for real this time. As much as he wanted to do other things with Layla, Matt didn’t want to test his luck, and at the very least he'd get to see her roll around helplessly.

After acting like she was debating whether to agree to Matt’s request, Layla nodded her head once and said, "Mmmmhhhhhpppp!" Layla groaned loudly before turning her head around to try and see how exactly she would free herself. Of course, that didn’t help, and Layla ended up kicking her legs slowly while wiggling her upper body. She quickly found out that her suspicions were in fact true, and she wasn’t escaping at all.

Matt watched Layla with some amusement, but he was a little disappointed that she didn’t go crazy trying to escape. "That’s all you got?" He teased her, hoping that would get her going harder. Matt was starting to get a little anxious, as he knew it was far past time for them to be at school, and he was on the lookout for any janitor who entered the auditorium.

“mmmppphhh." Layla grunted, trying to sound annoyed as she rolled her eyes. She decided to go along, but the reason she wasn’t struggling like she was actually kidnapped was because Layla didn’t want to get all sweaty and mess up her clothes. Layla hoped that rolling over on her stomach and kicking her heels up in the air while wiggling her leather-clad butt right in Matt’s face would satisfy him.

“Oh, that’s way better!" Matt said, sounding pleased with a grin on his face. As much as Matt loved looking at Layla’s beautiful face, it was just as good watching her wiggle her butt around, especially in those pants. Matt wanted to give Layla a firm smack on her ass, but he didn’t know if she would be comfortable with all that.

Layla looked over her shoulder and spotted Matt looking very happy with himself, and she gave him a wink before giggling underneath her gag. She continued wiggling around from side to side and up and down while also kicking her bound legs up in the air.

Matt couldn’t believe how good of a sport Layla was about being tied up by him, that made the whole situation a hundred times more enjoyable. Once Layla had turned her head back around, Matt decided to take a little risk and grab his iPhone and take a couple pictures of Layla’s bound and gagged self while she couldn’t see before quickly hiding his phone.

Eventually Layla had become a little tired of struggling around, so she just decided to relax in her bondage with the occasional light moan and little struggle. It was weirdly comfortable for Layla, probably because she felt safe around Matt, but she was completely helpless.

Matt could tell his cute damsel had started to grow bored of being tightly tied up, so he knew that it would be time for him to untie Layla soon. "Alrighty, let’s get you untied, but first, can I get a couple pictures of you like this so we can always remember this moment?" Matt suggested that, hoping that would convince her.

Layla was pushed back into a sitting position by Matt before she responded by shrugging her shoulders. She really didn’t care that much. Layla was just relieved that Matt had agreed to let her go, as she didn’t want to be tied up at school the whole night.

"Thanks." Matt said before taking a few pictures of Layla in the sitting position before getting a couple up-close pictures of her. Then Matt got a cute selfie with Layla’s gagged face and another one with him. The last pictures Matt took were another selfie of Layla basically sitting on his lap with Matt behind her. "Those look awesome!" Matt exclaimed after checking out the photos that Layla was absolutely an amazing model.

“Mmmmhhhhpppp!" Layla mumbled out her little cheer. She thought the pictures actually turned out pretty great once Matt showed them to her, and Layla now knew why Matt kept complimenting her, as she looked gorgeous. Matt seemed to be taking extra time checking out the pictures, so Layla grunted for Matt’s attention before giving him the look.

“Oh shit, my bad!" Matt apologized, realizing that he was supposed to be untying his friend. "Sorry, I was just admiring you a little too much!" Matt joked before slowly peeling off the multiple layers of duct tape over Layla’s lips until she spat out the wet sock from inside her mouth.

"Ewwww, that was nasty!" Layla exclaimed as she watched the soaking wet sock fall to the floor. She was happy to be able to speak again though, saying, "We should probably get outta here soon because I’m pretty sure we’re not supposed to be here anymore." Layla explained, figuring that it was far past that time.

"You think?" Matt replied sarcastically before looking around the room for anything that might help him untie Layla quickly. "Here we go." Matt muttered as his eyes landed on a pair of scissors, and he hastily grabbed them and began cutting Layla free.

Layla watched closely as Matt cut away at the tape binding her upper body tightly together and made sure Matt didn’t cut anything that he wasn’t supposed to. "So Matt, where did you learn how to tie up someone like this?" Layla asked the question that had been on her mind for a while.

"Oh, you just pissed me off, and all this just came over me in the moment." Matt answered jokingly and hoped that Layla wouldn’t push for a more serious answer, or he might have to gag her again. While Matt was explaining himself, he had freed Layla’s entire upper body and her hands.

Layla rolled her eyes but didn’t bother asking again. "Well, for a while there, I thought you were actually going to kidnap me!" She giggled as she finally moved her arms around since they were no longer bound behind her back.

“Yeah, I kind of wish that I did!" Matt teased getting excited at the thought of actually kidnapping Layla and having her all to himself for however long he wanted. Matt finished up removing the duct tape from Layla’s legs, he did it rather carefully so that he didn’t mess up her leather pants.

"Very funny." Layla said dryly and then stood up for the first time in a while. "Feels good to finally be able to move again!" Layla exclaimed happily before noticing Matt coming up behind her with her jean jacket, which she had taken off earlier. "Awwww, thank you so much Matt!" Layla was happy that he remembered that, and she let him put it on her like a gentleman.

“My pleasure." Matt replied, now realizing that it was basically time for them to go their separate ways. "I guess we leave now?" He asked, sounding a little sad, knowing that he might have missed out on his chance to do anything more with Layla earlier.

"Sure." Layla answered while grabbing her leather bag. "You want to hang out for the rest of the day?" Layla asked Matt, trying to sound casual. She felt bad for him, as he seemed a little disappointed that they were leaving.

Immediately, Matt’s whole expression changed to a much happier one, "Oh yeah, of course I would love too!" Matt said, sounding very excited. He couldn’t believe that this cute girl, whom he had tied up earlier, was asking him to hang out.

“Okay great!" Layla giggled at Matt’s cute reaction as they began heading out of school. "So where are we headed to? ….."
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Post by Treville »

Nice story, I really liked it!
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Post by BoundandgaggedN8T »

Treville wrote: 9 months ago Nice story, I really liked it!
Thanks, that really means a lot to me.
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Post by dream713 »

I like this story!
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Post by GreyLord »

This was very nice. I was a most enjoyable read. As this is a restart of an old friendship, you could easily continue this story. I wish you would.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by BoundandgaggedN8T »

It really motivates me hearing from fellow writers that they enjoyed my work so thank you guys and I’m glad I wrote something that others enjoyed.
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Post by gurl_in_ropes »

Loved the story! I especially liked the dialouge exchange between them.
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Post by Ovi1 »

Great story!
Feels like a continuation is indeed possible.
I believe you would be a lot more comfortable in ropes
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Post by BoundandgaggedN8T »

gurl_in_ropes wrote: 8 months ago Loved the story! I especially liked the dialouge exchange between them.
Thanks! Making the dialogue between Matt and Layla was by far the funniest part and I tried to make it as realistic to how people talked back in high school, which wasn’t that long ago. I also tried to make sure everything was easily understood though.
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Post by BoundandgaggedN8T »

Ovi1 wrote: 8 months ago Great story!
Feels like a continuation is indeed possible.
You really think so? Honestly I really haven’t given it much thought but thinking about it makes me think that there is a possibility.

At the moment I’m busy trying to plan out a little amateur bondage model picture shoot story idea and I’m also hoping to write something Halloween themed in the coming weeks. Of course the idea of continuing this story would be enjoyable and if anyone wants to chat about it more please PM me.
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