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Jane's Jungle Adventures (MF/F)

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2023 7:57 am
by drgoremd
(The following is based on the old Republic Serials of the 1940s. The main character is Jane Clayton (nee Porter), the wife of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes. Each chapter will end on a cliffhanger with Jane facing almost certain death, as she struggles against cannibal tribes, White poachers, witch doctors, German spies and the numerous perils that confront those who inhabit the deepest jungles of Africa.)

Chapter 1: Abducted!

Jane Porter sat perched in the treetop sanctuary that she called home. The warmth of the midday sun bathed her, casting dappled shadows across her bare, sun-kissed skin. The gentle rustling of leaves provided a soothing soundtrack, as if nature itself whispered secrets to her.

Little did she know that the tranquility of her peaceful abode was about to be shattered.

Jane, now a young woman of twenty, radiated a captivating blend of strength and grace. Her once delicate frame had matured into a lean, sinewy form, honed by the demands of the jungle. Every sinew and muscle spoke of her transformation, bearing witness to her journey from a shy, retiring schoolgirl to a wild, untamed force of nature.

Her once soft features now possessed an air of resilience, her azure eyes shining with a fierceness that mirrored the untamed spirit of the jungle itself. Framed by windswept chestnut tresses, her face told tales of countless adventures and encounters with the untamed inhabitants of the jungle.

Jane's attire mirrored her adaptation to her surroundings. No longer clad in the modest attire of her earlier days, she now wore garments woven from the finest animal hides, allowing her freedom of movement while retaining a hint of modesty. Her soft animal hides draped over her body, covering her top and bottom, their earthy tones blending seamlessly with the vibrant greens and browns of the jungle.

A hunting knife, a loyal companion in her journey, hung loosely from a belt around her hips, a symbol of her prowess and readiness to face the challenges of the wild. It served as both a tool and a statement, a testament to her newfound skills and the depths of her knowledge of the jungle.

Her senses had become finely attuned to the intricacies of the natural world. Her hearing had sharpened, capable of discerning the faintest rustling of leaves or the distant call of a hidden creature. Her keen eyes surveyed the environment, spotting minute details and tracking movements imperceptible to the untrained observer.

Jane's transformation was more than physical; it was a deep connection to the heart of the jungle itself. The lush foliage, the murmurs of unseen life, and the symphony of nature had become an extension of her very being. She moved with an innate confidence, guided by an intimate understanding of the jungle's secrets.

In the past year and a half, Jane had blossomed into a captivating Jungle Beauty, a force to be reckoned with. Her wild, untamed spirit had merged seamlessly with her intelligence and deep knowledge of the jungle, making her a formidable hunter, protector, and advocate for the delicate balance of life within the vibrant tapestry of the jungle.

As Jane leaned against a sturdy branch, her eyes traced the vibrant green foliage that stretched out before her. It was in this moment of quiet contemplation that a faint rustling sound reached her ears. Her senses instantly sharpened, and her emerald eyes scanned the surroundings.

Emerging from the dense undergrowth, three figures appeared: two men and a woman, dressed in rugged attire that clashed with the vibrant tapestry of the jungle. Their tanned faces were etched with lines of experience, while their eyes gleamed with an unsettling glint of determination. They were poachers.

The poachers approached Jane cautiously, their eyes flickering over her with a mix of surprise and desire. Jane met their gaze with a combination of curiosity and wariness. She was clad in soft animal hides that covered her modesty, a reflection of her adaptation to the ways of the jungle. A hunting knife hung loosely at her side, secured by a belt that accentuated her slender figure.

One of the men, a wiry figure with a rough beard, cleared his throat, breaking the tense silence. "You must be Jane Porter," he said, his voice rough and lacking in grace.

Jane nodded, her expression guarded. "Yes, that's correct. And who might you be?"

The woman among them stepped forward, her piercing blue eyes studying Jane intently. "We're in need of Tarzan's guidance," she declared, her voice laced with a subtle arrogance. "We've heard of the fabled Elephant Graveyard and the ivory treasures it holds."

Jane's features tightened, her gaze hardening. She knew of the sacred place they spoke of, a hallowed ground where elephants were laid to rest by the very hands of the jungle. It was a place of reverence, a sanctuary where life and death intertwined in harmony. Outsiders were strictly forbidden from trespassing upon its sacred soil.

"I'm sorry," Jane replied firmly, "but Tarzan is on an extended hunting trip. Besides, he would never guide anyone to the Elephant Graveyard. It's a sacred place, and its sanctity must be preserved."

The second man, his voice gruff with impatience, chimed in. "We've heard rumors, lady. We know Tarzan's affinity with the jungle. We're willing to pay handsomely for his services, and for yours if necessary. Lead us there."

Jane's face contorted with a mix of sadness and defiance. "Money cannot buy what you seek," she stated, her voice tinged with resolution. "The Elephant Graveyard holds more than mere ivory. It holds the spirits of the fallen, and the echoes of the jungle's heart. I refuse to betray its sanctity."

The poachers exchanged glances, frustration etching lines upon their faces. The woman's features hardened into a scowl as she stepped forward, invading Jane's personal space. "You have no right to withhold such treasures from the world," she spat, her voice dripping with venom.

Jane stood her ground, her emerald eyes meeting the woman's gaze unflinchingly. "And you have no right to desecrate what you do not understand," she retorted, her words laced with quiet fury. "Leave this place. The jungle will not welcome your greed."

The poachers hesitated for a moment, their gazes flickering between Jane's defiant form and the expanse of the jungle surrounding them. With a final glare of resentment, they turned on their heels, retreating into the undergrowth from whence they came.

Jane let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding, her body relaxing as the tension melted away. She knew that her refusal would not be the end of their pursuit, but she remained resolute in her decision to protect the secrets of the Elephant Graveyard.

As the jungle claimed the echoes of their departure, Jane retreated deeper into the embrace of her treehouse sanctuary.


Hidden amidst the dense foliage, the three poachers gathered, their faces etched with frustration and determination. The woman's piercing blue eyes darted between her companions, her mind brewing with a dangerous idea.

"We can't just let her refuse us," she hissed, her voice low but brimming with determination. "She's the key to finding the Elephant Graveyard, and we won't get far without her."

The wiry man scratched his scruffy beard, his brows furrowed in contemplation. "She seems stubborn, that one. Won't budge an inch."

"We can't let her refusal deter us," she growled, her voice laced with venomous intent. "Jane Porter holds the key to the Elephant Graveyard, and we'll get what we want, one way or another." The woman's eyes widened, the glimmer of a malicious plan taking shape. "We’ll kidnap her," she suggested, her voice a dangerous whisper.

The wiry man, his eyes gleaming with greed, nodded eagerly. "She's vulnerable here, all alone in her treehouse. We could easily overpower her and force her to lead us to the fabled graveyard."

The second man, his voice low and gruff, interjected, "We must tread carefully. She's no ordinary woman. Tarzan chose her for a reason. If we underestimate her, we'll pay the price."

The woman smirked, a malicious glint in her eyes. "I'm not suggesting we take her head-on. We need a plan. We'll strike under cover of darkness, when she least expects it. If we catch her off guard, she won't stand a chance."

"If we hold her captive, she'll have no choice but to lead us to the Elephant Graveyard. And once we have what we want, well..."

A dark chuckle escaped the gruff man's throat. "Once we have the ivory, we won't need her anymore."

The scarred man crossed his arms, his voice heavy with caution. "Don't underestimate her. She's not just some delicate flower. She's adapted to this jungle, and she's learned from Tarzan himself. She won't go down without a fight."

A twisted smirk played across the woman's face. "Oh, I don't doubt she'll put up a struggle. But we'll be prepared. We'll overpower her, and once we have her under our control, the secrets of the Elephant Graveyard will be within our grasp."

With their sinister plan formulated, the poachers dispersed, each disappearing into the shadows of the jungle. Their eyes burned with a ruthless determination, driven by greed and a hunger for forbidden treasures.


Under the cover of darkness, the three poachers, driven by their insatiable greed, approached the treehouse that Jane Porter called home. A taut silence hung in the air, broken only by the soft rustling of leaves and the occasional hushed breath. They moved with calculated stealth, their eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of unexpected guests.

The wiry man, a cloth soaked in a powerful sedative gripped tightly in his hand, stepped forward. "We need to approach the treehouse from different angles. This will minimize the chances of being detected and increase our chances of success."

The woman nodded, her gaze narrowing with a predatory intensity. "Agreed. I'll take the lead. The moment we reach the base of the treehouse, we strike. We have to be swift and efficient."

With their roles defined, they began their cautious ascent. Each step was executed with practiced precision, avoiding the creaking branches and ensuring their approach remained undetected. They moved like shadows, blending seamlessly with the night, their malicious intentions cloaked beneath a veil of darkness.

As they reached the base of the treehouse, the wiry man carefully unfolded the cloth, revealing a potent sedative that could render even the strongest of individuals powerless. Its pungent scent wafted through the air, a subtle warning of the danger it held.

The woman glanced at her companions, her eyes gleaming with a combination of excitement and anticipation. "Once we breach the treehouse, we need to move swiftly. We can't afford to give her a chance to raise the alarm or resist."

The wiry man nodded, his grip tightening around the cloth. "We'll overpower her and incapacitate her with the drug. It should act swiftly, rendering her unconscious."

The scarred man, his voice laced with a mixture of concern and caution, spoke up. "But remember, we mustn't cause her any lasting harm. We need her alive and capable of leading us to the Elephant Graveyard."


As the wiry man reached the platform of the treehouse, he steadied himself, crouching low to avoid detection. His eyes scanned the interior, seeking out Jane's slumbering form. The soft glow of moonlight filtered through the cracks in the wooden walls, casting gentle shadows across the room.

There, amidst a collection of jungle artifacts and trinkets, on a woven rope bed lay Jane, unaware of the imminent threat looming above her. Her chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm, the peace of her dreams undisturbed by the encroaching danger.

With a calculated movement, the wiry man silently approached the sleeping form, his hands itching with anticipation. He reached into a hidden pocket, retrieving the ether soaked cloth. His heart pounded in his chest as he carefully placed the cloth over Jane's nose and mouth, ensuring she would remain in a deep slumber.

The seconds stretched into eternity as the sedative took effect, gradually rendering Jane into a state of deep unconsciousness. Once satisfied that she was under their control, the wiry man motioned to his companions, their eyes filled with a combination of triumph and unease.

The scarred man and the woman crept up the ladder, their movements synchronized and deliberate. Together, they entered the treehouse, their presence shrouded by darkness. Their hearts raced with the enormity of what they were about to undertake, the weight of their actions threatening to overwhelm them.

They bound Jane's wrists and ankles with sturdy ropes and covered her mouth with a gag, ensuring she would be unable to escape. Their hands moved with a mixture of roughness and caution, aware that any sudden movement could awaken her from the sedative-induced slumber.

With Jane securely restrained, the poachers exchanged a fleeting glance, their eyes conveying a silent agreement. The time had come to make their exit, to disappear into the depths of the jungle with their captive, leaving behind the sanctuary Jane cherished.


Jane's eyes fluttered open, consciousness returning like a slow sunrise. As her senses awakened, she realized with a sinking feeling that something was horribly wrong. Darkness enveloped her, and the realization of her predicament hit her like a thunderclap.

Bound tightly, her limbs restrained by coarse ropes, Jane struggled against her bonds, her muscles straining with a mix of desperation and determination. Panic surged within her, but she fought to keep it at bay, knowing that a clear mind was her best ally.

Her eyes darted around, adjusting to the dim light that filtered through the dense canopy overhead. She found herself in the heart of the poachers' camp, a crude circle of worn-out tents and flickering fire pits. The air hung heavy with tension, and the sounds of the jungle seemed muffled, as if the surrounding foliage held its breath, aware of the impending danger.

The sound of approaching footsteps reverberated through the camp, drawing Jane's attention. Three shadows emerged from the shadows, their silhouettes becoming more distinct as they drew nearer. The woman, wiry man, and scarred man stepped into view, their expressions a mixture of triumph and malevolence.

The woman among them noticed Jane's awakening and strode forward, her eyes gleaming with a malicious triumph.

A twisted smile curled the woman's lips as she surveyed Jane, bound and defenseless. "Ah, the queen of the jungle finally awakens."

Jane's eyes blazed with a defiant fire, her muffled voice strained as she tried to speak through the gag. She glared at her captors, refusing to show an ounce of fear.

A cruel smile played upon the woman’s lips as she ripped the gag from Jane's mouth, causing a sharp intake of breath.

"Well, well, Jane Porter," the woman sneered, her voice dripping with contempt. "You thought you could defy us, didn't you? But now you're at our mercy."

Jane's emerald eyes blazed with defiance, her voice laced with iron determination. "You will never find the Elephant Graveyard. Its secrets are meant to remain hidden from those who seek to desecrate it."

The wiry man chuckled darkly, his voice filled with a cruel amusement. "We've dealt with stubborn fools like you before. Trust me, you will lead us there, willingly or not."

The scarred man, his gaze hardened by the shadows, stepped forward, his voice gruff with impatience. "Enough games. Tell us how to find the Elephant Graveyard, or face the consequences."

Jane met their gazes unwaveringly, her voice ringing out with a fierce resolve. "I will never betray the sacredness of the Elephant Graveyard. The jungle will protect its own."

Infuriated by Jane's refusal, the woman lunged forward, her hand connecting with a resounding slap across Jane's cheek. Pain blossomed, momentarily stunning her.

"You have no choice, Jane," the woman hissed, her voice thick with venom. "Either you lead us to the Elephant Graveyard willingly, or we'll make you suffer until you comply. The choice is yours."

Jane's breath hitched, a mix of fear and defiance filling her eyes. She refused to let them break her spirit, even in the face of such cruelty. She remained resolute, her voice unwavering. "I will never lead you there. No matter what you do to me."

“Very well then. You leave us no choice.”

The woman's gaze locked onto the scarred man, a silent communication passing between them like an electric current. In that unspoken exchange, understanding and purpose were shared. The woman's eyes narrowed, and a flicker of anticipation danced across her features.

With a deliberate movement, the scarred man withdrew a gleaming machete from his belt, the cold blade catching the moonlight, casting a glint of danger. He moved towards Jane, his presence a menacing shadow, instilling fear with each step.

Jane's heart pounded within her chest, her breath held captive as she watched the scarred man's approach. Her body tensed, instinct urging her to escape, but her bonds held her firmly in place, restraining her desperate struggle.

The scarred man, his gaze unwavering, seized a handful of Jane's hair, tugging her head backward, causing her to gasp in pain. Her neck was exposed, vulnerable, like a delicate flower awaiting the fall of a cruel blade.

A chill permeated the air as the cold edge of the machete found its place against her soft, pale skin, its presence a menacing reminder of the perilous power held by her captors. The threat was palpable, hanging in the air like an unspoken promise of harm.

Jane's eyes met the scarred man's, defiance shining through her fear. She refused to be cowed, her indomitable spirit refusing to yield to the intimidation before her. Though her voice was silent, her determination roared within her soul.

In the charged silence, the weight of the moment pressed upon them all. The poachers, emboldened by their cruel display, awaited Jane's compliance, eager to seize control of her will.

As the scene hung in a delicate balance, the outcome remained uncertain. The fate of Jane and the jungle's secrets rested on the knife's edge. A single motion would end her life. She closed her eyes and awaited the killing blow...

[To Be Continued]

Re: Jane's Jungle Adventures (MF/F)

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 6:42 am
by drgoremd
Jane's Jungle Adventures - Chapter 2 - "Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire"

Jane's heart pounded in her chest as the scarred man poised the sharp edge of the machete against her vulnerable flesh. Just as tension reached its peak, a voice pierced through the charged air, cutting through the palpable threat.

"Enough," the woman poacher commanded, her tone holding a mix of authority and calculation. She stepped forward, a stern expression on her face as she locked eyes with Jane. "Consider yourself lucky, Jane Porter. We will allow you time to contemplate your decision."

Relief washed over Jane, fleeting though it may be, as the machete was reluctantly withdrawn. She sucked in a shaky breath, her eyes flickering between the poachers, a spark of defiance still gleaming within.

"But make no mistake," the woman continued, her voice laced with a cold determination, "your next refusal will seal your fate. Death will be the consequence of such defiance."

As if to emphasize the gravity of her words, the scarred man forcefully plunged the machete's tip into the ground, the blade quivering as it stood upright. It served as a stark reminder of the impending threat, a chilling visual representation of the consequences that loomed over Jane's every decision.

With a resigned sigh, the poachers re-gagged Jane, ensuring her silence, and pushed her back onto the cot, leaving her alone to confront the weight of her bonds and the tangled web of danger that surrounded her.

As the poachers retreated, their presence fading into the darkness, Jane struggled against her restraints, her mind racing with thoughts of escape. The makeshift cot creaked beneath her as she strained against her bonds, her determination growing with each passing moment.

The jungle's symphony of sounds whispered through the night, a constant reminder of the wild, untamed world outside her confines. Jane knew that within the heart of that wilderness, her strength and resourcefulness would be her allies.

Alone in the stillness of her temporary prison, she resolved to defy the poachers' demands, to protect the sanctity of the Elephant Graveyard and the secrets it held.

Jane's eyes darted around the camp, her mind racing with desperate calculations. As her gaze settled on the machete the scarred man had carelessly left in the dirt, a flicker of hope ignited within her.

A surge of determination coursed through her veins, fueling her desire for freedom. Despite her hands and feet being bound, she knew she had to find a way to reach the tool that could sever her restraints and offer a chance at escape.

Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, Jane shifted her body, inching herself forward using her bound legs. Each movement was deliberate, a careful dance of balance and strength. The rough terrain beneath her scraped against her skin, but she pushed through the discomfort, focused on her goal.

With measured determination, she maneuvered her body closer to the machete, her muscles straining against the bindings that held her captive. Her hands wriggled and flexed, desperate to reach the blade that held the promise of liberation.

Time seemed to stretch as Jane's struggle intensified, the campsite enveloped in an oppressive silence broken only by her strained breaths. Beads of perspiration formed on her forehead, mingling with the dirt and grime that clung to her skin.

Inch by painstaking inch, Jane continued her arduous journey, her mind honed on the singular purpose of reaching the machete. The ropes constricted her movements, adding to the difficulty, but she refused to yield to despair.

As her fingers trembled with exertion, a surge of relief washed over Jane as they brushed against the hilt of the machete. A flicker of triumph flashed in her eyes as she realized she was within reach of freedom.

Summoning every ounce of strength, Jane contorted her body, her limbs straining against their bindings. With a surge of determination, she gripped the machete's handle, feeling its cold metal against her skin.

Her heart raced with anticipation as she maneuvered the machete, carefully angling it against the ropes that held her captive. Each slice of the blade against the bindings was a step closer to liberation, a testament to her unwavering spirit.

With each precise cut, the ropes weakened, their grip loosening. The pain of the serrated blade against her skin paled in comparison to the sweet taste of freedom that loomed just within her grasp.

Finally, with one final decisive swing, the last of the restraints fell away, releasing Jane from her confines. Her body tingled with relief as she massaged her wrists and ankles, the marks of her captivity a stark reminder of her resilience.

Jane's heart pounded in her chest as she searched her tent for a weapon, her eyes scanning the dimly lit space for a glimmer of hope. And there, tucked beneath a bundle of supplies, she spotted it—a hunting knife. She reached for it eagerly, its cool handle reassuring in her grasp.

Realizing that a direct escape might invite pursuit, Jane knew she needed a diversion to create a window of opportunity. She decided to set fire to the tent, using the chaos and confusion as cover for her getaway.

Stepping outside the tent, she treaded lightly, her senses on high alert for any sign of her captors. Her eyes darted from shadow to shadow, ensuring that she remained unseen. The stillness of the night added to her caution, amplifying the thudding of her own heartbeat.

Satisfied that the coast was clear, Jane seized one of the torches that illuminated the camp. She held her breath, conscious of the risks that lay ahead, but resolute in her determination to reclaim her freedom.

Positioning herself strategically, Jane directed the flame towards the tent's fabric, the fire eagerly devouring the dry material. The flames danced and leaped, their orange glow licking at the night sky, casting eerie shadows in the surrounding jungle.

Her heart pounded within her chest as she watched the fire take hold, engulfing the tent in an inferno of chaos and noise. Sparks crackled and billowing smoke filled the air, drawing attention away from her impending escape.

With the diversion in motion, Jane seized the opportunity. She moved swiftly, silently slipping away from the burning tent, her senses attuned to any sound or movement that might betray her captors' presence.

Step by step, she navigated the shadows, her adrenaline pushing her forward. She knew that time was of the essence, and every passing moment brought her closer to the salvation of the dense jungle that beckoned in the distance.

As the sounds of chaos erupted behind her, Jane disappeared into the darkness, her figure melding with the wild landscape she called home. The crackling flames and billowing smoke served as a symbol of her defiance, a testament to her unyielding spirit.

With the hunting knife gripped tightly in her hand, she moved with purpose, propelled by the urgency of her escape and the unwavering determination to protect the jungle.


Jane's heart pounded as she ventured deeper into the dense jungle, the ominous veil of night casting a shroud of uncertainty over her path. Every step she took seemed to blur her surroundings further, disorienting her sense of direction. She had been taken far from her home, and the vastness of the jungle swallowed her with its impenetrable darkness.

To make matters worse, the acrid smoke from the burning tent clung to the air, stinging Jane's eyes and nostrils, obscuring the natural scents that could have guided her back to familiarity. She strained her ears, hoping for a hint of a familiar call or the rustle of leaves that would lead her in the right direction. But the silence of the night only deepened her isolation.

As she pressed forward, a sudden rustle caught her attention, and her senses heightened with caution. Before she could react, a sharp pain erupted in her side, radiating through her body. A tranquilizer dart, propelled from a hidden blowgun, had found its mark.

Jane's body weakened, her muscles succumbing to the potent sedative coursing through her veins. She stumbled, her vision blurring, as the jungle seemed to spin around her. The tranquilizer's effects were swift and merciless, enveloping her in a hazy fog of drowsiness.

Fighting against the encroaching darkness, Jane struggled to keep her eyes open, to resist the seductive pull of unconsciousness. But her strength waned with each passing moment, her movements growing sluggish and unsteady.

With a final effort, she tried to call out, to summon help from the vast expanse of the jungle that surrounded her. Her voice emerged as a mere whisper, swallowed by the night's oppressive silence.

Her body gave way, collapsing onto the forest floor, her consciousness slipping away like water through her fingers. As the jungle claimed her in its mysterious embrace, a bitter taste of frustration mingled with her fading awareness.


Jane's eyelids fluttered open, the heaviness of sleep gradually lifting. As her senses returned, she became aware of her constrained position, her hands and feet bound tightly to a sturdy pole. Panic surged within her as she realized she was being carried by a group of people whose language she couldn't comprehend.

Despite her disoriented state, Jane's familiarity with the dialect and the markings on their bodies triggered a chilling recognition. These were the tribespeople known for their cannibalistic practices, a tribe feared and shrouded in dark legends. Dread settled like a heavy weight in the pit of her stomach, intensifying her desperate need to escape.

Jane's attempts to struggle against her restraints were futile, and her vision blurred as the rhythmic swaying of her captors' movements rocked her back into unconsciousness.

When she regained consciousness once more, Jane found herself in a different, confining predicament. Bound and gagged, she lay within a bamboo cage that confined her movements, rendering her helpless. The cage stood within what appeared to be a small village, with huts made of woven palm leaves and the sounds of distant activity.

A chill crept through her veins as her gaze fell upon the scattered bones inside the cage. The remnants of what appeared to be a human skeleton lay as a haunting reminder of the tribe's macabre practices. Jane's mind raced, attempting to piece together her situation and formulate a plan of escape.

The villagers moved about, their gazes occasionally meeting Jane's, filled with an unsettling mixture of curiosity and sinister intent. They spoke in hushed tones, their words unintelligible to her, further deepening her isolation and fear.

As Jane fought against her restraints, a realization settled upon her—she was ensnared in a treacherous web, a captive in a village where her life hung in the balance. She knew she needed to summon her strength, her resourcefulness, and find a way to break free from the confines of her bamboo prison before the tribe's dark intentions materialized.


As the village bustled with activity, a shift in Jane's circumstances unfolded. The villagers approached her bamboo cage, their eyes glimmering with a mix of curiosity and anticipation. Uncertainty gnawed at Jane's mind, her heart pounding as they opened the cage door and released her from her bonds.

Her body ached from the strain of captivity, but a glimmer of relief washed over her as the weight of the restraints lifted. She gingerly rose to her feet, her muscles protesting against the strain they had endured. Though her fear remained palpable, a flicker of hope sparked within her as she was led away from the confinements of the cage.

Guided by the women of the tribe, Jane was led to a secluded area near the village, where a small pool of water awaited her. The women's gentle touch and soothing whispers created an atmosphere of surreal serenity. As they began to wash her, Jane's body tensed instinctively, her mind grappling with conflicting emotions.

The cool water cascaded over her skin, washing away the grime and sweat of captivity. The women's skilled hands moved with a delicate touch, lathering her body with fragrant herbs and cleansing her wounds. Jane's muscles gradually relaxed, surrendering to the unexpected comfort of the moment.

Though her body found solace in the cleansing ritual, Jane couldn't shake the lingering concern in her heart. She couldn't ignore the nagging thought that this act of washing and preparation might serve a sinister purpose, perhaps preparing her for a fate she dared not imagine.

Yet, as the women's care and tenderness enveloped her, a flicker of trust began to form within Jane's weary soul. Their gestures, while unfamiliar, held an essence of genuine compassion. It was an inexplicable dichotomy—feeling relief and unease intertwine, the line between safety and danger blurred.

Throughout the cleansing ritual, Jane's mind wrestled with conflicting possibilities. Was this an act of kindness, a respite from the harrowing ordeal she had endured? Or was it merely a prelude to a more sinister agenda, a deceptive calm before an impending storm?

Regardless of her trepidation, Jane allowed herself to succumb to the momentary respite. She surrendered to the cleansing waters, cherishing the brief sanctuary it provided. Deep within, she knew that despite the comforting touch of the women, she had to remain vigilant, ready to seize any opportunity that might present itself.

As Jane was gently dried and re-dressed by the women of the tribe, a growing sense of trepidation gnawed at her core. The familiarity of their actions, coupled with the eerie sight unfolding before her, ignited a chilling realization deep within her being.


Dressed once more and led back to the confines of her bamboo cage, Jane's eyes caught sight of the villagers meticulously constructing a charcoal fire pit nearby. A chilling realization coursed through her veins, freezing her in place. The sinister truth dawned upon her—her fears were validated. They were indeed preparing her for a ritual, one that involved fire and sacrifice.

Locked inside the cage once more, Jane's mind raced with desperation. The realization that her captors intended to use her as a sacrifice, her body consumed by the flames, sent waves of fear crashing over her. Time seemed to stand still, the anticipation of her impending doom hanging heavily in the air.

In the flickering glow of twilight, a sinking feeling settled within Jane's soul. The darkness closed in around her, both literally and metaphorically, as the village prepared for its malevolent rite. With the distant crackling of wood and the acrid scent of charcoal permeating the air, the stage was set for what could be her final act.

Re: Jane's Jungle Adventures (MF/F)

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2023 5:42 am
by drgoremd
CHAPTER 3 - Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?

As the ominous night descended upon the village, Jane's eyes darted around her dimly lit prison, searching for a glimmer of hope amidst the despair. Her gaze fell upon the scattered bones within the cage, remnants of a life once lived. In a desperate bid for freedom, a daring idea began to take shape in her mind.

With trembling hands, Jane carefully selected a bone from the pile. Gripping it tightly, she took a deep breath, steeling herself for what she was about to attempt. The bone, worn and weathered, held within it the potential to break her bonds and pave a path to escape.

With trembling hands, Jane carefully selected a bone from the pile. Gripping it tightly, she took a deep breath, steeling herself for what she was about to attempt. The bone, worn and weathered, held within it the potential to break her bonds and pave a path to escape. She bent the ends of the bone with her two hands as much as possible. A crack echoed through the silent night as the bone splintered, granting her a small victory.

Gripping it tightly, she positioned it against the ropes binding her hands, using the jagged edge to apply pressure. The bone strained against the taut fibers, and with a crack, a section of the rope gave way, setting her hands free.

Energized by her success, Jane turned her attention to the ropes securing her ankles. Working methodically, she replicated her efforts, using the fractured bone to cut through the bindings that held her captive. With each slice, her range of movement expanded, inching her closer to liberation.
Next, her gaze shifted to the ropes securing the bamboo cage's sides together. With the jagged bone still in her grasp, she attacked the bindings, slicing through the rough fibers that held her confined. Each stroke of the makeshift blade felt like a step closer to freedom, a defiance against the cruel fate that awaited her.

The ropes strained under the pressure of her fervent attempts, their fibers weakening. Jane's heart raced with anticipation, her breath coming in short gasps as she relentlessly hacked away at the ropes that held her caged.

And then, with a final decisive strike, the last rope snapped, setting her free from the confines that had held her captive. The bamboo cage walls groaned as they shifted apart, granting her passage to the outside world.

With the bones still clutched in her hand, Jane embraced her newfound freedom, her resolve unyielding. She knew the treacherous path that lay ahead, fraught with uncertainty and peril. Yet, the flame of her spirit burned bright, igniting a fierce determination to evade the ominous fate that awaited her.

Silent as a shadow, Jane ventured into the deserted huts, her senses heightened in the dimly lit interiors. The flickering torchlight outside cast an eerie glow through the cracks, guiding her path. She tread cautiously, her eyes scanning the surroundings, searching for any sign of a weapon that could aid her escape.

As her gaze swept across the dirt floor, something caught her attention—a glint of light reflecting off small, unassuming pebbles scattered among the soil. Curiosity piqued, Jane knelt down for a closer inspection, her heart skipping a beat as she realized their true nature. Diamonds, scattered like forgotten treasures, lay discarded and overlooked.

In her birthplace of England, these precious gems would be revered, worth a fortune in the hands of those who coveted their sparkle. Yet, here in the midst of the primitive tribe's village, they held no value, dismissed as mere rocks.

With careful hands, she scooped up a handful of diamonds, their brilliance catching the faint glow of moonlight filtering through the hut's entrance. Swiftly, she secreted them away in a small pocket within her garment, their weight a tangible reminder of both her plight and the potential they held.

Though her immediate focus remained on finding a weapon, Jane couldn't help but marvel at the irony. In this remote corner of the world, where the precious stones were deemed worthless, she held within her possession a fortune that could change lives back in England.

As Jane emerged from the hut, the air thick with tension, the sound of alarmed voices pierced the night. The villagers had discovered her escape, their shouts echoing through the jungle, signaling the hunt for their captive prey. Panic surged within her, propelling her forward in a desperate bid for freedom.

But fate seemed to conspire against her, for as she darted through the labyrinthine paths of the village, a chilling sight greeted her—a line of fierce warriors, their steely gazes fixed upon her, spears raised in unison. Trapped, surrounded by the looming threat of death, Jane's heart pounded in her chest, her every instinct urging her to fight or flee.

With the village closing in around her, a suffocating darkness descended, uncertain of whether Jane would evade the warriors' lethal intent or succumb to the harrowing fate that awaited her at the sharp end of their spears.

Re: Jane's Jungle Adventures (MF/F)

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2023 6:11 am
by drgoremd
CHAPTER 4 - Eine Kleine Nachtmusik?

As Jane assumed a fighting stance, jagged bones clenched tightly in each hand, her gaze pierced through the line of warriors. Determination blazed within her eyes, unwavering in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. At first, the warriors' response was laughter—a mocking chorus that echoed through the humid air, underestimating the strength and resilience that burned within her.

But as Jane held her ground, her defiance radiating through every fiber of her being, a palpable shift took hold. The tribal leader, observing her unyielding spirit, recognized a fierce determination mirrored in her eyes. With a solemn nod, he issued a command, his voice resonating with authority. The warriors tensed, ready to charge at Jane and extinguish her flame of resistance.

Yet, before they could launch their attack, the world erupted in chaos. A deafening volley of rifle fire shattered the night, ripping through the ranks of the tribal warriors. Panic swept through their ranks, confusion replacing their triumphant grins. Gunshots echoed through the village, amplifying the mayhem and scattering the tribal fighters like leaves in the wind.

Jane's heart pounded in her chest as she seized the opportunity. Darting through the disarray, she raced towards the outskirts of the village, her mind focused on escape. The cacophony of gunfire and the ensuing pandemonium provided a temporary shield, her determination propelling her forward.

But just as Jane thought she had eluded her pursuers, a figure materialized from the shadows of the surrounding woods. A towering man, his presence commanding, stood before her, blocking her path. The brute strength emanating from his imposing frame left her no choice but to halt, her fight or flight instincts raging within her.

In the dim moonlight, Jane's eyes widened as she recognized the commanding presence before her—a large, white man concealed among the wilderness. He exuded an air of authority and danger, his intent unclear. As he reached out and physically restrained her, his voice resonated with a foreign command, spoken in a language she knew all too well—German.

Her mind raced, memories flooding back from her schoolgirl days when she diligently studied the language of her European neighbors. The command uttered by the mysterious man cut through the chaos, its meaning piercing her consciousness. It was a command to surrender, to relinquish her resistance.

Fear and frustration welled within Jane as the man's strong arms closed around her, restraining her movement. Her initial instinct was to resist, to fight against this new captor. But as his voice, rich with authority, issued a command in German, a language she had studied in her school days, a glimmer of recognition flickered within her.

The familiarity of the words halted her struggle, her gaze locking with the man's intense eyes. Conflicting emotions churned within her—confusion, curiosity, and a cautious glimmer of hope. Who was this man? Friend or foe? And what was his purpose in intervening?

As the chaos subsided and the scattered remnants of the village retreated, Jane found herself being dragged back towards the once lively center of the tribal settlement. The strong grip of her captor tightened around her arm, his purposeful strides forcing her to match his determined pace. Along the way, several of his companions emerged from the shadows, their presence adding to the weight of her captivity.

As the men regrouped, their voices rose in a cacophony of urgent calls and inquiries, their words echoing through the night air in the unfamiliar cadence of the German language. The flickering torchlight revealed a mix of concern and apprehension on their faces, their gazes shifting between Jane and the decimated village that lay in ruins behind them.

With a surge of courage, Jane decided to speak up, her voice cutting through the uncertainty. "If you're searching for members of your party, they are already dead," she declared in clear English, her tone tinged with a hint of weariness. The words hung in the air, their weight sinking into the hearts of her captors.

The man who held her captive furrowed his brow, his eyes narrowing as he processed her words. An air of suspicion mingled with curiosity as he beckoned his companions closer, their collective scrutiny fixed upon Jane. They formed a hushed circle, deliberating in low voices, weighing the possibilities of her statement.

Arguments flitted back and forth, each man offering his perspective, uncertain of whether Jane was a friend or foe. Her words carried weight, but the circumstances surrounding her presence remained shrouded in ambiguity. Doubt lingered, casting a veil of uncertainty over their decision.

After a moment of intense deliberation, the group reached a consensus. With a nod from their leader, they decided to take Jane back to her camp, a place where they believed they could uncover the truth behind her enigmatic presence in the midst of their mission.


With her wrists shackled in front of her, Jane was led towards a waiting jeep, her movements restrained by the unforgiving grip of her captors. The vehicle roared to life, the engine's growl punctuating the tense silence as it embarked on a journey to an unknown destination.

The rugged terrain unfolded before them, as the jeep carried them deeper into the heart of the untamed wilderness. The rugged terrain unfolded before them, as the jeep carried them deeper into the heart of the untamed wilderness.

After what felt like an eternity, the jeep came to a halt, its tires crunching against the ground, bringing them to a large camp that sprawled before them. The air buzzed with activity, the mingling sounds of voices, machinery, and the clatter of equipment filled the space. It was a vast complex, pulsating with an energy that felt both ominous and intriguing.

Guided by her captors, Jane was led towards a tent, its fabric flapping in the wind as if whispering secrets she longed to understand. The command in German echoed in her ears, leaving her with no choice but to comply. With a mixture of weariness and apprehension, she found herself alone inside the tent, her only company a simple cot that awaited her tired body.

Collapsing onto the cot, the weight of her shackles a constant reminder of her captivity, Jane allowed her body to sink into its worn fabric. The events of the night cascaded through her mind, the flickering images replaying like a haunting reel. Exhaustion gnawed at her bones, urging her to surrender to the call of sleep, but her mind remained vigilant, alert to the uncertainty that surrounded her.

As darkness settled around her, the tent enveloped her in its embrace, its canvas walls serving as a fragile barrier between her and the unknown. The distant hum of activity outside reached her ears, a reminder of the world that existed beyond her confined space. Thoughts raced through her mind, questions begging for answers, as she awaited the inevitable return of her captors.

Time seemed to stretch, each passing minute laden with anticipation and trepidation. Alone with her thoughts, Jane's mind wrestled with the possibilities that lay ahead. Would they question her? Would they believe her story? Or would they even be able to understand her?

Resting on the cot, her body fatigued, Jane closed her eyes, but her mind remained vigilant, her resolve unwavering. The journey had brought her to this moment, where the boundaries of fate blurred with the choices she would make. In the solitude of the tent, she steeled herself for the trials that awaited her, determined to seize control of her own destiny, even within the confines of captivity.