Christmas Party Intrusion ! ( MMM/FFFMM

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Nightly Binds
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Christmas Party Intrusion ! ( MMM/FFFMM

Post by Nightly Binds »

Merry Christmas to all everyone, here's a holiday themes story I hope you can all enjoy ! had lots of fun writing it !

Christmas Party Intrusion ! ( MMM/FFFMM )

“ There has still been no leads on the whereabouts of the Trio of Burglars that have been reported to be striking many homes during the holidays this year, authorities are suggesting that folks continue to lock their doors and windows and keep all security features in your home if you have any, On-“*Click *

Kelly shut off the TV and rolled her eyes “ I can’t believe it, who would rob homes during the holidays, such a scummy thing to do “ she said tossing the remote down onto the couch seat next to her.

“ Well, it’s the year people have most of things worth of value in their homes, Presents, “Scarlet said, Kelly’s friend Vienna said, who walked into the room, setting down a bag that contained a few decorations.

“ Well, I won’t let that ruin tonight’s party, “ Kelly said as Vienna playfully rolled her eyes

You say that like things are going to be a big bash ! it’s a small get together, between us friends, simple and fun, “

“ Yeah I know, oh and that reminds me, Russell Says he’ll be here around 8:30 and oh, he’s bringing Colten with him “ Kelly gave a little knowing smirk when referring to the friend her boyfriend Russel was brining over, which caused Vienna to blush.

“ Oh, uh he decided to come huh ? well, that’s great, Vienna gave a little chuckle.

“ Maybe you’ll end up under the mistletoe tonight “ Kelly laughed as Vanessa cheeks flushed brighter

“ oh stop, I don’t like him like that “ she retorted as Kelly laughed

“ Sure, sure, you only had a crush on him sense middle school, the only reason you never asked him out in high school is because he transferred for a bit, well now’s your chance to catch up with him, unlike last year when you chickened out , and I hear he’s single still “

The brunette just grabbed a pillow off the couch and tossed it playfully at her friend “ and will Addison be here ? I have not heard from her yet “ Vienna then said.

“ Oh yes, she’ll be coming, she’s just helping her Mom finish up some Christmas shopping, soon everyone will be here ! and we can start the party, Russell says he’s knows some terrible Christmas movies to stream. “ Kelly informed

“ Sounds like tonight is going to be quite the get together “ Vienna said with a chuckle.

later that night.

“ The girls did a great job with decorating “ Russel said as he pulled his car up to the driveway of Kelly’s home, “ She’s always been such a big Christmas nerd “ he said glancing over at the passenger next to him Who responded

“ From what you are always saying about her I wouldn’t doubt you, will be great to see her again “they soon both got out of the car and made their way over past the colorfully decorated house done up in many sparkling lights.

Russel knocked on the door before waiting a no more then a few seconds when Kelly opened the door

and instantlylooked excited to see each other

“ Hey babe how are you ? “ Russel chuckled as he stepped inside with his car buddy,

“ Doing just great, was having a great time, but then you should up, so, now it’s going to be a Even greater time, full of bad movies I know that “ she playfully teased as she gave him a Kiss on the cheek. She then looked past him and saw his passenger that was with them.

“ Oh ! Colten, great to see you, glad you made it “ Kelly said cheerfully

“ Thanks, glad to be back in town again, “ he said with a nod “ quite the set up you have here, love the

decorations you done “ he said taking notice of all the festive décor in the house.

“ Aw, thank you ! I really wanted things to look as, well you know christmasy as they could “ she gave a little giggle. “ Hey Vienna Russel and, Colten are hear “ she said giving a little smirk back at her friend who was busy setting up things in the kitchen for their dinner.

“ Oh, uh hey Russel, Colten, nice to see you again “ she said putting a bowl of salad down on the table and approached them.

“ Hey Vienna, how are things “ Russel saidas she stood there,

“ Things have been good, just getting things ready for the dinner later “ she said as Russel nodded, she then glanced over and notice Colten there and she felt her cheeks flush a little.

“ Great decorations indeed “ Colten remarked making his way inside further.

“ ok then we just need to wait for Addison, she says she’s on her way right now, she just left the shopping center “ Kelly informed.

“ Great ! then we can get started, “ Vienna stated

“ I’m going to get the first movie ready “ Russel sad plopping himself on the couch and flicking on the TV with the Remote, Kelly just rolled her eyes and kissed him on the cheek “ Bad or good, make it entertaining “ she smirked as Russel chuckled “ I got some ideas “

For the next half hour everyone just mingled and chatted before their was another knock at the door. To which Kelly answered, seeing Addison standing there, the young blonde looked cheerful but a bit tired.

“ Hey ! merry Christmas ! sorry I’m late, shopping was killer “ she said as she stepped into the house.

“ No problem Addy !, glad you could make it, everyone’s just chilling in Living room “ Kelly said “ We are all going to watch some Christmas movies, I also made some awesome Punch ! “

Addinson smiled and made her way over to the others. “ hey guys ! “

“ Addy ! how’s it going “ Russell said

“ Hey ! hope those roads were not too bad “ Vianna said.

“ Long time no see “ Colten added

Kelly now stepped in and spoke up “ well ! let’s all get settled, dinner will be done in another hour “ she said as everyone was now ready to have a really good time, and soon the little gathering took off, Christmas movies played on the TV, chatting and laughing filled the room, and stories about past Christmases were told. Everyone was having a really great time catching up, the Atmosphere was warm and inviting, and perhaps, maybe it was just a bit too much inviting..

1 hour Later…

“ Beep Beep Beep “

The oven timer chimed over and over again, Kelly stood up from her seat a cup of her tasty punch in hand “ That’s the Ham, I’ll grab “ she said as she headed over to the kitchen.

Meanwhile the rest were all gathered around the TV watching a List of Christmas classics, but mainly everyone was just keen on talking with one another, though Vianna kept glancing over at Colten and would shoot her gaze elsewhere when ever she seen him look her way.

“ So, like Walmart was a nightmare, Macy’s ugh, what did you expect, then I saw a mall santa who was clearly drunk ! “

I don’t blame them santa’s who’d want to be hired just because you have the “qualifications “ to be a fat man who’ll have kids sitting in his lap all night screaming about wanting some new Fortnight or Minecraft Update or whatever kids are playing and going on about these days. “Russell said

“ Every Santa I used to sit on as a kid always did have that hint of alcohol and peppermint in their beard“ Colten remarked, prompting a laugh from everyone.

“ uh Right ! so wild “ Vianna quickly responded “, And then Boom, you have those even Worse Elves that are clearly just a bunch of board teenagers who clearly don’t want to be seen by their friends in those get up “ Vienna added forcing a bit of a laugh hoping Colten didn’t notice her awkwardness

“ well, we should know, we were just like any teenager not so long ago “ Addison added “ The days of angst “


Suddenly their was a Knock at the door that seemed almost Frantic and caught everyone off guard,

“ who could that be ? “ Vienna said now standing up.

“ I’ll get it ! “ Kelly said running over now having just finished up setting the Ham on the table. “ I didn’t invite anyone else though “ she said Approaching the door, she opened it and was suddenly met with a rather shocking site. Man stood their, a brown heavy winter jacket and a Red mask over face.

“ Hello there ? can I come in, my van broke down and my phone is dead you see “ she the women said holding up a phone to Kelly’s face. “ who looked baffled.

“ Uh, excuse me ? your van, uuh “ she tried to process what was going on, as the women didn’t seem very concerned or worried.

“ Oh, you know what that’s okay, I’ll let myself in, and you just need to be good and listen to me, “ the man said as Kelly looked at him then spoke up.

“ Wait, hold on, you can’t just come in, we ar-“ Kelly couldn’t finish saying as the interrupted


“ Oh also, my while my phone may not work, This does however “ the man said now holding up her other hand showing a pistol in it’s grip.

Kelly’s eyes went wide now as she took a step back as the man walked in “ ok, don’t panic, just do as I say and things will be good. “

Everyone’s attention now was gathered as Kelly’s friends all look back to see what was going on, they all looked shocked and alarmed now to see the man standing there with his Gun pointed at Kelly.

“ Oh, please ! wait don’t hurt us, we are just having a party, I’ll give you anything you want ! “ Kelly said as the man just chuckled

“ Yeah ! just take it easy, don’t harm her “ Russel said getting ready to defend his girlfriend

“ Don’t worry, if you all do as I say, you’ll not be harmed, now how about you go over there to your friends and all of you, keep your hands wear I can see them “ he said pointing his gun to Kelly making sure she moved along, he then made her sit down next to them.

The man walked over and stood next to them keeping his Gun pointed at them, he then spoke into his phone. “ Alright come in, they are sitting “

Eeveryone wondered what he was talking about when suddenly Two other masked men came into the house now through the door. Each them carrying Large duffle bags.

“ what do you plan to do, “ Kelly said

“ Just you sit there and be good,this is a robbery, so if you all comply, you’ll be fine “ the man said

It soon dawned onto Kelly just who these people were, they where those bandits she had been hearing all week about on the news, breaking into homes and stealing things, now they were at her house intruding her party, she just prayed things didn’t go south more then this for any of them.

“ okay, here’s what we aim to do, we are going to take what we find, you five will sit here and be good. Understand “ the man said. Every just looked at one another before all giving a silent nod.

“ Good, now then were going ton have to make sure you all stay put and quiet “ the man said glancing over at the other two men. And gave a Nod.

Soon the men approached them all and opened up their duffle bags, pulling out some rope and tape.

“ Tie them tightly, we are going to be here a bit, lots of stuff to go through “

Everyone was now at even more alarm, with the knowledge now of knowing they were going to be bound and gagged.

“ wait, wait, we’ll be quiet, we’ll listen “ Kelly said as the man shook his head

“ Sorry, taking no chances with any of you, make sure she’s quiet now “the man said

“ Hey, don’t you touch her ! “ Russell said as the man glared at him and pointed his gun “ If I were you I’d keep still and that mouth closed, I Don’t wanna get rough with any of you “ he said as soon the two men grabbed Kelly’s arms and pulled them behind her back, and began to secure her wrist together with the rope. Pulling the knots tights ensuring she could not get free ! they soon grabbed some cloth and a roll of tape “

“ Now to keep you quiet first and then the rest “ the man said.

please I Prggghhmmphhh !! “ Kelly was cut of as the cloth was stuffed into her mouth with the tape quickly applied over it, then another strand and then another.

Mmmpphhh ! mmpphh !!! Kelly Moaned and pleaded into her gag.

“ well, that’ll keep her quiet “ one of the men spoke up with a chuckle

“ Mmpphh “ Kelly’s muffled voice sounded as she couldn’tbelieve it, she was not bound and gagged in her own home by burglars, and her friends were now going to endure the same fate, and share said fate they did, soon each one of them was now bound and gagged with rope and tape, all sitting on the couch together. Vienna couldn’t help but again blush, for as Terrified as she was, she was sitting close right next up to Colten who clearly had a look of concern in his eyes, unlike Russell who kept up trying to play a brave look. Addison just sat their, quietly murmuring to herself behind her tapped mouth.

“ Ok, don’t you all look coszy “ The man laughed “ now you all sit tight, we’ll rummage through your stuff, and then leave with what we like, and I know you have a lot of good things in here “ the man said as he motioned for the other men to stary scouting the house.

“ we been watching your little party for a while, we figured it’d be worth it to come and invite ourselves in, we robbed so many before we almost have too many Christmas presents in our “ sleigh “ looks like we’ll be going home with even more “ the man said glancing down at the Christmas Tree with gifts

“ Mmpphh !!! “ Kelly shook her head, not liking the idea of the gifts she had bought for her friends and family to be taken

The man chuckled and paid no more attention as he and the rest of the intruders began to get to work on taking things,

“ we mostly want cash, and very valuable things, presents don’t usually matter to us “ the man said,“ but we have certainly taken our share of Christmas related things from all over. “ the man laughed “ We actually have gotten know as the Christmas Bandits in a few places, festive isn’t it, I really love the holiday because so much goodies are in so many folks homes. “ the man said picking up a present and shaking it, he simply then tossed It into a bag.

“ Kelly moaned in despair. she was forced to watch as her Gifts and the ones her friends brought were taken, Money from her purse, jewelry , her friends fair not much better as their wallets and purses were also emptied out.

Many goods were taken and bagged, by the burglars, they at least much to Kelly’s relief left some of the bigger stuff alone, surprisingly her TV was left untouched, but her blue ray player was snagged.

“ Go outside, check the cars “ The man instructed to one of his lackies handing them the keys to everyone’s cars.

“ Mpphh !!! “ Addison shook her head, knowing her gifts she had just bought were in her car.

however the pleas fell death as the Man left outside to search the vehicles.

Shortly after, the man had returned back inside and informed the man in charge that they he had taken what he found valuable from the car and placed them in he van

“ Good, I think we are done here, tell Elf 4 we are going to lead up the“ Sleigh “ the man said with a chuckle the other man nodded and headed back out “ well I guess this is where we leave you, and take our goodies “ the man smirked.

“ We’ll load things right up and maybe double the knots on them, ensuring we are long gone after they get free ? “ one of the men said as the Main leader was about to speak but then stopped and rubbing his chin

“ yeah, yeah, good idea, though, you know what, I been thinking, it’s Christmas Time, we been getting called the Christmas bandits for some time now, and we just intruded on what was a little Christmas part, maybe we should at least Leave our little captives here in the spirit of things “ the man said as everyone looked a bit confused and a bit uneasy by that statement.

“ you know what, I have a very fun idea here, Lets make things a bit more cheerful in and fitting to the Tone of the holiday “ the Man said giving a grin atthe squirming and whimpering captives on the couch.

A little over an Hour later.

“ Okay, “ Sleighs “ all loaded up, were ready to move on out “ one of the burglars said to the main man who stood outside the doorway of the home, “ Okay, I’ll be right there in a minute, going to check on the “ Party “ goers before we leave, make sure they are in “ good spirits “ the man said as his lacky just snickered

“ Okay boss “ he nodded and headed back to the van.

The man stepped back into the house and stood their looking smug and proud. “ well, I gotta be heading out soon, I hope all of you have a Festive and cheerful Rest of you’re party “

The room was filled with a mad struggle and Moaning of the Party goers, whom where all still bound and gagged very tightly, only now, there was a major difference on to how, each was bound in their own way, and a way that really made things a whole lot more Humiliating for each of them. For you see.

Addison was bound tightly underneath the Christmas tree, the Blond had been wrapped up tight in duct tape tape from her Mouth down to her toes ! pinning her arms to her side, but worse she was now also wrapped up in festive Christmas wrapping paper and many strands of Ribbon were wrapped around her ! with a Big Bow stuck atop her head. Over her tape wrapped and paper wrapped mouth was a big Christmas sticker with the words “ Do not Open till X-MAS " written on, a Classic holiday “ gag “ if there ever was one.

Addison Moaned and struggled wildly in her bindings, she was wrapped so tight she could barely wriggle away.

“ Mmpphhhh !!! gghhhhhhh !!!! “

“ A pretty present for under the tree, see we left one gift at least “ the Man teased and glanced over at the next victim.

“ Mmmppphhh !!!! Gggghhhhhh !!!!!

Russell struggle furiously and wildly shouting into the gag that kept him muffled, his predicament was not any better, if so even more Humiliating! He laid their on top of the Kitchen table, Hogtied very tightly. On top a silver platter. Surrounded by many foods and treats of Christmas flavors. Looking Neatly like a Trussed up Turkey. His Mouth was stuffed with a Apple that had been secured in place with some Clear packing tape.

Russel madly shook his head trying to dislodge the thing, but to no avail, he tried to rock back and fourth, but he remained put in the center of the table looking like part of the Holiday feat that was to be had. With the Ham Kelly had taken out earlier placed right in front of him too.

“ MMmpppphhh !!!! Gghhhhhhh ghhhhhh !!! “

“ Every Christmas dinner needs a Ham and a Turkey “ the man smirked and glanced over at the next Holiday Humiliation , and that happened to be Vienna and Colten.

“ Mmpppphh mmpphhh !!! “

“ Ggghmmm Mppphhh !!! “

Both these two were both blushing very red in the cheeks now. For both of them had been placed in a very Awkward position Among the others. Both remained on the couch, however they were both sitting on their knees, bound face to face, arms wrapped around each other, with duct tape and ribbon. Their waists were tied together their legs bound, but worst of all, their faces were secured against each other, both forced into a Kiss they could not pull away from ! their mouths had been stuff prior, but it did not make it any less embarrassing for them at all, their captures had even gone the extra mile to place the Mistletoe that was in the arch way of the hallway and place itabove them both. With hinting remarks that their capture could tell that at least Vienna had some special feelings for the one she was bound with,

“You two might break the record for the longest kiss under a mistletoe, keep at it ! “ the man chuckled and winked. He then gazed up as Kelly now, For Kelly her situation was certainly special two, for the man had his men go to the van and grad something they had swiped before at another home, something they thought could make good use for more baggage. But now they had a more “ fun “ use for it, and that item was a Gigantic Red and white trimmed stocking.

Kelly shook her head and she Moaned into her Gag which happened to be a large candy cane prop that was converted into a proper bit gag for her, she was bound tightly inside that Giant stocking. Her arms still behind her back, her legs secured with rope. The stocking she was placed in was actually hung up near her own fire place among the smaller stockings she had. The captors had actually used screws they had to secure her tightly to the wall, so she was a few inches off the ground, struggling as she swayed and her legs pounded on the wall behind her.

“ Lllghhhh ddghhhhh !!! “ she shouted into the candy cane gag

“ Stocking stuffers are always interesting aren’t they ? can never say I seen one like this “ the man laughed again. As he watched all the captives struggle in their Christmassy restraints.

“ Oh, I am so getting a picture of this, this could be a very Funny Christmas card if I ever thought of one “ the man laughed snapping a few photos on his Phone much to everyone’s displeasure.

“ Well as I said, Gotta dash through the snow, if your lucky someone will come in and find toy all by tomorrow, but I have a feeling you’ll all be sitting tightly where you are all at now for a bit “ he chuckled “ well farwell, and oh hear let me let things be more festive for you all, if possible “ the man again chuckled “ I’m being nice and letting you keep the Raido, so here’s some Tunes “ he said as he flicked on the radio to the Christmas station,

“ It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas “ the radio blared out as the man had another good laugh. “ Bye ! and a “ Merry Christmas to you all “the man said before he left and shut the door now. Making his get away with his Comrades. Leaving the Party Goers to all struggle now in their Christmasy and Humiliating positions!

None of them could make any effort though to really get loose, their bonds held tight ! Kelly slumped and hung their, she knew that it’d be late tomorrow before her family would call her wondering where she was, and longer before they came to look, she didn’t like the idea that they all could be stuck here for a couple days at the longest if they can’t get free or by chance some rescue happens upon them, at the same time though she couldn’t bare the idea as well as any of her friends that they’d be discovered in these Humiliating positions. And a mad struggle began to really stir up again before that could even happen !

The end !!!!
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Post by harveygasson »

Good story, well written and a festive appropriate ending!
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Nightly Binds
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Post by Nightly Binds »

harveygasson wrote: 1 year ago Good story, well written and a festive appropriate ending!
Thank you very much ! glad you enjoyed it ! :D
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Post by jase1010 »

I thought I was the only one with a Christmas-themed bondage kink.
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