Alexa and Katie (F/F and FF/F) (Completed).

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Alexa and Katie (F/F and FF/F) (Completed).

Post by Headmistress »

Alexa and Katie.

Hello, all,

I have been watching Netflix and recently came across a show called “Alexa and Katie”, which is a sort of comedy sitcom.

I’d been trying to think of a good story idea lately and I thought of one based on a scene I saw in the show. I hope that people will enjoy it – it is a bit shorter than my other stories, so I was able to finish it in one go.

Alexa Mendoza was a very good looking young Asian woman with long dark brown hair, brown eyes and tanned skin. It was a sunny Friday afternoon, and she was wearing a red hooded jacket with a zip down the front and light blue stripes around the wrists, a plain grey tee, a pair of torn jeans, white socks and Nike sneakers.

While Alexa was tall, she wasn’t as tall as her best friend, Katie Cooper, who was currently sitting next to her. Katie was about a head taller than Alexa and she was skinnier and less curvy than Alexa. Straight up and down was how she could be described. However, she was also a very good-looking young woman with shoulder length light blonde hair, blue eyes and smooth white skin with a rounded face and soft cheeks. Like Alexa, she was dressed casually in a white ringer tee that had yellow trim around the neckline and sleeves, a pair of dark blue sneakers and white socks and white Nike sneakers.

Both girls were working on their college applications on their laptops at the desk in Alexa’s room. It had been fine at first, but Katie kept sighing and talking to herself every now and then as she filled them out, which was starting to get on Alexa’s nerves. There were also the constant questions:

"Do you think I can get a scholarship?"

"I’m going to London for that acting program. Should I write about that in my applications?"

"I wonder if Mom can afford to give me a little bit of money if I continue working at Wired and don’t get a scholarship?"

"I wonder if I should apply to some safety schools?"

"I don’t know if I want to apply to NYC?"

That last one got Alexa’s attention. She looked up and said, “You don’t want to apply to NYC?”

Katie looked up nervously. She’d known that would get a reaction from Alexa. “Well…it’s not that I don’t want to. It’s just that I’ve applied for an acting program somewhere else, and I got wait-listed. So, it’s not a yes or no. It’s just an option for now.”

“You promised me that you were going to apply,” Alexa said crossly. “I know, but I didn’t expect to get wait-listed and, anyway, I’m just thinking about….”

That was as far as Katie got because Alexa slammed her laptop shut and leapt up from the desk that both of them had been working at. She crossed her room in three strides and closed her bedroom door and locked it. She then went over to her bedroom window, slid it closed and pushed the little lever that locked it.

“You’ve gone too far, Katie, you really have. You KNOW we’re both going to NYC. I’m not letting you back out now.”

“What does that mean?” Katie said in a quiet, fearful tone.

“You know perfectly well what it means.”

Katie started to stand up from her chair.

“Stop right there!”

Alexa’s tone was so menacing that Katie slowly sat back down. She didn’t know what was going to happen, but she guessed that she wasn’t going to like it.”

Alexa walked to the big closet in her room that was always packed with clothes and random stuff. She opened it and searched for a couple of minutes until she found what she was looking for. It was a big cardboard box. She dragged it out and bought it to Katie.

When she opened it, Katie was stunned to see a massive pile of rope and what looked like a few scarves and rolls of duct tape.

“What’s that for?”

“I am going to bind and gag you until you forget all about your acting program and fill out an application to NYC that is so good that it is guaranteed to get you a place there”.

“I won’t be able to write if I’m tied up.”

“Exactly, which is why I am going to type it out for you once you come to your senses and give me your username and password.”

Katie was so stunned by this that it was easy for Alexa to grab her wrists and cross them behind her back before using one of the ropes to create a slip knot and tightening it around her wrists.

That was when Katie decided to struggle. However, being more muscular than her best friend had its advantages and Alexa simply held her wrists more tightly and wound the rope around them in several crisscrossing diagonal loops before finishing it off with a series of cinches that went in between Katie’s wrists. The rope was then tied off with two solid knots.

Katie began to struggle and thrash, but the rope was too firmly tied. It didn't hurt and wasn't uncomfortable, but it was firm.

“Alexa, if you don’t let me go now, I’m going to scream!”

In response, Alexa simply clamped her hand tightly over Katie’s mouth and Katie’s protests stopped.

“That will only lead to me gagging you sooner. Would you want to be gagged sooner or later? I should also remind you that no-one is home and my mom’s not due back for a while yet.”

Alexa removed her hand to listen to Katie’s answer.


Nodding in satisfaction, Alexa knelt down on the floor and pushed Katie’s ankles and knees together. Removing two more pieces of rope from the box, she tied Katie’s upper and lower knees together by winding the rope around them in horizonal rows and then tightening them with vertical cinches that went in between her knees and then tied Katie’s ankles together in the same way.

When she was finished, she was pleased to see that Katie was as white as a ghost.

But Alexa wasn’t finished yet. She went around behind Katie and pulled her body into place, so that Katie was perfectly upright on the chair with her arms hanging over the back of the chair.

Taking a short piece of rope out of the box, she threaded it into a slipknot, placed it in between Katie’s tied wrists, tightened it and then pulled it straight down, so that Katie’s arms were pulled back and down. With that, Alexa took the remaining end of the rope and pulled it down to the back strut of the chair that connected the back left leg and back right leg and tied it off.

“There, that will make sure that you can’t move off that chair. But it needs something more.”

Taking a longer piece of rope out of the box, she went around to the back of the chair and knotted it to the right side at the back, just below Katie’s right shoulder. This rope was then crisscrossed over Katie’s eight shoulder, down over her right breast, then threaded through the back of the chair, bought up again and crisscrossed Katie’s chest again, but this time at the left side and then after several more crisscrosses in both directions, she tied the rope off at its starting point.

“Alexa, isn’t this enough?” Katie pleaded. She was already starting to feel uncomfortable in her rigid position and she was deeply regretting telling Alexa about the acting program.

Alexa was already looping rope around Katie’s waist to bind her to the back of the chair and ignored the question.

When she was finished, she said, “All done, but now for your gag.”

That was when she saw a pair of dirty basketball socks lying on the carpet that were white with two black stripes across the top.

She picked them up, balled them into her hand and approached Katie.

“Not those, they’re disgusting,” Katie pleaded.

Alexa replied by stuffing the socks into Katie’s mouth and clasping her hand over Katie’s mouth. She then picked one of the rolls of duct tape out of the box and tore off several pieces, which were then effectively used to seal Katie’s mouth shut.

The sweaty socks tasted disgusting – Alexa could tell from the muffled protests that Katie was making.
With that, Alexa said, “I’m going to watch TV. I’ll be back in an hour or two.”

She walked out of her room and closed the door, ignoring the muffled protests and squirming that Katie was making as she left.

About an hour later…..

Alexa had finished her TV show and was considering going up to see if Katie had changed her mind about the acting program.

However, she never got the opportunity.

This was because suddenly her front door was thrust open and Katie’s mom, Jennifer Cooper, walked in with a furious look on her face. Jennifer was a good-looking young woman who looked somewhat similar to Katie, but with shoulder length blonde hair that was a few shades darker than Katie's, brown eyes and less soft features. She was wearing black pants with a white lace blouse and high heeled black boots. Alexa and Katie were next door neighbors, so it wasn’t unusual for Jennifer to visit, but what was unusual was the look of anger on her face.

“Hi, Jennifer,” Alexa said nervously.

“I want to see Katie. Now! She promised me she’d watch Jack after she finished her applications and I’ve just found out that he’s been all alone for an hour. He’s made a complete mess in the kitchen.”

“Um, she’s not here. Maybe she went to Wired.”

“That’s not true. She told me she was coming over here.”

Jennifer strode up the stairs to Alexa’s room and, in a panic, Alexa ran after her.

At Alexa’s room, Jennifer said, “Katie Cooper, get out here now!”

She flung the door open and was completely stunned to see her daughter tied to Alexa’s chair, just as Alexa arrived at the doorway, completely out of breath.

“What is this?!”

“Jennifer, I can explain,” Alexa said desperately, “I tied her up and gagged her because she didn’t tell me about applying for this acting program and…” Her voice stopped as she saw the look of fury on Jennifer’s face.

“That’s no excuse at all, Alexa. Your mom’s not here, but I’m sure she’d agree that you need to be punished for this. I’m a believer in punishments fitting the crime, so I’m going to ask you nicely to sit down on the floor. As for you, Katie, you should be ashamed of yourself for letting this happen. I've always told you that you need to be more assertive."

A quivering Alexa sat on the floor. She couldn’t believe that her ingenious plan had gone so horribly wrong.

“Cross your legs and place your wrists behind your back.” Alexa meekly did as she was told without any questions.

She knew what was coming, so it wasn’t a surprise when Jennifer placed her wrists palm to palm and bound them together with several horizonal loops and vertical cinches before tying it off.

Alexa’s feet were then tied into their crossed position using the same method. Jennifer then tied a piece of rope around Alexa’s waist and then tied it off to her feet which forced her to stay in her crossed leg position.
As Jennifer reached into the box to search for a suitable gag, the door to Alexa’s room opened and Lori, Alexa’s mother, walked into the room. She was an attractive woman with long born hair, a curvy figure, tanned skin, long legs and she was currently wearing a brown pinstriped suit over a white blouse and brown boots that perfectly matched the suit.

Her mouth dropped open in shock when she saw the two tied up girls.

“What is this?!”

Jennifer sighed and stood up.

“I’m sorry, Lori. When I came over here, I found out that Alexa had tied up and gagged Katie as punishment for something she did, so I decided to punish her in the same way.”

Lori looked at Alexa. “Is this true?”

Alexa nodded meekly.

Lori sighed and got an impatient look on her face.

“Do you know what makes me really mad about this, Jennifer?”


Those ropes aren’t nearly tight enough. Firstly, Katie’s elbows should be tied together, so she has less movement. Secondly, her gag is coming loose. Take off that tape, put whatever’s in her mouth back in, but further back and tape her mouth shut again, but this time, wrap the tape around her head several times and smooth it down. And can you also tie her ankles to the strut on the chair legs down there, so she can’t move the chair?"

"As for you, Alexa, your elbows should be tied together too. You also need a breast harness to secure your upper arms to your sides and your wrists should be tied to your waist. Here, I’ll help you, Jennifer, and then we can go and have a glass of wine next door.”

There was nothing that Katie or Alexa could do as their mothers tied them up in exactly the way that Lori had described and Katie's gag was redone.

When they had finished, Lori went to her bedroom and found a black ball gag that her husband, Dave, had given her as a gift.

This ball gag was then buckled tightly into Alexa’s mouth and then Lori and Jennifer returned to Jennifer’s place for their Friday night glass of wine.

It wasn’t until later that Dave and Lucas, Alexa’s older brother, arrived home to find Jennifer and Lori having a nice chat over a glass of red wine with a cheese platter that Lori had made.

“Hey”, Dave said. “Where are Alexa and Katie?”

Jennifer and Lori already knew how to tell the truth without getting into trouble.

“They’re a little tied up at the moment,” Jennifer said with a smile.

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Post by slackywacky »

I wonder why this story did not get any replies, as it is pretty good, fun to read. Thank you for posting it.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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