Patti and Anna on Film M/F, F/F

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Patti and Anna on Film M/F, F/F

Post by Brez510 »

I just received a call from my friend Patti telling me that she and her best friend Anna had an interesting experience she wanted to talk about.

I used to go out with Patti, and we enjoyed tie up games. Patti found a new tie up partner in Anna. To learn more about how Patti and Anna met read “Patti’s Payback.”

By way of being able to draw a mental image for you if you didn’t read Patti’s Payback”, Patti is a full-time social worker at a large Florida hospital, she is 5’9”, thin, long legs, ample chest, piercing green eyes and medium to short black hair.

Her nickname was and is “legs.” She does have the most beautiful legs. Long, very shapely, milky smooth and sexy.

Anna was an exchange summer camp staff member from Germany when she worked with Patti in camp. She finally got approval to stay in the US to teach physical education in a private high school. She was a high ranked amateur pole vaulter at one time until she got injured. I met her a few times with Patti. She’s about 5’10” tall, with a very muscular lean body that features rock hard well sculpted muscles. She has really cool looking white, blond short hair. She always wears track shorts, a sports bra and sneakers. I guess she can't shake off her old pole vaulting days! She's very pretty and striking looking and lucky she can dress like that year-round since we all live in Florida. Lol.
Well, enough background. I’m sure you want to know the whole story Patti told me on the phone, so here it is, pretty much exactly what she told me:

I got a text from Anna on a Saturday a while back that said that she was at a morning physical education seminar at the local college and had something very exciting to tell me. The text said she would call me later.

Anna is so into teaching physical education at her high school that she takes the time to learn new and innovative ways for kids to enjoy gym class.

Now I love Anna dearly but exciting to her is learning new ways to teach dodgeball. I figured I’d make believe that I sound totally beside myself when she calls with the “exciting” news. Lol.

Anna phoned a few hours later and I was ready to hear a detailed overview of her seminar. I figured I would make her feel good by immediately asking how the lecture went.

Anna told me it was good, but that wasn't the exciting news she had. It was something that could benefit both of us. Maybe we should meet for lunch to discuss it.

Well, that caught my interest since now it had something to do with me!

We met at a brunch place we both liked in Pompano Beach. We ordered drinks.

Anna told me she was walking down the hall of the college building the seminar was in and saw a notice on a message board. It said that casting was open for a student film being produced by the creative arts department.

I said that's great, but what does a student film have to do with us?

Anna told me to be patient.

Patti, the film is about the jewelry store robbery that took place in south Florida a few years ago and how the thief gave the money away to a group of unfortunate people. Sort of a true story drama, I guess.

Anna, what's the point, I asked.

She said be quiet I'm getting there. If I had a piece of tape i would put it across your mouth right now.

Anna, I told her, that's not a threat at all. We both laughed.

Patti, the point is that among all the parts, they are casting for two female jewelry store clerks. Obviously, there is a scene about the robbery itself. Maybe that scene involves our favorite past time.

So, Anna I said, you think that just maybe there is a little chance that they get tied up during the robbery?

Anna said exactly.

Well Anna and I were looking to expand our horizons so to speak. Sort of take our tie up games out of private and into the public.

Many people like the thrill of rock climbing, or parachuting. It seems like Anna, and I wanted the thrill and rush we might be able to get from our new little idea that we were calling Ultra Tie Up Games.

Very hot idea I told Anna. You and me tied up in a movie together. Wow.

Coming back to reality I asked Anna, suppose the thief robs the store and doesn't tie up the clerks, and why would these college student film makers want a couple of 25 plus year old women in the film?

Anna said the flyer on the bulletin board indicated that casting was open to students and members of the community. I guess if we don't get tied up so be it. We wasted a few hours for a good cause, helping budding film makers. But Patti, this could be our first Ultra Tie Up Game!

I agreed and Anna said she would give them a call to get the details.

Anna called the number on the flyer, and the next Saturday morning we went to the college for our big casting call.

Anna of course had her track shorts, sports bra and for this special occasion pale green running shoes. I had on my usual daisy duke shorts with black heels. We are so predictable. Lol.

We met with the student director named Todd. Right around 21, tall and thin, baggy khakis, a tee shirt promoting some sort of cause, sneakers, and glasses. Kind of a wrinkled clothes mess. Just what you would expect from a college filmmaker.

I was sitting on a chair next to Anna and Todd sat on a chair facing us a few feet away.

Nice to meet you two, he said. Let me ask you a few questions.

You know there is no pay, so why do you want to do this?

I told him in my best self-righteous voice that the two of us wanted to help young filmmakers succeed and this is our contribution to that.

Very Nobel Todd said. I like you two already.

And you Anna he said. Do you or Patti have any acting experience.

Anna said, we dabble using our own scripts sometimes. She looked at me and smiled. We create scenarios and act them out so to speak.

Very Avant Guard Todd said. You mean acting out your own scripts about social causes, the environment, and things like that?

Yes, things like that Anna said.

Todd didn't have the slightest idea that our scripts were only acted out in private and the “things like that” featured two damsels in distress, Anna and myself.

So, ladies I am quite impressed, Todd said. Let me tell you about the parts. I'm afraid with your experience you might be very disappointed though.

I said, Todd don't be silly, we just want to volunteer and do our small part.

Todd said, as you may know this film is about a true story where a gentleman robbed a jewelry store with the hope he could use his ill-gotten gains to help others.

In the opening scene of the film the store is robbed right after closing. The two clerks who you might play are in the store getting ready to shut things down. The thief ties them up and gags them so he can steal the jewelry and make his escape.

Now ladies the thought of being bound might be intimidating to you and if it is we could change the robbery to you just holding your hands up and handing over the jewelry pieces.

Now Anna in her best self-righteous voice said to Todd that although it would be tough on us, being tied up and all, we want you to be able to tell the story exactly as it happened. Give you the freedom to film with all the gritty details in tack.

Todd almost had tears in his eyes. Ladies, thank you so much. I know you probably have never been tied up before, so this might be overwhelming and traumatic for you, but thanks for making the sacrifice in the name of art.

This film is a mission of mine to let the audience experience exactly what happened. You are now part of the reason I can do that.

Almost sobbing he said I am offering you the jobs.

If you consent, we will film next Thursday night at Wilsons Jewelry. The owner was nice enough to let us film on location.

Anna and I looked at each other and said we’ll do it.

Todd said thank you again and gave us two scripts and film instructions.

We left and went into the hallway giving each other high fives. Anna, I don't know who was phonier you or me? Our first Ultra Tie Up Game is just a few days away!

Anna and I went to lunch and thumbed through the script. We had a couple of simple lines each. That worried up since neither of us can act. Lol.

My part was titled Clerk 1 and Anna “starred” as Clerk 2. Lol

In one segment the thief makes Clerk 1 tie up Clerk 2. That meant that I would get the chance to tie Anna up on camera!

Anna said that maybe we should go back to her place and practice. I said you must have read my mind!

Thursday night finally came and much to our surprise Wilsons Jewelry was a hub of activity. Camera, lighting and sound people, Todd and his assistant directors, script people, production people and the guy who was to play the thief all in the store. I guess since this was a college production, they had access to state of the art film equipment and since no one was getting paid and everyone wanted class credit…. the more the merrier!

Anna looked great. She wore a red plaid short skirt with a white halter top and black shiny heels. I decided to wear a short tight grey dress with grey heels. Both of us looked the part of two salespeople in an upscale store.

Anna called me over to the side and said that she was a little nervous and overwhelmed. All these people here to see me get tied up. I'm almost ready to chicken out.

I told Anna, our little Ultra Tie Up Game idea is all about getting a rush and the adrenaline going. Enjoy it.

Anna said she would, but I could tell she was nervous.

Todd the director saw us enter the store and yelled out our two clerks have arrived!

Everyone looked and walked over to greet us. Todd introduced us to Ian who was playing Bryan Hailey the thief.

Ian looked totally into himself. Around 21 extremely handsome, both looking like a jock and actor at the same time.

He looked us both up and down then walked away. A total dick. Lol.

Todd said he'd be ready to shoot in about 20 minutes and first we should go to make up.

For a very small part we were being treated like stars.

When we were done Todd called us to start blocking the first segment.

Anna and I were to stay behind one of the jewelry counters while Ian the dick, who was carrying a shopping bag from an exclusive men's shop was to be looking at chains at another counter and browsing.

It seemed like 10 people were involved in the segment behind the scenes. I know Anna was a bit nervous, but now all of the activity was also giving me butterflies in my stomach.

Todd said action and the scene began.

I said to Anna “It's been a long day, are you going out tonight?”

“Yes, Dan is meeting me later.”

Anna said to me “Let's ask this customer to leave it's almost 9.”

I said, “Excuse me sir, we're closing.”

Ian said “No you're not. You’re staying open for a late-night sale where everything is free.”

With that Bryan pulls out a gun from his bag and tells us to raise our hands and get down on our knees behind the counter.

Todd says to cut the action.

Great job so far by everyone.

Todd may be a good director, but Ian is a terrible actor! Lol. He mugged for the camera and over exaggerated his line.

In the next segment the camera follows Ian pressing a button that brings the store gates down.

Another camera catches Anna and myself behind the counter on our knees with our hands up.

In the next segment Ian comes behind the counter, tells us to stand and takes us through a door into the back room.

While the crew is repositioning all the equipment, I ask Anna how she is doing.

Actually, having funny Patti. But the thought of all these people seeing me tied up is a little strange.

I know I said. Me too. But our big Ultra Tie Up Game moment is finally here!

In the storeroom Todd took us to the side and said. I know this is going to be a tough scene but let's get it done. I have faith in you!

With everything in order Todd says action.

The scene opens with Ian pushing us into the room.

“You” he said referring to Anna, “stand against the wall facing me.”

“And you, take this bag and remove some rope and a handkerchief.”

“Since it's currently two against one I'm going to hold the gun while you tie up your friend. Now quietly and slowly pick up a piece of rope and go over to your friend.”

I walked over to Anna.

Ian said, “Now you, face the wall, and you tie her hands behind her back and make it tight.”

I've tied Anna’s hands behind her back many, many times but not in front of cameras. Kind of kinky as well as scary I thought.

Ian said “cross her wrists and wind that rope around good. Ok now turn her around, and you, sit down with your legs out and ankles crossed. Now you get another piece of rope and tie her ankles.”

I tied Anna’s ankles tight for realism. There was one camera on all of us from a distance. Another camera fixed on Bryans face and another shooting a closeup of me trying Anna’s ankles.

Ian said. “Ok now roll that handkerchief up in a band, stick it between her teeth and gag her real good. Now stand up and walk ahead of me back into the store.”

With that Todd said cut. Excellent job. You ladies look like you have been practicing. Everyone laughed. Little did they know!

Todd said everyone should go back on the showroom floor but asked a camera, sound and lighting person to remain to get some closeups of Anna struggling.

I asked Todd if I could stay to offer moral support and he said fine.

I looked at the job I did on Anna and the position she was in. Sitting on the floor, back to the wall, legs tied straight out and gagged. Very hot and well done if I must say.

Her short plaid skirt and heels made her tied legs look phenomenal. By resting her back against the wall it pushed her breast out. The gag was tight and thin enough so you could see Anna’ perfect teeth biting down on it.

Todd asked Anna if she could struggle for the camera. She didn't disappoint. Trying to move her bound legs she only enhanced the ripple of her lean muscles. She moved her upper body in a sexy sensual manner and kept on biting on her gag while mmmmmmfhing and moaning. Speaking of Ultra Tied, I was Ultra Hot. I could see Anna was looking at me too enjoying the scene.

After capturing the close-up from different angles Todd cut the scene.

Todd told Anna that we could pull the gag down, but would it be alright if we left her tied up in case we needed to reshoot something. Anna shook her head yes.

Todd said let’s break down and move into the next room. Patti, can you take the gag down and then come in for your scene?

I slowly removed the gag as Anna kept on biting it to tease me.

Wow Anna, I was ready to explode during that. That's the best you ever looked tied up.

Yes, I felt very hot Patti. Very, very hot. I'm sorry I'm tied up and can't see your scene in person.

Don't worry, it will all be on film.

The first performance of Ultra Tie Up Games in action!

I went back to the showroom floor for the next scene.

I was positioned with Ian behind the counter.

“Ok now cooperate and you'll be fine.”

One of the sound crew then played a tape of what sounded like people talking to each other in muffled voices.

Bryan put his hand tightly around my mouth and asked me who that was.

I started speaking and he removed his hand.

“It’s just the cleaning people coming in next door.”

He put his hand back around my mouth. With his other hand he reached into his bag and pulled out another handkerchief. He rolled it, put it between my teeth and tied it almost too tight. I could tell Ian the dick for whatever reason didn't like me and was showing his passive-aggressive tendencies.

“Ok, leave that gag on and don’t touch it. Now get your showcase keys and open them all up. I followed his instructions.

This is the first time I was ever gagged where I wasn't tied. It felt interesting.

The camera captured me opening all the showcases.

“Now put your hands behind your back.”

Ian tied my hands together. Again, tighter than he should have. I could feel my circulation disappearing.

Ian moved me to the showroom floor and told me to get on my stomach. I laid down.

“Now cross your legs and bend them in the air at your knees.”

Ian tied my ankles together. Took another piece of rope and tied it to my hands. He made a very tight hog tie.

Ian then got up, started emptied the jewelry cases and the scene faded.

Cut, Todd said. Good work. Very creative Bryan when you tied her ankles to her wrists.

So that hogtie wasn't in the script. Bryan for whatever reason needed to get his aggression out on me in a big way.

Todd again asked a small crew to remain to shoot closeups of me tied up. He asked a crew member to untie Anna since there was no more, he could think of to shoot with her.

The crew shot closeups of my hog tie as I struggled to get loose. He tied me very tight, so I didn't have to worry about any of the rope getting loose while that was being shot. Ian was a passive-aggressive ass but certainly knew how to tie up a women.

A cool shot was my gagged face turned sideways on the floor with the camera very close up while I did my best gag talk about calling for help.

The crew finished and helped untie me. I got up and Anna was there.

She whispered to me how intense the whole thing was. I'm so hot bothered Anna said. Me too, I told her, times three.

Todd gathered the crew together. Thank you all so much for your hard work tonight. Your reward will be when we gather in the auditorium in a few months in front of a thousand people to view the film.

Anna and I looked at each other. A thousand people seeing us tied and gagged? How cool.

Todd came over to give us special thanks. Anna, Patti he said, thanks for going through this whole tied up ordeal for the sake of art.

I thought to myself, what ordeal??

The end