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Beauty and The Best - Support One Another (MF/Ffm)

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2023 11:59 pm
by KP Presents
“Hey, you two – come away in,” Kate Green said as she stood to one side and allowed her visitors to come in. The thirty-five-year-old was wearing a light purple dress, her long brown hair falling over the shoulders as the skirt came down to her knees, the darker purple fractal pattern covering the material. She was also wearing a pair of dark purple footless tights, her feet in a pair of purple slippers.

“Kate – how are you today,” Ashley Green said as she kissed Kate on both cheeks. She was her early sixties, and was wearing a long black cardigan over a white blouse, checked pants and black high heels. Her grey hair was carefully styled, while she had two strings of pearls around her neck – one as a choker, the other hanging loose.

“Not so bad, all things considered – have you and Tess just come from the office?”

“We have,” Tess Green said as she kissed Kate as well. She was a couple of years younger, and was wearing a grey jacket and tight short skirt with a crisp white blouse under the jacket. She had a red kerchief tucked into the pocket of the jacket, and like her mother was wearing dark hose and black high heels.

“Well, first things first – you know the rules of the house,” Kate said, both women slipping off their high heels and putting on a pair of flat blue slippers each. They then made their way through to the front room, while Kate went to make some coffee.

As she waited for the pit to brew, she looked out of the kitchen window and saw her two children playing on the grass. Reah was seven years old, and wearing a grey frilled shirt dress that came down to her knees, while five-year-old Jake was wearing a short sleeved checked shirt and knee length denim shorts. He was beginning to look so much like his father…

Shaking herself, she put the coffee put, cream, and cups on a tray with a plate of biscuits, and took them through to where Ashley and Tess were sitting.

“There we go,” she said as she sat down and poured the hot liquid in, handing the cups round.

“Where are my grandchildren?”

“Outside – I didn’t want to remind them it has been a year,” Kate said as she sipped from her own cup. “I still don’t know why he did that to us.”

“None of us do – and if he was ever to show his face again, he’d have to deal with me before the police got a hold of him,” Ashley said quietly. “He hurt us all badly – but you and the children most of all.”

“Let’s not dwell on that,” Kate said as she put the cup down. “Thanks for what you sent in the week – it means they get to go the panto and have a good Christmas this year.”

“You are still planning to come to our house for Christmas Lunch?”

Kate nodded as she said “the kids want to see their aunt and their grandmother, after all – and I’m not going to get in the way of that.”

“Quite right,” Tess said as she put her cup down, and then said “are you expecting anyone?”

“Not unless it is the postman,” Kate said as the doorbell rang again. “I’ll go and…”

“No – let me,” Tess said as she stood up and walked to the front door. She could see two figures through the frosted glass, so she opened the door and said “can I help you?”

“I think you can – allow us to come in, please.”

Tess stared at the couple and then slowly backed into the hallway, raising her hands into the air as she stared at the gun the man was holding in his gloved hand. He was tall, broad shouldered – and young, barely more than a teenager by the looks of him. His short brown hair was under a black wool cap, and he was wearing a black jumper, pants and shoes – as well as a black eye mask, the skin noticeable darker round his eyes underneath.

The young woman who was with him could not have been much older – she also had a black wool cap on over her long blonde hair, and an eye mask as a disguise, while she was wearing a tight-fitting black sweater, and black leggings, a pair of over the knee black felt boots over them. She was also wearing black leather gloves like the man, and was pointing a gun at her as she held a large canvas bag in her other hand.

The man closed the door, and then said in a calm voice “thank you. Now, remain calm – we are here foe exactly the reason you think we are, but we have no desire or wish to see anyone get hurt. So long as nobody does anything stupid, whoever is here will be just fine.”

“You’re not Kate Green,” the masked woman said.

“No… I’m her sister-in-law Tess… Are those gins real?”

“Yes, yes they are,” the woman said, “so please keep those hands in the air, and take us to her.”

“This… This way…” Tess slowly turned, keeping her hands in the air as the couple followed her in.

“So who was… What the hell…”

Both Kate and Ashely stood up as they saw Tess walk in, and then the masked couple behind her, both of them pointing their guns at the women. The man smiled as he said “let’s not start on the wrong foot – slowly, both of you, sit down and put your hands on your head, palm down.”

“Who are you, and what do you want,” Ashley said in an angry voice.

“I am called The Best,” the man said, “and this is my partner Beauty. Are you Kate Green?”

Kate slowly nodded as she said “this is my mother-in-law, Ashley. Are you… Are you here to rob me?”

“We are,” the masked Beauty said as she indicated to Tess to have a seat as well. “So we need you all to remain calm and to do exactly what we tell you to do. We are going to be here for a little while, so everyone remain calm.”

“I want you to leave right now,” Ashley said as she stared at them. “You cannot order us around like this – what gives you the right to do so?”

“The guns,” Best said in a steady voice, “and we are not leaving until we are finished with what we have to do here. Is that perfectly clear?”

“Ashley,” Kate said quietly, “please – the kids…”

“Kate, you do not have to…”

“We do,” Kate said quietly as she looked at Beauty. “We have your word nobody – especially the kids – will get hurt?”

“You have my word – now please, all of you sit down,” Beauty said, Kate and Ashley looking at each other before they sat with their hands in the air. “Thank you – now we are going to tie you all up to prevent you raising the alarm, but before we commence with that – Kate, I want you to hand your mobile phone, purse and any jewellery you are wearing to Best here.”

Kate slowly nodded as she said “my purse and phone are in my handbag in the kitchen.” She slowly removed her earrings, bracelets, watch and rings and placed them in the velvet sack that Best held in front of her, before she raised her hands in the air again.

“Your turn, Mrs Green,” Best said as he looked at Ashley, who stared angrily back at him before she removed her purse and phone from her handbag and placed them int he sack, followed by her pearls and other jewellery.

“May I remove my jacket first,” Tess said as she looked at Best, smiling as he nodded and Beauty took her jacket from her. The masked woman removed the gold pin from her lapel as she removed her own jewellery and placed them in the velvet sack, before she also handed her own purse over.

“Thank you,” Best said as Beauty opened the bag she had brought in, and then took a length of white rope out before she walked behind Kate, and said “very slowly, put your hands behind your back.”

“Do you really have to do this?”

“Yes, we do,” she said as she crossed Kate’s wrists and then used the rope to bind them tightly and comfortably together. She tried to move her wrists with no success as she removed two more lengths of rope from the bag, handing one to Best and walking behind Tess as he walked behind Ashley. Both women looked at Kate as their own wrists were secured behind their backs, Ashley biting her lower lip before she said “You can’t be that old – why do this?”

“Why ask the question?”

Ashley looked at Beauty as she took a longer length of rope and doubled it over, before she passed it round her daughter’s body and pulled it tight under her chest, then wrapped it round several times above and below her chest to keep her arms against her sides. Ashley stared at her as her chest was forced up and out – and then was aware that Best was doing the same thing to her as well.

Beauty then went behind Kate and started to frame her chest in the bands of rope as she said “we are going to make sure your mother-in-law and sister-in-law stay right here, while Best takes you round the house.

Kate nodded as the ropes were pulled tighter, and she felt the binding holding her arms there, before Beauty tied the ends off behind her back and looked up.

“Hello there – you must be Reah and Jake.”

The women looked at the young boy and girl who had just come in, as Beauty walked round and knelt in front of them. “Hello – my name is Beauty. This is my friend – he’s The Best. You must be wondering what is going on.”

“Why do you have your eyes covered,” Reah asked as she twisted her long brown hair round her finger.

“Because we are both robbers,” Beauty said quietly, “and we are robbing your mother. Now, can you see what we have done to your mother, grandmother and aunt?”

Jake slowly nodded as he said “why are they tied up?”

“Well, we need to make sure nobody else knows we are here, so we have tied them up – and I am going to tie you up as well.”

Kate looked at her children, before she said “I know it sounds scary, but we will all be the same, and they have promised they are not going to hurt you.”

“Your mother is correct,” Ashley said as Tess nodded. “I know it looks scary, but it really does not hurt.” Rhea and Jake looked at each other as Best helped Kate to stand up, and said £Beauty will take care of them” as he walked her out of the room.

“So,” Beauty said as she stood up and fetched more ropes from the bag, and then knelt in front of them again, “please turn round, and put your hands behind your back.”

“You are both very brave,” Tess said as the masked woman took Rhea’s hands behind her back, Jake watching as she used the rope to bind the young girl’s wrists together. She then took a longer length and used it to hold her arms against her sides, round her upper arms and her stomach, before she tied the rope off.

“It feels like a big hug,” Rhea said as Beauty then crossed Jake’s wrists behind her back, and tied them tightly together, before she secured his arms in the same way as his sister.

“Now,” she said, “go and sit next to your aunt – the next thing I need to do is make sure none of you can stand up very easily…”

“Will my kids be all right with her?”

“Of course they will,” Best said as he sat Kate down on the bed in the master bedroom. “We have kept to our word, have we not.”

Kate nodded as she twisted round, before she looked at Best and said “how old are you anyway?”

“Is it that important?”

“You can’t be that old – so why do this? Why take a family hostage and then rob them?”

“We have no choice in the matter,” Best said quietly as he checked the ropes round Kate’s arms. “You do not realise how fortunate you are, Mrs Green.”

“Lucky? I don’t feel that lucky. How much do you know about me?”

“I know your husband absconded a year ago with a large amount of money from his mouth, abandoning you and your children at the same time.”

Kate stared at him, before she said “so what makes you think we are well off?”

“His family have supported you, true?” Kate thought for a moment and then nodded, as Best said “Beauty and I have nobody like that – we have basically been left by society to fend for ourselves in a society that wants to treat us both as pariahs. So we decided to employ the principles of wealth redistribution so that we can at least buy food and pay our bills.”

Kate stared at him before she whispered “are you telling me you do this – to survive?”

“I am – do you find that hard to believe?”

“In a country that has the policies they do,” Kate said quietly, “I can believe you. I guess you really have no choice, do we?”

“No – but if there is any jewellery item you wish to keep for sentimental reasons…”

Kate thought for a moment, and then said “I still have my wedding ring on.”

“I know – we do not normally take items like that from those we visit…”

“Take it – take them all, my insurance will cover it.”

“If you are sure?”

“Truth be told, I should stop wearing it anyway – he’s not coming back,” Kate said as he walked behind her and eased the ring off her finger, placing it in a velvet sack before he said “so, where do I start looking?”

“Top drawer…”

Tess twisted her legs round as Beauty secured them together below her knees, then looked at Rhea and Jake as they sat next to her, their bound ankles hanging over the edge of the seat.

“Are you both all right,” Ashley said as she wriggled in her armchair.

“Yeah granny – it’s all right, Rhea said, Jake nodding as Beauty stood up and went back to the bag. She took out a white scarf and rolled it into a band, walking behind Ashely as she said “now I need you all to be quiet for a little while – when Best comes back, we’ll make sure you get a drink and go to the toilet if you need to. Please open your mouth wide, Mrs Green.”

The others watched as Beauty pulled the rolled-up scarf between Ashely’s lips and then tied the band tightly round her head as she closed her lips over it.


“Whllbhfhn,” Ashley mumbled as Beauty took three more scarves out, and then cleave gagged Tess, Thea and Jake so that the scarf sat behind their lips. They then looked to the door as Best came back in with their mother, Beauty taking Kate over to another armchair and sitting her down as Best put the velvet sack in the larger bag.

“He told me why you do this,” Kate said as Beauty knelt down, crossed her ankles and started to bond them together, “I am sorry you feel you have to do this.”

“Thank you,” Beauty said as she pulled the rope between her legs and then tied the ends off, before she started to secure her legs together below her knees.


“They have no choice – I’ll explain later,” Kate said before she was cleave gagged in the same way as the others, Beauty turning on the television as Best sat and watched the captives while she left the room…

Kate slowly opened her eyes as she felt the rope being removed from her legs, and saw Best as he loosened and removed the damp scarf from Rhea’s mouth.

“Thank you,” she said a ssh sipped the water through the straw he had put in the glass. “I need to go to the toilet.”

“I’ll help you to go to the downstairs toilet,” Best said as he helped her to stand up and then jump out of the room as Beauty helped Kate to stand up.

“We are going to of and prepare some food for all of you – if you all promise not to call out, then Best can leave the gags out when you have had your drink and done anything you need to do.”

Ashley nodded as she looked at her daughter and grandson, both of them nodding in agreement as Rhea was brought back in and helped to sit down again, before she had another drink.

“Now, do you promise to sit nice and quietly?”

“Yes, Mister Best.”

“Good,” Best said as he loosened the gag in Jake’s mouth, while Beauty helped Kate to walk to the kitchen before she untied her arms.

“Thhhnk you,” she said as she reached round and untied the scarf, seeing how dark and wet it was where it had sat in her mouth. Beauty handed her a small bottle of water, watching as she unscrewed the top and took a long drink.

“You really do this to have enough to live on?”

“We do – we don’t exactly enjoy it, but it is necessary, and we genuinely try not to hurt anyone,” Beauty said with a smile. “Now, we need to prepare some food for everyone – how can I help?”

“Let’s keep it simple – let me put some pizzas in the oven and we can sort out some side dishes. Will you eat with us?”

“We would be honoured to…”

“Thank you for the food we eat,
Thank you for the world so sweet.
Thank you for the birds that sing,
Thank you, Lord, for everything.”

“Amen,” the others said after Ashely had said the grace, and they all started to take slices of pizza and garlic breads from the plates. They were sat round the dining table, free from any bindings as Beauty and the Best sat with them.

“So why do they do this, Kate,” Ashely said as she looked across the table. She looked at the masked captors, before she said “literally, so they can survive. You know how bad things are out there, Ashley – the reality just paid a visit to us.”

Tess slowly nodded before she said “I am really proud of both of you.”

Rhea and Jake blushed as Rhea said “it wasn’t so bad – and we weren’t hurt either. It just felt funny having that cloth soaking up everything.”

“Are you going to gag us like that again, Miss Beauty,” Jake said as he took a drink from his glass.

“Well, I am going to gag you, but in a different way – and you’ll be tied a little more tightly as well, but you will all be the same, I promise you that.”

“It’s – exciting,” Rhea said as Kate looked at her.

“Do you know – it actually is,” she said with a smile as he looked at her daughter.

“Can we all watch a film if we have it stay there,” Jake said, “and can we be with Mummy this time?”

“OF course you can,” Best said with a smile. “In fact – Beauty, will you take them to change and get ready for bed before we secure them? That way they will be more comfortable.”

“I can,” Beauty said with a smile, “but we may have to add some protection. Let me take care of that with them while you secure the rest of the family downstairs.”

“So what film would you like to watch,” Ashley said as she looked round the table.

“Not a girly film,” Jake said quietly, “how about a superhero one?”

“I have an idea,” Kate said. “We could watch the Ms Marvel series – is that all right?”

The others nodded as they continued to eat, Beauty and Best looking at each other and shaking their heads…

“There now,” Best said as he took the rope between Tess’s wrists and tightened the binding before securing the ends off. “I am going to take your mother, grandmother and aunt and tie them up in the front room, and you both got with Beauty, all right?”

“Okay,” Rhea and Jake said as the masked woman took them up the stairs and to their bedrooms. She watched as they went in, the doors remaining open as she heard her partner talking to the older women, before saying “remember – put on a pair of bedsock slippers and bring a pair of sports socks out with you.”

“Okay, Miss Beauty,” Rhea said as she came out. She was now wearing a short sleeved blue top with a picture of a unicorn on the front, and blue shorts, while her feet and lower legs were in a pair of blue slipper socks, and she held a pair of white socks in her hands.

“Okay,” Beauty said as she took the socks and pulled them up over Rhea’s hands, “turn round and out your hands behind your back again please.” As she did so, Beauty took one of the lengths of rope she had, and used it to bind the young girl’s covered and crossed wrists tightly together.

As she tied the rope off, she saw Jake come out of his bedroom. Th young boy was wearing a pair of pyjamas, his grey slipper socks covering the bottoms of the blue pants with the dolphins on them, his short-sleeved top with an undersea print on it. He looked at Rhea and nodded, before he let Beauty pull the socks over his hands and then tie his wrists together behind his back.

She then took the longer length of rope and passed it round Rhea’s arms, forming two bands that held them firmly against her sides before she fed the rope under one arm, up and around the back of her neck, and then under the other side before she tied the ropes off.

“That’s really tight,” she whispered as she twisted her body round, then watched as she bound her brother’s upper body in the same way. The two children twisted round as Beauty said “Now, I am going to keep you both quiet before you go down. I need you to open your mouths as wide as you can, and when I am done it is very important that you just walk quietly and stay with your mother, all right?”

“Thank you Miss Beauty.”

“What for Rhea?”

“For making this a magical and exciting day.”

“You’re very welcome – now open your mouth.” Rhea felt the cloth the masked woman pushed in as it depressed her tongue and filled the space behind her teeth, but she managed to close her lips over it as she heard a soft peeling sound when Beauty took a strip of white tape from a roll, and then pressed it gently but firmly down over her mouth and chin.

“Try and talk now.”

“Hllshshsmfhn,” Rhea said, Jake smiling before he was gagged in the same way. Beauty smiled as she said “right – let’s walk very slowly down the stairs and join the rest of your family.” The two children nodded as they walked down in front of her, looking at their mother as they went in.


“Fnnkhmhm,” rhea said as she at on one side of Kate, Jake sitting on the other side. Their mother was as tightly bound as they were, with white tape over her mouth, but there was also rope around her ankles and the slippers on her feet, and her legs were tied together below and above her knees.

Beauty was kneeling by a smaller couch, Ashely and Tess sitting side by side on it, their bodies also secured with the same type of ropes as Kate. He was tying rope around their grandmother’s legs above her knees as Ashely watched, Tess already bound.

“Your turn now,” Beauty said as she took some rope, and bound Rhea’s ankles together, the rope sinking into the soft material of the slipper socks. After she knotted the rope, she took it round her feet as well to make sure they stayed together, before she took more rope and started to secure her legs together above and below her knees, Jake watching the whole time.

He then felt the rope round his own ankles and legs as they were bound together, Kate giving each of them a kiss with her gagged lips as she watched Beauty making sure they could not escape either. Best, in the meantime, had used more rope to secure Ashley and Tess together in the shorter seat, the two of them struggling and trying to talk through their gags.

Best then turned the television on and started the Disney+ app, Jake and Rhea resting their heads against their mother as the first episode of Ms Marvel started. Beauty smiled as she walked towards the window and looked out, Kate asking “hmhsslhnnghr”

“Soon, very soon…”


The third episode was about to start as Beauty looked out of the window again, and then nodded. Jake was already asleep, his chest rising and falling as Rhea mumbled “shthtmhshht?”

“Thmmfhuhthshlhp,” Kate said quietly as she watched the two masked intruders gathering up their bags.

“I hope you have – enjoyed our time with you?”

“Hhtsshbhnhnedhcashhn,” Kate said, Ashely and Tess nodding as well.

“I am sure rescue will come – eventually,” Beauty said. “Tell your children when they wake up they are very brave and resourceful.”

As Kate nodded, the two intruders smiled and turned the lights in the room off, only the light from the television providing any illumination as they left the three adults looking at each other, unable to move either because of the ropes, or because of the children next to them, or both…



“Ashley? Tess? Is anyone home?”

Kate slowly opened her eyes as she saw the light in the hallway go on, and then a grey-haired man come in and turn the light on.

“What the…”

“Thhmhmhlphs,” Ashley said as she saw her husband standing here, “thessbhhnhrhbbhrheee!”



Tom Green stood there for a moment, and then peeled the tape from Kate’s mouth, easing out the soaking wet sponge ball as he did so.

“Call the police,” she gasped “and then free us…”

Re: Beauty and The Best - Support One Another (MF/Ffm)

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 2:20 pm
by charliesmith
I liked the story. It was a good read.