HOTEL HORRORS (MMM/M) - (Chapter 4 posted 16/02)

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HOTEL HORRORS (MMM/M) - (Chapter 4 posted 16/02)

Post by heyharry15 »

Hotel Horrors

Been a lurker for quite a while now and decided I wanted to have a go at writing for a change. Hope you guys enjoy

Chapter 1

Scott’s phone pinged as he lay in bed and a text from our company manager flashed up on his screen.

“What the hell?” Scott said as he stared at his phone in disbelief.

“What is it?” Jack asked, turning round in bed to face Scott.

“Dave found out about the beers. He said all three of us are gonna receive penalties because of it and we’re gonna have to go see him in the morning.”

“What?! Who the fuck snitched on us?” Logan furiously asked.

Yep, it didn’t take them long to find out who it was as all of them abruptly turned their heads to face me as I lay quietly in bed.

Yes, I had secretly snitched on the three men for drinking some beer in the hotel room earlier.

I was on a 3 night business trip overseas with about 20 other colleagues and the manager (who was with us but staying in another hotel) made it very clear to all of us that alcohol was completely banned on the trip as he wanted everyone to have a clear head for the important business meetings ahead.

I was on work experience with the company and was sharing a hotel room with three men who were on the trip - Scott, Logan and Jack, all aged between 27 and 30, unlike me who was only 19. I was just a boy compared to them.

I barely knew these guys but they were seriously pissing me off all day. Making jokes about me and just constantly winding me up. So I decided to get my own back and snitched on them to the manager earlier in the evening, even sending him a photo of the three empty beer cans in the room.

But now, seeing all three men staring at me with fury in their eyes, made me realise that I had made a big mistake.

“It was you wasn’t it, Jason?” Scott snapped as he, and the two other men, began to get out of their beds and move towards me.

Bear in mind that these three men were a lot bigger than me so them being angry did not spell good news. Plus the fact that all three of them were only wearing a pair of boxers, meant I was rather intimidated by their muscular shirtless bodies.

Without thinking, I quickly flung off my duvet and jumped out of my bed. I was half naked myself, only having worn a pair of loose shorts to bed, but I didn’t care. All I knew was that I had to get out of there. FAST.

I tried to make a run for the door but Jack managed to quickly grab me and hold me tightly, wrapping his strong arm around my neck and another round my torso, pinning my arms down to my sides.

“Woah not so fast buddy” he said as he held me tightly on the spot.

I writhed and struggled against Jack’s tight grip who was essentially locking me within his own body. It was humiliating to say the least. The strong smell of his BO and deodorant filled my nostrils.

“You guilty little bastard” Logan growled as he and Scott moved closer towards me.

I admitted defeat.

“Look it was only cause you guys were pissing me off during the day” I tried to bravely say, “I was just angry. Come on, let me go!”

The men laughed at my request. Then Scott glared at me, his eyes cutting through me like a knife.

“You’re not going anywhere until we’ve dealt with you” he hissed.

I was in deep sh**.
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Post by Xtc »

Cheapskate firm; making four adults room together. Enough to drive anybody to drink!
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

Xtc wrote: 4 months ago Cheapskate firm; making four adults room together. Enough to drive anybody to drink!
I agree. I'd be at my bosses room, tying him up then enjoying a few drinks on his room service tab
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Post by Paris_bondage »

Great start. Can't wait to read next chapters.
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Post by harveygasson »

Really good start!
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Post by heyharry15 »

@Xtc - Haha definitely a cheapskate firm alright :lol:

@Wedgieboy69 - I like your thinking ;)

@Paris_bondage - Thank you! Great to hear you’re enjoying

@harveygasson - Thanks!! That’s awesome to hear

Chapter 2 will be out very soon!
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Post by bondagefreak »

Super interesting start @heyharry15
Really anxious to see where you go with this and what lies in store for our young protagonist.

Welcome to the forum!

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Post by heyharry15 »

@bondagefreak Thanks for your comment and for welcoming me into the forum. Can’t wait to read some more of your awesome stories!

Chapter 2

I continued trying to break myself free from Jack’s incredibly strong arms.

“Don’t struggle bro” Jack calmly whispered in my ear, not phased at all by my worthless attempts to wriggle out of his hold.

I could tell in his voice that he was very much enjoying being able to show off his immense strength to me and the others.

Scott and Logan continued standing menacingly in front of me, staring down into my eyes.

“We’re probably gonna be suspended for this Jason, maybe even fired. You know how quick Dave is to punish anyone who disobeys him” Scott angrily snapped at me, “This job has some of the best fucking pay in the country and you’re seriously putting us three at risk of losing that!”

“Look I’ll call him” I quickly said, “I’ll tell him I made a mistake or something.”

“Too late for that dickhead” Logan growled, “He knows now, it’s too late for you to change that.”

I nervously watched as a sinister smile spread across Scott’s face. He looked up to face Jack who was still holding my body tightly within his.

“Get his arms behind him” he told Jack, who quickly released me from his body and then immediately looped his arms round mine, holding them securely behind my back.

“Woah woah woah, what are you doing?” I anxiously stammered.

My entire shirtless body was now exposed. I was incredibly vulnerable and at the mercy of these very strong and very angry men.

Scott then clenched his fists and a hard and heavy blow came to my stomach.

I groaned in pain.

“How does it feel you little grass?” Scott sneered, taking great satisfaction in my painful ordeal.

Many more gut punches were applied to my stomach, Scott and Logan each taking it in turns to deliver hard and heavy blows to my body.

I continued groaning in pain as the punches kept coming, each one becoming quicker and more vigorous.

“Yeah fuck him up, fuck him up real good” Jack jeered, still holding my arms securely behind my back and preventing me from moving my body.

The never-ending punches showed no signs of stopping as Scott and Logan continued ramming their rock hard fists into my weakened stomach, making me feel like a million bullets were simultaneously being shot through my body.

After what felt like forever, Scott and Logan finally ceased their punching and Jack pushed me to the floor. I lay motionless on the carpet, weakened by my ordeal. My body ached and stung.

“Not so tough now are we?” Logan sniggered.

Even though I felt like I was on the verge of passing out, I wasn’t gonna let those guys get the better of my pride and dignity. I looked up to face the men.

“Damn, thought you guys had more in you” I wheezed, the impact of the punches still severely winding me, “My 5 year old sister could do better than that.”

Yeah this was probably the wrong thing for me to have said.

I watched as their faces began to fill with frustration.

“Man this kid really needs to learn his place” Jack said.

“Get him in that chair” Scott ordered, pointing to a sturdy chair beside the wall, “I’ve got an idea…”
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Post by blackbound »

Brave, but not very intelligent. Excited to see what happens next!

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Post by squirrel »

Very nice story! Three muscular, shirtless hunks punishing their victim is something I like very much 8-) . Keepi it up!

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Post by bondagefreak »

Man, the three hunks really aren't going easy on Jason, aren't they? I gotta say, I feel bad for the little guy seeing as how sorely outmatched and "outgunned" he is. His smartass taunting doesn't help his case though. That mouth of his is surely going to get him in trouble. A more serious form of humiliation may be in order - if only to knock him down a few pegs.

heyharry15 wrote: 4 months ago @bondagefreak Thanks for your comment and for welcoming me into the forum. Can’t wait to read some more of your awesome stories!
Glad to hear it. I look forward to seeing your name pop up in the comments regularly from now on.
This community can be a lot of fun if you choose to actively participate. Make yourself at home, buddy!

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Post by heyharry15 »

@blackbound - Perfectly said. Glad to hear you’re enjoying the story!

@squirrel - This story is clearly right up your street then ;) Thanks for commenting!

@bondagefreak Thanks for your warm welcoming and support for this story. And yes I definitely will try and stay active on the forum :)

Chapter 3

I felt several strong arms violently grab my weakened, half naked body and hoist me up onto my feet.

Scott and Logan both reeked of sweat and BO. Their hard work using me as human punch bag had clearly given them a good workout. I could even see drips of sweat trickling down their shirtless bodies.

With a hard shove, the three underwear-clad hunks began marching me over to the large chair that was positioned by the wall and forced me down onto it.

Jack kept me held me down to the chair by my shoulders, making sure that his big, beefy hands prevented me from making a quick escape.

“Come on guys this is stupid, we’re literally adults” I said, my voice still noticeably broken and raspy from the impact of the stomach punches, “Can’t we just talk this out or something?”

But my requests were simply met with laughter and jibes, making it clear that there was zero hope of talking them out of whatever they had planned for me.

There was nothing I could do but watch as Scott rummaged through his suitcase and pulled out a plastic, transparent pouch. From what I could clearly see, there were many thick, heavy duty cable ties inside.

Scott unsealed the top of the tall pouch and pulled out three of them.

“Knew these would come in handy” he said to himself with a smirk.

My eyes bulged as I saw the extra thick cable ties coming towards me in Scott’s hand. I suddenly realised what they were planning to do to me.

I tried to stand up but Jack kept his strong hands firmly planted upon my shoulders.

“Come on man, leave it out. You can’t seriously tie me up” I protested, but I was in no fit state to try and fight back, due to my sore and aching body.

“Hey don’t be scared buddy” Scott taunted, as he moved closer towards me, “Now just relax and we’ll get you nice and comfortable in this chair.”

Logan moved behind me and brought my wrists behind the chair, crossing them and holding them in place. I then felt one of the bands loop round my wrists and connect to the back of the chair I was sitting on.

The dreaded zipping noise of the cable tie echoed through the room as Scott pulled and tightened the band over my crossed wrists, preventing me from moving my arms.

“Fuck” I whispered to myself as the severity of the situation began to sink in.

I then watched as Scott knelt down in front of me and tied both my ankles to the chair legs on either side, making sure the extra thick cable ties were tight enough around my ankles to keep my legs securely in place.

Knowing it was now impossible for me to try and break free, Jack released his hands from my shoulders and joined his other two friends as they stood in front of me, towering over my bound and helpless form.

I tested my bonds. The cable ties offered no slack whatsoever. I was completely secured to the large and hefty chair.

I had never been tied up before in my entire nineteen years of living. I absolutely hated it.

“You pricks are dead when I tell Dave about this. I’m gonna tell him everything when I get out of here” I snapped at them, though it was hard to sound intimidating when I was the one tied to a chair.

“We’re already in trouble anyway” Scott replied, “What’s another punishment or two. Besides, he couldn’t care less about what happens to you Jason. In fact, he couldn’t care less about any of his employees. All he cares about is profits and money.”

“But not like us” Logan chimed in, “We care about you alright. We care a lot about how exactly you’re gonna pay for crossing us and throwing us to the wolves.“

‘Shit’ I thought to myself as I sat tied up in just my PJ shorts, ‘This was gonna be a long night…’
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Post by Red86 »

I don't usually condone violence but Jason definitely deserves some of what's been happening. Though perhaps those gut punches may have been it, had Jason kept his trap shut but no, he had to run his mouth and now he's tied to a chair with zipties. Indeed sounds like he's got a long night ahead of him. Looking forward to reading more!
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Post by squirrel »

Very good continuation! The cable ties will make sure that our protagonist won't escape his three muscular hunks...

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Post by socjuc »

ahemmmm... what's next?

Love this story so far. It seems our little snitch kind of knows how to get himself more and more into trouble as time goes on,,,, :lol:

Now incapacitated, I am eagerly anticipating what our 3 captors have planned next for their prisoner :P
This story can be found HERE.
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Post by liam_678 »

Awesome story! Definitely agree with @Red86 - he’s not doing himself any favours by opening his big mouth :lol: Can’t wait to read more!
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Post by heyharry15 »

Thank you all for reading and for those leaving your awesome comments. So glad to know this story is being so well received :)

Chapter 4

As I sat helplessly on the imprisoning chair, I couldn’t help but crinkle my nose up at Scott and Logan who continued to reek of sweaty men after their intense workout using me as a punching bag.

“Man I think Jason’s really caught a bad whiff of your BO” Jack ridiculed, clearly seeing the look the disgust on my face.

“Really?” Scott grinned, “Looks to me like he likes the smell.”

Scott lifted his arm up and covered my face with his sweaty armpit.

It absolutely REEKED.

“Ugggghhhh” I groaned, attempting to twist my head away in different directions.

Jack immediately moved in to restrain my head, holding it still to allow Scott to further torment me.

His hand also came down firmly upon my mouth, muffling my loud groans and forcing me to breath in Scott’s repulsive, sweat-drenched armpits through my nose.

“Mmmppphhhhh!!” came my muffled moans.

“Mmmmm breath in that lovely scent kiddo” Scott taunted, pressing his armpits down even harder over my nose.

I struggled and fought against the cable ties that kept my arms and legs securely fastened to the chair but, unsurprisingly, my limbs didn’t budge.

“Hey, let me have a go” came Logan’s excited and eager voice.

Scott moved aside and in came Logan’s even sweatier pits right across my nose.

“Mmmpppphhhhh!!” I continued to moan, the revolting stench of sweat filling my nostrils.

“Haha you like that don’t you? Keep breathing buddy” sneered Logan, as he pressed his pits further onto my nose.

I felt like I was about to vomit at any second.

“Hey I have a better idea” Scott said, before moving towards the big pile of clothes on the floor that he had dumped there before he had gotten into bed earlier.

I watched in horror as he pulled out a pair of dirty socks that he had been wearing during the day.

“Let’s see if Jason takes a shine to these bad boys” he said as he came towards me and lowered the vile, repulsive socks over my nose.

“MMMPPPPHHHHH” I moaned as the putrid smelling stuff covered my nose, Jack’s very tight handgag forcing my nostrils to breath in it’s toxic fumes.

What the hell were they trying do to me? Kill me?!

The socks smelt like they hadn’t been washed in years! I retched and gagged as I continued being forced to breath in the sickening, nauseating smelling things.

The men continued to howl with laughter, very clearly enjoying every second of what they were putting me through.

After about two minutes, Scott finally removed the socks from my nose and Jack released his tight hold over my head and my mouth.

I immediately gasped for air and took several deep breaths in and out through my mouth, feeling huge relief to finally be able to breath in fresh air again.

“Man, he really couldn’t cope with that shit” Jack chortled, giving my hair a playful ruffle, “Looks like he’s finally getting some real work experience tonight.”

Once I had finally got clean air circulating through my lungs again, I looked up to face the men, desperately praying that they had finally had enough of torturing me.

But the look on my tormentor’s faces didn’t look like they were finished with me yet. Deep down, I knew that my ordeal was just beginning…
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Post by squirrel »

Oh man, those hunks are quite cruel aren't they? To force our poor protagonist to smell their armpits... :twisted: Great chapter!

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