Harmless Fun (m/m & M/mm) [COMPLETE]

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Harmless Fun (m/m & M/mm) [COMPLETE]

Post by Stoutland395 »

I originally posted this story to my DeviantArt gallery awhile back (It's actually the first story I had written), so you can read the full story there. (www.deviantart.com/stoutland395). Since then, I've done some revisions to it to make it a little better, and I'll be posting the re-writes here, along with a bonus chapter. I hope you all enjoy it. :D

Chapter One

Josh ditched his sweaty shirt in the laundry room and crashed onto the couch, huffing, still exhausted from his basketball game with Tom in his driveway. He kicked his tennis shoes off, flicking them under the coffee table and rested his feet on top of it. The cold air in the house brushed against his damp Nike socks, cooling his feet. He pulled the cuffs if his black shorts above his thighs, feeling the air on his legs as well. Josh combed his sweaty bangs away from his forehead with his fingers and through the rest of his dark brown hair to the back of his head. He took a few more deep breaths, getting his breathing back to normal. The suede felt nice on his back and neck as he slumped down deeper into it.

Spring Break began next week, so he didn’t need to worry about school, and his parents trusted him enough for him to stay home while they went to visit a sick friend. Between him and Tom, Josh was clearly the more responsible one. A simple week of shooting hoops his best friend and playing video games was his idea of a great week. Josh folded his arms across his chest, staring at the ceiling, still breathing heavily through his nose. Although exhausted, he found himself wary of the small creaks and clicks throughout the empty house. His head buzzed with constant shifting thoughts of “What if…” moments that left him unable to fully relax.

He shook himself out of his head and sat up straight. He flipped the television on, filling the room with sound. Maybe some games would take his mind off things. This wasn’t the week to be worried about anything. It was a time for fun. He loaded Mortal Kombat onto the big-screen tv. With the house to himself for the time being, he could plug his PlayStation into the big tv in the living room. Time passed, and his stomach began to growl.

Josh paused the game and climbed over the couch, moving into the kitchen. He considered cooking something for himself, but he was too hungry to start fumbling with the stove and pans, so he opted for the Hot Pockets in the freezer. His fingers pried at the loud crinkling plastic bagging, and for a second, he thought he heard something and froze. But the house was silent. More creaks from the house settling, he thought. He placed his food in the microwave and mashed the buttons. The microwave let out a whirring as the fan on top blasted. Suddenly another sound filled the air, coming from the living room. He went back to see his game un-paused and his defenseless character getting killed.

“Shit!” He exclaimed, craning over the back of the couch and hitting the pause button on the controller again. “I paused the damn thing!” he said to himself. As he straightened himself, something caught his eye. From the reflection in the curio cabinet in the corner of the room, he saw himself standing behind the couch. Himself… and someone else, standing behind him. All the color flushed from his face, turning his dark complex pale. He felt his heart beat in his throat as a figure clad in all black loomed behind him. The figure reached from behind, wrapping his arm around Josh’s neck.

The black figure let out a growl and produced something from his pocket. Josh opened his mouth to scream as loud as he could, but the figure push something round and hard between his teeth, causing him to gag. The figure pulled back on two straps, pinching Josh’s cheeks, and attached the two ends together. There was a soft click at the back of Josh’s head that rang in his ears. A gun click? Panic completely took over, and Josh dove over the couch and onto the coffee table, rolling over it and onto the shag carpet. He flipped the table over on its side as barrier between himself and the intruder. Panicky tears began running down his face from the adrenaline rushing through his body, and his tried screaming again.

“Helph—ahk! Helph meph—ahk! Shomphbdy, hemph--ahk!” Each scream for help was followed by Josh heaving and gagging. Something kept slinging back in his mouth, threatening to fall down his throat and choke him. He pried at the thing stuck in his mouth, but his finger could barely dig between the space between his cheeks and the straps holding the round thing in. He fumbled with the straps at the back of his head and felt something box-like in his fingers. It was cold and metallic… a lock! “Whahph—ahk!?” What the hell did this guy do, he thought. He couldn’t speak or call out without the ball in his mouth slinging back and gagging him. He felt himself ready to cry, trapped by an intruder with no one to hear him. Josh moaned as loud as he could, clenching the ball between his teeth and lips to keep it from slipping. “Mmmph! MMMpph! MMMPPHH!”

A loud cackling laughter echoed in the room, much louder than Josh’s moans. It was a laughter he’d known too well. He peeked from behind the turned-over table to get a good look at his attacker. He was wearing a black hoodie and black track pants, which did nothing for his stick-thin body. A black ski-mask covered his face, but not those bright blue eyes, which confirmed Josh’s suspicions. The panic surging through Josh’s body turned into a burning rage. An angry heat formed in his face, turning his face beet-red. He took a large step over the turned-over table and stomped the floor with his heel.

“Wow, you’re real light n your feet, Joshy-boy! That was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen – I mean, you fllleeewww over that couch! You didn’t break the table, did you? Because that would be super awkward to explain.” The figure’s voice was light and cheery. He clapped frantically, applauding Josh’s performance. “Bravo! Brava! Brav-you! Brav-me!” he chanted. The figure reached up, knocking off his hood and pulling the ski mask off with exaggerated flamboyance.

Tom stood there, spreading his arms out wide and flashing Josh the most shit-eating grin he could muster before proudly proclaiming, “Ta-da!”

To Be Continued...
Last edited by Stoutland395 5 years ago, edited 9 times in total.
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Post by Veracity »

Nice start. I’m looking forward to more.
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Post by Xtc »

Thanks for posting this here.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by cj2125 »

Yay! Awesome story! I’ve already read it on Deviantart and must admit I was a little weary of rereading it here but after reading the first chapter I’ve noticed all the new details you’ve added! They make the story even better than it was before and now I can’t wait to reread your new take on the old chapters.

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Post by Stoutland395 »

Chapter 2

Tom placed his hands on his knees, doubled over from laughing. A tightness in his stomach caused a cramp, and his cheeks were pink and sore from smiling.

Josh folded his arms over his chest and slumped his shoulders, red-faced. The ball in his mouth stretched his jaw. The inability to close his mouth, combined with his panicked behavior just a few moments prior, made him feel angry and embarrassed. He bit down on the ball, but the hard plastic had no give to it. He let out a gasp as the muscles in his jaw began to ache, and he began prying at the straps again. His lips pursed around the ball, and he pried with his fingers and pushed with his tongue, hoping to dislodge it enough to get it out and over his chin. There wasn’t any slack, though. The straps dug into the corners of his mouth and pressed against his skin, causing his cheeks to puff slightly.

Tom took a deep breath, regaining some of his composure. He said mockingly, “I thought I was going to have to use the hide-a-key to get in, but you made it easy for me leaving the front door unlocked. Thanks!” He reached into the pocket of his track pants and produced a carabiner with several keys attached; flipping through them, he held out a small silver one. “You’ll need this to unlock that thing.” His blue eyes lit up watching Josh trying uselessly to dislodge the ball, and his thin lips curved into a wide smile. Tom let out another chuckle, prompting a glare of disdain from Josh.

“Lemph—ahk! Ghetit ophh—ahkahk!” Josh tried to demand, but the ball slung back into his mouth, flattening his tongue. Although secured by the straps, Josh reacted as if the ball would sling down his throat and choke him. This caused him to gag and heave as the ball slung backward. He focused on pushing on it with his tongue to keep it at a stable place although keeping it constantly pushed back took a toll on his increasingly sore tongue as well. He bit down again, desperately wanting to close his mouth.

Tom spun the carabiner on his index finger. “I know that thing’s weird, ain’t it?” Tom asked, ignoring Josh’s grunting. “Funny story – you’ll get a kick out of this – I was looking around my brother’s room. I know, ‘Don’t do that, Tom. You’ll get in trouble. Be respectful of other people’s things.’ Yada-yada… borders are just a social construct, anyway. I noticed a duffel bag in his closet, and Scott doesn’t play sports, so why would he have one? Being the sleuth that I am, I decided to investigate, and I— Hey!”

As Tom sauntered around the couch, monologuing, Josh took the opportunity to lunge for the keys. But Tom dodged to the left, and Josh rushed by just missing his grab by inches. As Tom shifted, he stuck his foot in front of Josh’s path, causing him to trip. Before he hit the ground, Tom swooped Josh in his arms, holding him in a tight bear-hug. Josh’s wrists were pinned to his chest by Tom’s hands. He struggled to free himself, but a sudden exhaustion began to take over him. Normally, he’d be able to shrug Tom off – as a comparison, if Josh was skinny, then Tom was… petite – but still worn out from his basketball game and still not having eaten since then, Josh’s energy was draining fast.

“Ruuude,” Tom said, judgingly. “I was talking.”

When aren’t you talking, Josh thought.

Tom took a breath and continued. “As I was saying… I opened the duffel bag and found this ball thingy. I was curious, so I channeled my inner Sherlock Holmes. Turns out, it goes in your mouth, but I guess you already figured that out, seeing as… you know… It’s supposed to be a kinky thing. Don’t worry, this isn’t my way of coming out or anything. Well, I tried it on, and it was weeeiiirrrd. Of course, I wiped it off. Anyway, after finding this, I thought to myself. I said, ‘Self, let’s have some fun with this. Do you know would get a real kick out this? Who, self? Well, self, I bet my best-est buddy in the whole wide world would love to see my great discovery. But why just let him see it, self? What do you mean, self? I mean, Josh should experience it! Great idea – thanks, self!’ …I also found a ski-mask.”

Josh rolled his eyes, half-paying attention to Tom’s incessant rambling. He winced and bit down on the ball again as the aching began spread through his jaw. Tom rested his chin on Josh’s bare shoulder and began rocking from side to side. Tom had a knack for pushing Josh’s buttons and going to great lengths to make him uncomfortable. Holding Josh in a bear-hug, shirtless, with a sex-toy locked in his mouth was certainly a crowning achievement. Josh let out a moan, getting Tom’s attention.

“Hmm? What’s that, Joshy-boy? You say something?” Tom asked.

“Mhet meh ghmph,” Josh mumbled.

“What was that, boy? Timmy fell down the well?” Tom asked, jokingly.

Still stuck in Tom’s grip, Josh titled his head down and tapped the ball with his finger. He moaned again with more clarity, “Leph meh goph! Gimmeh theh kphey!”

“Ohh! You want the key?” Tom asked, nodding. Josh nodded back. “You want the key?” Josh nodded again. “The key to the lock?” Josh nodded again, groaning in annoyance. “The key to the—”

Yethss!” Josh grunted, squirming in Tom’s hold. “Gimmeh theth kphey! Athh-hophm!”

Tom pursed his lips, clenched his eyes, and scrunched his nose. He bobbed his head, pondering whether to give into Josh’s demand or not. Finally, he spoke. “Sigh… fine, you can have the key… But first—” Tom kicked his legs around Josh’s ankles, sweeping him off his feet and sending both boys onto the soft carpet below. Tom sat himself on top of Josh’s back, pushing down on his shoulders. Josh’s arms were now pinned between his chest and the floor, and with Tom’s legs straddling his friend’s sides, his whole upper body was now immobile. Tom chuckled. “Well, that was fun. Now, like I said. I’ll give you the key, but first, you have to catch me.”

Josh strained to look behind him, seeing Tom on top of him, fumbling with something. He heard rattling and jingling. The keys, maybe? Josh felt Tom’s hands grab his ankles, and in just a few motions, there was another metallic clicking, and Josh felt something lock around his feet. Tom quickly got off him. The blood rushed back to Josh’s arms now that they were free from the weight on them, making them run cold. He flipped himself over to see a pair of handcuffs locked around his ankles. A pair of silver metal bracelets linked together by an inch of chain kept him from moving apart.

“I found handcuffs, too! Yeet!” Tom said quickly before speeding out of the living room, down the hallway, and up the stairs.

Josh tugged at the cuffs, grunting into the ball. They were definitely the real deal. He sat in the middle of the floor, dumbstruck. The aching in his jaw was dull and constant, now. He bit down hard on the ball, trying to ease the discomfort. The muscles in his jaw strained, the pain screaming at him to close his mouth, but the ball prevented him. For a second, the beeping coming from the kitchen distracted him from the ache, but it reminded him of the emptiness in his stomach. It came from the microwave. “Ohhph Gopdh…,” he whimpered, rubbing his fingertips against the ball and straps. “Thomph! Mupher-fukher!”

Josh let out a loud, angry moan and began pounding his palms into the carpet and stomping his feet. The sounds of the microwave beeping and Josh’s muffled tantrum echoed throughout the house.

To Be Continued...
Last edited by Stoutland395 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Canuck100 »

I wouldn’t be surprised if there were other fun things in the duffle bag and Josh will get to try them out...

Good story!
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Post by Xtc »

Good one!
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Stoutland395 »

Canuck100 wrote: 5 years ago I wouldn’t be surprised if there were other fun things in the duffle bag and Josh will get to try them out...

Good story!
I'll say there's definately more stuff in that bag, and Josh is in for a long night.
Thanks! :D
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Post by Stoutland395 »

Chapter 3

Hands walked along the walls in the hallway, one over the other. Socked feet inched their way across the floor, sliding and shuffling along the tiles. A pair of handcuffs locked around the ankles prevented them from moving more than an inch apart. Josh groaned into the ball as the metallic rings snagged and dug into the tendons of his ankles, and he let out small gasps with each shuffle. He stopped to catch his breath and looked back, moaning that the threshold to the living room was only a few feet behind him.

The first step to the stairs was only about a dozen feet away, but to Josh they might as well have been a mile. Josh let go of the wall, spreading out his arms to keep balanced. Then, bending his knees, he sprang forward with one big hop, but his socks slid some on the tile. “Fuhkhmeh—ahkfh!” He yelped as he tumbled to the floor, banging his knees. For a moment, he lost concentration and relaxed his tongue, allowing the ball to slide backward behind his teeth, causing him to gag and heave. “Ghodhamhit!” he exclaimed, punching the floor.

“I’m waiting, Joshy-boy!” a voice yelled out. Josh looked up to see a head of puffy blonde hair bobbing from atop the staircase, staring down with light blue eyes. A wide grin spread across Tom’s face, and the keys jingled, dangling from his finger. “Come on, you’re taking forever. You gotta be quicker than that. Think the Flash if he didn’t completely suck.”

“Ghev meh theh kheyths!” Josh mumbled, demanding.

“You gotta catch me, first,” Tom replied.

Josh let out a sigh. He positioned himself on the floor. Tucking his knees under him and swiping the floor with his hands, he lunged forward like frog hopping from lily pad to lily pad. He let out a grunt, landing on his knees again, but he made considerably more ground.

“Atta-boy! That’s it! Know what? I’ll make it a little easier for you. Just get upstairs. I’ll be waiting for you in your room. Sound like a deal? Great! I knew you’d love it. Kay-bye!” Tom waved to Josh and sped out of sight.

“Fhuk yhum!” Josh groan, holding up his middle finger, even though Tom did see that part.

“Love you, too!” Tom shouted. The sound of a door opening and slamming shut echoed upstairs.

Josh lunged forward again, finally reaching the first step. There was no way he was going to try hopping up the stairs. He’d tripped a couple years back walking down and broke his arm, so going up with his ankles cuffed together was out of the question. Josh sat down on the first step, placing one hand on the next step and gripping the handrail with the other. He took a deep breath through his nose. The muscles in his stomach, thighs, and calves tensed up. He pushed on the step and pulled on the rail, hoisting himself backward onto the next step. He took another deep breath and repeated the motion. Step by step, Josh made his way up.

Josh sat on top of the staircase, looking down at his progress. He panted through his nose. His upper arms, hand, and stomach all hurt. There was heat coming off his now clammy skin. He wiped a bit of dribble from his chin. “Ohm ghodh, gwossh,” He exclaimed, cringing and wiping the spit on his basketball shorts. In a brief, fleeting, panic, Josh pried at the straps again, trying to break them. He stomped his feet, whimpering with anger. The straps held. From the bottom of his jaw to his chin, a dull ache made him wince. He relaxed his sore tongue, allowing the ball to slide backward. Josh tightened his lips, almost being able to touch them together. There some relief for his tongue, but it did nothing to ease the discomfort anywhere else.

Josh used the banister to lift himself on his feet. Opposite the banister, there was a piece of wall that doubled as a sort of balcony that gave him an aerial view of the living room. He leaned on the edge and hopped himself forward down the hallway to his bedroom door. His panting became louder, sucking in larger amounts of air through his nose. He could feel his heart beating throughout his body. He gripped the doorknob to the guest bedroom to steady himself. With one more lunge, he hopped to his door, leaning against the white wood.

With the last of his energy, he flung the door open, letting it bounce against the rubber stop, and made three huge hops to the middle of his room, prepared to tackle Tom to the ground to get the keys. But the room was empty.

Slam! The door behind him shut with Tom standing behind him. The guest room, Josh thought. Of course he’d play a dirty trick like that. Tom leaped and wrapped his arms around Josh, pinning Josh’s arms to his sides. “Got you!” Tom shouted.

Josh let out a huff and went limp, catching Tom by surprise. “Aw, giving up already? Boo! I thought you’d put up a bigger fight.” Josh’s head went limp, hanging down with his chin brushing the top of his chest. “Joshy-boy? You okay? Don’t go dying on me, now.” He noticed Josh holding out a middle finger and smirked. “Well, you didn’t catch me, but I suppose you deserve a consolation prize for making it this far.”

Josh’s feet dragged on the floor as Tom hoisted him over to the bed, slinging him half-way onto the covers. Tom reached down, grabbing Josh’s ankles and placed them on the mattress. Josh kept his eyes closed, face-deep in his pillow. The sound of the keys jingled in his ears. The lock wiggled behind his head as Tom fumbled with the keys. At last, the straps loosened, and the ball flung out of Josh’s mouth with a push of his tongue. He let out a gasp, massaging and rolling his jaw around.

“Ah-ah-ah, not so fast,” Tom said, pushing on Josh’s shoulder to stop him from flipping over. He grabbed Josh’s wrists and twisted them behind his back. Josh offered little resistant aside from a loud groan, to exhausted to even say stop. The sound of metallic clicking started to sound natural to Josh as another pair of silver bracelets locked around his wrists.

“Tom, please. Stop… tired,” Josh whimpered, almost getting choked up. “Hurting… hungry. Please.”

“Aw, come on. We’re having fun, and I’ve got a surprise for you,” Tom insisted.

“Enough surpr…” Josh said, trailing off.

“So, I talked to my mom, and she said I could stay over! Isn’t that great! And with your parents out, we have the whole house to ourselves.” Tom ignored Josh’s groaning. He unzipped his hoodie, revealing a short sleeve red t-shirt, and flung the hoodie onto Josh’s desk chair across the room. “I have to get my stuff. Had to leave it on the porch. It turns out sneaking up on someone with a big honkin’ duffle bag kills the whole ninja-vibe. Anyway, I’ll be right back. Do you need something?”

“Hungry,” Josh said. “Thirsty…keys… fuck off.”

“Such naughty language. And don’t think I didn’t know what you were saying before, either. You should mind those sentence-enhancers. They’ll lose their impact.”

“Fuck you, Tom… kick your ass,” Josh panted. Grunting, he flipped himself over onto his side to look at Tom. Mustering enough strength to string something together, he said, “Give me the keys so I can eat. Maybe I’ll take a few bruises off your fucking tab. I’m not going to tell you again, now unlock these goddamn fucking cuffs!”

Tom smiled, ignoring Josh’s threats. He jostled Josh’s hair and walked over to the desk, rifling through one of the drawers. He went back to the bed, holding a roll of black tape. Josh shook his head, shouting more obscenities as Tom ripped a piece from the roll. Josh tugged at the handcuffs, but he was defenseless stopping Tom from placing the strip over his lips. Josh offered a tepid defense, mildly shaking his head, but the tape stuck to his lips. Too weak, he let out a few huffs through his nose, flaring his nostrils, then closed his eyes.

Tom sat beside him, smiling and humming lightly. He pressed his fingers over the tape, smoothing it over Josh’s lips until an impression formed. “Don’t go anywhere, okay? Just lay down and relax; you’ve earned yourself a nice rest. I’ll be back with some food, drinks, et cetera, et cetera, more et cetera… Tonight we party!” With that said, Tom strutted out the door, leaving Josh alone, curled up in his bed.

To Be Continued...
Last edited by Stoutland395 5 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by harveygasson »

Really great story!
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Post by Stoutland395 »

Chapter 4

Josh shifted about in his bed, but the position of his arms made it difficult to get comfortable. He shifted to his back, positioning his wrists beneath the small of his back. However, as soon as he relaxed his muscles, a soft clicking caused him to shift back to his side. The handcuffs tightened slightly around his wrists, which made him panic. He curled his knees to his chest, and he looked at the door to his room. A small sliver of light from the hallway peeked through. There was no sound from the other side. Josh exhaled sharply, flaring his nostrils.

He could get out of bed and hop, but what good would it do? Tom still had the keys. Now, with his hands cuffed behind his back, Josh had no way of pummeling his friend like he intended. Besides, he was still to weak to try moving around. The muscles in his stomach were sore, and his legs and arms burned from his struggle upstairs. Josh nestled his face into the pillow, getting at least some relief from the cool fabric. But what was taking Tom so long?

Josh let out a moan, but the tape across his mouth kept his lips from separating. With some time to rest and getting some energy back, he tried to unstick the adhesive strip. He contorted his face and stretched his mouth, hoping to get at least his bottom lip free. He grunted and huffed, but the tape held firm. Maybe if he had more energy? Maybe if his jaw wasn’t still sore? Maybe if it was regular duct tape rather than gorilla tape? Maybe if his lips weren’t chapped?

Josh took a deep breath and let out a loud moan through the tape, trying to get Tom’s attention. He waited a few seconds, listening for a response. When all that returned was more silence, he clenched his eyelids tight, whimpering. He could feel a lump growing in his throat. Then, he heard shuffling, a positive sound that broke him from his self-pity.

“Wham! Bam! Thank you, ma’am!”

Tom shouted, kicking the door open with his foot. He had changed out of his black sweatpants and into a pair of royal-blue shorts and matching crew socks. Slinging from his shoulder and torso was large black duffel bag. He stomped his foot on the floor and tilted his head upward, striking a heroic pose. “I have brought the feast, my young squire! May your belly be full, and your thirst be quenched!” Tom declared.

Josh rolled his eyes, smirking underneath the tape. Fucking doofus, he thought, but at least he brought food. Nestled between his arm and chest was a liter of soda. In one hand was a plate of Hot Pockets, the ones that were sitting in the microwave this whole time, plus a couple more. In the other hand, held between his fingers, were two glasses filled with ice. Josh tried pushing his tongue through his lips to break the adhesive, letting out a grunt.

Tom placed the food and drinks on the dresser, and Josh found renewed strength to sit himself up, dangling his cuffed feet of the bed. The smell of hot cheese and pepperoni filled his nostrils, bringing the saliva back into his mouth. The room-temperature soda sizzled against the ice. Josh’s eyes widened, slightly watering. He let out a whimper and twisted his body, trying to bring his hands to his front. All he could manage was bring them to his side. He shook the cuffs and looked at Tom.

“Halt yourself, young squire,” Tom said. He pulled the duffel bag off and flung it at the foot of the bed. “Patience is a virtue. Fortunately, I have none of that. Or, unfortunately? Eh, whatever.” Tom sat next to Josh, who was now glaring. “So… how you doing?” Getting no response, Tom gently patted Josh on the cheek, causing Josh to shake his head and grunt in disapproval. Tom then jabbed his fingers into Josh’s side; Josh tensed up, yelping into the tape and following with another angry grunt.

“Good to know you’re still ticklish!” Tom said. He wrapped his arms around Josh’s head and neck, bring him in close to his shoulder.

Tom let out a sigh. “So, we still friends?” he asked. Josh shook his head.

“Well, that’s a shame. Because I got all this stuff for me and my best friend, and now I have no best friend to share it with.” Josh looked up, eyes wide. “I guess I’ll just have to eat all this food by myself, then.” Josh frantically shook his head again. “So, we’re still friends?” Josh nodded. “Oh, best friend! There you are! I’m so glad your back! Some guy was here a second ago. He looked just like you, only a lot angrier. I know you’re a little… miffed… so, just to keep any negativity from mucking up the feng shui of the room, I’ll take the tape off, but you must promise not to say anything.”

Josh glared, but he reluctantly nodded in agreement. Tom dug his nail under the edge of the tape and scraped the corner. In one fast motion, he yanked the tape. “Ow, fucking shit!” Josh shouted. His eyes began watering, and he bit his lip to bear the sting.

“Okay, next time, more gently. Noted!” Tom said, folding the tape on itself and tossing it aside. “You ready to eat? Or do you want to drink, first? You’re allowed to answer, by the way.”

“Fuck you, I can eat by myself. Unlock these cuffs—”

Tom placed one hand over Josh’s mouth, sealing it with his palm and squeezing his cheeks with his fingers and thumb. He pressed his other hand against the back of Josh’s head. Tom said, “Bad Joshy-boy. The appropriate answers are either ‘drink please’ or ‘food please.’ You agreed, remember. Do I have to bring up feng shui again?” Josh shook his head back and forth, but Tom gripped his mouth and head in his hands like a vice. He could feel his lips press against his teeth as Tom’s hands pressed harder. Eventually, the feeling of hunger and thirst overpowered his feeling of pride, and he relented. “You done? You got it all out of your system?” Josh nodded. “Good boy! Now, food or drink?”

Josh took a huge bite of the Hot Pocket, managing a second one before Tom pulled it away. It was warm and cheesy; he wanted to let pepperoni sit in his mouth to savor it, but the heat began to burn his tongue. The breading didn’t help his dry mouth, making the mixture hard to swallow. “Slow down, animal,” Tom said, watching Josh choke down the food. “Here, wash it down before you choke to death.” Josh let the cold fizz touch his lips before slowly sucking in a mouthful of soda.

“Thanks,” Josh said softly.

“You are sooo welcome,” Tom said, wrapping his arms around Josh’s neck. “See, I’m such a good friend, aren’t I? Through thick and thin. Birds of a feather flock together. Stuck together like glue. Like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, minus the divorce. Like Ben Aflleck and Jennifer Garner, minus the divorce. Like Coldplay, minus Gwyneth Paltrow.”

Josh smirked, trying not to encourage Tom further, but his face cracked, and he started giggling in his throat. Tom smiled in return and began laughing in return. “No, no, no. Like Adam Levine and Blake Sheldon,” Josh said.

“Perfect!” Tom said.

“Uh-oh… oh-no…” Josh ceased laughing and began to blush. He bounced his legs up and down, and he bit his upper lip. “Oh-geez, Tom? Tom!” he said, getting his friend’s attention. “I have to pee – really bad. Can you unlock these now? Like, right now.”

“Um… ehh… lay on your stomach, then,” Tom said. Josh complied, and Tom reached into his pocket, pulling out the keys. He fumbled, unlocking the ones around his friend’s ankles. He moved and unlocked one of the cuffs around Josh’s wrist. “Aaannnd, yoink!” Tom grabbed Josh’s wrist as Josh turned around and sat up, taking the cuff and re-locking it so that now his hands were cuffed in front of him.

“Dude, not cool!” Josh said. He reached out ready to take the keys, but Tom jumped onto him, pinning his arms to his chest and straddling him on the bed. Josh’s now-free legs flailed, but he managed to kick nothing but the air. “Enough, I told you—”

“I know, but I told you I have a surprise,” Tom insisted.

“No more fucking surprises. Get off,” Josh demanded.

“Fine,” Tom said. He got up from the bed and took a key off the carabiner, holding it out. But when Josh reached for it, Tom shouted, “Surprise!” then tossed the key out the door into the hallway. Josh cursed again, following the key. He picked it up but found it wouldn’t fit in the keyhole. “Sorry, that’s the key to the ball lock,” Tom said before shutting the door, locking Josh out of the room.

“Dammit, Tom!” Josh yelled. He threw the key over the balcony in the hallway out of frustration, sending it to the carpet floor in the living room. He jiggled the doorknob and began banging on the wood. “Open the door, Tom!”


“Fucking goddamn—”

“—Go to the bathroom… and take a shower, too!”


“You stink! Go freshen up, powder your nose, make yourself look purrrty! Then I’ll open the door.”

“And then give me the fucking keys?”

“Go, shoo-shoo. There’s nobody here. No solicitors. I don’t want your girl scout cookies. No abla Espanol.”

Seeing no other option other than breaking down the door, which he considered strongly at this point, Josh let out a sigh and marched downstairs, grabbing clothes and towels, then going back upstairs to the bathroom. He shouted across the hallway, “I was going to do all this anyway, asshole, so… up yours.”

There didn’t come a response.

To Be Continued...
Last edited by Stoutland395 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Hey [mention]Stoutland395[/mention]

Thanks for posting this here, mate.
Be sure to get "Harmless Fun" posted up in the Story Catalogue section!

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Post by mikeybound »

Well well, Tom seems like quite the character.
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Post by LK3869 »

"...borders are just a social construct..." I like that :D There's personality in your stories and you make up great characters, loved that Bryce in your Halloween short story and this Tom is quite a show, like it's been said already.

It's well detailed and well paced at the same time. Makes you wanna try the ballgag, to see if it's Weeeirrd :lol: (really like this guy, you haven't got a second of rest but he's fun...)
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Post by Stoutland395 »

Thanks! Tom is definitely one of my favorite characters that I've made up so far. There's almost nothing that doesn't feel like a natural rambling a spaz like him would say, so it's fun coming up with the most random to stuff for him to say. I imagine him talking as fast as he can, and the words just fall out of his mouth without any consideration if they actually have any actual meaning or not. If I had to guess, Tom is high-functioning ADD/ADHD.
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Post by Xtc »

. . . or a politician, perhaps?
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Stoutland395 »

Xtc wrote: 5 years ago . . . or a politician, perhaps?
I don't think he has the intelligence for it, but that hasn't stopped anyone before, so... :lol:
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Post by mikeybound »

The ballgag stunt actually reminds me of a prank vid I saw. Any inspiration?
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Post by Stoutland395 »

mikeybound wrote: 5 years ago The ballgag stunt actually reminds me of a prank vid I saw. Any inspiration?
I think I know the vid(s) your referring to, which I really enjoy. I don't remember exactly, but I wrote this story on my DeviantArt page awhile back, and I think before those vids came out sometime after. If not, they were roughly around the same time. They weren't inspiration, but they are good videos, and I wish there were more of them.

No, gags are probably my favorite part of the experience, and I've always liked the fantasy of someone being gagged with his hands free, trying to pry it off and failing. I've seen locking ball-gags online before, and ball-gags are one of my favorite types. So, seeing or imagining someone with a gag locked in his mouth and cuffs on his ankles, and watching him uselessly struggle to get them off with his still-free hands kind of adds to the excitement for me.
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Post by Stoutland395 »

I intended to post the re-writes within a day of each other. Looking over my first draft of this story, there's some stuff I'm unhappy with in terms of how things turned out. The rest of the story from the next chapter onward is going to look a little different from how the story originally unfolded the first time I told it on my DeviantArt page.
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Chapter 5

Josh made sure to keep the bathroom door locked, just in case Tom tried to pull another trick. There was no way in hell he was going to let that spaz catch him with his pants down. Unfortunately, Tom barricaded himself in Josh’s room, and the dirty clothes hamper in the laundry room offered slim pickings. He cursed his mom for her cleanliness; she might’ve anticipated her son neglecting the laundry, so she washed all his clothes before leaving. Luckily, Josh managed to find a pair of socks and boxers sitting on the dryer from a pile he was too lazy to put away.

He pulled a pair of black crew socks on and slipped into a fresh, and dry, pair of grey boxers. Not having a time to think since Tom invited himself over with his discoveries, hygiene wasn’t at the top of his list. Between the basketball game and working himself ragged trying to catch Tom, he was left feeling sweaty and gross. Having time to sit, he picked up his worn shorts, boxers, and socks, which were now cold with sweat, and brought them down to the laundry room. He searched the laundry room again, but his only clothes were the cold damp ones laying in a pile on the floor. Socks and underwear were better than nothing though.

Josh tugged at the cuffs on his wrists. One of the bracelets was locked tighter than the other, likely the one Tom had unlocked previously. Still, they were locked together in front this time. With the cuffs now off his ankles and nothing stopping him from talking, it was the freest he’d been since Tom showed up.

Josh banged on the door again, demanding to be let in. “It’s already unlocked,” Tom spoke from the other side. Without hesitation, Josh rushed in.

“Okay prick, give me—”

“—Hold on! Let me do a thing, first. It’ll be funny!” Tom said. He dug through the duffel bag on the bed. “I didn’t know how much stuff Scott kept in this thing. Where did he get all this crap? I mean, look at these things.” Tom held out two thick black leather bracelets. “They look like those things that emo-kid Kevin wore in middle school.” He put them on each wrist, securing the buckles in place. He held out his arms, showing them off and smiling; there was a small silver hoop attached on each one.

Tom combed the blonde poof on top of head, trying to make the bangs cover one eye, then he slumped his shoulders and twisted his face into a scowl. He moaned, “Ugh! I’m Kevin. Life is pain, and love burns like a cigarette to the heart. Marylin Manson is a prophet, and all you plebs are just cogs in the machine! Uuughh! I’m so deep! Gahh – feelings!” He noticed Josh retaining a stone-like composure, seemingly unamused. “Come on, dude! I’m giving you gold here. These are the jokes.”

Josh bit his cheek trying not to encourage Tom’s behavior by smiling. He snapped back, “Give me the fucking keys. Right now. You little dork.” Tom let out a long sigh and began repeating what Josh said in a high-pitched mocking tone. He dug the keys from his pocket and held them out.

“Whoops!” Tom said sarcastically, dropping the keys to the floor as Josh reached for them.

Josh let out another insult, distracted, giving Tom his opening. Tom snatched the short link of chain between Josh’s cuffs and yanked the high over Josh’s head, pulling them down behind his neck and between his shoulder blades. The strain in Josh’s arms as they were pulled back, as well as the sting in his shoulders and wrists, made Josh yelp. He puffed his chest, expanding his ribs and arching back to ease the discomfort. “Fuck, dude. What the hell!?” he yelled. Tom yanked on the cuffs again when Josh tried turning around. “Ow, Tom, that hurts! Let go, seriously!”

“Hold still, then,” Tom demanded. “I’m doing a thing.”

A strand of white rope fell over Josh’s arm, catching him by surprise. “You better fucking not—Ow! Quit it! This isn’t cool.”

“I do knot!” Tom pulled the soft white rope over Josh’s forearm and under his armpit. He repeated the motion as quickly as he could several times – over, under, over, under – causing the line to tighten and pressing on Josh’s bent arm. Josh swung his leg back, but Tom dodged to the side before Josh’s heel made contact with his groin. “Hey, not fair!” Tom responded, kicking the back of Josh’s legs and sending him to the floor on his knees. “We agreed! No below-the-belt stuff. Everything else is fair game, but ‘the bits’ are off-limits!” Continuing, Tom fed the strand through the gap made in Josh’s bent arm, tightening the rope further. With the rope now half it’s length, Tom pulled it over the back of Josh neck and began winding it around Josh’s other arm in the same manner.

“Seriously, dude. Please stop. Tom! Tom?” Josh caught a glimpse of Tom from his side, working the rope around Josh’s arm. His tongue stuck out, running across his lips, occasionally disappearing long enough for Tom to dig his teeth into his bottom lip. A glassy haze fogged over Tom’s blue eyes. “Tom!?” Josh called out again. For a second, Tom looked up and raising his eyebrows in surprise, then – just as quickly – looked back down at his work. Josh sighed.

He’d seen that unblinking look before, when Tom became so engrossed in his focus that everything around him seemed to fade away. His special education co-teachers and after-school tutors attempted to hone this state of mind to help him stay focused in class and on studying. Unfortunately, it only manifested when playing games or building odd, home-wrecking contraptions. His mom described it like “a deer in the headlights,” his teachers called it “the thousand-yard stare,” and his brother said, “the lights are on, but nobody’s home.”
Josh called out again, but Tom remained in his trance-like state.

“Aaannnd… aallmmost… Done!” Tom exclaimed. He grabbed the keys from the floor and unlocked the cuffs. The metal bracelets fell onto the floor. Josh tried unbending his arms but found himself unable to do so. He managed to lower his elbows by the cheeks, easing some discomfort, but his wrists were tethered to his shoulders, and his hands rested on his collarbone.

“It worked!” Tom exclaimed again. “I was totally prepared for that to fail. Great job, me. Thanks, me. I’d like to thank the academy, my mom who never stopped believing in me, And to all those nay-sayers out there who say I’d never amount to anything – Scott – I’d just like to say—”

“—Tom!!” Josh yelled, glaring at Tom and dissolving his cheers.

Aaannnd… I’d like to thank my best friend, Josh, who’s such a good sport and would never do anything to me and is always so forgiving because he knows that it’s all in good fun, and he always thinks things through before—because he’s always sooo understanding and—”

“—Nice try!” Josh awkwardly got to his feet and threw his leg out, managing to land a kick to Tom’s hip. Tom stepped back, getting some distance, but Josh rushed again and threw another kick. He dealt a blow to Tom’s side, but Tom locked his arms around Josh’s ankle as it made contact. His wiry strength kept Josh balancing on one leg. “Let go! I’m going to fall!”

“Are you gonna kick me again?” Tom asked.

“Fucking yes,” Josh replied.

“Dude, lie! I would’ve believed you.”

“Okay, then I won’t kick you again.”

“Well, I’m not going to believe you, now.” Tom twisted Josh’s ankle, causing his friend to fall to the floor again. Without him arms to brace himself, Josh landed on his side with a thud. As he struggled getting to his knees to stand back up, Tom grabbed another strand from the duffel bag. He began winding the rope around and between Josh’s ankles. It was a longer piece than he intended to pull out so when he finished the knot, Tom pulled the remaining strand and looped it around Josh’s thighs, just above his knees. “There, no more kicking!”
Josh tried to stand up, but the rope tethered around his ankles and knees left Josh kneeling on the floor. Tom stood over him, eyebrows curved toward his nose in a scowl and a hand rubbing his sore side. A nervous smile crept onto Josh’s face. “You know, I wouldn’t have kicked you if you hadn’t been such a spastic dingus this whole night.”

“True,” Tom said. “But you weren’t aiming for my side just now. I told you, we agreed no aiming for the bits!”

“You locked a sex toy in my mouth and tied me up in my underwear, jerk!” Josh shouted.

Tom’s cheeks turned slightly pink. “Well… You didn’t have to say it like that. Anyway, you broke a sacred vow. A bro-code, and you never break a bro-code. It’s like the third one on the list – We don’t date each other’s exes, we always split the last slice of pizza, and the bits are off limits when we’re hitting each other. Frankly, I’m offended by your recklessness. It’s so irresponsible.”

“You’re joking! After everything else tonight, you think you have the right to say—”

Tom cut Josh off, placing his hand over his mouth. “Man, you will just not let that stuff go, will you? You are like a broken record. I think we should focus on what’s happening right now, and right now we need to discuss your punishment.” Josh shook his head, shooting an angry glare. “I think I have the perfect punishment!” Tom jabbed his fingers into Josh’s side, making him yelp and scream. With his arms pinned up, there was no way to defend himself from Tom taking advantage of his ticklishness, and his giggled furiously into Tom’s pressing hand. Josh rocked himself from side to side, eventually falling on his side.

“S-s-stop it-haha-stop! Haha-you-fucking son-of-a-hahhahaha – Stop! Son-of-ahaha-bitch!” Josh giggled, kicking his legs and flopping like a fish. His stomach tightened, and his cheeks began to hurt. Tom climbed over Josh, sitting on his waist to minimize the squirming and continued tickling his friend.

“Who’s a ticklish little boy? Who’s a ticklish little boy? You are! You are, Joshy—”

“—What the hell is going on here!”

A voice called out from the front of the room. A tall, thin figure stood in the doorway with his arms folded and an angry scowl on his face. His blue eyes flared, magnified by a pair of black wire-framed glasses. Josh ceased his laughter, huffing, relieved that Tom had stopped. Tom was frozen, kneeling over his half-naked friend. An awkward silence filled the room. Tom’s face turned bright red.

“U-Uh, uuhh… I-It’s not what it looks like?”

To Be Continued...
Last edited by Stoutland395 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by harveygasson »

Oooh things get even more interesting
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Post by Stoutland395 »

Chapter 6

“I asked you a question. What are you two doing with my stuff?” Scott demanded, standing over his little brother. He crossed his arms over his chest, and his blue eyes beamed through his glasses, magnifying the intensity of his stare. Tom sunk his head down into his shoulders and brought his cold hands to his chest. His thin legs began to buckle as the gravity of Scott’s gaze weighed down on him. The boy’s cheeks turned pink, embarrassed to explain the situation. He grabbed Tom’s arm, noticing the leather bracelets buckled on his wrists. He asked again, “You’re wearing my cuffs, Josh is tied up… Care to explain?”

Josh began, seeing Tom suddenly at a loss for words, saying, “I can explain! Dingus here—”

“—Care to explain, Tom?” Scott interrupted, glaring at Josh.

“I, um, well… so, I know it looks bad, but… in the right context, it’s not as bad, I don’t think.” Tom said, stuttering. He looked back at Josh, who was still struggling on the floor. His arms were bound above his head, and his legs were tied together with lengths of white rope. His chest heaved as he struggled to sit up. He was clad in only his socks and underwear. Tom looked back to Scott and flashed a nervous smile. “Nnnope! No, no, no, no… it does look bad. I-I thought you weren’t going to be home until tomorrow, and I figured—”

“That you’d go snooping around my room again?” Scott added. “Mom told me you were spending the night at Josh’s house, which is fine. I was prepared to enjoy the peace and quiet. But… I get to my room, only to find my door wide open and I noticed a certain pasty blue-eyed little dork went through stealing my stuff again! Clearly, I’m right.”

Tom rolled his eyes. “W-well, technically, maybe. But I don’t know if I’d exactly call it stealing. I was just… borrowing. It was all just sitting there, anyway – in a bag, in the closet, in the back of the closet, behind the coats – that’s practically out in the open! I was going to put it all back before you got home – promise! Scout’s honor?”

“So, no harm, no foul?” Scott asked, sarcastically.

Tom’s eyebrows raised. “Yeah, no harm, no foul!” he said, agreeing.

“Um, fucking hellooo!” Josh called out, sitting against the bed and wiggling his arms.

“Josh. Please. We’re talking,” Tom said. He waved his hand, shooing away Josh’s words.

With his head turned away briefly, he didn’t see Scott grab a pair of ankle socks from the duffel bag. “Actually, you’re done talking!” Scott said. He squeezed the sides of his cheeks, parting his jaw and forcing his mouth open. He jammed the black bulb in, pressing on it with his thumb. “Don’t spit those out,” Scott said. The intensity of his gaze made Tom stand straight although he furrowed his brow and let out a grunt in anger. “I just don’t want to hear you babbling right now.” He ordered, “Sit down, and don’t move!”

Tom sat on the bed and looked at Josh sitting on the floor. Scott moved about the room, collecting the handcuffs, ballgag, and spare strands of rope scattered around the room. Josh motioned to Tom, lowering his elbows and head to his knees. Tom leaned to start untying the knots when Scott snapped, “I said, don’t move!” Tom moaned with the socks in his mouth, and Josh began complaining. Scott interrupted both, saying, “Sorry, Josh, but this is more for Tom’s punishment than yours.”

“But why the fuck do I have to—”

“Keep talking and I’ll gag you, too. Tom is already on thin ice as it is, and my patience is zero. I told Tom not to move – for anything!” Josh let out a huff, resting against the side of the bed as Scott gathered the rest of his things. Tom placed his hands on his knees, rubbing his thighs and bouncing his legs – as still as he could be. Josh arched his back with his hands on his neck; he dropped his elbows as far as he could with his arms still tied and stretched his neck against the bed. The two boys looked at each other.

Tom crossed his eyes and stretched his lips, flashing his teeth and showing off the socks stuffed in his mouth. Josh smirked, trying not to laugh. Tom quickly puckered his lips again when Scott turned and stood next to them at the bed, organizing everything back in the duffel bag and removing Tom’s extra clothes – t-shirts, shorts, socks, and underwear. “Of course, spending the night at Josh’s never means spending just one night.” Scott’s eyes studied the contents, then he noticed something missing. “Where are my keys?” Scott asked. Tom fished out the carabiner and handed them over. “There’s supposed to be three. I see two. Where’s the other?”

“Mah mon knmw,” Tom mumbled into the socks in his mouth, holding up his hands and shrugging his shoulders. Giggling from his muffled speech, Tom continued, “Mah mave im mo Moshph mnn mmhe—"

Josh interrupted Tom’s mumbles. “Dork-of-Ages locked that fucking ball-thing in my mouth and handcuffed me. Then he handcuffed my fucking legs and tossed me the wrong goddamn key. I got shut out of my room, so I didn’t have any other fucking clothes to put on—”

“—Get to the point,” Scott said. “And quit cursing. It’s not cute.”

“I tossed the key over the balcony in the hall. It’s somewhere in the living room, I think.”

“You! Spaz,” Scott said, pointing to Tom. “Go get it.” As Tom sprinted to the door, Scott shouted, “Walk!” making Tom lower his pace. Scott looked down at Josh. “Tommy-boy really did a number on you, didn’t he? You said he locked that ballgag in your mouth?”

“Is that what that’s called? Yeah. Fucking sneak attack – that bitch. Can you untie me, now? I haven’t been free since he showed up. My arms fucking hurt, and I want to put on some goddamn clothes.”

“It’s late. Did you two eat yet?” Scott asked. Josh nodded, blushing. “How did that work, exactly?”

“He… fed me,” Josh murmured, causing Scott to chuckle into his hands. “Yeah, what-the-fuck-ever. Fucking untie me, please. Damn.” Scott huffed and grabbed something from the duffel bag on the bed, but Josh’s arm was in the way. He gasped when Scott knelt with the ballgag in hand. A string of no’s and curses left his mouth until the ball jammed in. Josh let out a long, moaning whimper as Scott adjusted the straps.

“That too tight?” Scott asked. He pulled the straps a bit further before clicking the lock. As Josh moaned angrily, shooting Scott a deadly glare, Scott turned Josh’s head over in his hands, checking the tightness. The black straps tugged at the sides of Josh’s cheeks, and his lips puckered over the red ball occasionally twitching to reveal his white teeth biting down on it. When he tried hurling an insult, his tongue slipped underneath it, causing him to heave. “You have such a potty-mouth, Josh. Use those words sparingly, or they’ll lose their impact. You’re lucky my mom doesn’t hear you talk like that, or you’d be chewing on a bar of soap…”

“Fhukh yhuph!” Josh swore.

As Scott lectured, Tom returned with the key. “Did you put the table back?” Scott asked. Tom’s lips puffed a bit, still holding the socks in his mouth. They formed a tiny smile as Tom nodded. Scott looked surprised, “Really? I didn’t even have to tell you! Maybe you are learning.” He jostled Tom’s hair. Tom, oblivious of Josh’s moaning into the ballgag, pointed to his mouth and raised his eyebrows. “Not yet, there’s one more thing we need to settle,” Scott said.

Tom looked puzzled. Scott grabbed the duffel bag, giving it to Tom to hold. “Go into the guest room.” Tom pointed to Josh, questioning the newly reapplied ballgag. Ignoring Tom’s concerns, Scott pushed on Tom’s back and motioned him to the other room, leaving Josh struggling on the floor. Before shutting the door, Scott turned to Josh.

“We’ll be back in a few minutes. Just sit tight, and don’t go anywhere!” Scott gave Josh a wink.

“Fhukh yhuph! Fhukhng athholph!”

To Be Continued...

P.S: Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone!
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Post by bondagefreak »

Very much enjoying this, my friend.
Fantastic sock gag scene.

I really love the amount of description and effort you put into this.
It makes it easier for the readers to put themselves in context and imagine this as though it was really unfolding.


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Post by Xtc »

Going well.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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