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Jane’s tie up adventures 2 (F/F…F/F)

Posted: Wed May 08, 2024 3:29 pm
by Emerald2319
Continuing Jane’s adventures. I decided to trying a different viewpoint. I did use the help of AI to fill in some details when I got writer’s block.


Jane, a nineteen-year-old with vibrant red hair and piercing emerald eyes, clad in a simple green shirt, worn-in jeans, and bare feet, hurried home from her babysitting job. The two twin boys she'd been looking after had a knack for tying her up, and she was in more of a hurry than usual to get out of that house that she forgot her shoes. Jane spent about two hours tied up by the boys this time, which was more than enough for Jane. She was so ready to go home before that family decided to have a round two of the escape game with her.

The cool night air brushed against her exposed skin as she walked briskly down the deserted street, the only sound her footsteps and the occasional distant car engine. She breathed a sigh of relief as she turned the corner and spotted the familiar neon sign of her favorite ice cream parlour, only a block away from home. But just as she was about to quicken her pace, a van suddenly pulled up beside her, and a woman jumped out, grabbing her by the arm before she could react.

"Let go of me!" Jane cried out, struggling futilely against the woman's iron grip. Her heart pounded in her chest as the woman dragged her roughly towards the van. "What do you want from me?" she demanded.

The woman merely grinned, revealing a gold tooth, and shoved Jane into the back of the van. The interior was dimly lit, and Jane could make out a few tools and restraints scattered about. Her heart raced as she realized that she was about to be kidnapped.

The woman quickly bound Jane’s wrists behind her back with rope, then does the same to her ankles. Jane sighed as she was tied up once again. It was bad enough being tied up by two twin boys, now she is being kidnapped. The woman, who introduced herself as Lola, chuckled at Jane's bare feet. "Oh, you're walking barefoot," she said with a grin, "that's adorable." She reached out and tickled Jane's bare foot, making her squirm in discomfort.

Jane glared at Lola, feeling a mixture of anger, fear, and humiliation. "What do you want from me?" she demanded, trying to sound braver than she felt. Lola shrugged nonchalantly. "Oh, I don't know. I guess I'll just keep you around for a while and see what happens.”

She let go of Jane's foot and stood up, stretching languidly. Jane took the opportunity to wriggle around a bit, trying to get comfortable on the hard, cold van floor. Her heart raced as she wondered where Lola was taking her. They drove for what seemed like hours, the van's engine growling loudly, the occasional bump throwing Jane's bound body against the van's walls.

Eventually, the van came to a stop, and Lola opened the rear doors. Jane squinted through the dim light, trying to make out their surroundings. They seemed to be in some sort of abandoned warehouse, the only light coming from a lone flickering bulb high above them. The air smelled musty and damp, and she could hear the distant sound of water dripping.

Lola pulled Jane out of the van and untied her feet. "Come on, let's get you all settled in," she said, leading Jane deeper into the warehouse. They passed by a few crates and rusty old machinery before arriving at what appeared to be a makeshift bedroom. There was a mattress on the floor, some blankets, and a few pillows strewn about.

"Here's where you'll be staying from now on," Lola said, motioning for Jane to sit on the mattress. Jane hesitated for a moment, her heart pounding in her chest. "Don't worry, I'll take good care of you," Lola assured her with a wink.

Jane glanced around the room, feeling a sense of dread settling in her stomach. The mattress was old and lumpy, and the blankets looked threadbare. She wondered how long she would be here, and what Lola intended to do with her. "Look, I don't want any trouble," she said, trying to sound calm and in control. "I just want to go home."

Lola shrugged nonchalantly. "Well, that's too bad, isn't it? Because you're not going anywhere." She crouched down in front of Jane, her eyes boring into hers. "Now, I suggest you make yourself comfortable. You're going to be here for a while, least until your dad pays the ransom.”

Lola tied Jane’s feet again after Jane lay down on the mattress. “But, I don’t have a dad” Jane said, since her father was never in her life since the age of 6.
Lola looked confused and asked “what’s your name again?”

Jane hesitated for a moment before responding. "Jane," she said softly. Lola sighed and said “looks like I kidnapped the wrong girl.”

She left Jane alone in the room, and Jane laid back on the mattress, staring up at the ceiling. She couldn't help but feel a mixture of fear, confusion, and anger. She didn't know how long she would be here, or what Lola would do to her. She thought about trying to escape, but she was tied up and didn't have any way of getting out of the warehouse. She wondered if anyone was even looking for her.

Time seemed to drag on as Jane lay there, listening to the sounds of the warehouse around her. Occasionally, she would hear footsteps or muffled voices outside her makeshift bedroom. At one point, she thought she heard a car drive away, but she wasn't sure.
Eventually Lola came back “okay Jane” Lola said “I’m just going to take you home.” Lola untied Jane’s feet and they went back to the van. Lola even allowed Jane to sit in the front with her, keeping Jane’s hands tied behind her back though. Jane had to show Lola where her apartment was. Once they arrived, Lola asked Jane “does anyone live with you?”

“No” Jane said, Lola helps Jane out of the van and they went to the apartment door. Lola grabbed the keys out of Jane’s pocket and opened the door, closing it behind them.
“So this is the part where you untie me and go our separate ways?” Asked Jane, Lola laughed and said “not quite.” Lola forced Jane to lay on the floor and bound her ankles again. “I need to get far away before you even have a chance to go to the police.”
“You can’t just leave me tied up like this!” Jane protested. “You’re not really in the position to tell me what to do “ Lola said as she began to tickle Jane’s feet.

Jane squealed and laughed, her body squirming on the floor. Lola continued to tickle her for a few more seconds before stopping. "You know, Jane," she said casually, as she pulled a roll of duct tape “despite taking the wrong girl, this was pretty fun.” Lola then gagged Jane with the duct tape.
Jane protested in the tape as Lola stood up and said “well good bye Jane, maybe I’ll see you again.” Then Lola left the apartment, leaving Jane tied up and gagged.

Jane struggled to free herself for hours, but her efforts were futile. She lay there, helpless and alone. Time seemed to drag on as she listened to the sounds of life outside her door.
Eventually there was a knock on her door “Jane? You home?” Jane’s eyes grew wide and she let out a series of shouts in her gag. The door opened, and Miss Smith walks in, the mother of the twin boys Jane babysits.

Miss Smith was surprised to find Jane in the predicament she was in “Jane, what on earth?” Miss Smith said walking up to Jane. Jane noticed she was carrying the shoes Jane had left behind. “I’ve come to return your shoes. I didn’t expect to find you like this. Have you grown to like our escape game enough where you’re practicing by tying yourself up?”
“Mmmmpppphh!” Jane said glaring, Miss Smith chuckled and said “don’t be embarrassed, you done great tying yourself up. Let me help a little though…”

Miss Smith takes the laces off of Jane’s shoes, and uses one to hogtie Jane, the other to tie her big toes. “That should be a bit more of a challenge for you” Miss Smith said as she teasingly tickle Jane’s feet.

Jane let out a series of muffled shouts and squirmed helplessly as Miss Smith continued to tickle her. After a few seconds, she stopped. "There, that should teach you not to tie yourself up like that again," she said with a wink. "Now, I’ll leave you to your game and head on out. I’ll come back in a few hours to check on you. I’ll untie you then if you haven’t escaped on your own.” Then Miss Smith left the apartment, and Jane is once again left tied up and gagged.

As the hours passed, Jane tried desperately to free herself. She wriggled and squirmed, pulling at the knots with all her might. She even managed to loosen one of them slightly, but it was still too tight to undo completely. She was about to give up when she heard a knock at the door. It was Miss Smith again, returning with the boys from their soccer game.

"Jane?" she called out, opening the door. "We're back. I thought I'd check on you. How are you doing?" Jane nodded frantically in her gag, hoping that Miss Smith would just untie her. The boys giggled when they saw Jane hogtied and gagged, and raced to her and started tickling Jane, one boy tickling her sides as the other tickled her feet.

"Oh, look, they're playing with Jane!" Miss Smith said with a laugh. "They seem to be enjoying themselves. Well, you've certainly made quite the impression on them, Jane." She knelt down beside Jane and untied the knots . "There you go, all untied.”
Jane quickly sat up and took off her gag, she looked at Miss Smith and said “look, I was kidnapped!” Jane went on with her story about the last 24 hours, all the while Miss Smith nodded. At the end Miss Smith grinned and said “that is quite a story, you got a good imagination for these kinds of games.”

Jane sighed and shrugged “yeah well, never mind.”