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Hey all, new member here. I just wanna share a little something that happened not too long ago, back when my mum and I first moved in with her new fiancé and my soon-to-be stepdad, Jeff.

The change was quite difficult for me, at first. Being well in my teen years and never having grown up with a father figure in my life, the thought of having some paternalistic imposter bossing me around and posing as my father didn't appeal to me in the slightest. In hindsight, Jeff was pretty chill and it genuinely pleased me that my mum - who also worked as a full-time nurse - had found enough time in her life to actually start dating again. But yeah, like I said, the change didn't sit too well with me at first. It took a while for me to warm up to Jeff and eventually accept the cementing of their relationship. Which brings me to the start of this little account...

Less than a month after moving into Jeff's place, mum received news of her sister being in hospital. My aunt's condition was stable, but as you can probably imagine, my mum's family was somewhat shaken up. She left on Friday morning, shortly after taking a seat on the edge of my bed, kissing my dishevelled hair and letting me know she'd be spending the next two days with her sister and parents. In other words, mum would be back on Sunday afternoon.

"Try not to give Jeff too much trouble, alright sweetie? Mommy loves you." she told me, before caressing my scalp and then departing from my bedroom.

No doubt seeing an opportunity to bond with his future wife's teen son, Jeff made pancakes for the both of us and offered to go out on a bike ride. I begrudgingly ate the pancakes but didn't show any interest in joining him on a bike ride. About an hour later, he offered to take me out fishing and mentioned something about stopping by the local ice cream shop. Much to his visible disappointment, I told him I wasn't a kid anymore and declined his invitation to go fishing.

In short, I was still in a somewhat standoffish mood and wasn't quite ready to open up to him just yet. My warming up to Jeff would have to wait another day, or at least so I thought.

As it turns out, Jeff ended up doing his own thing and I sorta did the same by spending a good part of the early afternoon gaming in the newly set-up basement recreation room.

I'm not too sure what suddenly got into me, but I actually had the nerve to approach the man a bit later that afternoon and ask him if I could have a few of my friends over.

Jeff probably felt a tinge of disappointment at the fact that I was longing for company even whilst turning down his numerous attempts to bond and hang out. Still, even though he was in his mid-forties and didn't have kids of his own, I guess he was lucid enough to realise I was going through a phase and that it was only a matter of time before I came around and warmed up to him.

"Yeah, why not? If you wanna invite a few of your friends over, I can put some hamburgers on the grill later on and you guys can even have a sleepover." he offered, before altering me to the fact that he had two inflatable mattresses somewhere in the basement storage closet and a number of cold-weather sleeping bags we could borrow if ever some of my friends were up for staying the night.

I was admittedly pretty stoked by his response and ended up inviting five of my gaming buddies over for an afternoon of fun and games.

Things were pretty normal at first. I mean, we gamed, laughed, talked about movies and generally just messed around the way we normally did. Jeff made us all a nice supper and provided us with snacks, but aside from that, he mostly did his own thing by working in the garage and then watching TV in the living room.

Things only escalated into silliness much later on that evening, when I started rummaging through my soon-to-be stepdad's cluttered storage closet and fished out some of the sleepover bedding material he had previously said we could use.

"Holy shit! Those bags are thick!" one of my friends remarked, apparently as taken aback as I was by the sheer heft and size of the rolled-up sleeping bags that came tumbling out of the closet. Three of my friends had actually brought their own, but Jeff's cumbersome cold-weather bags positively dwarfed theirs!

In any case, my attempts to reach the inflatable mattresses located on one of the storage closet's uppermost shelves resulted in me accidentally tipping over a box and sending all of Jeff's neatly organised camping rope down to the carpeted floor.

As you can probably imagine, one thing eventually led to another and pretty soon the lot of us were wrestling around, rolling on the floor and unfurling the ropes in a wild bid to try and tie each other up.

Two of my friends, Jake and Brendan, ended up getting the short end of the stick and ultimately losing the tussle. Trussing them up was an albeit messy affair, but it certainly helped that one of my other buddies - Mark - was an ex-boy scout and a reasonably rope-savvy, nimble-fingered one at that. Suffice it to say, we used a lot of rope.


It must've been closing in on 10 PM the first time Jeff poked his head in through the sleeping bag & rope-cluttered rec room doorway. Instead of chiding us for the fact that we were making a mess of things or demanding we set Jake and Brendan loose - both of whom were being quite vocal in their opposition, mind you - Jeff simply asked us to lower our voices and pipe it down a bit.

We did, or rather tried to. After all, our host was trying to relax and enjoy the hockey game playing on TV, but more importantly, it was getting late and this was a quiet neighbourhood.

Of course, Jeff was back less than fifteen minutes later, if only for the sake of once again asking us to lower our voices down.

I have to give him credit. I mean, for someone used to living alone, he was pretty damned patient with us. Though it wasn't our intent to irk him, we actually were being pretty noisy.

We of course complied and tried piping it down like he'd asked us to, but when he came back for a third time we collectively made the choice of blaming Jake for the racket...which was partially true given that much of the noise was coming from his own noisily protesting mouth, and - to a somewhat lesser degree - Brendan's.

What we didn't divulge though, was the fact that we'd just spent the last ten minutes or so tickling Jake's uncontrollably ticklish soles and forcing him and Brendan to sniff our own and each other's musty - and in some cases downright unpleasant - sneakers.


Jeff, surprisingly enough, didn't seek a culprit or press the matter any further. He just stood there, eyed Jake and Brendan, scratched his head as though contemplating something and then departed the room without saying anything.

Thinking nothing of it, my friends and I happily resumed our shenanigans, this time taking extra care of clamping our clammy palms over Jake's mouth before resuming the tickling. Poor Jake laughed and laughed, his muffled squeals mixing in with the sound of our own collective laughter and Brendan's substantially milder protests.

So entranced we were by the tickling of our more ticklish captive that we all sorta gasped in surprise when Jeff unannouncedly barged into the room, this time carrying a mesmerisingly massive roll of heavy-duty duct tape in one hand and what appeared to be a cloth of some sort in the other.

My friends and I immediately ended the assault on poor Jake and instinctively pulled our hands away upon noticing our imposing host's entry. It should have been obvious to Jeff that my three unfettered friends and I were to blame for the raucous dissonance he had been enduring for the past hour or so. I mean, we were the ones tickling Jake and Brendan silly. Still, no wordy rebuke came our way.

Jeff said nothing as he marched over towards our captives. The annoyingly familiar and immensely poignant scent that suddenly filled the air and assaulted my nostrils provided the first clue as to the nature of the sizeable cloth he held in his hand. The absence of sneakers or socks on those freakishly oversized soles of his provided the second clue.

The giant wad of black fabric he held in his hand was none other than his own freshly peeled socks! That's right. The same fuming pair of thick crew socks my mum had been badgering him about and asking him to change all week!


The jumbo-limbed behemoth simply crouched down in front of Jake's visibly perplexed face, put the mighty roll of duct tape down on the floor and balled one of his own harrowingly putrid socks up in one hand.

No one dared to object. Not I, not Jake, not Brendan, nor any of my other friends. I was too shocked to say anything and they were too shy. After all, Jeff was a very big guy. And by big, I mean built-up. Not only that. There's also the fact that this was their first time meeting him, and though his demeanour was calm, he was an all-around intimidating fellow.

So yeah, I could only sit there and watch as my mum's heavily built fiancé cupped the back of my hogtied friend's head in one hand and could only watch as he commandingly fed his own sock into the captive teen's furiously bulging mouth.

" more screaming." was the only explanation Jake received.

Brendan hadn't been nearly as loud or as vocal as Jake had been - primarily due to his being considerably less ticklish - but even so, Jeff didn't bother differentiating the two or reserving different fates for them.

Brendan sniffed the air, groaned in displeasure, crinkled his nose up and turned his face away. Much to my own continued amazement, that didn't stop our big 230-pound host from cupping the back of my friend's head in one hand and wadding his own nauseatingly strong-smelling sock up into a grapefruit-sized ball with the other.

Poor Brendan temporarily went cross-eyed upon catching a quick whiff of the approaching menace, but he was too shy and polite to say anything, and as such, quickly ended up succumbing to the insurmountably muffling wad that was Jeff's toe-scented stuffing.

" more screaming for you either. Keep that in there." Jeff assertively mumbled, as he pushed the remaining bit of fabric in and began fidgeting with the unwieldy roll of duct tape he had brought.

Jake and Brendan spent the next thirty seconds or so just lying there; their faces scrunched up into what could only be described as visibly distressed frowns and their lips struggling to contain the truly cumbersome mass of fabric currently being hosted by their heavily overstuffed mouths. Both of them appeared dismayed and on the cusp of puking their brains out, but neither of them dared defy Jeff's wishes by spitting his socks out. They kept those fuming gags in as though their very lives depended on it. Yes, Jeff was that intimidating.

My future stepdad, by contrast, seemed completely unfazed and oblivious to their plight.

He plastered the end of his stupendously broad and immensely sticky tape against the back of Jake's neck, and then gently pulled the teen's head up by the hair before dragging the tape straight across - covering the lower half of my poor friend's pleading face.

Jeff's oak-tree-sized arms bulged as he very slowly brought his deafeningly angry roll of sticky duct tape around, completing another orbit. Poor Jake could do nothing but lay there and watch; his own weary eyes following the frighteningly broad roll of growling adhesive as it came around for another pass, and then another, and another, and another after that.

Brendan too appeared mortified. His wiry limbs wiggled and squirmed in a doomed attempt at freeing themselves from our excessive knots. He looked on and watched with growing apprehension as his fellow captive's lower face was swallowed up; buried beneath superimposed layers of super sticky duct tape.

When Jeff finally approached his position and crouched down directly in front of his head, Brendan tried to plead his case or say something. Unfortunately for him, my soon-to-be stepdad didn't appear the least bit moved by his efforts. He simply put the tape down, cupped the prisoner's head in one hand, and then used his glaringly large index finger to gently force the excess fabric poking out of Brendan's mouth back in.

"There we go. That's it. Make some room in there. Take my whole sock in. That's it. Close your lips." Jeff instructed, causing my friend to cast me a desperate glance while at the same time attempting to close his furiously struggling lips around my future stepfather's impossibly hefty gag.

The telltale growling of duct tape once again filled the room up as Jeff slowly began wrapping it around his sock-stuffed victim's tremendously bulging face. Around and around the tape went; screeching and growling as it did so.

What happened next was perhaps the most surprising thing of all. Instead of simply leaving the room after he was done, Jeff actually put the tape down and dug his calloused fingers into Brendan's soles, causing the bound teen to squeal and cry out beneath his incredibly muffling gag. Our host appeared satisfied, but that didn't stop him from tightening several of the knots he felt needed tightening and condescendingly ruffling Brendan's hair up.

"Yeah, good luck tryin' to get a word out past that gag!" he chuckled, flaunting the effectiveness of his own socks before finally turning his attention over to the other prisoner in the room.

Jeff did the same thing with Jake, but in the opposite order, meaning that he tightened his bonds and reinforced some of the knots before dishing out a quick tickle-test to confirm the effectiveness of the gag. Unfortunately for Jake, the plan ended up derailing somewhere along the way.

"Oh, wait a minute. HAHA! Oh wow! This one's REALLY ticklish, isn't he? HAHAHA!" Jeff boomed, the sound of his own baritone laughter suddenly filling the room up as he went a little crazy and dug both of his huge hands into Jake's sides and weak spots.

My friends and I were all a little taken aback by the spectacle unfolding before us, but it's only when my soon-to-be stepdad excitedly called in the cavalry that we finally jumped in and joined him.

"HAHAHA! Come on! What are you guys standing around for?! These prisoners aren't gonna tickle themselves! HAHAHA!" he laughed, going absolutely batshit crazy on Jake and commandingly orchestrating our multi-pronged attack.

We were still tickling our two prisoners silly by the time an exhausted Jeff rose up above the melee and wiped the thin layer of sweat that coated his forehead.

"Alright, you guys have fun now. And make sure those gags stay on. I don't want the two of them screaming." he commandingly told us, as he picked up the sizeable roll of duct tape and slowly departed from the rec room.

"Sure thing, Boss!"
"Absolutely, Mr Smith!" two of my accomplices hastily answered, their voices practically rising up in unison.

My friends and I spent the next hour going back and forth between gaming on the PS5 console and tickling, teasing and playing with our two captives. Jeff left us to our own devices and appeared satisfied with watching the remainder of the hockey game and airing his positively massive bare soles out.


"Are your two friends still giving you guys any trouble?" was the only thing he asked me, as I made my way over to the kitchen and briefly passed by his smelly bedroom's open doorway.

"Haha, no. They're a lot quieter now." I chuckled, finding amusement in his question.

"Good. At least when your mum gets back she won't be nagging me about those socks!" he absentmindedly mumbled, keeping his eyes glued to the TV screen and punctuating the end of his sentence by letting a positively thunderous fart rip.

So yeah, going back to what I was saying at the beginning, it took a while for me to warm up to the idea of Jeff becoming a father figure in my life. But if I had to pinpoint the specific moment in time during which my esteem of him started growing, this one most definitely had to be it. Anyways, thanks for reading! Let me know if you enjoyed this.

Last edited by bondagefreak 2 weeks ago, edited 12 times in total.

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Post by BoudBoy22 »

This sounds really good!!!! Im waiting for more
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Post by Stormee »

What an absolute fun sleepover. Truly one of the things I ever wished for in a sleepover myself when I was in school. But those never came around. Least the narrator had fun with his victims and so did his stepfather for the time being. Great work again, @bondagefreak
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Post by Socksbound »

Congratulations on a successful short story sir. What a cool stepdad, I’d feel sorry for our two captives but we all know I secretly (or not) want to be in their position. Awesome writing as always sir
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Post by socjuc »

Great shorty step-dad and step-brother stories...they seem to have a je ne sais pas appealing factor to them :lol: :lol:

If this continues, I wonder what the step-son is going to uncover about his new step-dad. :mrgreen:
This story can be found HERE.
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

I think its safe to say that his friends won't be asking to sleep over again any time soon. Hopefully it inspires payback among the teens in the future.
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Post by Pup »

Well written, sleeping bags, socks, rope, hogties, duct tape...
Woah boy I wonder who wrote this 😛😛
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Post by thespy »

haha what a great short story, great set up and I have a feeling that huge Mr. Smith knows a lot more about tying up and gags than he lets up.
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Post by OrdinaryWorld »

Lmao - well isn't this a classic bondagefreak-style story :lol:

Well done on succeeding in the goal you set, friend!

I feel like we need a 'Bondagefreak Writing Tutorial' given how quickly you're able to write these things!

Cheers to bondagefreak for the banner!
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Post by squirrel »

Oh wow, Jake and Brendan are so lucky to get gagged with Jeff''s weeks' old socks....

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Post by ShadowHusky »

This was a really fun read. Had a very different energy from your other stories!
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Post by Ossassin »

Very chill energy, and fun vibes for the story.
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Post by sock slave boy »

this story alone defines “boys are boys”
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Post by vincenzotognolo22 »

very nice story bro, plus I love the pictures, they make the reading even hotter.
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Post by Blue Ice »

@bondagefreak Very hot story!! 😊😊 I would love to see more please
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Post by ChairBoy »

I LOVE a good dad story enjoying punishing people that are younger! It’s so hot to me! Although I wish the people tied up would’ve resisted more… I did read every word out of how much I liked it. Any pictures of what the dad looks like? I loved reading this story! Plzzzz more dad/ uncle/ cop stories! I need more!
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

A great short story. Looks like Jeff has got up to some stuff in the past and has no qualms about encouraging the future generation to have some fun in the same way!
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

All my M/M stories can be found HERE.
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Post by bondagefreak »

ChairBoy wrote: 1 month ago Although I wish the people tied up would’ve resisted more… I did read every word out of how much I liked it. Any pictures of what the dad looks like? I loved reading this story! Plzzzz more dad/ uncle/ cop stories! I need more!
Hey boi. Yes, there's a photo of Jeff lying on his bed near the end of the story. You couldn't possibly have missed it, unless the photo somehow didn't load due to some browser error on your end.

As for the narrator's nerdy gamer friends, I'm not convinced them resisting would've been quite as realistic. The introverted and more polite guys on the forum will be the first to tell you they might've also been too timid and/or shocked to object or say anything. Add to that the fact that Jeff is a perfect stranger to them, and a quite intimidating one at that.

The narrator might have reacted differently had he been the one tied up and helpless.

If you want to compare their reactions to those featured in your favourite tale (HOUSE ARREST - M/mm) you'll notice that the narrator's bound friends reacted very similarly to Bob's nephew, Caleb. Shane had little qualms about protesting and telling his dad off, but Caleb isn't Bob's son, and as a result, was far more timid in his opposition - or lack thereof.

In short, lack of verbal opposition does not translate into desire and/or consent.
I think it's safe to say Jake and Brendan did not enjoy Jeff's impromptu intervention.

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Post by Smythdean »

We F as t a a fantastic story.

Poor boys are bound good and tight.
And most importantly silent
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Post by GoBucks »

That was great! I definitely wouldn't mind having Jeff for a stepdad!

I wonder if our narrator ever ended up on the receiving end of those stinky soles.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Special thanks for all of the nice comments and feedback so far, guys. Very much appreciated. I had a lot of fun writing this tale and am glad to have successfully managed to cram all of it into one - admittedly long - chapter. Our narrator may have more accounts to share should you guys feel receptive to reading more about his experiences.

@BoudBoy22 @Stormee @Socksbound @socjuc @Wedgieboy69 @Pup @thespy @OrdinaryWorld @squirrel @ShadowHusky @Ossassin @sock slave boy @vincenzotognolo22 @Blue Ice @ChairBoy @Pup Wingletang @Smythdean @GoBucks @4toes @jammer212 @Mummybag @Lovethemsocks

@Blue Ice
Special welcome aboard, boi! Always happy to see a new pup join us. Between @Pup, @Pup Wingletang and yourself, this place is turning into a veritable kennel! I may have to invest in a three-way dog leash to keep the lot of you in check. Keep up the comments and posts, boi. I look forward to you becoming a regular on here. This place can be a lot of fun if you join in.

Hey! If it isn't one of my longtime favourite authors!
I'm pretty sure this is your first comment on one of my stories. I'm thrilled you enjoyed this little adventure.
If you're looking for something to read, you might wanna check out HOUSE ARREST (M/m+). I'm almost certain this one will be right up your alley. Keep me posted!

@ShadowHusky @Ossassin
Hey Aussie-boys. Glad you both enjoyed the energy of this adventure.
You both seemed to mention that the energy/vibes felt a bit different from my other tales. I'm curious to find out why that is.
I went for an informal EASY PREY-style narration but I didn't realise this would hit a different note with you guys. Either way, glad this worked out for the both of you. Special thanks for your steadfast support.

OrdinaryWorld wrote: 1 month ago I feel like we need a 'Bondagefreak Writing Tutorial' given how quickly you're able to write these things!

@OrdinaryWorld I've actually contemplated doing this several times over the years, as I've been asked questions like "How do you come up with characters and story ideas?" by guys like @Footsub123 and other curious readers more times than I can count.

Imagination does have a lot to do with it, which is something some people have in greater quantity than others. But aside from that I do have some pointers and go-to patterns to share that never fail to inspire story ideas. I may actually take you up on this suggestion.
Last edited by bondagefreak 1 month ago, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Lovethemsocks »

These short stories are phenomenal! I love that his step-dad just came in and gagged them with his dirty socks and didn’t think twice about it! Keep up the great work!
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Post by ChairBoy »

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Post by Blue Ice »

bondagefreak wrote: 1 month ago Special thanks for all of the nice comments and feedback so far, guys. Very much appreciated. I had a lot of fun writing this tale and am glad to have successfully managed to cram all of it into one - admittedly long - chapter. Our narrator may have more accounts to share should you guys feel receptive to reading more about his experiences.

@BoudBoy22 @Stormee @Socksbound @socjuc @Wedgieboy69 @Pup @thespy @OrdinaryWorld @squirrel @ShadowHusky @Ossassin @sock slave boy @vincenzotognolo22 @Blue Ice @ChairBoy @Pup Wingletang @Smythdean @GoBucks

@Blue Ice
Special welcome aboard, boi! Always happy to see a new pup join us. Between @Pup, @Pup Wingletang and yourself, this place is turning into a veritable kennel! I may have to invest in a three-way dog leash to keep the lot of you in check. Keep up the comments and posts, boi. I look forward to you becoming a regular on here. This place can be a lot of fun if you join in.

Hey! If it isn't one of my longtime favourite authors!
I'm pretty sure this is your first comment on one of my stories. I'm thrilled you enjoyed this little adventure.
If you're looking for something to read, you might wanna check out HOUSE ARREST (M/m+). I'm almost certain this one will be right up your alley. Keep me posted!

@ShadowHusky @Ossassin
Hey Aussie-boys. Glad you both enjoyed the energy of this adventure.
You both seemed to mention that the energy/vibes felt a bit different from my other tales. I'm curious to find out why that is.
I went for an informal EASY PREY-style narration but I didn't realise this would hit a different note with you guys. Either way, glad this worked out for the both of you. Special thanks for your steadfast support.

OrdinaryWorld wrote: 1 month ago I feel like we need a 'Bondagefreak Writing Tutorial' given how quickly you're able to write these things!

@OrdinaryWorld I've actually contemplated doing this several times over the years, as I've been asked questions like "How do you come up with characters and story ideas?" by guys like @Footsub123 and other curious readers more times than I can count.

Imagination does have a lot to do with it, which is something some people have in greater quantity than others. But aside from that I do have some pointers and go-to patterns to share that never fail to inspire story ideas. I may actually take you up on this suggestion.

@bondagefreak Thank you very much for the welcoming message!! 😊😊
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Post by ChairBoy »

bondagefreak wrote: 1 month ago



Hey all, new member here. I just wanna share a little something that happened not too long ago, back when my mum and I first moved in with her new fiancé and my soon-to-be stepdad, Jeff.

The change was quite difficult for me, at first. Being well in my teen years and never having grown up with a father figure in my life, the thought of having some paternalistic imposter bossing me around and posing as my father didn't appeal to me in the slightest. In hindsight, Jeff was pretty chill and it genuinely pleased me that my mum - who also worked as a full-time nurse - had found enough time in her life to actually start dating again. But yeah, like I said, the change didn't sit too well with me at first. It took a while for me to warm up to Jeff and eventually accept the cementing of their relationship. Which brings me to the start of this little account...

Less than a month after moving into Jeff's place, mum received news of her sister being in hospital. My aunt's condition was stable, but as you can probably imagine, my mum's family was somewhat shaken up. She left on Friday morning, shortly after taking a seat on the edge of my bed, kissing my dishevelled hair and letting me know she'd be spending the next two days with her sister and parents. In other words, mum would be back on Sunday afternoon.

"Try not to give Jeff too much trouble, alright sweetie? Mommy loves you." she told me, before caressing my scalp and then departing from my bedroom.

No doubt seeing an opportunity to bond with his future wife's teen son, Jeff made pancakes for the both of us and offered to go out on a bike ride. I begrudgingly ate the pancakes but didn't show any interest in joining him on a bike ride. About an hour later, he offered to take me out fishing and mentioned something about stopping by the local ice cream shop. Much to his visible disappointment, I told him I wasn't a kid anymore and declined his invitation to go fishing.

In short, I was still in a somewhat standoffish mood and wasn't quite ready to open up to him just yet. My warming up to Jeff would have to wait another day, or at least so I thought.

As it turns out, Jeff ended up doing his own thing and I sorta did the same by spending a good part of the early afternoon gaming in the newly set-up basement recreation room.

I'm not too sure what suddenly got into me, but I actually had the nerve to approach the man a bit later that afternoon and ask him if I could have a few of my friends over.

Jeff probably felt a tinge of disappointment at the fact that I was longing for company even whilst turning down his numerous attempts to bond and hang out. Still, even though he was in his mid-forties and didn't have kids of his own, I guess he was lucid enough to realise I was going through a phase and that it was only a matter of time before I came around and warmed up to him.

"Yeah, why not? If you wanna invite a few of your friends over, I can put some hamburgers on the grill later on and you guys can even have a sleepover." he offered, before altering me to the fact that he had two inflatable mattresses somewhere in the basement storage closet and a number of cold-weather sleeping bags we could borrow if ever some of my friends were up for staying the night.

I was admittedly pretty stoked by his response and ended up inviting five of my gaming buddies over for an afternoon of fun and games.

Things were pretty normal at first. I mean, we gamed, laughed, talked about movies and generally just messed around the way we normally did. Jeff made us all a nice supper and provided us with snacks, but aside from that, he mostly did his own thing by working in the garage and then watching TV in the living room.

Things only escalated into silliness much later on that evening, when I started rummaging through my soon-to-be stepdad's cluttered storage closet and fished out some of the sleepover bedding material he had previously said we could use.

"Holy shit! Those bags are thick!" one of my friends remarked, apparently as taken aback as I was by the sheer heft and size of the rolled-up sleeping bags that came tumbling out of the closet. Three of my friends had actually brought their own, but Jeff's cumbersome cold-weather bags positively dwarfed theirs!

In any case, my attempts to reach the inflatable mattresses located on one of the storage closet's uppermost shelves resulted in me accidentally tipping over a box and sending all of Jeff's neatly organised camping rope down to the carpeted floor.

As you can probably imagine, one thing eventually led to another and pretty soon the lot of us were wrestling around, rolling on the floor and unfurling the ropes in a wild bid to try and tie each other up.

Two of my friends, Jake and Brendan, ended up getting the short end of the stick and ultimately losing the tussle. Trussing them up was an albeit messy affair, but it certainly helped that one of my other buddies - Mark - was an ex-boy scout and a reasonably rope-savvy, nimble-fingered one at that. Suffice it to say, we used a lot of rope.


It must've been closing in on 10 PM the first time Jeff poked his head in through the sleeping bag & rope-cluttered rec room doorway. Instead of chiding us for the fact that we were making a mess of things or demanding we set Jake and Brendan loose - both of whom were being quite vocal in their opposition, mind you - Jeff simply asked us to lower our voices and pipe it down a bit.

We did, or rather tried to. After all, our host was trying to relax and enjoy the hockey game playing on TV, but more importantly, it was getting late and this was a quiet neighbourhood.

Of course, Jeff was back less than fifteen minutes later, if only for the sake of once again asking us to lower our voices down.

I have to give him credit. I mean, for someone used to living alone, he was pretty damned patient with us. Though it wasn't our intent to irk him, we actually were being pretty noisy.

We of course complied and tried piping it down like he'd asked us to, but when he came back for a third time we collectively made the choice of blaming Jake for the racket...which was partially true given that much of the noise was coming from his own noisily protesting mouth, and - to a somewhat lesser degree - Brendan's.

What we didn't divulge though, was the fact that we'd just spent the last ten minutes or so tickling Jake's uncontrollably ticklish soles and forcing him and Brendan to sniff our own and each other's musty - and in some cases downright unpleasant - sneakers.


Jeff, surprisingly enough, didn't seek a culprit or press the matter any further. He just stood there, eyed Jake and Brendan, scratched his head as though contemplating something and then departed the room without saying anything.

Thinking nothing of it, my friends and I happily resumed our shenanigans, this time taking extra care of clamping our clammy palms over Jake's mouth before resuming the tickling. Poor Jake laughed and laughed, his muffled squeals mixing in with the sound of our own collective laughter and Brendan's substantially milder protests.

So entranced we were by the tickling of our more ticklish captive that we all sorta gasped in surprise when Jeff unannouncedly barged into the room, this time carrying a mesmerisingly massive roll of heavy-duty duct tape in one hand and what appeared to be a cloth of some sort in the other.

My friends and I immediately ended the assault on poor Jake and instinctively pulled our hands away upon noticing our imposing host's entry. It should have been obvious to Jeff that my three unfettered friends and I were to blame for the raucous dissonance he had been enduring for the past hour or so. I mean, we were the ones tickling Jake and Brendan silly. Still, no wordy rebuke came our way.

Jeff said nothing as he marched over towards our captives. The annoyingly familiar and immensely poignant scent that suddenly filled the air and assaulted my nostrils provided the first clue as to the nature of the sizeable cloth he held in his hand. The absence of sneakers or socks on those freakishly oversized soles of his provided the second clue.

The giant wad of black fabric he held in his hand was none other than his own freshly peeled socks! That's right. The same fuming pair of thick crew socks my mum had been badgering him about and asking him to change all week!


The jumbo-limbed behemoth simply crouched down in front of Jake's visibly perplexed face, put the mighty roll of duct tape down on the floor and balled one of his own harrowingly putrid socks up in one hand.

No one dared to object. Not I, not Jake, not Brendan, nor any of my other friends. I was too shocked to say anything and they were too shy. After all, Jeff was a very big guy. And by big, I mean built-up. Not only that. There's also the fact that this was their first time meeting him, and though his demeanour was calm, he was an all-around intimidating fellow.

So yeah, I could only sit there and watch as my mum's heavily built fiancé cupped the back of my hogtied friend's head in one hand and could only watch as he commandingly fed his own sock into the captive teen's furiously bulging mouth.

" more screaming." was the only explanation Jake received.

Brendan hadn't been nearly as loud or as vocal as Jake had been - primarily due to his being considerably less ticklish - but even so, Jeff didn't bother differentiating the two or reserving different fates for them.

Brendan sniffed the air, groaned in displeasure, crinkled his nose up and turned his face away. Much to my own continued amazement, that didn't stop our big 230-pound host from cupping the back of my friend's head in one hand and wadding his own nauseatingly strong-smelling sock up into a grapefruit-sized ball with the other.

Poor Brendan temporarily went cross-eyed upon catching a quick whiff of the approaching menace, but he was too shy and polite to say anything, and as such, quickly ended up succumbing to the insurmountably muffling wad that was Jeff's toe-scented stuffing.

" more screaming for you either. Keep that in there." Jeff assertively mumbled, as he pushed the remaining bit of fabric in and began fidgeting with the unwieldy roll of duct tape he had brought.

Jake and Brendan spent the next thirty seconds or so just lying there; their faces scrunched up into what could only be described as visibly distressed frowns and their lips struggling to contain the truly cumbersome mass of fabric currently being hosted by their heavily overstuffed mouths. Both of them appeared dismayed and on the cusp of puking their brains out, but neither of them dared defy Jeff's wishes by spitting his socks out. They kept those fuming gags in as though their very lives depended on it. Yes, Jeff was that intimidating.

My future stepdad, by contrast, seemed completely unfazed and oblivious to their plight.

He plastered the end of his stupendously broad and immensely sticky tape against the back of Jake's neck, and then gently pulled the teen's head up by the hair before dragging the tape straight across - covering the lower half of my poor friend's pleading face.

Jeff's oak-tree-sized arms bulged as he very slowly brought his deafeningly angry roll of sticky duct tape around, completing another orbit. Poor Jake could do nothing but lay there and watch; his own weary eyes following the frighteningly broad roll of growling adhesive as it came around for another pass, and then another, and another, and another after that.

Brendan too appeared mortified. His wiry limbs wiggled and squirmed in a doomed attempt at freeing themselves from our excessive knots. He looked on and watched with growing apprehension as his fellow captive's lower face was swallowed up; buried beneath superimposed layers of super sticky duct tape.

When Jeff finally approached his position and crouched down directly in front of his head, Brendan tried to plead his case or say something. Unfortunately for him, my soon-to-be stepdad didn't appear the least bit moved by his efforts. He simply put the tape down, cupped the prisoner's head in one hand, and then used his glaringly large index finger to gently force the excess fabric poking out of Brendan's mouth back in.

"There we go. That's it. Make some room in there. Take my whole sock in. That's it. Close your lips." Jeff instructed, causing my friend to cast me a desperate glance while at the same time attempting to close his furiously struggling lips around my future stepfather's impossibly hefty gag.

The telltale growling of duct tape once again filled the room up as Jeff slowly began wrapping it around his sock-stuffed victim's tremendously bulging face. Around and around the tape went; screeching and growling as it did so.

What happened next was perhaps the most surprising thing of all. Instead of simply leaving the room after he was done, Jeff actually put the tape down and dug his calloused fingers into Brendan's soles, causing the bound teen to squeal and cry out beneath his incredibly muffling gag. Our host appeared satisfied, but that didn't stop him from tightening several of the knots he felt needed tightening and condescendingly ruffling Brendan's hair up.

"Yeah, good luck tryin' to get a word out past that gag!" he chuckled, flaunting the effectiveness of his own socks before finally turning his attention over to the other prisoner in the room.

Jeff did the same thing with Jake, but in the opposite order, meaning that he tightened his bonds and reinforced some of the knots before dishing out a quick tickle-test to confirm the effectiveness of the gag. Unfortunately for Jake, the plan ended up derailing somewhere along the way.

"Oh, wait a minute. HAHA! Oh wow! This one's REALLY ticklish, isn't he? HAHAHA!" Jeff boomed, the sound of his own baritone laughter suddenly filling the room up as he went a little crazy and dug both of his huge hands into Jake's sides and weak spots.

My friends and I were all a little taken aback by the spectacle unfolding before us, but it's only when my soon-to-be stepdad excitedly called in the cavalry that we finally jumped in and joined him.

"HAHAHA! Come on! What are you guys standing around for?! These prisoners aren't gonna tickle themselves! HAHAHA!" he laughed, going absolutely batshit crazy on Jake and commandingly orchestrating our multi-pronged attack.

We were still tickling our two prisoners silly by the time an exhausted Jeff rose up above the melee and wiped the thin layer of sweat that coated his forehead.

"Alright, you guys have fun now. And make sure those gags stay on. I don't want the two of them screaming." he commandingly told us, as he picked up the sizeable roll of duct tape and slowly departed from the rec room.

"Sure thing, Boss!"
"Absolutely, Mr Smith!" two of my accomplices hastily answered, their voices practically rising up in unison.

My friends and I spent the next hour going back and forth between gaming on the PS5 console and tickling, teasing and playing with our two captives. Jeff left us to our own devices and appeared satisfied with watching the remainder of the hockey game and airing his positively massive bare soles out.


"Are your two friends still giving you guys any trouble?" was the only thing he asked me, as I made my way over to the kitchen and briefly passed by his smelly bedroom's open doorway.

"Haha, no. They're a lot quieter now." I chuckled, finding amusement in his question.

"Good. At least when your mum gets back she won't be nagging me about those socks!" he absentmindedly mumbled, keeping his eyes glued to the TV screen and punctuating the end of his sentence by letting a positively thunderous fart rip.

So yeah, going back to what I was saying at the beginning, it took a while for me to warm up to the idea of Jeff becoming a father figure in my life. But if I had to pinpoint the specific moment in time during which my esteem of him started growing, this one most definitely had to be it. Anyways, thanks for reading! Let me know if you enjoyed this.

I wonder what would’ve happened if the son said the two bound men were giving them trouble?
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