Deleted DIDs - Star Wars: Senatorial Restraints (/FM)

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Deleted DIDs - Star Wars: Senatorial Restraints (/FM)

Post by BobaFettish1 »

Hey guys!

While I’m still working on new chapters of “Agent 38” to share with you guys, I had something pop into my mind recently that I just had to write down.

As you can probably tell by my username, I'm a huge Star Wars fan. For a while I've had this idea for "DID Deleted Scenes", which basically imagines deleted/alternate scenes from films that feature heavy bondage.

My first application of this concept is a "deleted" scene from Star Wars: Episode II - Attack Of The Clones. While, yes, it's certainly not the strong installment in the saga, I would argue it features the best DID scene in Star Wars, with the best damsel; Padmé Amidala. The scenes in which Padmé(Natalie Portman) is chained to pillar to await her execution on Geonosis has captured my imagination since I was a kid. But I always wanted something more from that scene.

That's where my story comes in. It's set just before that, between the scenes where Anakin and Padmé are captured, and when we see they shackled in the arena. As it turns out, a lot happened between those two moments. ;)

As always, if you enjoy this and want to read more, don't hesitate to let me know. Feedback is always appreciated. :D


- Scene #1:

My name is Padmé Amidala. I’m a member of the Republic senate, representative of the sovereign system of Naboo. Former Queen of the Naboo....

...And now, prisoner of the Confederacy Of Independent Systems.

After becoming the center of a conspiracy which led to several attempts on my life, I had recently gone into hiding with my Jedi bodyguard, Anakin Skywalker. Simultaneously, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi began an investigation into the plot against me.

While Skywalker and I were on the outer rim world of Tatooine attending to some, um, personal affairs, we received a message from Kenobi. He had made a startling discovery on the nearby desert world of Geonosis and wished to alert us and the rest of the Republic to this new threat. But before Kenobi could finish his message he was attacked by an incredibly powerful Droideka, and was presumed to be in serious danger of being captured or killed by the Separatists.

Given Skywalker and I’s close proximity to Kenobi’s last know location, I made the decision to travel to Geonosis in hopes of saving the Jedi’s life. If he had been captured, my first goal would be to attempt to reason with the Separatists and negotiation Kenobi’s release. And if things went south, I would not be unprepared or afraid to jump into “aggressive negotiations”, as Anakin has called it.

Yes, it was incredibly risky, and maybe even foolhardy, but it was the least I could do. Kenobi isn’t just a Jedi, he’s a friend. A decade ago Kenobi and his mentor came to my aid and protected me when my planet was invaded by the Trade Federation. I owe Obi-Wan my life. So I couldn’t just stand by as his life hung in the balance.

Upon arriving on Geonosis I prepared myself whatever might lie at the bottom of my ship’s boarding ramp. Thankfully I had decided to wear one of the most versatile outfits in my possession. It is a white jump suit that is comprised of a bright white, form-fitting shirt and matching pants. The shirt had a defined collar that encircled my neck and sleeves stretched all the way down my arms into flared cuffs arounds my hands. The pants covered the rest of my body, clinging closely to my skin all the way down into knee high boots. The boots are cream colored and feature heavy shin guards between my ankles to their tops, just below my knees. In addition, around my waist is my utility belt which is the same cream color as my boots. On the belt is a holster where I carry my ELG-3A blaster pistol along with extra energy magazines, some food rations, a comlink, and some other necessities. On my arms, between my shoulders and elbows, are metallic arm bands that signify my senatorial rank. My brown hair is woven into tight loops that form a bun on the back of my head, keep my hair stylish, but also out of the way and practical. All of it is topped of by a textured white cape that wraps around my shoulders and hangs around my knees in the back.

Anakin and I landed on the planet and made our way inside a structure, which we soon realized was a Droid factory for the Separatists. Not long after I became separated from Anakin and ended up on one of the factory’s many production lines. After narrowly being killed several times due to the dangers of the factory, I ended up in a giant cauldron that miraculously avoided being filled with boiling liquid metal and was dropped onto a service platform. When the cauldron tipped over I tumbled out, dazed by the entire experience.

When I finally shook off my motion sickness and managed to get back on my feet, I quickly noticed I wasn’t alone. All around me, both on the ground and hovering in the air above, were a collection native Geonosians, all with sonic cannons trained on me. The Geonosians looked like the tiny florta bugs seen on Naboo, with their brown color and segmented bodies, only they were bigger, much bigger. The dark, winged creatures, which were as tall as I am, crept closer to me on all sides.


Not about to be intimidated by these monsters, I stood my ground, but made no sudden movements. My mind quickly flashed to Anakin. Perhaps he was nearby and could help me take care of this pest problem. I got my answer soon enough as a booming voice echoed through the factory from another area;

“Don’t move, Jedi! Take ‘em away!”

Blast! Anakin had been captured too. We were both now well in over our heads, but I wasn’t about to give up hope. I yelled at the beasts, mustering all the fake audacity I could;

“Put your weapons away! Do you have any idea who I am? I am a member of the Republic senate on a diplomatic mission! I demand to speak to your superior officer, immediately!”

The Geonosians looked at each other with confusion. I had no idea if they understood me, or if they wanted to. I certainly couldn’t understand the linguistic clicking and sputtered they used to communicate with each other. Nevertheless, I was now their prisoner, no matter how much I protested.

And we all know what prisoners get; chains.

The shackles one Geonosian brought forward weren’t just to bind my hands, as I expected. I hadn’t had much experience with being physically restrained prior to this, and these shackles were unlike anything I’d seen before.

The binders were composed of heavy metal alloy cuffs that were attached together with a riveted hasp. The middle section of the binders featured a fair sized metal ring, obviously with the purpose of being able to attach to immovable objects to keep a prisoner in place. The ring was then attached to a small chain that was affixed to a metallic hoop at the other end. The hoop, I suddenly realized, was a shock collar. Surely I couldn’t allow them to place that on me, but I also couldn’t dare try and fight off dozens of Geonosians without dying. More of the bugs had now arrived to surround me, many of which had now moved swiftly towards me.

Before I could even think about reacting, the bugs had swarmed me. I felt several large hands on body, grabbing at my wrists and arms in order to gain control of me. I continued to verbally protest;

“Get your hands off of me! How dare you! I am a senator! You will regret this!”

I felt one Geonosian pluck my blaster from my holster, and a few others picked through the pouches on belt. My midsection and legs were patted and searched thoroughly. Another bug ripped my cape from body, exposing my full white jumpsuit underneath. Once they seemed satisfied, I heard the clanking of chains. I knew what was coming next and tried to resist, wiggling and squirming trying to free myself from the grip of the disgusting bugs. Their hold on me grew tighter and I was then wrestled to me knees and my arms were pulled behind my back. My wrists were pulled back and upward, pushing my hands into my upper back and bending my elbows as far up as they could.

The binders were snapped tightly around my wrists, pinning my arms behind my back in an awkward scissored position. The collar was then brought up behind my head and clasped around my neck. The chain connecting my neck to my bound wrists was now pulled tight. My hands ached from the pressure of metal digging into my skin, and the collar was so tight that it was a constant struggle to keep from choking myself. “I suppose that’s the point,” I morosely thought to myself.

One of the Geonosians held small device in his hand, which he held in front of my face, as if to garner my attention. His hand hovered over one of the buttons on the device. Before I could scream out, “Please, stop! I know what this thing does!”, he pressed it. The shock collar sizzled and buzzed to life, sending waves of electricity through my entire body and I cried out in agony. The shock only last for a brief moment, but the bug had made his point. So when another Geonosian arrived with even more shackles I knew not to even try and resist, or even say a word.

These new chains were similar to the binders that were now around my wrists, except they were bigger cuffs, and a longer, medium sized change ran between the cuffs. They were quickly snapped onto my ankles, over my cream colored boots. Two other Geonosians helped me to my feet, but with my legs now chained anything more than a slow walk would be impossible.

With their sonic blasters still pointed in my direction, I was grabbed on either side by a bug and led down a dark path deeper into the factory. They were probably leading me to the dungeon, if I was lucky...

- End Scene
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Post by BobaFettish1 »

- Scene #2:

As I was guided down the path, trudging as best I could while strictly shackled, I began to ponder my current predicament. I’d been in plenty of dangerous situations before, and even captured a few times, but I’d never been restrained before, at least not like this. With my wrists bound behind me, my ankles chained together, and a shock collar around my neck, I realized I’d never been so helpless before in my life. These Geonosians held my life in their hands, and the threat of electrocution made me completely subservient to them. I was always someone who liked to have complete control over my life and my destiny, but now I had lost all of that. I was completely subdued and powerless.

The pathway led into a long tunnel, obviously deep underground since no sunlight could be seen anywhere. As we approached a junction with another hallway, I looked and saw... Anakin! I was so happy to see him and to know that he was alright. A smile began to spread across my face, the first one in a while, but I tried to suppress it. I could tell Anakin was very relieved to see me alive, albeit chained. Unfortunately, as I suspected, the young Jedi was indeed also captured, shackled in the same way I had been. A shock collar around his neck, binders holding his hands behind his back, and shackles on his feet. As we drew closer to one another we both had saddened looks on our faces. It was disappointing to have fought so hard to save our friend from captivity, yet to only end up captives ourselves. And for me, personally, a strong sensation of embarrassment rose up inside me, so much that I almost blushed. To be chained up like this in front of Anakin filled me with shame. This was the man who I’d know since we were both children. The man who had just professed his love for me days ago.... The man I also had feelings for, but was too afraid to tell him.

I had tried to hold back my feelings. I had wanted to be the responsible one. I knew a Senator and a Jedi could never have a proper relationship without massive consequences. But it felt so wrong. And now, as we are potentially marched to our doom, I so wanted to tell him everything. That I truly, deeply love him. That I want to spend the rest of my life with him. But the words fail to materialize on my lips. As we walk side by side down the corridor, shackled hand & foot, the awkwardness between us becomes palatable. Finally, he speaks first;

“Are you alright?”, he asked, tenderly.

“As ‘alright’ as I can be, I guess. You?”, I asked.

“I’m fine,” he replied. “But I lost my Lightsaber”, He said, seemingly trying to explain how he’d been captured in the first place.

I considered our current situation might also be embarrassing to him, being the overconfident Jedi that he was, to be be brought down by a bunch of bugs. I noticed that a mysterious figure had filed in behind us as we walked. He, or she, was clad in blue and silver Mandalorian armor. I had never seen a Mandalorian in person, so the sight of this person intrigued me. But if this was a true Mandalorian, they were someone to be feared as well, given the dangerous reputation of the Mandalorians.

After a few turns through some winding hallways we finally came to what looked like a conference room. The room itself was nothing more than a cavern itself, seemingly carved out of Geonosis’ rock formations. As we entered and approached the large conference table in the center of the room, Anakin and I both noticed the figure sitting at the opposite side of the table; Count Dooku.

The former Jedi wore a black tunic with a glowing brown cape. He was seated at the table and stroked his trimmed grey beard quizzically as we enter. Anakin tensed at the sight of the man. I gave him a determined look and whispered, “Let me do that talking.” Anakin eased, obviously still unhappy with this situation, but I knew he would trust me and follow my lead.

Despite my shackles leaving me vulnerable, I still did my best to walk with purpose and authority. I did not flinch nor show weakness in the presence of the Count, even though I was obviously at his mercy. I stepped up the table, ignoring my restraints, and got right to business;

“You’re holding a Jedi Knight prisoner; Obi-Wan Kenobi,” I said firmly. “I’m formally requesting you hand him over to me now.”

Dooku feigned confusion. “Have you not noticed that you yourself are a prisoner here, M’lady?”

“...And I also demand that you release us, immediately,” I stammered, embarrassingly.

“It does not look like you are in a position to make demands to anyone at the moment,” he murmured, casually. “I do apologize for your chains, the Geonosians do not take kindly to trespassers.”

Frustrated, I struggled against my shackles, “We were not trespassing! We came here to negotiation the release of Master Kenobi. All of this is completely uncalled for, Count. Surely we can come to an agreement that’s mutually beneficial?”

Dooku waved a hand, “I’m afraid that’s out of my hands now. You should be aware that Archduke Poggle the Lesser has already charged all three of you with espionage. That is a crime punishable by death here on Geonosis.”

My heart sank. This whole situation had gotten more out of hand than I’d imagined. And now they were going to execute us?

I persisted, “That’s absurd. Killing two Jedi and a member of the senate would be an act of war!”

“A war that is inevitable, Senator,” Dooku said. “It’s time you accepted that fact. And it’s also time for you to choose a side. The right side. If, perhaps, Naboo were to join our alliance, I could easily hear your plea for clemency.”

I humored his ridiculous suggestion, “And if I don’t join your rebellion?”

“The Republic cannot be fixed, M’lady,” Dooku countered sternly. “It is time to start over,” he added.

I was done playing his game, and I retorted, “I know of your treaties with the Trade Federation, the Commerce Guilds, and the others, Count. I will not forsake all I’ve honored and worked for and betray the Republic.”

Dooku sighed, as if he was genuinely disappointed with my resolve;

“Without your cooperation, I’ve done all I can... It looks as though you will have to get used to the chains,” The count said with a satisfied grin.

The Mandalorian, who had been lurking behind Anakin and I, spoke up;

“Escort the prisoners to their cells!”

Oh, so I was going to the dungeon after all...

- End Scene
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Post by BobaFettish1 »

- Scene #3:

Anakin and I were escorted deeper into the compound by an assortment of Geonsians, led by the Mandalorian. Through careful listening I had learned that the Mandalorian was actually a bounty hunter named Jango Fett. His shiny armor glimmered from the small amount of light within the bowels of the fortress. Fett seemed to take pleasure in our discomfort and insisted we pick up our pace. In our leg shackles it was very difficult to even walk at a normal pace, and being forced to keep pace with the bounty hunter was a real struggle. But I did as I was told because Jango was now holding the remote for our shock collars, and I knew he was looking for a chance to press the button.

Finally, we arrived in a large corridor with doors on each side. Undoubtedly we had arrived at the Geonosian’s Dungeon. We were escorted to one of the doors just as the door began to slowly slide open. Jango gestured toward Anakin;

“You first, Jedi.”

Anakin reluctantly stepped into the room with Fett. It was rounded with a platform in he middle of he floor that help a blue sphere. An identical sphere was also on the ceiling, directly above one on the floor. The hunter pressed a button on the device and all of Anakin’s shackles fell to the ground. Anakin was surprised to be freed and stared at Fett with a smirk. Jango drew his blaster with lighting quick reflexes. I almost gasped, thinking he might hurt Anakin, but he didn’t touch him. He aimed the gun backwards, away from Anakin, and pointed it directly at... me?

“Try anything and she dies,” Jango threatened. “Got it, Jedi?”

Anakin nodded grimly in acknowledgement. We both knew the bounty hunter would make good on his word if provoked. When Jango was satisfied, he waved several of the Geonsians into the cell. Anakin did not resist as the Geonosians applied single metallic cuffs to his wrists and ankles. He was forced to stand near the base of the pedestal in the middle of the room as one of the bugs worked a control panel nearby. Suddenly, the orbs on the floor and ceiling began to glow and Anakin began to float towards the center of the room, settling between the orbs. Anakin was frozen in midair, bolts of electricity arced around his body, as if an invisible force field held him in place. He could only move his head around to look in my direction.

As awful as I felt for him, I was also kind of jealous. Floating inside a containment field had to be more comfortable than these awful chains that I’m bound with. Suddenly, Jango’s voice broke my concentration;

“You’re up next, sweetheart.”

I tried not to sneer at the helmeted man. I was less angry about the threat of indefinite imprisonment, and more indignant about being called “sweetheart.” Jango and the Geonosians exited Anakin’s cell and one of the bugs pressed a button on the outside wall. The door began to slowly close, and my eyes met Anakin’s stare. We both knew the severity of our situation, and knew what awaited us in the coming hours and days. I wanted so badly to call out to him, tell him my true feelings for him. But the words hung in my throat once again. The door clanked close and I was whisked away by the Geonosians, down the hall to another door. This door was a bit different, and it struck me as odd. I wondered if I too would be placed in one of those containment fields like Anakin had, but as the door slid open I began to realize this was much different.

This room was also round, but it was significantly larger than Anakin’s cell. Lengths of chains with various manacles and binders were attached to the walls at various places. A chair stood to the left and it featured various devices that would hold a prisoner in place, or worse. On the right was a large table, and piled on it were an array of restraining devices, including binders, chains, fiber cord, heavy manacles, some rolls of adhesive tape, and some other strips of cloth and such.

“Welcome to your new home, Senator,” Jango began. “When we learned of your arrival we arranged special accommodations for you, courtesy of Viceroy Gunray.”

My eyes widened. My heart nearly stopped.

“Nute Gunray? He’s here?”, I exclaimed.

“Oh, of course, M’lady,” Jango said, with a smirk. “I’m honestly surprised he hasn’t paid you a visit yet. He’s been wanting to see you in chains for years.”

10 years ago Gunray and his sleazy Trade Federation invaded and occupied my homeworld while I was still queen. With the help of the Jedi, and Anakin, I was able to free my world, and in turn, spoil all of Gunray’s plans. Apparently even a decade later that loathsome Neimodian was still embarrassed by his defeat on Naboo, and had focused all his frustration on me. Jango continued;

“This is all quite fascinating, Senator. I was the one tasked with killing you just days ago. When you and your Jedi friend disappeared from Coruscant I was actually convinced you would be hard to find. But now, like a bantha to the slaughter, you decided to come here, right into my arms! Now, ironically, my orders are to keep you alive and safe, at least until your public execution.”

The shame of my situation ate at me. Jango wasn’t wrong, I’d been foolish to come here and played right into the hands of my worst enemies. I was now a prisoner of the Confederacy, a body that I’d seen first hand was preparing for a war that I’d been trying desperately to stop. Right now the Republic senate could be voting on the Military Creation Act, pushing us even further towards war, all the while I remain here, shackled in a dungeon completely powerless to change the course of galactic history.

Jango motioned me inside the cell, “After you, M’lady.”

I did not protest. In fact, I was looking for a change of pace. My arms are cramping from being stuck in this awkward position for so long, and my neck sore from the collar. Besides, I had never actually been captured long enough to be given my own cell. Maybe it would be “fun?”, I tried to lie to myself. I stepped inside the doorway and Jango clicked the button on his remote. All of my chains immediately unlocked and fell to the ground, finally releasing me to move like a normal person. Being able to move my arms and stretch my legs was the best feeling ever. But I knew my freedom was only temporary.

Jango quickly unholstered his blaster and pointed it at my stomach, “Just cooperate, and you won’t get hurt.”

I looked at him, dumbfounded, “So, to keep me around in order to kill me later, you’re threatening to kill me now? My cooperation sounds highly illogical.”

My point actually seemed to stump Jango and he ignored the retort. Despite my verbal jab I wasn’t about to fight back. I knew he would shoot me, and it would destroy any chance I had at getting out of here. I didn’t know when our execution was to take place, but there had to be time to spare if they were locking us away in this prison. I assumed the execution would have have to happen within the next rotation. That gave me only mere hours to make my escape, rescue Anakin and Obi-Wan, and get out of here. I knew the Republic had received Obi-Wan’s message, and a rescue team was most likely on the way. But it could take days to get here, and with our imminent execution looming, we couldn’t rely on their help. Rescuing ourselves was the only option. But what I experienced next made me question if escape was really possible.

I was led further into the room by Jango, who walked behind me with his sleek blaster in my back. We stepped toward the center of the room where several lengths of chains hung down from the ceiling. On the end of one of the chains was a pair of binders that hung at waist level. Jango escorted me to the binders and motioned for me to turn around with my hands behind my back. He took the binders and snapped each cuff onto my wrists, securely binding my hands together behind me at my waist. What I didn’t notice was that the chain was actually attached to an old fashioned pulley system on the ceiling, which was then attached to a wench on the far side of the room. One of the Geonosians was already standing near the wench and began manually cranked it. This meant that my hands were now being pulled up and out from my torso. They began to be pulled so far that I was forced to bend over and allow my arms to reach over my head from behind. Finally, when I began to wince and wimper, the cranking stopped, leaving me in an extremely uncomfortable and painful position.

Then, as if on cue, several more of the Geonosians came towards me from all directions. In their hands were various restraints; more binders, heavy manacles, thick fiber cord, and a roll of adhesive tape.

They were about to make my situation much more uncomfortable.

- End Scene
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Ooh...Padme’s in trouble...
Check out my DeviantArt page!
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Post by FabianStr2016 »

Maybe Padre couple be gagged...
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