First Ties: Chapter 3 (Mandy's Damsel Debut) (m/f)

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First Ties: Chapter 3 (Mandy's Damsel Debut) (m/f)

Post by Emma »

Hubby's three part story, "First Ties" is now complete.

Before reading this, you should probably read the first two chapters...
Chapter 1: Prologue and Elaine's After Hours (MM/FFf, M/F)

And Chapter 2: Pam's Binding Role (m/f)

And now....the conclusion ( :lol: )

Mandy Carter, 14, was sitting on the floor, by a bed, in an otherwise empty bedroom. Dressed in a white blouse, black skirt, white hose, and black high heels, she was tied up, with her hands behind her back, and her arms tied to her sides, both above and below her breasts. She was glaring at her captor, Gilbert Goons, who had just finished tying her legs just below the knees. He was now tying her ankles. He kept looking up at her, not just her pretty face, but her dark hair, with a hint of red.

"This is crazy, Gilbert! You untie me now! Are you trying to go to jail? Because this is how you go to jail!"
Gilbert was a kid Mandy went to school with. He was kind of goofy looking, and a complete dork. He was almost bald, had bad teeth, and was pretty clumsy. His one saving grace was his being industrious. He worked two jobs, one at a Burger King, the other at a hardware store--the same one Mandy's mother worked at years earlier. "What a boring place", Mandy often thought. "I bet nothing ever happened there."

Now, though, Gilbert was exchanging angry looks with Mandy. "Anyone's going to jail, it's you, a-hole. You broke in my home and went through my stuff. I'm just holding you for the police. Had to tie you up." Gilbert straightened up, and folded his arms in a heroic--and for him, ridiculous--posture. "Just defending my home."

Mandy sighed. "Try to listen, and I'll try not to use too many big words. I saw you sneak in here, a brand new house, one literally just built, through a window. A window, not a door. You had a bag in your hand when you came in, but didn't when you left. THROUGH THE WINDOW, IDIOT! OF COURSE I THOUGHT YOU BROKE IN!! And what did I find, Gilbert? Flash drives filled with PICTURES OF ME!! You're a freaking stalker! Pervert!"

Gilbert sat on the bed, looking down at Mandy, sitting on the floor, bound as she was. "So what? I wasn't in the girl's lockers. You were chilling with friends, inside a classroom, lunchroom, stretching out before jogging. Nothing porno there at all, trespasser. All that I have to do now is..." He looked at her menacingly, ".....figure out what to do about you. You're in a bad spot, ya know. I'm gonna have to do something I don't want."

Mandy leaned back, her eyes wide with fear. "My God, Gilbert, no! You haven't done anything that's gonna get you arrested!" Mandy was thinking fast. "You took some pictures without asking. Your parents might yell at you. That's all. And besides, you're right, I broke in. We can trade, I won't tell about the pictures if you don't tell about my being--" Gilbert cut her off . "Oh, hell, Mandy, I'm not gonna hurt you," he grumbled. I just gotta figure out what to do with you. or about you. I dunno. I gotta think about this."

Mandy continued struggling against the ropes. "Did you have to tie me so tight?" The ropes tying her wrists, arms, legs, ankles--everything--were obviously much tighter than need be. Suddenly, though, Mandy realized she didn't mind. It was kind of interesting...even enjoyable.

Enjoyable? Being tied up? And by Gilbert Goons, of all people?

"All right, listen," Gilbert said. "I'll untie your arms and legs, and untie your hands and feet, but then tie your hands and feet again, just not very tight. IF you promise not to try and escape, because I gotta figure this out."
"I'm not promising anything," Mandy said. The words just came out of her mouth, surprising her as much as him. " If you untie me, I'm out of here, so you better just figure out what you're gonna do." Mandy realized she needed to add something for her safety, after that. "Look, like I said, I broke in, you took stalker pics. We're even. " She was relieved to see Gilbert nod his head in agreement.

Then, again to her own amazement, she continued. "I guess you can keep me as a prisoner or hostage or whatever for a little bit, but we're still even. and you need to let me go soon."

"What am I doing???," she thought to herself. "I was almost out of here!!"

Gilbert walked towards the door. "I'll be right back," he said. He turned around, smiling. "Don't go anywhere." He walked out the door, leaving it open.

Mandy began struggling again. "Freaking great," she thought to herself. "Idiot was about to let me go, and I pretty much tell him not to." Mandy was no longer worried about her fate, though. And being tied up? "This is kind of fun", she admitted to herself. She had, of course, heard about tie up games, though she had never been involved in one. They sounded a bit silly to her. But now? Struggling, bound hand and foot, didn't seem silly at all. She could be a damsel in distress, needing rescuing by a hero. Although, maybe not getting rescued right away.

Gilbert came back, still smiling.

He had a camera in his hand.

"Oh, no you don't! You are NOT taking any pervert pictures!" Mandy began struggling even harder. She raised her bound legs off the floor, struggled even more, but to no avail.

Gilbert sat on the bed, looking down at her. Mandy could tell he enjoyed seeing her struggle against the ropes. "Let's make a second deal. If you can get loose on your own, I'll give you the flash drives with your G-rated, family friendly pictures you shouldn't be bitching about anyway."

Mandy stopped struggling. "You can't keep the pictures, Gilbert," she said matter-of-factly.

"Sure I can," he replied. "But if you get loose, you can have them. Now, if you can't get free, though..." he cheerfully tossed the camera in his hands.

Mandy wasn't about to let him take bondage pictures. Where would they wind up? Bad enough he had any pictures of her at all. She was going to have to find a way to get loose. Besides, she was having fun struggling against her ropes.

"All right, deal, then. But I need some time to do this." Gilbert's smiled widened. "He looks like a freaking cartoon", she thought to herself. Gilbert pulled up a chair, sat down, and relaxed. "Sure," he said. "Let's say you have ten minutes."

"Ten minutes is totally unfair! I need real time to get out of this", Mandy said, gesturing to the ropes binding her arms and legs. "I want half an hour."

"Wow", Gilbert said, obviously surprised. "Sure. I'm cool with watching you tied up for half an hour." Mandy realized she didn't mind at all, the idea of a guy wanting to see her tied up. Just not this guy. But at the moment, he was the one watching.

"Ok, fine. I'm starting now," said Mandy. She wasn't sure how she was going to get free, but she had to. She couldn't let Gilbert take bondage pictures! She tried pulling her hands apart from behind her back, but realized that was never going to work. She couldn't just break the ropes. She tried sliding her hands out of the ropes, but again, they were tied too tight. She also was beginning to realize how tight Gilbert had tied her arms. She found she really liked how tight they were tied.

Her legs were tied pretty tight as well. She couldn't move them apart, either, at all. Her high heels made things even more difficult, though she knew even if she wasn't wearing them, she couldn't slide her feet out of the ropes binding her ankles.

Mandy rolled back and forth, trying to find a way, any way, to even begin to get loose. She also noticed that Gilbert truly enjoyed seeing her tied up. She hoped other guys would too--hopefully guys without cameras! She wondered if her outfit, her white blouse, black skirt, white hose, and black high heels played a role. She hoped so.

"Stop daydreaming," she told herself. "You gotta get out of this!" If she wasn't in danger of having bondage pictures taken, she would really be able to enjoy being bound.

Mandy sat up, still struggling. She was feeling defeated. She was also feeling like...a damsel. She wished she could take some time and enjoy that feeling, but with bondage pictures looming in her future, she couldn't.

"Times up," Gilbert said gleefully, snapping Mandy out of her thoughts. "Looks like I get more pictures, and really interesting ones this time!" He leaned over in his chair, and raised his camera. "Look, up, please, and say 'help' " , he laughed.

Mandy looked away. "Could you at least not have my face in it?," she asked meekly. "I guess you win, but please don't have my face in it."

Gilbert thought about her request. "I guess that would be okay," he said. " Yeah, I can take pictures without your face." "Thank you," Mandy said. Gilbert could hear the relief in her voice.

"Okay," Gilbert said, standing up. He walked towards Mandy, then leaned down. "First, I want to take a couple of pictures of you on your side." He took Mandy's left arm, and helped her lie down, still facing him. He then put his hand under her knees, and bent her legs slightly more than they already were.

"A couple?" Mandy asked. "How many are you taking? I didn't agree to a whole bunch."

"I'm gonna take a few," he said. "If I can't take any pictures with your face, I need something in return." He sighed. "You can have the flash drives. That way, you know I don't have any pictures of your face at all."

This was a relief for Mandy. "okay, great," she said. She tried moving her head so it wouldn't be in the picture. "This isn't gonna work," Gilbert said. "How about ONE picture with your face? Then you can be on your stomach, and you can turn your head away from me."

"NO!" Mandy said loudly. "Just put something over my face!" Gilbert was startled by how emphatic she was about this. He looked around, and took the pillowcase off the pillow on his bed. "How's this?" he asked. Mandy looked up, and saw the pillowcase. "Yeah, just use that. That'll work."

Gilbert draped the pillowcase over Mandy's face, stood back, and took four pictures. He took his time, marveling at her lying down, in her white blouse, black skirt, white hose and black high heels, completely tied up. he wished he could have her face in the pictures, but he wasn't going to press that issue any more. There was also one other thing he wanted.

He knelt down by her, and pulled away the pillowcase. "Let's get you on your stomach," he said. Mandy let him roll her on her stomach, though she easier could have on her own. " All right", she said, softly. She turned her face away from him, expecting him to start taking pictures. She shook her head slightly, trying to get hair our from in front of her. Gilbert did it for her, which she liked. "This is Gilbert, for God's sake," she thought to herself. "Enjoy being helpless, don't enjoy him. Eeeu!"

Gilbert took a deep breath. He didn't know how to ask, but he was going to try. "Hey, listen, I need to do one more thing before I take more pictures. I hope it's okay with ya." Mandy didn't turn her head, not wanting Gilbert to think he had to straighten her brunette hair again. She was concerned though. "Like what?" she asked. Gilbert put his hand on Mandy's bound ankles. "Remember, you're getting out of having your face in these pictures," he said. He was glad Mandy didn't turn her head; she wouldn't see him enjoying her trying to move her legs against his hand, or see him watch her hands and arms pull against their ropes.

"What are you wanting to do?," Mandy insisted, with both concern and a hint of anger in her voice. Was he going to get undressed in front of her? Did he want her undressed? That wasn't happening, no matter what. But how could she stop him?

"Uh, well," he began, "Well, I'd like to take your shoes off. For the pictures," he quickly added. Her face still turned away from Gilbert, Mandy smiled. "Sure, go ahead," she said. She knew some guys had an interest in girls' feet ("But this is Gilbert!" she reminded herself), and while she didn't understand that, better that than his wanting to do something else. She felt him raise her legs by her bound ankles, and pull first one shoe off, then the other. "Is he gonna tickle me?," Mandy wondered. "I didn't agree to THAT...but if he's in charge, and I'm a damsel, then..." She decided to just accept whatever happened. But all Gilbert did was lower her legs to the floor.

Gilbert stood up and stood back, and began taking several pictures. Mandy, of course, still had her face turned away from him. She thought about saying something about his taking more than "a couple" of pictures; but then she reminded himself she was the damsel, he was the captor. She did wish someone else was the captor, but she did love the idea of being a damsel. So she kept quiet.

Gilbert walked over to her. "Almost done, but I need another angle. He bent over her, and scooped her up, one arm under her bound arms, the other under her bound legs. He began to carry her a couple feet, away from the corner of the room. "Hey!," Mandy cried out, "What the hell? What are you doing?" He was getting a little dominant now...which she would have loved, if it was anyone else. Gilbert laid her down, on her side, as she was before. She half expected him to apologize, but he didn't. "Stop complaining, I just need to stand where you were. If you're gonna be mouthy, I'll gag you!"

Mandy decided to be bold. "Maybe you should," she said. She really wanted to know if he would.

"Huh? What?" Gilbert wasn't expecting this.

"If I'm going to look like a damsel in distress, I should be one, I guess. Find something to gag me with. Blindfold me if you want." She looked up at Gilbert, and could see he wanted to, but wasn't sure.

"I guess I don't need to actually BE helpless," she said, looking away from him and his camera. Go ahead and take what pictures you want." Gilbert walked away from her, towards the bedroom door. "I'll be back in a second. " His voice was monotone, Mandy didn't know what to think about it. She began fighting against her ropes again. She was amazed at how good a job Gilbert had done. Even now, the ropes were showing no signs of slack.

Gilbert returned, holding two rolls of duct tape. "I'm going to shut you up, Mandy," he said sternly. She was impressed with his attitude, but still wish it had been one of the other boys from school. "You need two rolls of tape for me, huh?" She wondered what mouthing off would get her. At this point, her annoyance was all pretend.
Gilbert smiled. "Bondage Girl's choice. White to match your blouse and hose, black for your skirt. I can put your shoes back on if you want, since they're black too, but I really don't want to."

"Then don't." Mandy said, sitting up. "Don't what?" Gilbert replied. Mandy didn't know if he was just being dense--as usual--or putting her on. "Don't give me my shoes, if you don't want. You're the captor. I'm just the damsel, remember? Use whatever tape you want. It's not my choice."

Mandy could tell Gilbert loved that idea. She wondered if she should have phrased it differently.
And then she saw the blindfold.

The blindfold was just that--a sleep mask, for people who slept during the day. and needed more darkness than a room with shades could afford.

"I know I said you could blindfold me, if you wanted, but I'm really not comfortable with that. Go ahead and gag me though."

Gilbert looked at the blindfold sadly and set it aside. Mandy watched, with mixed feelings. On one hand, she appreciated he was respecting her wishes, but on the other, she kind of wished he would blindfold her anyway...because it's what HE anted, and she was supposed to be the damsel.

"Gilbert", she said quietly.

Gilbert had just picked up the roll of white duct tape. "Yeah?" He wondered if she was going to say she had enough of this nonsense, and he had to release her.

But she didn't. Instead, she said "You should blindfold me, if that's what you want. And gag me if you want, and take whatever pictures you want. She again struggled against the ropes. "I can't stop you. I give up, you can do what you want." She looked up at him. "Do whatever you want," she said.

"All right, then, Gilbert said, lowering his voice. He moved towards Mandy, blindfold and tape in hand. Mandy stifled a laugh, amused at his trying to lower his voice. If he caught that almost-laugh, he didn't let on. Mandy closed her eyes as Gilbert but the blindfold on. She pursed her lips as he applied the white duct tape over her mouth. She couldn't see, of course, his moving so close their faces were almost touching; which is why she jerked back a bit when he whispered in her ear "I want your face in the pictures."

Mandy really felt like a damsel, and no longer wanted to debate him. She nodded an agreement. "Good, very good," Gilbert said. She could hear by his voice he was moving away from her, this time with the camera closer to her head than her feet.

"Look up", Gilbert instructed. Mandy obeyed, wondering if the blindfold and gag covered enough of her face. She could hear snapshots being taken. "Look down, please," he said. Again, Mandy obeyed. Gilbert pulled her in a sitting position, then took picture from her right side, then her left. Some more pictures were taken, then he took a couple, from--according to the sound of the camera--behind her. Mandy was now concentrating on any noise, and was therefore able to tell Gilbert was walking near her. She wondered what Gilbert was going to do next when she felt him gently ease her back to her stomach.

"Art u uing ow?" she said through the gag. She realized she was able to make a somewhat intelligent sentence through the gag. She wondered about that, she didn't think she would be able to say anything.

She felt Gilbert grasping her bound ankles, and tying another rope around them. She felt that rope also slide up under the roped binding her arms, and finally being tied off at her wrists, bringing her ankles and wrists together. "Wow, this is gonna be really tight," she thought to herself. She found she really liked that idea, and really liked the sensation.

She could hear Gilbert's camera clicking away. She held still--she really couldn't move now anyway--and wondered if Gilbert liked seeing her hogtied like this better than the other poses. She wondered if her outfit, the white blouse and hose, and black skirt looked as great for being tied as opposed to something else...leotards and tights, for instance. Or maybe stockings? She realized there could be many choices.

She then felt Gilbert freeing her ankles from her wrists. He then removed the blindfold. Gilbert was now sitting in front of her, and removed the tape from her mouth.

Gilbert began to untie her, beginning with the ropes tying her upper arms on her left side. "A deal's a deal," he said. Mandy looked at him. "So, you're gonna give me back the pictures? The one you took when you were stalking me?" Mandy wasn't feeling so much like a damsel now, and she was remembering Gilbert, was, after all....Gilbert.
By this point, Gilbert had untied Mandy's upper arms, and was now untying her lower arms. She was relieved to be able to bend her elbows a little. "Those are the ones," Gilbert said. and I won't tell anyone you broke in here, and you'll keep quiet about pictures."

Gilbert moved behind Mandy, and started untying her wrists, until Mandy stopped him. "Wait," she said. "Untie my legs first." Gilbert leaned around her. "Why? Don't you want your hands free, like now?"

Mandy wasn't about to tell him she wanted to feel helpless a bit longer. "My legs are gonna get cramped if tied together much longer," she said. "Do them first." Without saying anything, Gilbert moved back in front of her, and untied first her legs, then her ankles. Mandy wondered if her wearing white hose had an effect on Gilbert while she was bound. She found herself hoping so. She noticed he seemed to be taking his time untying her, both her legs and her ankles. Somehow, she liked that idea, too.

"I guess you can untie my hands now," she said. She realized that sounded like she was disappointed. If Gilbert noticed, he wasn't saying anything. Her hands free, she turned around and faced him. "let's have the flash drives, please," she said. Gilbert picked up the sack and gave it to her.

Mandy picked up her heels and put them back on. "Look, I'm trusting you not to show anyone, and I mean ANYONE those pictures you just took. I can't even explain why I let you take them. I'm trusting you with them. I'm actually trusting you forever with them. PLEASE don't let me down."

Gilbert only nodded.

Mandy sighed. "I would like to see them now though. I'm kinda curious what I look like tied up." Gilbert smiled. "Sure! Let's look at them." They both sat down, and Gilbert scrolled through the camera until he got to the set with Mandy. The first few pictures had her lying down on her side, her legs nearer to the camera. Even the pictures showed how tight he had her tied, especially her legs and ankles. She wore heels in those pictures. She looked good in heels, she thought.

Then they saw the other pictures, including the ones with her face. The blindfold and gag covered some, but not nearly enough. She also noticed the ropes above and below her breasts were really justabove and justbelow her breasts. She was pleased he didn't make a big deal abut it at the time, but obviously that was deliberate.

"Well", said Mandy, "I have to go. My bike's outside, so I'll just go out the window, the way I came. " Gilbert nodded. "Sure. Ok. Well...bye, I guess." Mandy turned to go, but was stopped by Gilbert, who took her arm. "Hold on. Here." Gilbert removed the video card from his camera. "I know you really don't want me to have these. Whether or not your face is in them."

Mandy took the card. "Thanks, Gilbert. That's really cool of you." She thought to herself for a minute. She took out her phone. "What's your email address?" Gilbert raised an eyebrow--this was unexpected. "Um, GameLord3000 at yahoo dot net." Mandy glanced up at him, trying not to laugh--or be insulting. She got her phone out of her purse, and added his email. "Just in case I have to check up on you. I might have to send you something sometime."
"Um...ok," Gilbert said.

"Ok. Bye," Mandy said. And with that, she left through the window, got on her bike, and rode off.
later that night, Gilbert and his parents had dinner at their new house. Gilbert's mind was on Mandy, and she looked tied and gagged. He wondered if he would ever see her like that again.

After dinner, in his room, Gilbert checked his phone for messages. He found one from Mandy, with the subject line reading "For Your Eyes Only". He opened it.

There were two pictures from earlier in the day, one, of Mandy hogtied, with a clear look at her blindfolded and gagged face, as well as her shoeless, white hose-clad feet. The other was a closeup he took, of Mandy's face and chest. Blindfolded and gagged, but clearly her. And the ropes just above and below her breasts--and very tight.
Gilbert smiled to himself, hoping Mandy would break in his home again.

During Mandy's story, Elaine continued to struggle against her restraints. She knew, of course, her husband liked for her to be dressed up once in a while during bondage games. In fact, he really liked her to be bound and gagged while in her current outfit of a maroon dress, tan hose, and matching maroon heels. She had no doubt Gilbert loved seeing Mandy tied and gagged wearing the white blouse and hose, and black skirt she had on back then. But Elaine's struggles ceased when Mandy mentioned Gilbert pictures.

"That was even more dangerous than breaking in the house!" Elaine complained. "Those can show up anywhere, anytime! We talked about that!" Pam looked over from the table she was tied to. She had all but given up struggling, but did wonder to herself if her boyfriend would like seeing her bound in her current attire, black sweater, a red skirt, black tights, and white high heels. He hadn't seem this particular outfit. She decided he needed to.

"Should have kept that part to yourself," Pam said. "Mom's right, though. Old Gilbert could post them in a blog or webpage or anything. Now or twenty years from now." Pam looked up at the ceiling. "Where is he now, anyway?"
"No idea," said Mandy. "I think he moved to California. Maybe. His email doesn't work anymore."

"I can't believe you let him have bondage pictures," Elaine said. "I thought I taught you to take bondage seriously. WHICH MEANS SAFELY!" Elaine began to struggle again.

"Fine, Mom, ok, you made your point. God, those crooks should have gagged us. Who ties up robbery victims without gagging them?

"Dumb ones!" The women recognized the voice. It was Don, Elaine's husband and the the father or Pam and Mandy!

Don came bounding down the stairs. "Everyone okay?", he asked. It was clear he was pretty sure they were. "We're fine, dear, all of us. Go untie the girls first," Elaine said, as Don moved towards her. With the hogtied Mandy fairly close, he turned towards her. "No, I'm good, Pam's stuck on that stupid table, until her."

Don began to hurry over to Pam.

"Mom's been tied up the longest."

"You're all getting untied! God!" Don began untying Pam's ankles. "This is serious!" Pam's ankles now free, Don began untying her wrists.

"The guys who tied us up stole stuff from here, Dad," Pam said.

Don left Pam to undo the rest of her ropes, then went to Mandy, to free her from her hogtie.

"Dad, i can deal, really. Just untie Mom first." Don shook his head, and freed Mandy's ankles from her wrists. "You're right, they should have gagged you." He then untied Mandy's wrists, ignoring her grumblings. He them turned around and began to untie Elaine's ankles.

"The police arrested them. They ran out of gas, and flagged down a patrol car. They had all the loot in the back seat, in plain sight. Like I said, dumb ones."

As Don began untying the ropes tying Elaine to the post, Mandy went behind her and untied her wrists. Pam finally finished getting out of her ropes and joined them.

"An investigator is coming by to take fingerprints of the place, and to talk to all of you. Then we can leave."

"Wait", said Mandy. "Do you mean you could have left us tied up? For the Investigator? "

"Just leave it alone, Mandy", Elaine scolded.

"Look up Gilbert on Google," Pam suggested. "Maybe he's free tonight." Mandy glared at her sister.

"I'm just glad my family's all right," Don said, hugging them all. "After you're done with the investigator, we're all going to dinner, then go see a movie together. As a family. "

"Well...we could..." Elaine began, but stopped.

"What's the problem?," Don asked.

"Don, you know Mandy has a date tonight. Kind of a big one.."

Everyone looked at Mandy.

"I can ask him for a raincheck. It's cool." Don smiled. "That's my girl!," he said, hugging her.
"I got tied up once today, I don't have to get tied up tonight, too", Mandy said cheerfully.
Don shook his head, chuckling.
Elaine put her face in her right hand.

Pam merely smiled and said "First time for everything."


Last edited by Emma 5 years ago, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Deleted User 1665 »

That was a fun an enjoyable story :D
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Post by TightsBound »

Fantastic conclusion to a fantastic story! These might be my favorite characters here I hope we can read more adventures with our dynamic trio soon!
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Post by Beetlebailey13 »

Awesome and Cool Conclusion and Great Story
" No use to struggle, my dear, you're tied up much too tight for escape! However, I'd be in your debt if you would try... "
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Post by BindPam »

Another fun story....hope we see these characters again!

Especially the older daughter. The one with the cool name.

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Post by TightsBound »

BindPam wrote: 5 years ago Another fun story....hope we see these characters again!

Especially the older daughter. The one with the cool name.

This. :D
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Post by Emma »

Thank you, from Don and myself, for the nice comments :)

He said the Carter family will return, though the next couple of stories will have different characters (so not to contradict anything in his earlier stories).

Thanks again,

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