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TUG Tales of Malburn Street. (Various)

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2019 3:46 am
by TiedOne
*Disclaimer* This story is gonna be an anthology of various tug based stories. The genders will be put at the beginning of each parts to signify a new story.

Part 1: Tommy’s Treehouse Bondage(M/M)/(F/MM)

June 7th, 1986

It was a nice summer day on Malburn Street. School just ended, and I was planning to have a great time.

My one friend Kyle invited me over for a sleepover in his treehouse. I asked my mom if I could stay over. She was hesitant but ultimately thought nothing bad could come from it, so she agreed.

I packed my backpack with snacks, comics, and a change of clothes. I slid on my sandals, out on a green tank top, and black shorts. Soon I was at Kyle’s House.

He lived the farthest from my house, about nine houses down. “Hey, Tommy.” He bellowed from his treehouse. Kyle wasn’t exactly the cleanest kid, apparent from his dirt covered shirt, ripped shorts, and smelly bare feet.

I head up the ladder, he welcomed me to the treehouse, and said “Now this is how you spend summer.” His treehouse was pretty spacious, at least enough to fit two sleeping bags with extra space for food.

The Time was about 2:30 pm. I was in the middle of a Batman comic, as Kyle was reading Amazing Spider-Man Issue #40. Which includes this iconic cover:

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I glanced at the cover and said “Imagine being tied up at that height.” He laughed, than put the comic down and began thinking.

“Hey, can I tie you up ?” He asked. I looked over confused “You want to tie me up ?” He chimes back in “Yeah, like Spider-Man.” He points to the cover.

“I don’t know, it seems kind of weird.” He responded “No, it’s really cool, my old sister used to tie me up all the time.” He grabbed some rope from under his sleeping bag.

Before I could confirm or deny, he turned me around and began tying my hands behind my back. “Uhh, what’s going on ?” As he was tightening them. “Don’t worry, if you get uncomfortable I’ll take them off.” He started wrapping the rope around my arms securing them to my body.

As he was tying the ropes tight, I started feeling nice with the ropes on me. I struggled and they would budge. “Hey, this feels kind of good.” Kyle grinned, he bonded my legs last.

Soon I was securely bound, and I wasn’t hating it. I was tied up alone for an hour before Kyle wanted to be tied too. “Hey, Lana.” He called out.

“What do you want, you little loser ?” A female voice called back. “Just come and tie me up.” He responded.

Kyle’s sister entered the tree house, she was 18 and was gorgeous, though Kyle would disagree. Her long brunette hair was so pretty and complimented her freckles. “Oh, those were words I wanted to hear since last year.”

She came and tied Kyle up the same as me. We were tied up together. We wiggled around and laugh. We felt like we were in the Goonies, getting kidnapped by an evil pirate.

My first foray into tugs was enjoyable aside from every once in a while,when Kyle’s feet would pass my face.

I hoped this summer would get so much better with this new discovery in mind.

Re: TUG Tales of Malburn Street. (Various)

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2019 4:11 am
by TiedOne
Part 2: My Summer Makeover. (FF/M)

June 9th, 1986

“Carl, come get help with the TV.” I reluctantly got out of bed and went to my sister’s room to help her with her problem. “What do you need ?” I asked grumpily.

She reacted harshly, “What you need is an attitude adjustment.” I responded “Look, Sarah I’m tired, just let me sleep.”

She picked up the phone as I went back to my room. I looked at the clock, 9:00 am, Mom and Dad were at work, and I was stuck at home with the most annoying twin sister ever.

I was about to slum back into bed, before Sarah grabbed and pulled me back into her room. It happened so quick, I hadn’t realized that Sarah had already taped my hands behind my back. She stood over me, her red hair covering her face, wearing a purple oncie pajama and bunny slippers.

“This is so embarrassing” I admitted. She nodded “And it’s gonna get worse.” A knock came, she ran to get it. I was on the floor, as I saw Elizabeth Jenkins come in with Sarah. Elizabeth or Z as every called her, was whispering something to Sarah, to which she agreed.

They stood me up, untied me, and handed me a pair of panties, a trainers bra, a yellow sundress, and black flip flops.

“Put these on or else I tell Mom you broke her vase.” Sarah threatened. “But the vase isn’t broken.” “Well it will be if you don’t put these on.”

I knew Sarah was a crafty demon sibling, so I had no choice. I headed into her changing closet. Slid the panties up my legs, put the bra on, and placed the dress over me. Put my feet into the flip flops, and emerged.

“Aww, he’s so cute.” Z commented. “He’ll be even cuter, when he’s tied up.” Sarah sat out a chair, I was tied to the chair, hand bound behind me. Another rope, secured my to the base of the chair.

“Let’s make you look pretty, Z, makeup please.” She than began brushing a bunch of makeup on my face. I don’t know what she was putting on, but it was clear she was taking her time.

At the same time, Z began painting my toes. She chose a very bright yellow. “To match the dress.” She said.

After about an hour, Sarah was done with my makeup. “Now, all we need is a wig.” Sarah went to air parents room. Z and I were left alone.

“Why did you help make me dress like a girl ?” I asked annoyed. “Because, it’ll make you look pretty.” She replied. “Also, Peter’s still away.”

Peter Callaway was the considered the hottest boy on Malburn Street by any girl ages 14-16. He was 17, and his family was pretty wealthy. He was on vacation to the Bahamas.

Sarah came back with a blonde wig. Z was confused by the wig. “My aunt was balding.” She explained as she placed the wig on my head. “There now, you’re pretty.” Z took a few pictures with her camera.

“Alright, you got me to play dress up, can I go back to sleep now.” She paused. “Fine, but your gonna wear another dress every other day.” I liked my sleep so I agreed.

I changed back into my everyday clothes, and fell back to sleep. Now this may seem embarrassing but I kind of enjoyed wearing Sarah’s dress. But that’s a secret I hope to keep to my last days.