Two For the Price of One (M/FF)

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Two For the Price of One (M/FF)

Post by Newdayrocks »

Here's another entry from my Deviantart page, featuring a couple of ladies from the 80's.


Though located in the distant future, the building known as Hauntquarters had a classic look, resembling a Gothic cathedral of years gone by. Of course, the design of the building was purposely chosen by its’ owner, the evil ghost known as Prime Evil. And at that moment, the red cloaked fiend waited in the main room of the building, as though he was expecting someone.

After a few minutes, a trio of forms materialized nearby; a yellow robot carrying a large sack that was moving back and forth, a blue skinned ghost wearing a blue suit and a goblin looking fellow with two faces.

“Well?” he asked.

“It vas difficult, but ve managed to obtain vhat you asked,” Float-Zart told his leader.

“Well don’t just stand there you fools, show me,” Prime Evil ordered.

Scared Stiff nervously took the sack and opened it, dumping its’ contents on the floor.

Inside was an attractive, middle-age woman with spiky red hair, wearing a blue tank top and high heeled shoes, an aqua skirt and green pointy glasses.

She was also tightly tied up; her hands had been bound behind her back, with more rope tied around her arms at the chest to secure them. Rope had been tied around her ankles and a white cloth secured over her mouth.

Prime Evil watched as the woman struggled and squirmed on the floor, attempting to loosen her bonds, and shouting as much as she was able into her gag.

“Help her up,” he ordered, with Scared Stiff & Fib Face grabbing the woman by her arms and pulling her to a standing position.

“Welcome to Hauntquarters, Miss Melnitz,” Prime Evil addressed her “I am Prime Evil. I do hope your trip here was a pleasant one.”

“Oh yeah, I loved being tied up and shoved in a sack,” Janine replied sarcastically once her gag was removed “look buster, I don’t know who you are, but you’ve got some nerve kidnapping me! When the Ghostbusters figure out what you’ve done…”

Prime Evil simply laughed evilly “that’s what I’m hoping for,” he replied. “I shall lure your so-called ‘Ghost ugh Busters’ to Hauntquarters and then destroy them.”

“What do you mean ‘so-called?’” Janine asked “they’re the real deal. And what’s your beef with them anyway?”

“My ‘beef’ is that I don’t need more Ghost ugh Busters to deal with,” Prime Evil explained “it’s bad enough dealing with one group, but then I learned one day that there’s an entirely different group in New York. As a ghost, I cannot allow that.”

“Okay, you must have a screw lose or something pal,” Janine retorted “the Ghostbusters are the only ones, unless there are some copycats running around.”

“You really don’t know, do you?” Prime Evil asked her “oh, this is delicious!”

“Um, pardon me your evilness, but if you barely defeat the normal Ghostbusters, how exactly do you plan to stop these new ones?” Scared Stiff asked.

Prime Evil responded the way he normally did to any questions from the nervous robot; by shooting a blast of energy at him, scattering him into pieces. Janine was glad the blast hadn’t been a few inches closer, or she would’ve ended up fried.

“Any other stupid questions?”

Float-Zart & Fib Face were smart enough to know to keep their mouths shut and not say anything.

“That’s what I thought.”

“Um, excuse me, but would you mind filling me in on exactly what’s going on here?” Janine asked “how come you keep saying there’s more than one group of Ghostbusters?”

“That’s nothing you need to worry about,” Prime Evil told her before addressing his goons “boys, please show our guest where she’ll be staying during her visit here.”

“Don’t go to any trouble on my account,” she replied, before her gag was replaced. Janine then glared at her captor before the two ghosts grabbed her by the arms and carried her off.


After several minutes, Janine had been taken to the lower part of the building and shoved into a cell by the ghosts, which was locked behind her. Once she was sure they were gone, she began struggling against her bonds.

I don’t know who this Prime Evil guy is, but he obviously means business, she thought so I need to figure out a way to get out here and warn the others.

As she struggled, the pretty secretary recalled the last time she had found herself in a similar predicament.

It was when there had been a lack of ghosts in New York and the Ghostbusters were faced with bankruptcy. However, after stopping a jewelry store robbery, they reconfigured their devices to work on humans and became “Crime Busters.” Eventually, their work cut into the operations of a big boss named “Crime Lord” so he sent some men to kidnap her.

Janine remembered how she had just arrived at the firehouse, when a goon grabbed her from behind, clamping a hand over her mouth. He put a gun into her back and she was forced outside into a car where two other crooks were waiting. They took her to an old subway tunnel and forced her into an old, dirty subway car where they bound & gagged her, and she stayed that way until the guys came to rescue her.

The Ghostbusters saved me then, and I’m sure they’ll do it now she continued although, will they be able to find me? I’m not even sure how I got here. And what about whatever trap that Prime Evil character has cooked up?

The redhead was roused from her thoughts when she heard some muffled noises coming from somewhere else in the cell.

Is somebody else here?

She scanned her surroundings, and then found the source of the noises.

Sitting nearby was another woman, perhaps not more than a few years older than her, also with red hair. She wore a white shirt, mustard colored jacket, olive green pants and black shoes. Like Janine, she too was bound and gagged, and making muffled noises from under the white cloth tied over her mouth.

I don’t know who that is, but maybe we can help each other.

“Cccnnn yyyy gggttt mmmyyy gggg fff?” Janine asked, as well as she could.

The other woman simply nodded, so Janine decided to make her way over there. Tied as she was, all she could do was slowly inch over like a snake or worm; it was tiresome, but if the woman could help her escape, then she had to try.

After what seemed like five minutes, Janine finally managed to get over to the other woman; “ttkk ffff ttthh gggg” Janine tried to say.

The other woman seemed to get the hint and turned herself around to use her bound hands to grab at Janine’s face, eventually pulling the cloth down around her neck.

“Man, that’s a relief, I can finally talk,” Janine said “here, let me get yours.”

Janine turned around and the woman lowered her head, allowing her to remove the gag in much the same manner.

“Thanks,” she replied “my name’s Jessica Wray, who are you?”

“Janine Melnitz, and it’s nice to have someone to talk to,” the secretary replied “so how’d you end up in here?”

“I was investigating some recent bizarre activity in the city when I was grabbed and taken here,” Jessica explained “one of the hazards that comes with being a reporter. But don’t worry; the Ghostbusters should be on their way here any minute now.”

“I know, but I’m not sure how exactly they’ll get here,” Janine said.

“The same way they always do.”

“Always do? They’ve never been here before.”

“Yes they have, far too many times to count in fact,” Jessica told her.

“Look lady, I know the Ghostbusters, and they have never been here before.”

“Well I do too, and I say they have.”

“Okay, I think there’s some misunderstanding going on here,” Janine said “why don’t you start from the beginning.”

So Jessica told her fellow captive about the Ghostbusters she knew and some of their exploits. Once Janine understood, she talked about her friends from New York and some of their adventures.

“Amazing, who would’ve guessed that there were two separate groups of Ghostbusters,” Jessica replied.

“Although it makes sense if you think about it, the guys are based in New York, and they can’t fight ghosts everywhere; someone has to pick up the slack.”

“I’m glad we had the chance to meet, although I do wish it was under better circumstances,” Jessica added, looking behind her at her bound wrists.

“Couldn’t agree more,” Janine retorted, also looking at her bonds.

Both girls were then roused from their conversation by a series of loud noises coming from outside.

“What’s going on?” Janine wondered.

“If I had to guess, I’d say the cavalry has just arrived,” a smiling Jessica told her.

The sounds continued for awhile before the door to the cell was knocked aside. Janine was surprised to see the figure standing there was what appeared to be a large gorilla in shorts and a hat.

“In here,” it said in a gruff voice.

“Good work Tracy,” someone else said, before a skinny blonde stepped into the room.

“Boy, am I glad to see you guys,” Jessica said, as the blonde made his way over and began untying her.

“Always a pleasure to see you too,” Jake Kong replied “who’s your friend?”

“This is Janine Melnitz, and she has quite a story to tell,” Jessica explained.

“Tracy, could you untie Miss Melnitz please?” Jake asked.

“Okey Dokey,” the gorilla said and began undoing the secretary’s bonds.

“I heard you guys had a gorilla, but even when I see it, I still find it hard to believe,” Janine commented.

“Where’s Eddie?” Jessica asked, as the last of her ropes fell away.

“Right here,” said a man appearing in an orange & red outfit.

“We’d better get going before Prime Evil has a chance to get his bearings back,” Jake said “come with us Miss Melnitz.”

“You can just call me Janine,” she replied.


Once they were outside Hauntquarters, Janine was asked why Prime Evil had captured her, and she explained the situation to them.

“Wow! Another group of Ghostbusters based in New York; how about that?” Eddie said.

“It’s nice to know there are others out there who share our passion for stopping ghosts,” Jake added.

“Uh huh,” Tracy chimed in.

“Speaking of which, I don’t suppose you guys could give me a lift home?” Janine wondered.

“No problem,” Jake told her and they walked over to a very retro looking car outfitted with wings and a nosecone.

“You have a car that doubles as a plane?” Janine wondered “how do you manage that?”

“How do y-y-you think?” the nose cone said.

“Your car talks?!” a shocked Janine asked.

“What did you expect me to d-d-do, use sign language?” Ghost Buggy asked.

“Sorry, it’s just where I come from cars don’t usually talk,” Janine explained.

“Lucky for you,” Jake replied.

“I h-h-heard that!”

“After you ma’am,” Eddie said, allowing Janine to get into the backseat.

“Thank you; Dr. Venkman could learn a few things from you,” she replied.

After everyone was inside, Ghost Buggy took off and Jake mentioned something about activating a “Time Turbo.” Before Janine had a chance to ask what that was, a portal appeared in front of them and they entered it, spinning upside down and nearly dizzying her.

In a flash, the ride was over and the vehicle and its’ inhabitants materialized in the skies above a city. Although still disoriented from her previous experience, Janine noted that it appeared to be San Francisco.

“We’ll have you home in no time Janine,” Jake told her from the front seat.

“Uh, thanks…” she replied, still trying to regain her wits. As she flew through the sky in a car/plane hybrid, she reflected on what happened to her today.

She had been kidnapped by some ghosts working for a strange ghost she’d never heard of, been bound & gagged and taken to an old castle, tossed in a dungeon, met a reporter, learned of the existence of more Ghostbusters, flew in a talking car, and quite possibly may have traveled through time.

Wait until the guys hear about this she thought as her flight zoomed over the horizon.