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Becky & Danielle in a Bind (MMMMM/FF, FF/M, M+/M+) - Requested by WyattW5

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 9:07 pm
by Mask6190
Here is the first part of a Western themed story by WyattW5. Enjoy :D

Part 1: Tricking the Daughter

"And that's all folks. We will catch you all next time were in Carson!"

The crowd cheered as they exit the rodeo grounds. The Dawson rodeo show tours around the frontier every year, and Carson is one of their stops. Bob Dawson is the owner of this tour, and always has the deep, loud voice to keep the crowds attention. Now that the day is over, and the sun sets, he retreats to his tent. Staying behind is his beautiful daughter, Becky. While Bob owns the tour, Becky is the one that manages the operations, and she is able to handle the duties in her mid 20s. The blonde makes sure the grounds are clear and all the animals are roped up. Suddenly a lasso flies over her and is pulled taught against her long sleeve, blue, button down blouse, just below her chest. "Howdy there sweetheart."

"Really Jim. Is this the time?" Becky turns to see the handsome Jim Cummings, the star Calf Roper of the tour, and her boyfriend. "Why not?" Jim responds, pulling her back with the lasso. "It's getting dark, so why not get started early?" He pulls her arms behind her and takes out a piece of rope. "Jim." Becky responds as Jim wraps rope around her wrists. "You know I have to get things ready to go to our next ...ugh...stop." Jim tightens the wrist ropes. "Why don't we play later?" Becky asks with a smile. She knows Jim enjoys having her tied up when they spend their nights together. "You know, I would, but...", Jim wraps the lasso rope a couple times below and above her large chest, stretching the fabric over it, and finally knots it off in the back. "I have a surprise for you."

"Really? Can it waiumph?" Jim stuffs her mouth with a red bandanna, then ties another one over her mouth. "It can wait sweetheart." He takes out a third one and blindfolds her. "Immph havummph tommph..." Becky tries to respond.

"Don't worry, we'll be back before anyone finds out." He ties another rope around her waist just above her long, white skirt, and pulls her forward, dragging her wherever she goes. Becky is disappointed because she really needs to get back to her work "Watch your step sweetheart." Becky is lead up a steep step onto a flat surface with a low fabric roofline, and sits down on the wood surface. Becky starts to struggle. Suddenly, another set of foot steps jumps on to the surface with her. She feels rope wrapped around the boots she is wearing. "Hyah!" She hears Jim's voice, and she feels the ground moving beneath her. Becky starts to struggle furiously, as she realizes she is in the back of a stage coach taking off. A pair of hands flips her over. "Don't move!" The voice called out. It's a different voice. "You better behave if you want to live." Becky continues to struggle and tries to kick out, but the other person was on top of her, and was tying her wrists to her ankles, putting her into a hogtie. "She is a feisty one brother!"

"Don't worry about her Dan, worry about what's behind us!"

"Right" He grabs his pistol and looks out the back. "I don't see anyone following us. How long?"

"You did drop off the ransom note, didn't you?"

"Of course! How long until they recognize..." Gunshots are heard. A slap of the reins and the stage coach speeds. "Wonder what the other three are doing?" Dan asks.

"Probably having a drink or two and flirting with the bar maids at the saloon."

Re: Becky & Daniel in a Bind (MMMMM, FF) - Requested by WyattW5

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 9:23 pm
by WyattW5
I like it so far, curious as to what happens next thank you so much for doing this.

Re: Becky & Danielle in a Bind (MMMMM/FF) - Requested by WyattW5

Posted: Tue May 14, 2019 9:40 pm
by Mask6190
Apologies for the long wait. Here is part 2. Enjoy :D

Part 2: Danielle is in Too Deep


"Watch where you put your hands fella!" Danielle slams the glass of beer in front of the cowboy as she digs the heel of her black boot onto his foot. The entire saloon laughs at the failure of Ted's attempt to grab her behind. She turns to face the other two gentlemen at the table, and put's their mugs of beer in front of them. "Anything else, boys?"
"No mamm!"

"Good." She leaves with a smile, then pauses for a little bit. She notices a scar next to the ear of the gentlemen she drove her heel into, then walks away. The movement caught the eye of the skinny cowboy at the table. "Hey Joe."

"What is it Bill?"

"Something about her caught your eye, brother?" The big cowboy asked.

"Yeah..." He stares at the backside of the brunette, wearing a green dress, tight around the waste with a black corset, and cut off just below her knees, giving a view of her black stockings. "I think she may be on to us."

"What?! That cutie?" Ted asked, still sour about that heel driven spike in his foot.

"Yeah. If you haven't noticed, your scar is still visible."

"Come on Joe. You're overthinking it." Bill said. "You don't think she will..."

"Hmm...maybe your right, but..." He steps out of his chair and steps out of the saloon. "Hey! Are you gonna pay for that?" The bartender called out.

"It's on us!" Bill called out. Bill and Ted finish their drinks and left a couple of dollars on the table.

"So it is him." Danielle whispers to herself. She's staring at the wanted poster of a bandit named Ted Cummings. Next to the poster is four other posters. The five in total make up the infamous Cumming Bandits, wanted by the marshall for robberies and kidnappings. All five of them have a bounty of 1,000 dollars each. She smiles at the thought of making extra cash tonight. "Now how to catch him?"

"That's not going to happen tonight sweethart!" A gloved hand covers her mouth and the end of a revolver is put to the side of her head. "If I were you, I would shut up and do as you are told, or else", the voice says. Danielle nods in fear. "Good!" The gunman moves forward, pushing Danielle wherever he goes. They walks to a dark alleyway on the side of the saloon with no windows. Quickly, Bill and Joe appear with rope and bandannas. Suddenly, a bandanna is placed over her eyes and tied off at the back. The glove is removed from her mouth. "Listen, I...ummphh". A piece of cloth is stuffed into her mouth, and another is placed over it, tied tightly behind her. "I was hoping to finally shut you up!" Danielle recognizes the voice. It was the guy on the wanted poster. The same one she dug her heel into. At the same time, Danielle feels her arms pulled behind her, rope wrapped around her wrists, and tied tightly. Another rope is wrapped around her waist and arms, and is pulled tight, pulling her forward. She is now being pulled by the rope around her waist.

"I got her", Bill said. "Joe. Ted. Check to see if the coast is clear." Joe steps out of the alleyway. No one is coming through town tonight. He gives the clear. Bill tugs Danielle out of the alleyway and into the darkness. Ted walks behind, checking their six.

Minutes later, the three bandits arrive at an old abandoned farmhouse with a barn next to it. Light is seen from the inside of the house. "About time they return", Ted says. The three walk into the barn and find a haystack in the corner. They drop Danielle onto the hay stack. Joe takes another piece of rope and ties her ankles together while avoiding her kicks. Blindfolded, Danielle kicks in random directions, not knowing where she is aiming at. Once her ankles are tied, Bill flips her over. Joe takes another piece of rope, and wraps it around her tied ankles. Next, he pulls her ankles up to her arms, and uses the other end of the rope to tie them to her already bound wrists. Now hogtied, Danielle can only rock back and forth. Joe and Bill stood there, watching their bound and gagged barmaid. "So what to do with her?" Bill mumbles to himself.

"We'll worry about her later. Looks like Jim and Dan are back, and Ted is already eating with them."

"Right. I'm starving. I could use some beans right now." Joe and Bill walk out of the barn and toward the house. Danielle hears silence and starts to struggle more frantically, pulling against her binds. They tight them real tight. Danielle continues to rock back and forth until she rolls onto her side. From their, she tries to move herself, but to little avail. Once again, she ties to rock herself back and forth. Danielle's hands touch the bail of hay. She uses what little leverage to rock her self over to her other side. Suddenly, Danielle bumps into something. She hears a muffled sound coming from her face. The muffles are from over her gagged mouth, through another bandanna. She also feels her chest against something soft, and it's moving against her own chest. Danielle realizes there is another woman in the barn with her.

Re: Becky & Daniel in a Bind (MMMMM/FF) - Requested by WyattW5

Posted: Sat May 18, 2019 12:26 pm
by Mask6190
Here is the next chapter :D

Part 3: Un-guarded.

"So how did it go, Jim?" Bill asks the oldest of the brothers.

"Took longer than expected, but I got her!"

"Nice!" Ted responds. "How much do you think she'll fetch for?"

"I think quite a bit. Her father makes good money on the tour, and Becky runs the operations. He needs her to get it running, otherwise..."

"No rodeo", Joe responds.


"So where is she?" Ted asks. "I want to take a good at her."

"I placed her in the barn in the haystack. She is not going anywhere." Joe puts down his spoon, stands up, and walks out of the house. 'Hey Joe, don't worry about them..." He is already out of the house before Bill finishes up. Dan, watching everything from the side, speaks up. "You just said them, as in, there is another girl with her, Bill?"

"Oh don't worry little brother. She is hogtied like a steer. She is not going anywhere."

"Frripph Opprruurr"


"Frripph. Opprruurr"

"Frripph? Ohum!"

Danielle understood what the other woman was saying through her gag. She rolled herself onto her other side, then she heard the brush of the hay bail. She felt her hands at her hands. The other woman rolled onto her opposite side also. She is feeling Danielle's hands until she found the ropes. Danielle did the same. While trying to find the ropes of the other woman, her wrists suddenly felt loose. Danielle quickly pulled her wrists apart. She pushed herself back onto her butt and removed the blindfold. In near darkness, she could barely see, except for the white skirt of the other woman. She goes to her, finds her bound wrists, and unties them. The other woman andDanielle untie and ungag themselves.

"How did you end up here?" The other woman asked.

"I should be asking you...umm."

"Becky. My name is Becky"

"Danielle." The two ladies shook hands. Danielle continued. "They caught me looking at their wanted poster. Same to you?"

"No. I was seeing one of them."

"You're kidding. You and, uh, which one?"
Jim. I think I'm being used as bait."

"Bait? For..."

"My father. He runs a rodeo, and he makes a lot of money and..." Suddenly, they hear footsteps. A lantern in the distance approaches. Becky and Diane quietly move along the wall. Both reach a wooden fence inside, separating the pens. They move forward along it, but the lantern and footsteps were coming closer. "Oh darn", Danielle mumbled, looking for a way out. Suddenly, a bandanna was tied over her mouth, and her hands pulled behind...

"What the..." Joe mumbled as he approached the haystack where he dropped off the barmaid. "I thought I heard something." There, he found the barmaid, just as they left her. Joe shined the lantern over the area, but couldn't find the other woman. He walked alongside the hay bails and pens, moving his lantern left and right to find the other woman they were talking about. He doesn't even know what she looks like. Suddenly he feels something shove him forward. Joe loses his balance and falls onto the hail bail. Quickly, weight is put onto him. A soft piece of cloth is stuffed into his bearded mouth and another covers it, and is tied off over his shoulder length hair. Joe's arms are pulled behind him and tied at the wrists. Quickly, his legs are brought up and tied at the ankles of his brown leather boots at denim blue jeans, then tied at the wrists. Once the weight is lifted, Joe rolls to his side, he sees the lantern being picked up. "Now that's how to do a hogtie Danielle!" Joe is staring at the barmaid they kidnapped, and another woman. It was a setup. Joe struggles furiously, but the ropes were holding him tight. Very tight. "Now, shall we leave?" Becky asks.

"You bet. You need to show me your rope work once we're out of here!"

"Of course."

"Joe! Everything alright?!" Joe starts to make noise through the gag. Becky and Danielle turn to see one of the bandits. "Guys! Their escaping!"

"Becky! Give me that!" Danielle takes the lantern from Becky's hand, then drops it onto the haystack. She uses the spike of the heel of the boot to smash open the glass, breaking apart the lantern. The flame makes contact with the hay, lighting it up. The bandit notices it and rushes toward Joe. Becky and Danielle quickly run away from them, and the many voices coming their way. They find an opening on the side of the pen. The two ladies climb through it and out of the barn. Both run away from the barn and into the night.

Re: Becky & Danielle in a Bind (MMMMM/FF, FF/M, M/M) - Requested by WyattW5

Posted: Wed May 22, 2019 11:01 pm
by Mask6190
Last part is ready :D Thanks for reading :D

Also, any feedback is highly welcomed!

Part 4: An Extra Hand

"Where they go?!" Jim called out,

"Probably toward town", Ted responded. "Where else could they go in the dark?"

"Okay. We'll cut them off before they make it there. To your horses!" Jim called out. He, Ted, and Dan rush out of the barn to their horses. Bill followed after untying Joe. "Why I'm gonna..."

"Easy there Joe", Bill said. "We'll get them."

"Good, I'll show them real rope work!" Bill and Joe quickly exited the barn and mounted their horses. They gave chase while leaving the burning barn. In the distance, the burning barn is noticed by a group of men.

"Can you run faster?!"

"I can't! These boots...", Danielle complained. Her high heeled boots limited her speed. She and Becky continued to run in the deserted, dark fields. Out in the distance were lit windows. Carson. Both were going toward the town. Suddenly, a noise is heard behind them. Galloping. "They already caught us?!" Danielle responded.

"No, the sound is still far away, and it's dark", Becky replied, looking for some place to hide, but finding any place to hide, especially at night, in the open, is hard to do. "Where are they?!" A voice called out from behind them. One of the bandits. "I can't see crap out here?!"

"Looks like that will help us Danielle. Dani?" Becky looked around. She lost Danielle. Becky backtracked a little bit, but couldn't find a sight. She couldn't even hear the trots of the horses, nor any of the voices of the bandit. It was dead quiet. While walking, she tripped over an object on the ground. Becky tried to push herself back up. Suddenly, a hand over her mouth and a weight brought her back down. "Shhh..." The voice whispered. "Play dead."

"They couldn't have gotten far?! Could they?"

"Nonsense Ted", Bill replied. Both were still on their horses, scoping the area. It was hard to see in the night, and they haven't heard anything from Joe, Dan, or Jim. "Two ladies, one with high heels. How far could they have gone?"

"You would think they would be easy to spot in the open plains."

"Yeah, but it shouldn't take this long."

"Bill! Look!" Ted pointed at a small light in the distance. "That must be them!" Ted took up toward it. "Wait! Ted!" Bill followed. Later, they were closer to the source of the light. A campfire. Ted already dismounted his horse. Bill arrived and did the same. "Darn it Ted. Can he just wait for once?!" Bill mumbled to himself. Slowly, he walked toward the campfire, drawing out his pistol, and holding a lasso out, ready to catch. As he got closer, he finds Ted, but not only him. Joe and Dan were with him, and all three were hogtied and gagged. "What in tarnation..." Just as he was about to finish up, a lasso flies over and around him, tightens up, and pulls him to the ground. Quickly, weight is put on top of him, and his hands and legs are tied together behind him. A bandanna is stuffed into his mouth, and another used to keep it in over his mouth. He is flipped over to see an old, bearded man standing on top of him. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Bill Cummings? Perhaps you can answer my questions. Where is Jim, and where is my daughter?!"

"So we just wait here Dani?" Becky whispered. Both she and Danielle are laying on the ground in a ditch. "Yeah." Danielle responded. "It's dark. They can't find us. We can hide until dawn, then we can head back."

"But they will think the same thing."

"And would they think of us hiding in a ditch out in the open?

"Hmm... Good point, and I don't hear anything." It was very quiet. Perhaps they fled the area, she thought. Both girls, huddled together, waited out the night, and fell asleep.

A poke alerted Becky and Danielle. Both opened their eyes. "Get up you two." Both slowly turn to see a pistol poking at their sides. "I said get up!" Suddenly they sat up, and are looking into the eyes of Jim Cummings. "Well now, I never thought you would cause me this much trouble!"

"And what about you?!" Becky responded . "You wanted more money, right? Well you didn't have to kidnap me!"

"Well, you see, this is how we do things. If we steal, we want the biggest payout. For your Daddy, he has a lot of money, but no valuables. So what's the easiest way to get that kind of money? Ransom! That's what! And now, you're coming back with us, and we're going to get our payday! But first..." He turns to point the pistol at Danielle. "Huh? Where did your friend go?!"

"Right here." Suddenly, Jim's arms are grabbed from behind and pulled back. "Becky! Some help here?!" Becky was surprised to see Danielle behind Jim. Quickly, she got up on her feet and dove for his legs. His pistol went off as he went down onto the ground. Danielle loosened her grip and went for the pistol in his right hand, but Jim freed his arm, and thew her off. Becky also went for the pistol, but Jim pointed it right at her forehead. "Don't even think about moving Becky!" Slowly, Becky put her hands in the air and moved off of him. Jim slowly stood up, still pointing the tip of the pistol against Becky. "Hey girly!" He called out. "If I were you, come here or else..."

"Or else what Jim?" called out a Man's voice. The click of another gun is head. Jim turned around to see an old, bearded man, and with him five other cowboys with their rifles loaded, and Danielle. "Are you okay, Becky?" he asked.

"I'm fine Dad."

"How the heck did you find us, Bob?"

"Well funny thing. One of our cowboys was going to the saloon for a drink when he saw one of the maids abducted in front of the saloon. He also noticed the wanted posters and pointed your picture out. We rounded up and started looking, and the fire at the barn was the dead giveaway. That lead us straight to your brothers."


"Yep. All four of them are with us, and with you, you all will fetch us a nice payday, so if I were you, I would listen if you want to see your family again." Jim realized he was defeated. He dropped the pistol. "Good choice." Quickly, the cowboys tied his hands behind his back, and tied a rope around his waist to pull him, so he won't get away. Bob and Danielle approached Becky. "You need to make better choices with Men."

"Oh don't start this right now!" Becky responded.

"I don't plan on it. I think you already know."

"Umm..." Both turned to Danielle. Bob spoke first. "Thanks for keeping my daughter company."

"Sure, but really it was the other way around."

"Oh, well then..."

"Actually", Becky interrupted "Danielle will be joining us on the rodeo."

"Wait, what?!"

"Yeah, I need a new assistant to help out. It will make things easier and faster."

"Well it's your call", Bob replied. "I hope it not going to cost."

"No it's not!" Becky replied. "She is working for me."

"Hey! Don't I have a..."

"Great! I'll see you both later!" Bob replied and walked back with the cowboys to Carson. Danielle looked at Becky as if she was bought. "Umm Becky, I..." Quickly, Becky pull her arms behind her and covered her mouth with her hand. "Before you respond, I wan't to let you know that what I'm offering is a lot more worth while, and you don't have to deal with drunken jerks at the saloon every knots. Plus you get food and a place to sleep. Does that sound good?" Danielle nods with approval. "Great!" Becky replied. "Beside, you need to know how to tie knots. I know a thing or two from Jim" She gives Danielle a wink. Becky lets go of Danielle and both head back.