Musical Chair Tied (FFF)

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Musical Chair Tied (FFF)

Post by Newdayrocks »

This is one of my earliest stories from my Deviantart account. It's rather amateur but whatevs.

Musical Chair Tied

To the normal eye, it resembled a typical abandoned warehouse, strewn with empty crates containing unknown cargo. The only oddity was the trio of teenage girls sitting in the middle of it, bound tightly to chairs and gagged.

Thorn of the Hex Girls rocked back and forth, twisting her bound wrists behind her back in hopes of loosening them. More rope, tied around her chest, anchored her to the chair, and also encircled her knees and ankles. A cloth, the same shade as her raven hair and dress, had been tied between her lips, reducing what sounds she could make into unintelligible muffles.

Thorn pulled and squirmed as much as she could, but the ropes refused to budge an inch. She hoped her friends were doing better, and gazed to her left. Her band mate Luna, tied the same way she was but with a white cleave gag, seemed to have made little progress against her bindings.

On the other side, the group’s blonde drummer, Dusk, was thrashing and squirming like a wildcat, emitting muffled noises from the red gag in her mouth and fighting her bonds with everything she had. Unfortunately, it proved all for naught, and she eventually ceased her struggles, having exhausted herself.

All three were tightly bound, and there was little they could do outside of squirming against their ropes and uttering unintelligible noises through the gags. They were not placed too far away from each other, but, tied to chairs as they were, getting over to help untie each other would be difficult.

Thorn gave another pull against the ropes that held her, but still failed to make any progress. Then it occurred to her; if she could find a way to get free of the chair, she might have a chance.

Squirming and bucking, she began to rock the chair from side to side, in hopes of getting it to fall over. Finally, she achieved that as the chair fell to the floor and shattered, freeing her from the ropes that had anchored her to it.

With her fellow band members offering muffled support, Thorn grasped a piece of the broken chair with her hands and began using it to saw the ropes around her wrists. Within a few minutes, the ropes fell away, and the girl quickly untied the ropes around her legs and ankles, before pulling away the gag.

Rushing over towards Luna, she untied the dark skinned redhead, who went to work on her own leg bonds as Thorn rushed over to help Dusk with her restraints. Within moments, all three were free and went to the middle of the warehouse, holding their arms up in a show of victory.


The Hex Girls walked out of the warehouse and over towards where the director sat.

“That was beautiful work girls, just beautiful,” he told them.

“I hope so,” Thorn replied “I don’t think we could do that again.”

“So now we’ll splice in clips of you girls performing with the footage we shot, and this baby will be all ready to make its’ debut,” the director told them.

“Hopefully, this will get people interested in the song,” Thorn told him “despite the title, ’Breaking the Bonds’ is an anthem about female empowerment, and not always relying on some ‘knight in shining armor’ to rescue you.”

“It teaches girls to be resourceful and use their heads when they’re in danger,” Luna added.

“Well, girls might not have the advantage of having loosely tied ropes and breakaway chairs like we did,” Dusk reminded them.

“Good point.”

“Anyway, we’re gonna go edit the video now, and then when its’ ready, we’ll show it to you,” the director told them.

“Good, we need to practice anyway,” Thorn said, before she and the others walked off.

“That was a unique experience huh?” Dusk asked her band mates.

“What do you mean?”

“Being tied up and gagged like that.”

“We weren’t really,” Thorn reminded her “it was just for the video.”

“Yeah, the song’s called ‘Breaking the Bonds,’ and they decided to take that literally,” Luna chimed in.

“I know, but it’s not something I’d want to go through for real,” Dusk replied “I don’t think the trick you used to escape would work if that really happened.”

“Yeah well, I find it highly unlikely that it will” Thorn told her “now come on, we need to get ready.”

What the raven haired singer didn’t know was that she and her fellow band mates would soon be experiencing captivity again, and this time, it wouldn’t be so easy for them to escape.
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Post by MaxRoper »

A fu nstory. Thanks for posting. Will there be more?
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