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My teacher, Ms. Alya (M/F)

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 8:16 pm
by TamatoaShiny123
(Reposted from old website)

I couldn’t believe it! The essay that I wrote for english class got an 80! It would mean that I would get a 89 average for the semester. I couldn’t get a B minus! So, I decided to go to my english teacher, Ms. Alya, to ask her for extra credit.

Let me describe Ms. Alya to you. She’s in her late 20’s, has long red hair and freckles on her cheeks.

“Ms Alya? Can I talk to you?” I ask, walking into her classroom.
“What is it, Kurt?”, she asks, reading a book, not looking up at me
“I wanted to talk to you about getting extra credit. I was disappointed with the grade I got.”
“I’m sorry Kurt”, Ms. Alya replies, still not looking up from her book. “But an 80 is the grade that your essay deserved.”
“Please Ms. Alya! I worked really-“ I start to say when I see what book has such a grip on her: a biography on Harry Houdini. “What are you reading, Ms. Alya?”
“Oh, this? It’s a biography on Harry Houdini, the famous escape artist.” Her eyes still haven’t left the book since I got there. “Honestly, I look to him as a hero”.
“Why?” I asked.

She looked to see if anyone else was listening, then softly said “because I’m an escape artist. And a pretty good one at that. I just think that it’s cool how you’re bound and then you can escape what’s holding you down.”

I couldn’t believe that my teacher was an escape artist! And just then, I came up with an idea that could not only boost my grade, but might let me have some fun too.

“Well then, Ms. Alya, I want to make a bet with you”, I told her. “I am going to tie you up.” She looked shocked, but let me continue.
“If you can’t escape, you have to give me extra credit for my essay. And if I lose...”. I thought for a moment of what my consequence should be. “-I will stay after school everyday for the rest of the year and clean up your classroom”.
When she remained silent, I said, “Come on, Ms. Alya! What do you have to lose? Or are you just not as good as you say you are?”
This clearly got to her, as she slammed her book down on her desk and said “You know what, Kurt? You’re on! We’ll do this tomorrow after school in my classroom! Deal?” She asked, offering her hand.
“Deal”, I say as I shake her hand. As I start to walk out of the classroom, she calls my name. When I turn around, she tells me, “Good luck, Kurt. You’re gonna need it” she tells me with a wink.

That night, I pack my duffel bag with materials to bound Ms. Alya with; duct tape, socks, bandanas and pillowcases. I take this bag with me and throw it into my locker. When english class comes, Ms. Alya teaches the material in her regular manner, not hinting about whats to come later that day. Although, as the class is leaving, she shoots me an all-knowing look. My friend sees the look, but I tell him that she knows that I cheated on the vocabulary test that we took last week.

Finally, the school day ends! When the hallways are clear, I take the duffel bag out of my locker and head to Ms. Alya’s room. When I get there, she locks the door and tapes a sheet of paper over the window, making sure that no one can see what we’re doing.
“Ready to lose?” she asks with a mischievous smile.
“I could ask you the same thing” I reply in a confident manner. I open the bag and pull out a pair of socks.

“You’re gonna tie me up with socks?” Ms. Alya asked with a smirk.
“No. They’re for your hands” I explained. “Stick your hands out and make fists”.

Though confused, she complied and balled up her hands. I took a sock and slid it over her left fist and up to her elbow. I then took out the duct tape and taped the ends of the sock down to her arm to make sure it wouldn’t fall off. I repeated the process with her right hand. After I had done that, she sat down in her seat (she had the one that spun around) and I had her put her arms behind her her back. I wrapped tape from her fist up to her elbows, mummifying her from her fingers to her elbows. I then took a pillowcase and put her bounds hands in it. I taped the pillowcase closed around her wrists and her elbows. I then took tape and taped her waist and shoulders to the back of the chair and taped her lap down to the seat of the chair.

When I was done with that, she tested out her bounds. After she was done, she said, “Good job so far, Kurt. This might actually be hard to escape from”.
“I’m not done yet, Ms. Alya. Put your legs together”.

When she did, I took the tape and taped her knees, ankles and feet together. I took out another pillowcase and inserted her bounded legs in it. I then took several strips of duct tape and use it to tape the wheels of the chair down to the floor

After I taped the pillowcase around her legs closed, I took out several bandanas and held them in front of her. “You talk way too much, Ms. Alya” I say as I ball up a red bandana, hinting to her what I’m going to do next.
“Keeping my mouth out of the way, Kurt? Smart idea.”

With that, I shove the bandana into her mouth. I took out a black bandana, fold it into a band and use it to cleave gag my teacher. I then took a third bandana, this time blue, fold it into a triangle and tie it around Ms. Alya’s mouth and nose. Finally, I take out another pillowcase and put it over Ms. Alya’s head and use another bandana (green) to tie around her head, securing the pillowcase to her head. I step back to admire my work; my teacher bound, gagged and blindfolded.

“Are you ready to escape, Ms. Alya?” I ask her.
“Ennhuh” she mumbles out from under the pillowcase and gag.
“Alright then. Ready...set...go!” I shout.

She shook around, desperate to escape and win the bet. But, the way I bounded her kept her stuck the chair; the socks around her hands prevented her from using her fingers to attack her bonds. The tape and pillowcases around her arms and legs prevented her from separating her limbs, effectively welding them together. The tape wrapped around her waist and lap pinned her body to the chair, limiting her motion. The bandana tied over her nose made sure she couldn’t work the gag out of her mouth. The wheels taped down prevented her from wheeling around the room to find something to cut her bonds with. And the pillowcase over her head cut off her sight, making it impossible for her to see what she was doing.

After several minutes of her struggling in her bounds, she stopped and let out a groan. I take the pillowcase off her head and ask her smugly “Give up, Ms. Alya?”

She nodded with a defeated look in her eye. I took the gag out of her mouth and she spat the bandana out of her mouth.

“Excellent job, Kurt. There’s a pair of scissors in the drawer of my desk. Use them to cut me free, please.”
I use the scissors and cut all the duct tape off her. When she was untied, she got her grade book and marked down the extra credit I earned from winning our bet.

“I guess I must apologize for being so cocky. You clearly know how to tie up a girl” she said with a chuckle. “The way you trapped my fingers and the way you used the pillowcases to encase my limbs and head was brilliant.”
“Thank you, Ms. Alya. I had fun with this. Maybe...”
“What, Kurt?”
“Maybe we could do this again?”
“I think that would be great, Kurt!”

Re: My teacher, Ms. Alya (M/F)

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 11:54 pm
by Sniper108
waiting for part 2

Re: My teacher, Ms. Alya (M/F)

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 12:14 am
by Beetle bailey13
Can't wait for part 2

Re: My teacher, Ms. Alya (M/F)

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 5:34 am
by freyjaceleste862
Sounds cool.

Re: My teacher, Ms. Alya (M/F)

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 2:12 pm
by Emma
Good story :)