Prisoner To The Amazons. (Various F’s/M)

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Prisoner To The Amazons. (Various F’s/M)

Post by TiedOne »

Part 1: Accidental Arrival

All my life I wanted to be an archeologist, I watched Indiana Jones and wanting to be just like him. While yeah, real archeology is nowhere close to the stuff Indiana Jones does, it truly did inspire me.

Once I graduated college, I headed out to find some lost artifacts and civilizations.

The first place I thought to travel was Greece, the home of one the first civilizations and democracies. I used to read Greek myths when I was younger. The amazons were my favorite of the myths. Gigantic warrior women just seemed so cool.

It was Monday when I arrived and I got straight to work. Using some persuasion(and a few twentys), I was able to get a solo boat to search the nearby islands.

I headed to the furthest one, which was mysterious unoccupied.

It was midday when I hit shore, and to my surprise, there was a huge temple build into a mountain. On the top spelled the phrase “τον κόσμο των ανθρώπων, τελειώνει εδώ.”

The pillars seemed to cut from solid white pearls which gleamed in the sunlight. Intrigued, I headed passed them to see what was inside.

The interior was breathtaking, with gold and silver objects laid about the floor. Jewels, Goblets, Shields and Swords decorated the room.

However the interest turned to fear once I heard a quick flash of movement behind me. I looked around to see nothing, to calm down I decided to sit down on a nearby stump of a pillar.

I than recalled the phrase above the entrance and decided to seek its meaning. Pulling out an English to Greek translation book, I discovered the phrase translated to “The World of Men, Ends Here.”

Suddenly a strong odor filled the room, it was like a mixture of sweet cinnamon and old cheese. Then the quick flashes of movement happened again but I could get the faintest glimpses of huge figures.

The odor made me feel dizzy, it seemed to be putting me to sleep. I carefully laid my self on the ground before blacking out.

I hear voices, all women.

“How did he get through ?”

“Did he steal anything ?”

“Should we kill him ?”

“First, let’s wake him up.”

Again the odor filled my nostrils and I staggered awake slowly. The first thing I see is a pair of giant toes in front of my face.

I tried to get away but found my self immobile, looking down I see my legs secured together with these strong black ropes. Soon realizing these ropes were also tying my arms to my sides.

“Well he’s awake, now what.” Said a woman with a sweet voice.

“I’d say we give him to the hydra.” Commanded a woman with a loud, booming voice.

“No, we question him first, than decide what to do with him, Derina.” Spoke the woman who had woke me.

I glance up to see the source of the voices, in front of me was four towering women. Now not gigantic, but definitely a solid 8 feet tall.

“You’’re the Amazon’s, right ?” I asked timidly. Derina, a buff ebony woman picked me up by the ropes and yelled in my face “How do you know, what we are ?”

The sweet voiced woman intervened “Let’s calm down here Derina, we’d all like to find out.”

She bent down and greeted me “Hello, I’m Allida.” Then she gestured Derina to set me down on the pillar stump.

“Alright Helena, as leader you get the first question.” Allida offered to the woman who woke me.

Helena asked “Why are you here ?” Her beauty nearly distracted me. The glowing brunette hair with her violet eyes were a sight to behold. She repeated and this time I responded “I’m an archeologist, and I just found this temple on accident.”

Derina than demanded “What is your name ?” I reflected but I couldn’t seem to remember. All I could remember was arriving at the island and passing out. “I don’t know, I can’t seem to recall anything before arriving here.”

“I wouldn’t trust this stinky beings words.” Derina chimed in. “Ooh, Stinky, that’s a good name for him.” Allida commented.

Helena continued “Well, Stinky, you are trespassing on the land of the Amazons which is forbidden for any men to do so.”

I was still struggling in my bindings. Derina laughed “Look at how stupid Stinky is, does he not know Amazonian rope is inescapable ?”

“I don’t think we should mock this mortal.” Commented the fourth Voice. “My Name is Lelora, and I believe your words.”

She stood to Helena and said “I believe we should allow him to live.”

Helena retorted “And let him tell the world about our home.”

Lelora replied “No, he’ll stay here and learn our ways.”
Helena was about to reply before Lelora continued “We’ll make him and Amazon, he’ll live like us, dress like us, want to be like us.”

Helena relented and told Derina to carry me to the ship.

There I was given a change of clothes from my baggy leather jacket and cargo pants to a long flowing white dress with bra and panties. They left me barefoot.

To prevent me from escaping, Derina took the task of tying me to the Mast of the ship. “It’s three days till home” she commented as she finished binding the last knot. Helena nodded and ventured to the cabin.

Soon I was sailing off the Island of the Amazons, tied up to a mast.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Nice beginning!
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Post by TiedOne »

Part 2: Bonding While Bound

It was around dusk, and I still secured to the mast. I began to get hungry but the four women were nowhere to be seen.

Allida came up from the lower level, holding food “Hi, Stinky I assume you’re probably hungry.” She bend down with a plate of chicken. “We need to be quiet, Derina doesn’t want you to be fed.”

She picked up some chicken and I ate it from her huge fingers. “Thank you, I was starving.” Allida blushed. She was the most lovely of the four so far. She cares for me, named me, fed me; I’m in love.

“So are you ready to join the Amazon’s Stinky ?” She asked. I replied “I don’t know, it’s pretty nerve racking.”

“Thank you for the name, I always knew I was a Stinky.” She laughed and blushed some more. “You know for a mortal you’re kinda cute.”

She than bend forward to me before... “ALLIDA, GET ALWAY FROM STINKY!!” Yelled Derina. She stormed towards Allida and grabbed her arm. “You’ve been feeding him, with strict orders not too.”

Derina grabbed some rope and began tying up Allida. Allida was very upset by this and began to plead with Derina.

“You went against orders.” Grunted Derina tying the last knot. Allida was now tied up same as me. “Now first lick my feet.” Allida reluctantly licked from the heel to the toe, of Derina’s feet. “Now say it won’t happen again, Goddess Derina.”

Allida was shedding a silent tear. I chimed in “Leave her alone.” Derina furious, turned to me but Allida stopped her “It won’t happen again Goddess Derina.” Before hanging her head low.

Derina turned to leave but walks passed me “You disgust me.” Before spitting at my face.

Allida tried wiping the saliva away with her foot. “I’m sorry, she’s always rude and ruthless.”

I felt insulted by her actions, the lack of respect.

“Why am I barefoot ?” I finally ask after a few moments of awkward silence. Allida answered “Because an Amazon is always barefoot, to get in touch with nature. Also we Amazon’s love the scent of sweaty bare feet.” She said as she wiggles her smelly toes.

I than ask “Why am I in a dress ?” Allida asked “Do you not like it ?” I respond “No I’m actually enjoying it so far, but I’m a guy.” She answered “Well it’s just tradition for anyone on the Amazon Island to wear either armor or dresses. As you can see I did a hybrid look.” Gesturing to her short dress which was covered in armored bits.

We talked until nightfall, which was when Derina came out of her room with two cloth rags. “Alright you two, I don’t want to hear any more commotion.” She bend down and stuffed a rag in Allida’s mouth, securing it with some rope. Doing the same to me, making sure the gag was firmly in my mouth.

She returned to her room, leaving me and Allida gagged and bound on the deck of the ship. We shared glances for a moment, before Derina returned with two more cloth rags.

“Go to sleep, Allida.” She whispered before covering her eyes with the rags. Turning to me, she didn’t say anything when blinding me with the rag.

I heard her walk back to her room, and close the door. Knowing we’d be out here all night bound, gagged, and blindfolded. I entered a forced slumber.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

I love this story!!!
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Post by TiedOne »

Part 3: Calming Companionship

When I woke up, the blindfold was still on my head. It remained dark for about half hour before Helena removed the rag. She asked “Did Derina do this to you ?” I mumbled into my gag.

She knew this was a yes, and promptly ungagged me. I was untied by Allida who gestured me to her room as Helena furiously entered Derina’s room.

“Well, she’s gonna have a bad time.” She tells me as she leads me to her bed. The bed is first comfortable thing I’ve felt since being on this ship. Sitting with you back against a wooden post is far from comforting.

She sits down next to me as we hear faint screams of Helena reprimanding Derina. “Why does Derina hate me so much ?” I ask. Allida puts her arm around my shoulder and says “Well, she is like you, not a natural Amazon. However she was treated horribly and has harbored a deep resentment to the world of men.”

I nod in understandment, waiting I ask her “Can I put on a new set of clothes ?” She grins and brings me to her closet. Inside was hundreds upon hundreds of dresses of every color. I pick out a light blue gown, with black pantyhose.

“Oh, beautiful.” Allida comments. “Hey do you mind if I tie you up.” Being tied up for two days, I really didn’t want to. But Allida was so cool and nice, that I didn’t resist.

She grabbed her silky pantyhose, and began tying my arms behind my back. I could tell these were well worn as they contained her foot aroma. It was like being bound in a big stinky sock.

After being securely bound, she laid me in her bed. “Can I give you a foot massage ?” I agree and she began to rub my achy soles. She had the hands of an angel.

“I never touched a human’s foot before, are they all this soft ?” She asked wide eyed. “A lot of them are, I assume.” My memory still didn’t access properly. She smiled and took a whiff of my feet. “You know for a person named “Stinky” your feet actually don’t smell to bad.”

This made me laugh, which in turn made her laugh. She then stopped rubbing my feet and paused for a few seconds.

I was still laughing a bit before being silenced with a kiss on the lips. Not a small peck, but a solid ten second kiss.

She recoiled and said “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done that.” I tell her “No, it’s okay.” She was conflicted about what occurred and heads out of her room. Leaving me tied on her bed.

I wondered what went wrong, but I felt bad for Allida. A few hours passed and I began to feel hungry. But I was relieved to hear the door open again. However that relieve faltered when I saw the forbidding presence of Derina.

She picked me up and softly whispered “Oh, you’re done for.” As she hand gagged me and silently ran to her room. She retied me in her rope, and gagged me with Allida’s pantyhose. She fit the whole wad in my mouth.

“Now wait till morning comes, than I’ll have my fun.” Derina said. She put me in a small cage. “Good Night, Stinky.” Was the last thing I heard before she covered the Cage with a thick blanket.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Man, Derina is evil!
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Post by Boocola »

I'm curious if these Amazon are like the ones in Futurama snu snu fry zap and kip, of course this is for everyone so none of that, really creative story. Wonder woman Amazons from Futurama.
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Post by TiedOne »

Part 4: Day of Derina

I awoke in pain. Being in the small cage wasn’t an ideal sleeping location. Derina removed the blanket from cage.

“Oh, Stinky. You have no idea what this means to me.” She gloats as she picks me up by my legs. Hanging me upside down. “Now, I can have my fun.” She said as she raised her big ebony sole in front of my face.

Her feet wasn’t like Allida’s or even Helena’s. It was a rotten cheesy stink, the kind that makes you wanna gag. But the fact that her whole foot pretty much covered my face and that I was upside down, made the ordeal even worse.

She held me there for a solid five minutes. Breathing in her stinky foot odor was already bad enough. However I knew she wasn’t even getting started.

Finally, she removed her foot from my face. I took this time to breath as much as I could, which was a stupid move due to the gag. “Wow, you really are terrible at endurance, Stinky.” She mocked. I was able to get fresh air through my nostrils fortunately, but Derina was far from done.

“Oh, you aren’t even closed to feeling my wrath.” She chuckled. Than she pulled me on the bed, and took out my gag. I coughed after having Allida’s stinky pantyhose in my mouth all night.

She got me in a bear hug, preventing me from moving. “Look now Stinky, if you want to be an Amazon, than get out of this grip.” I tried by hardest to no avail. “Helena is wrong, you aren’t cut out for the Amazon’s.” She relented her grip and dropped me to the floor.

Lying on my stomach, I moaned into my gag. She removed it and said “Now, let me use that mouth of yours for a purpose.” She shoved her large toe in my mouth. “Your gonna clean everyone of my dirty toes.” I relented and began sucking her toes.

She knew it was gonna be painful, since in between her toes was a mixture of dirt and toe cheese. I was disgusted but knowing Derina’s superior strength, I was in no place to argue.

It took forever, but I successfully cleaned her toes and got a bad taste in my mouth. “Very good Stinky, very good indeed.” She commented as she admired her now clean toes.

“Alright, now I want some entertainment.” She untied me, removed my dress leaving me in a bra and panties, than tied my hands to a hook above me. “Now that your already, dance.” She demanded when taking a seat.

I tried to dance, I mean really tried. But the positioning of the ropes was preventing me from doing it successfully. She was unhappy, got up and walked in front of me. “Alright, since your not doing a good job, I’m gonna give you another task. Repeat after me “I, Stinky, am Goddess Derina’s little slave.”

“I, Stinky...” She Cuts me off with a hard slap to the face. “No slower, and with more passion.” I continued again. “I, Stinky, am Goddess Derina’s little slave.” She slapped me again, this time harder and said “Now, say it forty more times.”

I repeated her phrase, everytime she’d slap my face. Soon I began to cry from the constant slapping. This only made her laugh and mock me more.

Finally I reached the fortieth repeat, almost in tears. She smirked and let me fall from the hook. “Now, I’m gonna tie you to the mast again. If I hear a peep out you until we reach the island, you're gonna deal with this every day of your life.”

She dragged me back to the mast and tied me again, in my bare undergarments. It was embarrassing and made me feel less like a Amazon. Maybe she was right, maybe I’ll never be one of them.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Derina is soooooo evil. Just waiting for her comeuppance!
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Post by TiedOne »

Part 5: The Enchanted Entrance

After Derina’s torture, I wasn’t the same. She seemed to break me with her words and actions.

Fortunately we had made it back to the Island of the Amazons. I was untied from the mast and given a dress from Allida. It was a long green gown, after putting it on, Helena bound my hands behind my back.

Allida and Lelora walked by my side, Helena leading with Derina walking reluctantly from behind. I was surprised to see a crowd of giant women cheering in the distance.

Helena led me up to a pedastal, where a much taller woman stood. Helena bowed down and kissed the woman’s feet. “Queen Athena, we have brought a man back to join our ranks. His name is Stinky.”

The Queen looked down in an undetermined face, she examined me thoroughly. “Well, this man shall become one of us.” The crowd erupted in cheers and Derina face was filled with anger and shock. Two guards surrounded her and dragged her away, which made me smirk.

Soon, a huge feast was commissioned just for me. There was mountains upon mountains of food. I was still bound, but the Queen began feeding me. Allida was filled with joy seeing me getting the favor of the Amazons.

After the feast, they led me to the highest mountain where a massive castle stood. I learned it was Queen Athena’s castle and that it was at the highest peak of the island.

“Now, I’d like to show you around.” Spoke the Queen. I wasn’t gonna turn her down so followed her around. In the front hall was the Throne, which was where she would give speeches and hold parties.

We walked down hallways filled with the most elegant statues and paintings. This hallway led to my bedroom, she opened the door revealing a giant bed and large closet. “We knew of the human worlds cultures and our mage created all the clothes and footwear.” She explained. “But I thought all Amazons went barefoot.”

She nodded “Well yes during training, however while on rest you can put on anything you want.” She than revealed she was wearing a pair of ballet slippers. “Go on, help yourself but be sure to head down to the Mage’s room before bed.” She added. “It’s down the hall to second door on the left.” Than she removed the ropes binding me.

With my hands free I explore the closet. Seeing so many shoes and dresses was overwhelming. I found these weird white slippers that had a alligator logo, and slid my achy feet into. Finding a pink sundress, I threw it on and headed to the Mage’s room.

The Mage opened her door and let me in. She had several vials of glowing liquids of every Color. “Ah, you must be the one they call Stinky.” I nod and asked why I needed to come in here. She replied “Well, just a something help you sleep better.”

She grabbed a blue vial. “Now, you will drink this every night, understand.” I nodded in understandment, and drank the contents of the vial.

Soon, I woke up in bed. I didn’t realize what happened afterwards, think the potion just worked, I didn’t pay much attention to it.

I walked into the closet to pick out my outfit. I settled on a black leotard and tan pantyhose. The Queen tied my hands behind my back, collared me, and walked me down to the island’s center.

“Stinky, this is how all Amazons begin, I treat them as my pets and if they are truly worthy than Freedom will follow them.” She explained. We arrived at a giant colosseum, she sat in a huge granite throne as I sat next to her in a smaller chair. After hooking my leash to her throne, the Queen stood up and announced “WELCOME TO THE FIGHTING FIELDS.”
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

This is getting great!
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Post by TiedOne »

Part 6: The Fighting Fields

After Queen Athena’s introduction, four Amazons entered the ring. All where bound and blindfolded, some were gagged.

“So I’m guessing bondage is really important to this culture.” I ask. Athena responds “Yes, the feeling of being bound is something all Amazons thrive for, however if an Amazon is bound unhonorably, than it is a feeling of shame.”

This made me think back to Derina tying up Allida, I remember Allida being sad by this action. “Well, Derina has been acting unhonorably.” I tell her. The Queen merely shushed me. “Oh, I know, just wait.”

Another announcer began listing off the gladiators on the field-

“In The North West corner, we have Lizbeta, bound with the steel of her weapon forger. It appears her assistant has her trusty battle axe and shield.” Lizbeta was shorter than most Amazons, about 7 feet with long red hair. She was strong though, as she was a forger.

“In the North East corner, we have Marlett, bound with golden ropes and gagged with her mother’s pantyhose, she is one tough warriors. She has twin swords at her side.” Marlett was a intimidating looking Asian female, her black hair was tied back in the a ponytail.

“In the South West corner, we have everyone’s Favoite Lelora, bound in the wild vines of the southern isles and gagged with her own panties. You know her choice of weapon the bo staff, and lets see if her luck will continue.” I was excited to Lelora, as I was unaware she did this gladiatorial stuff.

“Finally in the South East Corner, was have Derina.” This made me drop my jaw. I got closer to the balcony, being pulled back by my leash. “See, I told you to wait, now you’ll see the unhonorable take on a dangerous fighter.” Seeing Derina tied up in her own rope was amusing, so I told the Queen “Can you please save her for last ? I want to enjoy this.” She nodded and announced.

“First Round, Lizbeta against Lelora.” The crowd cheered as both females were untied and ungagged.

Lizbeta picked up her axe and shield as Lelora grabbed her bo staff.

The two begin to duel, Lizbeta has clear strength while Lelora has agility and skill. Soon, Lelora is able to disarm Lizbeta and forces her to her knees. Lelora is than given rope to bound Lizbeta.

Queen Athena voice booms across the stadium “Now, make your choice Lelora, will Lizbeta get servitude or humiliation ?” Lelora placed the bo staff lightly on Lizbeta’s Head and forced her to kiss her feet. “Servitude it is, Lizbeta will now forever be your slave.”

The crowd cheered as Lizbeta was dragged off by the guards. The Queen turned to me and explained “You See The Victor can choose to either enslave the loser or humiliate them.”

I than ask “Am I your slave ?” Athena nods “Yes, until you have proven yourself worthy. But till that day comes, you are my slave.” She continues with announcements “Round Two: Lelora vs Marlett.”

Marlett is than untied and ungagged. She grasped her twin swords and the battle began. Marlett was a much tougher opponent than she got a few good cuts in, most notably a cut below Lelora’s eye which gave her a scar. However Marlett lodged her swords into the bo staff which gave Lelora leverage to defeat her.

The Queen asked “Servitude or Humiliation ?” Lelora was angered over the scar and yelled “Humilation !”

The crowd roared with excitement as Marlett was tied to a pole, her Armor was removed only revealing her bra and panties. Than two guards brought out two giant barrels of mud, which they pour on Marlett.

Soon she covered in the sticky, stinky mud as the crowd began pelting her with rotten fruit and dirty panties. This went on 5 straight minutes until the Queen ended the humiliation and sent Marlett back to the training grounds.

“Final Round: Lelora vs Derina.”

Derina was unbound and Lelora gave up her bo staff. This was explained by Athena that the final round is based on pure strength.

The brawl began and it was far more brutal than the previous two rounds. Derina has been proven as insanely strong and see gave Lelora some powerful hits to the face and stomach. Lelora was on her knees, as Derina planted her foot on Lelora’s Back.

I was afraid, I couldn’t see Lelora lose. However Lelora, was able to knock Derina’s balance and launch her off her back. She than pinned Derina’s arms behind her back and forced her to the ground.

The Queen declared victory to Lelora and I was hoping for Derina to suffer humiliation at the hands of the crowd. But Lelora said “I give the loser forced servitude under the hands of newest member, Stinky.” She gestured up to me.

Derina gave a look of terror and was promptly dragged away by the guards. The Queen walked me back to the palace and placed me in front of her throne. She sat back and stretched her feet in my face. “Alright, before bed, you will tend to my feet. Every night, than head to mages for the potion. Understood ?”

I nodded and began sniffing at her big soles. Her feet had a pleasant musky odor. “So, I really have Derina as a servant ?” I ask. Athena nods and signals to continue sniffing in between her toes.

After a solid twenty minutes of foot care, she uncollared me and send me to the mages room. Where I took the potion in fell asleep again. I had a wonderful dream where I was torturing Derina in the same vain she tortured me. Maybe as her new master, I can make those dreams come true.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Woo! Commupance!
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Post by Solarbeast »

This is an interesting idea for a story. I'm curious what happens to stinky in the future and where all the other characters are headed in this story. I'm wondering if there is a possibility that Wonder Woman will enter this story in the future, and if so, what that will bring to the story.
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Post by TiedOne »

Part 7: The Great Getting Even

I woke up to a beautiful sunrise entering my window, and looked out the window to see the wonder of the Amazon’s island.

This was the day I was finally able to get back at Derina. I headed to pick out my outfit, a black dress with black pantyhose.

“Excuse me, Queen Athena, may I have access to my servant ?” I ask. She turns to me “First you will have to sit by my side for the meeting, than you’ll be able to have Derina.” I thank her and kiss her feet.

She smiles and begins tying me up again. She collared me and leashed me to her throne. “Now, you will need to be quiet for this meeting, so just to be safe...” The Queen places a ball in my mouth and ties two straps behind my head. “The Mage stole this idea from Man kind. Exquisite isn’t it.”

The meeting started where several amazonians voiced concerns with their land, other Amazonians, etc.

The Queen would often send to me to comfort the other amazonians by being a foot stool for them. The meeting only lasted an hour and once I was done, the Queen let me have my fun.

I headed down to the dungeon where the servants would be held. Derina was in a small cell in her undergarments. I told the guard that she was my new servant and she promptly tied up and gagged Derina.

She groaned in distain as I leashed her and walked her to my room. I made sure to take my time, I wasn’t gonna waste this opportunity at payback. I would occasionally walk in the nearby mud to make my feet dirty and muddy.

It took awhile but finally I was able to take sweet revenge.

When I reached my room I sat her on her knees and removed her gag. “Do not believe in the current circumstances, you are still not an Amazon.” Her taunting got on my nerves so I slid my muddy feet over her face.

I kept my soles upon her face for even longer than she kept hers on mine. I rubbed them so every part of her face was covered in mud. Seeing some sort of enjoyment, I made her start sucking my toes dry of dirt.

It took about a half hour for her to finish cleaning my feet. She seemed defeated, however I was far from done.

Since it was late I needed sleep but to keep up the punishment, I took an old pair of pantyhose and stuffed them in her mouth. Than I grabbed a pair of worn shoes and wrapped them around her nose and blindfolded her.

I then headed to the mage for the potion again. Falling asleep I had an odd dream. It was me in the center of the Fighting Fields. I was facing a dangerous opponent and they had chosen humiliation for me. But the thing that woke me was when in this dream it was Allida who sentenced this.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Ooh, foreshadowing!
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Post by TiedOne »

Part 8: Helena’s Hunt

I awoke from the nightmare in chills. It was confusing, why would I dream of this ?

Derina was still in her position with my pantyhose and shoes in her face. I knew I was far from done with her punishment.

I put on a red dress and black pantyhose. Then I ungagged Derina and made her lick my feet. She licked my feet for 20 minutes straight as I giggled to myself. Suddenly I got an idea, I dragged her to a bathtub and began filling it with the stinky mud from my garden.

The Mud didn’t go above her neck, and I left her in her stinky bath. I headed down to the greet Queen Athena. After the routine of kissing and sniffing her feet, she tied and leashed me.

“Now Stinky, today you’ll be assisting Helena in her usual hunt.” The Queen told me. I simply nodded in understanding.

Helena took my leash and walked me down to her ship. Once on board, I was untied and given my room. “Before careful Stinky, we’re apprehending dangerous traitor to the Amazons.”

So we shipped off, it took about two days to reach the location. Another smaller island called Jericho. Soon we arrived.

Helena and I docked the ship near a rocky canyon. She said it would help obscure the ship. We ventured to through the forestry and searched for these traitors.

“So, How did they betray the Amazon ?” I asked. Helena explained “Well, they spoke out against the Queen. Attempted a revolution.” We continued through the forest when a small snapping sounds surrounded us.

Helena signaled for me to stop. “Stinky, get behind me.” I did as told. She drew her sword and looked around her.

I began to get nervous, it was the first time I felt actual fear.

Suddenly a loud snap occurred, as Helena screamed from a whip wrapped around her leg. She was pulled as another whip bound her arms together. “Run Stinky Run.” She screamed as she was dragged away.

I ran as fast as I could. I heard loud stomping picking up behind me, as two Amazons on horses snapped their whips at me, both which bind me and stop me. One of them got off their horse, walked up to me and than....

I blacked out. I woke with my right eye in pain, and I was again bound. “The prisoner is up.” Called a voice. I was picked up and placed in a chair. “Tell us, what is the Queen up too ?”

Finally I began to focus again, and I saw a woman with a huge scar down her left eye. “I’ll never tell you anything.”

She pulled back “Oh, you will. Rela bring the other prisoner.” Than the woman who knocked me out brought Helena out, and tied her to a pole. “Now tell us, what is the Queen up too ?”

I remained silent. “Rela begin.” Rela than began to punch Helena. Now one punch from her knocked me out, but she barraged Helena.

Seeing Helena in pain like that forced to talk. “Fine, I’ll tell you just stop.” Rela recoiled from punching Helena bruised face again. “I’m the Queen’s servant, all she’s doing is talking to her subjects.” The scarred woman bend down “Lies, the Queen never refers to her subjects, Rela.” I chimed. “It’s true, I sit at the conferences.”

The scarred woman stood up. “Than it has already begun.” She gestured to her guards, they released me and Helena.

I ran to Helena. “What’s already begun ?” The scarred woman spoke “The reason you have been chosen as the Queen’s servant is because you are a man. Since they finally found a live one, they’re using you to get information on mankind.”

“For what ?” I Question. The scarred woman turned “The invasion of your world.”

To Be Continued...
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

No! Not an invasion!!!
Check out my DeviantArt page!
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Post by Boocola »

Have you been snooping around my head ha ha ha, Nah, just kidding. That was my story a couple of years ago. But not for this site. Nice little twist.
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Post by tuglovernic »

I love this story. I'd love one of those Amazons to capture me and keep me as a slave.
Tied and gagged at her beautiful stinky feet
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Post by tiedupnic »

It's a shame this story was never continued.
Tied up and gagged at her stinky feet.

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Post by Danny »

This is a very imaginative plot. I hope something like this would be made again.
I think it's time for me to head out. I hope everyone has a great year!
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