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What goes around F/ffff

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 1:51 pm
by lasse672000
Gymnastics class was over, and the girls, all dressed in leotards of various colours and sneakers, were on their way back to the changing room, when Sarah, dressed in a blue, short sleeved leotard, tapped Regina, dressed in a white-and-red striped, also short sleeved, leotard on the shoulder.
"Wanna see what I found in the storage room?" she asked. That question would have made all sorts of alarm bells go off in anyone's mind, but as Regina was quite simple-minded, they didn't.
"O.K." she replied instead, not noticing the glances and smiles Sarah and her friends Martha and Angel exchanged behind her back.

They went into a small, dimly lit room, beside the room they had left moments before.
"It's on the floor in the back right-hand corner!" Sarah said, as she gestured to Angel to fetch a couple of the ropes hanging on the wall.
"Where? I can't see anything unusual!"
"Right HERE!" Sarah, who had tippy-toed behind Regina said, as she tackled her to the ground. She grabbed Regina's arms and twisted them behind her back. Then Martha wound one of the ropes around Regina's wrists, and Angel tied her legs together, below her knees. Then, she fetched another rope and tied her ankles together.
"O.K!" Sarah sighed, as she got to her feet, "Let's leave her here. I'm sure someone will hear her and set her free. Eventually."
"What in God's name are you girls doing?" Mrs. Lindstrom had entered the storage, without anyone hearing. "Why have you tied Regina?"
All the girls flinched, and Sarah looked down at the floor.
"It was her idea!" Martha and Angel said in unison, pointing at Sarah. Sarah gave them a look that could have turned water into ice.
"M-hm; I see!" Mrs. Lindstrom thoughtfully nodded. "And I'm sure you two just went along, for the fun; did you?" She fetched three ropes from the wall, and gave them to Angel. "As you seem to enjoy tying people up so much; why don't you tie her up," she nodded towards Martha, "and I'll tie Sarah up the same way you tied poor Regina!"
After having tied Sarah and Angel, she checked Martha's knots. "Mmm! Nice work!" she commended.
"I'll leave you now. What was it you said, Martha? That someone will find you here, eventually? That might take some time, I'm afraid, as it is late on a Friday afternoon, and I'm not sure anyone will be here until Monday morning! Bye, girls! Have a pleasant week-end!" She closed the door about three quarter-way and walked away.

"Now, see what mess you've gotten us all into?" Angel pouted, and kicked Sarah on the chin. "I should be well on my way home by now, as we're having guests over this week-end!"
"Who; me? It wasn't even my idea in the first place; it was hers!" Sarah protested loudly, and nodded towards Martha.
"Yea, right! And pigs can fly; can they?" was the sarcastic answer to that. "You know as well as I do Martha's such a dim-whit, she can hardly get out of bed in the morning without supervision, let alone come up with an idea like this. Ever wondered why all her shoes has Velcro straps instead of shoelaces? She's simply too thick headed to tie a knot. That's why!"
"Who're you calling a dim-whit, numbskull?" Martha was close to tears.

While the other girls quarrelled, Regina had started trying to find the knot on the rope around her wrists. When she did, she discovered Angel had been right. It felt very complicated, but in reality it was such a shoddy job, it took her only a few minutes to release them.
"Right!" she said as she stood up and walked to the door. "I'm off. But I'll give you a tip before I leave you. The knots were really bad. Good luck!"

Re: What goes around F/ffff

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2019 9:28 am
by Caesar73
Nice one!

Re: What goes around F/ffff

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 2:18 pm
by Solarbeast
This was a cool twist to what seems to be a common start to multiple stories on this site.

Re: What goes around F/ffff

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 11:30 pm
by ArrestedForever
Nicely done! Smooth twist right there.

Re: What goes around F/ffff

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 2:30 am
by Beetlebailey13
Nice Story