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Cheerleader In A Bind (m/f)

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 10:07 am
by Emma
Part One of hubby's latest!

Tagging [mention]TightsBound[/mention], [mention]Bandit666[/mention], [mention]herdfaninrva[/mention], [mention]BindPam[/mention], [mention]damsel[/mention]. [mention]Dpsiic[/mention], [mention]Roboticrobin20[/mention], [mention]Caesar73[/mention], [mention]RopemanSteve[/mention], [mention]RiggerTom[/mention], [mention]NabHer[/mention], [mention]Mask6190[/mention] and [mention]Beetlebailey13[/mention] !

(Picture below taken from a generic cheerleader search)


Blond haired 16 year old Diane Green looked herself over in her bedroom mirror. Her maroon and white cheerleader outfit was immaculate. Her white socks and white sneakers were white as snow. She looked beautiful, sexy, and cute, all at once. "Don't be conceited," she thought to herself. "It's all true, but still." She allowed herself a little smirk. "This is an outfit for guys to see me in. Just not the dweebs on the football team." And this would be her last practice, she planned to tell the coach she was, in fact, dropping out of the team. She was stretched thin with homework, a part time job, and, of course, her boyfriend, Brad Drew.

Diane heard the honk of a car, and looked out. "There he is," she thought to herself. Grant Dawson, her friend--well, Brad's friend--who would be taking her to practice. Brad was working, and Diane's mother, Stacy, hadn't gotten off work yet herself. Diane picked up the sack holding her sweater and jeans, and left the house, and got in Grant's car. "Thanks for the ride," she said. I really didn't want to ride my bike all the way to practice." Grant, who had sandy blonde hair and blue eyes, of average build but unusually good looks, smiled at her. "Glad to. Just need to pick up Sarah, and I'll drop you both off."

Diane nodded. Sarah was her best friend, and also trying out for a spot on the cheer team. Unlike Diane, though, Sarah wanted to be on the team. Diane would give herself a fair try, but she really wasn't comfortable with cheering herself.

And then, they were at Grant's place.

Grant honked the horn. No one came to the window or door. He pulled out his phone and called. "She's not picking up, " he said. "C'mon, let's see if she's snoozing or something." Before Diane could reply, Grant was out of the car. "I should have just stayed home, called the coach, and told her I was quitting," Diane thought to herself. She got out of the car and followed him inside the house.

Once inside, Diane glanced around the living room. There was a long, black couch by the window on one side, a big screen TV on the other side, a closed case which she assumed held DVDs, and a couple of chairs.

"Guest room is down the hall, go check that, I'll look in my room," Grant said.

Diane did as asked, but Sarah wasn't there.

Diane left the room, and saw Grant standing in the living room, by the front door. She walked towards him. "Did you check your parents room?," she asked. "Think she's downstairs?"

"She's not here, Diane." Grant said, "and neither is anyone else."

Grant closed the blinds at the window behind a long, black couch.

"I'm sorry, Diane, and I hope you can forgive me one day, but I've tricked you. Sarah was never here today. She's already at practice, in fact."

Diane was beginning to feel uneasy. Grant wasn't muscular, or any taller than her, but he used to be on the wrestling team. And he blocked the way to the door. "Grant, what's going on here?, she asked nervously.

"Have a seat," Grant said, equally nervous. Diane sat on the couch. "I don't know how to say this, but, well....I'm keeping you here until after the cheer practice, so you won't make the team."

Diane opened her mouth in amazement, but couldn't find the words.

Grant held out his hands. "Look," he said, "Making this cheer team is way, WAY important to Sarah, and the competition is stiff. Really stiff. And you're probably the stiffest competition."

Diane was flattered by the compliment. "I'm no better than she is, not really as good, to be honest." "And I am being honest," she thought to herself. "Really not into the whole 'go team' thing".

"Doesn't matter," Grant replied, still blocking her way to the door. "You're hot, and way hot in that cheerleading outfit. So I can't take that chance. And before you, Sarah doesn't know anything about this. This is all me."

Diane was about to tell him she was going to do the one practice, so she could keep her promise to the coach, and then quit. But she stopped herself when she realized she might be able to have some fun. "Grant...this is kidnapping, ya know. Totally serious crap."

Grant nodded. "And if you want to have me arrested after I let you go, you can. I'll take responsibility. But you're not leaving until that practice is long over. This might be the last thing I do for Sarah, but I'm doing it."

Diane smiled. "Let's see how far he's willing to take this," she thought. "So, what do you plan to do?", she asked. "Tie me up or something?"

A mischievous smirk crossed Grant's lips. "Well, you would look epic hot tied up wearing that," he said, pointing to her uniform. And I really need to study for my tests on Friday. Hmmm..."
Diane straightened up. "If you don't study, you're gonna be screwed for grades. ASSUMING I don't narc on you."

Grant squinted his eyes, clearly confused. "Wait," he said, "Are you saying you're not going to report all this?" Diane shrugged her shoulders. "You're just trying to help your girlfriend. That's sweet, in a twisted kind of way. And I'm not really interested in having you locked up."

Grant smiled. "Well," he said, if you're willing to be my prisoner..."

"If I'm gonna be a kidnap victim, a damsel, then I might was well be the damsel," Diane said.

"So, you mean, tie you up with rope, right?," asked Grant. Diane nodded. "Is he really gonna do this?," she thought to herself.

"I have some rope downstairs," he said. "Let's go," he continued, motioning for her to walk in front of him. She did so. "Door on your left," Grant said, in a commanding tone Diane didn't expect. "Okay," she thought. "I might be getting in too deep here. I don't want to betray Brad. And Sarah! How can I keep all this a secret?" It was then she realized she had walked down a flight of stairs to a small, dingly lit basement, with a post in the middle. a loveseat on one side of the room and a metal cabinet on the other side.

Grant was right behind her.

"Walk to the other side of the cabinet," he ordered. Diane obeyed, facing him when she was on the far side. Grant opened a drawer, and pulled out several coils of white rope. Opening another, he pulled out several scarves.

"All right, let's do this," Grant said, in a serious, no nonsense voice. "Stand in front of me, with your back to me. Hands behind your back."

Diane did as she was told. "I guess it's too late now," she thought, feeling rope tightening around her crossed wrists. "I guess this was my idea anyway, I brought up tying me ," she thought to herself.

"How about if I tie your arms?" Grant asked. "I mean, I guess I don't need to, but I'd like to." Diane heard the nervousness in his voice. "I think he's into bondage," Diane thought. "I shouldn't encourage him, Brad wouldn't like it, but...I bet Sarah would enjoy being tied." She took a deep breath. "If I'm your prisoner, then I guess you can tie me up any way you want, but you better not try anything sketchy," she said.
She saw Grant's hands move on both sides of her waist, passing a rope over her waist. He then tied her arms to her sides under her breasts. She could tell he was being careful not to touch her breasts, though the ropes were just beneath them.

And then he began tying a rope around her upper right shoulder.

"Wait, what are you doing now?," asked Diane. As soon as she spoke, she realized what the answer was.
"I, um, just wanted to finish tying your arms. Above your, uh, just your upper arms." Diane could hear the uncertainty in his voice. "Way to fail, Diane," she thought. "Blow up his confidence. Might was well call it off now."

But that's not what she said. "Okay, that's cool, I guess," she replied. "Go ahead." Grant wasted no time in tying her upper arms, then led her to the post in the middle of the room.

He helped her sit down.

"I'll just tie your ankles," Grant said. "Don't need rope marks on your legs." Grant began to tie Diane's ankles together. "Wait," she interrupted. "I have a pair of jeans in your car. It's in that sack I had. I was gonna change after practice," she said. "And return the cheerleading outfit, but you don't need to know that," she thought.
"Ok, great," Grant said, as he began tying Diane's legs, just above her knees. Diane was just then realizing he had tied her upper body pretty tight...and was now tying her legs equally tight.

Diane was now having second thoughts. Not only would Brad not like Grant tying her, Sarah wouldn't be happy either. She could lose both her boyfriend and her best friend. "Hey, sorry, Grant," Diane said. "I'll stay here until practice is over, but I really don't think you should tie me up after all."

Grant had just begun tying her lower legs. He looked at her wide-eyed, and in disbelief.

"I gotta be honest," Diane said. "Brad's gonna have to find out about this, if we continue, and well...look, Brad and I play tie up games. Bondage. He ties me up all the time, and he's not gonna like you tying me."

Grant, depressed, looked away.

Diane felt terrible Was he gonna cry?

"I'll keep my word about not reporting this," she said. "To be honest, I'm staying here of my own free will, this isn't a kidnapping. But I can't lie to Brad. I want to be submissive to him." Grant, shocked, locked eyes with her, but she turned away. "FOOL!," Diane thought to herself. "SHUT UP, GIRL!"

"As long as you don't turn me in, I'll be fine," Grant said. "Brad will understand. Not worried about him." He began tying Diane's lower legs.

"I think you should be worried about him," Diane said. "Grant, he's your friend, he's gonna see this as a betrayal." Grant pulled off Diane's shoes, an act that left her speechless. He quickly tied her ankles together.

"No he won't. He'll understand," Grant said, as he began methodically putting small handkerchiefs in a large one, and tying the ends of the large one to make a ball. Diane understood what he was doing. "I'm protecting my girlfriend. You said it yourself," he added. "If being on that squad was really important to you, I mean really important, he would probably keep Sarah tied up for a couple hours. He'll understand."
"What about my shoes?," demanded Diane. Her question sounded stupid to her ears, but it's all she could think to say. Grant shrugged. "You're tied up. You look hot tied up. But you look less hot with sneakers. You're like, well, a damsel in distress, and damsels shouldn't wear sneakers. High heels maybe. Not sneakers."

Grant pushed Diane roughly to the post, and began tying her to it at the waist, with her sitting on the floor. He worked quickly.

"Grant, seriously, I don't think Brad's gonna see it this way," said Diane.

"Don't care what you think, Diane. You're wrong." Without warning, Brad shoved the balled up handkerchief in Diane's mouth, then secured it with a scarf over her lips. The gag was effective, actually more effective than any Brad had used on her. " I have to study," he said. I'll be back in an hour."

Diane began to struggle violently, but without success. She realized he was enjoying watching her struggle. She had mixed feelings about that. "Dammit, Grant," she thought, "Brad's gonna pound you to dirt, I should turn you in just to protect you from him." She raised and lowered her legs, and pulled against the ropes tying her to the post. "You shouldn't be looking at me a bondage babe. Geeze! But...I guess if you think I look hot tied and gagged, that's not your fault." She found herself pleased that more than one guy liked seeing her tied up.

"Back in an hour, Diane," Grant said. "Enjoy yourself." He then went upstairs, and closed the door.

Diane continued struggling, even though she knew it was hopeless. She found she wasn't even mad at Grant--she put herself in this position after all. she brought up the idea of his tying her up. But she was worried about him. What would Brad do? In fact, Brad might even break up with her. She wasn't innocent. And there was Sarah to consider.

Diane remembered when her mother, Stacy, taught her about bondage when Stacy caught her playing around with handcuffs with a long ago boyfriend. And she remembered how they both taught Brad about tying women. It all seemed strange now, but then again, it helped a lot. They hadn't talked about those days since, though she could tell Brad wouldn't mind tying her mother again. And she knew her mother liked the idea of a very young man wanting to see her bound. Of course, there was no longer any legitimate reason.

"And I didn't have any reason to have talked Grant into tying me up," Diane thought, as she continued to fight her bonds. She kept pulling from the post, tying to move her hands and feet apart...with no progress at all.
To Be Continued...

Re: Cheerleader In A Bind (m/f)

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 10:25 am
by Dpsiic
Love story, I hope it continues with both Diane and Sarah getting tied together in their cheerleading uniforms.

Re: Cheerleader In A Bind (m/f)

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 10:48 am
by TightsBound
It’s great to see Diane back for another adventure! I’m loving it so far, can’t wait for more!

Re: Cheerleader In A Bind (m/f)

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 10:59 am
by NabHer
Thanks for the heads up! :D I really love your husband's stories. It's always fun to read them.

There's also something special about gals tied up in cheerleader costume.

Re: Cheerleader In A Bind (m/f)

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 11:51 am
by Caesar73
Nice Idea! And the dialogues are really really good - as usual :)

Re: Cheerleader In A Bind (m/f)

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 2:38 pm
by RopemanSteve
Makings of a masterpiece! Love the cheerleader outfit, and Caesar nails it about the dialogue. Just great!

So now I'm wondering if Diane and Brad are kaput, and we're gonna see her with a new Ropeman....

Re: Cheerleader In A Bind (m/f)

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 4:23 pm
by BindPam
Great fun! Really nice touch with Diane not really wanting to be cheerleader in the first place :)

Re: Cheerleader In A Bind (m/f)

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 9:25 pm
by herdfaninrva
Great story! Lots of directions it can go. I agree about hoping Diane and Sarah get tied together. Maybe even those two plus Stacy in some kind of predicament.

Re: Cheerleader In A Bind (m/f)

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2019 2:07 am
by Beetlebailey13
Great and Awesome story!!!! Hope it does continue

Re: Cheerleader In A Bind (m/f)

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2019 2:21 am
by Mask6190
Excellent start! It will be interesting to see who else gets involved...

Re: Cheerleader In A Bind (m/f)

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2019 2:00 pm
by damsel
Diane is sneaky! Not just telling Grant she doesn't want to be a cheerleder anyway.

I like Diane :)

Re: Cheerleader In A Bind (m/f)

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2019 3:54 pm
by rafeylovesbonds
An excellent story, well up to the standard you are setting for yourself.

Nice cheerleader pic to illustrate, but shame she wasn't bound herself …


Re: Cheerleader In A Bind (m/f)

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2019 4:08 pm
by Emma
Thank you for the kind words, [mention]Dpsiic[/mention], [mention]TightsBound][/mention], [mention]NabHer[/mention], [mention]Caesar73[/mention], [mention]RopemanSteve[/mention], [mention]BindPam[/mention], [mention]herdfaninrva[/mention], [mention]Beetlebailey13[/mention], [mention]Mask190[/mention] and [mention]damsel[/mention] !

I hate to disappoint anyone, but Diane is the only one in bondage in this particular story. I talked to Don after reading some of your posts, and he said he'll keep those requests in mind for a future story, but he's finished writing this one. In fact, he's wanting to get started on a Christmas tale soon, so it'll be complete by the Christmas season (and I'm hoping he has it in time for the Christmas contest)

Re: Cheerleader In A Bind (m/f)

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2019 4:11 pm
by Dpsiic
Sounds good to me, I l8e a good Christmas tale

Re: Cheerleader In A Bind (m/f)

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2019 4:12 pm
by Emma
[mention]rafeylovesbonds[/mention] I will make sure hubby sees this!

Re: Cheerleader In A Bind (m/f)

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2019 7:00 pm
by Beetlebailey13
Sounds Good and Awesome

Re: Cheerleader In A Bind (m/f)

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 5:57 am
by RopemanSteve
Still looking forward to the next installment!

Re: Cheerleader In A Bind (m/f)

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 12:34 pm
by Emma
Time for Chapter 2 of hubby's latest....
Grant came downstairs. Diane could see he had a small paper sack with him, but not the one she left in his car. "Sorry I took so long," he said, "I really meant to come back in an hour." Diane looked at the clock. "Wow," she thought, "It really has been over an hour...doesn't seem like it." She continued to struggle, and could tell Grant enjoyed watching. "I guess I really do look great to guys dressed like this, and tied."

Grant stooped down and removed Diane's gag. "I'll release you in about an hour, I guess. But right now you need to do something." Grant moved behind the post and began to undo the rope tying her to it. "Like what?," Diane asked. "Like you'll see when you see," Grant replied, moving in front of her, untying her legs. "Don't be so anxious. It's not that big of a deal, but you're doing it."

"Love the take charge attitude, but, dunno", Diane thought, as Grant helped her up. "Just go ahead and tell me," she said, while Grant now untied her arms, then hands. She noted to herself he was standing between her and a hasty exit up the stairs. Not that she would have tried fleeing anyway.

Grant spun her around, surprising her to the point she almost fell down. He handed her the sack. "I want you to put this on. Right now," he commanded. Diane looked in the bag, and found an unopened pack of tan pantyhose. She looked down at it, then up at Grant. "Hose doesn't go with a cheer uniform," she said, shaking her head. Grant spun her around again; she almost dropped the bag. "It does for me, just put it on," he said gruffly, folding his arms in front of him.

Diane steadied herself with her right hand on the cabinet, using her left hand to pull off her right sock. With her right leg down, she bent her left leg up behind her, and used her left hand to pull off her other sock. She then put on the hose, first her left leg, then her right. All the while, she kept her disapproving look on Grant, who looked on her impatiently.

Once she had the hose on, Grant took her by the arm and led her over to the loveseat. they stopped just short of it. "Now what?," Diane asked, in an annoyed voice.

She knew the answer. She saw the ropes in Grant's hand. She wasn't surprised when he started tying her wrists together behind her back again.

"Now I make sure you stay my prisoner, at least for awhile."

Diane didn't protest, but she did think about her options. "I might get out of this if I point out it's way late for me now to get to practice. I'm cut from the squad for sure at this point. He'll believe that. No reason to tell him the truth, that I was quitting today anyway. That he won't believe." But she kept quiet.

She really wasn't interested in escaping.

Diane said nothing as Grant tied her arms, both right above and right below her breasts. Her only decision now, was whether or not to tell Brad everything. She hated the idea of keeping secrets from him. On the other hand, she didn't want Brad to get in trouble for beating up Grant, which would undoubtedly happen. And she didn't want Grant to go to jail--after all, he was only trying to help his girlfriend, Diane's best friend, to get on the cheer team.

Grant tightened and cinched the ropes just above Diane's breasts. That jolted her out of her thoughts. Then he spun her around, and pushed her on the loveseat.

Grant dropped to one knee, crossed Diane's ankles, and quickly tied them together. Then he tied her legs together, above and below the knees.

"You really think hose goes with a cheer uniform, huh," Diane said. It was a statement, not a question. Grant glanced at her. "It's a costume for you, not a uniform," he replied. Diane smiled to herself. "If you only knew," she thought. "If you knew I was quitting on my own, how right that comment is, you'd be totally embarrassed."

Diane assumed Grant would now just gag her again, and leave her to struggle. She assumed wrong. Instead, he sat next to her, on the right side of the loveseat, and pulled her, by the ropes tying her arms, on his lap, her bound, pantyhose encased legs resting on the other seat.

"This is comfy," Grant said, smiling. Diane looked straight ahead. "This, is awkward," she replied. "You have me tied up, that's fine," she continued, still looking straight forward. "You wanted me to add hose to the cheer wardrobe, that's fine," she said.

Diane turned her head towards Grant.

"You have me on your lap. That's not fine. You know I'm with Brad."

"And you know you're my captive," Grant replied. "You're my prisoner. Now you won't be harmed, and I won't do anything I really shouldn't. Well, I'll try not to," he said. Grant's eyes moved down, away from Diane's face, looking at her chest, and the ropes tying her arms to her sides...and pushing her breasts out, just a bit.

"My eyes are up here," Diane said, annoyed. Brad's eyes, however, moved to his lap, and Diane's bound legs. His eyes followed her legs down to her tied, crossed ankles. .

"I really like for girls to wear hose," he said softly.

"This is so wrong," Diane thought to herself, bending her legs slightly, and struggling with the ropes tying her arms and hands. "Way hot, but way wrong."

"Seriously, what are you gonna do to me?," Diane asked. "'TO me?' she thought to herself. "I meant 'WITH me'! Oh, this is SO bad! But maybe he didn't catch it."

"I'll do whatever I want to you," Grant said. "Uh oh," thought Diane. "And why do I think this is cool?? I'm in trouble!," Even though she was getting scared, she still struggled against her ropes...both arms and legs, wrists and ankles...and knowing Grant was enjoying it.

"I really need to do a little more studying," Grant said. "and figure out exactly what I'm going to do to you." He picked up Diane, and sat her on the floor. He sat behind her, and with a while scarf, blindfolded her before she knew what was happening.

"If you're lucky, I won't do anything to you. But you might not be lucky. I hope you are lucky," he said softly, " since I don't want to go to jail. But, ya know, things happen."

Grant moved in front of Diane, and prepared to stuff the balled up handkerchief in her mouth once more.
"Grant," Diane said, "Can you at least promise that whatever you do to me, you won't go too far?" Her voice held a hint of dread. "I guess that's up to you, " he replied. "Now, open up." Diane obeyed and opened her mouth wide. She noted that Grant was gently sliding the gag in her mouth, not shoving it in. He then secured it with the white scarf.

"You're not going anywhere, you know," Grant said. You're blindfolded, your ankles are crossed, so you aren't going to be walking or hopping, let alone hop upstairs. HOWEVER...." he let his voice trail off.

Diane stopped struggling, and looked in the direction of Grant's voice.

"....when I come back, if you're giving a good show struggling, then nothing happens. If you're just sitting there, no struggling, I guess I'll be going to jail for....something illegal."

Diane then heard Grant go upstairs.

At least, those were the sounds. Blindfolded, she didn't know if he was still there, faking the sounds somehow......

To Be Continued.....

Re: Cheerleader In A Bind (m/f)

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 1:34 pm
by RopemanSteve
Diane's still in trouble....yay!

Re: Cheerleader In A Bind (m/f)

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 1:46 pm
by Mask6190
Looks like Diane got "bound" into something :D

Re: Cheerleader In A Bind (m/f)

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 3:43 pm
by Dpsiic
Getting very interesting, loving it

Re: Cheerleader In A Bind (m/f)

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 3:44 pm
by damsel
Diane's a damsel!

BUT......she's not the only one, is she?

Re: Cheerleader In A Bind (m/f)

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 4:51 pm
by herdfaninrva
I'll take pantyhose over socks on any lady, anytime whether bound or not. Sounds like Diane is slowly discovering that she's a submissive or at least likes being tied and the attention that comes with it far more than she wants to admit to herself. In either case, great continuation.

Re: Cheerleader In A Bind (m/f)

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 5:07 pm
by Roboticrobin20
I really enjoy the story so far. Keep up the good work! How do you tag someone?

Re: Cheerleader In A Bind (m/f)

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 5:12 pm
by herdfaninrva