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Emily's Surprise (/F)

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 1:41 am
by BobaFettish1
Emily’s heart was pounding as she briskly walked down the street. The immense amount of people, traffic and deafening noise of New York City seemed like nothing more than a distant blur to the young woman. She was focused, and beyond excited.

Emily Beck was a petite, fair-skinned, shorter than average young woman. Today she was wearing what she usually wore on a weekday; a black and white striped blouse paired with a navy blue blazer and dark green pants tucked into brown leather knee high riding boots. She also wore thick black rimmed glasses and her dirty blonde hair was cut into a short bob. A small brown purse was slung over her shoulder.

It was Friday evening and she was on her way home from work, and getting away from her stressful job for a few days was reason enough for Emily to cheer. But there was something else that was putting butterflies in her stomach.

Emily’s husband, Eric, has been away on a business tip for over a week, although to Emily it had felt more like a year. She desperately missed her husband, and she’s been anxiously awaiting the moment of his return, which just so happens to be tonight. Eric’s plane is due to touch down in a few hours and Emily can hardly wait to hug him. But unbeknownst to the man, Emily has been working on quite the scheme while he’s been away.

You see, with her husband away and a lot of alone time at home, Emily has been spending a lot of time on the Internet. Perhaps a little too much time. More than a few times she’s ended up in some of the stranger corners of the World Wide Web and she recently encountered a website all about what is commonly referred to as BDSM. Of course, Emily was aware of the fact that many people were “kinky” for being tied up in some form or fashion, but she was shocked, and perhaps somewhat aroused, to learn how deep the BDSM community was.

After hours of research online, both at home and when she was supposed to be working, Emily had become almost obsessed with bondage. So much so that she was anxious to introduce her other half to the concept, hoping he’d take to it as much as she had. And what better time was there to do that then tonight?

What would Eric do if he came home to find his beautiful wife bound and gagged alone in their apartment? Would he be into it too? The suspense was killing her.

She had spent a ridiculous amount of time thinking and planning what she was about to do. She had done a lot of studying on the art of bondage, especially that of self bondage. While much of the BDSM experience involved two or more partners participating, self bondage was a more intriguing, but also more dangerous genre of BDSM. Tying yourself up was the easy part, but getting out was a completely different story. Thankfully, Emily didn’t have to worry about escaping herself. Eric would do that himself once he got home... or would he? The question excited Emily even more. The thought of being bound, gagged, helpless, and completely at the mercy of her beloved husband sent chills down her spine.

In addition to the extensive research, she had also done quite a bit of hands on testing. Emily had managed to tie herself up a few ties with materials she had around the house; a couple of belts, some shoelaces, a power cord, and a few zip ties. When she almost managed to trap herself in an elaborate frogtie she finally realized something far more simple was better for her plan. And the brown paper bag she had tucked underneath her arm held exactly the tools she needed.

Emily climbed the three flights of stairs up to their apartment and fumbled with the keys for a brief moment, her hands trembling with excitement. Once inside she unzipped her boots and tossed them aside, leaving only cream colored socks on her feet. She nervously paced around, making sure everything was perfect for her husband’s arrival. Finally she made her way into the bedroom and brought with her the bag of supplies. In the center of the room was an iron post bed that featured a decorative metal headboard and footboard.

Emily quickly stripped out of her clothes, throwing her shirt, blazer, pants and socks in a pile next to the bed. The only clothes she was left with were a matching set of hot pink bra and panties, a brand new pair she picked out especially for Eric. She then reached into the brown paper bag and pulled out several coils of white rope, two pairs of metallic handcuffs, and a red ball gag. Emily was giddy with exhilaration at the sight of her new “toys”. Grinning ear to ear she placed each item on the bed neatly then climbed onto the bed herself. She checked the time; Eric would be touching down any moment now. This would give Emily perhaps an hour or so to struggle and be utterly helpless until her husband comes to “rescue” her. She again imagined what he might say or how he was going to react when he first sees her all tied up. She could hardly wait.

But enough with the dreaming, it was time to put all her planning into action! She positioned her body in the middle of the bed and began.

First, she grabbed one of the coils of rope and began tying a rope harness around her chest. It wouldn’t be attached to anything and would only be for looks, and appearance was everything to Emily right now. She paid close attention to a YouTube tutorial that was playing on her phone as she tied, doing her best copy the ropework in the video. When she was mostly satisfied with her work she was left with web of rope around her upper body that formed a loose X across her chest.

She then grabbed more rope and began applying a crotch rope to herself. This piece of her bondage would also be just for the appearance, but Emily was particularly curious to find out what it felt like to have rope on that area of her body. She started by encircling her slender waist with a length of rope then crossing and pulling the loose end between her legs. Upon finishing Emily became even more excited and aroused. Her heart was beating even faster and she felt as if she couldn’t catch her breath.

She took a moment to calm herself. There were only a few more steps left before she was completely tied up.

Clutching another piece of rope Emily tied a snug noose around one of her ankles. She repeated the process with her other ankle, ending up with two long lengths of loose rope attached to each foot. Emily then spread her legs in opposite directions across the bed’s smooth sheets. She then tied each of her ankles to the corresponding metal bed posts at either side, tightly anchoring her legs with the excess rope. She applied several knots, ensuring she wouldn’t be able to wiggle free, and it would also be a challenge for Eric to untie. She pulled herself up towards the headboard, further tightening the slack in the rope between her feet and the bed posts.

She then reached for the red ball gag. It was brand new and still had a fresh plasticky smell to it. She inserted the ball into her mouth and buckled the leather strap around the back of her head. Emily had previously only played around with scarves and bandannas, so the ball gag was a completely new experience. The giant red ball almost completely blocked airflow through her mouth, forcing Emily to take deep breathes through her nose. She also couldn’t swallow, which meant she could already feel a substantial amount of saliva building up around the plastic ball. But those drawbacks were all worth it due to its effectiveness. While few gags are completely silencing, as she learned online, ball gags were extremely effective at muffling the words of any damsel in distress. Aside from some minor grunts or squeals, Emily felt adequately silenced.

Suddenly, her phone rang. She picked it up and saw that Eric was calling. Out of habit she went to press the button to answer the call but stopped short when a question crossed her mind; how was she supposed to answer the phone with this ball gag in her mouth? The thought made Emily let out a stifled chuckle. She allowed the phone to continue ringing, resigned to leave her ball gag in let the call go to voicemail. Besides, if Eric was calling to say his plane had landed that meant she only had a short amount of time to enjoy being tied up, and she still had some work to do.

Next came the finishing touches; the handcuffs. Emily snatched up both pairs of cuffs and began applying one pair to her left hand and the other to her right hand. She tightened each cuff enough that it was snug around her wrists but weren’t so tight that it would hurt. She was then left with a pair of handcuffs attached to each hand, an unclasped cuff hung from each wrist. She laid her head down onto the bed where she had strategically placed a pillow underneath it. She reached her right hand toward the rod iron bed post above and to the right of her head. She grabbed the open handcuff, placed it on the metal rod and then tightened the cuff with a metal clink.

Emily then clutched the cuff on her left hand and took a deep breath. She knew there would be no turning back after this. She had intentionally left the handcuff keys on the dresser across the room. There would be no escape from this without help. Emily had, however, not made herself completely helpless. She had placed her cell phone on the nightstand next to her bed, which would be just within reach of her right hand while she was fully bound. So, in the highly unlikely scenario where she needed help getting free before Eric got home, she could call a friend or neighbor to help. While calling for help would be especially awkward and embarrassing, it was better than the alternative. Still, Emily cringed at the thought of having to explain her current state to anyone other than her husband.

For a brief moment Emily had second thoughts. A flurry of emotions rushed through her body; doubt, excitement, worry. It felt like she was having a panic attack, but the panic was actually exhilaration. She had never been this tied up before, nor this helpless. Even now if she wanted to get up from the bed she couldn’t. But at least she would be able to move a little, and maybe even untie the ropes holding her legs.

But no. She was going to go through with this. There was no turning back now. After all her planning and effort she was determined to indulge herself fully. Emily pulled the glasses off her face and set them on the nightstand. Then, s quickly as she could, she snapped the second handcuff around the bedpost before any more reservations could creep back into her mind. And thus, Emily had done everything she had set out to do. She was tied up, completely, without any means of escape in a spreadeagle position. Emily was enthralled.

It took some time for her self-made predicament to sink in. She began testing her bonds, still curious if she truly was trapped. Emily wiggled her legs and tugged at the rope binding her ankles to no effect. The white rope felt soft on her bare skin, and the smooth velvet sheet under her legs was as comfortable as could be. She then pulled at handcuffs securing both her wrists. The metal-on-metal grinding of the cuffs against the bed posts was loud and amplified the fact that they were quite literally unbreakable.

Satisfied that she had no way to escape, Emily just laid there in silence for several minutes. Even in full bondage she was fairly comfortable. A few random worried thoughts crossed her mind, threatening to disturb her calm demeanor. Had she locked the front door? Had she turned off the stove? Had she put the handcuff keys in the right place? But every question was needless, she knew. Emily had checked everything at least a dozen times before putting herself in this position. There was nothing to worry about.

However, there was something that was beginning to bother her more and more as the minutes ticked by. Given she was only wearing her bra and panties, and laying in a spreadeagle position on the bed, meant her body was completely exposed. The slight chill in the room that would have been barely noticeable if she were wearing clothes was now amplified to the extreme. She began to shiver slightly and mentally cursed herself for not turning the heat up before binding and gagging herself. She also wished she had least thrown a blanket over her legs to keep them warm, but it would effectively ruin the “scene” she was trying to set for her husband. She would just have to suffer through it until Eric arrived.

As if on cue, her phone began to ring again. Emily began to struggle against her bindings in an attempt to instinctively answer the phone but she stopped herself again. With her hands shackled it would be impossible to bring the phone to her ear, much less talk clearly with her gag. She assumed it was Eric calling again, perhaps to let her know that he was one his way home. She knew that if he didn’t hear from her soon he would begin to worry about her. If he found out that his wife had been semi-intentionally ignoring his phone calls he probably wouldn’t be happy. And coming home to find his wife bound and gagged in their bed would most likely startle him into a panic, at least at first. Would he get angry with her for scaring him? Would he feel the need to punish his naughty wife? The idea made her moan in pleasure and excitement.

She laid there for a while longer only moving what little she could every few minutes. She began to loose track of time and even fell asleep a few times. After so much waiting Emily was sure Eric should have been home by now. The boredom of being completely bound and gagged was starting to gnaw at her. There was quite literally nothing for her to do. That was the point after all, she told herself. But she also realized there was actually something she could occupy herself with; escaping.

Sure, she had designed all this specifically so she wouldn’t be able to escape. And she was sure that there was no way for her to do so, at least she assumed so. What would it hurt to give it a try? At least she wouldn’t be bored while Eric took his time getting home.

She once again pulled at the cuffs around her wrists, only much hard this time. She tugged and struggled so hard her wrists began to hurt. The cold metal dug into her skin leaving red impressions on her wrists, but the struggle was all for naught. Emily’s hands were very well trapped by the handcuffs. She next worked at the rope around her ankles. She twisted and pulled her legs in various directions but the white rope held tight. She then thrashed her whole body up & down and side to side violently. But it was all a futile effort. There was now no doubt in Emily’s mind that she was well and truly trapped. There would be no escape until Eric got home. And that idea excited her even more. But she still wondered why her husband hadn’t come home yet. Emily was sure she had been in bondage for close to two hours, or at least it felt like it. What was taking him so long?

Suddenly, she heard her cell phone buzz. It was probably a Facebook message or something, she assumed. Emily was determined to not be distracted by social media right now. But after a few minutes her curiosity got the best of her. Slowly she inched her fingers towards the device and strained to grab it off the nightstand. She picked it up with her cuffed hand and raised it so she could see the screen. In the notifications there was a text message from Eric that read; call me. Emily’s heart sank knowing there was no way she could do so. She started to text him back but then noticed that Eric had also left a voicemail. She called up the audio message and put in on speaker phone. Instantly the familiar voice of her husband came through the speakers, a hint of stress in his voice. But it was what Eric actually said that made Emily gasp loudly under her ball gag:

“Hi, honey. I’m really sorry but I’m not going to make it home tonight. I miss you so much and I know you said you had big plans for tonight, but my flight was diverted due to bad weather and now I’m stuck in Kentucky. I’ve tried to get another flight home but everything is booked. They said I might not get out of here until Saturday or Sunday night. I’m really sorry. I called and texted but didn’t get an answer. I figured you were tied up with something. I hate that you have to spend another weekend alone, but I’m sure you’ll find something fun to do without me. Please call me back when you get a chance. Love you!”

Re: Emily's Surprise (/F)

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 5:54 am
by slackywacky
Very nice. Thanks for writing.

Re: Emily's Surprise (/F)

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 9:40 pm
by BobaFettish1
slackywacky wrote: 4 years ago Very nice. Thanks for writing.
Thank YOU for reading. ;)

Re: Emily's Surprise (/F)

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 8:42 pm
by Solarbeast
This was an interesting story to read and I liked the twist at the end, although I would love to read what happened after she realized he would not be coming back anytime soon as I am not good with cliff hangers in stories.