Boundville Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat(f/m) (f/m)(ff/f)(F/M)

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Boundville Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat(f/m) (f/m)(ff/f)(F/M)

Post by Boocola »

Love my cruel sister

Cory (14) got home from school wearing jeans and black shirt, he started walking up the stairs to the apartment holding the hand railwith his left hand. The books in his backpack held him down a little making it slow for the climb. He got to the door discovered that it was locked when he tried to open it, which meant no one was home. As he pulled his keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door, pushed the door, but the deadbolt was locked, when he heard voices inside he knew someone was there, he heard voices from two people, one being from his sister Tabitha (16) and the other was from Fred (14) a boy in one of his classes. He unlocked the knob, then pushed in to be stopped by the dead bolt. He fumbled the keys trying to find the deadbolt key, cursing himself as he found the deadbolt key and unlocked it. He opened the door to see his sister lip locked with Tom from his history class.

"Oh, Tabitha..." Cory said with glee looking at the couch on the north wall. "...Your going to get it." he said smiling. "Mom said no boys."

"Your not going to tell her?" Tabitha asked after she stopped kissing Fred and looking at her brother. "If you do I will have Fred beat you up."

"Really, is that the best you got..." Cory said. "...don't threatened me with good time."

"okay." Tabitha said getting up, Cory saw what his sister was wearing, she was his sister, but he liked her outfit a white sundress with pantyhose on her legs, he looked at her up and down. "Wait outside Fred, we will go to the park." She said as she let Fred out the door, then she closed it and walked to Cory. "Listen, I know that you have been dressing up like a girl and tying yourself up."

"you could have said that in front of Fred, why didn't you?" Cory asked.

"This is none of his business." Tabitha said as she looks at the door. "I left some of my old clothes on your bed." Cory got a stunned look on his face when she said that. "Go put them on and I'll be in your room with rope."

"Okay, what is the catch?" Cory asked.

"No catch..." Tabitha smiled at Cory like a cat. "...what you don't know won't hurt you."

"Less I know the better..." Cory said. "...I'll go with it..." He walked to his room. "...for now."

Cory got to his room, he saw a white dress on his bed and nude pantyhose. He placed his backpack on the chair in front of his desk to the right of the door. He took his school clothes off and put his sister's clothes on. He thought about getting his rope, but remembered his sister had her own rope.

A second later Tabitha entered his room with a lot of rope and a ball gag. She didn't say a word she just signaled for Cory to stand up and turn around. He did what his sister wanted him to do, then he heard something being placed on his desk. She grabbed his arms and placed them behind his back crossed his wrist and tied rope cinched it tight. She wrapped rope around his torso cinching it tight that he couldn't move his arms.

"I know that you are going to enjoy this." Tabitha whispered in his ear as she held the ball gag in front of his face. "Now open wide."

"I never ha..." Cory said before Tabitha shoved the ball gag in his mouth. "...mmmph."

"There is a first time for everything." Tabitha said as she fastened the strap behind Cory's head. "Get comfortable, you're going to be here for a while." she pushed him on his bed, then she tied rope and one stockinged ankle, then continued to tie the slack to the corner of the bed post. "Stay put and shut up."

"Mmmph mmmph mmmph." Cory said.

"I said, be quiet." Tabitha said as she picked up Cory's pants then took out his belt and spanked him over his stockinged butt.

"Mmmph mmmph." Cory said wincing in pain, the tears came out of his eyes the more the belt struck his butt. "mmmph mmmph." He tried not to cry, but the pain started to effect him. "Mmmph mmmph." he started crying as the pain became unbearable, she stopped when her cellphone rang.

"Saved by the phone." Tabitha said as she tossed the belt on the floor. "hello..." She said as she answered her phone. "...about to make out with Freddie."

Cory was crying so much that he heard what his sister said but still felt the sting of his belt to care and kept crying.

"Quiet down, sissy." Tabitha said to Cory. "Not you, my brother, I am teaching him a lesson." she looked at her brother, then kissed him on his cheeks. "have fun, enjoy the pain and I will be in later to hogtie you." She whispered in his ear. "No..." she said in the phone. "...I am not going to tell you what I am doing to him, but I have an idea on how you can teach the student that you're going to tutor."

Tabitha closed the door and Cory turned around to sit on his bed as he looked down at his stockinged feet, he glanced at the rope tied around his ankle connected to the the bed post. He stopped crying, but the pain was still stinging his behind.

Cory feels the sting on his butt and the silk on his legs. The ball gag in mouth starts to become unconfortable. He struggles to free his arms to free his hands. He never had his arms pinned this tight before. This was so unconfortable that he was enjoying it. Before zoning out he heard the door open and heard Fred's voice, but really didn't care. He trusted his sister, he couldn't tell on her if he couldn't see that she had a boy over.

South boundville
Tommy's restrictions

A boy walked home from school very slowly, Tommy (15)thought because it was Wednesday and he got a three day suspension for arguing with two girls who made fun of him for not getting a good grade in a stupid class that he is required to take, he would probably be grounded over the weekend. The teacher only heard him yelling insults at the girls, he was the one to get one day suspension for every girl he yelled at. One girl lied about being yelled at by him and the feminazi teacher believed her and the other two girls didn't care to help him. The class he is failing is a subject he doesn't like, he was the only boy in the class.

He gets to his apartment complex and walks through the gate, he sees his mother on the way, she stopped her car and got out she doesn't look happy.

"I heard you were suspended from school." His mother yelled at him. "I am late for work waiting for you to get home from school, but I have made arrangements for a tutor to teach you how to deal with the class you are failing."

"I don't need a tutor." Tommy argued. "I need to get transferred out of that class, it's mostly girls and the teacher hates boys."

"I don't have time to deal with this now." His mom said. "The tutor will pick you up, you will be staying with her while you are suspended, she lives across town so you probably go to the same school as her, she was in that class last year." she said getting back in her car. "Do whatever she wants you to do, don't disappoint me she's helping you for free." she drives off to work.

Tommy walks the apartment building and saw a girl from his school that he doesn't see that often, she spends time in the library, she is wearing a black shirt, jean skirt, tan pantyhose and high heels, he thought that she doesn't seem like a book worm.

"Tommy, hi, I'm Miranda." The 16 year old girl said. "Did your mom tell you about me."

"Yeah, but I wasn't expecting you." Tommy said. "No offense."

"My sister got you suspended, now your butt is mine." Miranda said playfully as she tossed him a bag. "put these clothes on in your room, I'll be in the living room."

Tommy and Miranda went into the apartment, before went to his room, he noticed that she carried a big purse with her. When he got to his room and opened the bag. Girls clothing was in it, he pulled out a navy blue skirt and white blouse. Took off his boy clothes, then put on the blouse and the skirt, then walked out to see Miranda. She was sitting on the couch watching television with her legs crossed.

"is this good?" Tommy asked.

"No." Miranda. "go put the pantyhose and heels on."

"I don't want to." Tommy said. "You're lucky I wore this skirt.

"Okay, your mom said that you have to do whatever I say." Miranda said to Tommy." I will leave and you can explain to your mom why you're still here."

"Fine." Tommy said. "Don't tell anyone at school."

Tommy went back in his room, put on the black pantyhose and black heels and went out to the living room to see Miranda. She was still sitting on couch watching a cartoon.

"Okay, now what?" Tommy asked with an attitude.

"Turn around wrist behind your back." Miranda said as she got up pulling out rope from her purse. "You will be punished for your attitude earlier." she said as she tied his hands together. "Now get down on the floor and lay on your stomach." She helped him to get on his stomach, then she crossed his ankles and tied them together, then connected the rest of the rope to his wrist. "I am not going to gag you, so don't say a word." she sat back down. "don't speak unless spoken to."

"How is this going to help?" Tommy asked.

"Quiet down, I am watching this cartoon." Miranda snapped. "I have a ball gag do you want to hold it for me in your mouth." She said as Tommy shook his head. "Good." she got out her cellphone and made a phone call.

North Boundville.
Love my cruel sister

Cory has been sitting down on his bed wearing a dress and pantyhose with his hands bound behind his back, his arms pinned to his torso, a rope tied to his ankle connected to the bed post. The sting from his sister spanking him has gone away. Tabitha enters the room, he gets relieved because he wants to get released. She unties the rope around his ankle.

"Lay back and turn on your stomach." Tabitha commanded.

"Mmmph mmmph mmmph." Cory pleaded.

"No..." Tabitha said. "...I Still need you out of the way."

"Mmmph." Cory surrendered.

"Time for that hogtie." Tabitha said as she tied his ankles, calves and thighs, she picked up his belt again. She spanked his butt again and again.

"Mmmph mmmph mmmph." Cory cries as his sister spanks him. "Mmmph mmmph." He tried to say the words please stop but it came out muffled.

"Okay." Tabitha said after a few more hard spanks, acknowledging what he said, then she tosses the belt to the ground and ties a connecting rope to his ankles to his wrists with rope. "You better not tell mom about Fred." she whispered in his ear as she kissed him on his cheek again. "I'll be back in a couple of hours." Her cell phone rang and she answered it as she left her brothers room.

Cory couldn't bring himself to struggle in the bounds, because of the pain and his crying in the ball gag, he had to relax and let the sting from his belt go away.
Last edited by Boocola 4 years ago, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Boocola »

North Boundville.
Love my cruel sister

Cory couldn't bring himself to struggle in the bounds, because of the pain and his crying in the ball gag, he had to relax and let the sting from his belt go away. He was hogtied on his bed wearing a dress and pantyhose he heard the front door open and close. Fred left he guessed, but the television came on and he heard laughs. A comedian was on television, he rolled his eyes, now he'll have to wait until the show to end.

Cory got made and started to struggle, trying to turn his wrist, gathering enough strength to move his arms. He tried to wiggle his feet, but his sister secured the rope tight. He squirmed around so much on his bed that it banged the wall making loud noise, making the building shake. He heard footsteps walking to his room and his sister opened the door with an angry look on her face.

"What is it?" Tabitha asked closing the door behind her. "stop shaking the building, do you want apartment security to get called or the police."

"Mmmph Mmmph." Cory tried to say he wants out.

"I said two hours." Tabitha said as she looked at her cell phone. "you got ninety minutes left."

"Mmmph mmmph mmmph." Cory begged for something to do.

"I can't understand you with your mouth full." Tabitha said as she took the ball gag out of his mouth. "I am watching a magic show, I am not going to spank you." She looked at the time on her cell phone. "what do you want?"

"Can you put on a baseball game so I can watch it while I am bound?" Cory asked. "My iPad notebook is in my backpack."

"Okay, fine." Tabitha said as she shoved the ball gag back in his mouth. "I should have you chew on my dirty panties."

Tabitha walked to Cory's backpack, pulled out his iPad and turned it on. After waiting it to boot up, she went to a baseball site and clicked on a ball game and put it on a Stan so he can watch it.

"There happy now." Tabitha said. "Now shut up and stop squirming." she said as she walked to the door and opened it. "You will pay if I missed that much of the show." Then she closed the door.

Cory rolled his eyes as his sister left his room, turn to look at the baseball game on his iPad notebook. Jake Bannon was on the pitchers mound, he has a full count on the batter. It two outs in the bottom of the nineth. The catcher gives the sign, Bannon winds up throws a ninety-nine mile per hour fast ball, the batter swings and misses. He is out and he was out and the ball game was over. Now he is stuck watching the post game show.

"Mmmph." Cory thinks to himself great.

Boundville comedy club
It's a kind of magic

Rebecca is wearing a white shirt, black vest, black skirt and black stockings with hi heels. She switched places with Megan who is now bound and gagged on the pole, she is Wearing a blue dress and white dress with blue hi heels. Rebecca caressed Megan's face and put her hands in the air and with a cloud of smoke a man appeared wearing a black shirt and blue jeans with black combat boots and Rebecca is now hogtied on the floor in front of Megan's feet. The man with short brown hair adjusted his glasses and smirks.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Boocola has entered the building and is now on stage." Boocola said looking at the audience then the camera. "If you missed that your brother has made the building shake." He said looking down at Rebecca, then looking at Megan tied to the post. "you two look unconfortable, well at least your not a boy tied up in front of the television having your tuter put make up on you."

"mmmph mmmph." Megan said.

"what is that..." Boocola said "...You want out of that bondage position." He snapped his finger and Rebecca and Megan switched places. "Since no one likes this, I can do what I want." Rebecca is wiggling around with her hands tied behind the pole and Megan bound and gagged at her feet. "You lucky I'm not Thanos or Iron man, well at least Spiderman got to use instant kill."

South boundville
Tommy's restriction

Tommy has his hands tied behind his back sitting on his butt with a rope connected to his ankles tied together crossed. He is wearing a white blouse, navy blue skirt and black pantyhose with hi heels on. Miranda has his back leaning against a coffee table while she puts eye liner over his eye. He hears the man on the television saying something about his situation.

"is that guy talking about me?" Tommy asked.

"I don't think so." Miranda said. "burk up, I am about to put lipstick on your lips." She said. "I am getting you ready to go to my house, I told my parents that I will be having a girlfriend over for the weekend."

"why can't I stay here, while you are not tutoring me?" Tommy asked.

"because there is more to that class than the work." Miranda said as she applied lipstick to his lips. "stay put we are almost done."

Miranda finished putting on make up on Tommy, she doesn't have a wig she just brushed his hair to make him look more like a girl to get by her parents. She unties him so he can walk to her car. She turned off the televisions and opens the door and locked it.

"Don't I need my backpack?" Tommy asked.

"no, you don't." Miranda said with a smile. "you're going to be doing my homework."

"no I am not." Tommy placed his hands on his hips. "I don't know your subjects."

"Relax, I will show you." Miranda said. "let's go, I got a lot of homework and little time to show you how to do it."

Tommy closed the door and followed Miranda to her car after he closed the locked door. He got to her car, he tried to open the passenger door, but it was locked. Miranda got into the driver's side and unlocked the door. Tommy got in and Miranda drove the car to her house.

Miranda introduced Tommy to her parents, then sat down at the dining room table. She got out her homework and showed Tommy how to do it. He learned her homework was no harder than his own. He figured it out and realized that it was tedious.

"One more thing..." Miranda said. "...I want you to cross your legs under the table." She said with a worried smile on her lips.

North Boundville
Love my cruel sister

Cory is still hogtied on his bed with a ballgag in his mouth and wearing a dress with pantyhose on his legs. He has been watching the baseball post game show, where Jake Bannon pitched the entire game. He hears his sister walk down the hallway and open the door to his room.

"I will let you keep these clothes." Tabitha said as she untied the knot on the ropes around his wrist. "I want you to get dressed up like this tomorrow, so I can tie you up again." She told him as she left Cory's room.

Cory got out of the hogtie and took out the ball gag from his mouth. He went to the living room to see his sister sitting on the couch with her legs crossed. Tabitha was the only one in the room.

"You took a chance coming out dressed like that." Tabitha said. "What if dad came home seeing you like that."

"What, oh wait." Cory said looking down at what he was wearing. "No I actually wanted to say I have my own clothing."

"Yes I know." Tabitha said. "you can wear this tomorrow or your clothes, I don't care, I just need you out of my way after school."

"I can only imagine why." Cory said. "If I can't see I can't tell on you."

"yeah yeah." Tabitha said pretending to agree with him. "Now go do your homework."

Cory didn't mind doing what his sister told him to do as long as she kept up her end of the deal. Which reminds him what kind of deal or arrangement they had, Tabitha wasn't blackmailing him and he wasn't blackmailing her.

South boundville
Tommy's restriction

Tommy finally finished with Miranda's homework and it was getting late he was wondering where he was going sleep. He uncrossed his legs and got up out of the chair, stretched out his arms and legs. Then Candy(15) one of the girls that got him suspended walked in through the front door and stared at him. She laughed so hard when she it was him.

"Tommy, you are pathetic..." Candy said while laughing at him. " did you get in here anyway?" She asked before realizing this must be the student her sister is tutoring. "your the student my sister is tutoring."

"yes." Tommy said forgetting what he is wearing a white blouse, navy blue skirt and black pantyhose with hi heels. "oh crap." He said feeling embarrassed.

"So you two know each other." Miranda said walking out of her room wearing a nightgown.

"Does mom and dad know that's a boy?" Candy asked.

"No they don't and it's going to stay that way." Miranda said. "You are going to report to me, if he has anything to know about in the class you are in with him."

"Why he is the only boy in the class..." Candy said. "...the teacher wants to fail him." she looked at Tommy. "You know miss Mor knew we started the argument and that girl lied." She smirked. "she wanted to expell you just for being, but if she could see you now."

"That is enough." Miranda said. "I will let you help me tutor him, if you don't tell our parents."

"you're not tutoring him..." Candy said. "'re making him into your personal slave, look he did your homework."

"I'll have him do your homework also." Miranda said. "plus you get to help me tie him up."

"Can he start now?" Candy asked.

"no..." Miranda said. "...we got to get him ready for bed."

"I am going to sleep here?" Tommy asked. "I thought I was going home to sleep."

"The clothes that you are going to sleep in are in my room on my bed." Miranda said. "Then sit on the bed and wait for me."

Tommy walks through the door that Miranda came out of he saw a nightgown and nude pantyhose on the bed. Before walking to the bed, he looked around to see a desk on the left near the door. He noticed that there was a vanity mirror on her dresser. Miranda likes to collect teddy bears. He decided to get ready for bed, but he wondered how he was going to sleep or what Miranda and her sister had in store for him.

Boundville comedy club
It's a kind of magic

Boocola is on stage with Rebecca and Megan free of their bonds. He has something on his mind that will be wrong in so many ways, that he almost doesn't want to do. He does it anyway. Of course he could snap his fingers again and his two lovely assistants will be tied up again, but decided to do something else.

"Rebecca, I need you to tie up Megan." boocola instructed. "Then sit her down in this chair."

Without a word Rebecca grabbed some rope, spun Megan around and began tying her wrist together behind her back. Once that was done she wrapped some rope several times around her torso cinching it tight with a knot. She sat Megan down in the chair, the tied her ankles, calves and thighs.

"Now it's your turn." Boocola said as he grabbed Rebecca by her brown hair and forced her down to her knees. "I am sorry, but there can be only one." He said as he tied her hands behind her back, then tied her elbows together and a rope around her torso. He the crossed her ankles and tied them together with the last of the rope.

Boocola pulled out a sword and both Rebecca and Megan eyes got wide as both of them started squirming.

"What are you going to do with that sword?" Rebecca asked.

"before I do this I have a question about your fathers." Boocola said looking at Megan. "Since you died in 1999, I will ask you about your father."

"my father came from an orphanage.. ." Megan said with tears coming from her eyes. "...along with eighteen others, he was left there." she said. "He died slowly nine months after impregnating my mother, it's like he was poisoned after making me." She said as she started crying. "I don't want to die."

"That's not my call." Boocola said coldly looking at Rebecca. "What about your father?"

"That was over seven hundred years ago..." Rebecca said. " do you expect me to remember?" She asked.

"You immortals remember everything that happens in your life." Boocola said. "it's like being immortal is a PTSD nightmare, just like me..." He said looking into her eyes. "...I feel like I'm two thousand years old."

"Your right." Rebecca said. "my father was sold into slavery in the highlands of Scotland, escaped a life from his masters then met my mother, who died after I was born, my father raised me as a boy." She looked down. "He didn't want me to be courted, so I would die like my mother." She said as a tear fell from her eye. "My father died slowly after Nare killed me, then Cody trained me."

"Cody trained you because Nare Grod wanted her to." Boocola said. "He needed your quickening to destroy the Amazon islands." He said. "He needed you to survive until his preparations were complete." He said. "Cody poisoned your father, then faked her death so she can return to the islands to report to the Amazons to change their ways of selling their sons into slavery."

"yes, well unfortunately it only delayed their need for more girls." A female voice came from behind. "before they sent their sons to orphanages they implanted them with a single seed, that would kill them if it left their bodies, before they became immortal." She said as she left the shadows wearing a green breast plate, green loin cloth and brown tights with green sandle heels.

"Cody." Boocola announced with glee. "how are you?"

"you know damn well how I've been..." Cody said. "...playing Zork on your Diva pro YouTube show."

"Let's not get off topic here Cody." Boocola said. "Who do you think I should behead first." He said as he raises his sword. "It's a cruel summer."

"Aren't you going off topic what about Cory and Tommy?" Cody asked.

"Wednesday is done." Boocola said. "Got to plan for Thursday."

"Why all this." Cody said. "Release Rebecca and Megan."

South boundville
Tommy's restriction

After Tommy changed to go to sleep Miranda gave him something that will help him sleep bound and gagged. After he takes it he feels fuzzy and light headed easily commanded he didn't know what was happening.
Last edited by Boocola 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Boocola »


South boundville
Tommy's restriction

Tommy woke up with a hangover, it took him a while to realize that he couldn't move, his wrists were tied together behind his back. Feeling weak he tries to free his hands in a futile effort, because rope is cinched tightly to his torso pinning his arms. Wanting to get up, but can't split his legs, because there was rope tied around his ankles, calves and thighs. Feeling silky material on his legs, he looked at his stockinged feet.

"Pantyhose." Tommy said almost forgetting where he was as he sees he has a nightgown on. "what the deuce."

"we gave you a double dose of Z quill." Miranda said as she walks in the room wearing a blue dress and black pantyhose, she is putting on her heels. "I got to go to school..." She said. " you have to use the restroom, before I go?"

"yes I do." Tommy said feeling uncomfortable.

"Okay..." Miranda said as she untied Tommy. "...I left a yellow dress on my bed, you need to take that gown off and put the dress on." She said to Tommy. "The bathroom is down the hall to the right."

As soon as Tommy was released he went to the restroom down the hall, while Miranda went to go eat breakfast.

Tommy finished using the facilities then went back to the room took off the gown and put on the yellow dress. The smell of breakfast was making him hungry, he walked to the dining room expecting to eat, but Miranda ate it.

"Where is mine?" Tommy asked.

"I didn't know if you were hungry." Miranda said. "besides I got to get to school, I barely have enough time to tie you up again."

"why can't I be free while you are at school?" Tommy asked.

"This is not your house and besides you are grounded." Miranda said with a smirk. "Now go to my room and wait for me."

Tommy went to the room and sat down on the bed. Miranda walked in the room grabbed some rope, without saying a word tied his ankles crossed together. She then tied his wrists and elbows together in front of him. She finally tied rope around the rope on between his wrist and forced him to the ground. Then tied the rest of the rope to his ankles.

"Are you comfortable?" Miranda asked grabbing a ball gag out of her dresser.

"Please don't gag me, I'll be quiet." Tommy pleaded.

"I know you will." Miranda said grabbing some panties from her drawer. "This is because I want to."

"Wait why..." Tommy Said as Miranda shoved the panties in his mouth. "...mmmph." She placed the ballgag in his mouth and fastened it behind his head. "Mmmmph mmmph mmmph."

Tommy tries to escape, but his elbows bound together makes it impossible to free his wrists connected to his ankles, he had to sit Indian style and the panties in his mouth are disgusting and the ballgag is preventing him from spitting it out.

"I got to get to school, my mother will be home in three hours for lunch, don't let her know that you're here or I will get in trouble and can't tutor you anymore." Miranda said as she walked out of her room to go to school.

Tommy was left alone with his hands in front of him arms bound at his wrists and elbows. With his hands close to his bound ankles, the knot was on the other side, so he couldn't reach it. Moving his legs from side to side didn't make it any easier to reach the knot. The taste in his mouth was starting to get worse as the panties get wet from his syliva. The thought of getting suspended for talking back to girls made him aware that it was a pointless effort to think that class would be an easy A. For girls it might be, but for a boy if he is lucky he will pass the class. Tears started falling from his eyes as he fought the urge to cry.

The next couple of hours were as uncomfortable as it could have been with him struggling to find a comfortable position. Muffled sounds came out of his mouth that no one heard, his mind starts to wonder if Miranda's mom came home for lunch. Then as on cue the front door opened and he hears heeled footsteps that stopped at Miranda's door. When it opened and a woman stood there looking at him, she looked like an older version of Miranda. She were a white blouse, grey skirt and nude pantyhose with hi heels.

"Are you okay?" Miranda's mother asked him. "my name is Theresa."

"Mmmph." Tommy said as he nodded yes.

"well I got to make my lunch..." Theresa said. "...we never met understood?"

"Mmmph." Tommy nodded yes.

Theresa closed the door, thirty minutes later, Tommy heard her leave.

Boundville asylum
A kind of magic

Boocola is in a room with three padded walls with the fourth being bars. He is strapped in a straitjacket sitting on the floor leaning against the wall facing the bars. Laughter is repeating in his head, he wants to let in out making it echo through the entire building. Reflections of why and how he ended up in here eludes him at the moment. As heeled footsteps walks down the hallway to his cell he is waiting to see who this is. The sight of a woman wearing a white blouse, grey skirt and nude pantyhose with heels appears in front of the bars. She is carrying a clip board with a pen on top.

"Ehhh..." An animated hare named Bugs Bunny appeared beside him taking a bite from a carrot and starts chewing. "...what's up doc."

"you can't break the fourth wall here Boocola." The doctor said.

"Really, this is all an ellusian doc." Boocola said. "I am curious, why am I here?" he asked.

"you had a weapon at a comedy club and you attempted to behead your assistants." The doctor said. "I am here to see if you are insane or just acting like it."

"Theresa you know the answer to that." Boocola said as the doctor had a surprise look on her face that he knew her name. "fourth wall break."

"You're aware that your assistants disappeared..." Theresa said. "...boundville police thinks that you know what happened to them."

"They think that I killed them." Boocola said. "I tried to save them."

"Can you tell me how?" Theresa asked.

"That woman at my show Cody, she took them." Boocola said.

North boundville
Love my cruel sister

Cory was almost home when he sees Fred waiting for him to get home, but he didn't say a word just sent a text message to someone as Cory started walking up the staircase, before he got to the top his sister Tabitha opened the door. She grabbed his hand and dragged him to his room.

"Quick get your school clothes off and put on these clothes." Tabitha said as she handed him a black dress and suntan pantyhose. "I'll go get the ropes." She said as she left Cory's room without giving him a chance to say anything.

Cory took off his school clothes, put the pantyhose on and then the black dress. He was glad that he did his homework in the library at lunch. Miranda actually smirked at him he wondered what that was about. He doesn't care about his sister's friends, but that was a little strange. Then he heard Tabitha walked to the door and open it, she has a bunch of rope and a ball gag.

"Stand up and turn around." Tabitha commanded dropping the rope, which Cory did without hesitation. She grabbed his arms and tied his wrists behind his back, then coiled rope around his torso pinning his arms clinching the rope tight. "open your mouth." she commanded, he obeyed. She put a ballgag in his mouth and fastened it behind his head.

Cory heard Tabitha pick up his pants, take his belt out and then made him bend over. She lifted up his dress caressing his stockinged butt and then spanked him harder and harder until he started crying. She didn't stop until he started squirming.

"Mmmph Mmmph Mmmph." Cory started crying while saying stop it please.

"I thought you wanted me to show you a good time." Tabitha whispered in his ear. She pushed him on his bed and began tying his ankles, calves and thighs. "I'll come to release you, when I feel like it." she said tying a rope around his wrists and leaving slack and bringing his ankles closer to his wrists and tying the rope around his ankles leaving him in a hogtie.

"Pathetic." Tabitha said as she smirked as she left him crying on his bed closing the door.

Cory loved how cruel his sister could be, but did she have to be so rough. As he feels the sting of the spanking go away, he suddenly remembers that he wants to do something. Being tied up alone on his bed is not good, his sister ambushed him before he could. If he yelled out for his sister to come release him, but she is probably locking lips with Fred.

Cory decided to try to free himself and stay in his room. As he tries to free himself, he begins to realize it will be a futile effort. Tabitha is better at this than he gave her credit for.

Somewhere in pacific.
It's a kind of magic

A mountain Island of a volcano is hidden by a cloud of fog. A skull of rock covers the top of the dorment valcano. There is a man in the skull talking to a woman, the same woman that was at the comedy club with boocola.

"I brought back two Amazons to join our ranks master." Cody said kneeling before him. "they have been brainwashed and given assignments."

"good, ve vill see if the brainwashing techniques you used vill hold." her master said with a Russian accent. "the von called Rebecca, has caused me problems before." he said as his name is Nare.

"Master, she won't be a problem anymore." Cody reassured him. "Only a memory of an immortal she had met during her time in the outside world will release her."

"vhat of Megan." Nare said. "I killed her myself for the first time, she vill destroy my plans."

"Rebecca doesn't know her well enough to snap out of the brainwashing." Cody said.

"You better be right..." Nare said pulling out his blade, swinging it at Cody's neck and stopping one centimeter away. "...or I vill have you head."

"as you command." Cody said without even flinching.

"Good if the Amazons realize that they are being imprisoned." Nare said. "They vill escape and take over the vorld."

South boundville
Tommy's restriction

Miranda got home from school, she entered her room to see Tommy bound and gagged sitting on the floor.

"Are you ready to do my homework..." Miranda said. "...Candy will be home shortly, I suggest you do my homework first so you wouldn't get backed up."

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph." Tommy said as Miranda removed the gag. "What do you mean backed up?" he asked.

"You have to do our chores as well." Miranda said.

"I don't want to do your chores." Tommy said. "I wouldn't know how to."

"I told your mother I would tutor you for free." Miranda said. "this is my payment, do you want an easy A in that class."

"I wish I never took that class." Tommy said with a tear coming out of his eye. "If I knew the teacher hated boys."

"Miranda, we got bad news for..." Candy said as she entered her sister's room, she has a concerned look in her eyes. "...Tommy I am so, so sorry."

"What's wrong?" Tommy asked.

"we had a pop quiz today in class." Candy said. "The teacher said that because you were suspended you would not get to take this test."

"Do you have this test?" Miranda asked Candy, because Tommy was to stunned to talk. "I need to see it."

"Why just let him fail the test." Candy said.

"Because little sister, if he fails that class..." Miranda said walking closer to Candy. "....then I fail."

"It's oral, I recorded the questions." Candy said.

Then Candy took out her cell phone and pushed play, they were simple questions, Miranda had her sister start at the beginning, this time she recorded Tommy being asked the questions, he answered the questions right away.

After the questions were asked then answered by Tommy. Miranda sent the recording to the teacher of the class. The teacher replied saying that he got four of five right and she doesn't know how he got those questions answered, but he got lucky.

Boundville asylum
A kind of magic

Boocola is still strapped in to a straitjacket, he is sitting on floor leaning against a padded wall staring at the doctor's legs. Theresa wrote something on her clipboard sheet.

"Our time is almost up for the day, Mr. Boocola." Theresa said. "do you have anything that you want to talk about before I go home?" She asked.

"I wonder why I haven't made a wrestler named Theresa on WWE 2K19..." Boocola said. "...I made one on soulcalibur 6."

"what do you mean by that?" Theresa asked.

"My YouTube channel..." Boocola said. "...people think I am alive, because I tell a joke or two, here is a joke for you, I die over and over again in fortnite doesn't faze me, I want to get killed."

"I don't know anything about fortnite." Theresa said.

"That's good because neither do I." Boocola said. "which reminds me time to get out of here."

"how do you...?" Theresa began asking then found herself in the straitjacket with only her pantyhose on.

"Eh, what's up Doc." Boocola said standing on the other side of the bars looking at the clipboard. "Fascinating."

"Let me out." Theresa ordered. "or I will scream."

"oh doc, have you ever seen beetle guise?" Boocola asked throwing a ball gag in her mouth that strap fastened behind her head. "strike, granted it is not a metal strip, but I am out of here. Ladies and gentlemen Boocola has left the building."

"Mmmmph mmmmph." Theresa said what the hell.

Boocola walks out of the building leaving Theresa in a straitjacket in his cell. He has to rescue his assistants or he can let them save themselves.
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Post by Boocola »

Tommy's restriction

Tommy sits on a chair in the dining room wearing a yellow dress and nude pantyhose with hi heels on his feet. His legs are crossed under the table, but he is getting uncomfortable as he finished Miranda's homework. He uncrossed his legs to relax before starting Candy's homework. Miranda walked in the the living room and saw Tommy sitting back with his legs spread open.

"Stop manspreading..." Miranda said. "...especially in that dress." She said. "Do you want bleach and water poured on your lap?"

"No, I am about to start Candy's homework." Tommy said. "I needed to relax boys aren't meant to sit like that."

"Well you're going to have to get used to it." Miranda said as she pulls out handcuffs and ankle cuffs. "Stand up and come here." She commanded.

"No please, I don't want to be bound." Tommy said as he crossed his legs and prepared to do Candy's homework. "I need to get this done."

"No, do it later." Miranda said.

Tommy uncrossed his legs, then push out the chair to get up and walk toward Miranda. She grabbed him turned him around slapping the handcuffs on his wrists behind his back and she kneeled down to cuff his ankles. Then lead him to the corner and stuck his face to look at the corner.

"Stay there until I tell you to move." Miranda said. "Stay quiet, I don't want gag you." She said as she went to the couch and started watching television.

West Boundville
Shortest straw

Amber (14), Mary(14) and Lisa(14) are triplets that got home from school all three are wearing the same school uniform. A white shirt, navy blue skirt and navy blue tights with black shoes. All three girls are bored out of their minds, all they have is a roll of ductape.

"So anyone got any ideas on what we can do." Amber said. "we already did our homework."

"I want to to tie one of you up with ductape and play with one of you." Mary suggested.

"I don't want to be helpless." Lisa said. "it's your idea why don't you volunteer to get tied up with ductape."

"Well that's one idea." Amber said. "Do you have a better idea?"

"No, but I don't want to be taped up." Lisa said. "I want to be one torturing."

"So do I." Mary said.

"I got an idea to decide who will be the one tied up." Amber said. "We will draw straws, shortest one gets bound and gagged."

"I got a staw." Lisa said as she walked to the kitchen to get the straw and scissors, then cut two even pieces and one short piece, then placed it in her hand and walked over to Amber who pulled out a straw. "Your turn Mary." She said turning towards Mary, who pulled out the short piece.

"crap." Mary exclaimed.

"Looks like your it." Lisa showed her straw the same size as Amber's. "Cross your wrists behind your back." She said.

"Wait, I have to get out of my school clothes." Mary said.

"So you can sneak out of the window." Amber said grabbing the ductape. "This was your idea and you are trying to weasel out of it."

"no, no." Mary said trying to run, but got stopped by Lisa.

"you won't get away" Lisa held Mary while Amber wrapped ductape around Mary's wrists behind her back.

Amber did not break the tape from the roll she kept wrapping the ductape around Mary's waist, then sternum and chest.

"I was kidding, we can do something else." Mary pleaded.

"I get it, someone was getting tied up." Lisa said. "Just as long as it wasn't you." She reached under her skirt with the scissors she had and cut off her panties from under her tights, then shoves it in Mary's mouth.

"you sneaky little..." Amber said as she covered Mary's mouth with ductape and wrapped it around her head a few times.

"Mmmmph mmmmph mmmmph." Mary tried to say take these nasty panties out of my mouth. She broke away from Lisa's grasp and ran down the hallway to a dead end. She looked at both doors were closed.

"No where to run sis." Amber mocked.

"Now you are going to get it." Lisa said pulling out more tape.

"Mmmmph mmmmph mmmmph." Mary tried to say let me go as Amber held her against the wall, while Lisa wraps Mary's ankles calves and thighs.

"We are going to enjoy spanking you." Amber said opening the door to her room making her bound sister hop to he bed.

"oh, this is good." Lisa said as she picks up a ping pong paddle from her sister's desk.

"Spank her butt." Amber said after she sat down on her bed, lifted Mary skirt and held her down on her lap.

"Mmmmph mmmmph mmmmph." Mary said something unintelligible while Lisa spanked her multiple times over and over again.

Love my cruel sister

Cory is wearing a black dress and suntan pantyhose hogtied on his bed, he is drooling out of the ball gag in his mouth. He has been wondering how long Tabitha is going to be locking lips with Fred. He wants to play video games, he can't play bound and gagged. Then the door opens up and his sister enters, she sits on the bed and crosses her legs.

"I will be going to the mall tomorrow after school." Tabitha said caressing Cory's cheek. "His brother is going to tag along." She said. "I want you to come with us as a girl to accompany us."

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph." Cory tried saying that he doesn't want to go out in public dressed like this.

"Really, really... Really?" Tabitha asked sarcastically. "You're not in a position to say no." she said untying the rope that connected his wrists to his ankles. "Last chance do you want to go to the mall with me as my sister?"

"Mmmmph mmmph." Cory said as he shook his head. After all he wants to play video games.

"That was the wrong answer." Tabitha said as she picked up his belt and started spanking his butt over and over again. "Only you can stop this by promising to dress up to go to the mall with me tomorrow after school." she kept spanking him until he agreed.

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph." Cory said to stop he did not want to go, but Tabitha kept spanking him "Mmmmph mmmph." He said I promise just stop as he starts to cry.

"I will come back to release you in an hour when you you stop crying." Tabitha said tossing the belt down. "Cry baby."

Tabitha left her brother crying and drooling on his bed, she closed the door.

Tommy's restriction

Tommy is standing in the corner wearing a dress and pantyhose with hi heels. His hands are cuffed behind his back and his ankles are cuffed. He just stood there looking at the corner, not knowing how long he has been standing there.

"Okay Tommy, come here." Miranda ordered sitting on the couch watching television. "You have to double time it on Candy's homework." She said as Tommy walked to her. "Remember that you still have our chores to do." She said as she uncuffed his wrists and ankles. "Now keep your legs crossed as you do my sister's homework."

The land line phone started ringing as Miranda saw it was the asylum wear her mom works she answered it while Tommy sat down and crossed his legs to do candy's homework.

"Hello." Miranda said as she heard the voice on the other end say that a patient of her mother's escaped locking her in his cell and they have no way of getting her out. "okay, so it will be a while until she gets home., got it." She said as hung up the phone. "Candy, we are on our own for dinner."

"Why don't we just have Tommy cook something for us." Candy said as she came out of her room and looked at Tommy's progress. "He's starting my homework, shouldn't he be done with it by now."

"No, he's doing your homework, why don't you cook dinner." Miranda suggested. "Besides we don't know if he can cook."

"yeah, you're right." Candy said.

East boundville
Shortest straw

For the last hour Mary has been bound and gagged in ductape stuck at the mercy of her two sisters amber and Lisa. She was listening to her sisters talk about what they were going to do her.

"your idea was awesome." Amber said mocking Mary taking off her shoes and putting her stockinged feet up to her sister's nose. "Now sniff, take it all in." she said.

"mmmph mmmph mmmph." Mary said disgusting odor b***h as she had to breathe. "mmmph mmmph mmmph." she tried saying let out.

"such language." Lisa said. "Remember that this was your idea." she said taking off her shoes and made Mary sniff her feet as well.

"mmmph mmmph mmmph." Mary keeps cursing. "mmmph mmmph mmmph." she says for the next hour as her sisters take off their other shoes and she is forced to smell them to "mmmph mmmph mmmph."

"I am bored again," Lisa said. "want to tickle her?" She asked Amber taking away her feet from Mary's nose

"good idea." Amber said as she took her feet away from Mary's nose and started tickling her bound sister's armpit.

"mmmph mmmph mmmph." Mary said stop please stop. "mmmph mmmph mmmph." laughing hard

"Not before I get my turn." Lisa said as she took off Mary's shoes and tickled her feet. "how do you like that." she said as her sister tried to squirm away. "Your not going anywhere."

"mmmph mmmph mmmph." Mary said struggling to breathe, because she is laughing to hard from being tickled under her armpits and from being tickled on her stockinged feet. "mmmph mmmph mmmph." she laughed so hard, she started seeing stars and tears came out of her eyes.

"maybe we she stop..." Amber said noticed her sister's face turning blue. "...her face is changing blue." she said as she stopped tickling Mary's armpits.

"HA ha ha..." Lisa said noticing tears coming from Mary's eyes. "... she is crying." She said as she stopped tickling her sister looking at the clock. "our show is coming on." setting the bound ankles aside and getting up from the bed to go watch television.

"what about her." Amber said refering to a bound and gagged Mary. "we can't leave her like this."

"we will release her when our show is over." Lisa said. "After we have more fun with her." she said as she went into the living room.

"Sorry sis, you asked for this." Amber said moving Mary off of her lap and on the bed while she left to go watch television.

"mmmph mmmph mmmph." Mary said that she wanted to watch the show to as she struggled to get free. "mmmph mmmph mmmph."

Mary is left alone struggling on the bed regretting her decision to tie up one of her sisters.

It's a kind of magic

Three islands connected by a series of roads and freeways, the south island has farmland, two prisons and a power plant with one bridge leading to the island in the middle has houses and apartments, roads leading to freeways to the north island that has expressways through city buildings and skyscrapers. Streets between the buildings and people walking on the sidewalk, they look like ants going to buildings. At closer inspection all these people are women all wearing business suits going to work.

A mall is one of the buildings two women is looking for music in a store, both women are wearing a white shirt, black skirt and black pantyhose with black hi heels. The difference is that one has short brown hair and the other one has short black hair. Look into both their eyes it looks like they are tired from working a boring office job.

"Megan." the woman with short brown hair said looking at the music selection in heavy metal section. "do you think that I should try new music, I need more heavier music, this job is getting bored."

"Rebecca, I don't think you like heavy metal." Megan said. "In fact I don't think you listened to music."

"bagpipes." Rebecca said not knowing what a bagpipe is with a look of confusion. "This is interesting, Great War by Sabaton." She picked up the album. "The Red Baron."

"that is the name of a song." Megan said. "what is so big about that."

"I heard about him..." Rebecca said "...he was a great pilot."

"you're not making any sense it's just a song." Megan says with confusion.

"yeah, you may be right..." Rebecca took the music with her. "I am going to get it anyway."

"whatever, it's your money." Megan said.

The two women checked out and left the store to go home to the center island.
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Post by Boocola »

A kind of magic

1918 france

On the western front series of trenches appear though reveals men loading rifles with ammo from pouches. Bayonets are being fixed as the troopers getting ready for the charge. Soldiers are scared, while others are confident with a few proud to rush into battle. The Artillery shells scream overhead launched from a mile away, as the shells hit the ground turning the green fields gray. Even as the smoke clears it is uncertain how much damage is done.

Rebecca stands ready to go over the wall of the trenches in a German infantry uniform, helmet, backpack. She loads her rifle and fixes her bayonet, she doesn't plan on firing or killing anyone.

When Rebecca's buddy Schultz came up to join her, he looking really scared and looking nervous.

"Berhuige deine nerve." Rebecca says to Schultz in German to calm his nerves.

"Ich will nicht sterber." Schultz replied saying he doesn't want to die.

"Blieb dicht bei mir." Rebecca told him to stay close. "Mach was ich sage." she says telling him to do as she says. "Du wirst uberleben." she says he will survive.

The whistle blew and they went over the wall out of the trench, Schultz aimed his rifle, but Rebecca signalled for him to put it down.

"Warten seimir musssn wissen was ahs erwartet." Rebecca said wanting to see what they were up against. She saw tanks coming and united states Marines behind them. "Lass'uns zuruch guhen."

Rebecca pulled Schultz back to the trenches with the ground exploding all around and bullets flying by. Once they took cover behind the wall she sees a squadron of bi planes being lead by the red baron firing at the enemy as she peaks a view of the squadron stopping the advance of the devil dogs. An allied squadron of bi planes shot at the German planes, causing a few planes to crash into the ground. Both squadrons went up to the sky to dog fight.

The machine gun positions in the German trench defenses open up. Rebecca is still freaked out by the gattling gun and then she saw the marines restart their attack. Even though their front lines were falling to the gattling guns they kept coming shooting as they pushed forward.

"Lass uns gehen." Rebecca says as she looks at Schultz, his eyes looked glazed as his body lays motionless. "It's not supposed to happen like this." She tells herself.

"you failed the mission I gave you." A man's voice said in through the smoke of no man's land.

"It didn't happen like that." Rebecca yelled to the fields where explosion and Grey smoke were everywhere, then stopped.

"behead him." The man walked through the smoke dressed like an American sniper during world War 1, Rebecca recognized him as her husband Raino. "He will wake up immortal and I will have to kill him."

"I said it's not supposed to happen this way." Rebecca tells her husband. "I saw him as a guard at a POW camp during world War 2."

"there can be only one." Raino says. "I wouldn't hesitate with you, when the time comes."

"It's not supposed to happen like this." Rebecca said realizing that this isn't real and she must be dreaming.

Rebecca woke up in a sweat, she got out of bed looking around to see a second bed with Megan sleeping in it. She noticed a dresser with two mirrors and a closet full of dresses. There is a small table between the two beds with a lamp on it. She takes her night gown off to go take a cold shower.

Tommy's restriction

Tommy woke up on the floor in a sleeping bag, he smells breakfast in the kitchen. He gets out of the sleeping bag wearing a long white shirt and nude pantyhose. Walks in the kitchen to see Miranda making breakfast.

"Good morning, sunshine." Miranda said. "your breakfast is on the counter. Come and get it before it gets cold." She said lifting the plate for Tommy to grab.

"Thank you." Tommy said skeptical of why Miranda was being nice to him. "What is the catch?" He asked taking the plate and started eating. "I haven't eaten in days, because you're afraid I'll soil myself while I am tied up while you are at school."

"No catch," Miranda said. "I am not going to tie you up while I am at school, but you are going to be callared, the leash will be long enough so that you can go to the bathroom from my room."

"See that's a catch." Tommy said between bites.

"Details, the point is you will be free to watch the television in my room." Miranda said. "When I get home, because it's a Friday I will tie you up."

"Do you have the sports channel, I want to watch some baseball." Tommy said. "Jake Bannon is pitching." taking a few more bites of his breakfast.

"What the hell do you see in sports." Miranda says rolling her eyes, she finished cooking her breakfast and put it on a plate then sat down and ate it.

After they got done eating Miranda lead Tommy to her room and then placed a call or around his neck then attached a long leash to a locked in her closet.

"Remote to the television is on the dresser." Miranda said as she grabbed her backpack and left for school.

Tommy walked to the dresser, grabbed the remote next to the television. He went to sit on the bed to turn on the TV, but it didn't turn on. He removed the battery cover and there was no battery there. He cursed at himself, then walked to the television trying to find the on switch, turned it on and he got stuck watching soap opera. He went to sit on the bed with his back to the head rest.

Love my cruel sister

Cory is wearing his school clothes shirt and jeans, when his sister Tabitha entered his room opening the door with a set of clothes. He grabs his backpack to start walking to school, until he sses his sister in his room without knocking.

"What are you doing here..." Cory says. "...I have to get to school."

"Well since we are going to the mall right after school, I need you to wear these clothes to school." Tabitha told Cory handing him a bra and white dress. "Put on those pantyhose I gave you yesterday."

"no I am not going to school dressed as a girl." Cory said starting to walk past Tabitha. "I have to start walking or I would be late."

"It's only for today." Tabitha said. "I will put give you a ride to school." she said as she hands the clothes to him.

Cory looks at the door, then looked at the clothing and set his backpack on the floor. He grabbed the clothes, set them on his bed, started getting undressed, he saw Tabitha in his room. She left the room closing the door, after Cory got out of his school clothes. He grabbed the tan pantyhose put them on, then the bra and white dress along with his shoes.

"okay, now what." Cory asked leaving his room to Tabitha so they can get to school.

"you're going to need these." Tabitha says as she holds soft cups. "you want to look the part." she said as she slipped them in the bra over his chest.

"whatever," Cory said. "I am already invisible at school, no body would know I am not there anyway."

Cory and Tabitha walked down to a car, then Tabitha drove them to school. When they got to school Tabitha put makeup on her brother, so he would look like a girl.

West boundville
Mama said

Waiting for her son at the sandwich shop, Carrie ordered for Jimmy to meet her for lunch. She plans to surprise him with something special, he was so excited about getting a job at a ductape distribution center. Whenever they had extra boxes, he got to take them home and keep them. He starts college in a week and he got his own apartment, Carrie wanted to give her son a memory that he would never be able to forget. She saw her son's car parked as he got out she smirked.

"Jimmy, over here." Carrie said calling out to her son. "I already ordered your favorite sandwich." She stood up and walked to him.

"HI ma..." Jimmy hugged her and kissed her cheek. "...what is is the occasion."

"Do I need one to see my little kid." Carrie said.

"I am not little anymore, I got my own apartment." Jimmy said. "plus I am as tall as you."

"To me you will always be that boy that I caught wearing my clothes." Carrie said with a smile. "wrapped in ductape ten years ago."

"MA, not here." Jimmy said looking around. "I have changed."

"yeah, right." Carrie said sarcastically. "May I see your apartment key?"

"yeah, sure." Jimmy said as he let his mom see his apartment key.

"your father would be proud." Carrie said as she turned to walk to the table, she quickly put the key on wax to make a print to copy. She placed the key on the table as she sat down. "So when do you get off from work."

"Three hours," Jimmy said as he picks up his key. "I am so tired, I just take a shower and go to bed."

"fun ain't it." Carrie said with sarcasm. "Better get used to it kid that's your life now." she said as the food arrived.

Boundville high library

Cory is in the library doing his homework at lunch wearing the clothes his sister told him to wear. He was right being invisible as a boy meant that nobody noticed except for his teachers.

Cory notices Miranda enter the library. She is wearing a shirt, jean skirt and white pantyhose. She is looking at him and coming towards him, he spots this through the corner of his eye.

"IS this seat taken?" Miranda asked.

"Well I, well I..." Cory muttered not expecting to talk. ", you, you can sit if you want."

"Well, aren't you generous." Miranda said. "so Cory, how did your sister get you to crossdress."

"What do you mean?" Cory asked forgetting that he was wearing his sister's clothes. "oh, this I am going to the mall with Tabitha after school, we are going to meet up with Fred and his brother." he said stl doing his homework.

"Double date." Miranda said. "Fred's step brother is a loner like you, he doesn't stand a chance with a real girl."

"Oh that's rich, I am not going on a date." Cory said as he stopped doing his homework. "Tabitha knows that I am straight."

"Straight has nothing to do with it." Miranda said. "You are her slave now, take for instance this boy I am tutoring Tommy."

"Isn't that the boy that got suspended for verbal abuse on three girls?"

"Yes, but it was two and he was talking back to them." Miranda said. "The third one lied."

"Did the girls get suspended too?" Cory asked.

"no." Miranda said. "The feminazi teacher didn't hear them verbally abusing him, well that's what she said, you should take the class next semester."

"No thanks, not even for extra credits." Cory looked at the clock and packed up his gear. "good luck with Tommy." He walked out of the library.

West boundville
Mama said
Three hours later

Carrie saw her son enter his apartment, she waited a couple of minutes then she grabbed her duffle bag. She wore dark baggie clothes so her son would not recognize her figure. After she got to the door, she grabbed the copy of the key she made that was still warm. She inserted it into the keyhole turned it and entered his apartment.

After Carrie entered the apartment living room she heard someone singing in the shower. She put on the ski mask from her duffle bag and grabbed her toy gun. When the shower water stopped her son came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. She points the toy gun at him and clears her throat.

"What the..."Jimmy said as he turned to see a gun pointed at him." did you...?"

"That doesn't matter..." Carrie said changing her voice and tossing the duffle bag at his feet. "...put the clothes on that are in the bag."

"What the fu..." Jimmy said as he opened the bag. " way, you can't be serious?"

"Don't talk back, just do it now." Carrie commanded.

Jimmy took out the women's underwear, then dropped his towel and then put on the nude pantyhose. He slid on the light blue dress and opera gloves. He saw hi heels in the bag, he looked at Carrie and her gun then put the hi heels on his feet. Then he tossed the empty bag and stood up gesturing what now.

"Walk to your room." Carrie commanded him.

"Okay, I may lose my balance." Jimmy complained as he started to walk down the hallway to his room almost losing his balance.

Carrie followed him to his room, once there she saw the boxes of ductape against the wall. When Jimmy turned and gestured now what, she let him stand there trying to maintain his balance.

"Get out a roll of ductape and wrap it around your ankles, calves and thighs." Carrie said. "sit down on your bed to begin." Jimmy sat down on his bed and wrapped ductape around his stockinged ankles, then he wrapped up his calves and thighs. "Now get up, turn place your hands behind your back." She grabbed the ductape from his hand, then wrapped his wrists, finally wrapping ductape around his torso pinning his arms. "Now to shut you up." She pulled out a ball gag, then shoved it in his mouth fastening the straps behind his head, the put ductape on his mouth so he wouldn't try to split out the ball gag.

"Mmmph mmmph mmmph." Jimmy said.

"Shut up you little brat." Carrie said as she shoved him on his bed. "looks like I get to steal whatever I want." She said as she pretended to take stuff and leave it in the living room, she went back into her son's room. "I got what I need, I will call the police in an hour they will be by to release you."

"Mmmph mmmph mmmph." Jimmy tried to say he would be really embarrassed if a male cop saw him like this.

"Not my problem kid." Carrie said as she took a picture with her cell phone left the apartment.

Boundville mall

Cory is in the passenger's seat in his sister's car, Tabitha parks her car next to Fred's car, who is waiting next to his car alone. Cory felt relieved that Fred's brother wasn't here. He takes off the seat belt, opens the door and gets out of the vehicle.

"Fred this is my friend I told you about." Tabitha said to Fred while pointing to Cory. "Where's your brother?" She asked.

"He'll be here." Fred said looking at Cory up and down, then smiling. "oh, Victor is going to love you." He said to Cory.

"What, I thought we were going to hang out." Cory said.

"by hang out meaning make out in a movie theater, then yes." Fred said then looked at Tabitha. "I thought you said she was down with this."

"Relax she is." Tabitha said lowering her voice to a whisper. "I said that you would show Fred's loser stepbrother a good time don't let me down or I will show you pain that you never seen before."

"Sorry." Cory said. "Miranda was right, you are treating me like your slave."

"Now you know." Tabitha said. "Don't you ever forget it, we'll talk later." She said. "Now just play along."

"Okay, for now." Cory said as Tabitha gave him a cold stare, then hearing a skateboard heading to their location.

"Here he is." Fred said. "Victor, glad you could make it." He said to his stepbrother as Victor stopped his board.

"Yeah, whatever." Victor said as he kicked up his skateboard. "I need to store this in you car."

"sure." Fred said opening the trunk of his car so Victor can store his skateboard.

"Okay, now where is this girl you wanted me to meet?" Victor asked.

"This is Cory." Cory heard Fred say as he pointed to him.

"Nice to meet you." Victor said walking up to Cory grabbing his hands and feeling for something. "Victor García."

"I am Cory." Cory said remembering that Victor already knew his name, Victor was still holding his hands.

"The movie is about to start." Tabitha said impatiently. "Let's go get seats in secluded dark areas."

"Yes, let's go." Cory agreed with his sister fearing what would happen if he didn't play along, his heart sank, Victor still held his hands and his expression changed.

"You know what, I don't want to see a movie you two have fun." Victor said looking in Cory's eyes.

"You sure about this, bro.?" Fred said.

"Yes positive..." Victor said. "...I am just going walk around the mall with Cory until your movie finished."

"Cory is that okay with you?" Tabitha asked her brother.

"Sure." Cory said feeling relieved his heart rate stabilize, Victor still held his hands.

After Fred and Tabitha went to the movie theater, Victor held Cory's hands a little longer looking into his eyes.

"So what do you want to do?" Cory asked Victor with a smile.

"How did this start?" Victor asked letting go of Cory's hands.

"What do you mean?" Cory asked confused.

"I felt your heart rate and looked into your eyes." Victor said. "How long have you been her new sister?" He said.

"how did you know that I am not a girl?" Cory asked.

"Been there, done that, I spent time as a sand warrior releasing a dragon to get back." Victor said. "do me a favor, if your sister offers you a magical smoothie mix, don't drink it."

"magic smoothie mix?" Cory asked.

"Long story, Short version, Shrag the magic dragon breathed fire and split my twin sister from me and took her back to his world." Victor said. "some how she managed to escape and become a wrestler."

"sounds crazy..." Cory said. " where is your new sister."

"okay, now you get it." Victor said. "Something else I learned from Boocola, we have to stop breaking the fourth wall and confusing the reader."

"What?" Cory asked confused.

"Nevermind." Victor said. "now to finish the story Boocola wrote for a banned user."

Mama said.

Jimmy tried to get up but the hi heels made it impossible to keep his balance. He struggled to free his wrist but he was stuck with his arms pinned to his torso. He couldn't move his legs, if he wasn't terrified about being caught by the police, he would be proud of the job he did taping his legs together. He struggled for how long, he had no idea.

The door suddenly opened up he heard a man's voice.

"hello, is anyone here." The male voice said. "it's all clear, nothing is stolen."

"we need to check the back room." Jimmy heard his mother's voice coming through the door. "Got him, wait outside." Carrie said surprise, I am a cop." she modeled her uniform.

"Mmmph mmmph mmmph." Jimmy seemed happy for her.

"We got a spotting of the escaped mental patient." The male voice called back.

"I got to get back to work, I'll leave scissors for you." Carrie said as she left scissors next to him. "You can keep the clothes." she said as she left his apartment.

Jimmy is happy that his mother got a job as a police officer, that was something she wanted to do as she was raising him. She didn't want him in the foster system if anything happened to her. Now he has to worry about her safety on her new job.
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Post by Boocola »

Bank in boundville
A kind of magic

Boocola is standing in line at the bank wanting to withdrawal money for some paragliding gear so that he could jump out of a perfectly good airplane to get through the thick cloud protecting the island valcano. Sure he could just show up using his magic tricks, but it doesn't work that way. This is very ancient magic around lava skull Island. Like being around Cody dulls his magic, this island is a phase shift from maladra. He knows that there is an entrance below through the underwater tunnels, but he wants to deal with Nare in the guard skull. He needs a submarine to protect himself and his assistant from the pressures of the deep.

"sir, what are you here for?" A bank employee with a name tag that read Crystal Kang standing at the front of the line asked Boocola when he got to the front in line.

"I need to withdraw two thousand dollars from my account." Boocola said to the woman wearing a white shirt, black vest, black skirt and tan pantyhose with hi heels. Then the phone rang at the counter near her.

"Crystal Kang." The woman said then she looked at Boocola. "Right away." Crystal said handing the phone to Boocola. "It's for you."

"What the..." Boocola said taking the phone from Crystal who now has a worried look on her face. "...hello." he said.

"What do you want for the release of your hostages." The male voice said.

"Vub tlhap nuch neH." Boocola said only cowards take hostages in klingoness. "All I want is to withdrawal money from my account." He said.

"Sorry sir, but your account is frozen." Crystal Kang informed him. "The police froze it before I handed you the phone."

Suddenly the patrons in the bank began freaking out and getting on the floor as the police surrounded the bank.

"That is impossible your account is frozen." The negotiator said. "Now release your hostages, there is no way out for you."

"Aren't you a wrestler?" Boocola asked Crystal.

"yes." Crystal replied.

"Do you know Tory Vic?" Boocola asked Crystal.

"Yes, I have a match with her on Monday." Crystal replied. "What does that have to do with this situation, you need to release the hostages."

"No I don't, they were never hostages, I need you to give Tory a message for me." Boocola said.

"What is the message?" Crystal asked.

"Lava skull island." Boocola says as he looks around at all the patrons on the floor and gulps. "She'll know what it means, here's a trick I've been saving just for you."

"What the?" Crystal asked Boocola didn't answer, because he appeared back in his cell at boundville asylum.

The cell bars has been cut up trying to get Theresa out of the magically sealed door. As he thought they gave up trying to get get Theresa out of the cell. The magic was still up the sentry an asylum orderly. When he turned around he dropped the magic and slipped out of the damaged door. Then choked out the orderly putting him to sleep, changed clothing with him and walked out of the asylum using his keys.

Bank in boundville
Mama said

Carrie is at the bank hostage scene, she heard what the hostage taker said to the negotiator. Vub tlhap nuch neH, she remembered that her son liked star trek and it sounded like a Klingon talking.

"what do you mean he's not there anymore." The police negotiator said. "So you're saying that a woman wearing a straitjacket appeared in his place."

"Do we have access to their surveillance cameras?" Carrie asked. "I don't think this was a hostage situation, it was a bondage trick."

"really?" The negotiator asked sarcasticly. "you just got out of the acedemy, rookie." He said accessing the surveillance system of the bank. "What do you know the rookie is right, did we get a translation on what Boocola said?"

The image on Carrie computer was a woman wearing a vest sending a text message. She is standing next to a woman wearing a straitjacket and a ballgag in her mouth.

"What kind of bondage trick is that." Carrie said thinking about her son wondering if he was able to cut his way out of the ductape. "Only cowards take hostages." She said translating what Boocola said on her cell phone. "He played us this was part of his trick, she's the doctor from the hospital he escaped from."

"He assumed we would over react." The negotiator said. "Okay clear the area."

Tommy's restoration

Tommy is sitting on a bed leaning against the back board wearing a white shirt and nude pantyhose watching the news bored out of his mind the soap operas ended. Miranda enters her room with a key in her hand, then unlocks the padlock on the callor releasing the wire.

"Here put this on." Miranda said handing Tommy a black dress. "I have work for you to do." she said.

"Great, what happened to your homework." Tommy said as he took off the shirt and put on the black dress. "That's right, no homework on Friday." he said remembering.

"I need you to clear the shed in the backyard, I am going to have a party tomorrow night." Miranda said. "Now I need you to clear it out and set up the tables, I will tie you up and leave you in the shed while my grandmother visits."

"Really." Tommy says talking back to Miranda forgetting his place. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." He said to her as she gets mad and slaps his face as he spins around landing on his stomach falling on the bed.

"Seriously..." Miranda said spanking Tommy's butt over and over again. "...I am not getting paid for enough for this."

"Please stop." Tommy started crying.

Miranda's sister Candy entered the front door and went to the room.

"Stop hitting him." Candy said. "what did he do to deserve that."

"He talked back." Miranda said grabbing rope and started tying his wrist behind his back. "I need you to clear out the shed." she said taking the slack and bending his knees to tie around his ankles.

"Why don't you have him do it." Candy said.

"He lost the privilege of freedom." Miranda said. "Like all boys that talk back to girls." she said shoving a ball gag in his mouth and fastening the strap behind his head.

"What happened to you?" Candy asked.

"go clear out the shed, we need him out of the way before grandma gets here." Miranda said.

"Mom got rescued or released." Candy said. "So she'll be home, what do you think she'll say about your behavior."

"What do you think she'll say when I tell her that you got him suspended and the teacher lied to give him an extra day. " Miranda said to her sister. "Clear the shed, I'll help you, since he is not going anywhere."

The tears streaming from Tommy eyes dampened the bed covers with drool starting to form on the ball gag. He now wants to go home and quit that class, he begins to realize that he can't get a good grade in that class without being a girl.

Boundville mall
Love my cruel sister

Cory is wearing a white dress and tan pantyhose walking around the mall with Victor enjoying his company. He offers to buy him a soda, he selects a table and sits down while Victor gets the drinks. Three boys approach the table and sits down without asking permission. Cory recognized them from school as friends of Fred. He calls them Tom, Richard and Harry.

"Hey girl, I here your cousins with our friend's girlfriend." Tom said. "Today is your lucky day, your other loser cousin has disappeared, so we can't kick his arse."

"We want to take you out to a party tonight." Richard told Cory. "It should be fun."

"I... I can't." Cory said. "I'm sorry, I am going home soon."
He said wondering why these boys wanted to hurt him.

"It wasn't a request." Harry exclaimed moving the chair closer to Cory and placing his hand on his shoulder. "Tell me where is your cousin, we want to see if he can bleed, he said he wanted to be shown a good time."

"What did my cousin ever do to you guys?" Cory asked.

"We wanted to jump him while he walked to school this morning, but the loser was a no show." Tom said. "you were taking his classes and you were in the library at lunch, you even look like him."

"hey Cory, who are these people." Victor said walking to the table, that Cory forgot about temporarily, he set the drinks on the table.

"Friends of my sister's boyfriend." Cory said. "They are looking for my cousin and they want me to go to a party with them."

"Leave dork, this doesn't concern you." Harry said.

"Seriously, why don't you three leave now por fa vor." Victor said.

"We are hanging out with her." Richard said.

"No you're not." Cory said. "Please leave me alone."

"You heard my buddy." Victor said. "Please leave."All three boys got up approaching Victor.

"You telling us what to do." Tom says as they push Victor.

"no, I am just suggesting that you leave my buddy alone." Victor said. "We can leave so you three can enjoy each other's company."

"what did you say?" Tom said throwing a punch at Victor's face, Victor swayed and moved back.

"You don't want to to that again." Victor warned.

"Really, I think we do." they approached Victor Tom said as they split up. Tom is center, while Richard went to the right and Harry went to the left.

Richard and Harry punches at the same time, then Tom threw a punch. Time seemed to slow down as Victor uses his right arm block the left boys punch with a inside block and quickly moves the same arm to a raising block to the boy on the left. Push blocks with his right hand the center Tom's punch and spins into a left side kicks his gut, Tom falls to his knees out of wind. Victor right thrust kicks Richard who is on the left in the chest pushing him back tripping on his heels and falling on his butt. Victor then spins to pivot around into a left roundhouse Harry's face on the right, who spins to the ground.

"No digas que no te adverti." Victor said he tried to to warn you in Spanish. "grab the sodas, let's go." He tells Cory. "before they get their wind back, I don't want to hurt them."

"What did you say?" Cory asked. "where did you learn to do that?"

"I tried to warn them." Victor said. "Something to that effect, spell checking messed it up." He looked at Cory and smiled. "I'm a natural, let's get out of here."

Cory picked up the drinks and they walked away from the three boys trying to catch their breath.

Tommy's restriction

Tommy is hogtied in a dark shed on the floor wearing a black dress and nude pantyhose, tears still water his eyes and drool dropping from the ball gag. At first he remains still feeling the rope around his wrists tied around his ankles. He hears multiple voices outside, talking in conversation with laughter. He started to struggle for a few minutes, the knots were cinched tight. He heard more laughter from Miranda outside, he doesn't know why but he got angry. Struggling in the hogtie he twisted his wrist and tries to get his thumb out. After a few attempts he does and gets out. Pulls out the rest of his hand. Gets his other wrist out and unties his ankles, then removes the ball gag.

Tommy got up stretched out, unbuckling the ball gag strap. He felt where the wall is then sat down leaning his back against the wall. The conversation and laughing kept going on outside for a while, then it went inside the house.

Then someone started unlocking the padlock on the shed. The door opened and it was Miranda's mom.

"Are you okay?" Theresa asked him, Tommy just nodded as she notices the rope and ballgag in the middle of the shed. "You escaped?" She asked another question.

"Why?" Tommy asked Theresa.

"Why, what?" Theresa asked.

"Why does women treat boys this way?" Tommy asked thinking of the teacher that suspended him.

"I think they want to mold them to their image." Theresa said. "If they don't conform the discipline is harsh until they do."

"That's not fair." Tommy said.

"You got to make it fair." Theresa said. "My mom has left, do you want to come in for dinner?"

"Sure." Tommy said as he got up from the wall and walked into the house with sat at table with Miranda and candy.

A kind of magic

Boocola is in a plane with Paragliding equipment on, he feels his cell phone peep. He takes it out and looks at a message confirming a job that was devoloping for a couple of days, he got the go ahead. He'll take care of it when he finishes saving his assistants.

Tory already paid the pilot she insisted that she tag along. She is just going stay in the plane.

"Are you sure it's there?" Tory asked Boocola.

"No, it's not there." Boocola said. "I know where Cody is."

"Why are you gliding to a location that is not there?" Tory asked.

"Don't worry about it." Boocola said as he gets ready to jump out of the airplane. "Just close the door after I jump out and give the submarine captain those instructions."

"Is this a fourth wall thing." Tory asked.

Boocola smiled as he opened the door of the airplane and jumped out falling to the pacific, towards the steam fog as he hurls through the sky entering the fog. He spreads his arms and legs gliding through spots the lava skull on top of volcano coming up. He glides away pulls the parachute. Glides down to the side lands then gets out of the paragliding equipment and stashes it. He gets his sword out and starts hiking to the skull entrance.
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Post by Boocola »

Friday night
Boundville mall
Love my cruel sister

Cory is wearing a white dress and nude pantyhose walking around with Victor. He is drinking soda from a straw, even forgets that he is crossdressed. He is talking about video games with his new friend. The only thing that reminds him that he is not in men's clothing is the lipstick on the straw.

"What is your favorite game?" Cory asked Victor looking at the straw.

"Grand Theft Auto 5." Victor said as he took the lid off his soda and drank a gulp. "I usually mess up the LOST a motorcycle gang."

"I play fortnite." Cory said remembering he haven't played in a while. "I haven't played since I found my sister kissing Fred, Tabitha had me tied up." Taking a sip from the straw again.

"I tried that game..." Victor said. "...don't like it." He said as he took a gulp.

"What don't you like about it?" Cory asked Drinking more soda from the straw.

"Playing with other players." Victor said. "They box up, it's a waste of time." He says as he takes a big gulp with a disgusting look on his face.

"There are plays around that." Cory said. "Build up take them out from above." taking a long sip from the straw.

"Yeah it's still a waste of time." Victor said smiling. "let's talk about something else, you ever think about streaming?" Victor asked asked gulping the final drop of soda from the cup.

"All the time." Cory answered drinking the rest of the soda.

"Dressed like you are now." Victor said looking at Cory up and down, then tossed the cup in the nearest trash can.

"no." Cory said. "I never thought of it." he said seeing the trash can walking over and throwing the cup away.

"well don't." Victor said. "Sure you would get alot of tips, especially looking like that."

"Like what?" Cory asked as he turns around from throwing the cup away and saw Victor staring at his legs. Curiously he looked down at his legs and was amazed. "wow." He never realized these pantyhose made his legs look sexy. "Victor are you okay?"

"yeah, I am okay, just forgot." Victor answered. "Can I tie you up?" He asked knowing full well that Cory was a boy, but got embarrassed after realizing what he did.

"I don't know." Cory answered wonders why he said that he thought someone other than his sister tying him up, even though he ties himself up before that.

"Yes, she would love it."Tabitha said as Cory was so lost in thought he didn't notice his sister walking up.

"I want it to be her choice." Victor said acknowledging Cory is a girl because his half brother is with Tabitha.

"She doesn't have a choice." Tabitha said. "You can tie up my cousin." She said planning to make out with Fred in his room.

"Okay Victor, I'll let you tie me up." Cory agreed with defeat in his eyes, then Victor grabbed his hands.

"I want you to do this, because you want to do it." Victor whispered as felt Cory's heart rate. "My teacher taught me everyone has a choice or it would not be fun." He said with a smile.

"Your teacher sounds wise." Cory said. "okay, I'll let you tie me up." he said with a smile.

"He's not wise, he just breaks the fourth wall alot." Victor cracked a smile at the thought of becoming Boocola.

"Finally..." Tabitha said opening the passenger door of her car grabbing a pair of handcuffs from the glove box. " lost your freedom." She said grabbing Cory's arms taking her hands from Victor and cuffing his wrists behind his back.

"No, I thought..." Cory said as a tear fall ruining the eye makeup.

"It will be okay." Victor said wiping away the tear, then kissing Cory's forehead as Tabitha put her brother in the front seat of her car fastening the seat belt.

"I'll meet you at your house Fred." Tabitha told Fred as she kissed him.

"That was unnecessary, she was complying." Victor said to Tabitha who just ignored him and closed the passenger door and got into the driver's door.

"Why would you care, bro..." Fred said. " get to tie her up when we get home." he said opening his car door and getting in.

"you're an idiot, just like your friends." Victor said walking to the passenger side door, Fred unlocked the door and Victor got in.

"What about my friends?" Fred asked as he started the car.

"Nothing." Victor said putting on the seat belt.

A kind of magic
The Caribbean

Rebecca is on the deck of her ship wearing a white blouse, black pants and black boots. She has a red sash tied around her waist with a belt buckled sheithing her sword on the right side connected to a strap on her left shoulder. she has a musket pistol tucked in the middle with the handle where her right hand can get to it. The musket rounds were in a pouch on the left side, the powder jug near the ball pouch strapped over her right shoulder. She has a dew rag on her head over her short brown curly hair.

The French ship is getting closer into view, Rebecca has the French flag flying on her mast. She has to wait a little longer to raise the black or the French would run. She looks through the spy glass at the French captain doing the same thing. She wonders if they think this is a pirate ship approaching and how they will react to being boarded. Her first mate Stan nears her from the starboard side.

"Aye Cap'n, the crew is ready for the attack." Stan said. "Awaiting the order to raise the black."

"stand by mate, that French captain isn't fooled." Rebecca said still looking through the glass. "Ready the black, load the cannons on starboard side." She senses an immortal on the French ship as it nears.

"Aye, Aye captain." Stan said as he went to relay her orders.

"Raise the black." Rebecca yells the order as she lowers the spy glass after realizing the ship's disguise is failing, as the black pirate flag went up, her ship got closer. "Hard to port, fire starboard guns." She yells as they near the French ship. "Prepare to board, kill resistance and bring me prisoners."

The surprise attack went as Rebecca planned her ship turned left the cannons on the right side fired leaving smoke. The boarding party used grappling hooks to swing over to the French ship. Musket fire sounds of as her pirates had multiple musket pistols ready to shoot. The smoke cleared she spots a French sailor targeting one of her men, she draws her pistol and fires at the sailor's firing shoulder. She reloads her pistol quickly pouring powder from the jug, grabbing a musket ball putting it in, taking a ramrod packing in the shot in the muzzle, halfcocking firing lever and adding the fuse. She is sure that sailor she shot was going to be an immortal. She put her pistol back in her waist and grabbed a string of loaded pistols and grappling hook, then boarded the other ship. She sensed an immortal, not someone who was about to be immortal and she wanted to investigate her senses.

"First mate, Stan I'm going over." Rebecca said. "The ship is yours until I get back." She says as she throws the grappling hook to the other ship's mass and swings over.

"Aye Cap'n." Stan said.

Rebecca landed on the deck of the French ship the sounds of metal clanking of sword fighting could heard all around. She has four loaded pistols on the string around her neck. She starts heading below deck tracking the Frenchman she shot, two armed sailors came at her. She shot the weapons out of their hands with two pistols, then shoots them both in the legs with the other two pistols.

"I will spare your lives tell me where is that sailor with the shoulder wound." She told the two French men.

"he went that way to the black powder stoeage room. " one man said.

Rebecca went to the room the French sailor pointed at. She dropped the string of empty pistols on the floor and she walked to the door she pulled out her sword. Her men came down to take the two Frenchmen prisoner.

"We captured the French captain, captain." One of her pirate said to her. "what shall we do with those two?" He asked.

"Asked them if they want to join the crew." Rebecca said. "try to save their legs by taking out the musket balls."

"what if they don't." The pirate asked.

"Execute them." Rebecca said not wanting to show weakness. "Send Stan over."

"Aye Aye." the pirate said as he left to carry out her orders.

Rebecca opened the door to see a boy adding pressure to the man's wound. The boy was the immortal he was trying to remove the musket ball. He froze when he saw Rebecca

"I can't find the ball my brother Pierre Congral will get infected and die." the boy said. "I want to save him."

"Don't bother pep, he is a pirate..." Pierre Congral said as he spat blood at Rebecca's feet. "...he doesn't care to show mercy."

"you are brothers." Rebecca said as she realized that they look alike, they could pass for father and son, but she would be mistaken for Pierre looks twenty three and his brother looks thirteen. "What happened ten years ago?"

"we were left on the streets of France at a young age, we were eating what little food we could find, when a man strapped pep in the back." Pierre said. "I thought he was dead, but he woke up after the man left."

"Okay pep, what happened?" Rebecca asked the immortal boy not sensing something Pierre left out. "Tell me what you remember."

"We both were starving, we found some food someone threw out..." he said. " wasn't enough to feed us both, but we split it, Pierre finished first, I turned around passed out, then woke up on the alley to see Pierre crying."

"What do you need captain?" Stan said.

"How many prisoners joined our crew?" Rebecca asked.

"All of our prisoners." Stan said. "we had to amputate some, we could use them for the crows nest."

"good take this man to the ship." Rebecca said pointing to Pierre. "Set course for a small island, we are going to desert him there." she said. "I will swim to the ship."

After Stan left with Pierre, Rebecca looked at pep. She doesn't know how to tell him that his brother stabbed him for the food, so she doesn't.

Rebecca woke up from sleeping at work her job is boring having to monitor the progress of the workers in a section. She notices a problem of the work load, either an area boss isn't reporting or the workers stopped working.

"Megan, I need you to take over and watch my screen." Rebecca asked her friend in the cubicle next to her. "I have to check on something." She says getting up from her desk straightening her blue dress, checked her nude pantyhose and putting on her blue hi heels.

"We are supposed to stay here." Megan said. "We can't go down to check it's to dangerous, we are supposed to call in have someone else do it." she said moving the wheeled chair she has a black dress with nude pantyhose showing her stockinged feet, her black heels are under her desk.

"I can't just sit here." Rebecca said as she walked to the elevator past all the women in the cubicles. "I got to stretch my legs."

"Okay, well hurry back." Megan said. "your coffee will get cold."

Rebecca smiled as she got in the box and pushed the button to ground floor. On the way down the elevator kept stopping letting women in until the box got crowded. She usually gets off on the fifth floor the way to the carpool she takes back to the middle continent where her apartment is, most of the women got off there. She continues down to the bottom floor, she gets out to smell smoke and sees dirty workers stop and stare at her, They are mostly men.

"Hello fellas." Rebecca said as she recalls this is the first time she saw a man since she got here. "Where is the area boss?"

"Are you lost, you're not supposed to be here." One big man said with sweat and dirt on his muscles on his body. "Especially dressed like that."

"Well I noticed some irregularities in the area read out." Rebecca said. "Decided to check it out."

"We've been working nonstop for seven hours without a break." the big guy said. "The area boss is in the back." He gestures to the door.

"Thanks." Rebecca said seeing the surprised look on his face when she said that it's like he never been thanked for anything. "Keep up the good work." She said as she walked to the room with all eyes on her.

Rebecca got to the door and walked in seeing three section bosses playing cards. All three women were sitting at a table with section chips. One sets down her cards and gets up and walks towards Rebecca, her section boss is named Linda.

"what are you doing here?" Linda asked.

"I noticed irregularities in the production read out report on my screen." Rebecca said. "I thought I would see what is wrong."

"nothing is wrong, I am on a losing streak." Linda said. "isn't almost time for you to go home."

"Yeah, sorry to bother you." Rebecca said as she turned read something on the bulletin, slaves execution for production failure. "One more thing," Rebecca said as she stopped and turned. "What does that mean?" she asked as she points to the bulletin sign.

"No big deal, I lost some of my production playing cards." Linda says. "A slave in my production area will get executed at the prison tonight." She looks at the monitor of the recording of Rebecca entering the area. "I think I'll choose that guy that was talking to you."

"No you can't he worked hard for you and you gambled it away." Rebecca said angered by what she heard.

"Men work hard and take the blame for failure all the time." Linda said. "You better get used to it you are living with the Amazons now."

Rebecca walked out of the room looking at the man who will pay for the section boss losing at a game of cards. He is lifting a rock so two other men hammered stakes then he put it down and looked at Rebecca as she entered the elevator. She decided to change the readout to even out when she got back to her desk.

Empty Walls
Samuel and Josh

The battle fields in fortnite on a hill in Samuel is using the Aerobic assassin skin a blonde woman with shades over her eyes she's wearing a leotard under a really small shirt, blue tights with rainbow leg warmers and tennis shoes. He is playing team rumble with a friend he met when he was visiting his aunt last year, he figured out that his brother Matt had Josh bound and gagged in a very strict hogtie in a shed at a party his aunt made Samuel attend dressed as a girl while Matt was coming onto him.

"Josh, what's your 20?" Samuel said through the microphone on his headset. "we need weapons." He said controlling the aerobic assassin to open a chest on top of a sniper tower. He found two assault rifles, a shotgun and a half shield. "where you at, come to lonely, I have a weapon for you."

"you're at lonely, what's that?" Josh replied. "I landed in a hot zone, I am getting shot at before I can find a weapon."

"Lonely lodge." Samuel said as he looks at the map to try to find Josh's location. "Meet me here, I'll drop some weapons for you." He dropped off the tower gliding down, landing next to two of his teammates a default female skin and a banana skin. "Hold on, I'm with two teammates." He said as he had the aerobic assassin to drink the half shield.

Samuel cought up with the default and banana skins. He saw that a group of four enemies were coming. One Ace skin, a Wolfman skin, and two Roxy skins, one red and the other orange. The default skin attacked along with the banana skin, the ace skin and red Roxy skins got eliminated. The Wolfman skin fired at the default skin eliminating her. He and the banana skin opened fire on the Wolfman skin, The banana skin got the elimination. The orange Roxy eliminated the banana skin, he got the orange Roxy, but not before she set up a trap that spiked up eliminating him.

"Okay Josh, stay put I'll glide over." Samuel said in his microphone as he glided down to his friends position. "okay let's go somewhere so I can give you a weapon." He said to Josh as he landed.

Emty walls
Samuel and Josh

Josh is playing fortnite with his friend Samuel that he met after giving his girlfriend Rachael back her school uniform after his brother Matt held him captive in a shed while his brother was flirting with Samuel. He is using the Demi skin, she is wearing a tight red Chinese dress and black pantyhose she has a bionic arm with headset on her head. He controlled Demi to a clearing, this game pisses him off he was unable to find weapon, he waited for his friend to land.

Okay Josh, stay put I'll glide over." Samuel said in his microphone as he glided down to his friends position. "okay let's go somewhere so I can give you a weapon." He said to Josh as he landed.

"The fighting is heavy." Josh said as he controlled Demi to follow the aerobic assassin Samuel used to a place behind two rocks.

"pick this up." Samuel said as the aerobic assassin dropped an assault rifle. "Equip it and followed me."

"Alright, finally." Josh said equipped the rifle his Demi skin picks it up." He says following Samuel's character." I see one over by those trees." He aimed and fired with Josh at the John wick skin, the player built a wall blocking the bullets, but he kept reconstructing the wall as Josh and Samuel try to shot it down. " He's building empty walls for a shield, this is a waste of ammo."

"let's flank him you go left, I'll go right." Samuel said. "keep the pressure on that wall."

"Okay, let's do it." Josh said as he fired at an empty wall that won't fall then he controlled Demi to go right and past the wall as the John wick skin got hammered from both sides, he got eliminated by Josh. "damn I can't believe that worked." He said as he and Samuel took fire from behind. "Bogies on our six." He yelled.

"What does that even mean?" Samuel yelled the question.

"Bad guys behind us." Josh said as he returned fire.

"Then just say that." Samuel said getting eliminated.

"Bad guys behind us." Josh said as he got eliminated also.

"Too late." Samuel replied sarcastically.

"No duh." Josh said as the elimination count ended. "I hate getting eliminated last."

"Want to go again?" Samuel asked.

"No, I go to go..." Josh said. "I have to go to sleep, early day tomorrow, Matt wants me to play a game tomorrow at boundville park." He said. "Maybe you can play to it's an air soft war game called Capture and rescue."

"What is it?" Samuel asked.

"He said it's like capture the flag." Josh said. "He said fag, but I am sure he meant flag." He said. "I just want to fire an air soft gun."

"sure, I have nothing to do this weekend." Samuel said.

Josh signed off and got ready for bed.

Love my cruel sister
Victor and Cory

Victor looked in the mirror with a yellow dress and tan pantyhose with yellow heels on. He even put a wig made from the hair he had made from the hair he cut off after the split from his sister. Now he even looks like his sister Tory Vic. He thought that this was behind him, his encounter with Cory made him reconsider how his his sister was created.

Victor picked up the rose he asked Fred to stop the car so he could get before going to his brother's house. Before he could set the rose down Cory's sister Tabitha enters his room, she is surprised to see him like that.

"You look like Tory Vic." Tabitha says handing Victor the key to the handcuffs. "I didn't know you did crossdressed."

"yeah, I haven't wore this dress in a long time." Victor said taking the key. "Is Cory blindfolded?" He asked.

"yes." Tabitha said. "He's in Fred's room."

"Can you bring him here?" Victor asked. "I don't want Fred to know that I dress like this."

"yeah, okay..." Tabitha said with a smile. "...your secret is safe with me." she said leaving the room.

Victor saw Cory walk in the room with his hands cuffed behind his back and a blindfold over his eyes. He was still wearing a white dress and nude pantyhose. He also had a ballgag in his mouth.

Cory was shaking when Victor approached him with the rose in his hand.

"Calm, shhh." Victor said as he touched Cory's forehead with the rose.

"Mmmmph." Cory said as he jumped a little.

"I won't hurt you." Victor said as he slowly moved the rose between his eyes and stopped on his nose. "Relax you're safe." he moved the rose down over his upper lip past the ballgag over his lower lip and stopped on his chin spinning the rose.

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph?" Cory asked what is that.

Cory is standing in an unknown room with his hands cuffed behind his back and a ball strapped in his mouth with a blindfold blocking him from seeing, he felt a soft pedal move down his face, he muffled a question, but is unsure if Victor understood.

"It's a rose." Victor said as he removed the blindfold showing Cory the rose and smiling.

Cory saw Tory Vic standing in front of him smiling and holding a rose. He was amazed the she talked like Victor same yellow dress, tan pantyhose and yellow heels. Even the hair was the same as the rookie diva.

"I turn around." Victor said.

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph." Cory was surprised that Victor was Tory Vic.

"No she's my sister." Victor said. "Boocola has a wrestler named Tory Vic on WWE 2K19." he said. "You and I are standing behind him in the profile picture for this site, okay I've broken the fourth wall enough." he said grabbing some rope. "Now please turn around so that he can continue this story."

"Mmmmph mmmph." Cory said rolling his eyes as he turned around and Victor uncuffed the handcuffs, then tossed them on his bed.

Victor tied Cory's wrists together behind his back and wrapped rope around his torso cinching it tight. Victor had Cory lay down on his bed, he tied Cory's ankles, calves and thighs. Victor tied a rope to Cory's wrists then bent his knees bringing his ankles closer to his wrists and tied the rope connecting his ankles to the wrists completing the hogtie.

"There, I tied you up." Victor said taking his heels off and getting on his bed sitting Indian style in front of Cory's face. "How do you like it?" He said twirling the rose on Cory's forehead.

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph." Cory said WTF as he is looking at Victor's stockinged feet and breathing a smell that he cannot identify coming from Victor's feet. "Mmmph mmmph mmmph?" He asked what that smell was.

"I don't know." Victor said. "Let's just enjoy the moment." He said. "Meeting you reminded me of what I went through last year." he said as he just sat there for the next couple of hours playing with the rose that caressed Cory's skin on his face.
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Post by Boocola »

A kind of magic

On the side of the skull volcano, there is a tent that has been pitched it has blended into the surrounding to avoid detection. Boocola occupies the tent, he is watching a concert on his cellphone with no connection available he has to break the fourth wall for a connection. He heard "Pa, when it my turn would you want me to go?" a child asked his father. "For democracy any man would give his only begotten son." The man says to his son. The music starts. "Death has a dignity all it's own." An image a man with no arms and legs doing Morse code appears. "What's he saying Padre?" A general asked. "S.O.S. Help." The Padre said. "Don't you have some message for him?" The general asked another question. "He's a product of your profession general, not mine." a cord was struck then "I can't remember anything, can't tell if this is true or dream."

"I am coming, Rebecca." Boocola says wondering what his assistant is doing.

Normandy 1944

Rebecca completed the mission to help the allies establish a foothold in Europe. She has a new assignment to meet up with an resistance group. She is pretending to be a young man with her head shaved wearing green pants and a black shirt. She has a pistol holsters on a belt on the right hip plus her staff blade in her hands.

Rebecca's life as a cabaret dancer was interrupted when the Nazis invaded france. She saved her friend Mary's life from a Nazi who was going to an immortal when if he died. The German officer shot Rebecca instead of Mary, so she gave up the sparkley dresses and fishnet tights to try to hunt down this smug Nazi.

Rebecca surveys the area as she approaches the link up spot. There is a road to the left with a group of American soldiers marching. She also hears the sound of distant battles being fought. She spots two ME-109s approaching the group of marching soldiers. She decides to take out the fighters before the connecting with the other resistance group.

"What the..." Rebecca says to herself as she senses another immortal. " can't be." She feels the presence of three immortals, one was in the group of American soldiers. Looking around she spots a man with a sword approaching her. "It can't be." She says to herself as she recognizes Pierre Congral. "Those mutiness bastards, couldn't follow a simple order." she cursed to herself as she thought about Stan who lead a mutiny against her, they hogtied her and tossed her in the water near an island, telling her that she could swim to the island of she manages to escape before she drowns. She managed to escape with her lungs full of water and the skin on her wrists peeled off.

"You ordered your crew to maroon me on that island." Congral said he said chopping his blade at Rebecca neck.

"If it will make you feel better." Rebecca said as she blocks Congral's strike. "Stan lead a mutiny and stole my ship." blocking another side swing from the immortal Frenchmen. "We are on the same side now, let's work together." She said as she backs up trying to reason with him.

"no, you killed my brother." Congral yelled as he leaps and swings his sword at her head.

"Well, I was a pirate." Rebecca said blocking the strike bringing her staff up. She e could end it now, but until she could locate the third immortal. She won't feel safe absorbing Congral's power. "I can't show that I'm soft in front of my crew." She said.

Rebecca hears the pair of ME-109s get closer. She spins her staff hitting Congral's face with the blunt end. She backs up trying to locate the third immortal. As the lead German fighter starts firing at the American soldiers, she sees the group scatter for cover. She then looks around on the ground as she realizes she is in a minefield.

Rebecca drops her staff drew her pistol aimed at the pilot of the second plane and fired shooting the canopy killing the German pilot, the plane crashed exploding in an empty field.

"you should have finished me off, now I will kill you." Congral said running to a leap starting to slash at Rebecca's unprotected neck.

Rebecca was prepared to die as she decided to save the American soldiers from another staffing from a German plane. She hears a rifle shot as congral's blade inches closer to cut off her head, but she hears an explosion.

"It can't be." Rebecca said as doesn't look for Congral, she spots the immortal soldier that saved her life as she holsters her pistol. She can't believe it was the native American kid she saved in 1889, he grew up. She picked up her staff as she tries to remember his name and approaches him." David Moonstar." she said.

"I knew it was you." Moonstar says. "I did what you told me to go back to that tree to retrieve that sword you left me when the time came."

"So how did it happen?" Rebecca asked spotting sergeant stripes on his uniform.

"Klu Klux Klan." Moonstar said. "They killed me with my wife, I thought I was going to be with her in the afterlife."

"I'm sorry." Rebecca said.

"It wasn't your fault." Moonstar says as his unit gets ready to move out. "We got to move, perhaps I'll see you later after this war is over."

"yes, see you later." Rebecca says as she watches Moonstar March off. "I hope." She said to herself.

Rebecca turns to the minefield and sees her husband again through the smoke, this time he was wearing a sailors uniform, he was at pearl harbor when it was bombed.

"You have a chance to finish him." Raino said. "he's still alive, no arms, no legs, you will be doing him a favor, if you don't do it I will."

"You're not here, you're in the pacific." Rebecca said wondering why she's talking to a ghost. "This isn't real."

Rebecca woke up in a sweat like she did the previous morning, she looks at Megan who is still sleeping. She wonders what that dream means she doesn't remember. She gets out of bed and takes off her nightgown then takes a cold shower.

At the tent on the side of the volcano mountain Boocola is still watching the video. "Darkness imprisonate me, all that I see, absolute horror, I cannot live, I cannot die, trapped in myself, body my holding cell."

At the top of the volcano mountain in the skull, an armless and legless Frenchman watches Rebecca take a shower. "Landmine has taken my sight, taken my speech, taken my arms, taken my legs, left me with life in hell." Those lyrics boomed in from Boocola's fourth wall break.

"when will she die? " Congral asked.

"patients, my friend." Nare grod's voice comes from the shadows. "Soon ve vill kill her, but first she has to remember."

"When will that be?" Congral asked.

"I have been at stalingrad, vhen she sleeps her eyes move, that is the sign she's remembering the horrors of war." Nare replied. "So it will be soon, if those Amazons don't get to her first for changing the stats saving a slaves life."

Golden Gato

Milly was up in the attic going through her great grandfather's stuff. She just got back from his funeral and she inherited his house. She's wearing a black dress and black stockings, she's in stockinged feet sitting on her knees. She opens a box that reads world War one, as she looks through it she finds a baronet tnat has been broken. She set that aside to open up a journal his great grandfather kept during the war.

Milly opened up the journal and turned the pages, she read one entry where his unit was reconidering no man's land and got lost. When they came across some sentries, they were going to approach, but her grandfather said "let's wait to see what language they are speaking." they waited until they heard the sentries speak German and her great grandfather said. "Let's get the hell out of here."

Milly wanted to see if he killed anyone, but she couldn't find an entry. There was nothing in there about any men he killed, with the exemption of an entry this German ran into his patrol unit. The German ran up to her great grandfather, he has the bayonet on his rifle. She assumed it was the broken baronet she set aside. The German ran into the baronet, her grandfather got scared and dropped his rifle. The blade broke he wrote as her grandfather tripped and a golden cat rolled from the fallen German.

Milly had to turn the page, when she heard her door bell ring. "I wonder who that can be." She said talking to herself as she sets the journal down to exit the attic to answer the door. She got to the door to see a woman with blonde hair and glasses on, She was at the funeral also she is wearing a black dress and black stockings with black hi heels. She carried a shoulder bag.

" Where is the golden gato?" The woman asked.

"What is a golden gato?" Milly replied with a question.

"Don't play the stupid American." The German girl pushed her way in and closed the door.

Without saying a word spun Milly around forced her arms behind her back, then the German pulled rope out of her bag and tied her wrists together behind her back.

"What do you want?" Milly yelled at the German girl "Release me?" She added at the woman that is ignoring her as the blonde wraps rope around her torso cinching it tight. "I'll scream." She said.

"That wouldn't be a good idea." The woman said as she pulls a ball with straps from her bag. Shoved the ball in Milly's mouth and fastened the strap. "where is the golden gato?" The woman asked.

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph." Milly shrugged she doesn't know.

The German girl called Betty noticed that the attic ladder was down. She grabbed more rope from her bag forcing Milly to the ground on her stomach. She ties her captives ankles, thighs and calves.

Then Betty goes up to the attic to see a journal open and a broken baronet on the floor next to the box. She pulled out a broken bayonet tip out of her bag and put it on the broken bayonet on the floor and it fit. A tear fell from her eye under her glasses. Then she unstraps her bag and sets it on the floor.

Betty picks up the journal and reads the part where her great grandfather ran into the bayonet and the American dropped the rifle surprised. She turned the page to read the American didn't understand her grandfather when he said "Hilf miru, ich will nitcht sterben." Then the American sees another German soldier approaching and said in a Scottish accent that he needs help help he doesn't want to die.

Then the American wrote that he saw something unbelievable. The German soldier with the Scottish accent pulled out the bayonet from her grandfather then stabbed himself and pulled out the blade. He then wiped off the blood and spread it over her grandfather wound, her grandfather healed. "Ya nah have seen this laddy, go back to ye unit and ask for a sniper named captain Raino cowter give him a message mission accomplished." Then broke the bayonet and gave the American the bottom half. "Tell him I'll be in Chicago, I always wanted to be a dancer." The American wrote as he went back to his unit finding that a strange message to deliver.

Milly just escaped the amateur tie up job the German captured her with. She grabbed the ropes, then she went up to the attic and saw the German girl reading her grandfather's journal. She noticed the broken bayonet blade was fixed.

Milly folded a piece of rope, krept up on the German as she read the journal quickly looped her elbows, putting the two ends between the fold pulled the German's elbows together behind her back tight looping the rope two two times tighter, continuing to loop down to her wrists looping to nearly the two ends, then splitting on the ends looping around the rope between her wrists ciinching it tightly in a knot, then grabbed more rope wrapping the German's torso cinched it tight.

Milly put the ball gag that was in her mouth in the intruder's. "Not so smug now." Milly said as she fastened the strap.

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph." Betty said that she was mistaken.

"yeah, right." Milly said as she tied up the German girl's ankles, calves and thighs. "You're not going anywhere until the police get here." She said bending the German's knees tying a connection rope to her wrists and ankles.

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph." Betty said she was sorry as she struggled to free herself.

"Sure you are." Milly said as she picked up the journal to go down to read it after she called the police to wait.

Milly couldn't help but read the entry about the German soldier with the Scottish accent saving the German her grandfather stabbed and gave him a message. There was nothing on the encounter with Captain Cowter just that The Captain ordered her great grandfather to be discharged due to psychological distress. Her grandfather thought that he would be court martialled then executed for desertion.

There is an entry seven years later, her great grandfather visited Chicago, he wrote that he thought he wouldn't write in this journal, he wanted to bury it. But he entered theater to see a dancer dancing in a show called dancing on the field. He wrote that he saw the Captain there and he saw the German soldier wearing a pin stripped suit. The lights dimmed and he took a seat.

Her grandfather saw the curtain open and a civil war union soldier with a great War rifle with a bayonet March out as the music started. The dancer had short brown curly hair, she stopped in the middle of the stage twirling the rifle, she tossed the rifle in the air, then ripped off her uniform revealing a light blue flapper dress, nude fishnet tights and blue dancing heels. She caught the rifle as it came down waving it around twirling the rifle and shaking her butt, she stabbed the bayonet in the stage performaning the Charleston dance as the Jazz music played.

When the music stopped and she stopped dancing, her great grandfather saw that she stood there looking in the crowd looked right at him and smiled. The captain walked out to her and hugged and kissed her.

Then the dancer left the captain, then walked over to him and said in the same Scottish accent "I am glad ye made it out of the war alive laddy." She said as the German approached them. "I have something for the both of you, when you die I will have someone send it to your grandchildren." The German agreed and they became friends. Then she went back on stage and continued the show with back up dancers one looked like a boy.

Milly went back up to the attic to see the intruder struggle in the hogtie. "The police are on their way." Milly said as she lied to the German intruder.

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph." Betty pleaded and started crying saying that she is sorry.

A kind of magic
Costa Mesa 1989

Rebecca is riding her skateboard to the Costa Mesa plaza wearing a black shirt, red and black flannel skirt and black fishnet tights with red skating shoes on, her hair is spiked and died red. She Ollies into a 180 spin lands on a curb and grinds to Ollie off. Until she senses an immortal, she stops skating, gets off her board and looks around to see a cop car.

The sirens on the squad car sound and two police officers get out and approaches her. Rebecca recognizes one officer as the German that shot her in France during the German invasion. She sees the name tag read Klem on the police officer. The other officer followed his lead.

"You're causing a nuisance." Officer Klem said. "We got a complaint." He said. "Drop the skate board."

"Really, I just got here." Rebecca said as she sets the board down, she believes Klem knows that she has a then Blade attached to the bottom of the board and he would be right.

"Put your hands on your head." Klem ordered unholstering his gun and aimed it at Rebecca. "Check the bottom of the skateboard." He ordered the other officer.

Rebecca put her hands on her head as the other officer picks up the skateboard and checked the bottom.

"Zackary, I found a blade." The other officer said.

"I'll cover her, while you cuff her rookie." Klem said.

The rookie officer placed the skateboard on the trunk of the squad car took out his handcuffs and slapped a cuff on Rebecca's wrist then pulled her arm behind her back, then pulled her other arm behind her back and cuffed her wrist, turning her around.

"where is the Congral?" Zachary Klem asked Rebecca.

Rebecca wasn't expecting that question, at least not in front of his partner. The other officer seemed confused, but Rebecca thought back and realized that he was the immortal in the German fighter. She remembers the ME109 was circling. "So you were the pilot in the other plane." She thought about how she could be so stupid.

"Yes, I was." Zachary said as he holstered his pistol and opened his car door and pulled out his sword. "Now where is the Congral, I want to run some experiments on him for cloning purposes."

"What are you talking about Zachary." The other officer said. "where did you get that sword, we can charge her with concealment."

"Nien, I am going to take her head and with it the memory of the location of the Congral." Zachary said.

"I cannot let you kill me a defenseless suspect." The other officer approached his partner.

"Then you will die before her I'm afraid." Zachary said as he rammed his blade through the vest in his partner's gut.

Rebecca looked at the rookie cop fall down, he was still alive. She remained calm, but she was afraid. With her wrists cuffed behind her back she decided to act scared so Zackary would think she was helpless.

"Why do you want the Congral?" Rebecca said he is as good as dead, lame armless legless wonder." She said as she figured out what to do she would have to be quick.

"Create the perfect army of the master race." Zachary said. "I won't make the same mistake Hitler made to cleanse the plant, this time all mortals will die and all the Immortals that don't follow." He said as he prepared to take Rebecca's head. "Unfortunately for you, you will not be there to see it."

"You already lost." Rebecca said as boldly as she can with her wrists cuffed behind her back to a man that started swinging a sword blade at her neck. She pulled her wrists apart stretching the chain dropping her shoulders leaping over the chain connecting the cuffs, the grabbed the sword handle taking the blade from Zackary Klem and spinning around with the handle taking off his head. "There can be only one." She said as tears from her fear drop from her eyes as she stands with the blade in her hands that were still cuffed. Then she felt an energy serge and woke up.

Rebecca was seated in a cubicle looking at a computer screen. She is wearing a green dress, brown thigh hi stockings with green heels. She looks over to see Megan staring at her screen bored out of her mind, wearing a blue dress and nude pantyhose with blue heels.

"Good morning, sunshine..." Megan said. " had quite the dream."

"I need you to cover my screen, I got to use the ladies room." Megan said. "I don't know why I call it that there are only women on this floor." She said. "Come to think about it, I haven't seen a man since I got here."

"I have, we are on an island of Amazons." Rebecca said. "The men are being used as slaves at the bottom of this building."

"Slaves?" Megan said sounding surprised. "I thought this was the way it was in this city, I had no idea."

"Do you remember who you were before you got here?" Rebecca asked.

"No, but I know that I am about to piss my pantyhose, gotta go." Megan said as she left to use the facilities. "Watch my screen, I'll be back."

Boundville asylum

Dr. Theresa Mattil is sitting at her desk wearing a white dress shirt, black skirt and nude pantyhose. She has her black heels off of her stockinged feet as she is reviewing the patient known as Boocola. She has his paper work in her hands reading over his delusional powers, which includes touch displacement teleportation, time and spiritual manipulation. Then the stapler disappears replaced with a package, there is a Joker card stapled to the side with a message written on it. The message read have Tommy deliver this package to this address and I need both pieces of the bayonet.
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Post by Boocola »

I am going to play fortnite to unlock a skin I like in the battle pass, unlike the last time I will continue all stories separately, but I will leave a review to the Queen of the Amazons a branch of boundville for a kind of magic.

Boocola enters a throne room guarded by two Amazons wearing blue dresses and nude pantyhose with blue heels. The Amazon guards carried spears with swords shiethed on their belts. The throne room is big ten guards dressed as Boocola's escorts align each side wall. Before him sat a blonde woman with braided pigtails, she is wearing a white dress and tan pantyhose with white heels. There are five guards dressed in green dresses and white pantyhose with green heels, They have a sword and shield for weapons on each sides of the Queen.

"My queen, patrols found this..." The guard on Boocola's right said with disgust. "... Man on the side of the mountain." she said pushing him down to his knees. "Bow before Queen Lea, she might spare your worthless life."

"Thank you so much for that colorful introduction." Boocola said as he placed his hands down to catch himself as he fell. "but I will do no bowing to anyone."

"check yourself." The other guard started to jab him with her spear.

"That's enough." Lea commanded. "What were you doing on the side of the mountain?"

"Well that's for me to know and you to find out." Boocola said with a smile on his face.

"Look around, you are in no position to smile." Queen Lea said.

Nare grod is in the skull room with Congral the armless and legless frenchmen. He is looking out a the endless sea.

"when will I get to see Rebecca die?" Congral asked. "I want to see the look in her eyes as her life fades away."

"Why?" Nare commented the question. "I need her help."

"She must pay for what she did to me and for leaving me like this." Congral retorted.

"You deserved what you got ignoring the greater threat of Hitler's Germany and attacked Rebecca." Nare said. "Remember that the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Rebecca woke up from a dream to see Nare Grodski sitting on the side of her bed. "What the..." She said. " did you get in here?" She asked.

"That is not important, what is important is that I need your help." Nare said.

"why me, I don't know who you are, hell I barely remember who I am." Rebecca stated.

"you are one of my best immortals, you have been a pirate, a spy, a soldier and a resistance fighter." As Nare spoke to her, her memory started returning images of her dressed as a pirate steering the sails with the wind over the open sea, handing British plans dressed as a British soldier to George Washington during the American revolutionary War, marching countless miles wearing a blue uniform of the American Civil War, helping another immortal paratrooper take out a machine gun nest in Normandy during the D-day invasion. "Most importantly you stopped my attempt to radiate this world." As Nare finished an image of her wearing a strapless black dress, opera gloves, black pantyhose and black heels. She stood there with two small blood strained blades in her hands staring up at Nare.

"I remember." Rebecca said as tears fell from her eyes. "Why must I help you?" She asked.

"The Amazon queen is killing my immortals, I need you to find out why." Nare said.

Rebecca is in a room with file cabinets, she's supposed to be at her desk, she has Megan covering her screen, she doesn't know how long she has. She searches the files and comes across one that reads boundville spy. She hears someone coming, she has no time to read the file, she opens the file taking pictures of each page removes the micro film placing it in a gel cap and swallowing in, putting the file back, then throwing the camera in the trash can and then the door opens.

Boocola is on his knees in front of the Amazon Queen Lea Sunsky. He is waiting to see what fate she decides to give him for being on he island. He is still smiling.

The Amazon queen made Boocola kiss her feet, while she decided his fate.

"How pathetic the mighty has fallen." Boocola hears the voice of Shrag in his head. "No one can save you now, no one will help you, they don't care, all they care about is their own dignity and I'm afraid that you have lost yours."

Boocola feels defeated as he is kissing the stockinged feet of Lea sunsky "That's right your failure to maintain this war inside your head will result in your death." He hears Shrag mocking him. "No one will ever help you not even Rebecca she is mine, she hates you, all your soldiers hate you, the only way to save everything is to revive me to end this conflict."

"That's enough." Queen Lea said as she takes her foot away and slips her heels back on. "I've decided your fate, there is a war coming between the immortals and my Amazons." She said as she looked down at Boocola. "I will give you a choice, if the immortals win, I will have you executed, but if the Amazons win you will become my king."

"Either choice is bad." Boocola said. "whoever heard of a king of the Amazons, is there a third choice."

"I can have you executed now." Lea said.

"I choose option D, none of the above." Boocola said. "Just kill me now."

"As you wish." Lea said with a sigh and signaling for one of her guards to come forward.

"Coward." Boocola heard Shrag's voice say.

"On second thought you're right, I'll wait to see." Boocola said.

Sorry for the inconvenience, but when I start again the stories will be split Tommy's restriction and a kind of magic will still be connected but the time line will be different or I can write it free hand so I won't have to waste my time worrying about trying to write perfect. Joke is no body is perfect and you want perfection, no you demand perfection, I ain't a mind reader, I know what being ignored means and doing something for nothing silence speaks louder then words. Peace I'm out.

Yeah, okay I'll admit these stories feel a bit rushed, especially when I am trying to write a full week over a long period of time.

If anybody is wondering, I have 28 levels left on fortnite. Then I will post more stories.
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