A Scary Temple Is Never Dull (M/FF)

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A Scary Temple Is Never Dull (M/FF)

Post by Newdayrocks »

Since it's obvious we're not having a Halloween contest this year, I'm posting what would've been my entry. As you'll see, it's a new twist on an old favorite. Hope you enjoy.


Well, this is ironic.

So thought the beautiful young teen, as she took stock of her situation.

Her hands were tightly bound behind her back, with more rope tied around her torso to hold her arms at her sides. Rope also secured her legs around the knees and ankles.

A cloth had been tied around her mouth, between her beautiful full lips, holding another inside, which reduced her attempts to call for help to barely audible grunts. Another cloth had been wound around her eyes, keeping her in darkness, and decreasing her chances of escape.

I can't just sit here she thought I have to figure a way out of this!

Her thoughts were interrupted by muffled noises from nearby.

"Hlld nnn" she replied through her gag to her fellow captive. With the blindfold, it was impossible to see her so they could try and free themselves.

She instead tried her hands again, pulling them against the rope. There didn't seem to be much slack, but she had to try.

As she struggled to get free, she thought back to earlier that day, and how she had gotten in this mess in the first place....


It was another Kuzcoween celebration in Peru, and Malina and her friends were planning to attend the big costume party at Kuzco Academy with all their friends & classmates.

She had been the one to suggest doing a group costume, and had come up with the perfect one; the cast of the TV series (don't ask how the ancient Incas had TV, they just did) Shoopy-Boo.

The show was about group of Inca teens who traveled Peru in their cart/van, with their talking llama and solved mysteries that always seemed to involve guys dressed up like monsters. It was a bit formulaic at times, true, but Malina, and especially Kronk, enjoyed it. Besides, Malina noted they almost bore resemblance to the characters themselves.

So Kronk dressed up as Ned, the handsome, if a bit dim, leader.

Kuzco (much to his objection, as he felt he should be Ned) was Baggy, the goofy comic relief guy with the big appetite.

Yatta, with her red (well orange) hair, was perfect for Phoebe, the group's beautiful female member, who had tendency to find herself in trouble.

That left Malina as Zelda, the not-quite-as beautiful, but brilliant member of the group, whose intelligence usually ended up saving the day. To accomplish this, she donned an orange poncho and a pair of glasses, letting the rest of her school outfit, a red skirt & leggings, effectively complete her costume.

Getting in a cart and borrowing Misty the llama (who sadly, could not talk, even with a speech impediment) the four of them took off for the party. And that was when things took a turn for the worse.


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Post by Tieup1 »

A nice start, look forward to more :)
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Omg you combined Scooby Doo and ENG. I love you so much!
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Post by Newdayrocks »

Sorry I didn't finish this in time for Halloween.

Things went smoothly for awhile, although Malina had to listen to Kuzco complain about how her costume was covering up her "hottie hot hotness."

But eventually, one of the wheels on the cart broke. Not having a spare one, the four teens decided to stop at the closest place nearby- a temple.

"You know, this is pretty coincidental," Kronk noted "our cart breaks down, forcing us to go into a scary place, just like the characters we're dressed as."

"I wouldn't read too much into it," Malina told him "those are just fictional characters, we're real."

"Okay, but you have to admit, it's pretty similar," Kronk said "I've seen every episode and they all start like this. All we need now is for there to be some creepy caretaker guy or something."

"Can I help you?" someone asked, causing Kronk to jump in fear and land in Kuzco's arms.

"Hey, no touchy," the young emperor said, dropping the massive manchild to the ground.

"Sorry to disturb you, but our cart broke down outside and we just came in to rest," Malina explained.

"Well you can just go right back," the man said "nobody should be here."

"But, you're here."

"I meant nobody but me," the man told them "I'm Itzaki, caretaker of the temple of Supay."

"Soup eh?" Kuzco asked "so, this is a temple for soup?"

"No, Supay, the Incan god of death and the underworld," Malina told him.

"Correct, and Supay doesn't like people coming into his temple in the middle of the night," Itzaki told them "so if I were you, I would leave. Except I can't, 'cause I have to take care of things, but you don't, so you can go."

"O-kay, I think Mr. caretaker a little crazy loco," Kuzco commented.

"Look, we don't wanna be here either, but we don't have another wheel for our cart," Malina said "is there anyway we could wait here for just a bit?"

"Well, if you must stay, you should know, this temple is rumored to be haunted," Itzaki told them.

"Haunted? By that you mean..."

"A mysterious being has been known to roam the temple halls, punishing those who they feel disrespect Supay," he explained "if you don't want to fall prey to it, I'd suggest you get moving."

"Thanks, but we're good," Malina told him "there's no such things as mysterious beings or ghosts."

"Wait, then how come we worship various gods?" Kronk asked her.

"Well, that's...never mind, we need to get this story back on track," she replied "thanks for the warning, but I think we'll be okay."

"Suit yourselves, but don't say I didn't warn you."

"We won't 'cause you did," Kuzco reminded him.


Not too long after Itzaki left, the four teens started making thier way down the halls of the mysterious temple.

"Um, why are we doing this again?" Kuzco asked.

"This is what they always do on the show," Kronk explained "they start exploring the scary place, looking for the ghost."

"Except we've already established there is no ghost, or anything else," Malina pointed out.

"Y'all go ahead without me, I need ta rest my dogs for a few minutes," Yatta said in her Southern accent (and no, I don't know why someone from ancient Peru would talk with a Southern accent, just go with it).

As the others left, Yatta leaned against one of the temple walls, and was surprised when it flipped around on her.

"What in tarnation?!" she asked "this here temple's got more rooms than a redecorated henhouse. Well, reckon I'd better find my way back to the others before something else happens."

As the girl turned around, she found herself looking at an imposing figure dressed entirely in black, their face hidden behind a decorative mask.

"Like this, for example."


That had been a while ago, and Malina was starting to get worried about her friend.

"Guys, I'm starting to get worried," she said "Yatta should've been back by now. I mean, how much time does it take to rest?"

"All day, depending on if you're doing it right," Kuzco told her.

"I'm gonna go back and make sure she's okay,"

"Ooh, this is just like the show too!" Kronk pointed out happily "Phoebe usually goes missing, and then the rest of the gang splits up to find her."

"Yeah well, as I said before, this isn't a show," Malina told him "now, you two stay here and don't touch anything. I'll be right back."

"So, what do you want to do?" Kronk asked, after she left.

"Touch everything?"

"Works for me."


Ignoring what her stupid male comrades were doing, Malina made her way back down the hallway where her friend had gone missing.

"Yatta! Yatta, are you there? Answer me?" she called, but heard nothing.

"Man, where could she be, it's not like she just disappeared or something," she said, unaware of what actually happened "okay, let's see, I think this was about where she said she'd catch up to us."

She looked around "well, there's no door, so I have no idea where she went," she said "but she did have the right idea, I could use a break."

So saying, she leaned against and uttered a shocked cry when it turned around on her.

"A secret passage, that's weird," she said "why would a temple have one of these? And why am I asking these questions to myself?"

Overcome with curiosity, the smart girl started following the pathway that she saw ahead of her.

This is a different part of the temple she thought very handy for moving through here quickly. The question is, why would anyone want to?

As she made her way further down, she saw a doorway up ahead. Unable to resist, she peeked her head inside, and gasped at what she saw.

Sitting on the floor was Yatta, her hands secured behind her back with rope, more tied around her torso and her legs and ankles.

A white cloth was stuck between her lips, gagging her, and another faded brown one had been tied over eyes, blocking her sight.

"Wow, those ropes really compliment your costume," Malina commented, as she came in the room, with Yatta emtting a muffled response from under her gag "you know, on account of the fact that Phoebe always gets kidnapped. Okay, maybe not always it's rather exaggerated how often she ends up getting kidnapped...man, now Kronk's got me doing it!"

"Nttt mmm!" Yatta yelled from under her gag.

"What? Oh right, sorry," Malina said and pulled the gag down.

"If yer done jawing can you hurry up and get me outta here?"

"Wait, what happened? How'd you end up here?"

"Well, I was just minding my own business when this wall turned around and led me here. Then I saw this scary looking black fella, who trussed me up like a hog for Giftmas and left me here."

"Don't worry, I'll get you loose," Malina told her "nothing is going to stop me from helping you."

"Well quick, before that scary guy returns."

Malina knelt down to help her friend, but she couldn't help feeling like this was too easy. However, she didn't have much time to register that thought before she felt a swift pain after something impacted her head. Then, everything was darkness.

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Post by Tieup1 »

Good continuation, this is a good fun story :)
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

I’m sooooo happy you continued this :D
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Post by Newdayrocks »

I am glad I didn't contribute this as a Halloween story, 'cause I would've never finished it by then. Sorry this took so long, but I've been feeling apathetic about writing lately, and my grandpa died, so that was a whole thing.


And that's how I ended up in this mess Malina thought to herself and now, I need to find a way out of here, before whoever it was who knocked me out comes back. And quick, because there is no way I am letting Kuzco save me, because he's gonna ask for a kiss, and that is not happening!

She struggled against the ropes holding her wrists behind her, but they held tight. And, with a blindfold over her eyes, she couldn't see what she was doing, or find Yatta and get her to help.

Those two goofs are looking like our best bet for rescue. That's a scary thought.


Elsewhere in the temple, Kuzco & Kronk were looking for thier lost friends.

"Where the heck are those two?" Kuzco asked "I wanna get out of this creepo creep place."

"This is starting to turn out exactly like what happens on Shoopy-Boo," Kronk said "If I recall correctly, whenever Phoebe gets captured, they always find her tied up in some secret passage somewhere. And, to access said passage, there's usually something that needs to be pulled or leaned on."

"Okay Kronk, you can't apply logic from a TV show to the real world," Kuzco told him "secret doors don't just open up if you lean on the right object," he added, leaning against the wall.

Suddenly, part of the other wall spring open like a door.

"Whoa, a passage in the wall opened up when you leaned on that other wall. I thought you said that didn't happen."

"This doesn't mean I was wrong, Me, no wrong."

"Come on, let's see where the passage leads," Kronk suggested.

"Okay, but you go first," Kuzco told him "not because I'm scared or anything, I just wanted to go in the back for totally non scared related reasons."



The two entered the door and walked a few feet when they saw another open room.

"What do you suppose is in there?" Kronk asked.

"I don's know, why don't you stick your head in there and find out?" Kuzco suggested "in case there's a monster or something in there, which means it'll attack you first. Then I can run away...I mean, get help."

"Oh hey, it's the girls," Kronk said, as he poked his head in the room "hey Kuzco, check it out, the girls are okay."

Kuzco peeked in and saw Malina & Yatta lying on the floor, bound, gagged & blindfolded and surrounded by a collection of old statues and the like.

"Ooh time for me to save the day," Kuzco said happily "okay beat it, I got this," he said shoving Kronk aside.

"Hey Malina, bet you're happy to see me," he said, pulling the blindfold off her eyes, then lowering the gag.

"Honestly, I'd rather see the guy who put me here."

"Is that any way to thank your rescuer, who braved untold dangers to find you?"

"Yeah, I'm guessing you just stumbled upon this place by accident, like I did."

"Maybe...anyway, I believe it's customary to reward someone who rescues you, preferably with a kiss."

"Are you kidding me?!" Malina asked "we don't have time for this, just untie me and quick!"

"Uh uh, I want my rescue kiss."

Malina sighed "fine, if you untie me, I'll give you a kiss, I promise. Now hurry!"

"Not to worry Malina, if any bad guy shows up Kuzco will fight him off with his Kuz-fu," he replied, making kung-fu noises and poses as he did. Naturally, then he didn't see the black cloaked figure slowly creeping up on him.

"Uh Kuzco, less bragging, more freeing," Malina said, her voice twinged with fear.

"Calm down Malina, nobody's gonna hurt you while Kuzco's on the case," he said "in face, I dare them to try. I'll be all like 'you are no match for my kuz-fu' and they'll be all 'oh Kuzco, you are too powerful and handsome for me,'" he added.

"Um, Kuzco..."

"Yeah Malina?"

"You might want to look behind you."

Kuzco did so and saw himself looking at a mysterious black cloaked figure, it's face a hideous monstrosity with large curved horns.

"GET OUT!" it yelled.

"Don't have to tell me twice!" Kuzco said, before he ran as quick as he could, zooming past Kronk at the entryway.

"Hey Kuzco, what are you running from?" he asked, before noticing the figure himself "oh, the creepy looking guy in the black cloak, makes sense," he added, before realizing what this meant "oh boy, chase scene!" and he ran off.

"My hero," Malina said sarcastically before turning to the figure before her "you may have them fooled, but I know who you really are and what you're up to and there's no way you'll get away with MMMMPH!" she said before he replaced the gag over her mouth, then left her there to chase the others.

Okay, this doesn't happen to Zelda, so why is it happening to me?


Back in the main part of the temple, Kronk had managed to catch up with Kuzco.

"This is usually the time when the ghost chases everyone through a series of doors, with music playing in the background," he said "hmm, no music; good thing I brought this kazoo."

"Okay could we maybe skip all that and figure out how to stop Mr. Scary McScarington before he catches up to us?"

"All right, but it seems like a perfectly good waste of a kazoo," Kronk told him "anyway, they usually set a trap for the monster. Then your character serves as bait and leads the monster into said trap."

"Uh uh, forget it, no way," Kuzco told him "I am an emperor to be, not bait. Bait no me; bait, no way; hasta la baity."

"Suit yourself, but uh, Malina will probably be more thankful if she found out you helped capture that guy."

"You are not making it easy to be a coward, you know that?"


So Kuzco began wandering the halls of the temple.

"Yoo hoo, mister scary cloak guy, here I am, come get me," he said "or if you don't want to come get me, that would be cool too. In fact, I'd be really grateful if you didn't."

"I warned you to get out of here, but you didn't listen! Now you shall pay!" the figure said as he suddenly rounded the corner.

"Shows what you know, I'm an emperor, I don't pay for anything," Kuzco said "also, mommy!"

The teenage emperor ran screaming as loud as he could, the mysterious figure on his tail. Suddenly, Kuzco felt himself snap up as he was caught in a snare trap, and saw the figure coming right for him.

"Ahh scary guy!" he said, using his arms to block his view.

But, before anything could happen, the figure fell prey to a similar trap and was lifted up to the ceiling as well.

"My trap worked," Kronk said emerging from his hiding place "yup, learned that one in the Junior Chipmunks; that's your classic snare trap; simple, but effective."

"Yeah uh huh and um, why am I in a trap as well?" Kuzco asked.

"I uh, set two of them, in case the first one didn't work; or someone else triggered it, like you did."

"Makes perfect sense."


Soon the boys returned and freed the girls (with Malina giving Kuzco a kiss, as she promised) before eventually summoning the Royal Guards to deal with the mystery figure.

"Oh, this is the part where we unmask the villain and explain everything," Kronk said happily.

"That's right, and this guy is none other than..." Malina began, before pulling off the mask "Itzaki. I suspected he was the culprit since he was literally the only other person we encountered."

"Whoa, I did not see that coming," Kronk said "my mind is blown."

"Itzaki was trying to scare us off because he planned to take all the statues and everything else of value in the temple and sell them for a hefty profit," Malina explained.

Yatta nodded "I caught him moving some of them statues to that hidden room, so he grabbed me and trussed me up like a cow at a rodeo."

"You don't know what's it like to have to spend all day at the temple of probably the worse god in the entire pantheon," Itzaki explained "since he's the god of the underworld, no one ever comes here, and I don't get paid for this. So yeah, I was trying to make some money, and I would've gotten away with it, if it wasn't for you meddling kids and your llama!"


With everything wrapped up, the four teens headed out.

"Maybe we should just call it a night," Malina suggested "after that adventure, I don't really feel like going to a costume party. Besides, it's probably over by now."

"Fine by me, but next year, we are not doing another team costume," Kuzco said "unless it's one of me, or lets me be the leader."

"Ooh, I've got a suggestion- the Tweenage Enchanted Ninja Tree-Frogs," Kronk said.

"The Whosy What What's?"

"They were originally a group of normal tree frogs, until a magic potion turned them older and they got ninja training from their father, who is an enchanted squirrel," Kronk explained "they're one of the hottest comic scrolls out there right now. Oh, and they have a reporter friend that Malina would be perfect for."

"I don't usually read comic scrolls, but I am an amateur reporter, so it might be fun," Malina replied "and besides, what are the odds I'd end up bound & gagged dressed like that, right?"

Kuzco said nothing and gave an aside glance as the cart made its' way down the winding road.


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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

I am sorry to hear of your loss

This is an awesome story! Love how Kronk pointed out Itzaki was the only other one they saw and the TMNT reference at the end!! Awesome job as always!!!

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