A Gift-Wrapped GoGo (MRobot/F)

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A Gift-Wrapped GoGo (MRobot/F)

Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

It was a week from Christmas. GoGo Tomago was in her SFIT lab wrapping her gift to her roommate Honey Lemon: an indestructible phone case to replace her old one that was destroyed after an unfortunate incident involving nitroglycerin. As she struggled with the tape, Baymax walked in.

”Excuse me, GoGo, I would like to talk to you about Christmas,” the healthcare companion said.

GoGo put the tape down. “Sure, Baymax. What’s up?”
”As it is my first Christmas that I am celebrating with you and your friends, I would like to participate in the traditional act of gift-giving.”
“That’s great, Baymax. What type of gifts are you going to give?”
”I am not sure. The only thing I have ever really given is lollipops.”

The mechanical engineer chuckled. “Well, you can’t give Honey a new phone case, because that’s what I’m giving her.”
”Honey Lemon...GoGo, what would be the perfect gift to give to her?”
“Hmm...I’m not sure. I mean, if you were to ask Honey herself, she’d say something like ‘Oh, Baymax! The perfect gift anyone could give is the gift of family and friends! After all, that’s what make this time of year so special’!” GoGo told the robot while doing a pretty darn good impression of her friend.

She then stood up. “I’m gonna go to the vending machine and get a new stick of gum. I’ll be back to answer any other Christmas questions you may have in a minute.”

As GoGo left, Baymax thought about what his friend had said. ”’The perfect gift anyone could give is the gift of family and friends’” he repeated to himself. He turned to see the wrapping paper the engineer had left behind. This gave the robot an idea...


A half hour, in her own lab, Honey Lemon was wrapping, coincidentally enough, GoGo’s gift: a brand new helmet for her costume to replace the heavily-dented old one. As she was debating on whether or not to use a pink ribbon for the gift (it would create a great contrast to the yellow wrapping paper), her phone rang. It was GoGo!

“Hi, GoGo!” she greeted.
“GoGo? Are you ok?”
“You’ve been captured?!”
“Don’t worry, GoGo! I’ll save you!”

Honey quickly hung up the phone and booted up the tracking software each member of Big Hero 6 had on their phone so that the other members could find captured teammates. The software declared GoGo’s location to be in her lab.

Swiftly putting her costume on and grabbing her Chem-Purse, Honey rushed over to the lab and kicked the door open.

Inside was GoGo laying on the floor. Her entire body from her toes to just below her nose was wrapped in green and red wrapping paper with a layer or two of tape wrapped here and there. Her phone was right by her head.

Running over, Honey tore off the paper around the bound girl’s mouth. “What happened?”
“Baymax wrapped me up in all of this!”
“Why would he do that? Another Hiro prank?”
“I was telling him about Christmas and gifts and stuff. I left to get some gum and when I got back, he ambushed me!”

Just then, the healthcare companion walked in. ”Hello, Honey Lemon,” he greeted. Look: I have gotten you a Christmas gift.”
“Baymax,” Honey lectured, “You can’t wrap people up and present them as gifts to others!”
”But GoGo told me that you would say that the best gift is friends and family.”
“I didn’t mean that literally,” GoGo clarified.
”But you are together, are you not?”

While the two girls thought about this, Baymax said, ”GoGo, I apologize for inconveniencing you. I shall go consult Hiro on the correct way to give gifts.”
“Good idea,” Honey told him. “Maybe you can get him to outfit you with some Christmas software!”

After Baymax left, GoGo looked up at her rescuer. “So...you wanna, like, free me now?”
“I could...but isn’t it wrong to open your gifts up before Christmas?” Honey joked.
“I’ll wake up on Christmas morning, race to the living room and find a small biker under my tree.”
“I’ll call her GoGo! I’ll do her hair, buy her clothes-“
“You already buy me clothes.”
“But you never wear them.”
“They aren’t my style.”
“But they will be after I unwrap you.”

GoGo rolled her eyes. “Are you trying to blackmail me?”
“Is it working?”
“Not quite.”