The Last Straw (m+/m; m+/mmm) (Complete!)

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The Last Straw (m+/m; m+/mmm) (Complete!)

Post by cj2125 »


“You are staring at her again” Luke chuckled, playfully elbowing his red-headed friend. Max blushed and quickly turned his attention to the black-haired kid giving him a sheepish grin

“Was it that obvious?”

“You are pathetic” Luke smirked, Max decided not to point out the irony that Luke probably acted the same way around certain boy, instead he rested his head on his hand and let out a loud sigh. It had been the same for the past couple of weeks, ever since Max was partnered with Jessica Shultz for home economics. The boy had been hit hard by cupid’s arrow, if one forgives the corny expression and had been drooling after her ever since then

“I’ll do it today!” he suddenly exclaimed smacking the table “In fact I’m asking her out right now!”

“What?” Luke wasn’t as optimistic as his friend. Jessica was one of the prettiest girls in school, not to mention one of the more popular ones too, located close to the top of the social pyramid. Luke and Max on the other side were at the very bottom of it. “Max, I’m telling you this as your best friend, she is out of your league!”

Max shook his head “Doesn’t matter! I’ll go anyways! Worst case scenario, she rejects me, will hurt but I’ll live” that wasn’t the worst-case scenario! Several worst scenes played on Luke’s mind, most of them ending with social annihilation (and one involving Max being sent to a mad house be he suspected that one might be a little bit farfetched)

“Max!” He pleaded “At least do it when she is alone, not now! In the middle of the cafeteria, when she is surrounded by all her friends, with the whole school watching…” he was already shaking. Max’s smiled decreased as he seemed to consider Luke’s option, but he quickly shook his head “Nope, no better time than today!”

Luke desperately tried to grab Max’s arm but his friend slipped away from his grasp and walked towards Jessica’s table. Luke watched horrified as Max got closer to the table. Jessica and her friends were laughing, popular kids always laughed! Max approached them and quietly cleared his throat to get their attention. It worked

“What do you want ginger?” asked Kyle squinting his eyes “Don’t you have a boyfriend waiting for you?” a couple of his friends laughed loudly, Vincent even bumped his fist with him but Max seemed undeterred and merely glanced at Kyle with disdain

“I didn’t come here to talk to you Takeda, I actually wanted to talk with Jessica” he smiled at her, the girl looked in every direction, probably wondering if he was referring to another Jessica
“Me?” she finally asked confused

Max smiled and took a deep breath “I like you!” Luke bit is fist nervously tapping the table “I was wondering if you want to go with me to see a movie this Saturday, it’ll be on me of course, I can also take you to dinner if you’re hungry, from my point of view the worse that can happen is that you get bored and don’t talk to me ever again, at best you have the time of your life so, what do you say?” the whole room felt dead silence, everyone was looking at Max like if he was some kind of alien. Finally, it was Kyle who broke the silence

“Let me get this right… you asked Jessica on a date? I didn’t imagine it right guys?” he gave Max a mocking smile “Are you serious? LOOOOSEEER!” the whole room started laughing except for Jessica who had turned different shades of red and Max. This was bad! If Luke had been on that place he would already ran away, hide in the bathroom for the rest of the day and ask his parents to transfer him of schools, hell he wasn’t even there yet he still wanted to hide in the bathroom! Why was Max still standing? In fact, why was he still smiling?

Max didn’t seem bothered by the fact that he had become the laughing stock of the school, he remained smiling, patiently waiting for them to finish. Soon others started wondering the same thing about him, he wasn’t moving! Slowly the laughter died out “Alright, this is getting weird” Kyle rolled his eyes “Get lost loser!”

“Jessica haven’t replied” said Max calmly looking at her “So what’s your answer, yes or no?”

Now everyone’s eyes fell on Jessica, some of her friend shook their heads urgently, a couple of random voices insisted she accept. She seemed to look at Max with interest “This is really stupid” she finally said, Luke cringed, here it comes! “Actually, amazingly embarrassing” Kyle smiled smugly, Luke really hated Kyle “But…” Kyle’s smile seemed to crack “It took a lot of guts so at least you deserve a yes” Max’s eyes opened wide “So I guess I’ll see you this Saturday” she added smiling

“See you then!” Max winked at her causing her and her friends to giggle and made his way back to the table. Kyle looked like if someone had slapped him! He did it!

Luke couldn’t believe it, he actually did it! He always knew Max was a weirdo but this placed him on a different level, a teenager that actually didn’t care about what others think! A teenager with such a strong will that insults wouldn’t affect him “That was horrible!” perhaps he wasn’t that different from other kids.

Max collapsed on his seat grasping his hair “What was I thinking?”

Luke patted his back “It wasn’t that bad”

“The whole school was laughing!” Max growled, his face looked paler and his expression seemed to have gotten stuck into a smile “When they started laughing! I wanted to ran to the restroom, stay there all day and…”

“Get transferred to another school” both boys said at the same time followed by a soft chuckle

“After that fiasco I can’t believe she accepted!”

“Max! Jessica Schultz accepted to go on a date with you!” Luke shook his shoulder, Max looked up and beamed at him

“Jessica Schultz accepted to go on a date with me!” he said in a high-pitched voice

“This calls for a celebration” Luke grinned “After school, my house, a pizza…”

“With anchovies and jalapeños?” Max asked excited

“With anchovies and jalapeños” Luke confirmed. Max smiled and lowered his voice

“Will ropes be involved?” Luke chuckled. Yep, Max was the same old weirdo he knew and loved!
Last edited by cj2125 6 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by cj2125 »

Part 1:

Max was a happy boy. he managed to score a date with the prettiest girl he ever met and was going to get free pizza with anchovies and jalapeños! Life was truly great! The thirteen-year-old boy swung his backpack over his shoulder and headed out of the school. According to the text he received, Luke would be waiting for him near the parking lots. He could already envision an afternoon filled with delicious pizza and plenty ropes (a totally normal evening of course!)

He never made it to the parking lots. The moment he stepped out of the school building, someone grabbed his collar and abruptly dragged him behind some bushes, the next thing he knew, he was being slammed against the wall “Do you think it’s funny?” Kyle growled

“I find a lot of things funny” Max pointed genuinely confused

“I don’t know how you convinced Jess to go out with you but that isn’t happening!” Kyle growled

“And may I ask why?” Max frowned yet remained polite, apparently unfazed by the fact he was outnumbered three to one and his feet were barely touching the ground

“Is this guy for real?” Kyle laughed, Vincent and Dean followed suit “Because you are a weirdo! She is way out of your league ginger!”

Max rolled his eyes and shoved Kyles’ hands away from him “I beg to disagree Takeda; I am going to my date with Jessica and frankly don’t even care about your opinion in that matter!” he tried to make it pass Kyle but Vincent and Dean blocked his pathway “What? Are you gonna hold me here until Saturday?” he got a punch straight to his face as a reply. Max stumbled backwards, falling against Kyle’s chest. He could feel his left eye swallowing, painfully pulsating. Before he could even react, Kyle’s arm wrapped around his neck, applying pressure on his throat

“Hey… can’t… breathe!” Max struggled, trying to elbow Kyle’s stomach but he was stronger and kept his grip on Max. Vincent hurried to pick up his legs, lifting him from the ground while Dean got his backpack “For…real…guys!” Max pleaded, eyes bulging as he struggled to get some air. The three boys half-carried, half-dragged him behind the school, where the trash containers were located. Max thought they would merely throw him into one of those containers, but to his surprise, he was shoved against the metal fence that surrounded the school

“If you want to be in a private place with me you should have just ask Kyle!” Max smirked, defiant until the end. As a response he got another punch, this time aimed at his stomach, that knocked the air out of him “Is…that… the… best…you…got?” he growled holding his stomach. Vincent and Dean each grabbed his arms and spread them against the fence, forcing him to stand on top of a plastic bucket. A second punch down his stomach knocked him out of the fight. Before he knew, his wrists had been tied to the rusty fence with his own shoelaces!

Unlike the soft ropes he was used to, the shoelaces were thin and dug into his skin “For real! Don’t you think this is excessive?” another punch hit his stomach. The moment he instinctively tried to bend over, the shoelaces dug further into his wrists sending tears to his eyes

“He’s already crying!” Vincent laughed

“Of course I am!” Max growled trying to ignore the pain on his wrists “Your smell is terrible!” this time the punch went to his face. He could feel a pain growing on his lip and a warm liquid building up. “Yeah… punching the tied-up kid! You’re are so brave!” the next punch to his stomach knocked what air remained inside him

“No more witty retorts?” asked Kyle, Max had plenty in mind but his voice seemed to be missing so instead he spat at Kyle’s face. That earned him another punch but by know he was getting used to them…or perhaps his body got number to the pain? Kyle and his friend weren’t finished though, they lifted his t-shirt and pulled his belt out “Keep…it…PG” he growled too weak to fight back, this time they used his own leather belt to whip his stomach. He had to bite his lower lip in order not to scream, he wouldn’t give them that satisfaction! Below a red mark was clearly visible over his belly.

Dean removed his shoes and socks while Kyle unceremoniously kicked the bucket Max was standing in. His body fell down by gravity sending shocks of pain through his arms as they had to hold down his full weight. The moment Max opened his mouth to scream in pain, his socks were stuffed inside and scotch tape was wrapped around them.
His legs flailed aimlessly until Vincent and Dean each managed to grab a hold of one leg and pushed it behind a horizontal metal bar, a couple feet from the floor, Kyle used his belt to lash his ankles together so his shins were pressed against the metal, forced to carry Max’s weight

Kyle grinned and pulled his hair, forcing him to look at him “Do you still feel like a smart mouth?” Max glared at him with tears in his eyes, this time they weren’t just product of the pain although it was certainly helping, the boys laughed as Kyle let go of his hair, laughing even harder as Max’s head bounced over his chest.
He sincerely hoped they would finally leave him alone, and for a moment they seemed to discuss that possibility but their conversation was interrupted by a ringtone coming from Max’s pocket

“Awww, getting a call from mommy?” Kyle asked sliding his hand in the boy’s pocket and pulling out he phone “Oh! A call from your boyfriend!” he grinned showing Max the contact “Perhaps we should call him over, I’m sure he’ll love to join you”

Max’s eyes opened wide and he silently shook his head, this wasn’t Luke business and he wouldn’t let them make him go through what he was going! “What, you don’t want it?” Kyle waved the phone in front of him “Ask nicely”
Max didn’t hesitate swallowing his pride and begging the best his gag would allow “Plmhfm! Dhn't brnng Lhgm Hmnth thnf! Hm bmg nhh!” he moaned, trying to apply to Kyle’s consciousness if he had one

“This isn’t working… I know, bark like a dog!” Max looked at Kyle with pure loathing yet he was willing to do anything to spare Luke

“Whrf! whrf!” the others laughed. Satisfied, Kyle dropped his phone to the ground, the screen cracked but Luke’s call kept ringing

“Guess it’s time to get lost” he pulled Max’s hair again pressing his head against the fence “Remember your place ginger” he grabbed Max’s loose waistband and pulled his shorts down much to the other’s joy. As a final touch, they wrapped some more scotch tape around his head, forcing his eyes to shut tightly.

“Nice playing with you!” someone joked followed by the sound of rushed footsteps going away. Max remained alone, helpless and basically crucified to the fence. He didn’t have any idea how long he would stay there until someone found him, it could be hours until some cafeteria worker came out to throw out the trash! His wrists were on fire, the muscles on his arms and torso ached and his shins were throbbing as they were squeezed against the bar, even breathing was starting to become difficult as the tight tape slightly squeezed his nose. For the first time in his life, Max truly wanted to get out, he really needed to get out! And for the first time in his life, he didn’t seem to find way of escaping. Even the smallest movement would send waves of pain through his body.

With nobody around, his defiant façade slowly crumbled. Panic set in, the boy silently sobbed, unable to move, taking in the pain, he just wanted to go home, he wanted to see his parents, his brother, he really didn’t want to be there anymore, he didn’t want to be tied anymore. His breathing increased as his lungs demanded more air, whatever scream he might have conjured, died out before even reaching his lips, cold sweat was falling down his skin, he felt hot and cold at the same time, his whole body shaking. At his feet, his phone kept ringing.

Then he heard something else… footsteps. His whole body froze, despite wanting to get out, fear took over him as the thought that a teacher or another student might find him invaded him. He didn’t want to be found, not like this! Then he heard a familiar voice “Oh my god!”

He heard Luke’s footsteps frantically getting closer, he sensed his body close to him and his fingers prying on the tape over his eyes. With a swift motion, the tape was removed, pulling along a few hairs and eyebrows. Max blinked, adjusting his eyes to the light until he could see Luke’s face just inches from him “You alright Max?”
“Plmhfm lmt mm gh!” Max begged, of course he wasn’t alright! Luke gave him a quick apology and his fingers ripped the tape from his mouth. Max winced and desperately spat out his socks “Please Luke… untie me! Please, just untie me!”

Luke started with his ankles, undoing the belt and placing himself beneath Max’s armpits so he could step on the bar “Okay… I’ll let go of your wrists” he muttered carrying on Max’s weight and fidgeted the shoelaces until he was able to undo them. Max’s weight was too much for Luke to hold and both kids collapsed on the ground.
Max was the first to get up, tears streaming down his pale face, is body shaking, his eyes set on the ground. He opened his mouth several times trying to say something but seemed at loss of words yet Luke understood what he needed. Without any question from either boy, he leaned forwards and wrapped his arms around his friend’s body, Max sheepishly returned the hug and buried his face on Luke’s chest. Finally, he started crying.

They remained on the ground for a while before finally Luke was able to help Max on his feet and gently took him to the school bathroom to get washed. His ankles were badly cruised, his wrists were green and purple, with red lashes were the shoelaces had dug in and there was a red mark over his mouth were the tape had been (not to mention his black eye and ripped lip)

“Thanks” Max muttered giving him a really forced smile and snatched his backpack from Luke’s hands “I can carry it myself”

Luke didn’t argue, he walked with his friend down the road towards his house, well aware that their plans for that evening had to be cancelled “Max, who did that to you?”

“I don’t know” Max replied looking aside. Luke realized how bad Max must be to be genuinely scared of whoever did this

“We should tell your parents or a teacher...”

“No!” Max looked at Luke, not with angrily but pleadingly “Please… don’t tell anyone, I’ll…I’ll deal with this” he begged, actually begged! Not even when he was being tickled by Luke did he saw him beg like that. Luke walked with him, not leaving his side until they were at his front door

“I could stay with you if you want” Luke offered while Max looked for his keys

“No need to” he turned back giving him a very insincere smile “I’m already feeling better!” he didn’t look better
“Okay, but if you need anything just call me okay?”

“No problemo!” he grinned, again, insincerely and stepped inside, slamming the door behind him. Luke knew he wasn’t going to call. The boy turned around and angrily kicked a pebble towards the road. Even if Max refused to tell him, he knew who was behind it, it was the fact that he saw him and his friends walking away from the crime scene, laughing as if nothing were wrong what clued him of Max’ whereabouts. The black-haired boy pulled out his phone and started looking through his contacts until he found the right ones: Dylan, Tom, Zack.

“Kyle is going to pay for this”
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Post by bondagefreak »

The forum is quiet this week. But you should be getting some more reviews soon.

Looks like Max has a plan in motion to get some revenge on the bully Kyle and his two stooges!

As you may know, I'm not the biggest supporter of PG-rated stories, even though I enjoy several "non-sexualised" works. This is definitely one of them ;)

Gagging poor Max with his own socks and pulling his shorts down was a nice touch.
Poor guy.

I enjoyed the realism here, even though our main character seems wittier than most other thirteen year old boys.

The detail about the shoelaces digging into his skin was perfectly elaborated.
Those are things that make the difference between a rushed work and a fine piece of art.

Well done my friend!

I look forward to seeing what young Max has in mind for Kyle and his cronies.
Hopefully there'll be some more sock-gagging in the future 8-)

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Post by Chris12 »

Oof! That's harhs! Poor Maxie :o
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Post by MaxRoper »

Getting kind of dark in here, but very well-written as usual. I do hope Kyle and his pals get their comeuppance soon.
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Post by cj2125 »

[mention]Chris12[/mention] and [mention]MaxRoper[/mention] yeah, I know it went a little dark but it was necessary to be done. Don’t worry though, Kyle is gonna finally get what’s comming to him!
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Post by cj2125 »

Part 2:

Dean Keefe walked out of the minimarket, running his hand over his blond hair. Unlike his friends, the thirteen-year-old leaned more in the cute side than the handsome one, tall yet gangly with bright blue eyes, a pale skin covered in frekles, large ears and a round, boyish face. He pulled a bar of chocolate from his pocket, taking a bite and started walking down the road. It was a hot Saturday morning, he still had a couple hours to kill before Vincent and Kyle got free from their respective obligations so he might as well just goof around. The boy, wearing a black t-shirt with the logo of a metal band, green shorts, black ankle-socks and white convers, walked away from the main street and got into the suburban neighborhood

“Hey kid!” the voice came from a red car parked by the intersection of Sussex Road and Ford Avenue. After making sure it was him whom they were talking, Dean got closer to the car, still keeping a safe distance. The guy inside didn’t seem that old, maybe 17, 18 at most. His messy red hair and freckled face made him look younger and somehow familiar “Do you want a ride?” he asked smiling

Every alarm in Dean’s head went off “Are you seriously trying to kidnap me?” he asked stepping backwards. To his surprise, the guy laughed

“As a matter of fact, I was planning to… but right now I just needed to distract you”

“Whammphh!” a rubber ball was pushed inside his mouth, before he could push it out, a bandanna was wrapped over it and black sack was pushed over his head and loosely tied around his neck. Unable to see, Dean blindly wailed his arms, trying to hit anyone but several hands got a hold of them and pulled them behind his back, shoving his body against the car; he had never been really strong so it was easy to overpower him. He felt the cold metal snapping around his wrists. Handcuffs! The boy cried for help into his gag “This can’t be happening!” he thought as the trunk was popped open and he was unceremoniously thrown inside. Before he could lift his head, the trunk was closed again and the car drove away.

Vincent Gutierrez waved goodbye to his parents while discarding his apron and walked out of their shop, glad to be finally free from that stupid job. He loved his parents but he was sure it was a crime to force a 13-year-old to spend every Saturday morning sweeping trash from the store, he even had to wake up early on a Saruday! He headed back to their home, only thinking of spending his afternoon playing videogames with his friends. The boy blissfully walked home, his earphones on and his hands in his pockets. He was short but well built, one of the perks of being in the wrestling team; he had black hair, tanned skin and a couple of hairs over his upper lip that he proudly flaunted as his moustache. The uniform his parents forced him to wear, a green polo shirt and khaki pants was certainly uncomfortable for such a warm weather, already sweating, he couldn’t wait to get out of those clothes

He walked away from the main road and down the deserted suburban street, not even paying attention to the red car parked at one side of the street, even without the earphones on, he wouldn’t had noticed the pair of footsteps following him. Suddenly, the assault begun. He felt something hitting the back of his head. When he opened his mouth to complain, a sock was pushed between his teeth almost making him choke. This one had a rubber ball in the middle that quickly lodged in his mouth. Just as quick, a sack was pulled over his head “Mmppphhh!” he screamed as his arms were pulled behind his back, handcuffs being snapped around his wrists. Despite being handcuffed, he kept fighting, managing to kick his assailants a couple of times but they soon overpowered him

He was shoved against the car, the trunk popped open and he was pushed inside “Mmpphh!” he roared and to his surprise he heard a second moan coming from inside. Vincent stopped his angry struggles trying to figure out what was going on “Mmpphh?” he waved his hands and felt someone else’s thigh. Before he could inquire further, the door was slammed closed and the car drove away.

Kyle Takeda walked out of showers into the deserted locker rooms. As usual, he had stayed after practice to perfect his shots at the goalposts, his last defeat against that Dylan kid and his team had left him pretty sore about it. All his teammates had already left, not that he mind it; lately he had been having trouble focusing with them goofing around in various estates of undress; he really hoped nobody had noticed him staring at them! He had just run the towel over his black hair when he heard footsteps behind the locker row “Hello?” he asked aloud yet no answer came. “The janitor” he thought and opened his locker, put on a pair of boxer-briefs and his black shorts on top. He had just grabbed his red t-shirt when someone body-slammed him against the locker

“What the hennphhh!” something was pushed into his mouth forcing his jaw open. Leather straps dug into the corners of his mouth as they were adjusted behind his head. His teeth dug into the rubber ball pushing his tongue back. He knew what that object was, he had seen it before in certain forbidden sites but it was the first time he had it inside his mouth. He found that gag really uncomfortable!

He tried to turn around to face his assailants when a hand shoved his face forwards, squishing it against the locker “Nnhhgg!”

“Not so though eh?” he heard a familiar voice. He tried to fight back but another pair of hands grabbed his arms and pulled them behind his back, he heard the sound of tape being ripped off followed by his wrists being taped them together. The grip on him loosened and he took the chance to shove his attacker aside and try to escape. Unfortunately, he tripped with the bench and fell against the metal doors

“Nnhgg” he grunted looking up, a sting of pain in his back where he had hit the locker. The strangest pair was looking down on him with satisfied smirks. At the left, holding the roll of tape stood Luke, to the right, stood the boy from the opposite team, Dylan

“What’s the matter Kyle? Cat got your tongue?” Luke teased, Kyle shouted a barrage of threats but they seemed to have no effect on Luke; in fact, the boy kneeled down holding his ankles together and wrapped tape around them “Ha! Try to get out of this!” he exclaimed exchanging high-fives with Dylan. Since when Luke was so cocky? And more important, where did he get the monstrosity that was stuck in his mouth?

Of course, Kyle tried to struggle but the tape held tight. He did manage to cut some slack on his ankles but the boys merely wrapped more tape around them “Keep struggling bastard, it’ll be easier to get you out if you’re tired” Dylan smirked

“Whht thm fhgg?” Kyle screamed, being tied up in the lockers was one thing (in fact wouldn’t be his first time) but where they seriously planning on kidnaping him? He angrily shook his head, there was no way they could drag him out without catching anyone’s attention and he would certainly make sure of that!

“Someone needs to take out the trash?” a third boy, this one was blonde, short and skinny walked in the lockers dragging a plastic bin. Contrary to what Luke may think, Kyle was a smart guy and he quickly understood what their plan was. That doesn’t mean he liked it! Kyle shook his head, screaming at the top of his lungs and trashing around but between the three boys, they managed to pick him up and not too carefully dropped him inside the bin.

Kyle wasn’t a particularly large boy yet still the bin was too small for him. With his hands pinned to his sides and his knees pressed against his chest, there was little room for him to wriggle; even worse, the bin's previous contents had left their smell behind for Kyle to enjoy. He even felt something wet under his barefeet! “We finally found a place you belong” Luke smirked and put the lid on, ignoring Kyle’s glare.

The trip to the paring lot was fairly uneventful. Kyle did his best to catch anyone’s attention but the boys drowned his screams by hitting the bin and singing aloud. Still they didn’t run into anyone important and finally got to the parking where a red car was waiting for them.

You could imagine Kyle’s surprise when he saw the two contorting bodies inside the trunk; even though their faces were covered, he perfectly recognized them. The uniform belonged to Vincent’s store while the tall, skinny body behind him could only belong to Dean; unfortunately, he had little time to ponder as he was unceremoniously shoved inside, landing on top of Vincent before the door was closed.

The journey was long and extremely uncomfortable, the trunk was hot and with little space for three boys; his friends’ struggles only made it more awkward for him. He figured probably they weren’t aware of the identity of their captors, that was the only explanation he could think for their undignified performance. Dean had managed to curl in a bag and was quietly sobbing while Vincent was angrily kicking the door, shouting for help with all his might. Kyle tried to assure them that it was just a (rather elaborate) prank but his muffled moans only seemed to freak them out even more.

“Okay, since they are useless, it’s up to me to get us out of this mess” Kyle thought trying to adjust his eyes to the darkness “Maybe if I can reach their hands…THEY ARE HANDCUFFED?” his screams of frustration reached the occupants of the car but they wrongly assumed it was fear “Okay, new plan… first, get rid of the tape and this fucking thing in my mouth… second, get these idiots to calm down, third, make a plan to beat the living shit out of Lucky the traitor moment we get out” he still was under the delusion that this was about the rival team

Unfortunately, getting out was harder than he expected. The tape was pulling at the hairs of his arms and the gag was making his jaw ache. His friends’ cries were starting to get annoying and their struggles were only increasing the heat inside.

By the time the car finally stopped, the three kids were exhausted and drenched in sweat and not even close to get out. Their angry and scared screams had morphed into weak moans. Luke admitted that perhaps they underestimated the trunk’s heat but thankfully they seemed alright.

Once sure they weren’t in any real danger, Luke instructed Dylan and Tom to pull the captives out of the trunk and cut their ankles free. Kyle squinted at the sunlight, looking at his surroundings. They were in a deserted parking lot, surrounded by a thick forest, besides their three captors, there was an older guy, maybe 17 or 18 with red-hair that somehow looked familiar

“Hey kiddo, I’m Zack… Max’s brother” Kyle’s eyes opened wide as he understood the nature of their kidnapping


By this point Vincent and Dean had realized that their lives (probably) weren’t in real danger. Vincent started squirming and making muffled threats their captors; angrily demanding to be let go; Dean, on the other side, remained more subdued, hanging his head down seemingly accepting his fate

“Thanks Zack! We can take care of them!” Luke smiled patting Kyle’s back and ignoring his angry glare

“Yeah, give us an hour to break them” added Tom with an evil smile. Zack seemed to hesitate for a moment but he finally climbed in his car and turned it on, wishing them good luck (Kyle wasn’t sure if to the captors or captives) and drove away.

Luke grabbed hold of Kyle, Dylan grabbed Vincent and Tom took over Dean. At Luke’s command, the three where pushed forwards. Of course, they put up some resistance but when Luke pointed that they didn’t need to wear clothes for this, the prisoners decided to cooperate.

Being the only one able to see, Kyle was able to take notice of the path they were shoving them across. Not that it would serve of anything for soon it not only became clear that they wouldn’t be able to escape their bindings, but even if they did, they were in the middle of the forest that surrounded their town, walking home wasn’t an option! The group eventually stopped by an opening with clear signs of a campsite. A scorched hole that once housed a fire lay in the center and a couple of logs had been placed around it as seats.

Dean and Kyle were shoved to the ground, their ankles lashed with ropes and attached to their wrists. For extra measure, Luke tied their elbows together making them arch their backs, tied the end of a rope around Kyle’s neck and wrapped the other end around Dean’s neck; Dean didn’t wasted time trying to struggle but the moment he tugged at their leash, they realized that they couldn’t really move without risking strangling themselves. Since when did Lucky knew how to tie ropes?

“Don’t worry guys, we’ll take care of you soon but first we need to deal with Vinny here” Luke smiled evilly, meanwhile, Dylan and Tom had pushed Vincent against a tree “Don’t go anywhere” Luke smiled and hurried to help his friends.

Of course, Kyle couldn’t go anywhere! Despite his strong desire to do so; the kid could only watch as the others tied some ropes around Vincent’s chest, under his armpits and over his shoulders making what looked like a harness. Dylan picked up the free end and ran it over a branch above the tree, using his full weight to pull it down. Vincent let out a muffled whimper and his body strained as the rope pulled him up until he was forced to stand on his tip toes. The ropes were uncomfortably digging into his chest and armpits, Kyle didn’t envy his friend at the moment. Nevertheless, the boys weren’t done. Dylan took off Vincent’s black adidas and grey socks, exposing his bare soles; Tom undid his belt and yanked his pants down

“Mpphg!” Vincent exclaimed as his purple boxers were revealed

“We don’t want you ruining your nice clothes” Tom grabbed the belt and used it to whip Vincent’s butt
Ignoring his yelp, Luke lashed another rope around Vincent’s left ankle and lift it from the ground, tying it to his left thigh so the poor boy was forced to put all his weight on his right leg

“Mmpphh” he moaned as the sack was removed from his face, he couldn’t say anything else for a sock with a ball inside was tied between his teeth, forcing his jaw apart.

“Well Vincent, I’m sure you know why you are here…” Luke spoke, the boy shook his head letting out muffled threats “Tom?”

“Aye sir!” Tom, who had been standing behind the prisoner, grinned and grabbed his boxers’ waistband, pulling them up his back

“NHHHGGG!” Vincent yelped bouncing on one foot while the other kids laughed

“I’ll ask again, do you know why you are here?” this time Vincent quickly nodded letting uncomfortable moans. Tom let go of his underwear and the boy slumped against the ropes, panting “Good, then I’m sure you’ll understand why you are gonna be punished…” Vincent’s eyes opened wide and he send another barrage of muffled threats although nobody seemed interested in his opinion. He wasn’t the only one though, Kyle angrily tried to demand for their immediate release but just like Vincent, he was utterly ignored.

Luke opened up his backpack and pulled out a wooden ruler “Can you believe teachers used to hit kids with these in the 19th century?” Vincent’s eyes opened even wider and shook his head but Luke seemed to have made up his mind

“HHHHGGHHHH!” he screamed as the ruler hit his stomach, Tom picked up his belt and joined in, using it to smack his butt. Vincent’s body jolted forwards, only to have his belly once more struck by Luke’s ruler. The two boys took turns hitting Vincent’s front and back while Dylan leaned next to Dean, since he couldn’t see the procedures, Dylan volunteered to describe it to him… he might have exaggerated what was going on; Vincent certainly didn’t cry like a baby.

After a while, the boys stopped to inspect their captive “I think this side is good enough” Luke chuckled patting Vincent’s now pink and sore belly “Yours?” Vincent let out a gasp as his and underwear was slightly pulled down before being put back in place

“Yep, good enough” Tom grinned smacking his behind

“Dylan, could you get the other prisoner ready?” Luke asked politely

“My pleasure!” Dylan smirked as he released Dylan from his hogtie and removed the rope around his neck, instead tying it to one of the logs so Kyle wouldn’t go anywhere. Unlike his friends, Dean had been relatively quiet yet the moment he was yanked upwards, he started making muffled pleas to be let go. Kyle rolled his eyes; once this was over he would give Dean an intensive training on keeping up his dignity in face of those losers. Dylan forced the begging captive to stand up with the threat that any attempt to fight back would be a forfeit of his right of wearing clothes. Dean found those terms acceptable. The brown-haired boy led his prisoner towards a second tree, lashed his already cuffed hands and threw the rope through the branch above them, pulling it down. Dean’s arms were slowly lifted up, forcing him to bend forwards to relieve the stress on his shoulders. Dylan picked up the ropes he had used on his ankles and lashed his elbows with it, they weren’t exactly touching since he mercifully left a five-inch bridge between them yet Dean’s discomfort still increased.

The poor boy couldn’t see what was coming next until he felt a sharp pain on his right thigh “Npphh!” he grunted, they had actually hit him with a wooden stick! Dylan instructed him to spread his legs. Dean didn’t have much choice to obey; said wooden stick was placed between his legs and each ankle was tied to each end, making sure his legs would remain spread. Finally, his blindfold was removed. He blinked nervously, watching his surrounding since, up until this point, h had been unable to see his captors or fellow prisoners. Kyle lay on his side, still tightly hogtied while Vincent was tied to the three in front of him.

Tom and Luke had made sure to further increase Vincent’s discomfort. Duct tape had been wrapped around his eyes and sharp stones and thorny sticks had been thrown beneath his barefoot. The poor guy was forced to bounce in place in order to protect his foot from further damage!

The three boys now surrounded Dean, he gulped, desperately giving them pleading looks “Do you know why you are here?” Luke asked, unlike his friend, Dean didn’t waste time nodding

“Hm'm fhrrn! Hm'm fhrrn!”

“We can’t understand you” Tom grinned patting his back, this forced him to bend down further increasing the pressure on his arms. Dean let out an anguished moan that everybody else ignored “So, wanna tell us what’s in store for him Luke?” Tom asked Luke imitating a gameshow host’s voice

“Of course, first I thought we could each take turns kicking his butt…” Luke patted Dean’s behind, the boy shook his head letting out soft whimpers “Or we could tickle him until he pees himself…” Dean… merely grunted, he wasn’t really ticklish so that option might be alright for him “But I think we are gonna try something new…” he produced a small scale attached to a rope. He tied the free end on a leash and ran it over Dean’s head, leaving the scale hanging beneath his neck.

“Gentlemen?” Dylan and Tom hurried picking up every rock they could find and placing them on the scale. At first Dean couldn’t understand the purpose of that, but as the weight under his neck increased forcing his body forwards, so did the strain on his arms and shoulders. Dean found himself in a precarious position where the weight pulled him down while his arms pulled him up. In the end he couldn’t relieve any of them. It didn’t help when Tom sneaked behind him and dug his fingers on his ribs. As mentioned before, Dean wasn’t particularly ticklish, still, the few squirms he couldn’t avoid making further increased the pain on his arms. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the reaction they had been hoping for

Tom knew how to fix it though. Borrowing Luke’s ruler, he walked behind the poor boy and hit the back of his knees “Nnhggg!” he screamed and bent his knees out of reflex which only increased the pain on his arms “Mmphhh!”

“Smart play!” Luke exclaimed picking up a stick and hitting Dean’s other leg. The poor boy though his arms might snap off! Thankfully for him Dylan told them to stop after a few hits, pointing that they might actually cause serious harm to his arms. Dean grateful look was short lived for soon Luke hit his butt with the stick

“Having fun?” Luke asked, Dean shook his head making a good imitation of Bambi’s eyes, he certainly wasn’t having fun! “Good! See you in a couple hours then!”

“Nh! Plmhfm Hm'll dh hnnthnng!” he begged but tape was wrapped over his eyes.

The three kids turned around, leaving both prisoners hanging to their fates and looked down at Kyle. He had gotten tired of struggling although he kept glaring at Luke, fuming under his gag. Luke found that hilarious and after giving him a well-aimed kick on his side, he crouched in front of him, tugging at his hair to lift his face

“Payback time!”
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Post by Chris12 »

That's a very neat setup you got there with each victim getting his own small kidnap scene. I might steal it one of these days :D

Is Kyle Asian, btw? Takeda sounds pretty Japanese.
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Post by cj2125 »

Thanks! Yeah, I wanted to give them each their own scene! And if stealing a scene means a new story from you, feel free to do it! :D
Chris12 wrote: 6 years ago
Is Kyle Asian, btw? Takeda sounds pretty Japanese.
Never went into much detail in the stories about his history but yeah, I imagined him being of Japanese descent
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Post by FelixSH »

Nice one. As others mentioned, it pained me to read about Maxs harsh treatment. Not a criticism, more a compliment to your skill that it hurts to see him go through such a bad treatment. That said, crucification was an interesting choice.

Also agreed with chris that having scenes for the individual kidnappings was a nice touch.

I am curious to find out about Kyles reaction to his coming treatment. And maybe even moreso about Maxs further reaction to everything that happened.

In summary, I'm looking forward to the next part.

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Part 3:

Unlike his friends, Kyle hadn’t given up yet, his pride wouldn’t allow it! That’s why the moment his arms were released, he put up a fight with all his might. To his credit he managed to land a couple of punches at Tom, Dylan and Luke but they quickly overpowered him and soon he was standing against another three.

“You just lost your right of wearing clothes” Luke grinned yanking his shorts down, exposing his black boxer-briefs. Kyle’s face turned different shades of red while the others laughed “Should these go to?” he asked grabbing the waistband. Kyle shook his head silently pleading “Bark like a dog!” Luke ordered. The irony wasn’t lost to Kyle yet he complied, anything to retain what little dignity he had left!

Dylan and Tom held his arms above his head while Luke lashed his wrist together, ran the rope through a branch above and pull it down, forcing Kyle to stand on his toes.

“You make a good dog, maybe we should keep you as a pet!” Tom laughed slapping his thigh. Kyle let out a grunt glaring at him while writhing his wrists in a failed effort to loosen the knots. When he gets out of that he was totally going to kill Luke… and his friends too… and Max’s brother! That sounded like a reasonable course of action
“Don’t worry, we won’t tell anyone about this” Luke smiled pulling out his phone, Kyle didn’t even had time to turn his face away before the picture was taken. “Oh nice! You are so photogenic!” he teased. Since when that little brat was so devious? Probably the fact that Kyle was helplessly tied up helped boost Luke’s confidence
“You know glaring at us won’t change anything right?” Dylan patted his cheek, that didn’t deterred Kyle from shooting daggers, if he couldn’t use his fists, he’ll use…his eyes? It seemed like good idea in his head

“Let’s get over with this” Tom rolled his eyes pulling the roll of tape. Kyle’s last weapon was neutralized when the tape was wrapped over his eyes

“Hm'll fhggnng gnll nhh!!” he grunted squirming against the ropes which only made his captors to laugh even harder at his predicament

“Dylan, bring the pegs” Luke ordered

“Thm pmgf? Whht hrm nhh ghnnh dhHHHHHGGGHHH!” Kyle let out a high-pitched scream and arched his back when he felt two cloth pegs pinching his nipples

“It hurts?” Luke asked softly and twisted the pegs making Kyle scream even louder. Dean and Vincent let out soft worried moans, they couldn’t see what was going on so they could only hear Kyle’s screams of pain, their imaginations filled the blanks and it probably was something worse than reality

The kids weren’t done with Kyle yet, more pegs were applied over his stomach, armpits and earlobes. The bound boy could only scream even louder each time another peg pinched his skin sending shocks through his body. He trashed around, trying to get rid of the pegs but it only increased the pain. In the end he decided that his best choice was to stay as still as possible

“What? You are not going to try to get out?” Dylan teased

“Fhgg hff!” he replied trying to remain still, he had become convinced that his current position would be bearable as long as he remained still. Suddenly he felt fingers running through his ribs.

Now, Kyle used to be extremely ticklish as a toddler and his older cousins enjoyed exploiting that weakness. Nevertheless, he hadn’t been actually tickled since he was five and he wished to believe that he had outgrown that weakness. He was wrong. The moment he felt those fingers, he lost it. Violently trashing around, writhing against the ropes, his hips rocking back and forth trying to get away from those dammed fingers “HHHHHHHHHH! NHHHH! HHHHHHHH!”

“He is ticklish!” Tom exclaimed, he felt two more pair of hands over his body. One, assaulting his armpits and the other, his thighs. Kyle screamed and laughed; twisting his body, slamming his head against the tree; the more he struggled, the more the pegs hurt but he couldn’t help it. He desperately begged them through his gag but the kids were reluctant to stop

“PLMHFMMM! FTHPPP HHHHHHHH! HHHHHH! Hm GHN'T THGM HmT! HHHHHHHH!” He screamed at the top of his lungs, tears already running down his cheeks, breathing getting increasingly heavier. By this point Luke would have stopped if there was Max, Tom, Dylan or anyone else for that matter; but this was Kyle, the guy who and tormented him for years, the guy who shoved his head in the toilet, the guy who left him tied up on the woods… the guy who broke Max. There wouldn’t be no mercy for him.

Kyle kept begging them for mercy but none came, Luke and Tom kept their assault efficiently. Even Dylan, who seemed to be the more compassionate of the three was relentless in his attack; he too had seen the aftermath of his prank on Max after all. Kyle’s moans grew more desperate but between the gag and his laughter, they couldn’t understand what he was saying; his struggles grew more violent, tears were now streaming down his cheeks, his trashing grew wilder until suddenly, after a particular loud moan, a wet spot begun to form on his crotch
Dylan was the first to notice it “Ewww!” he jumped backwards, the other two soon followed his lead. The wet spot grew around his crotch before the warm liquid ran down his legs. Without anymore tickles, Kyle slumped against the ropes shaking and sobbing. Luke knew this was as far as they could go.

Vincent was still hopping in one leg. The ropes around his chest were burning his skin, his right leg felt numb and the thrones and rocks under his foot made his sole hurt.

Dean stood still with his head hanging in defeat, his arms and legs were on fire by this point and his breathing had turned heavy; only small moans escaped his gag

As for Kyle… he laid against the tree, only the ropes prevented him from falling down. No more struggles, no more threats, his head hanged low, still sobbing, the tears mixing up with the stream of saliva that ran down his chin. The kids watched their captors in silence

“This isn’t fun anymore” said Tom frowning

“Agree” said Dylan looking uncomfortable “I think they had enough”

Luke stared at his captives, he didn’t feel it was enough, he wanted to make them suffer, to have them on their knees groveling; but when he heard Kyle crying, his frown softened. This was far enough “I agree… let’s get them ready for the final part”

“Still in bed?” the boy paused his videogame and got up, grunting in annoyance. He was still wearing the red t-shirt and blue boxers he slept on, his friends had made it perfectly clear that they had other plans that day so he saw little point in changing clothes.

The first days after the attack were the harder ones, Luke, Dylan and Tom kept him company but he felt like they were pitying him more than anything else; they were extra careful with him, no teasing, no pranks, and constantly asking if he was doing alright! School was even harder, not only he had to face Jessica’s wrath after he canceled their date (granted, a text message wasn’t probably the best option), but every time he ran into Kyle he found the same mocking sneer. At first, he started to avoid eye contact with Kyle and his friends, then he started to get away from them as fast as he could, eventually he was insisting Luke to accompany him everywhere, the few times he was alone he could feel panic setting in. He realized he was terrified of them.

“What do you want?” Max asked looking at his brother standing on his doorframe. Zack crossed his arms over his chest and smirked “Get dressed and follow me… actually get a shower first”
“Nah, I’m good in my bed” He smiled stretching his arms

“You are coming with me whether you like it or not” Zack replied calmly “You know I’ll drag you if I have to”

“You’re bluffing!”

“Wanna try me?” the brothers had a quick staring contest that Max lost. The young boy smiled and headed to the shower; it was quite refreshing having someone who wasn’t treating him like a porcelain doll.

Ten minutes later, he had showered and changed into a pair of jeans and a green polo shirt. He put on his wrists bands to cover the scars the ropes had left and headed downstairs, were Zack was impatiently waiting for him.

“So where are you taking me?” Max asked once he was sitting on the passenger’s seat of Zack’s car

“To the forest”

“Are you finally going to kill me?”

“Yup, haven’t decided between chopping you or drowning you”

“Chopping sounds funnier” Max smiled. The journey went smoothly and by the time they had arrived, both brothers were loudly singing the whole repertoire of Disney’s greatest hits

“Okay, I need you to wear this on your eyes” Zack handed his little brother a black tie

Max took it and looked at Zack suspiciously “You want me to walk into a forest in the middle of nowhere with my eyes covered…? Okay!” He happily tied the tie over his eyes and let Zack led him down the pathway.

Max’s senses heightened as he made his way down the forest, but at the same time he could fell a hint of panic unlike anything he had felt before, even though his hands were free, he felt extremely helpless, he remembered Kyle’s laughter, he felt stings in his wrists and ankles, his breathing increased, he could feel his throat closing in…

“Are you okay?”

“Yep” he lied trying to focus on his breathing, he had been blindfolded dozens of times before in far more restricted situations, why was it affecting him so much?

“We are here!”

Max was truly thankful to be able to take off the blindfold, but one could imagine his surprise by what he saw
Luke and the rest of his friends were waiting for him but what was even stranger was the three boys kneeling in the middle. Kyle, Dean and Vincent had been stripped to their underwear (Kyle’s was oddly wet), were gagged, had their hands tied behind their backs and their ankles tied together.

“Surprise!” his friends exclaimed. Max’s jaw dropped to the ground and he turned to Zack, he smiled pleased
Dean was clad on a pair of baby blue boxers, Kyle’s socks had been stuffed inside his mouth with tape over it, thankfully the cuffs had been replaced by proper ropes that held his wrists and elbows together, being the skinnier of the trio, Tom actually managed to have his elbows touch each other behind his back.

Vincent, only wearing his purple boxers, was gagged with Dean’s socks. He had also been spared of the cuffs, instead his hands were leashed with ropes that went around his torso, above and below his chest, cinched beneath his armpits, courtesy of Dylan

Kyle seemed to have it worst. Clad only in a pair of soiled black boxer-briefs, the boy was forced to chew Vincent’s socks, Luke had taken extra care to bind him, pulling his elbows together and weaving the ropes over his chest and stomach, making sure that he couldn’t move any part of his upper body.

“After what happened, we figured we needed to have a talk with these idiots” said Luke slapping Kyle’s head. Interesting enough, Kyle didn’t react at all, in fact neither of them seem to be struggling, they just kept looking at the floor with resignation. “After reconsidering their behavior, they have something to say right?”

As on cue, the three raised their heads at the same time giving Max rueful looks “Hm'm fhrrn” they tried to apologize. Max noticed the dry tears on Kyle’s face, the red marks on their bodies and the dirt and grass spots, they were just three scared boys, how did he ever was afraid of them?

“What happens next is up to you” Luke kept explaining “We can let them go, you can torture them, we can leave him here for someone to find…” the three captives looked at Max with pleading eyes, nervously whimpering for mercy, he never thought he would see Kyle Takeda groveling like that!

“Umm… are you going to leave me and my friends alone?” the three quickly nodded. He could of course have fun with them a little more, make them feel what him and Luke have felt all the times they had been targeted by them! But then again, he didn’t feel comfortable hurting others and his friends seem to have taken care of them “Fine, you can go…” the three boys smiled relieved “after you sing the Marseillaise like ducks!”

The captives exchanged confused looks “Whht?”

“You hear me, want your freedom? Sing for it!” Max laughed, a little bit of payback wouldn’t hurt anyone after all! The boys started to awkwardly quack the French anthem, they weren’t the Vienna choir but they were decent enough, considering their mouth were stuffed with their socks. The other kids laughed at the spectacle, even Zack pulled out his phone to record it! After all the crap they had put him through, Max felt particularly good at that moment

“So, what do you think?” he asked once the concert was over, they all agreed they had earned their freedom. Kyle, Dean and Vincent sighed relieved but their smiles vanished when Luke spoke

“We can’t untie them here, they won’t be able to make it back to the city so…” everyone sans Zack turned towards them with huge grins

Max smiled resting his head on the seat, feeling the air in his face as they drove down the road “Relax Zack…”
“You want me to be relaxed? I have three half-naked, bound and gagged kids in my trunk! If a cop stops me I’m fricking dead!” Zack seemed to have developed a twitch in his eye

“It won’t happen” Tom hummed “It didn’t happen on the way here, right?”

“Yeah… there’s no way a cop will stop us…” Luke didn’t sound so convinced “Just don’t miss any stop”

Dylan was hugging his knees, nervously playing with his fingers. Now that their captives couldn’t see them, he and Luke had dropped their façade and where mentally going through every single thing that could go wrong “They are okay right?”

Tom peeked through the backseat “Yep, just having fun grinding each other” he chuckled and slid back on the seat “You want to take a peek Luke?”

“Of course not!” Luke exclaimed although it was hard to hide his blush

“For real guys…” Max smiled looking at his friends over his seat “Thank you!”

Luke returned his smile “That’s what friends are for”

“To savagely take down your enemies!” Tom added

The trip wasn’t as pleasant for Kyle, Vincent and Dean; given that they had no clothes to stand between their skins, he had to concede that this trip was worse than the first one. It didn’t help that the fact that he was so close to two half-naked, sweaty, squirming boys was generating an unwanted reaction in his body that he sincerely hoped nobody was noticing.

Thankfully the car finally stopped, the trunk was opened and soon the three bound boys lay on the grass. Kyle looked around and recognized the place as the park close to their school “You’ll leave us alone, right?” Max asked calmly. The three were quick to nod “Great!” he smiled ruffling Kyle’s hair as if nothing had happened. He loosened the knots around his wrists “Now you can get out of your own”

“Whht hbhht hhr glhthmf?” Kyle asked looking at the four boys with wide eyes

“What? You want your clothes?” asked Tom grinning “I think we’ll keep them as a souvenir”

“Nhh ghn't dh thht!”

“Got any problem?” Luke asked pulling a cloth peg from his pocket, the three shook their heads “That’s what I thought” everyone got into Zack’s car and drove away, leaving the three humiliated bullies behind.
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During the following month, life seemed to improve for Max and Luke. His chances with Jessica were over of course but at least Kyle seemed willing to keep his promise. If he ever told anyone about what they did, Max and Luke didn’t get in any trouble; Luke explained that he had taken pics of them in case they decided to rat them out, Max was impressed.

In fact, Kyle, Dean and Vincent’s harassment greatly toned down not only for them but for other kids at the end of the food chain. The trio mostly kept to themselves and weren’t as cocky or arrogant as before, in fact, Max was pleased to discover that they were actually avoiding them!
Things seem to be going well for Max except for one single thing…

“I’m not sure…” Said Luke sitting on Max bed with his legs crossed “Don’t your wrists need to heal?” it was the first weekend of summer vacations. He had already received permission to spend the night at Max’s place so he had changed into the plaid shorts and orange t-shirt he wore to sleep

“They are healed!” Max exclaimed showing Luke his bare wrists, there was only a small visible trace of his scars, still his friend seemed apprehensive, Max too had changed into a white t-shirt and green shorts “Alright, if you don’t want to do it, can I tie you up instead?”

Luke hesitated, nervously looking at his toes. He was more into doing the tying than being the one tied but it was true they haven’t played since the incident, more important, he knew how much it meant to Max and the puppy eyes he was making didn’t help… “Mmm…. fine…”

Soon Luke lay face down on the floor. Max had done a decent job restraining him. His wrists were crossed behind his back and the ropes was wrapped around them horizontally and vertically, then pulled down to his ankles and lashed around them before being cinched and pulled back, finally Max had wrapped the remaining ends around his waist, making sure he couldn’t move his arms or reach any knot

“Thht'f ghhd” he muttered chewing on the clean sock Max had stuffed in his mouth and secured with a piece of tape

“So, you can’t get out?” Max asked smiling, Luke started squirming and trashing, writhing his wrists and trying to push the sock with his mouth but after five minutes he gave up and shook his head “Great! Now it’s time for the second part!”

“Whht?” Luke watched with increased concern as Max put on the wrist bands, sat next to him and started tying his own ankles together “Mhx...whht hrm nhh dhnng?” he nervously asked while Max lay down and picked up the other clean sock

“Don’t worry, Zack will come from work in an hour” he smiled, Luke’s eyes opened wide with bewilderment, Max wouldn’t dare to do it right? Max ignored his muffled protests and stuffed the sock in his mouth pressing the tape over his lips. Finally, he pulled out a pair of handcuffs from his pocket and tied the end of the rope around his ankles to the chain connecting them. He dangled the key in front of Luke just to teased him and threw on top of the bed

Luke started to frantically struggle “Whnt! Dhn't mvmn thnng...” and Max cuffed his hands behind his back

“WHN DND NHH DH THHT!” Luke screamed angrily headbutting Max. They were trapped! They wouldn’t be able to get out until Zack returned! What if he decided to go to a friend’s house? What if Max’s parents found them first?

Max didn’t seem to have an issue with any of that “Hmt'f fhn” he stated and nuzzled Luke’s shoulder. His anger with Max subsided and he started laughing at Max’s trickery and tried to nuzzle him back. The two kids fell into a friendly wrestling match while hogtied and ended lying on their sides, panting and growling. Even though he was gagged, it was clear Max was smiling under his gag; Luke returned the smile. At least Max was back.
Last edited by cj2125 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mrtrident178 »

I loved this from start to finish! I'd love to know what happens when Zack gets home! Sequel?
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Post by FelixSH »

That was a sweet ending. I'm glad max is ok. Also, congratullation to your first longer work. :)

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Post by bondagefreak »

Well done my friend! You've done a fantastic job at keeping us entertained during these fun chapters.
Masterfully published and complete with an epilogue as well!
You've outdone yourself.

As always, I look forward to reading more from you.
Keep up the good work!

PS. don't forget to put this in the Story Catalogue section!

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Post by MaxRoper »

Well done - an excellent final chapter and epilogue to a great story. This is truly a masterpiece of TUGs literature.
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Post by Meac »

This has been a strong 10/10.
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Post by LK3869 »

Yep, agree with everyone, it's strong from start to end.
You dared go into less pleasing territories and your bunch of caracters stood the test. I was surprised by the beginning like most but that was well worth it, if only to give that sweet friendship between Max and Luke some more intensity.
Another top quality one.
EDIT: forgot to thank you for that gag talk Marseillaise ! Something I'd wish I see :)
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Post by Deleted User 520 »

Great story! So far I've only been able to read the first couple of parts to it. Can't wait to continue reading after I get some sleep!
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Post by Veracity »

I took great joy from seeing Kyle get his. Very enjoyable story, and all the better for taking the time needed to set things up. Excellent work!
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Post by Killua »

Now that I accidentally found your stories again, I couldn't resist reading this one again. It's still one of my favourites. Those 4 are really good friends. They are exactly like friends should be. The payback was well deserved. It was painful but picturing an more or less cruzified Max is quite an interesting position. Those 3 had quite interesting ideas to restrain and torture those bullies. But I somehow felt sorry for Dean because he start begging even before he was tortured :lol:

The Epilogue is great. It shows perfectly that Max is just Max again :lol:
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