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Sarah Goodwin Gets Robbed (M/F+) COMPLETE

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2020 11:49 am
by Sportsfan
Hello all! For those who were active on the old site, my name was ductapegagged over there. You might remember my stories detailing my teenage friends that seemed too good to be true. Sadly, that was indeed the case. I was young and let my imagination run wild with my fantasies, and stretched the "level of truth" description of the True Stories section a bit far. The friends are real, some of the outfits were real believe it or not, and I did have some tugs with them, but that's about where what actually happens ends. I just felt like I needed to come clean and get that out of the way first, both for honesty's sake and in case anyone wondered what had happened to them.

That being said, I still love TUGS and still love to write, and I finally found the time to bring an idea I've had for a while to life. Huge props to those who were able to resurrect the community with this new site, I was really sad when I discovered the old one was gone and I can't thank you enough. I hope you enjoy!

Sarah Goodwin Gets Robbed (M/F+)

It was a nice but chilly January afternoon as 18 year old Sarah Goodwin got out of her car in the driveway, brushed her long blond hair to the side over her ear, and walked down her house's front sidewalk, her shoes making a clicking sound as they hit the hard ground. As she walked Sarah stared down, partly to protect her face from the winter wind, and partly to look at her outfit. She had been really happy with what she had picked out to wear for a presentation in speech class that day, and had spent more time than usual admiring it in the mirror that morning, nearly making herself late. The centerpiece of the outfit was a short, long-sleeved purple dress with a floral design and a flared skirt that ended around her mid-thighs. She had then paired it with her favorite 60 denier black tights and black ankle boots that had a zipper down one side and a three inch blocky heel. These boots were the first things she took off as soon as she had unlocked her front door and stepped inside, breathing a sigh of relief. She was an athlete, with a 5' 7" skinny frame built for basketball. And also sneakers.

Walking to the kitchen, now in her black stocking feet, Sarah opened the cupboard and scanned for an after-school snack. She settled on a granola bar, closed the door, and turned to go upstairs. And that's when she heard it. It was brief, but definitely noticeable. A sound like footsteps, on a hardwood floor, that had just stopped as soon as she did. Sarah knew she should be the only one in the house at the moment. Her mom and dad each worked 9-5 jobs, her father in particular an hours drive away, and her older sister, having grown up and moved out, only came by and visited occasionally.

Sarah stared over at her backpack on the table where she had left it, with her phone inside. She contemplated grabbing it and calling 911, or checking the noise out for herself. Maybe it was just the house creaking. Or maybe one of her parents was home for an emergency. No need to overreact, she decided. Sarah put her granola bar on the table and slowly walked around the corner. "Mom? Dad? Are you home?" No answer. She walked into the living room. No signs of life aside from the plants sitting by the window. "Hmm." Sarah pondered out loud. "Weird." She retreated out of the room and back around the corner to the kitchen. "If anyone is trying to scare me, it's not going to wommmmph!" A figure, dressed head to toe in black with a black ski mask over his face, had come out of nowhere, and now firmly held her to his chest with one arm, her own arms pinned to her sides beneath his grip. The other arm was bear-hugging her neck, with a gloved hand tightly grasping her mouth.

"Don't. Move." A male voice said. Sarah didn't, not necessarily because she was listening to him, but because her brain hadn't registered what was happening yet. And then it did. "Holy crap, this is a robbery" she thought. She started squirming, trying to break free. The man responded by reinforcing his grip and holding her tighter, preventing her from escaping and squeezing her jaw. "I said don't move!" he repeated. "Behave and I won't hurt you. Do you understand?" Sarah realized she had no other choice. She didn't see any weapon on him, but wasn't about to take any chances, and knew she couldn't take him in a fight anyways. She nodded her head slowly. "Good." the man said. "I'm going to take my hand off your mouth. If you scream, there will be serious consequences. No one can hear you regardless. Got it?" Sarah nodded again. The man released his hand but kept his other arm around her torso, and Sarah took in a deep breath. "Take whatever you want, I promise, i won't tell anybody." "Oh I know you won't tell anybody" the man responded. He reached into the pocket of his pants and pulled out a coil of white rope. Sarah's eyes widened. "No, please, I won't do anything I swear. You don't need to tie me up, I promise I'll behave." "And this is to make sure you keep that promise" the man said, with what sounded like a slight smirk in his tone. He grasped Sarah's wrists with both hands and slowly but firmly pulled them behind her back, held her two wrists together palm to palm with one hand and begin to wrap the rope around them tightly with the other, at the very end of her long sleeves. Sarah resisted, but it was no use. She was trapped. The man made several rounds around her wrists with the rope, then took the remainder and wound it vertically in between them and tied it off, cinching the previous loops nice and snug.

The intruder then drug her into the kitchen and sat her down on one of the kitchen chairs, which had rungs between each of the four legs and a narrow lowish back, which he pulled Sarah's arms behind. The man drew a large strand of rope from his other pocket and started to wrap rope above and below her breasts, around the back of the chair and her bound arms. Sarah knew she was stuck, but she sat up straight and gave an unyielding death stare at the man, refusing to look scared in her vulnerable position. Unfortunately, bravery wasn't going to make much of a difference in her current situation either way. A third length of rope from his seemingly endless pockets went firmly around her waist, chair and bound wrists, pinning them to the chair's back.

Finally out of his on-person stash it seemed, the man retreated into the dining room adjacent to the kitchen and came back with a large black gym bag, setting it on the table. Opening the zipper at the top of the bag, he looked at Sarah and grinned underneath the ski mask as he pulled out a medium- sized handkerchief and a long thick piece of white cloth. Her stonewall expression changed immediately. "Oh screw you, you are not gagging me with thapphmmpphf!" The man grabbed her jaw with one hand and stuffed the handkerchief in with the other. Sarah retched slightly due to the suddenness of the action, which gave the intruder enough time to take the thick strip of cloth and pull it between her teeth, yanking the ends of the cloth behind her head and cinching it with a double knot, pushing the handkerchief farther back into her mouth, pinning the edges of her lips back and making her cheeks puff out. Sarah was pissed. "Hmmmpppf!" she grunted. "What's that, I can't hear you" the man mocked, holding a hand up to his ear. "Hmmphf" Sarah groaned as she shook her head. The gag held firm.

The man grinned, pulled more rope from the bag and starting wrapping it around her thighs and the underside of the chair, pinning them to the seat. After that, he bent down to tie her nylon clad ankles, tightly wrapping several loops of rope around them, then switching directions and cinching those with horizontal loops in the middle, just like her wrists. Sarah knew there was no reason to resist at this point and didn't fight back. After her ankles came just below her knees, then above her knees and her lower thighs, all in the same manner. Finally, her bound ankles were firmly tied to the front rung of the chair, yanking them back underneath the seat so that her legs were held taut at a bent angle. The man at least stepped back to admire his handiwork. Sarah just stared at him, unable to move much of anything but her head, fingers and toes.

To the intruder, she looked quite cute. A young damsel, bound to his liking, with ropes securely cinched around her wrists, more tightly wound around her chest and thighs pinning her into the chair, and her hose covered legs strictly bound at the ankles, knees and thighs, with her ankles further tied to the front slat of the chair as an added touch. Last, but most certainly not least, she was silenced with a wad of cloth in her mouth, held securely in place with a thick white cloth tied tightly in between her teeth, preventing her from closing her mouth fully and making her cheeks bulge out like a chipmunk. It was a sight to behold.

After a few moments the man broke his gaze and met her eyes. "Well, I guess I better get going. Sit tight, don't run off anywhere." He laughed, picked up the gym bag and left the room.

Sarah sat and stared at the front door, not able to do much else. She squirmed a little bit, but knew she had zero shot of escaping until someone let her out. She just hoped that the intruder would before he left. Otherwise it was going to be a long couple of hours until her mom arrived home.

Sarah decided to just accept her situation and deal with it as best as she could. Unbeknownst to her captor, she was actually a fan of bondage and had tied herself up a time or two, something only her sister and mom knew about. Her sister knowing was voluntary, they shared everything together, and even though Sarah was nervous about revealing her kink, her older sibling eased her worries and told her it was perfectly normal. Her mother on the other hand caught her tying her pajama-clad legs in bed one night, having already stuffed a pair of pantyhose in her mouth and covered it with a couple strips of tape. Sarah was able to quickly cover her legs with her sheets, but she was not able to cover her mouth. After a slight, understandable freak out on her mother's part and a few awkward minutes in which Sarah quickly untied her legs in embarrassment, her mother sat her down and absolutely floored her by saying that she shared the same love of bondage as Sarah did, and that again, it was perfectly normal. In fact, her mother said with a coy smile, Sarah was conceived whilst her mother was tied spreadeagle hand and foot to her dad's bed. Sarah couldn't believe her ears when she heard that. Her mom then lectured her on the safety precautions of self-bondage, told her to please never do it without someone in the house, got up, winked, and said she'd leave her to it. Since then, Sarah didn't have to hide her daring hobby anymore, something she was very grateful for.

So for now, even though she was tied and gagged against her will, Sarah decided to look at the positives and try to enjoy it. She had never been tied even close to as secure as this before, having never had a TUG partner to do so. She squirmed in the chair testing her bonds, but the ropes were unyielding, the loops above and below her breasts keeping her from inching her body down, and the ones around her waist. wrists and thighs preventing her from lifting herself off the seat. She wished she could stretch out her legs in front of her and see the full extent of the black, slightly see-through nylon broken by intermittent white bands of rope from top to bottom. But alas, they were held tightly to the front of the chair, and she could only stare down at her thighs, slightly squished by the tightness of the ropes pinning them to the seat of the chair along with the one's cinching them tightly together a little further down. She felt the tight cloth cleave in-between her teeth distorting the lower part of her face, holding in a thick wad of packing that she knew was already soaked due to the strictness of the gag forcing her jaw open. For the first time, Sarah decided to really test it out. "HMMPPPF!" she moaned, her voice audible enough to be heard in the next room, but not much farther. "HMMPPPPF!"

Just then, a jangling of keys at the door broke Sarah out of her trance, and survival instincts took over. "HMMMPPF, HMMMMPPFF!" she pleaded, meaning it this time. She wasn't quite sure if she wanted to be rescued, or if she wanted to warn whoever it was behind the door. If it was her dad, a former linebacker in college, Sarah knew that barring the man had a weapon, he could take on the intruder and likely win. If it was her mom though, a thin woman in her mid 40's who had worked as a secretary for over half her life, well, she might have someone to share her predicament with pretty soon. She just hoped the intruder would take it easy on her. The door opened, and seconds later came the inevitable surprised shout of the person who walked through the entrance as they saw Sarah stringently bound and gagged in the chair. Sarah, meanwhile, was shocked too. For the person that walked through the door was not her mother or her father. It was someone completely different, someone that Sarah least expected out of anybody.


Re: Sarah Goodwin Gets Robbed (M/F+) Part 1

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2020 12:29 pm
by Caesar73
Good first part :) I like your attention to details, the way you describe, what Sarah feels and fears!

Re: Sarah Goodwin Gets Robbed (M/F+) Part 1

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2020 2:41 pm
by Beetlebailey13
Good and Awesome Start! And 1st chapter!

Re: Sarah Goodwin Gets Robbed (M/F+) Part 1

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2020 3:30 pm
by Beaumains
In fact, her mother said with a coy smile, Sarah was conceived whilst her mother was tied spreadeagle hand and foot to her dad's bed.
I'm not sure if a child should want to know this. ;)

Good start! A classic scenario, but perfectly executed. I wonder were this leads to!

Re: Sarah Goodwin Gets Robbed (M/F+) Part 1

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 5:19 am
by sagitarium
Great story, can't wait for the next part 😊

Re: Sarah Goodwin Gets Robbed (M/F+) Part 1

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 1:15 pm
by Sportsfan
Edited the first part slightly, as after looking through a bunch of photos I'm pretty sure the tie our lovely Sarah was put in may have well been physically impossible, specifically around the torso. Or at least, impossible to be remotely comfortable in to doze off. It's clear I'm a bit rusty to say the least :D . I also made the "mmphs" a bit more realistic, that stuffing is doing a better job now ;) .

If all goes well, the next part is hopefully coming soon!

Re: Sarah Goodwin Gets Robbed (M/F+) Part 1

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 11:12 am
by Sportsfan
"Sarah? Oh my word! Who did this to you?!", Sarah's older sister Ashley exclaimed as she walked through the entryway, having closed the door, and then spotting the helpless damsel. 22 year old Ashley, a skinny 5' 8" beauty with hair dyed dirty blonde, was dressed in her usual work attire: a lightish blue dress with a tight hemline near her mid-thigh, short sleeves emblazoned with two white horizontal stripes at the bottoms, a winged pin adorning her left breast, and a bright blue scarf was tied around her neck. Nude pantyhose and black Mary Jane's with a 3 inch heel completed the ensemble. Her hair was done up in a tight ponytail and she was carrying a suitcase, which she dropped behind her, rushing over to Sarah.

Sarah, meanwhile, was shocked to see Ashley, who wasn't due off work for at least another month, and owned her own apartment hours away besides. But her surprise quickly turned to panic as she shouted through her gag at Ashley to get out, shaking her head back and forth wildly. Sarah was firmly tied to the chair, and it would take a while to release her. Her sister, on the other hand, was free to escape and get help. And the intruder was still somewhere in the house.

Ashley ignored Sarah's warnings, perhaps because she didn't understand them, perhaps because she didn't want to leave her little sister behind. Both were understandable. She reached the chair where Sarah unwillingly sat and then balked, unsure of what to do first. After a couple of moments, she reached up and started to try and undo Sarah's gag. Realizing she could communicate much better once it was removed, Sarah stopped shaking her head and bent forward to let Ashley have a better look at it, anxiously waiting until it was untied. She spit the soaked wad of cloth onto the floor. "Ashley run, he's still here, run, call for help!" "I'm not just leaving you here Sarah! He could hurt yMMMMM!" A black gloved hand grasped Ashley's mouth and pulled her head back, another taking hold of her side. Once again, the mysterious man had seemingly appeared out of nowhere. And now he had his second victim.

Ashley lifted her hands up in the air, eyes wide open. "What do we have here?" the man snickered. "A would-be rescuer to our pretty captive? We can't have that." He turned Ashley so that they were staring face to face "Not a word" he warned. Ashley nodded. The intruder released his grip on her mouth, and pulled her arms behind her, holding her wrists palm to palm. Sarah heard the familiar sound of duct tape ripping off a roll. "No, please, keep me, let her go." she pleaded. The man grinned. "I wish I could do that honey, but like you were saying, it can't work like that. She can just run and get help. Now, I suggest you stay quiet too, or else when that gag goes back in I'm tying it extra tight." He started winding the gray tape tightly around Ashley's wrists. "It's alright Sarah. I'm alright." Ashley said quietly, challenging the wrath of their captor. But the man didn't respond, except to continue binding her. After Ashley's wrists came above her elbows, which caused Ashley to grunt as they were brought close together by the strictness of the tape. Even more tape went around her torso, above and below her breasts, and around her waist, pinning her already bound wrists to her backside. Sarah noticed that the captor was being significantly more physical with Ashley than he had been with her, taking full control and pulling her body forcefully in one direction or the other. Perhaps he had learned from his first encounter. But the entire time Ashley said nothing, instead staring at her sister in silent reassurance.

"Alright, let's get you down to the floor", the intruder said, lowering Ashley onto her stomach in front of Sarah's chair, her long pantyhosed legs stretched behind her. Soon, those legs were held firmly together with tape at the ankles, thighs, and above and below the knees. Another groan escaped from Ashley's lips as they were brought up and tightly secured to her wrist bonds, the backs of her Mary Jane's touching the tips of her fingertips. Ashley now lay tightly bundled on the ground several feet in front of Sarah. The man walked over and retrieved Ashley's discarded suitcase, setting it on the ground next to her and opening its zipper. Turning towards Ashley with a sly grin, he held up a pair of pantyhose. Ashley finally broke her silence "No please, don't gag me with those, I won't scream I promise." "Promises can easily be broken" the man replied, stuffing the wad of pantyhose into Ashley's mouth. "But this?" he continued, ripping a long length of tape from the roll without tearing it off as he talked. "This will stay put for a while." He smoothed the end of the tape onto her cheek, and then wound it in between her teeth and around her head tightly, careful to avoid her hair. A second loop once more went through her teeth, and then two more rounds covered her open mouth completely. The lower half of Ashley's face was now almost completely covered in gray, her cheeks bulging above her gag, the outline of her gaping mouth visible beneath the layers. The man smoothed the tape down and stood up. "There. That should keep you out of my way. Have fun!" He chuckled, and started to leave the room, but then turned back.

"Oops, almost forgot about you sweetie." He walked over to the kitchen table and retrieved another handkerchief from the gym bag and a fresh white cloth. Before he could gag Sarah again, she took a chance and quickly said "Please, if you're going to leave us here at least untie my ankles from the chair. My legs are killing me." They really did hurt. The man seemed to consider his damsel's request. Ashley grunted, barely audible beneath her gag, but enough to be noticed by the intruder. She gave him a hard stare, eyes glaring over the tape, as if to warn him of her wrath if the man mistreated her sister, which seemed rather silly in her current predicament. Regardless, it seemed to confirm the intruder's decision, and he reached down and untied Sarah's ankles from the front rung. She let out a low groan as they straightened for the first time in a while, the bands of white rope around her ankles, knees and thighs still holding them firmly together, but this was so much better. "Good?" The intruder said, for the first time showing what might have been a bit of sympathy. Sarah nodded. "Thank you." "Open up" was the only reply, and Sarah complied. The man stuffed the handkerchief into her mouth, pulled the cloth through her teeth, and tied it just as tightly as before behind her head (if not a little tighter). Then he left the two sisters alone.

Sarah sighed and leaned her head back. On the floor, the tightly taped Ashley wriggled in her bonds, but it was no use, and she knew it. She was grateful for the hose she was wearing that would no doubt be ruined, but at least it was protecting her skin from the tape firmly wound around her legs. Her bare arms on the other hand, held together at the wrists and elbows and fastened securely to her back with several rounds up and down her upper body, would not be as lucky. "And my gag, that's going to be a pain to remove." Ashley thought. "That is, whenever it is that I get out of this." The two sisters were stuck, helpless, and at the mercy of their captor. He hadn't hurt them yet, aside from putting them both in tight ties, but they had no clue how long they were going to stay there, or what was going to happen to them next.


It's safe to say that things have not really gone well this past month or so, and that's a big understatement to say the least. Been pretty hectic lately. But I'm finally glad to get the next chapter out, and I hope you all are staying safe. Two more parts left!

Re: Sarah Goodwin Gets Robbed (M/F+) Part 1

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 12:01 pm
by FabianStr2016
Really cool story! I hope you'll continue soon

Re: Sarah Goodwin Gets Robbed (M/F+) Part 1

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 1:09 pm
by Beaumains
Nice second part! I like how their captor is not totally inhumane or too nice, but still creates some interaction with his captives.

p.s. Don't forget to update the title to part 2 ;)

Re: Sarah Goodwin Gets Robbed (M/F+) Part 1

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 4:11 pm
by Sportsfan
Beaumains wrote: ↑4 years ago Nice second part! I like how their captor is not totally inhumane or too nice, but still creates some interaction with his captives.

p.s. Don't forget to update the title to part 2 ;)
Done, thank you!

Re: Sarah Goodwin Gets Robbed (M/F+) Part 2 added

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 9:07 pm
by Hojojutsutengu
This is a very fun story!

Re: Sarah Goodwin Gets Robbed (M/F+) Part 2 added

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 2:02 pm
by Sportsfan
Apologies for the large delay. I've been dealing with a lot of personal matters over the past several months, and have been writing the next chapter slowly but surely. There's still two parts left, here is the next to last installment.

Several minutes later...

Ashley lay on the ground, lost in her own thoughts. This was a fantasy of hers, getting tied and gagged by a robber, helpless with nowhere to go. Nobody else knew that but her boyfriend, who she played TUGs with on the regular. It was funny, she knew about both her mother and her sister's interest in bondage, and they knew about each other's interests, but neither of them knew she was just as, if not dare she say a bit more into them. So the situation she now found herself in was like a dream. Except it wasn't a dream, but a reality. She shifted her weight slightly. "Man, he really did a number on me", she thought. She loved being gagged, but had to admit, the strict tape wound between her lips, pressed down by more layers of tape over her mouth, all holding in a sizable ball of nylon in her mouth was definitely starting to get a little uncomfortable. She could feel the pantyhose getting increasingly damp from her saliva, it was practically soaked through by now, and knew she was going to have a nice case of cotton ball mouth after it was finally removed. Who knew when that was going to be though.

Her arms and wrists felt like they were welded to her back, and she again regretted not wearing her long sleeved uniform that day. On the other hand, she was grateful for the pantyhose that she was required to wear while on the job, even though she likely would have worn them most days anyways even if they weren't. She loved how smooth and sexy they made her long legs look, and she would frequently catch the lingering stares of passengers as she walked down the aisle. She was completely loyal to her boyfriend and their relationship, but she appreciated the silent compliments. "If only they could see me now, some of them might have a heart attack!" Sarah realized. She let out a small giggle under her gag, which only produced a quiet "mmmm" outside of it. It caught the attention of Sarah though, who glanced at her for a moment, and then just as quickly moved her attention somewhere else.

Sarah. Her little sister, who had revealed her love of bondage to Ashley about a year or so prior. Ashley was glad they were together in this predicament, compared to Sarah being off in a different room someplace where they couldn't see each other. She hoped Sarah was comfortable (relatively speaking) and not scared. Perhaps even enjoying the predicament. By the looks of it, she was, squirming in the chair she was confined in, stretching her bonds the little they could go, even though there was clearly no hope of that ever doing anything. Every now and then she would stretch out her legs, flexing her hosed toes, and stare at the bands of rope pinning them together at the ankles, knees and thighs. Ashley swears she even saw a small smile creep across Sarah's tightly gagged lips. "As kinky as I thought" Ashley proudly concluded. She wished she could do the same with her own legs, but alas, they were cruelly drawn up to her wrists and secured there. That was by far the most uncomfortable part of Ashley's predicament. She hoped their kidnapper would have mercy on her and undo it soon.

Almost as if she had summoned him with her mind, Ashley heard the creaking of footsteps to the left of her. The masked man had reappeared in the entryway. She mmmphed angrily at him, wriggling in her tight bonds. The man held up a gloved finger to his lips. "Shhh. I need you both to be very quiet. Your mom is here."

That got the attention of Sarah, who started to plead with their kidnapper. Tried to anyways. Through the wide cleave and cloth stuffed in her mouth, all that came out was a series of tiny "mmmm"s. "Relax, relax" The man responded. "She will be tied up of course, I can't take any risks here. But I know she can't take the same strict ties as you two young beauties. I've been at this for a long time. Just stay calm and she'll be fine". With no other choice in the matter, Sarah fell quiet. Not like she could give her much of a warning to someone in her current state anyways. She just hoped the man was being honest with them.

Brenda Goodwin walked through the front door of her house after another long day of work. She was ready to make dinner for her husband and daughter and then collapse onto the couch and relax, per the norm. A thin, (artificially dyed) auburn-haired woman in her mid 40's, Mrs. Goodwin was in good shape for a woman who had given birth to two kids, still sporting that healthy slim figure that had caused a lot of turning heads in her younger days. A front office personnel/secretary, Goodwin was dressed in her usual long sleeved skirt suit attire, this time in standard black, with a pink silk blouse, appropriate sheer black pantyhose, and 3 inch black formal high heels. The hem of her skirt lay just above her kneecaps, and she was wearing a couple gold bangles around her left wrist, with matching gold earrings and a gold necklace.

"Sarah, I'm home!" Brenda shouted, shutting the front door behind her. Having performed this routine several hundred times, she was originally oblivious to the spectacle a mere few yards away, even though it was practically in her line of sight. Then, she saw it. "What theMMMMMM!" The masked man had jumped from behind the open door, and now tightly held Brenda in his arms, one hand tightly clamped over her mouth.

"Don't struggle. Your girls are fine. None of you will be harmed if you do what I say.", the intruder stated quickly, but directly. "Do you understand?" Brenda nodded, her eyes widened in shock. "Good, let's go." The man wasted no time, forcing Brenda to walk with him, up the stairs and into the master bedroom. He slammed the door behind them with a loud bang.

Sarah mmmphed through her gag and started struggling hard. The intruder hadn't said anything about taking her mother to another room where she couldn't see her. This wasn't as thrilling anymore. Moving her shoulders back and forth, she strained against the ropes around her wrists, trying to pull free or find a knot. Her heels stamped hard against the ground, although her hosed feet didn't make much of a sound. "MMMMPF!" She pleaded "MMMMMPPF!" The tight cloth between her teeth was soaked with saliva, and her efforts caused a string of drool to journey down from Sarah's lower lip, hanging there suspended above her skirt until a shake of her head released it. Tears started to form in her eyes. She desperately yanked at her bonds again, and the chair moved slightly, but nothing budged. Sarah stared upward and conceded with a loud, muffled sigh, trying to keep in mind the promise the man had made, trying to make herself believe he would keep it.

On the floor, Ashley noticed Sarah's struggles, and hoped the intruder would return soon and be able calm her down. Ashley also wanted him to come back because she was starting to get really uncomfortable. Her legs hurt. Her arms hurt. And worst of all, her gaping mouth ached like crazy. Her ranking of uncomfortable parts of the bondage had a new leader. The wraps of tape in between her teeth holding in the massive wad of nylon were doing their job and then some. She needed a break from everything, but she especially needed a break from that.

A door upstairs slammed, and Sarah yelped. Or rather, mmmphed. The intruder walked back down the stairs, reaching the ground floor and then staring at the two sisters, hands on his hips. Ashley mmmphed at him, gesturing with a shake of her head. The man looked down at her. "Want that out?" Ashley mmmphed and shook her head again, this time in a nodding motion. "Fair enough. You've earned a break." He walked over, bent down, and slowly unraveled the tape from around Ashley's head. When he had uncovered her mouth, the wad of pantyhose came bursting out from around the layers of tape still wrapped in between her teeth. The man carefully removed those, and Ashley fully spit the wadding out onto the ground. Angry red marks adorned the edges of her lips, and her cheeks were flushed. Ashley maneuvered her jaw around for a bit. The intruder had gotten a bottle of water from the fridge. He knelt down in front of her again and held it to her lips. "Drink." He said. "Make it quick." Ashley nodded and took several sips from the bottle, doing the best she could in her current position.

After 30 seconds or so, the man got up, and Ashley finally spoke, quickly, before it was too late. "Please. This hogtie. You can keep me tied up, but I beg you to put me in a different position. I feel like a dead spider scrunched up like this." The man nodded. "I did do a number on you for sure. Alright, but no funny moves. You make trouble and I will make sure all three of you pay. Do you understand?" Ashley nodded. "Yes, no trouble. I promise." She relaxed as best she could as the man pulled some scissors out of his bag and started cutting through the tape keeping her hogtied, careful not to tear her uniform. Ashley breathed a sigh of relief as the bindings came loose, and she stretched her legs out for the first time in nearly two hours. Her ankles, knees, thighs, wrists, elbows and arms were still tied, but this was a huge improvement.

Ashley was surprised when the man cut the tape holding her elbows close together next, and then the wrappings around her breasts and waist. She soon realized what he had in store however, as he grabbed a kitchen chair and sat it next to Sarah, who had been staring quietly the entire time. The intruder lifted Ashley up off the ground, and smoothed down her light blue skirt, which had hiked up in her previous struggles. He half walked, half dragged her over to the chair and sat her down, moving her bound hands behind its back.

Ashley's halfway freedom didn't last long. Gray tape was soon tightly wrapped above and below her breasts again, but this time it also circled the chair, pinning her arms to it. More tape went around her waist and the chair back, holding her wrists securely behind. Finally, the man made about four wraps over her tight skirt and around the seat of the chair, keeping her thighs in place. She was now tied in the exact same way as her sister, just with duct tape instead of rope. And no gag. But the man wasn't about to let that be the case for long. Ashley heard the man reach back into his bag behind her. Suddenly, he grasped her jaw and jerked her head back. Not enough to cause pain, but enough to get her attention and cause a small yelp. "Open up." He ordered. Ashley complied, and the man inserted a medium sized ball-gag into her mouth, red, before buckling it in place tightly behind her head. Ashley made a groan as the bright ball sank in-between her lips. It fit well, but she could already feel the saliva starting to build up. It was better than the tape cleave wraparound though. She glanced over, and noticed Sarah staring at her with wide eyes. She gave a small nod to let her sister know she was alright.

The man reappeared in front of them holding the gym bag, now considerably lighter than when he had first arrived. "Alright, well, I've got what I wanted. Your father should be home in about a half hour if my math is correct, so I'll be on my way. And don't worry about your mom, she's safe and sound. Seemed to be enjoying herself to be honest. Bye now!" And to a chorus of mmmphs and grunts from his two captives, the intruder opened the Goodwin's front door, waved, and closed it behind him.

Re: Sarah Goodwin Gets Robbed (M/F+) Part 3 added

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 3:07 pm
by Dpsiic
Exciting story, looking forward to the next instalment 😀

Re: Sarah Goodwin Gets Robbed (M/F+) Part 3 added

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 5:31 pm
by Sportsfan
Dpsiic wrote: ↑3 years ago Exciting story, looking forward to the next instalment 😀
Appreciate it!

Re: Sarah Goodwin Gets Robbed (M/F+) Part 3 added

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 9:08 am
by Beaumains
Great part! Do I understand correctly the burglar barely took anything? Forgetting to steal anything because the bondage kept him busy would be quite funny.
On the floor, Ashley noticed Ashley's struggles
I think there's a little error in this sentence.

Re: Sarah Goodwin Gets Robbed (M/F+) Part 3 added

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 11:44 am
by TightsBound
This has been a great read! Well written with good bondage, three lovely damsels, and plenty of pantyhose. A man after my own heart! Looking forward to the conclusion!

Re: Sarah Goodwin Gets Robbed (M/F+) Part 3 added

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 5:22 am
by Caesar73
Dpsiic wrote: ↑3 years ago Exciting story, looking forward to the next instalment 😀

Re: Sarah Goodwin Gets Robbed (M/F+) Part 3 added

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 4:32 pm
by Sportsfan
Beaumains wrote: ↑3 years ago Great part! Do I understand correctly the burglar barely took anything? Forgetting to steal anything because the bondage kept him busy would be quite funny.
On the floor, Ashley noticed Ashley's struggles
I think there's a little error in this sentence.
Whoops. Thank you!

We will find out exactly what he took in the conclusion ;).

Re: Sarah Goodwin Gets Robbed (M/F+) Part 3 added

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2020 6:34 am
by Sportsfan
Much less of a wait this time. Here is the final installment. Thank you all for reading my story!

"HMMMMM!" Sarah shouted in despair as the man closed the door. She leaned her head back and took in a deep breath through her nose, then let it out. She bent her head down again, staring at her helpless hosed legs, cinched with rope in five places. She flexed her toes, nail polish peeking through the sheer black material enveloping them, pumping her legs as best as she could, trying to find some slack. No dice. Her arms and wrists felt like they were bolted to the back of the chair. The ropes above and below her breasts were unyielding. And this pesky gag. Her jaw was starting to hurt again. Her cheeks were flushed red and puffed out like a chipmunks due to her significantly packed mouth. "I must look like quite a sight" Sarah thought. She was as stuck as one could be. But, at the end of the day, it wasn't awful. For the most part, it was actually kind of comfortable. Almost against her own will and certainly against her better judgement, Sarah closed her eyes. She started imagining that she was a spy, sent to infiltrate and take down a nefarious villain, only to be captured, restrained and silenced with no hopes of escape. She strained her wrists against their bonds, trying to pull them away from the chair. "mmmm", she cried. "MMMMF!" She rocked back and forth in the chair, lifting up one side of its legs a little, and then the other. "MMMPPPFFF!!" She screamed. But there was no escape.

Next to her, Ashley too strained against her bonds, having more mobility in her legs than her sister, but not by much. The tape was wrapped so strictly around and pulling them so tightly together that the nude nylon immediately surrounding the bands of gray was wrinkled. Her mary jane high heels squeaked as she moved her long limbs back and forth in a futile effort to break free. Her arms were even more secure, held behind ger by tight bands of tape above and below her breasts. The bindings pressed into Ashley's stomach, and even though they weren't close to cutting off any air flow, she could still feel them every time she took a breath. Breathing. That was certainly a bit harder to do in and of itself, due to the bright red ball gag that had been mercilessly shoved into her mouth, compact enough to get behind her teeth, but big enough to where a string of drool was now seeping out of her bottom lip. Ashley leaned her head back to combat this and moaned loudly, lightly wriggling her fastened together wrists. "HMMPFFF. HMMMFFF!" She shouted loudly, bouncing up and down in her seat. She too started tipping her chair back and forth, but didn't go too far, as she knew she could tip it over from experience. After a few moments, she stopped, breathing hard a little, and bent down, letting a stream of drool fall out of her mouth and onto her skirt, forming a small wet spot. She stared over at her sister, who had her eyes closed, was mmphing as loud as her gag would let her and also doing some rocking of her own. Ashley could tell Sarah was imagining herself in some sort of adventurous damsel in distress situation. Call it sisterly instinct. She wondered what exactly Sarah was envisioning. Whatever it was, she could tell that Sarah was enjoying it, along with her current predicament. Ashley smiled, or smiled as best as she could with a ball gag lodged in between her teeth. "Good", she thought, and went back to her own struggles.

The next day...

Ashley, wearing a red cowl neck sweater, jeans and black 3 inch ankle boots, sat in a booth in the far corner of a coffee shop, with her boyfriend of nearly three years, Mark, positioned on the other side.

"So...what was it like?" Mark asked.

Ashley sighed. "Intense. Not something I'm going to forget for a long time, if ever. Thrilling, but at the same time not terrifying." She grinned at Mark. "And you were great."

Mark grinned back. "Aw, thanks. You said you wanted it as realistic as possible. Although I still think scaring Sarah was a bit much."

Ashley scoffed. "Nah, she'd want realistic too if it were her. Besides, I'm her big sis. Scaring little sisters is what we do."

"I suppose that's fair" Mark replied. "Glad I finally got to meet her. She's adorable, reminds me of a younger you. I'm kind of surprised she never caught on though, with the extensive ties and all, and especially after I forgot to steal anything like a total doofus."

Ashley laughed. "Honestly, I thought the biggest tell was that I was still wearing my uniform. The only way that would even make sense is if I worked a flight that flew straight here, which doesn't exist."

Mark smiled. "I think she was a bit too preoccupied to think about that. You're welcome."

He shifted in his seat. "With the hogtie, too far? We've done it several times before on our own, but I added the elbows as a special evil touch for the occasion. Great job on fitting a safe word like "spider" in there without looking suspicious."

Ashley shook her head. "No it was fine. I was fine. It was just strict, and I was on a hard floor. I just didn't want to risk anything with you running around the house, especially when you were with my mom, that would have ruined everything. Speaking of which, how'd that go?"

Mark chuckled. "Pretty crazy at first, but that was expected of course. I dragged her upstairs, got her into the bedroom, shut the door and then whipped off my mask as soon as I possibly could to explain. She'd seen us together on Facebook before and all that, so that helped, but after showing her the key that you gave me to get in and the texts that we'd sent each other about it, as well as your messages to your dad letting him know what was going on, it was easy from then on. Good idea to tell her everything. She was freaking out."

"Yeah, that was a no-brainer, she's very protective of us." Ashley responded. "I bet she would have broke the headboard just to get free if she thought we were ever in real danger."

"Well, about that." Mark said sheepishly. "She made me watch you after I left. Back deck, behind you, through the screen window. In case your dad had to work late or even got into an accident or something. You're right, she's very protective."

Ashley paused mid-sip and put her cup down. "Wait. So you saw...all of it? ...What'd you think?"

Mark smiled. "You two put on a great show. Seemed to be enjoying yourself by the end, which is all I wanted."

Ashley smiled back. "Well you did exactly that, and I love you for it."

She finished her drink, threw it away and the couple stood up and walked out of the shop. Outside, they briefly embraced with a kiss, then started walking towards their rental car. Mark turned to his girlfriend. "So, are you ever going to tell her?" He opened up the passenger side door for her, and Ashley paused. "I don't know." She answered after a couple moments. "Part of me wants to tell her, but the other feels like it would ruin the experience. Maybe one day." She grinned at Mark. "If we decide to do it again." He laughed. "Would be way easier for sure if everyone knew. But I had a blast."


"Wait" Brenda quickly said, as Mark hovered a piece of duct tape over her mouth. Her hands were already outstretched to either side of the bed with handcuffs, and her hosed ankles and thighs were tightly bound with rope, ankles further bound to the foot of the bed with another strand, high heels sitting on the floor below. "I know this is crazy timing, but I have to know. Do you have it?" Mark grinned. "It's back at the hotel. Hid it at the bottom of a garment bag. I plan on popping the question tomorrow night at dinner." Brenda squealed with joy. "She'll say yes, I know she will. Congratulations sweetheart. Alright, now do your thing." Mark grinned. "Gladly. And thank you." He smoothed the piece of tape over Brenda's lips, then added two more on top for good measure. Brenda mmmphed in response and made herself comfortable. With the final Goodwin gal safely secured, Mark put back on the mask, grabbed his gym bag and prepared to leave. "Enjoy yourself Mrs. Goodwin. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to your girls. And he closed the door behind his happy captive.

Re: Sarah Goodwin Gets Robbed (M/F+) COMPLETE

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2020 7:11 am
by Caesar73
I surely did not expect that turn of Events :) The Scenario looked in every aspect like a real burglary. Full points here!

Re: Sarah Goodwin Gets Robbed (M/F+) COMPLETE

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2020 3:35 am
by Sportsfan
Caesar73 wrote: ↑3 years ago I surely did not expect that turn of Events :) The Scenario looked in every aspect like a real burglary. Full points here!
Much appreciated! Had it planned out that way from the get go ;)

Re: Sarah Goodwin Gets Robbed (M/F+) COMPLETE

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2020 8:26 am
by Beaumains
Good scenario! I like the way how a harsh scenario got so sweet. Still way too roughfor most, if not almost all, and they really should take care of Sarah. Even if she enjoyed it, it would have been terrifying if not traumatic. Great story!

Re: Sarah Goodwin Gets Robbed (M/F+) COMPLETE

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 1:36 am
by Sportsfan
Beaumains wrote: ↑3 years ago Good scenario! I like the way how a harsh scenario got so sweet. Still way too roughfor most, if not almost all, and they really should take care of Sarah. Even if she enjoyed it, it would have been terrifying if not traumatic. Great story!
I appreciate your concern for her lol. That was kind of my goal though. Two kinksters who wanted to get the family involved, but were maaaybe a bit too confident about it, assuming that Sarah would enjoy it more than be scared. Which she did, she's as kinky as her sister. But real life isn't without a few slightly careless, "could have been executed better" moments. Know what I mean?

Re: Sarah Goodwin Gets Robbed (M/F+) COMPLETE

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 7:05 pm
by Beaumains
I understand what you are trying to say! Many tales here rely on miscommunications, wrong estimations, and uncertain situations to create tension or plot. Of course the world is not perfect and so your characters should not be. I just wanted to make sure Sarah was alright. ;)