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The perils of the Amazing Wanda MF/F (Complete!!)

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 2:54 pm
by Deleted User 769
I found the first chapter of an old babysitting adventure tale buried in the darkest recess of my PC.
Hope ya'll enjoy it. More to follow. Possibly/ hopefully.

Chapter the First:

“So, what are they like?”
“The kids that you're asking me to babysit,..”
“You mean are they well behaved?”
“Well I wasn't inquiring after their voting record?”
There a was a brief period of silence during which my friend looked decidedly sheepish.
“So?” I prompted her,..
“Oh, sorry. Yeah, sure, sure,.. they're just like little angels” Emily said, refusing to meet my gaze
“Really?” I asked smelling a rodent of the Rattus norvegicus variety, my eyes narrowing with suspicion,..
“Of course,.. I mean aren’t all kids wonderful?,.. in their own special own way?” She spluttered.
“I guess,..” I replied, my Spidey-senses tingling in every possible direction,..
“Twins, a boy aged 13 and an elder sister aged 15”
“Funny" I replied, refusing to acknowledge her smirk "Names?”
“Yes, I believe they both have them”
“But you don't remember what they are?”
“That would appear to be the case, yes”
I couldn't fail to be impressed by my best friends fastidious attention to detail,..
“So, let us move on to discuss the delicate subject of the loot,..”
“I'm sorry?”
“You know, the bones, the cash, the readies, the filthy, filthy lucre,..”
“Ah,” She said, a figurative light bulb appearing above her head “you wish to inquire about the nature of your fee”
“If I may be so bold”
“You may”
“So, what do I stand to earn for my nights work?”
Emily outlined the terms of the contract.
“Hmm,” I said, sucking a thoughtful tooth “well the money sounds good, and the free food and satellite TV really seals the deal. OK chief, I'll take the case” I agreed, greed having easily won out over prudence,..
“I'm sorry?!”
“I mean I'll watch the kids. If you text me the address tonight I'll swing by tomorrow on the way home from school,..”

I had been babysitting some of the local children for a few months now,  with the usual mix of well-mannered young angels, and feral youths seemingly Hell-bent on my total destruction. However since most of the charges were usually tucked up in bed (if not necessarily asleep) by eight this usually left me free to raid the fridge and catch up on my homework before their parents returned.
However when I got to the Bateman residence I instantly realized that this mission had been something of a rare misstep.
From the moment I crossed the threshold it was abundantly clear that martial law had been declared and that the children had seized power from their parents in what was almost certainly a protracted and bloody coup.
Broken action figures and various articles of clothing were strewn haphazardly about across every square inch of the house and each of the bedrooms sounded like they were playing host to a rap battle.
I had been parachuted into a lawless outpost and it was going to take all my guile and cunning to escape the night with all my limbs still attached.
The mother (who appeared to have developed a nervous tick that flared up whenever she discussed her offspring) ushered me around the house (at some considerable speed) to meet each of the children in turn.
Introductions made and bland, meaningless pleasantries exchanged, Mrs Bateman handed me a comprehensive list of emergency contacts (police, fire, rescue, an exorcist,..) before scrambling into a waiting taxi with her henpecked husband and speeding away at a pace that left scorched tire marks in the road.

Almost uniquely among my peers I didn't actually hate having to dress in a uniform for school and consequently I was still dressed in the starched blouse and black trousers I had worn to class. It seems that my sartorial choice, to wear my shirt collar and cuffs primly buttoned up, did little to ingratiate myself with my young charges who had shed their own school clothes seconds after returning home.
However, despite the path of destruction and some none to subtle teasing, the kids seemed nice, if a little rambunctious. 
Of the two I found Nicky (the youngest) to be the most engaging, whilst Germaine (who dressed a little like Wednesday Adams with PMT) was somewhat standoffish, bordering on hostile. But I guess, like most girls of her age, she felt a little too old for a babysitter (particularly one who was still at school herself) however I went out of my way to treat her as an equal and she started to, if not warm to my presence, at least thaw a little,..
Our time together passed pleasantly enough, their Mother had left money for pizza so we all ate take-out whilst watching cartoons in the living room. Since this was exactly how I spent my evenings at home this commission was already taking on the appearance of a busman’s holiday,.. 
Things only got really interesting when Nicky suggested we play a game of cops and robbers.
Now I was no naive young ingénue, no backwater rube, no stooge, no patsy, I knew that the traditional role of the babysitter in such games was to be captured and act as the hostage in need of rescue. In fact I had actually been tied up in the course of several such games in the past, but each time the ropes were so loose a child could easily slip free and the only time I had been gagged it had been a simple school scarf tied over my mouth. I could easily talk through it and make myself understood and I expected nothing remarkably different this time. 
Eager to begin, mostly so that I would be free to watch Hollyoaks later that evening, I happily volunteered my services as the robber, stuffing my trouser pockets with thick wads of stolen (monopoly) money. It was their task, as fully deputized officers of the law, to apprehend me before I reached the border with my ill-gotten gains.
I was given to the count of 100 in order to hide before they would be released from the traps, like a rare gas, to bring me to heel,..
After some frantic searching around the house I eventually decided to stash myself in the larder where I attempted to conceal myself beneath a faded old dust sheet. Sadly however, between intent and execution there was a great gulf fixed and my feet were poking out the bottom like a character in a Scooby-doo episode. Still, it was too late to find a better hiding place now,..
As the countdown concluded (they had quickly become bored and so resorted to skipping great swathes of numbers at random) I listened for the sounds of the approaching law-men,..
All at once I felt like Nancy Drew fleeing from her kidnappers.
It was, in short, tremendously exciting,..
Eventually the footsteps got progressively louder until I was certain someone were standing directly behind the pantry door
Curiosity winning out over self-preservation I decided to discover exactly what they planned to do with me (as their captive) and so simulated coughing. Loudly.
“Samatha!” He yelled excitedly, “Are you in there?”
I didn't say a word in response but waited silently beneath my sheet.
I waited a fraction of a moment before coughing again.
"It is you!!" He said jumping up and down.
"No it isn't" I replied happily.
Moments later the door was opened and I was discovered 
“I can see your feet! I can see your feet!” he howled happily and the heavy cloth was pulled away with a suitably theatrical flourish.
Nicky, who was scarcely able to hide his excitement, was wearing a tin sheriff’s badge and holding a toy cap gun.
“I suppose this makes me your prisoner” I said putting up my hands up in the universally recognized gesture of surrender.
“That's right!” He boasted proudly.
We stood in silence for a moment
“So,.. what are you going to do with me?” I asked, somewhat eager to learn my fate,..
Nicky, whose briefing had evidently not covered this eventuality replied “Erm, I'm not sure,..”
“Hmm, maybe you could start by tying me up,.. you know,.. to stop me escaping” I suggested helpfully,  presenting my arms as though held in invisible handcuffs.
That certainly got his attention.
He agreed that yes that would be a tremendous idea.

Re: The perils the Amazing Wanda MF/F

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 3:54 pm
by jayarieldrillowup
Very interesting story.

I have read a similar story with a different title so I will hazard a guess you are the same user there as here?

Re: The perils the Amazing Wanda MF/F

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 4:11 pm
by Deleted User 769
jayarieldrillowup wrote: 6 years ago Very interesting story.

I have read a similar story with a different title so I will hazard a guess you are the same user there as here?
It is indeed.
Same old thing, brand new drag as the Dame once sang.
I'd actually rewriten some of my stuff specifically for this site, only to see it vanish into the ether when the ship went down earlier this year. Hope to find the rest of the chapters somewhere on my PC.
Hope you enjoy the rest of the story (no spoilers if you remember the ending!)

Re: The perils the Amazing Wanda MF/F

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 4:16 pm
by jayarieldrillowup
I give you my word as a rper which is the highest oath I give online of trust anymore that I will not spoil your story.

Re: The perils the Amazing Wanda MF/F

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 4:40 pm
by Deleted User 769
jayarieldrillowup wrote: 6 years ago I give you my word as a rper which is the highest oath I give online of trust anymore that I will not spoil your story.
Ha, ha! A sacred bond indeed. Many thanks.

Re: The perils the Amazing Wanda MF/F

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 4:40 pm
by Deleted User 769
Book the Second!

So, to recap,.. in our last exciting episode, your humble author, had been corralled by her best friend into agreeing to babysit the Omen children. After a quick game of hide and seek with the youngest sibling Nicky (in which I played the part of the rabbit) I had been apprehended by the mini-lawman and was now at his mercy.
So, let’s just hope tonight’s menu doesn’t feature rabbit stew,..
The adventure, continues,..

Having agreed that I would be restrained during my imprisonment Nicky seemed a little unsure how to proceed with my capture.
“So, what shall I use?” My pint-sized, would-be kidnapper asked
“How about this?” I said, spying a frayed skipping rope among the general detritus that littered the hallway floor.
He nodded eagerly and without ado being, in any way furthered, I placed my hands together behind my back, and interest piqued, watched over my shoulder as he wrapped the cord around my shirt cuffs and tied it off.
Sadly however, Nicky only knew one knot (presumably the same one he used to tie his shoe laces) and I was able to slip free without effort.
“That was too easy” I complained
“Sorry” he apologized, sounding dejected.
“Don't worry, you did your best” I said in what I hoped was a suitably encouraging tone of voice.
However, the brave Nicky Harmon PI was not about to be deterred so easily,..
“Wait, I know,.. I’ll take you to my Sister, she’ll know what to do with you,..”
In hindsight, THIS was the exact moment at I should have cashed in my chips and called an end to the game, however curiosity got the better of me, and I found myself agreeing that being taken hostage would be ‘great larks’.
After all, I thought to myself, maybe it would endear me to Germaine if she discovered that I had volunteered to act as the hostage in her little brothers game of make-believe?
Besides, what could possibly go wrong,..? (yes, I know now,..)
Nicky, pleased as punch at the prospect of delivering a hostage to his big Sister, was eager to begin, however I was able to persuade him to wait for a moment whilst I made a few subtle changes to my outfit.
“What’s that for?” Nicky asked, not unreasonably as I removed my school tie from my trouser pocket and placed it in my mouth, between my teeth.
“It’s so Germaine knows I’m your prisoner” I explained.
This seemed to satisfy his young, curious mind.
I pulled the material tight as I dared and tied it securely behind my head.
“There!” I mumbled, handing him back his weapon before placing my hands behind my back “Now I’m a hostage”
Nicky seemed delighted with this latest development.
“Shall we?” I suggested happily.
With that I was marched, with the barrel of a cap gun pressed into the small of my back, up the stairs and across the landing until I found myself at the yawning dark chasm that signaled the gateway to the Underworld/ Germaine’s bedroom.
“Don’t move from that spot!” Came the order.
Silently, and filled with nervous excitement I stood stoically as Nicky disappeared inside to confer with his superior officer.
Eager to learn my fate, I was forced to wait for what felt like an age, but was probably closer to five minutes, before Germaine finally emerged from her tomb, now wearing a red and black checked shirt over the many layers of her gothic-style dress.
She looked, not a little unlike the illegitimate love child of Stevie Nicks and Kurt Cobain.
Somewhat alarmingly, it was the first time I’d seen her smile all night. However I couldn't escape the suspicion that her grin looked a little off,.. somehow unnatural, like a shark eating vegetables, or a doberman filing out his taxes.
Nicky, ever eager to be included and desperate for his work to receive full credit, breathlessly recounted the story of my capture (by him!) and subsequent imprisonment (once again, by him!)
Germaine listened patiently to his tale, for what must have been the second time, apparently overjoyed that the dangerous felon (me!) had been rounded up, especially when she learned that I (Samantha) was a willing participant in the game.
“Are you sure you don’t mind?” She asked, eyeing me suspiciously from somewhere beneath a solid wall of thick black mascara.
I motioned to remove my gag, but waited until I received a nod of agreement from my captors.
“Not at all” I said flashing a smile, my school tie now hanging loose around my neck “After all I volunteered to play the game didn't I? Anyway,..I thought it might be fun to be a damsel in distress for a while,..”
Germaine, for whom a future career as the tyrannical ruler of a banana republic seemed a mere formality, appeared deep in thought.
Finally a plan emerged.
“Okay Samantha, since you're already dressed for the part, why don't we switch roles, you can be a school girl detective and me and Nicky can be your kidnappers,..”
“Kidnappers? You mean you want to keep me as a hostage?”  I asked, trying to mask my growing excitement,..
“Only for pretend” Nicky quickly explained 
“Oh. Well,.. I guess that sounds okay,.. erm,.. So, what would I have to do?” I stammered, trying not to appear too eager.
“Well, nothing really. We'll just tie you up and hold you for ransom,..”
“Do you promise to let me go when I ask?”
“Of course!” They both swore using the solemn oath of the pinky swears.
“Okay,.. I'm game. I'll let you tie me up, but if I get loose, then you two can do all the washing up”
I added, using all of my, well-honed skills of negotiation.
They appeared to ponder this for a brief moment.
“Deal!” Germaine said, taking the lead.
“Yeah!” Nicky chimed.
I shock each of their hands in turn.
The game was afoot.
Germaine (who, by now had armed herself with a bejeweled toy pistol) kept her weapon trained unwavering on me as she imparted some urgent instructions to her brother, sending him scurrying off in the direction of the laundry room.
When he returned moments later he was carrying a supply of odd lengths of rope and some handkerchiefs. 
I smiled and spread my arms theatrically, offering my hands for tying,..
“I hope you didn't go to too much trouble for lil' ol' me” I said, adopting a cod southern drawl that was equal parts Blanche Debois and Penelope Pitstop 
“No trouble” Germaine said with an enigmatic smile as my wrists were placed together and a length of cord was wrapped around them,..
“Make sure it's tight” I teased “I want it to be a challenge”
“Are you sure this is a good idea?,..” Nicky whispered conspiratorially “When she ties me up I never escape”
With her brother's endorsement ringing in her ears Germaine worked silently and diligently, binding the rope around my wrists in front of me before expertly drawing it tight and knotting it off.
When she was finished I tugged experimentally on my restraints. They were snug, but far from inescapable.
“Is that okay? Not too tight?” She asked, sounding if not concerned, at least a fair approximation of it.
“No, no its fine,..” I reassured her happily.
“Do you want me to put my gag back?” I asked helpfully.
They both agreed that this was an excellent suggestion.
Ever the obliging house guest I did as I was instructed.
I glanced across at the mirror at the top of the stairs and studied my reflection in the glass.
Although the necktie was no longer especially tight, it certainly looked the part.
Indeed, dressed in my starched, white blouse buttoned up to the neck, I thought I looked a little like Dana Scully, or possibly a reporter for a famous metropolitan newspaper,..
I found that I was really getting into the role of the captured school girl,..
“Okay, time to take you back to our secret hideout, but first,..”
At this point Germaine produced a pale blue handkerchief from the pile of improvised binding materials at her feet.
Well, I thought to myself as the blindfold was tied firmly over my eyes, they did say it was a secret base,..

Re: The perils of the Amazing Wanda MF/F (now with all new/ well, recycled chapter 2!)

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 8:46 pm
by TamatoaShiny123
I love this story! Please post the rest!

Re: The perils of the Amazing Wanda MF/F (now with all new/ well, recycled chapter 2!)

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 6:02 am
by Deleted User 769
TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 6 years ago I love this story! Please post the rest!
Ask and ye shall recieve,..

Re: The perils of the Amazing Wanda MF/F (now with all new/ well, recycled chapter 2!)

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 6:02 am
by Deleted User 769
So, where were we? (she said assuming her special narrators voice) Ah, yes, so previously on,.. ‘Further Adventures in Babysitting,..’ I had been shanghaied by two demon children spawned in the depths of Hades who had convinced me to act as their hostage in their game of make-believe,..
Let’s just hope that someone agrees to pays my ransom,..

Chapter the third!
For the next several minutes I was frogmarched around the house by my diminutive jailers, paraded like prize cattle being lead to slaughter. With my hands still tied and a gag in my mouth it was remarkably easy to imagine I was facing genuine peril, a feeling which only grew as my abductors noisily discussed how they were planning to spend my ransom money.
(Germaine’s suggestion of purchasing a solid gold motorcycle being among my favorite suggestions)
“But you can't drive!”
“No, but I imagine a million dollars would buy a lot of lessons”
I quickly discovered that wearing a blindfold was an an oddly disconcerting experience (although not an altogether unpleasant one) especially since I had no idea where I was being led,..
Eventually my blindfold was removed and I found myself standing back where we’d started. At the door to Germaine’s room (painted jet black- naturally!)
Was it just my imagination, or did the temperature drop as we stared into the mouth of the abyss and crossed the threshold into the Gothic Princesses domain?
Stepping inside was like walking into Barbie’s House of Nightmare’s house, a dimly lit tribute to the Manson family, with chains hanging from the ceiling and giant horror movie posters covering every square inch of available wall space it had the look (and faint aroma) of Leatherface’s teenage bedroom. And I was being locked inside.
Suddenly I was no longer having to fake being scared.
“Are you okay?” Nicky whispered, breaking character.
With a shaky voice I assured him that I was fine, I was just a little surprised to discover that his Sister was a Cenobite.
“That’s not true Nicky retorted, replacing my gag, “She hates wrestling!”
As I was helped to sit in a large wicker chair in the furthest corner of the room I thought I saw Germaine crack a smile. But maybe it was just a trick of the light,..
‘So’, I thought to myself, ‘what now’
“Wait. Shouldn’t we tie her feet?” The youngest sibling suggested tentatively, “You know,.. erm,.. It might make it harder for her,.. to escape,..”
“Et tu Nicky?” I thought to myself with a smile.
“That's an excellent idea” Germaine agreed, before checking herself“...As long as that's okay with you?”
I nodded, indicating that I had no objection,..
Which was certainly true for a number of reasons.
As far back as I could remember, I always wanted to be a damsel in distress,..
Raised on a steady diet of Enid Blyton books adventure books I often used to sneak outside the house with a pair of binoculars searching for smugglers like the heroes in her novels. I created scenarios in my head that I always managed to escape from, constantly daydreaming about bank robberies that I would thwart, or kidnap fantasies where I would wriggle out of the ropes. During English classes I would write pages and pages of stories in which I would be the feisty Damsel in Distress tied in the path of an oncoming train, or lowered into a pool of hungry sharks, only to slip free of my bonds at the very last second.
Growing up I always secretly loved cartoons and TV shows that featured a heroine in danger, which I would then record and re-watch with something approaching religious fervor. At some point I began to practice mild forms of self-bondage to experience the momentary thrill of being a teenage sleuth captured on a case. I began by simply tying my ankles with my school tie, before eventually graduating to using it as a gag (My Dad often wondered why I wore out so many)
Fearing ridicule, (or something much, much worse) I kept this hobby hidden behind my bedroom door for months, but eventually I plucked up the courage to ask my Mother to tie me up, so that I could “See what it felt like” (I think I pretended it was for a creative writing class or something,..)
At first she was a little reluctant, but after a suitable amount of arm twisting/ emotional blackmail from me she gave in to my request and proceeded to bind me firmly at my hands and feet using a pair of my Dad’s old ties. Of course escape proved completely impossible (my Mother was a unit leader in our local chapter of the Girl Guides) and I remained firmly tied up until my Dad returned for his tea. However if she thought this experience would discourage me, she was wrong.
Like, so wrong.
Instead I spent the next week petitioning (loudly) for a rematch (which I won!)
I’m sure that my parents thought my new obsession a little odd at first, but like all things, they eventually came to accept this as just another quirk of their eccentric, book obsessed daughter.
I became obsessed with the study of escapology, and spent most of my free time reading books on the subject, slavishly devouring every article I could find in an effort to learn the craft, cajoling assorted family members to tie me up so I could hone my act.
My Mother, who was beginning to wonder if my interest in ropes was entirely healthy actively discouraged me from practicing my ‘circus skills’ in public, however she eventually agreed to help me
if I agreed to a number of binding (sic!) conditions.
Eventually we settled into a routine whereby, every Sunday morning, having first carried out my chores and finished my homework (a strict condition of her involvement) I would present myself in the kitchen where I would be tied to a chair with a scarf tied over my mouth. (Knowing my Mother she almost certainly grew to enjoy this ritual since this meant that she was free to listen to the radio in peace,..)
On each occasion, after a suitable dramatic pause, (in which I imagined myself made prisoner by an evil villain or villianess) I would endeavor to escape from my bonds just like my literary idols.
At first I was largely unsuccessful, but gradually I became more adept and was often free of my bonds long before dinner was served.
Sadly, however these games were not to last and I was gently (but firmly) encouraged by my parents to put away such childish things as make-believe games and move onto more serious/ normal pursuits, like GCSE’s and X-Factor.
Nevertheless, throughout all my early experiments with escapology, I had managed to keep my passion a secret from anyone outside of the family home, until, that is I started a youtube video channel with my best friend Emily,.. (but that’s a story for another time,.. )
However, here I was being offered a golden opportunity for a command performance,.. one more, glorious return to the stage.
It was time for the Queen of Escapes to make her glorious return,..
Of course, to be continued?

Re: The perils of the Amazing Wanda MF/F (introducing chapter 3!)

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 9:45 am
by FabianStr2016
This was a Great story, i Really liked the Part where the Main character Gags itself with the tie. Pls conzinue

Re: The perils of the Amazing Wanda MF/F (introducing chapter 3!)

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 1:21 am
by Deleted User 769
FabianStr2016 wrote: 6 years ago This was a Great story, i Really liked the Part where the Main character Gags itself with the tie. Pls conzinue
Glad you're enjoying the story.

Re: The perils of the Amazing Wanda MF/F (introducing chapter 3!)

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 1:21 am
by Deleted User 769
FURTHER ADVENTURES IN BABYSITTING – EPISODE THE FOURTH: Spiders? Why did it have to be spiders?!

You find me almost exactly where you left me, locked inside Germaine’s House of Horrors with my hands tied in my lap and my ankles similarly bound and my school tie, recently utilized as a gag, hanging loose around my neck.
Meantime the sons and daughters of Anarchy had retrieved the mobile from the inside pocket of my school blazer, presumably intending to use it to issue their ransom demands to one/ some/ all of the contacts in my phone.
“It’s locked!” Nicky snapped in frustration.
“Really?” I said feigning surprise “how disappointing for the two of you,.. I suppose you’ll have little recourse but to let me go,..”
Germaine flashed an inscrutable grin.
It seems that the Grand inquisitor was not about to be discouraged so easily,..
Addressing me in a voice that dripped with barely concealed menace “Tell me Princess, where is the location of the secret rebel base?”
“I’m sorry?” I replied, genuinely bewildered
“I said, ‘what is the passcode that unlocks your phone’”
“I’ll never tell” I replied turning my head with a steely resolve
“Oh really?!” The bite-sized Torqmander replied, sounding thoroughly amused by my childish act of rebellion
“Such a shame. I had hoped that we wouldn’t have to resort to violence so soon,..”
Despite knowing this was all a game I found myself shivering at Germaines cold, calculating delivery,.. Something about her demeanor was a little too convincing,..
“Well, you know what they say,.. you can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs,..”
“With all due respect Germaine, if YOU made me an omelet I’d expect to find a trail of bloody feathers, an unconscious chef and the kitchen on fire,..”
Nicky guffawed loudly behind his hand.
Germaine however, was not amused.
Instead she flashed me a look like Wednesday Addams choking on a rainbow.
“Now I’m going to give you one. Last. Chance. Tell me the passcode to unlock your phone”
“I’ll never talk!” I spat back defiantly
“Very well. You leave me with no choice. Commander Nicky!”
“Yes M’ lady”
“Bring forth the instruments of torture!”
He looked quizzically around the room “I’m not sure-”
Germaine leaned over and whispered some instructions in his ear.
Well, this eager young footsoldier didn’t need to be told twice and quickly scurried away in search of his supplies, practically kicking his heels together as he ran.
“So since we’re finally alone, what shall we talk about?” I ventured, attempting to break the ice,..
Sadly, it seems my captor wasn’t particularly interested in sharing make-up tips or gossiping about boys,..
“You know you’re really very lucky”
“I am?”
“It’s not everyday that someone gets to be interrogated by an artiste in enhanced interrogation techniques,..” She teased.
We sat in contemplative silence for a moment.
Looking around the room my eyes fell upon an empty hamster cage.
“Tell me Germaine, do you have any pets?” I asked, desperately hoping the answer was an empathetic ‘no’
“Well, I used to have a spider, a tarantula named Gomez, but I haven’t seen him in days,.. but don’t worry, he’ll come back when he’s hungry,..”
I had no way of knowing if Germaine was being serious, but frankly I had little desire to find out,..
I swallowed something cold and jagged.
Suddenly my starched collar felt uncomfortably tight.
“Are you okay?” she asked as she watched the color run screaming from my face.
“I’m fine” I lied, trying not to panic “but maybe we shouldn’t play for too much longer,..”
At which point Nicky came bursting through the door, his arms laden with supplies.
However, if I was half expecting for him to produce a hellish assortment of rusty pliers, whips and chains the reality was somehow worse, to whit, a tray of ice cubes and a feather duster,..
Well, I did not require the unholy powers of Nostradamus to predict where this was leading, especially when the ropes were unfastened from around my ankles and the Satan’s favorite cousins began to remove my school shoes,..
“You unconscionable fiends!” I exclaimed as they tugged at my socks.
This required grace and poise under pressure.
“OW! I give up, please” I pleaded loudly thrashing around, “Mercy! Mercy!”
“But we haven't started yet my dear” Germaine pointed out with a wry grin
“I know” I explained, I just can't abide being tortured by people with cold hands”
“So sensitive,” Germaine purred,.. “this WILL be fun”
“Not from where I’m sitting” I complained, firmly planting my feet.
“If you don’t quit struggling we’ll have no choice but to tie you to the rack,..” Germaine snapped indicating the frame of her bed.
“Okay, okay” I spluttered breathlessly, finally co-operating “But before you begin, might I perhaps trouble you for a cup of tea?”
“A cup of tea?!” She repeated incredulously.
“If its not too much trouble. Chamomile if you’ve got it. Wearing a gag can really dry your mouth” I explained pleasantly.
A clearly frustrated Germaine eventually agreed and went downstairs to fetch my drink leaving me alone with her younger brother keeping watch.
I decided to engage in a little sport.
Waiting until my captors attention was elsewhere (looking at his phone) I pulled my hand free of the rope and threw it across the room so it landed with a dull thud in the center of the bedroom floor.
When Nicky turned around to discover the source of the noise he discovered my wrists were no longer bound, but crossed demurely in my lap.
I wriggled my fingers in a happy wave.
“How did you do that?” he asked with something approaching wide eyed wonder.
I shrugged and smiled innocently.
“You’re going to be in sooo much trouble when my Sister gets back!”
He teased.
“Maybe it can be our little secret?” I suggested more in hope, than with any real expectation of success.
Nicky appeared to mull this over for a while.
“What’s in it for me?” He asked.
Torture, bondage, and now eliciting bribes, clearly I was dealing with a future Republican senator.
“How about the satisfaction of helping your fellow man?”
“But no actual money?” He asked seeking clarification.
“Well no, but-”
“Germaine! Germaine!” He shouted at the top of his voice
“No one likes a tattle tale Nicky” I said pointedly as I awaited my fate.

Of course, to be continued?

Re: The perils of the Amazing Wanda MF/F (Welcome Chapter 4!!!!!)

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 2:08 am
by TamatoaShiny123
Love it!

Re: The perils of the Amazing Wanda MF/F (Welcome Chapter 4!!!!!)

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 4:40 pm
by ryan
Great story.

Re: The perils of the Amazing Wanda MF/F (Conclusion!!)

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 9:11 am
by Deleted User 769
Welcome my friends, to this, the final episode of our saga,..

So, is everyone sitting comfortably? Excellent! Then let us begin this latest, thrilling installment entitled,..


Upon discovering that her captive had, inexplicably slipped free of her bonds Germaine wasted little time in reapplying my ropes, it did not escape my attention that the knots were pulled significantly tighter this time.

Offering little resistance I soon found myself thoroughly trussed up like a Thanksgiving bird.

“So, how did you escape?” Germaine whispered conspiratorially.

“Magic?” I offered.

“You mean witchraft?! Do you know what we do with witches in these parts?” she teased in a voice that suggested more than a passing acquaintance with the methods of the Spanish inquisition.

“Hmm, let me guess,.. does it have anything to do with a family-sized barbecue?” I asked tentatively

“I see you are familiar with our methods” Germaine replied, flashing a wicked, Machiavellian grin

Holy Joan of Arc Batgirl! Inwardly I resigned myself to being tied to a stake before the end of the night.

However, I wasn’t about to go quietly.

Minutes later, when the twins of evil were busy hatching plots in the hallway immediately outside the room I took the opportunity to repeat the trick from earlier, pulling my hands free of the ropes then quickly placing them back in my lap.

When Germaine glanced over (nominally to check that I wasn’t eavesdropping on their schemes) she didn’t appear to notice that my hands were no longer tied.

Taking advantage of this, unforgivable lapse in security I waited till they were both looking away before hurriedly unfastening the ropes from around my ankles.

When the pair finally returned to deliver their verdict I waved happily.

“How did you-?”

Their astonishment was a joy to behold, even if Germaine’s was a little tempered by her frustration at being tricked. They begged me to let them in on the secret and after a few minutes listening to their pleas I finally agreed to put them out of their misery, explaining that I had some previous training as an escapologist.

“So can you really do magic?!” Nicky asked eagerly after I explained how I freed myself.

“Well, I suppose an escape artist is a kind of magician,..” I agreed draining the last of the tea from my mug.

Nicky appeared to mull this over for a moment, then noticing my outfit,..

“So, do you go to Hogwarts?”

“Well, I’m not supposed to tell anyone,..” I confided. Suddenly my school uniform wasn’t so uncool after all.

However before Nicky could press me further on this subject Germaine interrupted

“So, does this mean you know how to get out of ropes and things like that?”

“Well, most of the time” I hedged defensively

They both looked suitably intrigued by my unexpected talent.

“So, can we tie you up? For real this time” She asked asked, all pretense of teenage moodiness replaced by girlish enthusiasm.

“Well,..” I teased

“Please” Nicky whined, adding his pleas to the crowd funded campaign “Pretty please,..”

“Okay, okay” I agreed (after listening to much wailing and gnashing of teeth) but only,.. if you tidy your rooms first” (Mary Poppins – eat your heart out!)

The cabal of desperate villains readily ceded to my demands and, as per the agreement, spent the next hour running around the house returning it to something approaching show room quality, leaving me free to sneak downstairs to the family den to watch my soap opera’s in peace.

It was just over an hour before my tormentors, their faces now disguised by bandanna’s, finally emerged from their respective sleeping quarters carrying all manner of assorted ropes and ties.

“Did you clean your rooms?” I asked, channeling Super-Nanny

Naturally they assured me that the house had never been in a better state of repair.

The words “Impeccable” and “pristine” were banded about.

However, my parents didn’t raise a rube.

I demanded to see the evidence.

After the briefest of tours (I don’t think my feet ever touched the ground) and satisfied that at least some token effort had been made on their part I finally agreed to abide by the terms of our agreement and happily surrendered to my pint sized kidnappers.

“So, how do you want me?” I asked warmly, eager to co-operate,..

“Can we tie your hands behind your back this time Sam?” Germaine asked politely.

I smiled indulgently “Of course” I agreed offering my hands for binding

My wrists were crossed, then wrapped in rope, first one way, then the next, before Germaine finished the process by pulling the cords tight and applying a firm knot.

“There” She boasted proudly “I bet you can’t get out of that!”

I said nothing but simply bought my hands out in front of my body, now completely free.

I handed the rope back to my erstwhile captor and retorted “Au contraire”

The children’s expression of astonishment were all the applause I required.

“But I tied you up really tight that time” Germaine protested indignantly.

“Alright, let me give you another chance, but this time, if I get free,.. I get to tie the two of you up”

They appeared to mull this new condition over for a while, but eventually agreed.

“Okay,.. but we get to tie you up anyway we want”


After a great deal of hushed whispers I was instructed to sit in a tall wooden dining chair (which had been procured from the kitchen)

Instinctively I stretched my arms around my back and pressed my wrists together.

With two pairs of hands working in something like tandem I was soon wrapped up in a thick tangle of washing line cord which snaked around my arms pinning me to the chair. Some turns went over my shoulders and others beneath the chair seat. Every now and then Germaine would thread the cord through the slats of the chair or, tie another knot in the rope for added security.

Meanwhile, Nicky was let loose with a roll of industrial strength duct tape which he used to lash my ankles to the front legs of the chair. Within half an hour it seemed that I had been thoroughly restrained with every type of cord, sash or neck-tie in the building.

I was imprisoned in a web of rope from my knees to my shoulders.

“Finished?” I asked with a wry smile.

“Not quite” She said smuggly as she produced a bright red handkerchief.

I raised an arch eye brow.

“A gag wasn’t part of the deal Germaine”

“You said we could tie you anyway we wanted” She replied in her best Ally Mc Beal voice.

“Besides, Nicky still thinks you’re secretly a witch so he wants to make sure you can’t cast any spells”

Silently I had to agree that this was flawless legal argument

“It’s a fair cop” I said opening my mouth wide.

After a moments pause for effect Germaine roughly inserted the thick cloth between my teeth. Working quickly and efficiently it was pulled increasingly tight behind my head until I found I could no longer even touch my lips together. I felt a violent stirring of emotion as the gag was knotted firmly.

“Shouldn’t we blindfold her too?” the youngest sibling suggested cautiously.

“That’s a great idea Nicky. But let’s ask Sam first. Sam, do you mind if we blindfold you?”

Whilst I knew that the handkerchief would not be particularly effective in preventing me from speaking, I preferred not to demean myself by mumbling around a gag. Instead I sat silently as my own school tie was firmly tied over my eyes.

Clearly these tiny terrors were out for every scrap of indignity they could heap upon their captive.

They took their time checking all my bonds to make sure there was no sign of looseness whilst I sat silently, gently flexing my muscles and chewing on my gag. There was little doubt that I was excited and having fun,..

Finally satisfied that I was thoroughly restrained, bound-up, gagged and tied they issued their time honored challenge “Now, get out of that!”

Picking up the metaphorical gauntlet I began my performance with a bout of, what appeared to be, desperate struggling. Partly this was for show, but also so that I could asses the location of any slack in my ropes. Nonetheless the two Bateman children watched with rapt attention as I began thrashing against my, seemingly inescapable, bounds.

After a few minutes, I visibly relaxed in my ropes and took a deep breath. Forcing my right elbow outwards, whilst keeping my left arm wedged against the tension of the rope around my chest and arms, I found that the cords slid noticeably.

I repeated the pattern once more, this time in reverse, and was rewarded with yet further movement in my bonds. All at once the rope beneath my bust was uncomfortably tight against my breast, however, with the next few moves of my arms, the rope rode slowly and uncomfortably up over them. Triumphantly I pulled the blindfold over my head.

“Wow! You’re amazing!” Nicky cooed as Germaine stared daggers at him in reproach.

I didn’t reply but smiled behind my gag.

Once the rope was above my chest, it took only a determined wriggle to get it up over my shoulders. All at once, the network of cords was reduced to an unholy tangle of ropes around my neck. It was then the work of moments to unwrap the tape from around my ankles before lifting all the loose rope up off my shoulders and dumping it dramatically on the floor.

By now both of the children were watching in open-mouthed astonishment.

“So,” I said, lifting down my gag “I guess it must be my turn now,..”

Later that evening Mr and Mrs Harmon (who had arrived home early, half expecting to find the building on fire) was astonished to discover that not only was the house still standing, but that it was actually, if not clean and tidy, at least capable of supporting life. Even more extraordinarily, both of her children were sat, tied to a pair of dining chairs in the front room whilst I watched a movie.

I attempted to offer a (breathless) explanation for the tableau but found myself cut off by the Mother.

“I don’t care,..” Her face broke into a grin “I just want to know,.. Are you free to work Friday?”


(The End. At least, for now)

Re: The perils of the Amazing Wanda MF/F (Conclusion!!!!!)

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 5:10 pm
by ryan
Great story. please post more.

Re: The perils of the Amazing Wanda MF/F (Conclusion!!!!!)

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 10:03 pm
by MisterMistoffelees
Love the narrative voice here. Yes, let's hear more from Wanda, shall we?

Re: The perils of the Amazing Wanda MF/F (Conclusion!!!!!)

Posted: Sat May 05, 2018 5:04 am
by jayarieldrillowup
But of course Wanda had to be Amazing at escaping otherwise why else would the story be called that?

Re: The perils of the Amazing Wanda MF/F (Conclusion!!!!!)

Posted: Sat May 05, 2018 8:06 am
by Deleted User 769
ryan wrote: 6 years ago Great story. please post more.
Thanks dude. I'll see what I can do.

Re: The perils of the Amazing Wanda MF/F (Conclusion!!!!!)

Posted: Sat May 05, 2018 8:07 am
by Deleted User 769
jayarieldrillowup wrote: 6 years ago But of course Wanda had to be Amazing at escaping otherwise why else would the story be called that?
Ha, ha! Right?! Not just a clever name ;)

Re: The perils of the Amazing Wanda MF/F (Conclusion!!!!!)

Posted: Sat May 05, 2018 8:08 am
by Deleted User 769
MisterMistoffelees wrote: 6 years ago Love the narrative voice here. Yes, let's hear more from Wanda, shall we?
Really glad you enjoyed the narration. Who knows what glorious misadventures I'll get into next,..?

Re: The perils of the Amazing Wanda MF/F (Conclusion!!!!!)

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 2:49 am
by MisterMistoffelees
I oughty to have some of my Snowden mommies hire her for a sitting job. I promise you, nothing bad would happen. :twisted:

Re: The perils of the Amazing Wanda MF/F (Conclusion!!!!!)

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 4:41 am
by jayarieldrillowup
MisterMistoffelees wrote: 6 years ago I oughty to have some of my Snowden mommies hire her for a sitting job. I promise you, nothing bad would happen. :twisted:
I am being asked the same by some female rp characters I help run from time to time who are mothers. Mothers who are witches though so that means their kids actually know true magic too hehehe.

Re: The perils of the Amazing Wanda MF/F (Conclusion!!!!!)

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 10:47 am
by Deleted User 769
MisterMistoffelees wrote: 6 years ago I oughty to have some of my Snowden mommies hire her for a sitting job. I promise you, nothing bad would happen. :twisted:
Ha, ha! Ordinarily I'd run screaming in the opposite direction, showing the Snowden children a clean pair of heels in the process,.. but since driving lessons are prohibitively expensive I'm prepared to overlook the ten foot, neon signs screaming "This is a Trap!" and enlist for a babysitting stint. All I ask is for 12 bucks an hour and free, unfettered access to the fridge and I'm in there like swimwear 😂

Re: The perils of the Amazing Wanda MF/F (Conclusion!!!!!)

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:28 am
by Solarbeast
I also had read this on DeviantArt. I'm glad you eventually found your way to this site and decided to start posting these great stories here.