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Tied Twins: Enduring and Enjoying (f/f)

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 10:40 pm
by OldTUGger
Tied Twins: Enduring and Enjoying (f/f)
by OldTUGger

Elise grunted and restlessly shifted her weight from side to side. She couldn’t do much else.

She lay, tightly hogtied, atop a table barely large enough to accommodate her folded little body. Her twin sister, Denise, had not been especially kind when she applied the ropes.

Taut bands of rope encircled Elise’s ankles, thighs and wrists. Another band, wound around her chest and cinched under each armpit, bound her arms firmly to her torso. A doubled strand of rope, pulled taut between her ankle ropes and the chest bindings, held her limber young body in a tight bow, with her heels almost touching her backside.

As always, Denise had blindfolded and gagged her, as well. She hadn’t been kind with that, either. She had knotted the scarf quite tightly over her sister’s eyes, and she had buckled the ball gag a notch tighter than usual. A doubled strand of rope, stretched between the blindfold and the ankle ropes, held her head rigidly upright.

That wasn’t the worst of it, though. Denise had then used what seemed like miles of rope to lash Elise firmly to the table.

To anyone else, the little redhead’s bondage would appear cruel. To Elise it was heaven.

“Still OK in there, sis?” Denise asked.

“Mm-hmm” Elise murmured.

“Any pain? Tingling?”


Denise made a final check to see if Elise’s hands had changed color. They hadn’t. Good. With that, the older of the Davis twins checked the timer she’d set. “Ten more minutes, Elise. Ten minutes.”

She picked up her iPad and resumed her video game.

Since they were eight, the twins had been into tie-up games. ... 154#p49154 In the four years since, their fascination hadn’t waned a bit. In fact, it had intensified.

“Don’t you girls think of anything else?” their mother, Terri, had demanded upon finding them happily handcuffed and ballgagged on their beds one afternoon. The twins only giggled and shook their heads “no.”

They experimented constantly, with increasingly complex and difficult ties. While once they had been content with 15 to 30 minutes at a time in bondage, they were now content -- no, make that delighted -- to stay tied much longer.

For Terri, life became a balancing act. As a single mom, she wanted the youngsters to have happy childhoods. She hadn’t envisioned that a happy childhood might entail being bound to a post for an hour or more.

Weird thing was, the twins’ fascination with ropes, cuffs and gags didn’t seem to have affected their schoolwork or their other favorite pastimes, gymnastics and softball. They practiced and played as hard at those activities as they did at tying one another up.

Though competitive in other pursuits, the girls seemed to have no interest at all in one-upping the other when it came to tie-ups. Without fail, they split their time in bondage straight down the middle. If Denise stayed tied for an hour, so would Elise.

While they watched escape challenge videos on YouTube, neither had the slightest interest in escaping. The more helpless they felt, the better they liked it. They showed a remarkable ability to switch their minds off while bound, going into an almost trance-like “zone” where they reveled in the pure physical sensation of their captivity.

As she lay there, barely able even to wiggle, Elise returned to that zone. It seemed to her as though mere seconds passed before the timer signaled the end of her turn.

Denise strolled over and picked loose the knots that fastened her twin to the table, then removed her blindfold and gag before working on the rest of the ropes.

“Well?” Denise asked as she released the hogtie ropes. “How did you like it?”

“Loved it! Being tied up was great; being tied down made it even better!”

After the last of the ropes fell away and the girls untangled and re-coiled them, Denise turned her back to Elise. “Double-column tie, five turns, cinched,” she said as Elise looped the rope around her wrists. “Same for the ankles. Eight turns and a cinch at mid-thigh. Use a 30-foot rope for the chest-and-arm tie, and use little 2-foot lengths to cinch. Pull the hogtie rope tight enough to get my heels really close to my bottom.”

“Got it. Gag and blindfold first or last?”

“First, just like you.”

Fifteen minutes later, Denise lay trussed to the table, bound almost exactly as her sister had been. Elise set the timer for 40 minutes and pressed the start button. Seconds later, the girls’ bedroom door opened and Terri strolled in.

“That looks awfully tight,” she said. “How long is she going to be in that?”

“Forty minutes.”

“That seems a bit long, doesn’t it?”

“Not really. I just finished 40 minutes tied up exactly like that. It was fun!”

“I don’t see how you girls do it,” Terri said as she watched Denise flex her muscles, settling ever more deeply into the tight bondage. “If I spent 40 minutes tied that way, I’d be sore for days. I hate to say this, but I honestly don’t understand why you find this so appealing.”

“It’s like being hugged or squeezed,” Elise said. “Don’t you remember that time when you were teaching us about safety, and we kept you tied up for 20 minutes?” ... 288#p49288 “Didn’t you feel anything then?”

“Not really. But I was focused on testing you to see what you’d learned, not on my own sensations or feelings.”

“Maybe you should try it again sometime, and focus on how it makes you feel,” Elise suggested. “That way, maybe you’d understand us a little better.”

“Um, I’ll need to think it over,” Terri said. “I don’t think I could stay tied up nearly as long as you girls, and I know I couldn’t stand being tied that tightly.”

“We could work with you on that,” Elise replied. “It would have to be kind of tight. The tighter the tie, the stronger the sensation is, at least to us, right, Denise?”

Denise “mmphed” and nodded as best the stringent hogtie would allow.

“Like I said, I’ll think it over,” Terri said as she stood up to leave.

As her footsteps faded down the hallway, Elise leaned over and whispered into Denise’s ear: “You hear that? It sounds like Mom wants to know why getting tied up is so much fun. How long do you think she’ll let us keep her stuck?”

The twins shared a giggle. Denise’s sounded a tad muffled, of course. They knew how curious their mother could be about things...

Re: Tied Twins: Enduring and Enjoying (f/f)

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2020 6:06 pm
by damsel
Okay, this is just too cool. And i wanna tell ya why ("ya" meaning whoever's interested 8-) )

If we're gonna be honest, yeah, most stories about girls getting tied up have at least some kind of sexual undertone buried underneath. Most, not all.

This time, though, and I think this is the first one I've seen, we have adolescents playing tie up games, no sexual undertones at all. BUT! The mom knows their interest could merge into something sexual once they discover boys (which at their age, should be in about ten minutes). So, said undertones are still there...but their also not.

Pretty cool!

Re: Tied Twins: Enduring and Enjoying (f/f)

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2020 6:09 pm
by OldTUGger
damsel wrote: 4 years ago Okay, this is just too cool. And i wanna tell ya why ("ya" meaning whoever's interested 8-) )

If we're gonna be honest, yeah, most stories about girls getting tied up have at least some kind of sexual undertone buried underneath. Most, not all.

This time, though, and I think this is the first one I've seen, we have adolescents playing tie up games, no sexual undertones at all. BUT! The mom knows their interest could merge into something sexual once they discover boys (which at their age, should be in about ten minutes). So, said undertones are still there...but their also not.

Pretty cool!
Thank you, damsel! The nice thing about the twins' timeline is that I can hop back and forth from innocent times to less innocent times. It's fun trying to figure out how their interests will develop, and when their awareness of sexual undertones might arise. Thanks again!

Re: Tied Twins: Enduring and Enjoying (f/f)

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2020 6:20 pm
by BindPam
OldTUGger wrote: 4 years ago

“It’s like being hugged or squeezed,” Elise said.
Exactly---and I think that's what I was thinking, the first time I was tied up!