A Sister's Revenge (F/f)

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A Sister's Revenge (F/f)

Post by Ella »

Kayla sat on her bed and scrolled through her phone. At 16 years old, she was easily entertained, but also easily bored. She laid on her back with her head against a tall stack of three pillows as her eyes glanced at the phone screen in front of her. She scrolled and scrolled, but she was doing little more than killing time. Kayla had long, brown hair, and was about average height for a girl her age. She was very pretty, but also quite athletic. It was around midday on Saturday, and she was enjoying a relaxing weekend in her blue jeans and t-shirt. She reckoned that this would be the last weekend she'd ever get to truly relax. Her brown eyes stayed glued to her phone screen as she heard a knock on her bedroom door.

"Come in," she said without any interest.

The bedroom door slowly opened to reveal a younger girl standing in the doorway holding a suitcase. She wore a pair of jeans and t-shirt similar to the one Kayla had on.

"Hey sis!!!" the young girl exclaimed.

Kayla put her phone down.

"Don't call me that," she retorted.

The young girl standing in the doorway was her new stepsister, Jenny. Kayla lived at home with her father in a large, 4-bedroom house. About two years ago, her father had met a beautiful woman, and the two of them struck up a relationship. The woman had a young daughter of her own who was just two years younger than Kayla. After several months of dating and several additional months of being engaged, Kayla's father got married, and now the woman and her young daughter were moving into their house to start a new life together.

Jenny had blonde hair and blue eyes. She was shorter than Kayla by several inches, and she still had braces on her teeth. She often wore her hair pulled back in a ponytail, and she was quite a cutie when she did. Jenny liked Kayla and enjoyed spending time with her, but Kayla usually didn't care much for spending time with Jenny. She saw the younger girl as a nuisance, but she always aimed to at least be nice to her for the sake of keeping the peace. Now that Jenny and her mom were moving into her house, it'd be important that everyone stayed on good terms with each other. But still...Jenny was somewhat annoying.

The bubbly teen stood in Kayla's doorway with a confused look on her face.

"What?" she asked. "You don't like it when I call you sis? But we're sisters now!"

Jenny put her suitcase down in the hall outside Kayla's room and leaped over to the bed. She flung herself on the bed beside Kayla carelessly. As she landed on the bed, Jenny caused Kayla's phone to fly off the mattress and into the floor.

"Be careful!" exclaimed Kayla.

The young girl paid her no mind.

"It's going to be so fun being sisters!" said Jenny. "I've always wanted siblings."

Both Kayla and Jenny were an only child, but whereas Jenny was excited to acquire a new sister, Kayla actually preferred the life of no brothers or sisters.

"Yeah..." replied Kayla nonchalantly. "It'll be great..."

Jenny rolled over to face her new sister. The young girl's blue eyes were lit up with excitement.

"It'll be so much fun!" she exclaimed. "We'll stay up late and watch movies, do makeup, ride to school together, go shopping, and so much more!"

Kayla rolled over away from her and reached down into the floor to pick up her phone before rolling back.

"Don't you have something else you could be doing besides annoying me?" she asked.

Jenny hopped off the bed and skipped out of the room towards the hall and her suitcase.

"I'm going to unpack! It's going to be so much fun living here!" exclaimed the young girl as she rolled her suitcase down the hall.

Jenny rolled her suitcase towards the far room and went inside. Kayla tried to continue relaxing on her bed, but Jenny turned on some obnoxious tween music. Before Kayla could yell at her to turn it down, she heard her dad and new stepmother laughing and chatting towards the living room as her dad helped her unpack as well. The peace was effectively shattered. Kayla rolled off her bed and closed the door, but it did not mute the sounds as she had hoped. There was little she could do to regain her lost peace and quiet. She couldn't do anything about her dad and stepmom, but she felt like she should at least have some measure of authority over Jenny. Kayla was two years older than her after all, and she had been living here her whole life. Jenny literally just walked in a few minutes ago. Kayla felt like she should be able to just tell Jenny what to do, but she knew that there would be no way that such a brat like Jenny would listen to her. Kayla felt trapped in her own house.

After spending all afternoon feeling trapped in her room with chaos surrounding her, Kayla felt like her head was going to explode. Between her new stepsister and her stepmother, the house became very crowded and noisy. When evening rolled around, she heard her dad call out to her and Jenny from down the hall towards the kitchen.

"Girls!" he called. "Come get supper!"

Kayla and Jenny both emerged from their rooms and walked down the hall to the kitchen. Their house had a contemporary layout, with the living room, kitchen, and dining room forming the central part of the house, while the master bedroom was off to the side of the living room. On the other side of the living room was the hallway that led down to the three other bedrooms, two of which were Kayla and Jenny's.

The two girls came into the dining room to find it fully prepared. Kayla's dad was a terrific cook, and he had gone the extra mile for the family tonight given that it was their first night together in the house as one big family. They sat around the dining room table and ate dinner while talking about the upcoming school year. When dinner was over, everyone pitched in to clean the kitchen, although Jenny was quick to abandon the family and return to her room after exerting minimum effort. Kayla took note of her laziness and realized that she'd likely have to bear the brunt of all future chores going forward. She knew deep down that she'd be more of a babysitter than an older sister. When the kitchen was clean, Kayla returned to her room and got on her computer to check her social media accounts.

As the evening turned to night, Kayla's father and stepmother went to sleep, but the two girls stayed up a bit longer. Kayla heard music coming from behind Jenny's closed door. Even with her door closed too, Kayla could still clearly hear the music, but it was soft enough not to carry down the hall and wake their parents. She knew that she'd never be able to sleep with the music playing, but it was still early in the night. Eventually, Jenny would have to turn the music off and get some sleep herself. Kayla waited patiently, but the young girl was persistent in staying awake. It was past midnight, and she still had not gone to bed. Kayla was tired, but she knew there was nothing she could do to make Jenny turn the music off. Any attempt to ask her, even a polite one, would be received as if Kayla was trying to boss the young girl around. By one in the morning, Kayla had had enough. She opened her door and walked over to Jenny's, then lightly knocked.

"Yeah?" came the girl's voice from within.

"Turn it down would ya?" said Kayla. "I need to sleep."

The music went quiet and Jenny opened her door.

"You're not the only one that lives here you know," said Kayla. "You can't play music this late."

Jenny raised her eyebrow.

"Well mom lets me listen to music as late as I want," she said. "I just have to not wake her."

Kayla put her hands on her hips.

"But that was before. Now you live here with other people, and it's really inconsiderate," said Kayla.

Jenny rolled her eyes and let out a "hmmmfff" as she shrugged. She turned her back and closed the door in Kayla's face, then immediately turned her music back on. Kayla fumed at being so disrespected. She went back to her room and paced back and forth before finally hatching a plan. She'd teach her stepsister a lesson she wouldn't soon forget. If Jenny wouldn't respect Kayla late at night when it was time to sleep, then Kayla would make sure that Jenny wouldn't be able to sleep either, only she'd use less conventional means.

The young girl waited patiently in her room until she heard no more sounds coming from Jenny's room down the hall from her. When she knew that Jenny was finally asleep, Kayla snuck out of her room and into the garage area. Her dad was an avid ski enthusiast, and in the garage were boxes upon boxes of his old and current gear. Kayla carefully sorted through them until she found what she was looking for: a black ski mask. She put the mask over her head, and the only part of her exposed were her eyes, glaring and determined. She went over to her father's tool bench area and took a large roll of duct tape, then she quietly returned to her room. She crept down the hall, making sure not to wake anyone in the house. She made sure to open and close any doors with the utmost caution, and she softly avoided the spots in the floor that she knew would squeak if she stepped on them. Before long, she was back in her room.

Kayla rummaged through her closet and retrieved a large, black hoodie. She put it on over her shirt, and then she took her shorts off. She walked over to her dresser and took out a pair of dark black sweatpants, then stepped in them and pulled them up to her waistline. She finished her look with a pair of black socks and black cotton gloves. Kayla looked at herself in the mirror. The only bit of flesh visible was around her eyes; she was otherwise entirely clad in black. Apart from being a bit small, it was difficult to even determine her gender. Jenny would be sound asleep, and in the dark, it would be impossible to determine who her assailant was. Satisfied with her look and confident in her plan, Kayla quietly left her room and snuck down the hall towards Jenny's room where the young girl slept soundly, completely unaware that she was about to become Kayla's prey.

The determined Kayla creeped down the hall and slowly opened Jenny's door. She couldn't see much, but the light from the window did highlight the large frame of the bed, and Kayla could make out the mound on top of it to be Jenny. She quietly crept forward with her duct tape in hand. When she reached her sleeping stepsister, Kayla carefully slid the sheets off her body so as not to wake her. Jenny slept peacefully, still wearing the same shorts and shirt she had on earlier. Her blonde hair flowed across her shoulders as she gracefully laid on her bed. Kayla took note of how peaceful her sister looked, and she relished in the thought that she was about to shatter the young girl's good night's sleep.

Without warning, Kayla pounced on Jenny and forcefully clasped her hands over the young girl's mouth. Jenny woke up in a fright and instantly began thrashing and screaming.

"MMMMPPPPHHH!!!!" she squealed into Kayla's hand.

Kayla was larger and stronger than Jenny, so it was easy for her to subdue the frightened girl. With one hand pressed firmly over Jenny's lips, Kayla managed to straddle the struggling girl and pin her arms to her sides. The older girl sat on top of her and was able to pin her to the bed while keeping her hand over Jenny's lips. The young girl continued squealing while she tried to free herself from the weight of her mysterious abductor, but she was unable to do anything. Kayla reached over and took one of Jenny's pillows, then brought it over her face. She quickly replaced her hand with the pillow and pressed down on it with her hands. Jenny's screams were muffled and undecipherable. Kayla leaned forward and put her elbows on the pillow as she took the roll of duct tape she had brought with her. With her elbows pressed on the pillow, Kayla's hands were free to tear off a strip of tape. Jenny continued screaming under the pillow, while Kayla waited patiently for the young girl to tire herself. When Jenny's screams turned into a mere whimper, Kayla knew the time had come. Jenny was nearly out of air, so Kayla lifted the pillow to reveal a blue-faced Jenny, stunned and dazed. The young girl gasped for air, but before she could let out another scream, Kayla planted the strip of tape across her lips. She quickly applied two more strips to seal her captive fully.

"MMPPPHH!!!" moaned Jenny into the tape gag.

Once her young stepsister was sufficiently gagged, Kayla shifted her weight off the girl and rolled her over on her stomach. She pressed her knee into Jenny's back, forcing her deep into the bed. Jenny tried flailing, but Kayla managed to grab both of her arms and pull them behind her back. She held them together and shifted her weight again, sitting on Jenny's back with her arms pinned. Kayla wrapped the duct tape around Jenny's wrists several times before tearing it off. Next, she moved down to Jenny's legs and pinned them together, then wrapped the tape around her ankles several times as well. She tore the tape off and tossed the roll aside, then stood up from the bed. Kayla looked down at Jenny as the young girl squirmed helplessly on her bed.

"MMMPPPPHHH!!!" she yelled.

Jenny looked up at Kayla, but she couldn't make out who the dark figure was. All she could see was a shadow-like figure with a pair of eyes beaming down at her. The sight of the unknown person in a ski mask horrified her, and she began crying. She thrashed and squirmed, but she remained helplessly secured by the tape. Kayla made sure not to speak or do anything that would give away her identity. She knew that if Jenny realized who she was, it would ruin the effect of the kidnapping. Kayla straightened her shoulders and stood tall in an effort to appear more masculine to further confuse and frighten her poor stepsister. Jenny stopped squirming as she caught her breath, and she looked up at her abductor. She tried to ascertain who the figure could be, but she had no idea. Kayla took a step towards the frightened young girl, causing her to cry out in terror.

"MMPPHH!!!" screamed Jenny as she rolled away towards the other side of the bed.

Kayla stood beside the bed and leaned over towards Jenny. The older girl put her hands on Jenny's shoulders and rolled her back towards her. When Jenny had been pulled closer, Kayla softly lifted her finger and put it over her mouth.

"shhhh..." she hushed.

Kayla decided to reveal herself by taking off the ski mask. She shook her head two or three times to straighten out her hair.

"mph?!" pipped Jenny when she saw that it was her stepsister behind the mask.

The older girl stared down at the helpless captive and grinned.

"Surprised?" she asked sarcastically.

Jenny said nothing. The young girl laid there on her back with her ankles and wrists bound. She looked up at her older sister with disgust.

"How is it to not be able to get any sleep because of an annoying sister?" asked Kayla with a smirk.

Kayla put her hands on Jenny's shoulders and rolled the girl over on her stomach. She then crawled onto the bed and got on top of the young girl, straddling her in between her knees as she sat tall above the young girl. Jenny was on her stomach underneath Kayla's weight once again, and she was pinned underneath her.

"Now it's payback time," Kayla said menacingly.

"MPH?!" mumbled Jenny in confusion.

The young girl turned her head left and right but she couldn't look behind her to see what Kayla was up to. Unexpectedly, she felt Kayla's hands on her shorts. The older girl lowered Jenny's shorts just enough to where her panties were visible, and then she took the waistband of her panties in both of her hands. Kayla grunted as she exerted all her strength. She pulled Jenny's panties up between her back and her arms. She pulled until they were about midway up her back, and then she held them there.

"MMPPPHH!!!!" squealed Jenny in pain as her underwear was forced up her bum.

Kayla released her panties and they snapped back towards her rear. She put her hands on her hips briefly to catch her breath, then she took Jenny's panties in her hands once more.

"Again?" she teased as she pulled.

"MMPHH!!!" moaned Jenny in pain and frustration.

Jenny buried her face into the bed as she screamed in pain. She kicked her legs, but Kayla remained firmly seated on her back with her hands holding the young girl's panties high above her rear. Kayla released the panties again.

"What's the matter?" she asked as Jenny began to cry. "Never been wedgied before?"

Kayla took Jenny's panties in her hands again.

"How about we go again?" she teased.

"NNMMPPH!!!" moaned Jenny as she shook her head back and forth.

Kayla tugged Jenny's panties and delivered a third excruciating wedgie.

"MMMPPHH!!!" cried Jenny as the pain mounted.

Multiple consecutive wedgies began to take their toll on the poor young girl. Kayla held her panties firm and high above her bottom. Jenny waited in agony for Kayla to release them, but the older girl just held them in place much longer than she did the first two times.

"MMPPHH!!!" screamed Jenny in agony.

The poor young girl shook her head and screamed several times, begging to be relieved.

"MMPPH!!!" she screamed as she shook her head. "SSSTTTPPPH!!!!"

Kayla ignored the poor girl's pleas and maintained her strong grip. She enjoyed tormenting her poor sister.

Just then, the lights turned on to both Jenny and Kayla's surprise.

"What's going on in here?!" demanded Kayla's dad.

Jenny's mom was standing behind him in a nightgown as the two of them stood in the doorway. Kayla was caught red-handed. She quickly released Jenny's panties and rolled off of her, moving away from the bed and standing in the corner of the room.

"Nothing!" she exclaimed. "We were just playing around!"

Jenny was crying as her mom walked over and tended to the poor girl. The older woman carefully peeled the tape from her daughter's lips and began unwrapping her wrists and ankles. Kayla's dad stared at her in extreme disappointment.

"Go to your room," he said. "Now."

Kayla bowed her head as she went back to her room. She closed the door behind her and took off the black outfit she had on. She sat on her bed in her shorts and shirt, pulling her knees up close to her. She wrapped her arms around her knees and held them tightly, contemplating the mistake she just made. She realized how poorly this behavior reflected on her. She knew that in the morning, she would be severely grounded, not to mention whatever kind of other punishment her dad could conjure up. And no doubt, Jenny's mom would want it to be severe. Kayla spent the rest of the night in apprehension, wishing she could take it all back.
I write fictional bondage stories! Please visit me on DeviantArt!
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Great first part, Ella! You're good at this!
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Post by Gemscot »

Poor Kalya! :(
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Post by saarwa »

liked it =)
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