The First Battle of the Summer (Mm+/Mm+)

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The First Battle of the Summer (Mm+/Mm+)

Post by cj2125 »

The three figures dressed in black made their way through the dark living room, talking amongst themselves in whispers, less the house owners would notice their presence

“I say we get Jake first!” said the shorter intruder, unable to hide his enthusiasm. At 11 years, this was his first raid and he wanted to make a good impression on both his fellow captors and his future victims

“No way, Roy!” the middle one whispered lightly slapping the smaller one’s head “we should go for Gavin first! He’s far more dangerous”

“Boys!” the bigger intruder, the only adult, spoke looking towards the kitchen “we won’t have to worry about that…” the other two turned around to see a dim light coming from there, it seemed that whoever was taking a late-night snack would become their first victim. “Let’s get going!” their leader spoke unzipping his gym bag and pulling out the ropes “like we practiced!”

The three moved in unison across the dinning room, as they got closer to the kitchen, they saw the light going off, the three stopped abruptly and got ready to jump.

As they had predicted, the door opened not soon after they were facing a small boy with tousled blond hair, wearing a black t-shirt and red plaid shorts. Georgie stoop on his tracks and looked up at the three men surrounding him with his big blue eyes. His sleepy head couldn’t at first wrap around what was going one, but slowly he realized what was a bout to happen and a huge grin appeared in his face, his assaulters watched excitement building up on face and the wheels in his brain turning around as he tried to come up with a plan.

“DAAAADMMPPHH!” said plan was trying to run past them and calling for his dad; Roy and Fred effortlessly spun George around and shoved him on the ground. Roy clamped his hand over George’s mouth while Fred pulled his hands behind his back.

“Mmph mm gn!” George struggled on the floor but despite his defiant act, he couldn’t help giggling as the ropes were wrapped around his skinny wrists. The inherent roughness of these games had let him from not being allowed to participate on them so far since he was too young; but upon turning 9, he was deemed old enough to become an active member. Of course, he thought that his first raid would be him tying up these kids not being the victim but he was being a part of the games after so many years as the witness.

The three intruders kept tying him up, his ankles were crossed and tied together, cinched in the middle and finally, they were pulled until his toes were touching his fingers and tied in a hogtie “Dad, help me gag him!”

Their dad pulled out a roll of silver duct tape and hand it to Fred who proceed to rip a few strips and press them over Georgie’s mouth, smoothing them with his fingers until the outline of his lips was clearly visible, finally adding a couple more under his chin

“Good job boys!” their dad clapped both kids on their back and looked down at their helpless prisoner. He effortlessly picked the boy upside down, getting a muffled high-pitched scream from him and dropped him on the couch. The three men stood back watching George squirm, grunt and flap on the couch, putting up an act of defiance but it was clear he was enjoying himself!

With one down, the boys picked up more ropes from their respective backpacks and head with their father upstairs, looking for their next victims.

The first room they found was Jake’s and George’s. The silently walked past Georgie’s empty bed and focused on the other occupant. The 12 year old boy lay face down, most of his bedsheets were tangled around his feet, exposing the rest of his body, he wore a grey tank top that was raised exposing his mid riff and his red shorts were slightly rolled up his legs, revealing the tan line above his knees.

The two boys and their dad gathered around their unsuspecting victim “Fred, wanna do the honors?”

The 14-year-old boy smiled and raised his hand, counting with his fingers 3…. 2… 1

“Wha-mphhhh!” Jake’s eyes shot open when he felt a weight on his back and a hand clamping over his mouth. The boy started panicking, specially when his hands were yanked behind his back and he started thrashing around, desperately trying to kick his attackers

“Hey Jake!” the adult whispered patting the frightened boy’s head “Relax! Is just us!”

The boy stopped struggling for a moment and looked up at the man, trying to recognize his face in the dark “Nncmm MMnmmm?”

Jake knew what was going on, glad that it wasn’t an actual home invasion, the boy relaxed and let out a defeated sigh as his wrists were bound together. Jake had always been a practical kid and he knew when he had been defeated. He merely slumped back on his bed as his hands were secured, didn’t even trying to speak when the hand was removed from his hand so they could apply the strips of tape over it.

Now that one more kid had been restrained, the three stepped back, letting Jake sit up, arch his back and writhe his wrists testing the ropes before giving up, slumping down again and looking up at his captors expectantly

“Okay boys, me and Fred are going after Gavin, Roy, stay here to look after Jake!”

“What? I want to go too!” Roy complained giving his dad a large pout “I want to tie Gav too!”

“Too bad runt! The elders have spoken!” Fred grinned getting an angry glare from his younger brother

“Fred!” their father looked at the fourteen-year old sternly “Listen Roy, while we go get Gavin, why don’t you keep Jake busy? You know, make sure he knows who’s in charge!”
“MMhnph??” Jake pipped and gave the younger boy a nervous look. He did not like the way he was staring at him!

“Well sure dad!” Roy smiled and turned to his new captive “what do you say Jake?” The boy gave the older guys a pleading look and started crawling away from Roy “where you ticklish?”

“NHHHH!” Jake finally tried to fight back… by running away but Roy jumped on him and dug his fingers inside his ribs, sending him into a spasming fit of laughter.

The older guys left Jake being… entertained by Roy and headed for the last and oldest of the kids.

“I want to get back at him!” Fred exclaimed not so quietly as they made their way to Gavin’s room “he shall pay for what he did to me last time!”

“It’s all games Freddie! Don’t take it personally” his father sighed pulling out more ropes “besides… you gotta admit you looked adorable in that teddy bear onesie”

“Dad!” despite the darkness, it was clear Fred’s cheeks had turned bright red “you’re supposed to be on my side!”

“I am son, but you gotta give credit where credit is due!” the man replied unable to hold back his grin

“Whatever!” Fred pouted as he carelessly opened the door “when I get him, I’ll- AHHHH!” he yelled as a shadow lurched at him knocking him down on the ground. Fred tried his best to fight off his attacker but it was clear that he was bigger than him and soon the boy found himself on his belly, his hands being pulled behind his back. He would have ended tied up, no doubt, if his father hadn’t stepped in, pulling to older boy from his son and twisting his hands behind his back.

The fifteen-year-old teen struggled against his new attacker but it soon became clear that he wasn’t going to win that fight “Not fair!” he grunted, giving up fighting “is two against one!”

“It’s perfectly fair!” Fred grinned poking his bare chest, unlike his brothers who were still lanky, the teenager had been working out and playing soccer in school so he was quickly developing an athletic frame that made him look more like his father and gave him an advantage over the other kids. The fact that he slept wearing only a pair of black shorts exposed the fact that he was getting quite ripped, much to Fred’s annoyance

“I bet I can still beat you” he grunted watching his dad tie Gavin’s hands behind his back

“Sure! If not for your dad, you would be locked in my closet right now!” Gavin replied, letting out a small grunt as the ropes were tightened, biting down his skin. He kept his lips shut as Fred pressed the tape over them and gleefully yanked his arm up, forcing him to get up

“Let’s go slave!” he chuckled and kicked the older boy’s butt getting a glare from him and a muffled promise that he would pay for that.

The three men went back to Jake’s room where they found the poor kid curled into a ball, tears running down his red cheeks as Roy was assaulting his armpits

“That’s enough Roy! Or else he might pass out!” Roy pouted yet obeyed his father and helped Jake get up, the bound kid could only exchange a helpless look with his older brother as both were marched downstairs.

George seems to have been struggling all this time though he hadn’t made any progress. The little boy had a few drops of sweat on his forehead and was panting from the fight; he raised his eyebrows when he saw his brothers being marched in and let out a defeated moan, probably realizing that the battle had been lost.

Jake and Gavin were made to sit on the floor, back to back and their captors set to work. Roy tied Jakes’ ankles together, Fred did the same to Gavin’s ankles while their dad wrapped more ropes around their chests and waist, tying them back to back. The three men stepped back admiring their captors.

George lay down, too tired to keep fighting yet there was a big smile under the tape, probably happy to finally be included in the games; Gavin and Jake on the other side had started squirming, testing their bonds, trying to reach each other knots and exchanging muffled grunts and moans as they tried to communicate with each other

“Victory?” asked Roy hopeful

“Not yet, there’s one more person” his dad pointed “but it’ll be better if I take care of him alone” he added pulling more ropes out of his bag “you two keep these occupied while I go for the big fish!”

“Yes sir!” both kids exclaimed and turned their attention to their helpless victims. Jake had already suffered enough so he was spared for the moment, Gavin and George on the other side weren’t so lucky!

Roy went after George, tickling his exposed feet and belly, the poor kid could only wiggle and giggle, trying to crawl away from his assaulter only to be dragged back and tickled some more.

Gavin was a as ticklish as his brother yet he managed to retain some more dignity, at least for the first five minutes, pushing his back against Jake’s, glaring at Fred and sending muffled threats “What’s the matter Gav? Cat got your tongue?” Fred chuckled as he dug his fingers in Gavin’s ribs. The teen squirmed against the ropes and shot daggers at his captor

“N'mm hnmm mnn!”

“What was that? More tickles please?” he got closer and went for Gavin’s neck, that was too much for him who immediately started spasming and laughing in his gag.

The door opened and Wally peeked inside, looking at the man sleeping in his bed. It has been 26 years of their small friendly war yet he still remembered the first time he walked into his brother’s room, ropes in hand, ready to pounce him. Despite the time that had passed, he could still feel the same excitement he felt all those years ago; even though both of them were grown men by now, reaching their forties, he knew his brother was still stronger than him and could overpower him in a fair fight, some things never changed!

He pulled the covers off and looked down at his older brother’s muscular body, laying on his side. Carefully, he rolled him over to his belly and pulled his hands behind his back. The unconscious man started stirring and grunting which told Wally to hurry up, crossing his wrists and looping the ropes around them

“Mmm… what?” the man finally woke up, tugging at his wrists “Wally?”

“Hello Adam!” his younger brother smiled ruffling his older brother’s hair, Adam let out a long sigh and buried his face in his pillow before glancing at the watch on his nightstand: 1 am.

“Isn’t it a little early for this?”

“It’s never too early! You said it yourself” Wally smiled and helped his brother sit up “besides, what were your plans for today?” Adam let out an awkward chuckle and looked away from his brother

“Get you and the kids before breakfast” he knew his fate was sealed, not that he had many hopes in the first place. He watched as his brother wrap more ropes around his upper and lower chest, going under his armpits and over his shoulders “So Gavin, Jake…?”

“Tied up downstairs” Wally replied “my kids are taking care of them!” Adam gulped nervously, knowing what that meant and that probably he’ll be experiencing the same treatment soon

“And George?”

“Tied too” his brother kneeled down to tie his ankles together “he looked pretty excited about getting captured!”

“Oh yeah!” Adam laughed “he hasn’t been talking about anything else these past weeks! He event went as far as to ask his brothers to tie him up so he could practice! Reminds me of you at his age!”

“I wasn’t that excited! You jumped on me the first time and locked me in a closet!” Wally said with fond annoyance

“Pff! We both know you loved it!”

“That’s enough!” Wally rolled his eyes picking up the roll of duct tape

“Come on bro! At least let me shave! You know how much it hurts on hair!” Wally smirked and picked up a balled-up sock from his bag, specially prepared for his brother “Bastard!”

The boys were pretty exhausted after being repeatedly tortured by their cousins, George and Jake were still shaking, covered in sweat with tears running down their faces, even Gavin was defeated, still giggling nervously and trying to get away from Fred’s fingers.

Everyone raised their faces when they heard the adults walk in, the three boys gave their father pitiful looks as he was shoved in, forced to bunny hop by his brother. Unlike Wally, Adam was a buffed man, who enjoy going to the gym yet that hadn’t helped him against his brother. Bound and gagged, he was forced to hop in and sit on the floor next to his kids, the ropes digging into his bare chest since he only wore a pair of grey sweat pants.

Now that all four occupants of the house had been captured, Wally and his sons stepped back looking at their prize: Georgie lay hogtied on his side on top of the couch, his face contorting in an effort to get rid of the tape; Gavin and Jake sat back to back, heavily panting from their recent torment and resting against each other and finally, their father, Adam, sat on the floor next to them, his back resting against the couch, his thick arms trying to flex against the ropes with little success.


“Victory?” Roy asked excitedly, Fred exchanged looks with his father and both men smiled


Adam let out a sigh and looked at his kids, exchanging knowing looks with them. They had lost the first battle but there were still three months left of their war. This would be a long summer.

The End
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Post by bondagefreak »

Finally, another CJ tale!
Man! Where do I sign up to be part of this family?!

An inter-family war between two grown brothers and their teenage kids. That's awesome!
Well written, as always.
Loved the simple, yet effective ties.
This really gives you the impression that it's just a game.

Wally gagging his older brother with a balled up sock was also a nice touch ;)
Thanks for that.

One of the things that stood out the most for me, was Wally's fourteen year old son being all vengeful and humiliated by the treatment his older cousin had given him a while back. Sounds like some payback was in order, but I also enjoyed how the dad downplayed his own son's spitefulness by reminding him that this was all a game.

Well done, my friend!
Thoroughly enjoyable, as we've come to expect from you.

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Post by Xtc »

Good to read this. I assume that there is more to follow.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by cj2125 »

Thanks for the coments! After a recent surge of father-son stories I was inspired to write a similar one, then I thought what happens to all those siblings that tie each other up all the time if they don't grow out of that phase? Now you know what happens ;)
Xtc wrote: 4 years ago I assume that there is more to follow.
Who knows? I tried to make it a stand alone story but open-ended enough so I can write more. I would love to write more about them in the future if I get good ideas for them:)
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Post by Duct tapemouth »

Anothet story about fathers and sons, i really loved this one, thank you CJ
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Post by squirrel »

wow, this is absolutely amazing! What a fantastic way to spend the holiday :)

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Post by DomTiesMen »

I confess this is one of the best stories you wrote so far! I believe it's because it has many of my favorite subjects, but I really enjoyed this one! I love fathers and son bondage/tie up scenarios like this one! This is a small war games between two brothers and their sons! Simply amazing plot! I love how they work together to tie up all the members of the other "team"! I liked to know that the big father brothers have this little tradiction of war games!

I also love that the father Adam was tied up together with their sons, all of them bound and gagged with duct tape! Simply one of my favorite parts!
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Post by alkaid_ »

[quote=cj2125 post_id=54897 time=1586987180 user_id=59]
Thanks for the coments! After a recent surge of father-son stories I was inspired to write a similar one, then I thought what happens to all those siblings that tie each other up all the time if they don't grow out of that phase? Now you know what happens ;)

oh my god!!!

I wanna read your father-son story...

I'm sure would be a great story
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Post by cj2125 »

Just bumping this since I added a drawing to the story :D
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Post by Xtc »

Thank god for the explanation. I wondered why I couldn't remember seeing it before.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Fantastic artwork, CJ!
Really looks good and adds some visual excitement to the story 8-)

Well done!

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Post by harveygasson »

Amazing story! Absolutely loved the characters and concept and I hope you'll do more. Great picture to go with it as well
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Post by szlm1515 »

Pretty neat story :D
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]szlm1515[/mention] Thanks for bumping this back to top spot buddy!

I just had a ton of fun re-reading this sensational blast from the past.
Great stuff [mention]cj2125[/mention]!

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