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Karen's Comeuppance (FF/FfF)

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 8:28 pm
by zerg rush
A mix of a few ideas I had, put in some kind of 'story'. Not as detailed as usual. Also, don't be a Karen.


Everyone likes a bargain, and Karen was no exception. She was a frequent visitor to charity shops and similar retail outlets. A stay at home middle aged wife, the textbook definition of high maintenance. However, what she wanted and what she could afford were light years apart. Her husband worked a reasonable job, earning a decent wage, but Karen deserved more. At least in her mind. She wanted the unobtainable lifestyle she'd seen so much of on reality TV. Charity shops were a favourite haunt because they occasionally had top designer gear come in. When there was nothing in the stores she wanted, she would blame the staff. A few shops had banned her for her attitude. Most shops decided her money was worth any staff bullying.

Karen strolled into a pawnbrokers. Another favourite of hers. She loved jewellery. Especially jewellery that was cheaper than it looked. "This cost me £650" she would tell her girlfriends at lunches, flaunting a ring that had cost her £120. It had actually cost Karen nothing. Karen's don't earn their own money, they spend someone elses. Karen's friends, jealous at her perceived wealth, bought clothes, handbangs and jewellery on credit trying to keep up.

Karen went straight for the locked jewellery cabinet. She greedilly eyed it's contents. Her target was something expensive looking that didn't match anything she already had. That way her long suffering husband would have to spend a fortune on a new outfit for her. It didn't take long. Karen was experienced in picking out the most expensive piece.

"I want to examine the silver necklace" she said, not looking away from the cabinet.

"Certainly ma'am" came a cheery reply. "I'll unlock the cabinet so you can get a closer look."

Karen didn't recognise the voice. She looked at the store assistant. She has just turned 18, but her short stature and her blond pigtails made her look much younger.

The assistant took out the necklace, locked the cabinet and walked back to the counter with the necklace.

"I want to hold it, to see how it feels!"

"I can't do that. Company policy."

Karen was taken aback. She had always been able to hold items before.

"You're clearly new here. I've never seen you before. I'm a regular and I always hold and feel anything before I buy"

"Well they weren't following the rules. If I let you hold it, what's to stop you running out of the store with it?"

Karen used a trademark Karen phrase.

"You yourself just said you've never seen me. How can I know who you are if we've never met?"

Karen got flustered. No lowly shop assistant had answered back to her like that before. Karen had intended to bully the meek new employee into giving her a discount. She upped her game and used stock Karen phrase 2.


The assistant remained calm. The barest hint of a smirk crept across her lips. The assistant reached into her pocket and secretly pressed a button on her phone.

"I am not breaking company policy, or I could lose my job. The necklace is £1200. Buy it or leave"


"Ma'am, this is a high quality establishment. We do not sell trash. We will sell it for that price. If not to you, then to someone else."

Karen wasn't getting the discount she felt she deserved. This new assistant was tougher than she looked. Ever seasoned staff normally cracked by now. Not only that, she was mocking Karen, and implied other customers would spend that much in their crummy pissant shop. Without Karen, that store was NOTHING! That new idiot didn't know who she was dealing with. It was time to go to the strongest weapon in the Karen arsenal.


The assistant sighed. "Very well"

She knocked on the office door at the back of the shop.

"Someone had demanded to see you."

"Ok, I'll come out... no, from the yelling I heard earlier this sounds serious. You both better come in here"

Karen sneered meanly. "Now you're gonna get it. You're getting fired. That's what people that cross me get."

The assistant walked to the front door, locked it and flipped the 'Gone to Lunch' sign round before going with Karen to see the manager.


As soon as the two of them were in the manager's office, the assistant covered Karen's mouth with her hand. Before she could react, her hands were cuffed behind her back from behind. As she squirmed to break her hand gag, her ankles were cuffed together as well by the same person.


"So you wanted to see me?"

The person that had cuffed Karen came out from behind her. This wasn't Karen's idea of a manager. She was staring at a huge female bodybuilder, dressed in black, with a motorcycle helmet covering her face.

"Hold her steady" the 'manager' said to her assistant and she removed Karen's shoes and socks. Karen tried to fight but the assistant's grip was too strong, especially being cuffed hand and foot. She protested fiercely into her handgag, but she had seen the assistant close the store. There were no customers.

"Her feet stink"

"Well she'll really hate this bit then. Hurry up will you, I'm getting nasty foot sweat from her socks in my hand here."


She had a nerve! Karen did NOT have nasty feet! They were merely not at their cleanest due to the heat.

The 'manager' held Karen's worn socks in her hand. She addressed Karen.

"What did you want to talk to me about?"


The assistant removed her hand from Karen's mouth.


Karen's sweaty socks were forced in her mouth as soon she opened it. She coughed and spluttered at their foul taste. The assistant replaced her hand over Karen's mouth.

"She seemed kinda loud earlier. She'll need more than just her socks in her mouth."

"Mmmmmghhh? Mmm-mmmm!"

The 'manager' picked up a large dusty cloth from a table near the far side of the office. It was normally used for cleaning, but today it would have a new purpose in life.

The assistant removed her hand once more, and the 'manager' started cramming the nasty washcloth in Karen's mouth. Her worn socks were forced deeper and deeper in her mouth, until they reached the back of her throat. The washcloth was forced into every available space of Karen's mouth. She began wretching and choking at the vast size of her gag, as her jaw stretched to it's maximum capacity. Karen's cheeks swelled to accomodate the mass of packing. Her head rocked as though she was going to be sick.

"I don't think she can fit any more in than that. She's choking on it."
"She'll be in here all afternoon with you. Surely you want her as quiet as possible?"
"Good point."

More of the washcloth was wedged in Karen's mouth. The assistant used her thumbs to squash the material already in Karen's mouth, making more room for the 'manager' to stuff the rest of the cloth in. Karen resembeled a cat coughing up a hairball as the last corner of the dirty dusty cloth was held in her mouth by the assistant.

The 'manager' hand gagged Karen. Her jaw was stretched so wide due to the socks and the washcloth that the 'manager' could fit all 4 fingers between Karen's lips. The assistant picked up a large D lock from the floor. As the 'manager' removed her hand, the assistant used the D lock as a bit gag, with the straight part between Karen's wide open mouth and the rounded part round the back of her head, before locking it closed. The D lock was slightly too small for Karen's head, so it dug into the back of her skull. The D lock was an inch and a half wide, so the washcloth could be seen spilling out above and beneath the metal in her mouth. It bit painfully into the corners of her mouth. The didn't even notice the taste of the cloth and her socks anymore. It was nothing compared to the sheer size of her gag.

"She looks silly like that" said the assistant.
"Mmmmmm? Lmm Mmmm Gmmm Rmmm Nmmm. Ymm Gmm Tmmm JMMMMMM"
Karen tried to sound threatening, but her threats were laughable, the gag renderering them a quiet distorted mess.
"I don't like how the cloth comes out of her mouth like that. You hold it in. I'll get the tape".

The 'manager' picked up a half used roll of black gorilla tape from the table. She bit strips of tape from the role as the assistant used her fingers to hold the massive washcloth in Karens mouth. The manager used a strip of tape to keep the cloth in Karen's mouth above the D lock, and another strip below the D lock. The 'manager' went back to the role and wrapped it tightly 25 times round Karen's lower face, reinforcing the gag yet further. Each layer was pulled tightly using her considerable strength, smoothed and patted down by her assistant, before moving on to the next layer. Karen was choking the whole time. That tape was going to mess up her blond bob when it came out. She was furious.

"Fix her up like the others, then we can open again" the 'manager' said to her assistant.

"mmm-mmm" whispered Karen into her huge gag. She didn't intend to whisper, but she wasn't capable of being any louder. The two of them forced Karen to the floor, where she could see two pairs of arms cuffed round table legs. She could see cuffs round their wrists, forearms, above and below their elbows, and even their little fingers. She recoiled in horror. Why would lowly shop workers do this to people! They couldn't do this to her! She was Karen! A member of the elite! She'd have them sent to jail for this! As these thoughts raced through her head, her upper arms were pushed together and cuffed together above her elbows. The assistant held Karen's legs together as the 'manager' used the gorilla tape. 10 turns each on her calves, and above and below her knees.

"I can take it from here. Open up again. And I have a phone conference for the rest of the day. Just wing the rest of the day like before".

"Yes boss"

"And don't worry about this one. She could have spoilt things, but it's all under control. That's why we brought more handcuffs with us. But don't send any more to me."

"Yes boss". The assistant opened the shop again, closing the door behind her. The 'manager' locked the door behind her.

The manager dragged Karen to the other side of the table. She saw who the cuffed arms belonged to. A middle aged woman and a teenage girl were looking at her. Like Karen, they had their ankles cuffed, and their legs taped above and below the knees, as well as their calves. They were barefoot. Karen guessed their socks were inside their mouths, which were hidden behind unknown, but large and excessive, layers of gorilla tape. Unlike Karen, they both had their big toes cuffed together. They had both been crying, which had ruined their eyeliner and caused their make-up to run. The middle aged woman had visible swelling on her left eye. Karen couldn't see it, but under the gag the middle aged woman also had a split lip. Both the busted lip and future black eye were the result of a scuffle when she was being bound and gagged earlier in the day.

"Yep, they work here" the 'manager' said. "Me and my friend came to rob it. Now let's get you finished off".

"mmm! mm-mm!" Karen tried to yell as she shook her head. She wasn't in a position to stop anything though. She was dragged by the burglar back round the table, and pulled across the floor so her back was pressed against another table leg. Karen's wrists were uncuffed, before being cuffed around the table leg. Her elbows were cuffed and uncuffed the same way, followed by more handcuffs below her elbows and on her forearms. Her thumbs and little fingers were cuffed with thumb cuffs. While she was cuffing them, she removed all of Karen's rings, except her wedding ring. The burglar walked over to Karen's feet and cuffed her big toes together, removing a pair of toe rings in the process.

The rest of day passed without incident. The customers were served well, having no idea what was happening in the office at the back. The two staff members had long ago accepted they weren't getting out without help, so sat bound and gagged in teary silence, apart from trying to comfort each other through their gags. Karen had tried to scream for help, and break the cuffs. The cuffs went nowhere, and her mute pleas went unanswered. Karen's arms and legs were aching, and she felt great pain in her jaw. Throughout the afternoon she made choking, wretching noises into her gag constantly. This got her no sympathy from her captor.

"If a gag doesn't have them choking, it isn't a gag" said the 'manager'. If that was the case, Karen was definitely gagged.

Karen stopped struggling after an hour. She was still furious, but all fighting did was make the cuffs scrape at her skin. She cried as well, ruining her expensive make-up.


Finally the day was over. The assistant closed the shutters, so no passers-by could see that inside, the 'manager' was loading anything small and valuable into an enormous camping bag. Jewellery, phones, games consoles, games; all were put inside the bag.

She reached into her pockets and pulled out 2 huge keyrings. On each keyring was at least 30 keys. She sat in front of the real manager's feet and taped one of the keyrings to her soles. She didn't stop until her feet were mummified in 2 layers of gorilla tape. The burglar taped the second keyring to the real shop assistant's feet in exactly the same way. The burglar had a rummage around in her trouser pockets, taking keyrings out and placing them on the table. She went to her coat pocket before she found what she wanted. The set of keys to the last set of cuffs. She taped the second shutter key to the sole of one of Karen's nasty old shoes, and taped the open end of that shoe to Karen's face, forcing her to smell her disgusting sweaty feet.

"I've had to smell your feet all afternoon. Now you can go through it too" laughed the burglar as she taped the shoe to Karen's face. She sat down in front of Karen's feet, and taped the keys to her soles. She went through the rest of the roll, mummifying Karen's feet in 4 and a half layers of gorilla tape.

"I'm not a bad person. You have everything you need to uncuff yourselves. All the keys to all the locks are taped to your feet. All you have to do is put the keys in the locks. Simple."

This was met my very quiet, sad moans of disbelief by 3 well bound, massively gagged females.

"OORRRR, you COULD wait till Monday morning. IF any other staff members can get in. What is it now, Friday evening? We should have made our getaway by then" she said as she put on her coat. "Good luck" she said cheerfully as she left. A few seconds later, she returned.

"Oh yeah. Each set of cuffs has an seperate key for it. And the gags. AND, most of the keys on each keyring are just random keys from other houses we've robbed. Have fun!"

The burglar left them to their struggles. She messaged her accompice, who opened the shutters and the store to let her out. They locked up the shop again behind them, got in their car, and drove off with their loot. Once in the car, the leader finally removed her helmet.

"That went more or less as planned, apart from that Karen" said the leader to her assistant.
"How do you know her name?"
"I don't. But she is definitely a Karen. The hair, the attitude, the "I demand to see the manager"
"It's ok for you. She saw my face"
"Yeah, but she'll get all the details wrong"
"True". The assistant took off her pigtail wig, revealing her real, long blue hair.
"You look weird without all your piercings in. You did a really good job with the make-up on your tattoos".
"Thanks. That took me ages this morning. I hope you're right"
"I'm sure I'm right. When they get found, she'll tell them you are a 12 year old with blond hair"
"When they get found? You don't think they'll get out themselves?"

Re: Karen's Comeuppance (FF/FfF)

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 9:39 pm
by zerg rush
Story is more or less done. I left it open ended so I can write about their struggles and whether they escape or not, if enough people want it.

Re: Karen's Comeuppance (FF/FfF)

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 10:07 pm
by gaggednbarefoot
I love it. Especially the sock gags, bare feet and toe cuffs

Re: Karen's Comeuppance (FF/FfF)

Posted: Sat May 16, 2020 2:38 am
by Kosm_64
I like it! Especially how strict those gags were!

I wrote about Karen a while back as well; It seems she's finally getting what's coming to her!

Re: Karen's Comeuppance (FF/FfF)

Posted: Sat May 16, 2020 11:09 am
by Dpsiic
Nice story, Karen got what was coming

Re: Karen's Comeuppance (FF/FfF)

Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 9:39 am
by zerg rush
gaggednbarefoot wrote: 4 years ago I love it. Especially the sock gags, bare feet and toe cuffs

Thanks. I'm a fan of sweaty sock gags. While feet is a common fetish, a lot of people really don't like them, so I find it adds a level of humiliation. (I like to imagine everyone I write about has a foot phobia) And may as well gag someone with their own worn underwear. Saves carrying round extra stuff.

Fingers and toes can get into all kinds of trouble. Better to take care of them and be safe than risk a premature escape.

Kosm_64 wrote: 4 years ago I like it! Especially how strict those gags were!

I wrote about Karen a while back as well; It seems she's finally getting what's coming to her!
I think it was your story I "borrowed" the idea from. Normally I do home invasion stuff, but a Karen talking herself into bondage was something I had to play with.

I normally use massive gags. I reckon with rubbish bondage and a rubbish gag, someone would hear the victim long before they untied themselves. My 'villains' always give themselves plenty of time to tie and gag someone properly though.
Plus if you have to spend an afternoon with a bound and gagged Karen, you'd want her as quiet as possible.

Dpsiic wrote: 4 years ago Nice story, Karen got what was coming
This work is dedicated to everyone that has ever worked in retail and has had to deal with a Karen, so like 97% of the world.

Re: Karen's Comeuppance (FF/FfF)

Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 9:53 am
by zerg rush
gaggednbarefoot wrote: 4 years ago I love it. Especially the sock gags, bare feet and toe cuffs

Thanks. I'm a fan of sweaty sock gags. While feet is a common fetish, a lot of people really don't like them, so I find it adds a level of humiliation. (I like to imagine everyone I write about has a foot phobia) And may as well gag someone with their own worn underwear. Saves carrying round extra stuff.

Fingers and toes can get into all kinds of trouble. Better to take care of them and be safe than risk a premature escape.

Kosm_64 wrote: 4 years ago I like it! Especially how strict those gags were!

I wrote about Karen a while back as well; It seems she's finally getting what's coming to her!
I think it was your story I "borrowed" the idea from. Normally I do home invasion stuff, but a Karen talking herself into bondage was something I had to play with.

I normally use massive gags. I reckon with rubbish bondage and a rubbish gag, someone would hear the victim long before they untied themselves. My 'villains' always give themselves plenty of time to tie and gag someone properly though.
Plus if you have to spend an afternoon with a bound and gagged Karen, you'd want her as quiet as possible.

Dpsiic wrote: 4 years ago Nice story, Karen got what was coming
This work is dedicated to everyone that has ever worked in retail and has had to deal with a Karen, so like 97% of the world.

Re: Karen's Comeuppance (FF/FfF)

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 2:24 am
by sockgaggedsissy
Soooo good!