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Batgirl is Dressed to Kill (F/F)

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 3:47 pm
by Deleted User 769
And so dear reader, let us turn our attention to a seemingly non-descript building in a long abandoned corner of Gotham harbor, the air moist with breeze from the nearby river. A warehouse whose crumbling edifice conceals a rather sinister purpose, for behind that innocent facade lurks that arch villainess Catwoman, together with her erstwhile hostage Batgirl,..

“I wouldn’t waste your final moments on Earth struggling my dear, it really is a most futile exercise. You see I’ve tied you up with mountaineering rope. The nice young man in the hardware store assured me that it’s strong enough to hold a rhino”

“I’ll have to remember that next time I go climbing with one”

“Ha, ha! Wonderful! I shall so miss that delightful sense of humour of yours,..”

“No need to worry Catwoman, I’ll be sure to write to you in prison,..”

“How very kind. You really are a most delightful captive, so stimulating.,..” She purred, “But I’m rather afraid that very soon, the only communication we’ll be having will be through a Ouija board”

Batgirl let out an involuntary grunt as the tangle of cords around her slender waist were pulled savagely tight and secured with a fiendishly complicated knot across the unmistakable symbol of a rodent in flight that was etched in yellow across her chest.

“There! That should hold you” she said triumphantly, flashing her victim a wicked and savage grin. “Batman himself couldn’t escape those bonds”

Catwoman was having tremendous fun. Robbing banks was all very well, but nothing compared to the thrill of tormenting caped do-gooders.

Batgirl on the other hand was emphatically not enjoying herself, a sorry state of affairs that she attributed to the fact that she was currently laying, flat on her back, stretched out across a work bench and pinned by a succession of expertly tied ropes. To the librarian, turned crime fighter the succession of thin, golden cords that crisscrossed her body made it look as though she had been apprehended by an army of Lilliputians. As was traditional, she was dressed in her unofficial Bat-uniform, a dark purple, skin tight body suit together with bright yellow, knee length boots, elbow length gloves and cape.

Catwoman on the other hand was a statuesque blonde, with a clipped British accent who, despite perching on a pair of impossibly tall pair of heels, remained as sure footed as a mountain goat. Dressed in a figure hugging black leather catsuit, she looked like she had been poured into her costume and someone forgot to say when. Her only concession to concealing her identity as a rich socialite was the application of a velvet domino mask.

Casting her eyes upward Batgirl surveyed the ceiling of her prison. It was some thirty feet overhead and contained a huge pendulum such as one might find in an antique clock. As she glanced up she saw, with dread that it was in motion,..

She sighed.

For anyone else the prospect of imminent decapitation would be a profoundly terrifying experience, but for the Dominoed Doll there was a sense of inevitability about the whole scenario. After all, when you spend much of your waking life being tied to train tracks, or chained up in some dark, dank dungeon, whilst dressed in a mask and trademark fiery red wig, you tend to take such things in your stride.

With her arms and legs pinned, spread eagle in the path of the blade, Batgirl had little choice but to gaze up at her fabulous, feline kidnaper as she knelt across her helpless frame checking that each one of the knots were secure.

“Getting a little hot under the collar Batbird?” She teased as she ran her exquisitely gloved finger across the hem of her cape as it met the nape of her neck.

Batgirl didn’t know if it was the tightness of her bonds, or her captors close attentions and warm breath, but she was becoming increasingly restless. Twisting in her ropes whilst desperately trying to remain stoic, she was grateful that her purple cowl concealed her blushes.

“Really Catwoman, this feels a little trite for a professional like you. The damsel in distress tied in the path of a swinging blade, isn’t there a danger that it’s all becoming a little passé?”

“I’m sorry to disappoint one of my biggest fans, but at times I find you can really be too elaborate with a death trap. Besides, you know what they say, sometimes you just can’t improve upon a literary classic. Delicious is it not?” She asked indicating the giant circular pendulum over their heads.

“That very much depends upon which end of the blade you’re facing doesn’t it?” Batgirl mused, as she made a mental note to find the person who introduced Catwoman to the works of Edgar Allen Poe book and punch them repeatedly about the face.

“But look. I don’t want to appear rude, or in any way ungrateful. I mean, I can see you went to a great deal of trouble to bring me here and everything, but now that I’ve had time to think about it, I’ve been in this same Deathtrap before”

“Nonsense!” She sulked. Like most super villains, Catwoman prided herself on her originality.

“Cross my heart. Joker did this to me just last year. He locked me in a straightjacket and shoved a ball gag in my mouth before strapping me down, but otherwise it’s identical”

“I don’t believe you. You’re bluffing” She replied petulantly.

“Believe what you want. But if you give him a call I’m sure he’ll confirm everything,..”


“Okay, how about a wager? If I can prove that I’ve been in this trap before, you let me go free”

“.. and if you’re lying?”

“Well,..” She rationalised “You can’t kill me twice”

“Hmmm, mores the pity” She mused “But enough of this frivolity, you know what comes next,..”

Batgirl watched with quiet fascination as Catwoman, sporting a hideous grin, produced a purple scarf from the belt of her costume and held it up to her face

“This season’s must-have accessory for the best dressed crime fighters”

Catwoman always took great delight in teasing her diminutive nemesis and this was her favourite part of their dance.

“Look, I’m all for tradition, but what say we dispense with the gag this time. There’s not another soul for miles,..”

“Never the less I enjoy having a quiet working environment. Besides, I happen to think you look sooo adorable when you’re in bondage,..”

“Okay, you win. But if I let you put that thing on me, will you promise to call Joker to check my story?”

“Hmmm,.. I’ll think about it”

Batgirl didn’t put up a fight, but instead opened her mouth to allow her abductor to tie the silk scarf firmly between her pearly white teeth. It was useless to resist, much better to play along for now and pull out the Aces when the time was right. Besides, this was very much standard procedure between the two of them and Batgirl had already acquired plenty of experience playing the part of the damsel.

“See” She purred happily “Cute as a button”

Batgirl kept her own counsel. It seemed that all of her advisories, male, female and other, having first tied her up were determined to enjoy every step of her discomfort. Well, if Catwoman wanted to watch her struggle, she was going to be sorely disappointed.

“Now” Catwoman said, running her finger along Batgirl’s cheek causing her to squirm in her restraints “ I hope you don’t mind if I don’t stay to watch the Floor Show but that priceless ruby isn’t going to steal itself,..”

“Mmmmppph!” Batgirl mumbled

“I’m sorry. I can’t understand you with that thing in your mouth” She replied with mock sincerity.

It was clear that Catwoman was eking out every last opportunity to tease her prisoner

“Mmmmppph!!!” Batgirl repeated, this time with considerably more force


Batgirl grunted her confirmation. “Mmmph!!”

Catwoman appeared deep in thought for a moment before finally, in a fit of silent rage she removed a small, diamond encrusted phone from her golden purse.

Batgirl didn’t have a jeweller’s eye piece to hand, but estimated the street value of that phone to be somewhere north of priceless.

“Fine! A deal is a deal” She snapped, “But if you’re lying,..”

The tone of her voice was conspiratorial as she whispered into the handset and Batgirl had to strain to hear the conversation but could only hear snatches of the dialogue,..

“Yes. I’ve got her here,.. sure, yes,.. trussed up like a Thanksgiving bird,… My greatest triumph,.. under a swinging blade,.. as Robin might say, ‘Holy Edgar Allen Poe,.. Well, the thing is Harl, she says that you guys did it to her already,.. uh, huh,.. yeah, major gimmick infringement,.. I know,.. Okay, I will,.. Sure, .. Okay,..yeah, if you can check,.. No, that’s fine,.. we can wait,..”

She turned to Batgirl holding her hand over the reciever, “She’s said she’d just be a minute,..” She explained as though they were merely calling to confirm a dinner reservation.

Finally,.. “Really? Aww, that’s too bad,.. yeah, seems a shame,.. no, rules are rules I guess,.. Okay, have a great one,.. Love to the hyenas,..”

Finishing the call, she pocketed the phone and returned to face her captive. “Okay Batfink, it seems you were telling the truth” She said unhooking the gag from the corners of her mouth so that it hung, uselessly around her neck “Harley Quinn just confirmed that they staged a version of the Pit and the Pendulum, with you in the staring role, just last year”

“So I’m free to go?” She said, in hope rather with any degree of certainty. She no longer had any idea of the rules of this new game.

Catwoman ignored her and instead seemed to be muttering to herself “

“This is a major infringement of villain etiquette, not to mention union rules. I’ll have to call Cathy in Human Resources,..”

“Look. If it helps keep you out of trouble, I can promise not to tell anyone”

Catwoman appeared to ponder this.

“You give your word you won’t tell. The League of Pure Evil and the Dungeon of Doom are both very clear about plagiarism,..”

“It can be our little secret,..” She whispered conspiratorially.

“Okay, but if I cut you free you have to give me a head start to get away,..” She said as she began slicing through the bonds with her steel kitten claws,..

“Deal!” Batgirl agreed as she shook herself loose of the remaining bonds “You’ve got until the count of,.. three,.. tick-tock,..”

And so the dance began again,..

Re: Batgirl is Dressed to Kill (F/F)

Posted: Sat May 12, 2018 12:04 am
by Tieup1
I'm surprised that nobody has commented on this story. Catwoman, Batgirl, and bondage, all in the same story, what more could you ask for. I for one, can't wait for the next part. 8-)

Re: Batgirl is Dressed to Kill (F/F)

Posted: Sat May 12, 2018 2:05 am
by ZetaRESP
And I'm sure that's entirely a plausible scenario.

Re: Batgirl is Dressed to Kill (F/F)

Posted: Sat May 12, 2018 2:26 am
by jayarieldrillowup
Oh where oh where has originality in villains for death traps for hostage goody twoshoes gone? :twisted:

Re: Batgirl is Dressed to Kill (F/F)

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 1:44 pm
by Deleted User 769
Tieup1 wrote: 6 years ago I'm surprised that nobody has commented on this story. Catwoman, Batgirl, and bondage, all in the same story, what more could you ask for. I for one, can't wait for the next part. 8-)
Thank YOU for taking the time to comment on my story.
I actually have a sequel (of sorts) written, which I aim to publish soon. Sadly, it doesn't feature Cathy from HR in a staring role,.. ;)

Re: Batgirl is Dressed to Kill (F/F)

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 1:48 pm
by Deleted User 769
ZetaRESP wrote: 6 years ago And I'm sure that's entirely a plausible scenario.
Ha, ha! As i understand it, intellectual property (as it relates to inescapable death traps) is a fiercely competitive world in the super villian community :D

Re: Batgirl is Dressed to Kill (F/F)

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 1:50 pm
by Deleted User 769
jayarieldrillowup wrote: 6 years ago Oh where oh where has originality in villains for death traps for hostage goody twoshoes gone? :twisted:
Ha, ha! I know, right?!
Hopefully, the next crook who kidnaps our unfortunate heroine (spoiler alert - it's Harley Quinn)will avoid falling foul of the hawks in Human resources,.. ;)

Re: Batgirl is Dressed to Kill (F/F)

Posted: Tue May 15, 2018 2:39 am
by jayarieldrillowup
Stiletto Amore wrote: 6 years ago
jayarieldrillowup wrote: 6 years ago Oh where oh where has originality in villains for death traps for hostage goody twoshoes gone? :twisted:
Ha, ha! I know, right?!
Hopefully, the next crook who kidnaps our unfortunate heroine (spoiler alert - it's Harley Quinn)will avoid falling foul of the hawks in Human resources,.. ;)
I could actually help you write original death traps created from imagination. But this one I am certain came from "The Great Mouse Detective." And aren't bats basically flying mice?

Re: Batgirl is Dressed to Kill (F/F)

Posted: Sun May 20, 2018 10:21 am
by Deleted User 769
jayarieldrillowup wrote: 6 years ago
Stiletto Amore wrote: 6 years ago
jayarieldrillowup wrote: 6 years ago Oh where oh where has originality in villains for death traps for hostage goody twoshoes gone? :twisted:
Ha, ha! I know, right?!
Hopefully, the next crook who kidnaps our unfortunate heroine (spoiler alert - it's Harley Quinn)will avoid falling foul of the hawks in Human resources,.. ;)
I could actually help you write original death traps created from imagination. But this one I am certain came from "The Great Mouse Detective." And aren't bats basically flying mice?

Ha, ha! I’d completely forgotten about that movie. Still, you know what they say, if you’re going to steal, steal from the best ;) Speaking of which, if you have any ideas/ suggestions for future death traps, I’m all (Bat) ears :)

Re: Batgirl is Dressed to Kill (F/F)

Posted: Sun May 20, 2018 5:27 pm
by jayarieldrillowup
Send me a pm and I will begin preparing a list of ideas. On the original forum original deathtrap creations were a specialty of mine, especially in fantasy type genres. Hehe.

Re: Batgirl is Dressed to Kill (F/F)

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2019 10:58 am
by Reidy
ZetaRESP wrote: 6 years ago And I'm sure that's entirely a plausible scenario.

I think it is. In the classic 60s style that I imagine this story, I think there is a code even when trying to eliminate caped do gooders.

That's why heroes are never unmasked.