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What might happen at night m/f

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:55 pm
by lasse672000
It was a cold, dark, wet and miserable winter's night. June, mid teen, average height and build, sat in an high backed, brown leather easy chair in front of the fire, reading a book, dressed in a floor length, white, floral patterned dress with a tulle petticoat, and lace on the collar and cuffs On her feet she had pink, furry slippers. The room was only lit by the fire and an oil lamp on the table beside her.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.
"I wonder who that can be?" she said to herself, as she put the book on the table, carefully marking the page she had just begun reading with a strip of paper, and got to her feet.

When she opened the door, she saw it was a man, slightly older than her, maybe in his early twenties, and who looked vaguely familiar. He was dressed in a pair of blue jeans, a waist long blue corduroy jacket with a faux fur collar, a white sweatshirt, and brown shoes.
"Excuse me, miss." he said, in a well modulated, deep voice. "My car broke down, not far from here, and I was wondering if I could use your phone to call for a tow truck, to take it to the nearest service station?"
"Sure! It's right over there." she pointed towards a little table, with an old fashioned telephone, with a large receiver.
"Thanks." he smiled. "Won't be a minute!" She turned and started walking back to the living room and her book. Therefore, she never noticed him, picking up a plastic bag from his pocket, taking out a rag, and sneaking up behind her. It was only when she felt the smelly rag being pressed against her mouth and nose, that she realized something was wrong. She took a deep breath to protest, but instead lost consciousness. The man put an arm under her shoulders, and one under her knees, and carried her upstairs, and into her bed room.

When June woke up, she at first couldn't figure out where she was. When her head had cleared and she had had a proper look around, she realized she had her wrists above her head, was lying on her back in her own bed and in her own bed room. When she tried to bring them down, she noticed she couldn't. She looked up, and saw that someone had strapped leather cuffs around them. She tried moving her legs, but felt that something was cuffed around them as well, stopping them from moving. She tried looking down, but the fluffiness of the dress made it impossible to see her feet.
"Well! Good morning, sunshine!" She looked around, and saw the man who had knocked on her door.
When she tried asking him who he was, she only managed a faint "O a ou?" and she realized he must have put something in her mouth too.

"Who I am?" he sat on the side of her bed, and smiled. "You have such a short memory span, so you don't remember me?" He raised an eyebrow.
She studied his face closely, but no; she didn't have a single clue.
"I'm Sam; your BFF from a few years ago. I lived with my family a few houses down the road, and we used to play some fairly rough games, you and I. Games you actually won, for the most part. Ring a bell?"
June's eyes widened as she started to remember what sort of games he was talking about; games where they had tied each other up in every conceivable way (and some they were sure no one had ever thought of, and had found out it was for a good reason). Then, they tried to escape, sometimes with the help of their parents.
Then she remembered they had to stop in the middle of a game, as he and his family had to move to another town.
"If I remember correctly, it was my turn to immobilize you, which I have already done." Sam said, and looked at his watch. "Now; you have two choices. You either try to free yourself (I've put the keys to your cuffs where you can reach them) or you can wait for your parents to come home. But then, you will probably have a lot of explaining to do. It is up to you." He placed a card on the bed side table. "Here's where I'm staying, for the next few days. Too-de-loo"

Re: What might happen at night m/f

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 2:18 pm
by tuffnut

Re: What might happen at night m/f

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 8:40 am
by lasse672000
Working on it!

Re: What might happen at night m/f

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 1:50 pm
by lasse672000
June wrapped the belt to her trench coat tighter around her, and pulled the hat further down in front of her face as she walked up to the house, where she knew Sam was staying. She was dressed in a black shiny catsuit, balaclava, black mittens and ditto knee high lace-up leather boots. She took a moment to take a few deep breaths to calm down and look around, but as it was in the middle of the work day, there weren't many people around. She lifted her hand and knocked.

Sam opened the door, and gasped when he saw the person standing in front of him.
"June? Is that you?"
She nodded and mumbled "M-hm."
"Come in, and let me look at you!"
She did, and hesitantly took her coat and hat off, and Sam gestured to her to slowly spin around once.
"I like seeing you wear that outfit, Makes a change from the dresses you normally wear, doesn't it?"
"M-m." she shrugged.
"What's the matter? Have you lost your ability to speak, all of a sudden?" Sam smiled, and pulled the hood up a bit revealing her mouth, that had a soft ball inside.
"A-ha; I see!" he thoughtfully nodded. "The hood is the only thing keeping that ball in place, I suppose?" he asked, as he pulled the balaclava back down. He looked into her eyes. "Why are you wearing those mittens? Is it because you want what I think you want?"She slowly bent her head forward while still keeping her eyes on him.

Suddenly, a middle-aged couple appeared behind him.
"Sam, dear," the woman softly said; "who is it?"
"This," Sam told them, "is June. I think I've told you about her and about the games we used to play?"
"M-m, once or twice, maybe. A day. Since you arrived a couple of days ago." the man grinned, and held out his hand. "I'm Anton, and this," he gestured towards the woman, "is my lovely wife Sonya. We're and Sam's parents are friends."
"U-ung." June mumbled, bowed and curtseyed. She and Anton shook hands, and the girls hugged.
"Sam?" Sonya turned to him. " Why is she covered like that? Is something the matter with her? Has she got a dreadful decease? And why can't she talk?"
"No, there's nothing the matter with her, and she hasn't got any decease, lethal or otherwise." Sam reassuringly told them and grabbed the front of the balaclava and pulled it up to once again reveal the ball gag.

Anton stood silent for a few moments, just staring at the others. Then, a smile slowly lit up his face.
"Ah," he breathed as it dawned on him, "I see. You're here to more or less pick up where you left off, all those years ago; aren't you?"
June put her hands together behind her back, looked down at the floor, scraped her foot, and nodded. Sam had to fight hard not to burst out laughing, because at that moment she looked like a little girl, who'd got caught doing something wrong.
"My dear girl!" Sonya cried out, and grabbed the younger girl by her shoulders, and gently shook them. "There's nothing to be ashamed of, is there? Tell you what!" She put a finger under June's chin, tilted her head and gave her a clever look. "Let's have a 'get-free-first' competition. Just you and I. Right here; right now. The winner gets to tie the other one's partner, and the looser has to stay tied, for as long as the victor sees fit. O.K?"

A couple of hours later, and June and Sam where on their way home.
"Oh, STOP!" Sam suddenly growled, and yanked hard on the chain which were now connected to a pair of cuffs around June's wrists. "What's the matter? Huh? Are you pissed because you lost a silly game? You've lost tons of times before, haven't you, and never once gotten this mad! Or is it because we didn't tie each other up for once? Is that it?"
Suddenly, June was glad she had the balaclava over her face, as she looked down on the ground and nodded.
"Oh, hunny!" Sam sighed and gave her a hug, and she smiled. This was going exactly as she wanted.

Re: What might happen at night m/f

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 7:44 pm
by lasse672000
"Hey, mum?" June shouted as she came walking down the stairs, dressed in an ankle long pale blue. tulle dress with long sleeves and ruche on the collar and cuffs.
"Yes, love?"
"I'm going over to Sam's for a while. Don't know when I'll be back, but as he's leaving tomorrow, I doubt it'll be that late."
"I don't think you'll have to go anywhere." her father, who happened to be standing by a window said, as there was a knock on the door.
"Iiiihhh!"she squealed, and started frantically brushing her hair, looking into the mirror with panic written all over her face.
"No. No, no, no." her father grabbed her shoulders, spun her around and forced her to look at him. "No time for panic now; you hear? Close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths; in and out, and in and out. That's it, just relax." He gently led her to the door and opened it.
"Here she is." he said, as he handed her over to Sam. "You have a pleasant evening, you two lovebirds."
"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir."
"I do hope everything goes well tonight!" June's mum sighed, as the door closed
"So do I, love; so do I!" her husband agreed, as they stood in the window watching their daughter walk away to her first real date.
"You think they're watching?" Sam whispered, as they walked to his car.
"I know they are." June replied with a smile.

When they got to the car, they walked round to the front passenger's side, and Sam chivalrously opened the door.
"Why; thank you, love." June said and curtseyed before gathering her skirt and stepping in. As she started reaching for the seat belt, Sam stopped her.
"Not quite yet. First, look inside the glove compartment. Put whatever is in there over your eyes, and then put your hands together behind you."
She did as she was told, and found a scarf which she tied over her eyes. Then she put her hands behind her back, and felt a strap being tightened around her wrists. Sam grabbed the seat belt and fastened it around her. Then, he slammed the door shut.
"Mind telling me where we're going?" she asked, when she heard him opening the door on the driver's side.
"Well; yes and no!" he mysteriously said. "What I can tell you, is that you'll probably like the place. Maybe even what goes on inside. Don't worry," he reassured her, when he saw her anxiety, "no one's going to hurt anyone else, but you'll be required to change clothes before we start."
"Why? Is there something wrong with the way I dress?"
"No; not at all and I quite like it. It's just that it'll probably get quite messy, and I don't want you to ruin that nice dress."
Oh? O.K." she leaned back as far as she could, and tried to enjoy the ride. She was, after all, sitting beside someone she really liked.