Chris in Distress (This dress) fm/m 1 part complete

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Jason Toddman
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Chris in Distress (This dress) fm/m 1 part complete

Post by Jason Toddman »

This story was one of several written for and about our very own Chris12 when he was still a teenager.
And no, afaik Chris12 is not nor ever has been into cross-dressing! But his own stories at the time described being literally ropes into some very humiliating situations, and so this story was written in that vein.


For Chris, it was simply a matter of being at the wrong place at the wrong time. His (well-deserved) reputation among his high-school (or whatever the equivalent is called in the Netherlands, which is where Chris lived) peers for being a brat and being indiscreet with other people’s secrets probably did not help him either.

Being a small boy and easily the weakest boy in his school, you would think Chris would not develop a taste for pranks. but he was also one of the fastest and most agile boys in his class as well because of his size. Also, few people wanted to develop a reputation for bullying by being caught giving Chris what they considered to be his just desserts. So Chris often scraped through situations unscathed that might have ensured a trip to the local hospital for most normal-sized boys his age.

But even Chris's luck could not hold out forever.

It all happened when he decided to play a prank on his friend Edward by hiding Edward’s notebook (with his homework in it) somewhere he would never think to look for it. Chris chose the janitor’s supply closet as a good place, as no one ever went in there. Nor even the janitor; much.

When he opened the closet door however, there WAS someone in there – or rather two someones. They were both seniors, they were half undressed and passionately kissing one another… and they were both guys. (This was back in the days when being gay was still considered a shameful secret).

Chris saw just enough to recognize them as the two biggest and meanest members of the school’s Football (Soccer to Americans) team before the two looked up and noticed him. Whereas Chris looked at them with slack-jawed amazement, they look at him with glares that would have peeled dry paint. The notebook dropped from limp fingers as Chris assessed the situation, decided that this locality had become very unhealthy for him all of a sudden, and he bolted like a scared rabbit (which he really was not much bigger than; being a very small boy for his age). He was fleet of foot and aided by the head start provided by the other two being in an unfit state to give immediate pursuit. And so Chris got clean away…

…for a while.

Chris made it to class just as it was starting. He had no opportunity to talk to anyone about what he had seen, even though he was eager to do so the very first chance he got. But none of his friends attended this particular class and so he suffered through it in silence; waiting for the next class where he could tell all his friends what he’d seen.

Edward was not at all happy about his stolen notebook however. He knew who the culprit was at once of course, as Chris’s aptitude for getting himself into trouble was almost legendary in his school. And so Chris had escaped one threat and ran smack into another in the form of a rather annoyed Edward the moment Chris stepped out of the classroom to head to his next class. Edward immediately collared the much smaller Chris on sight, shook him like a terrier shakes a rat, and loudly demanded his notebook back. Chris told him where to find his notebook in between pleas of “Let me go!” But Edward was having none of that; he literally dragged Chris back to the scene of the crime, promising him horrible revenge (best left un-described) if the notebook did not turn up.

Luckily, the notebook still lay where it fell. The two Soccer players were nowhere in sight, and neither was anyone else except for two rather gorgeous looking senior girls who were slowly approaching from the other direction. They were talking and laughing with each other and paying no attention to Chris or Ed at all. Ed picked up his notebook and checked to make sure nothing was missing (especially his homework). Satisfied, he smacked Chris rather hard on the back of his head, promised the smaller boy even more dire consequences if Chris pranked him again, and ran off the way they came as he was late for class. The whack stunned Chris harder than Edward intended, and he took a moment to recover while his bigger friend ran off heedless of Chris’s discomfort.

By the time Chris recovered and was ready to head to class himself, the two girls (whom he had never seen before as far as he remembered) came adjacent to him, and he said hello to them. Normally such beautiful girls simply passed Chris with merely a (sometimes) friendly wave and a smile, but these two stopped and looked right back at him with considerable interest. Though normally a popular boy with the girls (at least by his own estimation; the reality was somewhat different), Chris was taken aback at being caught staring at them and backed away a step. He was ready to run as they were much taller than he was and big girls who didn’t know him liked to pick on him occasionally, and the hallway was now completely deserted as classes had now begun. But these two abruptly smiled at him and began to giggle to each other.

“Hey, cutie,” the dark-haired girl said suddenly. “Want to give us a kiss?”

Chris, who had a libido far bigger than he was himself, was very pleased! “Sure!” he replied eagerly.

“Close your eyes and give me your best one then,” invited the girl.

Chris closed his eyes and puckered his lips… and that’s when his hands were abruptly grabbed, pulled hard behind him, and locked behind his back with handcuffs! “Hey!’ he called out as loud as he could. “What are you doing?”

“Put a sock in it, runt!” said the other girl, who did precisely that by stuffing a wadded up sock into Chris’s mouth and quickly but efficiently gagging him with its mate. Chris belatedly began to struggle but both girls were larger and stronger than he was. They wrestled him to the floor and tied his feet together with an electric cord one pulled out of her handbag and then blindfolded Chris with a scarf. Then without further ado, they picked him up as easily as a small piece of luggage and ran off with him back the way they came down the otherwise completely deserted hallway.

One girl picked up her phone and hit speed dial. “We got him,” she said quickly. “Yes, he came right back! We’ll meet you at my place!”

Chris struggled and mmphed through his gag, but this made no impression on his kidnappers. He was quickly carried down a corridor (totally deserted while everyone else was in their classrooms) and eventually – from the feel of fresh air and sunshine – outside into the alleyway outside the school. The girls had planned this kidnapping well for the very short amount of time they must have had, because their car was waiting for them just outside and Chris was summarily stuffed into the trunk. Apparently no one else was there to see or intervene as the girls climbed into the car and drive off in it.

A short, dark, bumpy, scary ride ended finally and Chris felt himself being carried out of the trunk and inside a house he couldn’t see because of the blindfold. He was literally dumped into chair and promptly tied securely into it. Once this was done, the blindfold was removed and he could see his captors.

All four of them.

To Chris’s dismay, the two girls were now accompanied by the two large boys Chris had caught lip-locking earlier in the day, and he knew that he was doomed.

The larger boy, Johann by name, stepped in front of Chris. “I’ll take the gag off and you’ll answer my questions truthfully,” said Johann. “Make it easy on yourself, don’t try to yell for help or be a smart-ass, and you’ll be home by dinnertime. Otherwise…” and here he hit the palm of one hand with his other hand in a fist, making a loud, meaty *Thwhack!* “”Do I make myself clear?”

Chris nodded his head eagerly. He would be VERY cooperative!

Johann removed Chris’s gag. “All right, who else did you tell about what you saw?”

“No one! I didn’t tell anyone. I swear! I won’t tell anyone either! Never! I promise!” Chris said as fast as he could, meaning every word of it – anything to get out of this fix without any broken bones or missing teeth.

“I don’t believe you,” said the other boy, Tomas, ominously.

“No, no! It’s the truth! I never told anyone!” babbled Chris, not mentioning that this was only from simple lack of opportunity. He felt hopes of getting out of this situation intact beginning to fade. “I never will! I promise!”

“You know what would happen to Tomas and me if word got out we were gay?” Johann asked Chris sternly.

Chris had a good idea. Although such things did not carry the stigma that they used to, the two boys would probably become the laughing stocks of the Soccer Team - if not the entire senior class – for being tattled on by a younger boy like Chris.

“We have to ensure that he never talks,” said Tomas in a low, ugly tone of voice as he cracked his knuckles. Chris thought Tomas reminded him of a great big, ugly, hairy ape.

“I have a better idea,” said one of the girls who had brought Chris here. “Wait a minute.”

The girl left and came back with a dress. Then she had a whispered conversation with the other three that Chris could not overhear. Johann and Tomas began to grin and cast evil glances toward Chris, who was still bound to the chair and unable to get away. He felt his heart sinking into his feet!

The four older teens broke up their conference and faced Chris. “Okay Sunshine, here’s the deal,” said the girl to Chris. “We’re going to untie you, and let you have some privacy. You are going to put on this dress and let us make a video of you wearing it. Then we’ll let you go. How about it?”

“No way am I putting on that dress!!!” exclaimed Chris in righteous indignation.

“Then we’ll do things MY way,” said Tomas, striding forward.

“I’ll put it on! I’ll put it on!” exclaimed a suddenly frightened Chris as he suddenly remembered the dire predicament he was in. “No! Don’t! Stay away! Don’t (hahahaha!)! No! (Hahahahahahahaha) Stop (hahahahahahaha) stop tickling me!!! (Hahahahahaha)!”

It wasn’t Johann or Tomas who tickled Chris though but the two girls. And they tickled him so long and hard that he came close to wetting himself before they finally desisted.

“Now will you put on the dress, or is it going to be Atomic Wedgie time?” asked an increasingly impatient Tomas.

“The dress!” exclaimed Chris, who definitely did not want an atomic wedgie.

Chris was released from the chair and then the handcuffs and ropes around his ankles and – surrounded by all four of his captors – taken to the bathroom. He was forced to strip to his undershorts before being allowed to proceed un-escorted into the bathroom to ensure that he would make no attempt to escape from the window on the other side. As he stepped into the bathroom with the dress, he saw one of his captors take his wallet out of his pocket and study his ID. Chris hoped they wouldn’t take his money (not that he had much), though he knew he wouldn’t dare protest were they to do so.

It was a very feminine dress indeed; pink with even pinker flowers. It was something he wouldn’t be caught dead in even if he were a girl! If any of his friends ever saw him in this thing, Chris knew that his social life would essentially be over!

There was an impatient tapping on the door. “Come out of there and let’s get this show on the road!” growled an impatient voice. “The sooner we get done the sooner you can go home!” Yes, school would have let out by now and his family would become concerned if he failed to return home within an hour or so!

Feeling completely mortified, Chris stepped out of the bathroom and back into the living room. He had expected the older teens to take a few pictures of him in his new ensemble with a digital camera. Instead, one of them was holding a camcorder pointed at him.

“Read the cue-cards and make it good,” snapped Johann, pointing to some large cards with some words written in magic marker. “Do it right and we let you put on your own clothes and go home. Flub it, and Tomas spends some quality time with you.”

Tomas made an evil chuckle at this point and smacked a huge fist into an equally huge palm, making an even louder *Thwhack!* than before. Chris was definitely smart enough to get the message; he would face humiliation or life-altering damage.

Chris read the cue-cards and obeyed the instructions as the camcorder began to roll. He groaned. They had studied his ID and had all his personal information on those cue-cards. Once he followed through on his ordeal, he was going to be completely at their mercy. But he saw no other way out of here with all of his body parts still fully intact and functioning normally.

Chris curtsied and said, “Hello, I’m Chris Brewer, I live at (censored) and I just adore my new dress! I am so lonely. I would love to go on a date with a cute boy! If you are interested on a date with me, you can call me anytime at (censored).

Finally, the camcorder was shut off.

“We won’t show this to anyone unless word gets out about us,” said Johann. “If word gets back to us about what you saw, everyone else will see you star in YouTube immediately afterward, and we’ll call every number on your speed dial to ensure that everyone you know gets to see the show! Don’t rat on us, and no one else will ever know about this!”

Chris decided he’d rather be tied naked to an anthill and covered in honey than endure having anyone he knew see *that*! He numbly nodded his agreement as he stepped back into the bathroom to change back into his normal clothes. His wallet was returned to him (nothing was missing) and he was free to find his own way home.

“Where have you been, Chris?” his mom asked Chris when he final returned home. “We have company coming. You’ll have to dress up for…”

Chris’s eyes bugged out in far before he realized she just meant for him to change into his good clothes. But for the rest of the evening, he couldn’t get the dress out of his mind.

Chris’s girlfriend Amy came to visit. She was wearing that dress! WTF!

“I just got the dress you sent me!” Amy told Chris as she gave him a hug and a kiss. “It’s so adorable. I love it. Where did you get it?”

“Uhhh, don’t ask,” replied Chris, blushing.
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Post by Xtc »

Nicely done.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Xtc wrote: 4 years agoNicely done.
Thanks. :D
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Post by Johnsnow »

Yes, great story!
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