Little Sisters Are Evil FF/M

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Little Sisters Are Evil FF/M

Post by Eaglescout01 »

So for the character Brynn, picture the actress Kat Mcnamara and for the character Ashley, picture the actress Skyler Samuels. For the 2010 setting picture, for Brynn, picture Kat Mcnamara when she had a recurring role on Jessie and for Ashley, picture Skyler Samuels when she guest starred on Drake and Josh. For the jump 10 years later, for Brynn and Ashley, picture both actresses now.

It was 2010 when it began for Calvin. It was mid December and Calvin had gotten home from work. At the time, he was 25 years old and worked at a retail store. He was planning on going to see Tron Legacy. He had two little sisters. Ashley, who was 14 years old and has blonde hair and Brynn, who was 15 years old and had red hair. For the most part, they were sweet and loving. However, they did have their mischievous moments.

"There is frozen pizza if you and Ashley get hungry" Mrs. Hobbes told Brynn "don't pester your brother to make it for you". "Why not?" Brynn asked her "he's our big brother, he's supposed to do things for his baby sisters". "No he's not, leave him alone" her mom said "besides he may be heading out later". "He's been at work all day and now he might not be home? Why can't he stay in tonight with me and Ashley" Brynn asked all upset. "Brynn, Calvin is an adult with his own life" her mother said, "he barely spends time with us anymore" Brynn argued getting pouty. "He spends plenty of time with you girls" her mother replied. She left for the evening.

Calvin saw his sister Brynn walk into his room. She was wearing a blue t shirt and blue jeans. "Calvin can you maybe stay home tonight with me and Ashley" she said. "I can't Brynn, I have plans to go to the movies" he replied. "That's not fair Calvin, you've been at work all day and now you're heading out for the evening?" Brynn said sounding annoyed. "Look Brynn, I've been looking forward to seeing Tron Legacy for months" Calvin told her "tomorrow I'm all yours, I'll spend the day with you and Ashley ok?". Brynn started getting teary eyed and stormed out of the room. Calvin sighed, she'll be fine, she's just being dramatic he thought to himself.

Brynn walked into the room she shared with her sister Ashley, who was wearing a green t shirt and blue jeans. Ashley asked what was wrong. "Calvin is heading out to the movies, after being at work all day" she said while crying "he says he hang out with us tomorrow so it's ok". "I'm tired of him heading out and not staying home with us" Ashley said, "Mom said that Calvin is an adult with his own life" Brynn said wiping away a tear. "I wish there was a way we could convince him to stay home with us" Ashley said, Brynn thought about it for a moment. "Maybe we dont have to convince him" Brynn replied with a mischievous smile"we can just make him". "What do you mean?" Ashley asked, "I mean, we take our big brother prisoner for the evening" Brynn answered. "Are you for real?" Ashley asked, "uh huh, Calvin can't leave the house if he's all tied up" Brynn replied happily. "Ok, it sounds like fun" Ashley said. "Well then let's go grab him before he leaves" Brynn said.

Calvin was in the living room when Brynn and Ashley tackled him to the hell. "What the hell?" Calvin asked in surprise. "Ashley and I talked about it, and we decided that you're staying home with us" Brynn said. "I already told you I'm going to the movies tonight" Calvin said, "no you're not" Ashley said sweetly. "You can't leave the house if you're all tied up" Brynn said mischievously. Calvin tried to yell out but both girls clamped a hand over his mouth and shushed him. "Come on Calvin, Brynn have a fun evening planned" Ashley said.

They dragged him into their room and Brynn kept him restrained and handgagged while Ashley got the rope out. Calvin told them to let him go but Ashley put a piece of duct tape over his mouth. "That's much better" Brynn said and the two sisters began their rope work. They tied his wrists and arms behind his back and his ankles and legs together, cinching between the ropes. Then they brought rope across his waist and ties his arms to his body. By this time Calvin had licked the tape off. He once again demanded they let him go, Ashley simply put her hand over his mouth. "Shut up" Brynn said, "no talking" Ashley said, "you're our prisoner Calvin you're not allowed to talk" Brynn added. "Will anything shut him up?" Ashley asked her sister, "I've got something" Brynn said with a suspicious smile. She reached into their laundry basket and pulled out a pair of her dirty socks. "Open up" Ashley said, Calvin refused and Brynn sighed "I guess I'll have to make you" she said. She squeezed his jaws until he opened his mouth. He made one last attempt to yell out but Brynn shoved her socks into his mouth, "you need to put a sock in it" Brynn said teasingly. Brynn and Ashley then placed multiple strips of duct tape over his mouth.

What followed next was a couple hours of Calvin's little sisters telling him about school, their friends and other girl stuff. They then made him sit through a Powerpuff Girls marathon. Ashley left the room and Brynn jumped into her brother's lap. "You know Calvin, the only reason we did this is because we wanted you to hang out with us" Brynn said "you work during the week and we usually have homework to do....all we want is for you to spend your freetime on Friday and the weekends with us". "It just seems like you're too busy for us" Brynn said. Calvin started to feel bad, it did seem like he was too busy for his baby sisters.

Ashley walked into the room. "Ok Calvin, you have two choices" Brynn said "you can agree to hang out with us on the weekends from now on and we'll free you after an hour". "If not, we'll keep you like this all night not free you until tomorrow" Ashley said. They removed his gag and he agreed to their terms, Brynn covered his mouth. "One more thing, can we take you prisoner whenever we want?" Brynn asked, "yeah this has been a lot of fun" Ashley added. Calvin nodded his head in agreement, they both expressed their excitement at his answer. They both kissed him on the cheek and hugged him. "I love you Big Brother" Ashley said, "Iove you too Calvin, even if we had to make you our prisoner to get you to hang out with us" Brynn said. They watched one of their favorite programs while taking turns handgagging Calvin's mouth. After an hour, they freed their brother.

They went into the living room and watched tv together. They watched a dvd copy of the original Tron. The next day, he took them with him to see Tron Legacy. And there were a lot more times after that weekend where Calvin's sisters took him prisoner.

10 years later

Calvin, now 35 was seated on the living room couch of the apartment he shared with his sisters. He was all bound with duct tape and his sister Ashley, now 24 was sitting next to him with her hand clamped over his mouth. She was wearing a white t shirt and blue jeans. Brynn, now 25 and wearing a red t shirt and black jeans walked into the living room and sat next to Calvin. Ashley removed her hand and Brynn put her hand over Calvin's mouth. They started the next episode of the Mandolorian. "The peach crisp should be ready soon" Brynn said, "what about Calvin?" Ashley asked. Calvin was wearing a red National Lampoons Christmas Vacation shirt that had the family station wagon with a Christmas tree on top with the roots still attached and read Griswold Family Christmas and flannel pattern lounge pants."Hmm, we can feed it to him and free him after this episode" Brynn said "is that ok with Calvin?" Brynn asked him. He nodded his head, "great" she said and both her and Ashley hugged him. Calvin still didn't mind being taken prisoner by his baby sisters, in a weird way it was a weird sibling tradition the three of them enjoyed.
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Post by softfleece »

I really liked this story, thank you for writing and sharing it with us. His shirt in the last paragraph has reminded me that it's almost time to dig the National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation DVD out again - now that really is the best time of year!
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