Part of my Babysitter's Halloween decoration (F/m)

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Part of my Babysitter's Halloween decoration (F/m)

Post by Gil »

Hello everyone, here is a new story. A late Halloween story. This story was created at the request and inspiration of: I hope you like it, buddy 😉. Here is the story:

This happens one week before Halloween, where Jean tied me to the handcart. It was Saturday noon. We had just had lunch and I was sitting outside on a lounger reading. The phone rang and my mother answered it. After about 5 minutes, she came out to me.

"Hey, Kyle. That was Lucy on the phone. She said she was going to decorate their house for Halloween today. She wants to be done by tonight because she's throwing a party. She's asking if you want to help. You could also spend the night there if it gets too late. Would you be up for that?" My mother asked.

"Sure, absolutely. They always have one of the most beautifully decorated houses on Halloween." I rejoiced.

"So, pack a few things and I'll see you tomorrow. Love you." She said, kissing me on the forehead.

"Love you, too." And grinned back.

I ran to my room, put my book aside, and pulled out a backpack. In it, I packed some clothes to wear, my toothbrush, toothpaste, charger cable. Just everything you could possibly need. I went back outside, grabbed my blue bike, and headed out. It took me about 15 minutes to reach her house. Around 2 o'clock, I arrived at her house. I parked my bike against the yellow wall of the house next to the driveway. They had a small garden in front of the house and also behind the house. It was a typical suburban house. I rang the front doorbell and waited. After a short time, Lucy opened the door.

"Hey, Kyle. I'm so glad you want to help." She said, smiling and inviting me in.

"No problem, Lucy. I wouldn't pass up the chance to help you out." I grinned at her.

"I’m glad to hear." She grinned back. "I see you've already brought things to stay here tonight. Then I'll show you where to put your stuff." she added.

I nodded in agreement and she led me up the stairs to the guest room. It was about the same size as my room, with a closet and a bed. In other words, very simple. I put my things in the corner and went right back downstairs with Lucy. In the living room, there were already boxes of Halloween decorations. About pumpkin lanterns and artificial spider webs, to the ghost doll was everything there. Even a sarcophagus. We started decorating everything. Her parents were out of town for the weekend. We were busy all afternoon and evening decorating the house. Finally, around 6:00 p.m., we were done. Lucy went to the kitchen and ordered pizza for us. I went to the bathroom in the meantime. When I was done, I went back to Lucy. We talked until the pizza came. We finished eating and examined everything again very carefully. We were satisfied.

"It looks super good. Thanks for your help, Kyle." She grinned at me.

"No problem. It was really fun." I grinned at her, too. "Except for the sarcophagus. Too bad it's empty." I added.

The sarcophagus was lying in the living room without a lid. The sarcophagus was slightly raised with an ornamental stone in the place where the head should be.

"Yeah, about that..." She said, placing 5 rolls of bandages on the table. The rolls were very big. 20 yards per roll.

I looked at the bandages and then back at her.

"Wait. Are you planning on doing what I'm thinking right now?" I asked her.

"Well, that would complete the decoration. But only if you want to. You don't have to. Just an idea." She said to me.

"I'm in." I grinned at her. I didn't have to think long at all.

"Really? Great, thanks. That'll give the party that extra something. I owe you one." She said gleefully.

"Owe you one? I'd better remember that." I thought to myself.

"Well, get ready and put on something comfortable." She said to me.

I nodded and walked up the stairs. I put on my sweatpants and went back downstairs. Once in the living room, she was standing by with a roll of bandages in her hand.

Good, then stand here. Legs together please." She said to me.

I did what Lucy told me to do. She began to wrap the first roll of bandage around my legs. Up to my belly and down again. Until the roll was empty, which didn't take long. She tightened the end with a strip of clear tape. While Lucy took a new role, I tested my legs. For being just a bandage, my legs were tied up pretty tight. I was pretty impressed.

"Good, Kyle. Now please cross your arms in front of your torso so that your hands are touching your shoulders. Like a real mummy." She said to me.

That's exactly what I did. Then she started at my belly were the last roll ended and wrapped it up, to my shoulders and back down. In the end, she tightened it as before. My body now looked completely mummified as I looked down at myself. only my feet were not wrapped yet. I couldn't stretch my arms off my body either. And she still had 3 whole rolls at her disposal. Then she laid me on the floor and took a new roll. She wrapped it around my feet so that they were now also wrapped with bandages. Then she wrapped the rest around my legs again and taped the end closed. Then she laid me down again and with the fourth roll, she started at my shoulders and wrapped them completely again and then down as far as the role would allow. She taped the end there as well. Then she took the last roll and something else in her hand.

"Almost done. Now it's about to get dark. Your head is still missing, Kyle." She said to me.

I nodded and examined what she was holding.

"It's a sponge, Kyle." Laughed she. "You're supposed to sound like a mummy, aren't you?" she added.

"Yeah, you're right." I replied to her.

"Good, then say AHH." She asked me.

"AHHHHHMMMPPPHHH." I said and she was already stuffing the sponge in my mouth. It filled my whole mouth and pushed my tongue to the bottom.

Then she pressed the beginning of the role against my mouth and wrapped the roll around my mouth. Then down to my shoulders and back up to my mouth. Then up to my hair. When she reached my eyes, I closed them for safety. I heard her attach the end to my right cheek.

"Done. You're a great mummy, Kyle." She said.

"MMPPHHH." That was all I could say.

"Well, let me put you in your sarcophagus." Said she to me, lifted me, and laid me in the open sarcophagus. I mean, I couldn't see him, but at least that's what she said.

"Perfect. I'm going to take some quick pictures so I can show you how great you look later, haha." She laughed.

I only heard the sound of her camera now and then.

"Alright, it's 7:15. At 8, the first guests will arrive. I'm going to get ready now. I'll see you later." She said and patted me on the head.

"MMPPHHH." I nodded my head in Confirmation.

I heard her walking upstairs. I was alone now, rolling around in my mummification for a bit. There was no chance of anything coming loose or loosening. I mean, I didn't want it to. I just waited and enjoyed it.

After a little while, I heard Lucy coming back downstairs. She went into the kitchen and prepared snacks and drinks for the party. At least that's what I concluded from what I heard. It wasn't long before the doorbell rang, either. The first guests were there.

"I guess it's 8 o'clock now. I'm curious to see how long I'll stay here like this." I thought to myself.

Lucy and her guests were in the kitchen. The doorbell rang off and on. About a dozen times. Then I heard everyone scattering around the house. There must have been 20 guests, if not more. I was surprised that no one had noticed me yet. I didn't move much. But I had resolved that I would frighten him/her if one came closer. Inwardly I was already looking forward to it. After a while, I heard Lucy talking to one of her friends.

"The house looks great, as always, Lucy. Did you do it all yourself?" her friend wanted to know.

"No. A boy I babysit helped me a lot." She replied.

"Really, that's great. Didn't he want to stay?" She wanted to know.

"Well, he's still here, haha." Lucy replied.

"Where is he? I didn't see any kid here." Her friend replied confused.

"Come on." Said Lucy and I heard her walking towards me. They both stopped in front of the sarcophagus.

"What now?" The friend asked.

"Bend down to the mummy." Lucy said to her.

I heard the friend kneel and bend over to me. I stayed very still for a moment.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPPPPPPPPPPHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed out and wriggled wildly back and forth trying to scare her, which I visibly succeeded in doing.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" The friend of Lucy screamed and jumped back.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Lucy started laughing.


By now I heard a lot of footsteps coming towards us. I think they had all gathered with us. And started laughing, too.

"You scared me." Lucy's friend said. "Wait. Is the boy, who helped you decorating, the mummy there?" She added questioningly.

"Yes. He was super helpful and I asked him if it was okay. He didn't mind. In fact, I'd say he's having fun with it now, haha." Laughed Lucy again.

"MMPPHHH." I nodded in agreement.

"You really got me there, haha." Laughed the friend. "And you were really okay with being mummified by Lucy?" She wanted to know.

"MMPH." I nodded again.

"I like it, haha. But who is the mummy anyway?" She wanted to know.

"I'd rather keep that to myself and the mummy, for his protection. Right, Mummy?" asked Lucy, stroking my head.

"MMPPHHH." I nodded again.

"Good, I can understand that." Said Lucy's friend.

I heard everyone moving away again, but a few were still patting me on the head.

The rest of the evening was quiet until now. Gradually, it got louder. Everyone had gotten a little drunker. When I heard someone coming closer or passing by, I tried to scare him/her. Sometimes I managed to scare them even though they knew I was inside. I had a lot of fun that night, even though I couldn't practically do much. but some of them annoyed me by poking the side of my belly from time to time. At some point, I heard the guests going home one by one. Among others, everyone patted me on my head again. Some praised me for my dedication. Then I heard only one person walking around. It had to be Lucy. I had no idea what time it was in the meantime. I had lost all sense of time. It could have been 10 pm, but it could have been 3 am. I waited until Lucy would come to free me. However, I heard the light switches being flipped and her walking up the stairs. All I heard was a door closing.


"MMMMMMMMPPPPPPPHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed into my gag. However, the scream was muffled by the sponge in my mouth so that it could not be heard upstairs. I tried to squirm in the sarcophagus as much as I could, but nothing happened. Lucy didn't come back down.

"Then I guess I have no choice but to wait until tomorrow," I thought to myself. So I just lay still and tried to relax again. I succeeded very quickly because I was relatively tired from decorating and lying around as a mommy. Accordingly, I quickly fell asleep.

In the morning I woke up to the loud stomping coming quickly down the stairs. At least I thought it was the next morning since I was asleep.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit. KYLE, I'M COMING." Lucy screamed.

"MUUPPPYHHH?" I tried to shout her name. The footsteps came closer and closer.

"I'm so insanely sorry, Kyle. I had a little too much to drink yesterday and didn't think about you." She said to me as she freed my head from the bandages. When my head cleared, the first thing I did was spit out the sponge.

"Puuuuhhhh. Finally, the sponge is out." I said looking at her.

"I'm really sorry Kyle." She said again with a sad face.

"Oh, it's alright. I was pissed at first, but in hindsight, I slept well and it was a fun day yesterday. Now I know how a mummy feels, haha." I laughed at her.

"Thank you for forgiving me." She smiled back as she pulled me out of the sarcophagus and began to free me further.

"But I haven't forgotten that you still owe me for helping you." I winked at her.

"After tonight, I owe you. I promise." She grinned back.

After a little while, I was free and stretched properly. I went to the bathroom and got ready so far. Lucy made breakfast in the meantime. It was a little after 9 a.m. When I had brushed my teeth and changed my clothes, I went back to the kitchen. Lucy had made scrambled eggs. There was another glass of apple juice for me and a cup of coffee for her.

"Thanks again for your help, Kyle." Lucy said to me.

"No problem. It was a lot of fun helping decorate and especially playing the mummy. I think I gave them quite a scare." I grinned at her.

"Oh yes, you did. Everyone was thrilled that you did that." She grinned back.

"Glad to hear it, haha." I laughed.

We finished eating and Lucy showed me more of the photos she had taken. They looked really good. Like a real Mummy in a sarcophagus. She gave me 2 pictures to take for my album. I put them in my bag and said goodbye. I grabbed my bike and headed home.

The End

I hope you like my story 😊.

If you have an idea for a scenario or costume, just post it in the comments or private message me, and I’ll try to incorporate it into the stories as best I can and I will link you. Thank you 😊.

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Last edited by Gil 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Killua »

That's a great story. Nice description on how Kyle freaked out at first. There definitely is no better decoration than him as a tied mummy :lol:
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Post by Canuck100 »

Really enjoyed this story. Makes me think I should up my Halloween decorations game! 😁
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Post by Blackfox74077 »

Good job great story
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Post by Gil »

thank you both very much for your nice comments :)
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