Bonding Time (Or how Luke and Dylan grew closer to each other) (mm/mm)

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Bonding Time (Or how Luke and Dylan grew closer to each other) (mm/mm)

Post by cj2125 »

Summer was a time of rest and relaxation for the kids of Hempborough, they would spend their days sleeping until noon, riding their bikes, going to the pool, exploring the surrounding woods or staying until late hours playing videogames. Take for example what was happening that evening at 35 Pines Road. The parents had left for a party at the golf club and probably wouldn’t be back until the next morning which left their only son, a well-behaved thirteen-year-old named Dylan and his friends to hang around playing videogames and generally having some good ol’ fun.

Of course, there was something interesting with these particular group. Three of those kids, Dylan, Luke and Tom were focusing on the screen, laughing and shouting at each other as they competed in the videogame. The fourth kid, Max, on the other side, lay on the bed, his hands were tied behind his back, his ankles were tied together and a red bandanna was tied between his teeth. While his friends played, he squirmed and rolled on the bed, letting out soft grunts through his gag, little bits of sweat running down his forehead.

“Almost done!” Luke hummed briefly turning to glance at Max, the boy grinned, biting down his gag and arched his back, grunting until he managed to slip his hands under his butt and over his feet pulling them to the front. He used his fingers to pull his gag down licking his dry fingers

“Easy piecey!” he laughed and started biting down on the knot, pulling its loose ends with his teeth until the ropes were loose enough to slip his hands free. Soon his ankles were untied and he stood up striking a victory pose just as the alarm went off “Told you I could get out in less than ten!”

Tom paused the game and handed the control to Max before lying face down on the bed with his hands behind his back cheerfully exclaiming “My turn!” Luke picked up the rope started working, soon the blonde-boy’s hands and feet were tied and his mouth was gagged with a clean white handkerchief

Luke sat back on the floor and picked up his phone to set the timer “Okay… you have ten minutes…now!” while Tom trashed around, the other three boys returned their attention to the TV “Are you sure you don’t want to try it?” Luke asked Dylan

The brown-haired boy shook his head “Nah, I’m good, although it’s fun to watch you… what about you Luke? I’m sure Max could tie you up…”

“Nope” Luke shook his head “I’m rather be the one tying than the tied one”

“In other words, he is a coward” Max grinned, Luke rolled his eyes but didn’t replied. It wasn’t a matter of courage, he just didn’t get any particular kick from being tied up. Tying other boys up on the other hand… well by this point it was pretty clear how much he enjoyed it and since Tom and Max had proven more than willing to get tied up, their arrangement worked perfectly well for everyone involved.

“Done!” Tom exclaimed ten minutes later, just as the alarm went off. He had used Max’s technique to escape although he didn’t have enough time to strike a victory pose, he had to conform with sitting on the bed and throwing the ropes at Luke

“Not bad” Luke smiled while Tom rubbed his wrists “Of course if I really wanted you to stay trapped…”

“We know, we know” Tom rolled his eyes “You’d do something overly complicated like having us tied in a ball hanging upside down from the banister” he was joking of course but Luke got an idea for the next tie
“That actually sounds fun!” Max exclaimed

“No one is getting tied up to my banister!” Dylan shot down the idea

“Maybe we should tie down Dylan!” Tom suggested with grin “He’ll look nice hanging like that…” Dylan shoot him a murderous glare “…never mind, that was stupid”

The teens kept playing for while before sleepiness started taking over them. Finally, Dylan turned off the TV and suggested they get ready to sleep. No one argued with that. While the boys took out their sleeping bags, Luke grabbed his toothbrush, a clean set of clothes, and headed to the bathroom.

Unlike the other boys he never really felt comfortable undressing in front of other people, he didn’t even like being shirtless and would only do it if the situation really called for it (like going swimming). His friend would occasionally tease him about it but it never felt malicious and he did understand the silliness of it. He wasn’t particularly ashamed of his body (although he thought he was far too skinny), he just didn’t like being exposed in front of others.

After brushing his teeth, washing his face and changing into a pair of black shorts and a white t-shirt, he came back to Dylan’s room. All his friends had already changed. Max was wearing a pair of grey shorts, Tom had a green muscle shirt and blue shorts and Dylan was wearing a pair of white shorts. He noticed the shirtless boy and couldn’t help but smile. A smile that he quickly tried to hide

“Are you checking us out?” Max teased; Luke was definitely going to kill Max next time he tied him up!
“Don’t flatter yourself! There is nothing to check!” he replied turning red, it was a lie, Max’s body was slim and even though he hadn’t developed any muscles yet there was little fat visible. Dylan on the other hand was also slim but was already developing some muscles around his chest and abdomen that would probably look really nice in a couple years. Then Luke realized he was staring at Dylan’s abdomen and quickly turned around

Thankfully Dylan didn’t seem to notice and he merely headed to the bathroom to take care of his business. “You were totally checking Dylan out” Tom teased, Luke punched his arm, one of the things he liked the most about Tom was the he was one of the few people he could actually beat in a fight

“Hey, if Luke says he wasn’t “checking” him out, then he wasn’t “checking” him out…” said Max “… even though he totally was!”

“Drop it!” Luke shouted turning bright red while his friends laughed

“Fine, fine” Mike sighed trying to drown his laughter “But since we are talking about Dylan, why don’t we tie him up?”

“Oh, great idea!” Tom chimed in “We can tie him up to the bed!”

Luke loved the idea, but after he had just been teased for “checking him out” he really didn’t want to look so enthusiastic about it “He said he didn’t want it…”

“He didn’t want to be hanged from the banister” Tom explained “but I’m sure he’ll be perfectly okay with being tied up”

“It would be fun!” Max exclaimed “What do you say Luke?” Luke hesitated to go through but the temptation was to big to ignore and finally he agreed

“What are you guys talking?” asked Dylan coming back from the bathroom “and why are you looking at me like that…? Guys?” The three jumped on him at the same time. Tom seemed to be right, Dylan merely put up a token fight and he kept laughing during the whole process, soon he was lying on his back on the bed, hands and feet tied to the four corners leaving him spread in an X shape.

Luke smiled watching him struggle, which given his position, they merely consisted of arching his back and tugging at his wrists and ankles. He had never tried tying someone like that before, he always considered it too simple tie yet now that he had Dylan trussed up, he could see it’s benefits. For example, that position left the prisoner’s body nicely exposed to thing like…

“NO LUKE DON’T YOU DAHAHAHAHA! NOOOOHAHAHAHA! STOOOPPHHAHAHAHEHE! HAHAHA!” Dylan trashed madly, slamming his head against the pillow and wiggling his body while Luke’s fingers ran over Dylan’s’ bare skin, all the way from his soft armpits down to his belly while the poor kid could only laugh, curse and beg. So entranced was Luke that he didn’t noticed the danger he was in until two pairs of hands grabbed his arms

“What…?” he was shoved forwards, landing on top of Dylan “Guys? What the heck?” he tried to get up but Tom sat on top of him, pinning him down while Max grabbed his wrists

“Good news Luke! You are getting tied up tonight!” Tom chuckled. Even though he didn’t enjoy being tied up, normally Luke would humor them with only a token resistance, it was fair to let them be in control after all; but this time he was lying on top of Dylan! A barely clothed Dylan! His cheeks blushed as he tried to get up only to be pinned down by Tom’s body while his wrists were lashed to the corners of the bed, making them rest above Dylan’s wrists. He was quick to voice his discomfort soon joined by Dylan. Neither boy was looking forward being tied face-to-face with the other.

Despite their very vocal objections, soon his ankles were tied to the corners of the bed. Tom got off him but his role was quickly covered by a bunch of ropes wrapped around their chests, waists and thighs. Tying both boys’ bodies together.

“Guys this isn’t funny!” Dylan exclaimed, his face as red as Luke’s “Let us go now!”

“I’m serious! If you don’t untie us I swear I’ll mmhhpgg!” a knotted bandanna was tied between Luke’s teeth before he could finish his threat. Soon Dylan suffered the same fate.

“Lmt hf gh! Thnf Hmfn't fhnnn!” both kids growled

“Hey Tom! Did you understand what they just say?” asked Max

“I think they are asking us to tickle them, Max” Dylan’s and Luke’s eyes opened wide and both boys started shaking their head, letting out muffled pleas. Of course, this time neither Tom nor Max seem to understand what they were saying.

“If that’s what they want I’ll be gal to oblige!” Max grinned. Each kid moved to one side of the bed and simultaneously started ticking the bound kid’s bare soles. Dylan and Luke started chuckling but that wasn’t the worst. The worst part was that their bodies automatically squirmed and trashed, grinding against each other, increasing the awkwardness in the air. Fortunately, this time the tickle torture didn’t last more than a couple of minutes before their captors let them off the hook

“Do you want more?” Tom asked, both kids weakly shook their heads. Tom slapped Luke’s butt making him wince “Have a good night!”

The two prisoners could only watch as Max and Tom turned off the light and crawled inside their sleeping bags. Defeated, they closed their eyes and leaned the foreheads against each other’s. They knew very well that struggling would only make their predicament worse.

Luke finally lifted his head and looked down on Dylan. He had never been this closer to him (both literally and figuratively). Their eyes met for a moment before both boys blushed and tried to look away from each other. He could feel Dylan’s hot breath from his mouth, he could hear his heartbeat and feel his chest pressing against his whenever he inhaled.

Slowly he relaxed, cautiously resting his body on Dylan. He was soft and warm, in fact surprisingly comfortable! Now that he could see him up close he looked rather cute, the way the bandanna forced his lips into a grin, the way his green eyes were wide open, his brown hair curled over his forehead, he even noticed a couple of freckles over his cheeks that he didn’t know existed

“Nhh hghn?” Dylan finally asked for his wellbeing, slightly cocking his head, Luke nodded and tried to smile only for a threat of saliva to escape his mouth landing on Dylan’s chin. Both exchanged awkward looks before bursting out giggling. In moments like this laughing was the only thing you could do.

The night went on and Luke dozed off a couple times, sometimes waking up to see Dylan’s tired eyes for a few seconds before averting their gazes. Other times he woke to find Dylan’s eyes closed, mouth slightly opened letting the drool come out as he slept. It wasn’t such a bad night after all. A weird mixture of enjoyment and awkwardness that he never thought could feel, yet here he was, tied to the guy he had a crush on, making sure not to move yet quite happy to be able to rest his head on his shoulder… since when did he became such a creep? Probably it was the drowsiness, yep that was it!

He finally woke up to Dylan’s grunts. Luke blinked for a few seconds drowning a yawn and looked around. Even though the sun was up, it was rather dark outside, the sound of raindrops echoed in the room. He finally looked back at his tied-up buddy whose moans seemed rather insistent. Dylan’s eyes were wide open even though there were bags underneath them. Drops of sweat ran down his forehead, his teeth were digging into the cloth, he was nervously tugging at his wrists and ankles while looking around frantically. Luke could tell he was in some kind of distress


His friend looked up at him with large, desperate, pleading eyes “Hm nmmd th pmm!”

“Nnhgg?” Luke frowned trying to understand him

“Hm nmmd th pmm!” Dylan repeated twisting his body against Luke, he really seemed desperate yet Luke couldn’t understand why, he didn’t seem to be in pain, yet there was something foreboding about his glare. “Pmmmm!” he exclaimed with more despair, suddenly it hit Luke… Pmm meant Pee. Dylan was about to have an accident and he was in the fallout zone.

“MHX! THM! WHGM HP! HmT'F HN MMMRGMNGN!” he screamed turning to his sleeping friends, both boys shouted and struggled, not carrying any more that their bodies were grinding against each other. As time went on Dylans’ cries turned more desperate, sounding more and more like moans. That only made Luke panic even more, worse of all, he was starting to feel some pressure on his own bladder, the rain wasn’t helping either. The mental image of the water running down the roof only made his need to pee worse, he couldn’t even imagine what Dylan might be going through although as each second passed he felt less sympathy for him

“GHNF! WM RMHLLN NMMD TH PMM!” he yelled trying his best to shake the bed. They both kept squirming, breath growing more frantic, chests rubbing together and hips bring thrusted against each other, Luke didn’t even process the fact that it wasn’t exactly soft down there, by this point all his efforts were focused on holding back his bladder and praying that Dylan could do the same

Finally, Tom got up, rubbing his eyes and looking at the pair of bound boys with a confused expression “Guys, if you wanted to do that you should have ask us to leave”

“JHFT FHGGNNG HNTNM HF!” they both scream

“What? You want more tickles?”

The shook their heads almost crying, Luke was sure he wouldn’t be able to resist another tickle session and was sure Dylan was on the same situation. In fact, his friend had stopped struggling, instead he had his eyes shut, his teeth biting down the gag and soft whimpers escaped his mouth. Thankfully Tom seemed to notice something was wrong for he got up and pulled the gags from their mouths

“Tom, I really need to pee” Dylan begged with a shaky voice

“Me too! Me too!” Luke chimed in, Tom seem to notice the urgency of the situation for he soon started to frantically untie their wrists while shouting at Max to wake up and untie their ankles. As soon as they were free both kids bolted towards the bathroom.

Luke’s bladder couldn’t hold any longer yet just before he got to the door, Dylan shoved him aside with such strength that he crashed on the floor “SORRY DUDE BUT I’M NOT SORRY!” Dylan shouted before slamming he bathroom’s door.

Luke scrambled back to his feet, he could already feel the golden liquid about to come out, in a desperate time, a desperate measure was needed, without even thinking it twice, he dashed downstairs, straight through the kitchen and into the back yard until he was standing against a tree. The tall fence gave him enough privacy from the neighbors for him to relieve himself.

It was probably the best piss he ever had, he closed his eyes and let out a sigh, not even bothered by the fact that the rain was drenching every inch of his body. Once he was done he turned on his heels and made the trip back to the house. Upon entering the kitchen, he found three boys looking at him dumfounded

“Yeah I know that was gross!” he rolled his eyes not even sorry for what he had just done “But Dylan took over the bathroom so I did what I had to do! I’m proud of it and I won’t apo-”

“We have tow other bathrooms” Dylan pointed

Luke’s face turned red, in his desperation he had forgotten that small detail. He turned around wishing that the earth would swallow him “Don’t mind me, I’ll just stay outside” he muttered. Perhaps if he stared at the rain with his mouth open he might drown

“Don’t be to harsh on yourself!” Max laughed placing his arm over his shoulder “That was pretty epic” Luke returned the smile but it quickly morphed into an evil grin

“It’s going to be even more epic when I’m done with you and Tom” Max’s smile vanished and he quickly let go of Luke

“You’ll never catch me alive!” he screamed and ran away

“Wait Max! Don’ leave me alone with them!” Tom added running after him, Luke rolled his eyes and turned to Dylan

“Do you feel like getting revenge on them bed buddy?”

“Please don’t call me that” Dylan blushed

“Well, we did share a bed…”

“We did more than just sharing a bed” Dylan pointed making Luke blush, he had been so busy trying to control his bladder than he hadn’t fully realize what really happen that morning, did Dylan noticed it too? “Dude! You should have seen your face!” Dylan laughed trapping Luke in a headlock, the boy let out a sigh of relief and squirmed to get free of his grip, brushing his wet hair away from His forehead.

“So, we are going to get back at Max and Tom?” Luke asked raising his fist

“Of course… bed buddy” Dylan chuckled fist bumping him, soon both gave chase to their soon-to-bee prisoners.
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Post by Noselove18 »

I love this story! I'd love to be tied face to face with my crush
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Post by LK3869 »

Pfew! Just one step shy of two "perils"... :lol: Just love it, as always.
Don't make it come too quick, but I hope our Luke will have the sweet moment he deserves, someday.
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
Deleted User 1370

Post by Deleted User 1370 »

Awesome story!
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Post by Dominik »

Great story!

I'm looking forward to read about Luke's and Dylan's revenge (and how close they are after the revenge for the revenge ;) ).
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Post by drawscore »

Quite good, although I thought the scatological details were something of a distraction.

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