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Up close with the cousin (M/M+F)

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 10:02 pm
by tiedjay
Ok so this is a fictional story. But the characters are real (though names changed of course) The general scenario is real (we used to hang out over summers) and the attitudes of characters between one another is real (though no bondage has ever been involved :cry: )

So I wanted to share another story.
This one involves myself and my cousin Cam. Cam was a year younger than me. We were related, but more in an extended family way. Our parents used to hang out and my parents used to use Cam’s family and home as a place to dump me for a week or so during the holidays.

Cam was from a bit more of a well heeled family. She was a little spoiled and went to private school. This gave her a prissy edge and as we got older she got a bit sneery and would often look down her nose at people. Not least me! She was an independent sort, didn’t take any shit and was an alpha female in any group she was in.

Our weekdays were spent mainly lounging around watching Nickleodeon, even at the age of 16 it did the trick for a lazy summer holiday with nothing in particular to do.

One day Cam had her equally obnoxious friends over, Abby, Jessa and Amy. These were Cam’s school friends so largely of the same background, and while they were all cute, they had NO time for the likes of me.

I was in a grey levis tshirt and Jeans. Cam was in a black tank top, jeans and hoop earrings.

One morning we were watching Nick, and the girls were holled up on the couch whispering and giggling to each other, sneaking waspish glares at me. Well nothing new there.

I went upstairs to use the bathroom. As I left I was confronted by Cam and the girls, blocking the passage.

“I’m just heading downstairs” I said sheepishly trying to push past.

“No, we have something we want to show you” Cam said with a massive grin on her face.
The girls led me to Cam’s bedroom when Abby slammed the door shut.
“Ok get him!” Cam shouted.
The girls jumped all over me, trying to grab my arms. Now, I was strong enough to hold them all off but it’s not like I wanted to throw a punch or get too violent or anything, I would have got in so much trouble! I had no idea what was going on. I was forced into a chair. At this point I began to figure what was going on.

The girls started to focus on holding my right wrist to the arm of the chair.

"Get the rope" Cam yelled

Jess got the rope and began winding it round, at this point it was becoming difficult to pull free without actually trying to hurt someone. I tried to make it awkward and squirm but I was being fixed in place. The rope was wrapped round and round from a slipknot, securing my right wrist to right arm of the chair tightly. The girls then moved on, holding my left wrist down as it was bound to the left arm of the chair in the same fashion.

“What are you doing??!?” I exclaimed.

Both my wrists were now tied to the chair, I was secured, at this point there was no point in struggling. I was a captive.

“We’re having some fun, now shut up!” Jessa roared gleefully.
“Get the gag” ordered Cam.

One of the girls gagged me with a scarf of some kind, securing it between my teeth and pulling it tight.

“MMMMPHHH!!” I exclaimed angrily

“Oh sorry I didn’t catch that” Abby mocked


“Amy get some more rope” Cam ordered

“Amy went and collected more rope, my ankles were secured to the chair legs and then rope was wrapped around my torso, pinning me to the back of the chair. Tight!

Between the gag and the rope around my torso I struggled to breathe! But I eventually calmed down.

“Aww look at him all helpless” Cam chided as the girls giggled.
“He even looks kinda cute” one of them gasped as the entire gang collapsed in laughter. Me, sat helpless and dying of embarrassment!

I did wonder what they were going to do to me. Tickle me? Put make up on me? Take pictures and blackmail me? Shave my eyebrows? But no.

“This will keep him out of our way” Abby said as the girls walked off downstairs back to the lounge. Surely if they wanted me out of their hair there had to be an easier way than this right??

I looked around and tested my bonds. I was tied up so tight I really couldn’t move my wrists or my ankles. And I was pinned up pretty good to the back of the chair. I tried to relax and control my breathing. It got really hot and stuffy. The window wasn’t open and beads of sweat started forming. Maybe THIS was the torture they had planned!

I say helplessly bound for what felt like an age. Eventually I heard someone coming. It was Cam, probably going to the bath room.


Eventually I drew her attention. Cam walked over.

“What!?!” She demanded like I was the worlds biggest inconvenience.

“MMMPPH” I messaged back. She got the picture and took my gag down.

“What do you want??” She demanded again.
“Look I need the bathroom” I explained. Lying.

“Oh come on, you’ll just escape” Cam rightly deduced.
“Well, whatever if I go its your problem!” I said. Cam thought about this and realized she had no choice.

“Ok fine, gimme a sec I’ll get you out”
She attempted to pick apart the knots on my wrist. But I was tied so tight Cam just couldn’t get the purchase.

“Urgh this is so tight” she said, frustratingly picking at the knot.
“Let me go and get some scissors”

Cam went off and came back with some scissors in short order.

“Watch out with that blade!” I said nervously watching her edge the scissors too my wrist. Cam gave me a death stare

“Don’t give me ideas” she……teased…..I think??

She tried to gut the rope holding my wrist.

“Why do you hang out with those girls, they’re so bitch” I asked.
“Shut up, they’re my friends” Cam shot back rather absent mindedly.
“You should be on my team, helping me against THEM. Fam should stick together” I said, trying to sow some dissension.
“Uh huh whatever” replied a rather unconvinced Cam.
“Damn these scissors are useless!” she exclaimed. They did seem rather blunt.

“Hang on, I’ll get a knife” Cam went towards the door but no sooner had she turned around but Jessa appeared at the door.

“What are you doing??” she exclaimed.
“He needs the bathroom” Cam stammered

“You’re trying to help him aren’t you” Jessa shot.
“No!” Cam explained”
“Girls get up here, Cam’s trying to help jay get away!” Jessa shouted.

Abby and Amy came running up the stairs
“Get her” Jessa cried and the girls jumped on Cam. Unlike me, Cam did try and fight them off with all her might. But the three girls overpowered her, eventually tackling her too the ground.

“Quick get the rope!” Abby ordered and they duly started tying Cam’s wrist behind her back. She struggled furiously!

“Let go of me!!” she demanded, struggling so hard I was kind of expecting to dislocate something.

The girls managed to cross Cam’s wrists, locked in a slipknot, and began wrapping rope around and around, securing them behind her back.

“What the fuck?!? Get off me!” Cam demanded as the girls moved on to die down her legs at her ankles. At this point Cam was thrashing about to such an extent Jessa had sat on her back to hold her down.

“Get a gag Amy” Jessa ordered.
“No! don’t you fucking dare!!” Cam shouted as Amy pulled the gag into Cams mouth and knotting it over her earrings and behind her head tightly.


Cam appeared to have no shortage of energy and continued struggling and mmphing furiously.

I was ok with it. I was watching on silently, very much enjoying the scene of my cousin bound and gagged and generally in distress. I was kinda hoping they would hog tie her as I could’t think of a girl who deserved it more. I loved how her earing were pinned to the side of her head. Like it was a symbol of a real tough lion girl muzzled. That definitely left an impression.

The girls giggled over their new captive and began there incessant whispering, this time switching waspish looks towards me AND Cam.

“Ok ok, lets do that” Abby exclaimed.
The girls walked over and untied my wrists from the arm rests. They were retied behind my back. I was then untied from the body of the chair and my ankles were untied. I was stood up.
Amy held me up while Jessa & Abby picked up Cam and maneuvered her over towards me. Face to Face.

Cam’s eyes widened as she realized what was about to happen. She let out an almighty


The girls looped rope over Cam and I and pulled in tight tying our bodies together around the torso. Cam was thrashing around but was clearly tired and was held successfully up. Once more rope was wrapped around securing our torsos, another length was taken wrapping us together around our shoulders.pulling Cam and I right up against each other, nose to nose.
At this point it seemed like Cam’s fight was gone as the girls moved to tie our thighs. First they tied my thighs together, the Cams together, before tying my bound thighs to Cams.
Finally my ankles were tied together and more rope was wrapped around our lower legs pinning us together near head to toe.

“Awww look at these two, don’t they look cosy” the girls cooed and mocked us. For once Cam was staring daggers at someone other than me.

“Let’s leave these two cuties alone” Jessa said as the girls high tailed it down stairs.

As soon as the girls were out of sight Cam found her second wind and went straight back to the struggle, pulling this way and that. Given our ankles were tied we promptly toppled over, with Cam landing on top of me.

Despite the fall, Cam lost none of her zeal and continued to struggle with fury. Pulling left to right, up and down just to get some slack. MMPPH-ing furiously.

Now, I know Cam and I are related, but it's distant. We aren't even 2nd cousins. And, Cam was hot (still is) and at 16 was a well developed girl, with beautiful buxom breasts and a killer, natural body. I had confused feelings to Cam, we were related, she sure didn’t seem to like me. But god I was hot for her! And the cousin thing was just another turn on!

Here I was tied up (I had already realised this was my thing from like the age of 7) with a girl who I was so into, tied up face to face with this girl, who was lying on top of me, rubbing furiously against me! Naturally as a guy, its hard to stay in total control of your physiology. Cam noticed something was up.

She suddenly stopped struggling. Glared at me and started nuzzling my mouth, clearly trying to get my gag off. She succeeded and mmped at me to do the same to her. She turned her head and I bit into here gag, we shook our heads and yanked it off.

“No I’m not!!” I spluttered
“Don’t lie, I can feel you!!”

Yep my stuff had given the game away
“You’re such a freak” Cam remarked, “Its so obvious you liked me, you’re clearly a weirdo”

“Oh come on! I’m a bit turned on by a fit girl grinding against me, Sorry! Didn’t realize that made me a weirdo!!” I shot back
“Also, don’t act like you weren't enjoying this too!”

This seemed to get Cam and she went quiet.
“Fine, sorry” she said

“Kind of fun” she smirked

“Thanks for saying i'm fit” she chided. I think she was enjoying a bit of the admission from me.

“You’re cute too” she offered, though I doubt she meant it as much as I did!

I had my head turned to the side or we would have literally been mouth to mouth. Cam had been holding her head up but was clearly tired. She turned her head and rested it against me so we were cheek to cheek. This didn’t help my…..physiology and she knew it I’m sure. But she rested against me.

Eventually the girls came to untie us.
The girls became a lot warmer to me after this experience. Maybe this was some sort of initiation. Cam and I still catch up to this day to shoot the shit on life. But theres been no more bondage talk or indeed cousin crushes since…

Re: Up close with the cousin (M/M+F)

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2020 11:24 am
by TightsBound
Great story! Well written and enjoyable. You’re certainly not the only one to have a crush on a cousin. And being tied face to face with an attractive struggling girl, especially at that age, is bound to cause some inevitable reactions. Thanks for writing!