My second encounter with Cody: Part 2 f/m

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My second encounter with Cody: Part 2 f/m

Post by Amy »

It was a couple of days later the next time I would see Cody. After the first incident with the handcuffs, I wasn't sure how things would follow. Cody and I often sent each other messages online with yahoo instant messenger. However, his account had been pretty quiet the last few days. We didn't have long or intament conversations, but it was nice to have someone to type messages with my own age. I wasn't sure if he was avoiding me because of the incident or if he was just busy.

The weather had gotten warmer over the past 3 days. It was now in the low 90's. I had gone to the park to get some exercises in early in the day. But as the sun rose and the heat of the day set in. I retreated home and headed down into my room. It was quite warm out and the air conditioning felt really good. My room within the new house was in the basement. Living in a subturainian area took some getting used to. I was getting to like it so far. If you went down the basement step from our small kitchen you would find the basement was divided. There were two doors at the bottom of the steps. The one on the left lead into a half bathroom. Mostly a toilet and a small shower that served my private needs.

Directly across from the bottom of the steps was a wall with a single door. This was my room. If you went around the side of the stairs, it opened up into a large open area that was split. It housed our furnace, and the washer and driers. There was also some storage down here. Aside from doing laundry, that meant most of the basement was mine. This gave me more privacy than I was used to at our old house. Something I would come to value in the coming years.

My room was sizeable, about twice the size of the one I had shared with Jennifer back at our old house. Once the door opened if you shut it, there was a closet carved out of the corner behind the door. It was sizeable 6 feet across and about 10 feet deep. This made a little cubby hole along the back wall. This indented area was where the bunk beds from when Jennifer and I shared a room had ended up. There were about 3 feet of space from the foot of the bed to the wall of the closet. The front of the lower bunk was blocked off by a ladder at the end and the rear Caravan bench seat that served as my primary Sofa. It was impossible to get into the lower bunk bed without moving the ladder or climbing in through the gap on the front by the closet wall.

The seat was a seat from the rear of the one my aunt had bought the previous year when she retired. She didn't have kids so, she had taken it out to make cargo room in the back. It was sitting in her garage for about 6 months and I had asked if I could claim it as a couch. She gave it pretty willingly just to get it out of her garage. About 4 feet in front of the seat was large television stand with a 32-inch flat screen tv. It served as my primary means of entertainment for gaming and watching. Behind that tucked against the wall was a small desk with my computer set up on it. I had a moderate desktop for the time period. I also had 2 book shelves lining the far walls along with my dresser next to the wall with the door.

The floor in the room was all concrete. However, I had an area rug that ran under the television and the area under my desk. Overall it was a lot of personal space and I really enjoyed having it. I primarily lived with just my mother. My father was still driving trucks at this point. He was gone 3 to 4 days a week, just leaving the two of us home. My aunt was right next door and sometimes my siblings would come to visit. Although, Jennifer was primarily staying with Mary over the course of this summer. Still, they were only a little over an hour drive away.

It was early afternoon when I found myself sitting downstairs. I was online at the moment, not sure what I was browsing when I heard a knock at my door. I was dressed in some cotton shorts, a tank top, and some slide sandals if anybody cares. I ignored the knock and continued surfing the web. I wasn't looking at anything that shouldn't have been at the time so I wasn't worried. My mother would normally knock in case I was changing before she came in. After the third time I heard the wrapping on the door, I responded.

"It's open, what do you need?" I stated without looking over my shoulder. I could hear the door slowly open.

"I need your permission to enter, at least I think I do." The voice I heard wasn't the one I had been expecting. I turned to see Cody standing there in the door. I don't think I described him too well in my last story. At the time Cody was a little smaller than your typical male child of his age. He was a couple inches over 5 feet and a little bit towards the scrawny side. He was maybe 110 pounds. Cody had brown hair which he wore cut at an average length. Not a buzz cut, but he didn't have enough to make a ponytail either. He wore silver-framed glasses set in an aviator style frame over his hazel eyes. Overall, he was a nice kid with his headset someplace in the clouds.

Cody was dressed similarly to how he was in the park the previous day. He was wearing a green shirt this time. However, I think he was still wearing the same overalls and sandals from our last adventure. One key difference in his outfit as he was wearing some skating pads similar to the ones I had worn in the last story. They were the typical knee, elbow and wrist ones. They were grey with black accents unlike the pink and purple ones that I used.

"I thought I would come over and return your wrist guards from the other day. They did the trick, but it had a side effect. I woke up this morning and these were sitting on the kitchen table next to my breakfast." Cody gestured pointing at the black elbow pad on his left arm. "My Mom asked how I liked riding with the one you let me try. Since I left them on until I got up to my room she thought I liked them. She made a trip all the way into town to get me a set of my own."

I looked at him and laughed at his comment.

"I guess I am kind of stuck wearing them with my bike for now. At least until my Mom forgets about it. Thanks for that by the way." He replied tossing my wrist guards onto the end of the lower bunk bed. I could tell from the sarcastic tone of his voice he wasn't happy with how the situation had evolved.

"At least you won't have to worry about falling down and getting hurt if you have handcuffs on next time," I commented back with a little snicker. "Besides they look good on you and nobody around her cares if you wear safety gear."

"Yeah, my Mother and I rode bikes over. She thought it was time that she meet your Mom since we hang out and talk on IM. They are up there talking up a storm and your Mom is making lemonade. She told me I could come down here and hang out with you while they get acquainted." Cody explained.

"Then we have a couple of hours to kill," I replied with a smile. "Do you like video games?"?

Cody crossed the room and sat down on the makeshift sofa next to my bed. I went ahead and dropped a disk into the GameCube that served as my primary system at the time. I don't remember what we played. But it was something 2 players, probably Mario themed.

"Nice couch by the way. Are you worried about falling off of it while gaming?" Cody asked noticing that the couch was the rear bench seat I had described above. It was cloth lined and designed to seat 3 people across it. One feature, and probably the one he was referring to was that the bench seat had the seatbelts still attached to it. So, it had 3 lap/shoulder belts attached to it. It was something that saw use in some of my hobbies or just added fun if I was playing Mario Cart.

"Yeah, it's good for a long gaming session," I explained.

After about 15 minutes of gaming, it was clear that I was better at it than Cody. I was kicking his butt, probably because I owned the game and he never played it before. He seemed to lose interest and put the controller down announcing a forfeit. I graciously bowed and accepted his resignation. Cody stood up and stretched.

"Hey, this is going to sound like a strange request." He began. "But, I was wondering if I could try out your handcuffs again?" The way he posed the questions seemed like he was nervous about it.

"Yeah I do, I'll get them out if you want. I wasn't sure whether you liked that or not. I hadn't heard from you online, so I wasn't sure what to think." I explained heading towards the closet.

"It was fine, I was out with my grandfather on the lake the past 2 days. No internet or anything. So, I couldn't IM you. I decided to leave my pads on coming down here. That way the wrist guards would keep them from marking up my arms this time." He explained.

Suddenly a few things made more sense. The main reason for Cody wearing the skating pads in the first place was coming into view. I opened the closet door and dug out a small metal box that I kept against the wall. It was a metal lock box designed to be fireproof if you want to keep something from burning in a fire. I just used it to hold my tie up stuff mostly. I could lock it and keep prying eyes out of it when the situation arose. I carried it over to my desk and set it down. It wasn't actually locked. I flipped the lid open and Cody and I looked down at the contents.

The box had the set of handcuffs I had used on Cody a few days earlier. I also had a set of leg irons that were a little wide in terms of the part that went around the limb. They would connect the feet with about a 10-inch chain between them. I had a few bananas that could serve as a gag or a blindfold. I also had a fairly elaborate sleep mask, a healthy amount of rope and a few other odds and ends. Cody looked over the box with the same curiosity a small child might have about finding something shiny on the ground. I fished through it for a moment and found the handcuffs that he had requested. I began digging through it as well looking for the second ring of keys that I had for them.

"Wow, you got a lot of stuff there." He commented looking down.

"My older siblings got me into playing tie up growing up. They accumulated quite a collection over the years and I have quite a bit of it." I explained. I found the keys relatively easily, but another thought worked into my head.

"Hey, would you rather have me use some rope to tie you up instead of the handcuffs? That way you would actually have a chance to escape this time." I pointed out.

I uncoiled one piece of the rope that was about 15 feet long. I walked behind Cody and took hold of his left wrist. Next, I drew his hands together and positioned them so they were crossed in an X pattern behind his back. I started the tie wrapping his hands several times horizontally. Then I did some verticle cinches and knotted it off on top of the whole thing. Stepping back Cody twisted his wrists back and forth against the ropes for a moment or two. He gave the rope several hard tugs and tried even leaning forward to gain a different angle and leverage on the ropes. Two minutes of struggling quickly showed me I had done my job correctly and he probably wasn't getting out of that. I shot him a quick smile when he turned around a looked at me.

"Do you want me to tie your feet up too, so you really cannot move around?" I offered.

"Sure, might as well make it a challenge," Cody responded.

"Alright, have a seat and I grab the second piece of rope," I instructed.

Cody sat on the ground while I retrieved the second piece of rope from the closet. I had him put his feet together and tied his ankles with a simple wrap and cinch to keep it snug. Afterward, I stood up and he went to work trying to free himself. Cody squirmed at both points where his limbs were tied for several minutes. But, his efforts yielded almost no progress. I had quite a bit of experience being tied up growing up and almost nobody I put in ropes got loose. At least not without cutting them or several hours of effort. I hadn't done a stupendous job. But it would hold him for at least an hour or two.

"I thought it was a little too quiet down here." The comment came from the doorway and caught both of our attention. My gaze, as well as Cody's, shifted to where the voice had come from. His mother was standing there holding two glasses of lemonade. She was looking down at her son wriggling around like a fish on the floor of my room in his ropes. A moment later my mother materialized from behind her. All of us waited for her reaction to the situation.

That concludes part one of this story. I should get part 2 posted in a week or so. As always thank you for reading.
Last edited by Amy 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Nice story. Can't wait for Part 2.
Check out my DeviantArt page!
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Post by Thatworm »

I can't wait for part 2! It's getting serious!
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Post by Plueschbabycd »

I want definitely read the part 2. I like this part. From equipment of box your. I had ideas that could get embarrassing for Cody. I hop is open to your games.
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Post by Solarbeast »

Glad to read more of the adventures both Cody and you had together. I can’t wait to read what part 2 has in store for you two.
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Post by lochness »

I look forward to it.
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Post by rash357 »

Great story [mention]Amy[/mention] !! Can’t wait to hear more!
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Post by Amy »

Suddenly Cody's Mom burst out laughing.

"Well, at least you're keeping out of trouble." She offered breaking the new awkwardness in the silence.

"Amy really?" My mother commented. "You let him go this instant! I am so sorry about this." She commented to our guests.

"It's my fault." Cody began as he worked his way into sitting up on the ropes. "I asked her to tie me up." He started explaining and gave a quick synopsis of the handcuff incident at the park from a few days earlier. That only further seemed to annoy my mother. I could tell from the look on her face she wasn't overly happy with the situation.

"It's fine." Cody's mother replied crossing the room and setting the two glasses of lemonade on my desk. "There just some kids playing a game. At least I know my son is keeping out of trouble. We thought you two would like some lemonade on a hot day. But, it looks like Amy is going to have to hold your glass for you." She commented looking down at Cody. "Really, if you want to keep him like that until it's time for us to go, it's fine with me. Come on, let's give them some privacy I have a good story to tell you."

With that said, Cody's mother gestured for my Mom to leave the room and the two of them went back upstairs. I looked over at Cody as the and both of us breathed a sigh of relief. With our mothers departing the room, Cody made a shift in his position to get a better view of myself. He rocked back and forth on his rear end and managed to get into a sitting up position with his legs drawn up against his chest. Then he resumed struggling. He wasn't trying as hard as he initially was. I think he could see that the ropes weren't offering a significant yield to his efforts, but he wasn't done trying yet.

I let the boy sit and struggle for a few more minutes. I think he was enjoying the situation and I was having some fun watching his antics. The thought of adding more ropes or putting him into a hogtie rolled through my mind several times. But, I dismissed them. I didn't want to put Cody off from the idea of a future TUG. Besides I wasn't overly sure where or not this whole incident would roll over with his mom yet. Additionally, he was having enough trouble freeing himself with just his wrists and ankles bound. Adding more rope probably wasn't necessary at this point.

I crossed the room and picked up the glass of lemonade. I took a few sips and it did taste good on a warm summer day. Cody watched as I made my way across and took the drink.

"Hey, can I get some of that?" He asked in a loud voice.

At first, I thought about taunting him and telling him he would need to escape first. However, he was sweating a little from all his efforts. Likewise, he hadn't thrown me under the bus when we got caught. So, I grabbed the second glass of lemonade and offered him a few sips. He took a few gulps, but I backed the glass away so he didn't overdo it. When his head followed for another dose, I provided it. This wasn't the first time I helped someone who was tied up eat or drink something. Cody downed almost half the glass before I finally put it back up on the desk.

"Thanks, I am not Houdini am I?" He asked staring up at me.

"Nope, I guess your not. Keep trying." I suggested.

I put, stood up and shifted my attention from my captive back to my television and the GameCube. I know when you're tied up, sometimes you want a little time where you are not the center of attention to enjoy the situation a little. Having to escape with someone else watching can really annoy some people. I flipped the game console back on and turned on a game. Then I started playing.

Cody spent a little more time struggling. But, after realizing he wasn't freeing himself, he finally gave up. Cody scooted across the floor on his behind until he reached the end of the seat that served as the couch in my room. Then, he used his bound hands to grab ahold of the front of the seat and pull himself up onto it. Cody took a second and leaned back in the chair trying to get comfortable. I know how it can be trying to sit with your hands tied behind your back. He mostly used his legs to position himself. But after a minute he seemed to find a comfortable perch. His attention then shifted from his ropes to the game I was playing.

I took a moment and paused the game once he was seated. I reached over and put the 3 point seatbelt on the van seat over him and buckled it into place. Cody watched and seemed a little annoyed with the situation.

"Hey what are you doing that for?" He asked.

"I am just making sure you don't hop around and get hurt like at the park. Besides, Seatbelts so We can be Safe." I quoted Dora the explorer.

I fastened my own seatbelt and went back to playing my game. Cody squirmed a little bit trying to adjust his position to compensate for the addition of the seatbelt to his current situation. It didn't take him long. He planted his feet and pushed himself up a little bit straighter. Afterward, he seemed to relax and just get comfortable. I continued playing my game. Cody ceased his struggles at this point. I think he had given up on being able to escape and was just content to enjoy the situation. I played the game for about 45 minutes before we heard Cody's mother shout down the stairs.

"It's time to go. We need to get home so I can start dinner."

"Be right up!" Cody shouted back.

I paused my game again and set to releasing my captive. I undid the seatbelts and then untied his hands first. Mostly, because they were closer to where I was sitting than his feet. Cody pulled his hands out and rubbed his wrists. The skating pads offered some protection from the ropes. So, there weren't marks from this episode. At least on his wrists. The overalls blocked the leg ropes somewhat, but there were still a few residual marks. After rubbing his limbs for a moment, Cody got up and waved at me.

"Thanks, we'll have to do it again sometime." Cody offered.

"Glad you had a good time," I replied.

Cody finished his glass of lemonade with a quick couple of gulps. Then he disappeared around the corner and up the stairs. That was the end of the encounter. I know it didn't have an amazing climax, but life is what it is. I have one more semitug situation that involved Cody before the end of that Summer I might share. I think I am going to work the background to the story into some of the other stories in small pieces. Otherwise, I will probably move forward to an experience from my first day of high school. Let me know what you guys want me to move onto. Thanks for reading.
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Post by Plueschbabycd »

I think ever you with would great on other side I would some love read version story with Jennifer for example stroy where outsmart your sister to sleep where you want bunk bed.
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Post by Canuck100 »

You and Cody were lucky to have such understanding mothers!

Great story, Amy, and I’m glad to know that it lead to other tugs with Cody and that you will hopefully tell these tales here. Looking forward to it!
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