Taken Down to the Basement (m/solo)

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Taken Down to the Basement (m/solo)

Post by Detective-Gag »

In yet another one of my solo tie-up-fantasy escapades, I had arranged an afternoon where I knew I'd be all to myself to stage an elaborate kidnapping scenario.

This storyline I was playing out in my head actually took place in several locations; so I took the opportunity to set them up ahead of time...I started with grabbing some bundles of rope from my closet, and a small point-and-shoot camera, and took them down into a spare bedroom my family had in the backroom of the basement. I set the rope on the desk, and pulled the chair out from the table and positioned it in the center of the room. Briefly exiting the room to grab a tripod from out basement storage room, and brought it back inside the backroom, setting it up opposite from where I'd placed the chair. I screwed the camera onto the tripod, making sure that it was straight & facing the chair.

Once I had finished that, I went back upstairs to my bedroom to fetch the remaining supplies I'd need...a roll of duct tape, a pair of fitness wristbands, and a light blue bandana. I took these few small items and then proceeded to make my way back downstairs to the main level; and then I went into my family's garage.

The door to the garage was down, so nobody could see inside; thus I was free to conduct my game without anxiety or embarrassment. I opened the rear door of a Ford four-door passenger SUV that was parked inside; and then hopped inside, shutting the door behind me.

Once I was sitting in the backseat, I started to tie myself up...I tore off three strips of the duct tape, and then smoothed the silver material carefully over my mouth, making sure there were no wrinkles & that the pieces were even.

Then I took the light blue bandana, folded into a band, and tied the cloth over my mouth in a gag; making sure that it was snug, and that it covered-up the duct tape underneath.

Once I had gagged myself, I quickly took the pair of black fitness wristbands and slipped them over one hand, before crossing my wrists behind my back, and pushing my opposite hand through the two loops.

The two fitness bands were tight enough to simulate the feeling of being bound; and elastic enough that I needn't worry about having to escape them.

With my hands now "tied" behind my back, and adequately silenced, I was ready to begin the story:

My kidnappers had grabbed me after school, having followed me around the block after I'd exited the school bus.

Before I knew it, a vehicle had sped up alongside me at the corner, and several masked men had jumped out; clamping a hand over my mouth before dragging me inside the back of the SUV.

I'd struggled, and so the kidnappers had decided to tie my wrists behind my back...to ensure I could not shout, they had also gagged me; using duct tape to cut off my protests, before tying the gag in place in order to keep from peeling the material off.

That hadn't dissuaded me from continuing to struggle...I twisted around in the backseat, mumbling through the two layers of gags; impressed by how well it managed to keep me quiet.

In my mind, I had two of the goons sitting on either side of me in the backseat while I sat in the middle; and two more of the kidnappers sitting in the front driver's and passenger seats.

I peered into the rearview mirror up above the dashboard, seeing my reflection in the glass...my eyes were wide above the light blue patterned cloth covering my mouth; and though I could feel the duct tape over my lips, the handkerchief hid the silver material entirely from view.

I bobbed my head up and down, observing my reflection while I made muffled noises through the gag.

As I did this, the story continued in my head: the kidnapper in the driver's seat spoke to me through the black mask covering his face:

"Keep it down back there, kid," he said to me, glancing up at the rearview mirror where I saw myself. "This is a kidnapping; we're taking you back to our hideout so we can ransom you to your parents."

"Mmph! Hmph!" was my response, shaking my head.

This struggling continued for a few minutes...I took the opportunity to lay across the backseat, grunting through my gag, pretending that the two thugs riding in back with me had stepped out from the car briefly to fill up their gas tank.

Eventually, I transitioned the setting of the game back to the "hideout"; the bad guys pulled into the garage, and the back door of the SUV opened.

"Get him out of there & take him downstairs," said the leader, as I slid myself out from the back of the car; pretending to be pulled out.

Shutting the door behind me with my shoulder, I continued to make muffled noises as I was marched to the interior garage door & into the house.

"Mmm mmph! Lmph mmph gmph!" I mumbled, rolling my shoulders with my wrists held behind me as I was walked through the kitchen and down the basement steps.

I headed straight for the backroom where I had set up the second phase of the game...I saw where I had left the wooden chair, and the tripod & camera sitting across from it.

I briefly put the game on pause; as I slipped my hands out from the fitness bands behind my back, and went over to the desk where I'd left the white ropes.

I took the ropes and went over to sit in the chair...bending over, I began tying my ankles together with some of the rope; then did the same just above my knees.

I then took the remaining rope and carefully looped it around the backside of the chair; leaving just enough slack so I could slip my arms through the gap on either side.

It was a bit hard getting it right; but soon I had successfully managed to pin my arms to my sides, the rope encircling my chest & holding me against the back of the wooden chair.

I resumed the story:

Having been brought into the basement, and tied to a chair, I was now facing a camcorder aimed directly at where I was sitting.

(I didn't own a camcorder; so the point-and-shoot camera would have to do)

"Mr. and Mrs. Smith," the leader of the kidnappers drawled, standing behind the tripod. "We have kidnapped your son!"

"Mmph! Hlmph mmph!" I mumbled, appearing shocked as I shifted against the ropes restraining me.

"We will be sending you a list of our demands," the leader droned on, while I continued to struggle. "Do not attempt to contact the authorities; or else your son will pay the price!"

With the ominous warning given...I may have acted out the script through my gag...I was left to sit in the chair for the next ten minutes or so; while the bad guys left the room to send their ransom video.

The wooden chair creaked beneath my weight, and I continued to call for help through my gag.

Straining against the fabric, I began shaking my head in an attempt to loosen the bandana from my mouth...after several minutes, the gag dropped down from my chin around my neck.

The silver duct tape still covered my mouth, however...and the pressure of having the bandana pressed up against the adhesive had kept it particularly well-intact.

I turned my head to gaze into the mirror set up in the room, seeing the silver tape covering my mouth, the cloth dangling from my neck, and the rows of rope securing me to the chair.

"Mmph...mmmph," I breathed, watching the duct tape plastered to my cheeks move slightly when I attempted to speak.

I flexed my hands where they stood rigid at my sides, and bounced my bound legs up and down on the carpet.

After some time passed, I progressed the sequence of events:

The kidnappers returned, entering the room & surrounding me.

"The kid got his gag off," the leader remarked, referring to the bandana dangling around my neck. "Get him out of that chair; something tells me he's tired of our hospitality."

I grunted as I paused the game again, slipping my arms free of the ropes & untangling them from around the chair.

Keeping my legs tied together still, I then untied the bandana from around my neck, smoothed it out, and then re-applied it back over my taped mouth.

"Make sure it's tight this time," the leader said from the corner of the room. "Don't want the kid getting it off again!"

"Gmph!" I moaned, as I tied the blue bandana snugly back over my lower face, knotting it behind my head. I then hopped over to the bed we had in the backroom...the one we kept for guests...and jumped onto the mattress.

I put a pillow under my legs, and leaned my against the remaining pillows on the backboard...then I took the rope and began winding it around my arms, repeating the process I'd done with the chair, and slipping my arms through the slack parts.

Then, I crossed my wrists behind the small of my back; putting my hands back through the fitness bands still there.

My wrists, arms & legs now all bound together; I was now laying thoroughly tied & gagged on the bed.

"There we go," the lead kidnapper taunted, looming over me with his fellow goons. "Nice and comfortable?"

"Mmmph! Hrmmph!" I mumbled angrily, wriggling on the bed enthusiastically, causing the mattress to creak.

The leader laughed. "Make sure you keep that gag on this time," he warned, turning to leave the room. "I have guards posted outside your bedroom...if you try to escape, you'll be sorry."

The scene played out in my mind, and the kidnappers left me alone, and I continued to writhe on the bed, acting out my struggles as a hostage.

As time went on, and I tired of remaining in the same location, I decided to transition the scene:

The kidnappers had successfully submitted their ransom demands, and my parents had done as they'd ordered.

From where they'd stashed me in the basement, I heard the sound of the garage door opening, and a car engine starting before leaving.

Realizing that perhaps I was now alone, I rolled off the mattress, and began hopping towards the backroom door.

Pressing the door handle, I peeked out into the basement to see if the guards were there.

"Hlmph...?" I muttered.

The coast was clear.

I then began hopping vigorously towards the basement phone in the living space area, leaning forward & knocking the handset from its cradle.

"Hlmph!" I mumbed through my gag, pretending that I'd dialed 911. "Mmv bnm kdnmphed...!"

"I'm sorry; but we're having trouble understanding you, sir," came the imaginary voice of a nice lady on the other end of the call.

"MMV BNM KDNMPHED...!" I mumbled more boldly, shaking the blue bandana back off my mouth, and then mumbling through the duct tape.

"Stand by, sir," the lady responded sweetly. "The police will be on their way shortly."

I grunted an affirmative, and then began leaping around the basement, trying to "free" myself.

After rolling around on the floor, I finally worked my arms free; and then busily began unwinding the ropes around my legs.

Once the bindings lay in a heap on the ground, I carefully peeled the duct tape off my mouth.

"Finally," I gasped. "That gag was killing me!"

The end of the fantasy played out as I started to clean up all my materials & put everything back where it had been before I started: the police had arrived to find that I had already freed myself, and I quickly told them that the kidnappers had left only a bit ago.

Later on that day, my parents came home from work, asking how my afternoon had been.

Oblivious to the rather intricate & eventful drama I had put together, I assured them that it had gone great.
Last edited by Detective-Gag 6 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by 1960gerson »

Bravo sir. We need more tales.
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Post by Detective-Gag »

Holiday season has had me plodding along slow.

I have to finish a request here; then I want to revisit a fictional story.
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Post by 1960gerson »

I have an idea. How about in the next kidnapping story you are dressed in your underwear? You could be taken from your bedroom.
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Post by Tiengag5 »

Great self bondage story.
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Post by Smythdean »

Great story.
Love your work as always
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Post by MaxRoper »

I always enjoy a well written tale of self bondage and this one is great. Thanks for sharing your games!
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