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The beginning. m/self

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 1:36 am
by Alpha-Werewolf
About around the age of 7 years old, I dont know if any of you will know what I'm talking about but there was an episode of "CatDog", the mouse on that show (forgot his name) became a dictator at one point and there was a scene where people's feet were strapped to this contraption that would make their feet rub against a feather, of course tickling them.

At school, after recess there were some kids who like to take their shoes and socks off. It started with one girl and others (both boys and girls) followed as time went by, say their feet got hot playing at recess. Anyways, I for some reason always think of that scene from "CatDog" when I try to take a peek at their feet. I didnt know it at the time but I guess that's when I developed a foot fetish.
Well over time it became a fantasy to tickle them, and the fantasy went from strapping them into contraptions to tying them to chairs to hold them down. Than fantasy went more and more just tying them up, and also someone tying me up. It was another TV show called "Hey Arnold" when Arnold was tied to a chair in his basement, and gagged with a sock that got me thinking and fantasizing more on the tying up part.

I knew it was weird so I kept it secret. And I started to experiment with self tying at night when my family were asleep, or anytime when I had the house to myself. This is when one of those times went a little wrong.

I was a 10 year old boy, blond hair and blue eyes wearing a white tshirt and red basketball shorts, and barefoot. I have went off to bed for the night, think was about 9pm, but I wanted to play my rope games in secret. In my room I got the stuff to tie myself and sat on my bed.
I tied a white rope around my ankles, than I tied a end of a rope in between my ankles and cinched the rope binding my ankles. On the other end of that rope I made a loop with a slip knot. I than took a belt that I looped around itself where it was just big enough to slip my hands in.

I took a white sock and stuffed it into my mouth, and I used a second belt to wrap it around my head to hold the sock in my mouth to keep me gagged. I than took the belt for my hands behind my back as I lay on my belly, i slipped one hand into the belt, than the loop, than my other hand with the looped rope in between my wrists and around the belt. I than pulled my ankles to make the loop clinch the belt, and then I was hogtied.

Now i didnt know it was called a hogtie at the time, i just found this a way to get a tight bind around my wrists. I start playing a scenario like I normally do. In my head, a mask robber had climbed in my room from the window. Seeing me awake, the robber held a knife and told me to not make a sound. Well I obeyed of course, not wanting to get hurt.
"Now lay on your belly with your hands behind your back" the robber says, I did so, realizing the voice of the robber sounded female. "I'm sorry I have to do this to you kiddo, but its necessary" the robber said as she started to tie me up.

Once she got me tied up, she asked "are your parents awake?" I answered "I'm not sure, they were when I went to bed." She shuddered and gagged me as she says "sounds like more people to tie up than."

Now in the present moment, me tied up and gagged. I twist this way and that, in my head the robber doubled check my bonds. I squirm my feet around as I pretend the robber started to tickle them, making muffled giggles as I squirm to escape. Then at last the robber goes out my room to find my family's valuables, living me bound and gagged.
I struggled for a little while as I got bored with the daydream. It was the moment when I wanted out that I realize that the slip knot and the loop as gotten too tight. I twist and turn my hands to try to loosen it up but it was no use. I got scared, and started to struggle for real against the bindings, trying to find some sort of weakness.

I twist and turn, rolling onto my sides and trying to reach the ropes binding my feet, to twisting and turning my wrist and ankles hoping I can slip out somehow. I froze when I heard footsteps out in the hall infront of my bedroom. Thought of being found like this was both embarrassing and thrilling, but to my relief the footsteps walked past my door and disappeared. Than I remembered I'm actually tied up here and cant get out and got scared again.

I woke up, realizing I had fallen asleep at some point. I moaned a little as I was pretty tired, realizing I had something stuffed in my mouth. The memory started to come back to me that I'm stuck, realizing that I'm still tightly tied up and gagged. I looked at the digital clock on my dresser and it was around 1am. I was laying on my right side, slightly chew on the belt that kept me gagged.
I try moving the sock with my tongue, trying to slip it out of my mouth. Seeing that wasnt going to work, I actually tried calling out for help. "Mmmmpphh mmmmpphh mmmmpphh!" I yell, hoping my parents would hear me. But after a few minutes, I stop seeing it was worthless.

I half heartedly tug and pulled at my binding, rolling onto my other side when I felt stiff. Then, when I twisted my hand a certain way while I was pulling, my wrist slipped some. Focusing now to not mess this up, i slowly worked at it until my left hand was free, loosening the binding to free my other hand. I quickly untied myself and took off the gag, putting everything away under my bed, except the sock which I just put in the dirt cloth bin.
I lay down thankful I was free. However since it was over, i than felt like that was a really fun experience.

Would think I scared myself where I wouldn't do it again. But no, I kept doing it

Re: The beginning. m/self

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 2:39 am
by scarfgagged
Great story. Thanks for sharing!
I felt that you were talking about me... Lol

Re: The beginning. m/self

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 4:29 am
by Alpha-Werewolf
scarfgagged wrote: 3 years ago Great story. Thanks for sharing!
I felt that you were talking about me... Lol
Glad you like it lol. What part of it sounded like you?

Re: The beginning. m/self

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 4:45 pm
by Killua
Great story. It brought back some old memories, when I got nearly stuck, so thank you for that.

Re: The beginning. m/self

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 5:35 pm
by scarfgagged
Alpha-Werewolf wrote: 3 years ago
scarfgagged wrote: 3 years ago Great story. Thanks for sharing!
I felt that you were talking about me... Lol
Glad you like it lol. What part of it sounded like you?
I start to imagine myself tied up like in some series back when I was a child.
I used to imagine myself in a similar predicament and that's the way I hogtie myself since... always! I use silk scarves instead but very similar to what you did.
Also I was almost caught tied up or stealing my mother's or grandmother's silk scarves!