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The Experiment (m/f, mf/f)

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 1:07 pm
by caquernham
Intro Thread:

Jennie sat on the bar stool with an expression of nervous anticipation. Her hands were folded in her lap and her legs, ankles crossed, swung gently back and forth. I stood at the bar in front of her, notebook in hand.

“Alright, so, the aim of the experiment will be to discover the most effective type of gag.” She nodded in concurrence. “I’ll be testing them on you since I can’t really test them on myself.”

“Plus, I scream louder.” She added.

“Right, so, each gag will be graded from one to five in four categories. Ease of putting on, which will include expense and availability of materials used; Inescapability; effectiveness at neutralizing sound; and unintelligibility of speech.” She beamed with excitement.

“The gags we will test are as follows,” I continued. “Over-mouth kerchief. In-mouth kerchief.” I meant cleave gag, but I didn’t know the term yet. “Kerchief with wad. Piece of tape. Wrap-around tape. Tape with wad. Anything else you can think of?”

“Maybe try combining the two,” She said. “Tie a kerchief around my head and then tape it in place.”

I scribbled it into the notebook. Beside me on the bar were our materials. An array of scarves, handkerchiefs, and bandannas of various materials and patterns sat next to three rolls of tape: silver duct, brown package, and translucent package. There was also a brand new kitchen sponge which Jennie insisted we try out as a wad.

“And whichever gag is most effective, we’ll put on Grace when she comes home from volleyball. She’ll be our final test: an unwilling victim”

“She sure is noisy,” I replied.

Jennie was in a dark t-shirt, and had her hair in a tight bun to keep it out of the way. “Oh, and one more thing,” I added. “We need to keep notes on the safety of each gag. Don’t want to suffocate. There are scissors within reach, and your hands will be free throughout the experiment.”


“You have my word. Plus, I need you to help me tie Gracie up when she gets here. Ready to proceed?”

She nodded. I picked up a bandanna and moved behind her. I folded it into a strip about two inches wide and placed it over her mouth. Then I tied it around her head.

“How is it?”

“Crhp” she said. “M cn enunciate prtty clhrly.”

“Easy to escape?”

“It’s already fallen off!” She giggled.

“Well, it gets a one in everything but ease of putting on. Bandannas are reusable and easy to conceal…”

“But if someone was struggling, it would come off as soon as you tried to tie it.”

“I’ll just cross it out of the notebook”

“Stupid, because that’s the gag they use in like every movie and TV show.”

“I guess it’s least uncomfortable for the actors?” I shrugged. “Anyway, Gag #2.”

I pulled the same bandanna up over her mouth again, but this time I pulled it between her lips. I tightened the knot behind her head and went back to the notebook.

“Easier to put on because the jaws sort of guide it in. I’ll give it a four.”

“I Canh puh i’ ou’ wih na kung” she confirmed. She held her hands in front of her, fingers flexed, mentally restraining herself from just yanking it out. She rolled her head from side to side and bobbed back and forth. She made no progress.

“Inescapability: 4” I said. “Hard to remove when properly tied.”

“Unh-unh” came the reply. “Ahally…” She pulled it out with her hand. “Actually it’s easy to pull out when you can reach it. If I could hook it on the edge of a table or something, it would come right out. Plus the knot can slip if you’re using a smooth fabric.”

“Alright then, 3. But it gets a one in sound neutralization. You were coming in loud and clear.”

“Like a 2 in speech unintelligibility. It’s more uncomfortable than effective.”

“Yeah. That’s why I use it when I want to humiliate you but still hear you if you need to be untied. Gag #3?”

I picked up another handkerchief and balled it up in my hand. Jennie opened her mouth politely to accept. I pushed it in gently at first but she slapped my hand away. She stuffed it in the rest of the way. It was small enough that she could close her mouth around it, but it still restrained her tongue. She manipulated it into her cheeks, puffing them out visibly.

“No, Jennie, if makes you gag when it goes in, then it’s not safe to use.” She pulled it back out.

“Sorry. No, I didn’t gag. I just thought I could put it in more comfortably myself. You put it in this time.”

We argued briefly about safety and the nature of our games before I just grabbed the handkerchief and stuffed it in. She screeched, and then giggled.

“Now that’s what I’m talking about!” I tied the bandanna over the wad, between her lips.

“Ah ahh anh wahh,” she giggled. “Ah gahh!”

“Fives in all but volume control!” I said. We both chuckled to each other for a short while, and I finally untied the knot.

“Bleh.” She said, spitting out the wad. “That’s a good one. What next?”

“Now we do tape.” My intention was to use a different tape for each gag to test out all of the tape types. Duct tape for the simple gag, because it was stickier and harder to get out of hair. Packing tape for the wraparound, and scotch tape for the stuffed gag because I was eager to see what her mouth looked like under it.

I pulled off a three or four inch strip of duct tape and gently placed it over her mouth, from cheek to cheek. I pressed it tight. She gave an mmmph, then tried to stretch her jaw.

“Cm moo hrr mm?” She said. Suddenly, the tape gave way and her upper lip slipped out.

“Ow!” She screeched. “That’s not good. Try more tape.”

I pulled off four or five more strips of the same length and plastered them over her face until she was covered from below her nose to her chin.

“Cmh mmp mw mow” She said. I noted how quiet her speech was. Most of her voice was dampened by her own lips, but I still thought she was enunciating a little too clearly.

Her eyes teared up as she pulled the tape off, stretching out the skin of her cheeks. “That stings!” She said. “But that means it’s hard to get off. Especially since it goes on so easy.”

“Right.” I said. “It needs a lot of tape to work right, too. Tape doesn’t fit in pockets. You could probably put it on your arm if you were wearing a baggy sweater, but that’s kinda impractical.”

“I feel like in order to use it, you’d need to engineer a situation where you, like, stash it in a drawer and wait for the victim to come to you.”

“But it does work well.” I said.

“Try wrapping it around.”

“You sure you’re okay with that? I mean, your hair…”

Yeah, yeah yeah. I can do it if you don’t want to.” I handed her the packing tape and the scissors. She unrolled a little, stuck it to her cheek, and pulled it around her head two or three times.

“Mm mmph m’ mmmph” I pointed out that most of the sound seemed to be coming through her nostrils instead of her mouth. She pinched her nose, gave a barely audible “Hhhhmm,” and then waved her hands in front of her.

After I jotted down some notes, it was time to take the gag off. A worried suddenly came into her eyes and I offered her the scissors. Her fingers began searching frantically for the edge of the tape. I saw it, wrenched it open with my fingernail, and pulled like hell. She stopped me and pulled it carefully out of her hair once her mouth was free.

“Didn’t like it?”

“Feels bad. Like my head was being squeezed. I can’t imagine how awful that would feel if my hands were tied.”

I put my hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

“Just give me a minute. Two more to go.”

“You still want to go through with this?” I asked in disbelief.

“Yup. Just don’t use that last one.”

I wrote ‘Bad sensation; too difficult to remove’ in the safety notes, then crossed the gag off the list.

After a minute or two to calm down, she clapped her hands, pointed to the sponge, and made a sheepish grin. I flashed a look at her like she was crazy, but what kind of brother would I be to refuse now?

I balled up the sponge as tight as it would go and she opened wide. I placed it in and it immediately expanded to fill her mouth completely. I couldn’t stomach taping it in myself after the last gag, so I handed her the clear tape and the scissors. She cut off three strips and placed one at the top of her mouth, one at the bottom, and one in the middle. I could not believe how little sound she made when she tried to speak. She sounded more like a distressed animal deep in the woods than a person seated right in front of me. She giggled.

She looked downright stupid, with her red lips gaping around the yellow sponge, all pressed flat by the clear tape. I took a mental note of how humiliating this gag looked. Her cheeks bulged over the top of the tape, and it looked as if the sponge was about to burst out. The corners of her mouth curled into a bashful grin, and it took every ounce of my concentration to resist pulling her hands behind her back and taping them there. I had made her a promise that I didn’t want to break.

“This is the one we use on Gracie,” I blurted. She nodded in agreement. She held up an index finger, hopped off of the stool, and ran to the mirror in my room. When I walked in after her she was doubled over in muffled laughter. She whirled and posed in front of the mirror, then looked at me. I remember thinking to myself how much of a dork she was.

We walked back out to the rec room to remove the gag. She wouldn’t stop giggling to herself, and it was contagious.

“Gracie will be home any minute,” I said. “No time to test the last one.”

“No need,” she said. “We’ve got the one we want.”

Part two coming soon.

Re: The Experiment (m/f, mf/f)

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 3:13 pm
by TamatoaShiny123
I loved this story! Can’t wait for part 2!

Re: The Experiment (m/f, mf/f)

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 1:06 pm
by caquernham
Part Two: The Live Test

“Hi, Tim,” Gracie said, as she came in through the front door. She looked a little confused to see me standing in the front hall. She was dressed in a white t-shirt and blue athletic shorts. Her hair was freshly washed and drawn up into a pony tail. She kicked off her gym shoes and shifted her bag from her shoulder to her hand as she bounded across the rug toward the stairs. I leaned on the wall in front of her.

“Jennie and I are… doing a little experiment. We need your help.”

“For school?” She asked, her grin slowly fading.

“Extra-curricular.” I replied, feigning nonchalance.

“Yea… no, wait, what’re you doing?”

Jennie appeared through the door of the study behind her, brandishing a roll of clear packing tape. Gracie, turning around, noticed the tape and stepped backwards into my arms.

“Some experiment…” She said, nervously, as I brought her elbows behind her. She went limp and tried to fall out of my grasp onto her knees. I went to the floor with her. I was wearing athletic shorts for flexibility, fully anticipating that she would try to fight. I pulled her elbows tighter behind her, and wrapped my legs around her upper arms, crossing my ankles behind her head. She was not strong enough to reverse this hold, even if her muscles weren’t sore from volleyball practice.

I made her sit up straight for Jennie. Her long, thin legs kicked impotently in front of her. Jennie sat down on them. I was on my back, legs pinning her arms back, firmly grasping her wrists for extra security. I couldn’t see the gag go on, but I trusted Jennie to do a thorough job. Gracie was shaking her head back and forth, trying to reject her gag, and I gave her a squeeze with my legs, twisting her arms back every time she came close to pulling away from Jennie.

At last, the only noises coming out of her were the muffled giggles I had heard Jennie making twenty minutes before. Jennie stepped back to admire her handiwork, and began a monologue explaining the experiment. Gracie, ignoring her, spread her legs out and leaned in each direction, trying unsuccessfully to break the hold.

“… so we thought we’d try it out in some real-world conditions and…”

“Jennie!” I yelled. “Tape!”

“Right!” She hobbled over on her knees. I gripped Gracie’s forearms and presented her crossed wrists to Jennie. I pushed on Gracie’s neck, forcing her to lean forward and stop her squirming.

“Ihh hrmh mmh hmmph!” Mumbled Gracie, as her wrists were tightly encircled.
“I think the experiment is a success,” I grunted. Jennie pressed the tape flat on her wrists and lunged to grab one of her ankles. Gracie pulled out of her grasp and curled the leg under her.

“Hha! Ih hhrmh moo!” Boasted Gracie, between muffled giggles. Jennie got flustered and gave Gracie a stout push on the shoulder.

“Hey, now. Don’t hurt her!” I chided. I tugged Gracie’s arms, making sure her wrists were secure, then released her from her hold and flipped her onto her belly. She began scissor kicking angrily in Jennie’s direction, and Jennie was overwhelmed.

I took the tape from her hands and grabbed Gracie’s knees as she tried to turn over and stand up. Her feet continued kicking, less violently now, until I hugged her ankles together. She squirmed and rolled like a fish out of water as I felt for the place where the tape began. Finding it, I pulled hard with my hand, arm still wrapped around Gracie’s calves, and applied it tightly to Gracie’s bare ankles. I personally don’t like the sensation of tape on bare skin, but both of the twins either don’t mind or enjoy it.

Gracie was now lying on her side, smugly taunting Jennie for letting Gracie beat her with both hands literally tied behind her back. Jennie grinned back blankly, enjoying the sight of her twin bound and gagged. I hoisted Gracie over my shoulder and carried her to the living room. I set her down on the sofa and held her still by the shoulders as she squirmed and laughed.

“Listen to me. It’s time for the most important part of the experiment.” I held her by the chin and stared gravely into her eyes. “I need you to scream as loud as you can.”

“Mhh hlgh mghah gnnh?”

“As loud as you can.”

Her piercing blue eyes twinkled jovially as she drew a sustained breath through her nostrils. Her chest grew nearly twice its size as she leaned back, gathering every last cubic centimeter of air into her lungs. Jennie sat by eagerly, notebook in her lap, fingers in her ears.


Her yell, which would have shattered windows if her head wasn’t stuffed to bursting with a kitchen sponge and plastered with layer upon layer of clear packing tape, fizzled out into sporadic embarrassed giggling after a second or two. The yell was still loud, but not loud enough to be heard by our neighbors, and probably not even loud enough to be heard through the 140 year old brick exterior walls. Jennie laughed. I laughed. Gracie doubled over in silent laughter, her face bright red and pinched in embarrassment. I patted her on the back.

“You’ve been an excellent test subject. Now get used to that gag, because it will be in your mouth a lot from now on.”

“HHnh?” she responded, eyes bulging out almost as far as her pink cheeks.

We had finally found a gag which fit all of our needs. It was effective, relatively safe, easy to put in, and even easier to take off. Most importantly, it was humiliating, puffing the victim’s cheeks out grotesquely and forcing their lips to gape moronically. The sponge spilled awkwardly into the tape, which flattened the whole assembly into an embarrassing pucker. It made speech completely unintelligible, and would silence even the most obnoxious of little sisters.

I gently pulled the tape off of Gracie’s face and yanked out the sponge. She was speechless, stretching her jaw and balking in embarrassment. Jennie offered me a high five, which I enthusiastically accepted. Then I mockingly offered the same to Gracie.

She was too tied up to accept.

Re: The Experiment (m/f, mf/f)

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 2:25 pm
by TamatoaShiny123
Amazing tale!

Re: The Experiment (m/f, mf/f)

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 3:23 pm
by rash357
Sounds like a great experiment!!