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The first Time (M/FF)

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 9:35 am
by freyjaceleste862
Warning: This is a story that mentions other stuff like incontinence and bedwetting so be warned. Nothing too gross here.

"Freyja, I'll be out for a while. Remember to change your pull up when you feel wet ok? Anything else wrong, look for your sis Sayle. Ok?"

"Ok mummy," I said tiptoeing up and hugging her. I watched my mother head out to catch the local bus--Daddy had taken the only family car. We lived in an old farmhouse at the edge of a very small town. While there were enough shops and food outlets available, we had to get other necessities either from the farmers around our residence or head to the nearest city. What mummy was probably getting was more accessories for my wetting. You see, I was born with a weak bladder, or whatever the doctor told me, so I couldn't wear big girl's undies and had to change every few hours.

It was around the start of spring break and I love such holidays even though most were at home. I was the fourth child in the family--yes there were loads of kids, or rather the fourth daughter. The eldest, as mentioned, is Sayle, then there's Imogen, Avena, me and my lovely little sister, Jocasta, who keeps saying she's old than me, although she's a year and a few months younger.

Finishing my cup of fresh orange juice--really fresh from a local farmer, not the kind you get from supermarkets--I headed upstairs to the room I shared with Jocasta or Jo, humming the old Teletubbies tune. Just before I reached my room, I heard a 'thumb'-like sound and nearly fell down, frightened. At this young age of 9, I was really scared of sudden loud sounds and would run to my parents or hide every time there was thunder. I got up and waited but there was no more sound. Phew. In my room, I opened my drawer and got out my Gameboy set and started playing some games. Gameboy was going to be out of stock but I just loved fiddling with its keys and its structure.

It was probably around another ten minutes later when I heard another loud thumbing noise. Then it came again. What on earth? I headed back to the hallway and then detected the noise coming from Sayle's room. Being the oldest child, Sayle had one of the largest rooms in the house and one to herself. Well, it was often not just herself inside; her long-term boyfriend Martyn usually came over to join her there. "Don't you disturb us," she would often warn us younger children before she locked the door.

I approached her door which was filled with posters or rock stars and other girly fashion pictures then heard more thumbs and then 'mmmphs' and 'arghs'. What on earth was going on? Was she and Martyn talking in code?

"Sayle, are you alright?" I called.

More "mmmph' sound came and then I her laughter. Wait, that wasn't her laughter. "Sayle, Sayle, are you ok?" I knocked on her door several times. The same sounds came again.

Her door was a traditional wooden door but had a key hole so I looked through it--I wasn't that tall and my eyes were exactly the same height as the key hole--and saw a body shape rolling about. "Sayle!" I pounded on the door. Being a kid and having watched lots of TV, I turned to rush to the nearby phone to call the police or fire department.

Even before I could move a couple of steps, someone grabbed me from behind, cuffed a hand over my lips and I was dragged backwards. "Hmmmmelllp!" I cried and kicked then heard:

"Quiet, be quiet, be quiet! It's my Martyn!" The hand was released and I was sat down on the floor. Inside Sayle's room for the first time, I saw my sister in those spaghetti strap tops and mini skirt. She was lying face down on the ground but her hands were behind her, tied with what looked like tights. Her legs were bound similarly and tights were also bound around her head, probably gagging her.

"Say..le!" I cried lunging forward but again Martyn's thick hands stopped me. "Look, I'll, we'll explain." He reached forward and removed the tights around her head--it was a mouth gag!

"We were playing...." He started.

"A game. I lost so I had to be captured."

"Captured?" I asked.

"Yes, tied," she twirled around on the floor to show her bonds. "Look, it was a game we often played and liked. It's nothing dangerous..."

"No harm," Martyn said. "Well, not something people, kids," he stared at me, "play."

"I don't get it," I said.

"It's a long story. Now look, why don't you go back and be really quiet about this. No telling Mum or Dad or the others hear?" Sayle said.

"Why? I don't get it. Why do you want to be tied?"

"Just go back will you? Don't go to the phone, don't tell!" She raised her voice. Sayle always likes to bully people and that starts by raising her voice.

"No..." I wasn't going to unless they explained. Suddenly, I felt my arms yanked behind me and something thick binding my wrists together.

"Hey! Stop this! Help!"

"Where's your tights?" I heard Martyn yelled as he tightened my wrist bonds.

"The rest are dirty. First drawer, hankies!" I heard drawers yanked open and then cloth, no, hankies were jammed into my mouth, stopping my speech. "Mmmmph!" I used my tongue and wedged most of it out.

"Scarf!" A thin scarf was wrapped around my lower jaw, sealing the hankies. I kicked and kicked but soon my ankles were also bound with more scarfs.

"Yes! Another captive!" I heard Martyn clap then he re-tied the tights around Sayle's lips.

"Mmmmmph!" I cried. She responded with the same gag cry. We both rolled around while Martyn sat on her bed, smiling gleefully. The rolling and gagged cries continued until I heard Martyn cry, "your Mum's back!" With rapid speed, he undid ours bonds and gags and I was pushed out. It was also probably just in time as I felt a dampness between my legs and rushed to my room.

"Jo? Are you upstairs?" I heard mum call.

"Yes, mum just changing," I replied, pulling up the fresh Goodnites.

"Ok, come down to wash up your cup."

I proceeded to but was intercepted by Sayle.

"No telling Mum anything what just happened. You'll get the full story later. Agree?"

I nodded and yes, she and Martyn explained the full story afterwards.

The End.

Re: The first Time (M/FF)

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 1:26 am
by Beetle bailey13
:) Awesome Story

Re: The first Time (M/FF)

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 4:24 am
by freyjaceleste862
Beetle bailey13 wrote: 6 years ago :) Awesome Story
Thank you.