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The Princess (M/F) - An Old Story, Rewritten

Posted: Thu May 04, 2023 6:16 am
by potato
So, I just recently stumbled upon a (cringey) small book thingy from like, a decade ago.

I'm unsure if this belongs in "Fictional Stories for Everyone" or "True Stories for Everyone" since I could see both sides.

Anyways, my handwriting is absolutely horrendous, but I'll do my best to translate it as written. (Including every typo.)
Title: The Princess

Once upon a time, there once live a princess. Her name was Elisabeth.

Elizabeth (This was written with a "z" for some reason) was very pretty. And wore a even prettier dress.

One day, a evil wizard named Darkor kidnapped Elisabeth. And was tied up very tight.

Then, a knight came to the rescue. And fought Darkor in a feirce battle to the death.

The knight won, and Darkor ran away defeated.

The knight freed Elisabeth and they lived happily ever after.

Yeah, not that great of a story. Now I'm going to flesh it out.

The Princess

Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, lived a young princess named Elisabeth. The sole daughter of the King and Queen, she was as beautiful as she was smart. She had long golden hair and sparkling blue eyes, and walked with grace.

This was was like every other. She woke up, got ready for the morning by her personal servants, and ate breakfast. After the day had passed and the sun had set, she returned to her quarters to write in her diary, she wrote about the text she was reading.

"My dearest Diary, today Father bought me a new text to read. It is unlike any other volume I have previously encountered, for it is a play. The title bears the name of 'Romeo and Juliet', and Father had declared it to be an excellent production, penned by a gentleman named 'Shakespeare'. Though I have never before heard of this man, I am thrilled to partake in its reading."

Elisabeth suddenly looked up from her diary. Sounds of battle could be heard, even from her castle room. She quickly rushed to a window, and was met with a horrible scene.

The castle town was under attack. Entire groups of houses were ablaze, and she could see men clashing on the cobblestone, dying by the dozens.

"Who could possibly be attacking us at such a time of peace?" Elisabeth said to herself in horror.

The doors to her quarters burst open. And a lone guard rushed in.

"Your Royal Highness!" The guard said, quickly taking a knee. "You must escape the castle! Enemy forces are drawing near and threatening encirclement! You must follow me!"

"I will. Please, rise." Elisabeth said frantically. "Tell me, guard. Who is attacking us?"

The guard stands up. "Our assailant is- Aargh-!"

A bolt of thunder hits the guard in the back, and he falls onto the floor. Elisabeth jumps back in shock, and looks at her attacker.

"Pleased to meet you, Your Highness." The wizard said. "My name is Darkor, I come from the far South."

"You must be the evil conqueror Father has told me about." Elisabeth says with spite. "Whatever you shall do to me, I will not break."

"Ah, getting right to the point I see." Darkor says with a smile. "Very well."

A group of 4 men, clad in armor as black as tar, enter the room.

"Seize her." Darkor orders. "Bind her, gag her. And then bring her to our lair."

Darkor leaves the room, and the 4 men close in on Elisabeth. One of them firmly grabs her wrists, Elisabeth tries kicking and failing, but their grip is almost inhuman.

Elisabeth's yells as her wrists and ankles are bound with rope. "Let. Me. Go!"

"Father will never forgive you for this! He will not stop until your head is- Grrmph?!"

Her shouts are dampened as a rag is shoved in her mouth, causing her cheeks to bulge. Another soldier wraps a silk cloth around her mouth, and ties it behind her head.

"Mmph." Elisabeth grunts.

One of the men picks up her and hoists her onto his shoulder, causing a yelp to escape her gagged lips. They walk out into the town, and the Princess witnesses the destruction first-hand.

Among the burning rubble are fallen men from both sides. Black armored men like the ones kidnapping her now, and soldiers from within the Castle.

But also innocent citizens, caught in the chaos. The Princess is reduced to tears upon seeing this.

[Later, on the path towards Darkor's lair...]

It had been a day and a half since she was taken hostage. Since she was forced to walk on a hidden path towards the Dark Wizard's lair, her ankles had been left unbound. However her wrists were still firmly tied behind her back.

Elisabeth walked in silence. Her life as she knew it had been completely flipped upside-down. Her kingdom had been attacked, her Father and Mother were likely gone, and now she has to live with Darkor for who knows how long.

Suddenly, the galloping of a horse could be heard. The 4 men stopped in their tracks and turned around.

As the horse came into view, Elisabeth felt hope again. It was a pure white stallion, would it be her knight in shining armor?

"Princess!" She heard the rider yell.

It was! Her knight in shining armor had arrived!

She happily celebrated through her gag. "Mmph! Hrmmg!"

One man suddenly grabbed her and hoisted her upon his shoulders again. The other 3 stayed behind to confront the knight.

Elisabeth yelled "Grmd Lmmk!" to the knight before behind carried away. The last thing she saw was the knight jumping off his steed, and his bright red cape carrying the Crest of the Royal Family.

The man continued to run further towards Darkor's Lair. He ran, and ran, and ran. Without stopping or slowing down.

Then, the galloping of a horse was heard once again. It was the knight! He had won!

The man stopped and roughly tossed Elisabeth onto the dirt road, before drawing his sword. Before he had a chance to react though, the stallion blazed past the man. The knight quickly felled the man with a swing of his own sword. And the man fell to the ground.

Elisabeth squinted as she looked up at her savior. The man spoke in a delicate voice.

"Your Highness, allow me to undo your bonds." He said.

The knight untied Elisabeth's wrists and no sooner did she take off her gag did she turn around and embrace the knight.

"Oh, sweet knight! On behalf of myself, my family and the kingdom, I thank you." Elisabeth said.

"Save the thanks for later, Your Highness." The knight said, helping her up. "Let us return to your kingdom."

Elisabeth nodded and was helped onto the knight's steed. She looked down at the man, and saw only pieces of armor as black as tar.

The knight and Elisabeth then rode back to her Castle.