The Worst (F/M)

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The Worst (F/M)

Post by bbb »

The Worst, or How A Kidnap Fantasy Almost Became the Worst Day of My Life

Hello again! I hope you enjoyed my last story about one of my TUG adventures with ‘S’, who I dated in the 1990s. Here is another experience we had which, looking back, involved some seriously bad judgement and could’ve gone very sideways. I can only thank my lucky stars that nothing did go wrong and even if it did, since it took place in the time before smartphones and Social Media, ‘S’ and I might’ve had a chance to live the whole thing down.

Anyway, I can laugh about it now, but I’ll share it as a Cautionary Fable so that you, Gentle Readers, don’t run the risk of doing something similar and having it go badly for you.

As I’ve mentioned before, my TUG fantasies have all pretty much been kidnap/hostage/robbery scenarios. Like I suspect many TUG fans are, I am a little claustrophelic, which means I get a bit turned on by being in constricted situations. I am fascinated by the idea of being bound, gagged, and mummified (I’ve never been wrapped up in tape, but I was once tied up tightly in a heavy blanket, which I may share the story sometime), or bound and stuffed in a tight closet or steamer trunk.

I have also been fascinated by the idea of being tied, gagged, and bundled into the trunk of a car, either alone or crammed in with other bound captives. I recently saw a video at that captured this fantasy to a ‘T’: a rich young dude is accosted at gunpoint along with his bodyguard and driver. At the end of the video you see the three of them spooned together like sardines, shoehorned into the trunk of a large sedan. Their wrists and ankles are secured with zip ties, and their mouths are taped shut. Their captor tells them they’re going to go for a long ride, and the video ends with the image of them squirming helplessly, their eyes wide with fear and whimpering through their gags as the trunk lid is slowly closed over them, smothering them in stifling darkness and the press of each others bodies, listening to each other’s muffled grunts and labored breathing, and the smell of cologne, sweat, and fear.

At any rate, I’ve always wanted to act out a scene like this. By this time ‘S’ and I had enjoyed many different TUGs, and she was pretty open to anything I suggested. She had a company car with a nice big trunk, and I suggested we try a kidnap scene sometime where she tied me up and locked me in the trunk, drove me around the neighborhood for a little bit, then came back to the house for playtime. She said we’d do it sometime.

Sadly, shortly after this she was laid off from her job and had to give up her company sedan. To get around in the interim she bought a small Japanese hatchback - not great for a ‘kidnap car’. One afternoon we were hanging out at her house and she suggested playing out my kidnap fantasy. ‘Okay’, I said, ‘But you’ll have to be sure to put a blanket or something over me so that no one can see me in the back of the car’.

‘No problem’, she said, and went upstairs to fetch our gear. By this time we had been dating a bit over a year, and the hodge-pudge of rope scraps she had has been replaced with some nicer stuff. Being an avid boater, I had gone to the local marine store and bought a fair amount of soft braided dock line, cut it into 6- and 10-foot lengths, and melted the ends to prevent fraying. I was thrilled to see her come back downstairs carrying the shopping bag we kept for this rope in one hand, and a realistic-looking toy pistol in the other, which we used as a prop for kidnap games. I could tell from the no-bullshit look on her face she was now in ‘kidnapper mode’

I was more than ready to play the ‘rich kid victim’. I was wearing a flannel shirt (90s, remember?), acid wash jeans, thick white athletic tube socks and off-white high-top Converse Chuck Taylor basketball sneakers. We had a standing policy that anytime I was wearing sneakers and white socks I was ‘fair game’ for a spontaneous TUG. We regularly did an aerobics class together, so it was not unheard of for her to occasionally pounce and ‘kidnap’ me without warning once we got back to her house after class for an hour or two of ‘tie-and-tease’ games. But that’s a story for another time.

‘Who are you? What are you doing here? What have you done with my girlfriend?’ I gasped in mock surprise.

‘Shut up and you won’t get hurt’, ‘S’ barked. ‘Your chick is a little tied up right now, but she’s OK and will stay that way if you do as you’re told. It’s you I’m interested in, and what your parents will pay for you. You and I are taking a trip to someplace where no one’s going to find you until I want you to be found. Turn around and put your hands behind your back - NOW!’.

I did as commanded. ‘S’ quickly looped a length of rope around my wrists, winding it ‘round several times and then knotting it all together with several slip knots. She then took one of the 10-foot lengths and wrapped it tightly across my chest and arms, pulling hard enough to make taking deep breaths difficult, and effectively pinning my arms to my torso.

Reaching again into the bag, she brought out a clean white terrycloth washcloth. Folding then rolling it into a ball, she stuffed this into my mouth, then brought out the roll of silver duct tape. She ordered me to close my lips (not easy bc of the amount of wadded of cloth in my mouth), then she proceeded to wrap a couple yards of tape around my mouth and head. She finished the gag off with a few strips of tape going under the chin and up to either cheekbone so that my jaws were completely immobilized. The whole lower half of my head was nothing but a mass of densely layered silver tape!

‘Alright then’, she said; ‘Let’s go for a little walk to the garage’. Pressing the muzzle of the toy pistol hard into my back and twisting it for emphasis, she marched me into the garage and around to the back of her hatchback. Unlocking and raising the hatch, she growled ‘Get in there, rich boy! We’re going for a nice long ride!’

It’s not easy crawling into the back of a hatchback with your hands bound behind you, so I leaned forward over the sill and tumbled into the back. ‘S’ pulled on my ankles so that they stuck out from the back of the car, and she took another length of the dock line and tightly lashed my ankles together.

‘Now get in there and lie on your belly!’, she demanded. I did as told and she raised my ankles up and pulled them towards my wrists. She looped some rope around my ankles, then around my wrists, and finally pulled them up nice and tight, creating a pretty strict hogtie.

‘Are we nice and comfy?’ She teased. ‘I’ll be right back; don’t go anywhere, OK?’. She then went back into the house. I struggled with my bonds a bit, but it was soon amply clear this was one of her better jobs. I wouldn’t be going anywhere until she was darn good and ready! After a few minutes, she was back with a blanket. It was thicker than a sheet, but not as thick and heavy as a quilt. By now I had rolled onto my side to get a better view, and she spread the blanket over me to completely cover the cargo area of the hatchback, with me concealed underneath.

She slammed the hatch down, and started up the car. The blanket wasn’t totally opaque; I could make out the light and shadows moving as the garage door opened. Backing out into the street, we started to drive around the gated community where she lived.

Even if it wasn’t a car trunk, this was still working out real well. I was really getting into the role play, pleading and protesting loudly through my gag. Since we were on the move, I figured no one would hear, so I gave myself the freedom to cry out for help pretty loudly; of course with the wadded mass of terrycloth filling my mouth and the duct tape wrapping all that came out was frantic ‘UMPH! UMPH! UUUUMMMMPHFFF!!!!’ sounds.

This is one reason why I intensely love being strictly bound with a truly stifling gag; it gives me the freedom to thrash uncontrollably and scream, which I find to be oddly cathartic and leaves me deeply relaxed afterwards. I can see why ‘Rage Rooms’ are popular these days; the result is probably similar.

However, I digress. My first inclination that ‘S’ was going a bit off-script was when I felt the car stop and heard the gate to her community open. Were we leaving her quiet neighborhood? This wasn’t part of the plan! From what I could sense in terms of her picking up speed and the sounds of traffic, she seemed to be heading to the shopping district. Was she crazy? With me in the back?? Even though the glass of the car was tinted, is wasn’t opaque - if a person was curious enough to look closely, they may perceive the form of a body under the blanket!

OOOOMMMPH! OOOOMPH! (NO! NO!) I grunted. ‘I just need to stop at the drugstore and get a prescription, ‘S’ called back to me. ‘Just stay still and quiet and no one will notice you, and we’ll go right home.’

OOOOMMMMMM!! (NO!) I yelled; ‘EMMMPH EEEEEM OOOMMMM!’ (TAKE ME HOME!) I pleaded, but it was too late; I could tell we were pulling into the parking lot! ‘S’ parked the car and left to go to the drugstore.

What could I do?? I was terrified that I’d be seen! I didn’t dare move a muscle or make a sound. For what seemed to be an eternity I listed to the sounds of people walking by the car, the rattle of shopping carts, and even one shopper who loaded their car up right next to ours and drove off. I was really sweating bullets over what would happen if someone discovered me in the back of the car. I could picture the scene: the crowd gathering around, fat mall cops being called, then having to answer the questions of real cops while the bystanders watched. What the hell would I tell them? I briefly flirted with the idea of claiming that ‘S’ was kidnapping me for real, but dismissed that out of hand. We’d just have to explain the situation for what it was: a consensual sex game that got a little out of hand, and live with the consequences.

Neither of us were public figures, but we were each young, fairly attractive affluent successful professionals in fairly high-profile jobs; the sort of thing that salacious local papers love to write about (“local doctor and police Lieutenant caught playing kinky game in public” [those are not our jobs, but you get the idea]). How could either of us face our friends or family after that? I know her dad, a wealthy businessman in another state, would absolutely shit bricks! He was very fond of me, and vice versa, but if he learned through this that I was regularly tying up his Little Princess - consensually or not - I have no doubts he would’ve made sure I ended up in a New Jersey landfill!

Fortunately, no one looked close enough to notice. After what seemed forever (probably about 20 minutes), ‘S’ returned to the car and drove me back to her house. I heard the garage door close, and could perceive that is was darker under my blanket. I finally breathed a deep sigh of relief, knowing that I was safe, but I was still pretty pissed. ‘S’ called back to me, ‘Are you OK now?’ I answered with an angry ‘NMMMPHFFF!!!’ (NO!!!).

‘Okay, I think I’ll just leave you there for a bit to cool off’, she said, and leaving me hogtied and still gagged in the car, went into her house. After about an hour she came out and asked if I was ready to behave. I was pretty achy from being bound and my jaw was hurting from the gag and the tight tape wrapping, so I admitted defeat and nodded. ‘S’ untied me and we went inside where she poured me a glass of wine and cuddled.

Looking back, I wonder if I should’ve broken up with her; that was mind-blowing bad judgement on her part. But I was young and stupid, and I was in a relationship with a woman who was awesome arm candy and I was regularly having the best sex of my life. We continued to date for about a year after that, and enjoy many other fun TUGs (but ALWAYS in the privacy of our respective homes!) but ultimately the same kind of poor judgement she displayed that day would cost her career, and our relationship.

POSTSCRIPT 1: Many years later in 2012, I saw an article where a couple in Portland, OR was busted by the police for ‘Disturbing the peace’ for an identical incident: the woman wanted to be tied up for her birthday, so her bf obliged. Unfortunately, he stopped at a gas station to fill up their Subaru station wagon, and a passerby saw the woman, naked, tied, and gagged, in the back. They didn’t by the bf’s claim that it was a consensual game, and they called the PD, who where waiting at the couple’s home when they got back. The story literally went ‘round the world, as I had read this on the website of The Guardian (UK). I feel doubly blessed we had our little adventure before the Internet became a ‘thing’.

Postscript 2: In my city we had a professional dominatrix who wrote a sex column for the local alt-weekly, and in one article she wrote about the dangers of public kidnap ‘scenes’, and why she doesn’t do them for clients. She also warned about transporting bound playmates in car trunks. Like chloroforming captives, it’s something that really only works on TV and movies. IRL, the risk of CO poisoning or the ‘victim’ being killed if the car got rear-ended makes such fantasies the sort of thing that are best kept as fantasies, and not acted upon.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this rather long tale. Coming up next: the best TUG I ever had with ‘S’.
Last edited by bbb 10 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by tiedinbluetights »

Thanks for writng these @bbb ! I like your writng style, and especially the framing and contextualizing. Reminding readers of the inherent dangers we've exposed ourselves to in our true stories, when we were young and less risk-aware, does not in any way diminish, at least for me, the enjoyment in reading these.
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Post by Canuck100 »

It could have been much worse, this sounded quite fun, actually! Of course you didn’t exactly agree to the scenario beforehand, but she gets 10/10 for creativity!
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Post by bbb »

Thanks so much both of you for your kind comments! Writing these accounts brings a lot of really fun memories back from those wild, sexy, rather naughty, and yes, sometimes risky and really foolish times.

Next I’ll post “The Best”: my most fun, intense, and memorable TUG session with ‘S’. Like my other stories here, we end up flirting with what I now realize was some risky BDSM play, which I certainly wouldn’t do now.

Still, it was the 90s, before Internet, Social Media, smartphones, and the risk of your Worst Day Ever making you a global laughingstock.

Anyway, I regret nothing; I’m glad I survived my stupidity, and sure glad I didn’t miss it!
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Post by Likho »

All in all a cool story :)

In my opinion, your girlfriend didn't overdo it at all to the point of breaking up with her ;)

Quite a few of my own bonding games ended up with my mate overreacting a bit. Sometimes even a lot. :twisted:

I imagine that when you have someone tied and gagged, it's sometimes hard to stop yourself from doing more to them than they asked for :twisted:

Well, and I'd be lying if I said it's not a pleasant feeling when things are out of my control while I'm tied up, helpless and can't do anything about it. Meanwhile, a colleague does whatever he likes with me while laughing at my protests. At least as long as I have the confidence that the colleague will not seriously harm me.

On the other hand, I agree that playing in public places is very risky. And they are not fair to bystanders who might get really scared.

A few years ago in my country there was a situation described in the media where a young boy escaped the real kidnappers. He ran around the street for several minutes, still chained to a chair, begging passers-by for help. But no one reacted because everyone thought it was another Youtube prank. Very nearly, his real kidnapper-criminals caught up with him and possibly killed him!
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