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Wrapped around a pole (M/M)

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:11 am
by David Han
When I was 10 years old living in Houston, something happened that was exciting. I was at my house when my friend David wanted to come over for a little bit because he needed help with his math homework. He lived just a block from me. I agreed to his request. It was winter, so we were all wearing a long sleeved shirt, blue jeans, and a jacket. He needed help with multiplication and division. I managed to help him with a couple of problems. Then, he said, "Can I duct tape you to a light post" ? I was startled by his question because in the times I have known him, he never mentioned that he enjoyed tying people up. Just the summer before, I had just finished with my cousins playing a tied up game, and it was fun. I said yes to David.

We walked outside to the neighborhood and found a random lamp post in the park near my house. He had me stand against the post with my hands wrapped around it. Then David took out duct tape and used it to secure me to the lamp post. Many layers of tape was wrapped around my entire body, and I could not move after that. He and I talked about life in general about the latest in books, movies, and our lives as if it was just a regular day. However, people who passed by us stared at us among other things. No one called the police, no one reported us to our parents, but it was the first time I ever been tied to a pole, and it was a lot of fun.

Re: Wrapped around a pole (M/M)

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 11:59 pm
by harveygasson
Nice little story thanks for sharing

Re: Wrapped around a pole (M/M)

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 6:54 am
by drawscore
I can't remember ever using duct tape as a kid. Probably because we seldom, if ever, saw anyone taped up on TV or in the movies, and it never occurred to any of us to try it.

We did use a lot of rope, though. Mostly quarter inch cotton clothesline.


Re: Wrapped around a pole (M/M)

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2018 12:25 am
by MaxRoper
Excellent little vignette. It could've happened in my neighborhood. I love that you guys just had a conversation about mundane stuff while you were taped to the pole. Like [mention]drawscore[/mention] , there was no duct tape in my childhood games. I don't think I'd even heard of it. We were also quite fond of 1/4" clothesline.

Thanks for posting!