(F/m) Training Police Woman Arrest

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(F/m) Training Police Woman Arrest

Post by boundto »

So here goes a story from new years eve, small house party where i was conned into wrestling a trainee police woman with a pair of handcuffs.

There was 7 of us there, myself and my partner Rachel, our best friend Di and her partner Charlotte. Also Charlotte bought her friend with her Gemma, who bought her younger sister Jess and her bf Tom. I have met Gemma before but never Jess and Tom. Now generally my love for bondage and cuffs are is quite closed, however a few people do know about it, but not usually to the extent i like it and what i do etc. Jess happened to mention she was training for the police and was soon being assessed for how to restrain and handcuff someone. By this point we had all had a couple of drinks, not drunk just a couple. So Gemma said i bet Di and Charlotte have cuffs why don't you try and cuff Steve, he is 6ft quite a big guy etc, that would be good practice. She was up for it and say yeah defo if Steve if up for it. I am like, i am not sure, and thinking to myself its a lose/lose situation here. Then i was like she is half my size i dont want her to get hurt etc. She was saying that she was ok with that, now Di, Rachel are saying go for it, its only a bit of fun etc, so i was kind of backed in a corner here, so i reluctantly agreed.

Now im 6ft, and 36yo, quite big, a little out of shape, strong ish, If i was describing Jess, i would say young, slim, beautiful and about half my size, in reality she is about 5'2 i would say sz10 (UK) so slim and very pretty. I believe she is 22yo. So as we were kind of getting ready in the living room, pushing chairs back and moving anything breakable, Charlotte appears with a pair of handcuffs, they had no keys, so i assume (either naively or arrogantly) that they are the ones you get from most sex shops that undo with the lever/clip thing on the side.

So we are now about to start, i am wearing slim fit jeans and a long sleeve top, no shoes but still wearing socks, Jess is wearing shiny/wet look type leggings and a longish top, barefoot, she did have her hair down but decided to tie it back for this. Im thinking now, very nervously that i dont want to embarrass her so if i kind of just turn it into a bit of a playfight and just get on top of her, maybe tickle her or something everyone will get bored and i can get on with getting drunk.

So we start this, everyone is on the sofa in the living room watching, Charlotte is kind of perched on the arm of the chair holding the handcuffs. We circle a little bit she tried grabbing me a couple of times and i just pushed her back, i made an attempt to grab her, this was like after about 15 seconds, i have no idea how this happened but she had my arm and did some sort of judo throw, i landed flat on my back, she still has my arm and before i knew what was happening she has pulled me straight over on to my front. Still in a bit of shock from the throw, still not quite with it she has my arm twisted up my back and knees down on me, one knee on my back and one on back of my head/neck. I was like ok ok i think you proved you can do this you can let me up now, to be honest i think she would have, she asked if i was ok, i sarcastically said yes. Then Charlotte said, you dont arrest someone like that you need to handcuff them properly, and i can see her hand Jess the cuffs. I again said to Jess you dont need to put the cuffs of me you have done enough, and she said i think i do, and said we can do it one of two ways now, either you give me your other arm and i put the cuffs on then its over, or you can resist and it might end up hurting. Im like seriously you can let me up now, i have got a bit of composure back now, so i start trying to struggle and get free, i got a bit over excited i think and trying to push myself up with the free arm, kinda forgetting what she just said, she quickly grabbed it and pulled it up my back, and she applied the cuffs straight on to me. I felt like a complete idiot now, being pinned and cuffed like that in front of my gf and friends. As Jess got up she said sorry mate, but i couldnt not cuff you after that, and she said has anyone got the keys, i quickly said whist she sounded like she was in the mood for unlocking them i said there is a little clip thing on the side to release them, she said i dont think there is, then Di said no, they need keys. So im like Charlotte, keys? and with a stupid look on her face she said they are somewhere, so i said do you want to get them then. At this point i am starting to get a bit irritated now, everyone is still sitting on the sofa, not really doing anything to help me, Jess is kind of stood by me. I was starting to get angry now, raising my voice a bit, CHARLOTTE, DI, KEYS WOULD BE NICE, then Jess said he cant stay like this for too long, Charlotte then says he will be staying like that all night if he dont cut the attitude. Then it kind of turned into a bit of a back and forth argument between me and Charlotte, which resulted in me calling her a B**ch and her saying to me that i will stay in handcuffs until i apologise and calm down. I am now angry and feeling really humiliated and not really sure what to do, I am annoyed my my gf Rachel for not helping and Di for letting Charlotte get like that with me. I think people start to get a little bored now, and start to leave the room, i am at this point still face down and locked in cuffs, probably been about 10 mins now. So i am left in the room with Jess and Di, i said to Di, you better get those keys or she is having it, she said leave it with me and then said i just want to get you back for all the times you have pinned me and tickled me, i said dont even think about it. She just laughed and basically rubbed her feet over my face, im like Di your a b**ch, she laughed and said i know. So she leaves me now, Jess is now kneeling beside me and said, well that went a bit wrong, i said i cant believe you did that to me, she said she felt proud she could do it, and i think she was on a bit of a high about it. Next thing Charlotte and Di come back into the room, with Gemma behind. I felt calm until i saw Charlotte again, i felt like i wanted to humiliate her like i felt. Di said that Charlotte will get the keys if i apologise and ask her nicely to unlock them, im like that isnt fair and im getting angry again, she says that im staying like that until i do so its my choice, so i start to struggle now, i have no idea why as i couldnt do anything, i just felt stupid now, then Charlotte said do we have something to tie his ankles up with he can stay like that now. Then Jess started to get quite angry with it all, she said enough is enough now, she demanded that Charlotte give her the keys or she would take them off her. Charlotte was taken aback a little and took them out of her pocket, she said now you can both apologise to each other and i will let him out of the cuffs, and if either of you do anything involving winding each other up or anything i will be keeping the cuffs and the culprit will be going in them. So we both apologised and then Charlotte walked off with Di, leaving me STILL CUFFED!! with Jess and Gemma. Jess then said i was out of order getting angry, but she was out of order winding me up, and she said that she understood why she was reluctant to untie me with me being angry, but told me to keep it calm the rest of the night. Not sure how i felt being told off like that by a 22yo girl but i guess it was about to be over. She then unlocked the cuffs. I think kind of sulked for a bit then got drunk
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Post by I_Will_Tie_You_up »

I don't care how much everyone was enjoying your situation, when they realised how uncomfortable you were they should be demanding the keys. At least help you get up to save some dignity. Especially your partner and your friend
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