(M) Another Run At Bed Sheet Self-Bondage.

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(M) Another Run At Bed Sheet Self-Bondage.

Post by Solarbeast »

Another old story from the old site.

Tonight I decided it was time to do another self-bondage in bed sheets as I hadn’t done
any self-bondage in a while, and my dad happened to be home so I did not want to do a large
extravagant job. Like my other stories I am wearing shorts and a t-shirt as well as a dog collar
that I like to wear for no reason. I didn’t need to do any large amounts of setup for this idea,
except for open a window because even though I live in Vermont, it has gotten quite hot in my
room today. My bed was already set up for the event so I just had to grab another bed sheet I
wanted to try something with and an old fitted sheet I had cut up into two pieces. I also grabbed
an unused sheet that came with the set from the cut up fitted sheet that I would use on my

The first piece of the cut up fitted sheet I used as an over the mouth gag, as I cannot
have anything in my mouth as I have a really bad gag reflex. Because of this I just tie them over
the mouth gag as tightly as possible every time I use one. The next half of the fitted sheet I use
on my ankles. I tie them together first and then create some sort of cinch in the middle of the
legs with any remaining sheet left before I fully tied it off. Before I used the unused sheet from
the set on my arms, I got up to put the last bed sheet into place. I laid it on top of the two
comforters on my bed. Note- I have two comforters because one of them is the one I have on
my bed always, and the other one is the one I used in College. The one from College is really
good for self-bondage so I did not want to store it in the basement, but I have no place other
than my bed to keep it in my room. The comforters are just lying on my bed in no particular
way, so I just laid the sheet I was going to use on top of those.
I then laid down on the edge of the bed on the leftist most side so that I can roll right and
into the wall to stop me. But before we get there, let's continue with the setup stage. Now that I
am laying down I get my legs ready to go. I wrap the hanging parts of the comforters onto my
legs and then wrap the other parts of the hanging comforters over the bottom of my feet and the
rest of the bed. This is supposed to make it so that the bottom of my feet are also covered in
the wrap, which ends up making a sort of mummy style sleeping bag form on my legs and thus
makes it harder to get out. Before finishing with my legs, I then take the sheet and throw it to
my left so that it is hanging off the bed on my left. Finally, I get the last unused sheet and tie it
twice around my stomach area, the first time with the knot in the front and the second time with
the knot in the back. This is so that I can not easily access it and cannot easily release my
arms. I lastly struggle to put my left arm into the tie and do the same thing with the rest of my
body as I did with my legs. With the exception of turning over any remaining comforter over my
shoulders as I did with my legs, there is just no point in doing that for your upper body, and if
you did you may not get “trapped” in the wrap once you start to wrap your body up. Once I was
satisfied with the way everything is setup, I struggle to get my right arm into the tie, as this is
actually the hardest part as it is so tight. But I succeed with it and both arms are now tied to my
body around my elbow area.

Finally, once I am settled with everything, I start to roll to my right. I usually am able to
get two full rolls in me before I end up hitting the wall. Then I have to drag myself to the edge of
the bed on the far left, so because of this, I am at the same time trying to get whatever remaining
comforters and sheets that have risen up over my head down below my eyes so I can see the
edge so I do not fall off. Once I got to the edge I am able to wrap myself up a third time before I
hit the wall again, but this time is the time I start to rest because of how tight everything has
gotten. With each roll, the way I have done my arms any and all rolls I take makes my arm tie
get tighter, as well as at times my ankles and at times my gag gets tighter as well. This third
wrap is the one that makes you start to realize that you may be “trapped”, so because of this I
start to struggle and it is now that I realize that I want to try a fourth wrap at some point. So I do
not know how long I struggle, but I just lay where I ended up for a while and rest/ struggle until I
decide that now I want to roll a fourth time. So I do the same thing I did for my third wrap and
yet again end up very close to the wall if not leaning somewhat up against the wall. This fourth
wrap is where I start to realize how trapped I really am as not only does the spots where I tied
my arms and ankles have gotten really tight, but just about all of my body has gotten tight in the
wrap to where I cannot move almost at all in a way that I would be following my rule. Another
note - Every time I do bed sheet self-bondage I have a rule that I follow which is that I can only
wrap myself tighter, or to the right, and the only way I can get out is to get to my feet when I am
done, or if I end up on the floor somehow. I also find out that I cannot lift my legs up for some
reason, which is the only way I can get out again in a way that follows my rule. So because of
how tight I am and because I cannot seem to lift my legs up, I end up realizing that this is
probably the best wrap I have done and I just lay there for a while and rest/ struggle, and enjoy
myself for a while.

After a while, I start to get really anxious only because the window I have opened is
where I store a lot of my technology and lately in Vermont, it has rained very heavily quite
frequently and I forgot to check the weather before I start all this. Unfortunately, my arms also
start to hurt a little because of how tight the tie has gotten in the wrappings. So because of this I
try and succeed with all my might at the time to lift my legs up and am able to turn myself 90
degrees. I then decide to roll to my right again as I have gotten sick of lying on my back and
thought resting on my belly for a while would be good. Now, this did work for a while but due to
this roll I end up being somewhat “stuck” again and just lay there and rest for a while before I
am able to finally try and get out. But because I am now at the edge of the bed and on my belly
, it is hard for me to get out in a way that does not break my rule. So once I am ready, I have to
try and backwards worm myself off of my bed onto the floor. Finally I got to the floor and am
now writing this story for you all.

I learned that I was in the wrappings for anywhere from 1 hour to 2 hours, so not to long
of a session. I also decide to try and undo my ankles so that I can get a better tie from the arm
sheet, but learn the wrappings have made it extremely hard to get the knot out. I just decided to
leave it and I also readjusted my gag and both are still on me at the moment. My collar is also
still on. Lastly I would like to ask this question of anyone who wants to answer. I am in the
process of moving from my home in Vermont to my family's house in Florida and wanted to
know the best ways for me to continue my expeditions in self bondage in bed sheets, and also
in other forms of hot bondage materials.