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The game (m/f)

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 9:07 pm
by rash357
First off, thanks for all the positive feedback on my last story - really means a lot, and I totally understand why it's so important to provide it - really keeps an author motivated!

For my next story, I was debating between continuing the sleep away thread, or breaking off to tell a VERY innocent tale from my childhood.

NOTICE: There are NO actual tie-ups in this story

As noted, no actual bondage takes place in the story I'm about to tell, but I wanted to provide a purview into the mind of a guy who's been obsessed with it for as long as he can remember, back until I was at least 5. And, to provide some context - I grew up in the original era of the Ninja Turtle cartoons - where April O'Neil was ALWAYS getting tied up, as well as any number of other heroines in other cartoons I watched. I was also an avid comic book reader, and there were no shortage of scenes there either.

But I digress, on with the story:


Back in second grade I was short and scrawny, and really that described me through most of my childhood. I was more of an indoor kid - during recess if all the boys were playing football or baseball, I was playing tag with some girls or (at one point) making it my mission to clean all the litter off of the playground.

All of that to say I was fairly comfortable keeping to myself, and did that fairly often.

In class, when given our seating arrangements, I was sat next to a girl we'll call Jan - who, despite my stature, was unbelievably shorter than even me. Jan was a mousy young girl, but was friendly all the same - she had a very nice smile and was one of the girls in class without a mean bone in her body.

I'm not quite sure how exactly it started, but when sitting at our desks Jan and I, without ever talking about it out loud, created a game amongst ourselves.

It may have had something to do with her always putting her feet under my chair (something I reviled mind you - I really valued my personal space), but essentially it would involve me reaching my right hand over and acting as though I was turning the key on a series of locks. Locks which would, inevitably, render her immobile - even gagging her.

We played this game in our own little bubble of a world within the classroom, I'd turn the keys, she'd squirm around as though bound, and would really ham it up sometimes - making "mmmmpppphhh" sounds with her mouth - quiet enough only for the two of us to hear.

I remember one time, after numerous weeks, having the gall to say "we should do this for real sometime, and have a playdate for it". She never actually responded, almost looking confused at my suggestion. I don't think the thought ever crossed her mind of what it would really be like to be bound - not that at 7 years old I would have been capable of tying her with any efficiency or skill, but the topic was really and truly dropped at that.

We continued to play our game in class, until one day I remember with quite distinction.

Five minutes prior, I had locked Jan up as I normally did, while our teacher continued with her lesson. Then, it seemed that Jan realized she had left some stuff in her backpack.

Our backpacks were hung in the back of the classroom. Each of us had an individual assigned hook. Our set of 4 desks were closest to the backpacks, figure about 10 feet from where Jan sat to her backpack.

Now, she could have simply stood up, walked over to her backpack, grabbed her stuff, and come back to sit down. But, I had locked her up - she couldn't just get up and walk over - at least, that's the way she seemed to be thinking.

I vividly remember looking at her wide eyed as she proceeded to stand up from her chair - wrists displayed out in front of her as though bound together, legs similarly locked together - and proceeded to slowly hop over to her backpack, careful not to lose her footing lest she trip over, and retrieve items from her backpack ONE AT A TIME.

Jan must have made the trip 2 times, with me trying to get her attention so I could either unlock her or get her to stop pretending, when our teacher called out to her "Jan - would you get your stuff already? What on earth are you doing?!" Of course, our entire class had turned to look at her.

Instantly dropping the act, Jan grabbed the rest of her things, and meekly sat back down at the desk next to me, her head drooped, refusing to look me or anyone else in the face.

I think that was probably the last time we played our game - and, particularly as it was unspoken in the first place, with the exception of my suggestion, it wasn't something that either of us ever mentioned ever again.


Hopefully this wasn't too off-topic, and hope you enjoyed!