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New sports Ritual (M/F)

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 1:23 pm
by Vicki
Glad to see the board is up and running. I thought I talk about something interesting that has happened in the past couple of months. My hubby is into sports-a lot. In America your sports team determines how your week goes. Your life can fall apart around you but if your team or teams won you had a great week and the reverse can be said as well. You could have gotten a huge promotion won the lottery whatever but if your team(s) did bad it was a crappy week. I'm sure some of the other Americans on this board will understand what I am talking about.

So my hubby's has a baseball team he follows and usually when he is off and his team plays I go out with friends or find something else to do. "Yes, the guy can get a little intense when watching the games. So 1 day my friend's cancel the girl's pampering spa day. 1's kid got sick 1 got called into the work. So I'm stuck at home and Hubby's team has been having a bad season so he is screaming about every stupid play to the TV.

So I asked Hubby to tie me up. Nothing sexual. Just wanted to be tied up. I kind of beg him to give me 20 minutes of attention. He tied me alright. My wrists tied together then raised over my head and tied to the center column in our living room. He stuffed my mouth with a scarf and used 6 strips of duct tape to silence me and keep the scarf in my mouth. He wrapped rope around my torso above and below the breast and around my waist and around the column so my body was tightly tied to it. He then tied my ankles together and secured them to the column. he did the same to my legs. above and below the knees.

I was happy. I wanted to struggle and feel the tightness of the rope. I could tolerate Hubby groaning yelling about his losing team. However, the team suddenly started to make hits and then scoring. They came from behind and won. It made hubby wonder had me being tied up brought his team the much needed luck?

A couple days later I was woken up with breakfast in bed. (That should have been my first clue something was up.) He suggested we do an experiment. See if me tied up is the thing he does to bring his teams good luck this year.

I figure a couple hours during the day wouldn't be bad and then I could take care of the few things I had been putting off. So I got dressed in a pair of jean shorts and tank top with the teams logo on it. This time I was tied to a chair. Wrists tied together behind the chair. Rope wrapped around my body and the back of the chair. my ankles got tied to the front legs-left ankle to left chair leg and right ankle to right chair leg of the chair as well as my legs (something my hubby never did before but it kept me from moving my legs from the front legs of the chair.) The team won and of course I thought I would be untied. I found out that I would be staying like that because I it was a double header.

So this is the way my last few months have been shaping up. I may be adding a next chapter in the adult section...

Re: New sports Ritual (M/F)

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 5:00 pm
by Sportsfan
I can't help but wonder which team you are referring to. Obviously the whole thing is nothing but superstition, but I would be interested to know how their season ends up, just for curiosity's sake lol. Great story!

Re: New sports Ritual (M/F)

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 6:10 pm
by rash357
This was a great story Vicki! Always fun how superstitious sports fans can be - and what they’ll attribute to success!

Re: New sports Ritual (M/F)

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 2:35 am
by Beetlebailey13
Awesome and Cool Story. What team does your husband root for

Re: New sports Ritual (M/F)

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 1:28 pm
by Vicki
Sorry for the delay. Life and work has been crazy. My hubby's favorite teams. This guy is a sports junkie... ;)


Boston Red Sox

MN Twins





a few different college football teams I can't keep up with.

I do know he likes North Carolina team not sure if it is a football or basketball

he is huge into hockey. watches a lot of it and follow several teams but I think the Penguins are his favorite.

We are building a house and his "Man Cave" will have 3 TVs mounted so he can watch different games at the same time.

We have sports packages for the TV all the time.

Re: New sports Ritual (M/F)

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 3:03 pm
by Gaggedgeekgirl
Hmmmm @vicki . We should compare notes. I have no interest in sport except as an excuse to get my boyfriend to tie me up. Might I suggest you make the most of this lucky charm effect you have.

Re: New sports Ritual (M/F)

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 5:05 pm
by Dpsiic
Hmm my team have started badly this season, I wonder if my wife would oblige. I wish.

Re: New sports Ritual (M/F)

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 5:05 pm
by Dpsiic
Hmm my team have started badly this season, I wonder if my wife would oblige. I wish.

Re: New sports Ritual (M/F)

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2019 5:42 pm
by Sportsfan
Dpsiic wrote: 4 years ago Hmm my team have started badly this season, I wonder if my wife would oblige. I wish.
If your team is the Dolphins don't bother, no amount of superstition can help them at this point.

Re: New sports Ritual (M/F)

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 12:17 pm
by Silver_noro
I thought those kind of rituals were just a movie invention.
I was wrong, luckily enough, my bro is not that sport fan😂

Re: New sports Ritual (M/F)

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 10:39 am
by Alisonlovesropes
We're in the middle of a,little sporting bet here. Mum mum drew Australia, I got England so guess who's currently hotties gagged and blindfolded having her feet tickled :D

My sister Kerry drew NZ and her wife Angela has Ireland. Games,on :twisted:

Re: New sports Ritual (M/F)

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 11:28 am
by wannabetiedup
How long will your mum stay hogtied? I'm sure she's looking forward to Angela's company!

Re: New sports Ritual (M/F)

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 12:56 pm
by Alisonlovesropes
As long as Kerry and I keep them. We May release the hog part of the tie, give them a loo break and such but till midnight they're ours :evil: :D

Gotta draw teams for tomorrow :D

Re: New sports Ritual (M/F)

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 7:11 am
by Alisonlovesropes
I got Wales, Kerry got France. Mum got south Africa, Angela has Japan.

Re: New sports Ritual (M/F)

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 7:38 am
by wannabetiedup
You're in trouble!

Re: New sports Ritual (M/F)

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 8:13 am
by Gaggedgeekgirl
What I miss about having a,boyfriend into sport is that a world cup match would mean me tied up for 3 hours at least.

Re: New sports Ritual (M/F)

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 11:53 am
by wannabetiedup
Wow. Off the hook Allison. Poor Kerry!

Re: New sports Ritual (M/F)

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 8:08 am
by Alisonlovesropes
OK. I'm about to be tied up to watch rugby. I drew NZ yesterday and Kerrey had England but I was at work so got tied up when I came home. Because I had a short time tied up (just evening) I'm tied up today. Mum has Wales today. Angela has SA. Think of me all bound and gagged.

Re: New sports Ritual (M/F)

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 9:09 am
by Gaggedgeekgirl
Oh. If only I had someone who's tied up bagged blindfolded and helpless all morning! :(

Re: New sports Ritual (M/F)

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 10:25 am
by herdfaninrva
I wish I could find someone near me who wants to be tied up as these ladies are!